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THE SANCTUARY MESSENGER WHC is a registered United Kingdom Charity No 232409

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Contact Brother Roy: [email protected] &

Dear Friends

I’m sure you will be heartened by

this tale about Ian, a philosophical friend who had endured a recent

tragedy. One afternoon we had a quiet talk, while enjoying the

sunshine in his garden, which is his pride and joy

“Yes, Roy that was a pretty sticky

time in my life, but it is over now and I have put it behind me.

I think that one of the things, which really helped to

keep me going during those dark days was the knowledge that all my friends were willing and anxious

to be supportive and helpful.”

I nodded; I was remembering the words of Epicurus,

The philosopher who lived in Athens in 300 BC: “It’s

not so much our friend’s help that helps us, as the confident knowledge that they will help us.” And your

friends at the Crusade are always happy to be here for you.


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Something has crashed on my computer and the mouse is missing...

Animal Healing Service 18th


I thought it best to let you know in good time that Margaret and I will be holding another Animal Healing Service. Here at the Sanctuary in Blackpool. Tuesday 18th August from 9.30am through to 3.30pm.

If you cannot bring your pet to the Sanctuary then write into us with their name and picture, they will be then placed upon the Altar where both prayers and blessings will be given on their behalf.

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Dear Brother Roy Thank you for recent healing influence I asked for, for teenage Jordan. His skull scan result is fine; the bony growth is harmless. His mother is so relieved.

With love, Madeleine-email Dear Brother Roy Greetings from New York City, I have just received my May-August 2009 Power Lines. Lo and behold I came across your article ‘Take a Bite of the Cherry’ yours was a most interesting article. I am now taking the Montmorency Cherry* juice in water before I go to bed and I find the difference in my sleep patterns really noticeable, the effect is incredible. Great article, thank you and best wishes from the big apple. R.B USA *If you would like further information on the Montmorency Cherry Juice, then just write in to me and I will send it to you.

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My Letter to the Lord

Why not share the needs of your family and friends with the Lord right now? That’s right; just unburden all those thoughts in a letter to Him. This is a release Ministry and we entrust all our fears and worries to Christ. Believe and receive just as a child trusts its earthly parents to care for it, then so we must trust God.

We share prayers at nine o’ clock each weekday morning and your private letter will rest on the Sanctuary Altar. GOD is in your midst as you pray. Feel His love enfolding you and thank Him for the blessing of wellbeing. Now you can share blessings with others.

We welcome your personal letters as well! It is a great honour to be able to read your words and to be able to offer prayers for you and your loved ones.

All correspondence will receive our sincere attention, and we will help and assist you to the best of our ability, so please write in again soon.

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Why doesn't God hear my prayers?

As a minister, I often hear this question directed to me from time to time. "Why doesn't God hear my prayers?" This question is usually raised when a person has been struggling with some personal crisis for a long time. One incident that sticks in my memory the most was when on one of my many ministerial visits I found myself in the waiting room of a local mental health facility. On arrival I saw there was only one other man in the waiting room and as I entered he looked up at me and noticed the blue cross that I wear in my jacket lapel. He had the most pathetic and sad look on his face, and he asked me, "Are you a minister?" I said, "Yes." He began to weep and proceeded to share with me his almost hopeless struggle with depression.

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Through his tears, he said he regularly went to Church and that he knew God answered prayers, but he had been constantly praying for his depression to go away but nothing seems to be happening. With a sense of desperation in his voice, he asked the question, "Why doesn't God seem to hear my prayers?" At that moment the nurse called his name and I quickly handed him my card as he got up to go into the facility.

Afterwards I gave his question some thought and then it came to me that sometimes maybe we are not actually praying at all. I remember seeing a behavioural psychology experiment using a lab rat that was given cocaine every time it pushed down a little bar. Within a day or two that rat was beating down on that little bar like crazy until it forgot all about eating, drinking or raising his rat family. God in His wisdom knows that if prayer was only just asking Him for what we wanted and "puff", we immediately got it, most of us would become like that poor rat, banging away like crazy at Heavens gate for more and more of what we want and paying very little attention to who God is, what do we really need and also forgetting about our responsibility to our family and others. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everything everybody asked for was immediately granted! Speak about chaos!

No, I believe God's purpose in prayer is for us to get to know who He is and His holiness rather than to get Him to do our bidding. That does not mean that He will not hear our prayers and answer, but His purpose in not to make us happy, but to make Him known to us and others and by so doing bring about our own true joy and happiness.

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How Strong

Is Your Faith

I often wonder if people’s faith is as

strong today as that of our forefathers

over a century ago. I came across

this story of David Livingston, the

famous explorer and missionary, who

found himself stuck on a riverbank

for days, somewhere in Africa.

He had with him his native followers who were dreading the

thought of having to cross the river, in what was hostile territory.

Eventually he decided that the crossing would have to be made at

night. In preparation for this he opened his Bible and the verse he

read was,

"...Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."

Matthew 28:20

'It is the word of a gentleman of the most strict and sacred honour,

so there's an end of it!' Livingstone had said to himself as he placed

his finger for the thousandth time on the text on which he staked his

life. He was surrounded by a hostile and infuriated people. During

the sixteen years that he had spent in Africa, he had never before

seemed in such imminent peril. Death stared him in the face. He

thought sadly of his life-work that had scarcely begun. For the first

time in his experience he was tempted to steal away under cover of

the darkness and to seek safety in flight. He prayed! 'Leave me not,

forsake me not!'

He put down the Bible and told his followers that they were going

to cross the river at once. “What about the enemy?” they had cried.

“We will all be killed!” “Jesus will be with us,” he said. “He has

promised to be with us always, and He never breaks His word.”

The crossing was made without a casualty. How good it was, to be

able to trust a higher power so completely with one’s own life!

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Dealing with Stress

Everybody has to deal with unwanted, uncontrollable stress in their lives, natural disasters, and unexpected job loss, the death of a loved one, an accident, or an illness. All of these lie mostly outside of our realm of control. But when I began to enjoy the present moment, and to reframe the situations that arose, by practicing gratitude, my own perceptions and reactions changed and I was able to accept my own circumstances. This reminds me of the words of Jesus: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own

trouble" (Matt. 6:34,)