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Page 1: British culture


In groups of 3 or 4, try to answer as many as you can of the following questions. Let’s see how good your knowledge about the Britain is. You have 15 minutes to do

the task. Time starts from NOW!


Food in Britain does not enjoy the same reputation as, say French, Italian or Spanish cookery, but it has its specialties nevertheless.

1. What is toad-in-the-hole? 2. How do you make Yorkshire pudding and when do you eat it? 3. What is shepherd's pie? 4. Stilton, Cheddar, Double Gloucester and Caerphilly are all kinds of...? 5. With which meats do you eat: horse radish, apple sauce, mint sauce?

Geographical areas

Although Britain is a small country, it has extremely varied landscapes and regions. Find out the answers to the following questions:

6. where do you find the highest mountains in England? 7. Where is The Wash? 8. What are moors and in which parts of Britain can you find them? 9. If you want to ski, where you can go? 10. Which town in Britain is furthest from any coast? 11. What are Ben Nevis and Snowdon and where are they?

12. Where are the Isle of Man, the Isle of Dogs, Lundy Isle, the Isle of Wight?


How much do you know about the transport system in the UK?

13. Where can you find underground trains apart from London? 14. What are the speed limits on British roads in miles per hour? Convert these limits to kilometres. 15. What are London buses with an upstairs and a downstairs called? 16. Which towns have trams? 17. Name the four airports that serve London.

Page 2: British culture

Heritage and Culture

With a complex history and a rich culture, Britain offers a vast range of interesting subjects to explore. Begin by seeing how much you know about the following subjects.

18. Where is Shakespeare's birthplace? 19. What is Stonehenge? 20. The annual Edinburgh International Festival takes place in which months ? 21. What do Morris men do? 22. What is Guy Fawkes Night and how is it celebrated? 23. What is the Cup Final and where does it take place? 24. From which language does the word Cymru come and what does it mean? 25. What is Hogmanay? 26. Where is Hadrian's Wall and why was it built? 27. What are Martello towers and why were they built? 28. What is Maundy money and who gives it? 29. Which universities take part in the annual Boat Race?

Page 3: British culture

KEYSAnswers Food 1.A savoury dish consisting of a sausage cooked in a batter.2. It is made with flour, eggs and milk and cooked in a very hot oven. It is eaten with roast beef.

3. A dish of minced meat with a mashed potato topping.4.Cheese5.Beef, pork, lamb respectivelyGeographical areas 6. In the Lake District of the North West.7. Off the East Coast near King's Lynn; it is part of the North Sea.8. Rough areas of grassland and hills - in the South West and the North East of England.9. You can ski in Scotland in the Cairngorm Mountains.10. Oxford. 11. Mountains, in Scotland and Wales respectively.12. The Isle of Man is off the North East coast in the Irish Sea, the Isle of Dogs is in the River Thames, Lundy Isle is off the North Devon Coast and the Isle of Wight is off the South Coast near Portsmouth.Travelling 13. Newcastle has a Metro14. 70 mph on motorways; 60 mph on main roads and 30mph in built-up areas.15. Double Deckers.16 Manchester.17. Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted and City.Heritage and Culture 18. Stratford-upon-Avon.19. An ancient stone ring near Salsibury.20. August and September.21. A traditional and symbolic dance.22. Held on November 5th, people light bonfires and hold firework displays to celebrate the discovery of a plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605.23. It is the final match of the football season to decide the overall winner and is held at Wembley Stadium.24. It is Welsh and means Wales.25.The Scottish name for New Year.26. Along the English Scottish border and built by the Romans to protect it.27. Lookout towers along the South Coast built to spot invaders during the Napoleonic Wars.28. It is specially minted money given to selected people by the Queen on the Thursday before Easter.29. Oxford and Cambridge.

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