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By: Brittney Rusnell

March 5th-9th, 2012Great Start Readiness Program: 4 years old

South Lyon Early Childhood Center

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Table of Contents


Curriculum Web………………………………………………………..

Terms and Facts……………………………………………………….

Unit Goals and Objectives……………………………………………

Environment Adaptations…………………………………………….

Pre-Assessment of Unit Outcomes……………………………………

Weekly Chart……………………………………………………………..

Activity Plans……………………………………………………………..

Teacher Resources………………………………………………………

Children’s Books…………………………………………………………..

Family Letter…………………………………………………………………

Post-Assessment/ Evaluation of Student Learning……………………….



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IntroductionAbout the children-

There are 16 children in the class, nine girls and seven boys. It is a four-year-old

Great Start Readiness Program. This program is a grant program that is federally funded.

Each child has to have at least two factors that qualify them for admittance into the

program. Some of factors that qualify children for this program are low-income, speech-

language disabilities, special needs, single parents, teen moms, prematurity, or children

who have a incarcerated parent(s). There are many children who are currently in the

process of being evaluated for special needs. Parents do not pay a tuition but are required

to attend all parent meetings, volunteer one day a month in the classroom, have home

visits, and are asked to donate various items to the classroom. There is a lead teacher,

assistant teacher and a parent in the classroom at all times.

This group of children tends to have very creative minds. The children enjoy

dramatic play, playing in the block area and doing art and sensory projects. Many of the

children are very verbal about what is going on in their home life and it is evident that they

are exposed to some things that are not developmentally appropriate for them. There has

been occasions where the children talk freely about death and I have even had a child talk

about murder. One child shared that her daddy was bad and went to jail for addictions. The

children are exposed to things that are way beyond their years.

About the unit-

The unit was designed as part of my cooperating teachers theme plans for the

school year. I chose the week that she wanted to do a dinosaur theme because I thought it

would be a fun topic to teach and I could use many creative activities to teach the children.

The children already play with dinosaurs often as a choice during their playtime. The

children love to explore with materials and do a lot of hands on activities and I feel that my

unit will expose them to such activities. They will get the opportunity to make fossil clay,

have a dinosaur detective prop box for dramatic play, go on a field trip to the University of

Michigan Museum of Natural History as well as many other activities that will allow them to

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explore and use their imagination. These children have wild imaginations and have been

through a lot in their home life and therefore they tend to act out their understanding of life

in their play. I have supplied many activities to allow them to use their imagination and play

based on their understanding of life.

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Terms and Facts

Dinosaurs lived on land. Part of the reptile and bird family. Dinosaurs are not all the same.

o Some eat meat and some eat leaves.o Some are mean while some are gentle. o Some have two feet, some walk on four feet.o Some have spikes.o Some are large and other are small. o Some fly.

A paleontologist is a scientist who studies dinosaurs. A fossil is an mark into sand that tells us about dinosaurs

o A fossil can be a skeleton, footprint or bones.

Unit Goals/Outcomes: Michigan Early Learning Standards

Intellectual Development-Children represent what they understand about the world through actions, objects and words. -Children gain, organize, and use information in increasingly complex ways.

Social/Emotional Development-Children show increasingly ability to regulate how they express their emotions. -Children develop healthy relationships with other children and adults.

Language and Early Literacy Development-Children begin to develop writing skills to communicate and express themselves effectively for a variety of purposes. -Children develop abilities to express themselves clearly and communicate ideas to others. -Children grow in their capacity to use effective listening skills and understand what is said to them.

Creative Development-Children show how they feel, what they think, and what they are learning through experiences in the visual arts. -Children show how they feel, what they think, and what they are learning through listening, participating in, and creating instrumental and vocal experiences. -Children show how they feel, what they think, and what they are learning through dramatic play.

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Physical Development and Health-Children increase their ability to understand and control their bodies and learn that regular physical activity can enhance their overall physical, social, and mental health. -Children experience growth in gross motor development and use large muscles to improve a variety of gross motor skills in both structured and unstructured settings. -Children experience growth in fine motor development and use small muscles to improve a variety of fine motor skills in both structured and unstructured settings.

Early Learning in Mathematics-Children begin to develop skills of comparing and classifying objects, relationships and events in their environment. -Children begin to develop an understanding of numbers and explore simple mathematical processes using concrete materials.

Early Learning in Science-Children develop positive attitudes and gain knowledge about science through observation and active play.

Early Learning in the Social Studies-Children show growth in their understanding of the concept of time and begin to realize that they are a part of history, which includes people, places, events, and stories about the present and the past.

Goals/Outcomes that the children will achieve from this units theme:

The children will be able to use the word paleontologist in the correct context. The children will be able to sort dinosaurs based on being herbivores, carnivores and

omnivores. The children will be able to match upper and lower case letters of the alphabet.

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Environmental Adaptations:Adaptations for the theme of the unit:In order for the environment to attribute to the unit I will need to add and change some of the things in the classroom. Some of the things I will add include dinosaur stuffed animals to the animal area. I will change out the prop box to put the dinosaur detectives prop box out for the children to explore for the week.

Adaptations for some of the domains covered by the unit:I will also add some sensory activities and manipulatives around the room to help children build skills across the domains. In the sand table I will have sand, bones, magnifying glasses, sand sifters, brushes , plastic tweezers, small dinosaurs and bowls. The children will be able to develop their sensory skills using the sand table items while also gaining knowledge on finding fossils and dinosaur bones. In the art area I will have a collage box that the children can explore freely. This box will contain dinosaur stickers, die cut letter D, die cut shapes, noodles, eye ball stickers, leaves, and many other collage objects. After doing the dinosaur name activity, I will leave the weekly reader out for the children to reference the dinosaur pictures with their names.

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Children Questions AskedWhat do dinosaurs look like?

What do dinosaurs eat?

What is a paleontologist?

1 “Giant” Shrugged shoulders

“I don’t know”

2 “Green and red” “Meat” “A penguin”

3 “Red, blue and yellow” “umm….grass” “I don’t know”

4 “Sharp teeth and legs” “grass and leafs” “A dinosaur”

5 “Pink and purple” “Leafs”” “Um…Its got a fever”

6 “ I don’t know” “Plants” No answer

w “Their big” “Uh..I don’t know” “I don’t know”

8 “A cow” “Dinosaurs eat carrots”

“A bear”

9 “Green dots” Leaves and grass…and dog meat too”

“A tiger”

10 “Green and eats meat” “Meat” “A reptile”

11 “They have sharp teeth” “Uhh..people” “It’s a shark”

12 “Black and brown” “Leaves” “It’s a alien”

13 A big green monster who eats people”

“Us (people)” “I don’t know…a monster”

14 “A T-rex has sharp teeth” “People” “I don’t know”

15 “A t-rex is yellow and green” “Plants” “A dinosaur”

16 “Green with three toes” “Bones” “A walrus”

Pre-Assessment Continued:

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For the pre-assessment of the children’s knowledge and skills, I asked each child the same three questions. Each child was pulled to answer the questions during their work time. I did not want to pull them out of the classroom because I wanted my pre-assessment to seem like a regular conversation where the children felt comfortable talking to me while they worked.

Before asking the questions, I warned the children that during their work time I would be talking to them about dinosaurs. I explained that we would be taking a field trip to see a dinosaur exhibit at a museum next week and that I wanted to know what they already knew about dinosaurs. I explained that I would be writing some notes while we talked.

During the pre-assessment, I witnessed some of the children using body language to answer the questions. Some of the children verbally said, “I don’t know” to answer while others simply shrugged their shoulders. Some verbal cues of uncertainty were used such as: Umm and uhh.

Some children could tell me what dinosaurs look like and eat while other children had no idea. The children demonstrated different levels of understanding about dinosaurs. None of the children knew what a paleontologist was and therefore I will be sure to talk and teach a lot about what a paleontologist is and give them opportunities to act like a paleontologist.

Given this information I will include a few small and large group discussions about what a paleontologist is and what they do pertaining to dinosaurs. I will explain that they are a type of detective and scientist who search for dinosaur bones to learn about dinosaurs that lived long ago. I will use the dinosaurs prop box and also allow the children to clean sand off of bones in the sand table using brushes, bowls and magnifying glasses. I will also be sure to use many pictures of dinosaurs during this unit so that the children can get a better understanding of what the authentic colors of a dinosaur are as opposed to them thinking that dinosaurs are pink and purple like they said in the pre-assessment.

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Classroom Activities

Date: 3/5/12-3/8/12Theme: Dinosaurs

Circle Plan Work Recall Story Small GroupMonday *Field TripTuesday Dino Herds

*Big Room

Tweeze Noodles (Bones) & Count

Bones in sand table

String noodles (bones) onto lace

Bones, Bones, By: Byron Barton

Coffee grounds fossil clay

Wednesday Dinosaur fingerplay

Match dino eggs, upper & lower case letters

Dino Detectives Prop Box

Match pictures of dinosaurs

Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, By: Byron Barton

Dinosaur Collage

Thursday What do dinosaurs eat?

*Big Room

Walk on a dinos back (balance beam)

Playdoh with noodles & dinosaurs

Dinosaur food: Sausage & Celery; Which type of dino are you?

If Dinosaurs came back By Bernard Most

Class Book: If Dinosaurs Came Back

*Big Room: Tuesday & Thursday 12:35-1:00

*Please note that on Monday March 5th 2012 you will need to have your child at school by 9:00a.m. We will be leaving at 9:15 to go to our field trip to the University of Michigan Museum of Natural History.

Activity Plan 1

Arrive: 12:20

Circle: 12:25-12:50

Lunch: 1:00-1:25





Small group:2:35-2:55



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Dinosaur Collage

Brief Description:

The children will use various art supplies to create their own dinosaur collage.


The children are encouraged to create their own art work based on their own creative imagination. To encourage this, this lesson will allow the children to use art materials to build their own art piece without direction of a teacher. This activity aligns to the Michigan Early Learning Standard that children show how they feel, what they think, and what they are learning through experiences in the visual arts.

Domain(s): Art


The children will use given art materials that include dinosaur die cuts, shapes, as well as many other materials to construct their own dinosaur land.

Objectives: The children will be able to choose from a variety of art supplies to create their own

version of a dinosaur picture, i.e. a dinosaur, a dinosaur home/land, etc. The children will be able to understand that not all dinosaurs look alike and that they

can create their own dinosaur from the art materials.

Materials: Construction paper Dinosaur die cuts Shape die cuts/pieces Pom pom balls Markers/crayons Stickers Scissors Tootpicks Sand Glue Collage art materials Dinosaur pictures

Set Up:

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The art supplies will need to be in bowls and laid out on the table. Supplies will need to be prepared. Pulled from the supply closet and die cuts of

dinosaurs will need to be made. There will need to be enough construction paper for each child.

Role of adults: The adult at each table will talk about the dinosaur pictures, emphasizing on different

characteristics of dinosaurs. The adult will then provide instructions for the children.

o To create a dinosaur, dinosaur land/home, dinosaur picture using the art supplies

Allow the children to discuss their pictures and talk with their tablemates. Ask each child about their picture by saying, “Can you please tell me about your

picture?”. The children are free to use the given materials to create their picture. While the children work, the teacher needs to discuss the pictures with each child. When the children are finished, the teacher can explain that dinosaurs have funny

names and if they would like to make up a silly name for their dinosaur picture then they can and the teacher will write it on their picture.

Prerequisite Skills: Children have prior understanding of what a dinosaur looks like. Children know how to use a glue bottle.

Adaptations: For a child who does not have much prior knowledge about dinosaurs, the adult can

leave the dinosaur pictures on the table for the children to look at or, bring the play dinosaurs to the table for the children to visualize.

For a child who has a difficult time using a glue bottle, the teacher can lay out a plate with glue on it and that child can use a paintbrush to transfer the glue to his/her page.

Introduce the Activity:Read the book Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs by Byron Barton. Show the pictures of the many types of dinosaurs and how they are different from one another. Talk about the funny (and long!) dinosaur names. Hold up the laminated pictures of various dinosaurs at the art table.

Pre-Assessment:Make a chart about what a dinosaur looks like. Allow the children to give examples such as, long neck, spikes, etc. Write their ideas onto the large poster paper.


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Adult reads and discusses with the children the book Dinosaur, Dinosaur by Byron Barton.

Adult calls the children to their table by asking them to walk like a dinosaur. At the table the adult will pass out construction paper to each child and explain what is

in the collage box and how they can make their own dinosaur pictures. Show the children the laminated dinosaur pictures and discuss how the dinosaurs look.

Leave these pictures on the table for the children to look at. Once small group is over, everyone cleans up and can read a book until the other

children are finished.

Closing:Once each child is done the adult will consult with the children about their picture. The adult will ask the child to tell them about the picture and talk about the details the child has using the various art materials.

Back-Up Plans:If this activity does not work, I will have the children make their own dinosaurs using the letter D die cuts and other various paper shapes to make a letter D dinosaur.

Evaluation:The evaluation will take place during the closing while the teacher talks with each individual child about their picture. Doing this will help the teacher to understand the child’s understanding about dinosaurs and how they used their understanding to make their picture.

Extensions/variations: Take out leaves and ask the children if their dinosaur eats leaves. Or, Ask the child if

their dinosaur home is outside where there are leaves and trees. Add different supplies. Use sand to glue onto the paper.

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Activity Plan 2

Block Building

Brief Description:

The children will use the blocks to build and create anything they choose to build. The children are free to chose any materials to add to the block area while playing. The adult can encourage various construction ideas such as towers, building, race tracks, etc.


The children are encouraged to use their imagination and creativity to learn through play. By incorporating the block area into daily playtime, the children are free to explore and build what they want.

Domain(s): Construction


The children will improve their social skills by playing in the block area with other children. Upon building with the blocks, the children will learn to use cooperative play.

Objectives: The children will use their imagination to create, play and build with the wooden

blocks. The children will be able to play, share and interact appropriately with the children

around them.

Materials: Wooden Blocks Any added toys the children want to use with the blocks i.e, cars, dinosaurs, dolls, etc.

Set Up: The children are encouraged to explore the block area as one of their choices during

work/play time. Blocks are located against the back wall, those children who choose to utilize the block

area are free to use any blocks in the block area.

Role of adults:

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The adult leading the planning time will encourage the children to explore with the blocks. The adult will give idea about what the children could build with the blocks such as a dinosaur home, dinosaur pit/bed, an island that dinosaurs live on, etc.

During planning time the adult will ask the children what their plan is for work time. While the children are working/playing, the adult will ask the children at the block area

what they are building and make observations about their play.

Prerequisite Skills: The children are able to work with others to play in the block area.

Adaptations: For a child who is hesitant to play cooperatively with others at the block area, the adult

may want to encourage and play with that child. Using encouraging language that promotes social play among that child and the other children nearby.

For a child who has difficulty sharing or playing cooperatively with others using the blocks, the adult may need to step in and encourage problem solving strategies in order for the children to work together to build with the blocks.

Introduce the Activity:During planning time, the teacher will build with the blocks at the table, sparking the children’s interest in what she is doing. The adult should explain that blocks can be used to build many things such as houses, towers, and that other objects can be used to play with the blocks such as cars, dinosaurs, etc. The adult will remind the children that the block area is a place where everyone can explore to make whatever they want. The adult will also explain that it is important to share and make friendly choices when playing at the block area.

Pre-Assessment:The children play at the block area on a daily basis and therefore no pre-assessment is needed. All the children have utilized the blocks before.

There are a couple of children who tend to have a hard time playing in the block area cooperatively and therefore it will be the adults responsibility to make sure that the children problem solve together when confronted with a problem.

Steps: Adult introduces the blocks at planning time. Children work alongside the other children in a cooperative manner to build and

explore in the block area. The adult observes as the children work together to build with the blocks.


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Once the children have used to blocks to build something, the adult will consult with each child about what they are doing while building. During recall time, the adult will ask each child what they did at work time and mention the different observations made while the children played in the block area.

Back-Up Plans:

If the children choose not to play in the block area on this day, I will lay out Lego’s on one table and magnetiles on another table so that the children can explore and build with those objects.


The children are still working to build their social skills during play time, especially in the block area because some children tend to get frustrated when another child does something they do not like. Evaluation will be based on if the children can play cooperatively with others and, if a problem arises, if they can problem solve in order to work together.

Extensions/variations: Use lego’s instead of wooded blocks as the main choice to build with. Ask the children to use various types of blocks while building, i.e. adding the soft blocks

in with the wooden blocks.

Activity Plan 3

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Dinosaur Detectives Prop Box

Brief Description:

The children will explore the dinosaur detectives prop box during their work/play time. They will pretend and act out what they know about dinosaurs by using the materials provided.


The children learn best through play. Having a dinosaur prop box available, will allow the children to explore the materials and recreate what they have learned about dinosaurs. This activity aligns with the Michigan Early Learning Standard that children show how they feel, what they think, and what they are learning through dramatic play.

Domain(s): Dramatic Play


The children will explore the materials in the prop box during their play/work time as a free choice.

The children will use the materials to recreate what they know about dinosaurs.

Objectives: The children will be able to choose items from the prop box to pretend to be dinosaur


Materials: Dinosaur books Fossils Puppets Plastic dinosaurs Bones Brushes (paint brushes) Visors Flashlights Watches Notebooks Dinosaur picture cards Plastic eggs Magnifying glasses

Set Up:

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The adult will need to gather the materials and set them out in the dramatic play areas. Before work time, the adult will show the children the materials and talk with the

children about what the materials are.

Role of adults: The adults will show the children the materials for the dinosaur detectives prop box

and discuss what each material is. While the children play, the adults will observe and talk with the children about what

they are doing, playing along with the children.

Prerequisite Skills: Children are able to understand that detectives search for things and that there are

people called paleontologists who search for dinosaur fossils. Children know that prop box materials can be used in the entire classroom but are

returned to the dramatic play area during clean up.

Adaptations: For a child who is unfamiliar with the materials, the adult will describe what the

materials can be used for. Example: the paint brush can brush dirt off the bones. There can be a picture in the prop box showing all the materials in the box. For a child who has difficulty sharing the items, the adult can help the children problem

solve how to share the items.

Introduce the Activity:During circle time when discussing what items will be out during work time, the adult will get the prop box out and show the children the items. The adult will also explain what a paleontologist is and how the children can be paleontologists during their work time.

Pre-Assessment:While introducing the prop box at circle time and, after lunch when the children talk about what they plan to do during work time, the adult can discuss with each child what they know about the materials in the prop box.

Steps: Introduce the materials in the prop box. Talk with the children about the materials and what a paleontologist is. Allow the children to explore in the dramatic play area freely at their own choice.


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During recall time, the teacher will ask children what they did during work/play time. The adult will ask open-ended questions about how the children used the materials in the prop box.

Back-Up Plans:

If this activity does not work, I will set out trays of sand containing bones, eggs and brushes. I will also set out magnifying glasses, visors and lab coats so the children can still pretend to be paleontologists at the table area.


I observed the children during work time to determine if the objectives were achieved. Many of the children participated by using the dress up clothes and prop box materials. I asked each child who participated what they were doing and many said they were looking for dinosaurs.

Extensions/variations: Other materials can be put in or taken out of the prop box depending on what the

teacher wants in the dramatic play area. The adult can read a book to the children about paleontologists to excite their interest

in what a dinosaur detective does. To add more sensory play to this activity, the sand table can be opened containing sand,

bones, eggs, and brushes.

Activity Plan 4

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Volcano Explosion

Brief Description:

The children will mix ingredients to make their own volcano. The children will get a better visual explanation of what it looks like when a volcano explodes by making their own volcano.


The children are curious about how dinosaurs went extinct. One scientific explanation for the extinction of dinosaurs is that volcanic explosions and volcanic ash suffocated the dinosaurs killing their population. Many of the children only have an understanding of volcanoes by the books that have been read to them. In doing this experiment, the children will gain a better understanding of what it looks like when a volcano erupts. This activity aligns with the Michigan Early Learning Standard that children develop a positive attitude and gain knowledge about science through observation and active play.

Domain(s): Science


The children will become more familiar with what a volcano looks like when it erupts, giving them a better understanding about how the lava could have caused extinction among dinosaurs.

Objectives: The children will be able to mix ingredients to make their own volcanic eruption. The children will build a volcano made of dirt and witness how lava can spill out of the

volcano when it erupts.

Materials: Toothpick or plastic utensil Orange food coloring Paper cup Funnel Empty plastic bottle Baking soda Whipping cream Sand/dirt with rocks/stones Vinegar Tray to hold the dirt

Set Up: Newspaper needs to be placed over the entire table.

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There will need to be one tray per child containing dirt and rocks laid out at the children’s table spot.

A water bottle needs to be at each table place as well. All the ingredients need to be laid out and ready for use. The food coloring mix (water and orange food coloring) needs to be premade.

Depending on how many children are doing this experiment, the more food colored water you will need.

Role of adults: The adults will read the directions to the children, step by step and distribute the

ingredients to the children. The adults will encourage discussions among the children at the table about their


Prerequisite Skills: Children are able to understand what a volcano looks like in order to make a hill of dirt. Children are able to sit at their seats and follow directions.

Adaptations: For a child who has never seen a volcano before, there will be a visual aid laid out on

the table to help the child see what a dirt hill looks like. For a child who has trouble sitting at the table, allow them to push their chair in and

stand if that helps them during their experiment.

Introduce the Activity:Talk about the scientific reasons that predict how the dinosaurs went extinct. Explain to the children that one of the ways that scientists think that dinosaurs went extinct is because of hot volcanic eruptions and volcanic ash that suffocated the dinosaurs. Explain that lava is so hot that it would kill the dinosaurs.

Pre-Assessment:The children already know what a volcano looks like. They know that orange stuff ours out of a top of a mountain.

Steps: Give each child an empty water bottle. One by one allow each child to use the funnel and

fill their bottle ½ full of baking soda. Gone by one give each child the funnel and have them pour a couple squirts of whipping

cream into their bottle. Repeat the sharing of the funnel and have the children each pour the food coloring mix

into their bottle to fill it up the rest of the way. Now have the children shape the dirt around their bottle. Make sure not to get dirt into

the bottle. Now pour a little bit of vinegar into the bottle as the children observe what happens.


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Ask the children what happened when we added the final ingredients (vinegar). Talk with them about what they learned and how they made their own simulation of what a real volcano looks like when it explodes.

Back-Up Plans:

If this activity does not work where all the children can make their own volcano, I would make one volcano but allow the children to help add all the ingredients.



Extensions/variations: Use a KWL chart before and after the experiment is conducted. Ask the children what

they predict will happen when we add the ingredients. Have the children draw a picture of what they observed while doing the experiment. If

they cannot write yet, the adult can write the child’s thoughts onto their paper if the child chooses.

Activity 5

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Dinosaur Noodle Bones

Brief Description:

The children will use tweezers to move noodles from one cup to another while counting the noodles.


The children are continuing to practice counting to ten. Some of the children need to continue working on their fine motor skills and therefore all the children will be using fine motor skills to complete the counting tasks. This activity aligns with the Michigan Early Learning Standard that children begin to develop an understanding of numbers and explore simple mathematical processes using concrete materials.

Domain(s): Math Fine Motor


The children will improve their fine motor skills of tweezing noodles from one bowl to another while practicing counting to ten.

Objectives: The children will be able to transfer noodles from one dish to another by pinching the

noodles with a tweezer. The children will be able to count from one to ten aloud.

Materials: 16 tweezers (1 per child) 2 bowls Elbow and penne noodles (dinosaur bones)

Set Up: Get out 16 tweezers, two bowls and noodles. Have the noodles in the bowl ready for the children to count.

Role of adults: The adult will observe the children counting, helping them is they have any difficulties.

Prerequisite Skills: The children will know how to use the tweezers to pinch the noodles.


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For a child who has difficulty counting, allow them to start with counting from one to five. Then help them count to ten.

For a child who has difficulty pinching the noodles with the tweezers, allow them to use their thumb and pointer finger to pinch the noodles.

Introduce the Activity:Tell the children that the noodles are dinosaur bones and that we need to count how many bones are in the bowl. Explain that the tweezers are used to help carefully pick up the bones so they do not break.

Pre-Assessment:The children have counted pom poms while transferring them to different bowls. They will be able to count while transferring the noodles.

Steps: Introduce the activity. Demonstrate using the tweezers. Demonstrate counting and transferring the noodles from one bowl to another. Have the children count and transfer the noodles.

Closing:Explain to the children that you noticed how careful they were with pinching the noodles and how they counted slowly so they counted to correct amount of dinosaur bones.

Back-Up Plans:If this activity does not work, I will have the children count dinosaur die cuts that I would have premade.

Evaluation:The children are still working toward achieving the objectives set in this activity.

To assess the children, I observed them during planning time. Each child counted to ten by tweezing the noodles and placing them into a dish. Two children started at a number other than one. Once I began counting with them starting at the number one, they were able to finish counting the rest of the noodles. One child could not count and tweeze the noodles at the same time. He tweezed the noodles into the other dish then went back and counted the noodles. All 16 children were able to count to ten and tweeze the noodles.

Extensions/variations: Have the children count dinosaur die cuts. Have the children count and match different types of bones (noodles) Have the children count higher than ten.

Activity Plan 6

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Letter Walk

Brief Description: The children will perform various gross motor movements while walking around the gym from one letter card to another while music plays. Once the music stops, the children will freeze on the nearest letter card and the teacher will call on the children to name the letter they are standing on.


The children are continuing to learn the letters of the alphabet and words that begin with certain letters. This will give them practice with recognizing letters while also using large muscles for movements. This activity aligns with the Michigan Early Learning Standard that children experience growth in gross motor development and use large muscles to improve a variety of gross motor skills in both structured and unstructured settings.

Domain(s): Gross Motor Literacy


The children will use large muscles to perform body movements such as skipping, marching, and hopping to move around the gym from one letter card to another.

Objectives: The children will be able to skip, hop and march around the gym. The children will be able to recognize and name alphabet letters. The children will be able to make the corresponding letter sound to the alphabet card

they land on when the music stops.

Materials: 26 laminated alphabet letter cards cd player cd (child friendly and upbeat)

Set Up: The adult will scatter the letter cards around the gym and explain the procedure to the

children. The adult will set up the cd player.

Role of adults:

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The adult will scatter the letter cards around the gym, spacing them apart so that the children will not be likely to bump into one another.

The adult leading the activity will explain the procedure to the children. The adult will instruct the children to make various gross motor movements such as

hopping, skipping, marching, walking. Then the adult will play the music, call on a few children, one at a time, asking them what letter they landed on, the corresponding letter sound and if they know a word that starts with that letter.

The adult will call out another gross motor movement, play the music and repeat the process until all the children have had a chance to participate.

Extra adults in the room will participate with the children.

Prerequisite Skills: Children understand what each of the large muscle movements are such as walking,

hopping, skipping, marching. Children are able to recognize the letters of the alphabet and make the corresponding

letter sound.

Adaptations: For a child with gross motor difficulty or impairment, the adult would use movements

that that particular child could participate in doing such as waves arms in the air, clapping or moving their feet to their own ability.

For a child who is unfamiliar with the letter, or corresponding sound or word, the adult can provide assistance by sounding out and stretching out the word.

For a child who has difficulty performing the movements, the adult can change up the pace by having the children do “slow-pace” movements.

Introduce the Activity:Hold up the alphabet cards, reviewing the alphabet and letter sounds together. Demonstrate large muscle movements that the children will be performing.

Pre-Assessment:The children can currently recognize many of the letters of the alphabet. Each morning the children are exposed to the alphabet during circle time as well as throughout the day. The children have prior experience making letter sounds.


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The children will each start the activity by finding a letter to stand on. While the music plays the children will perform the gross motor movement instructed

from the adult while moving around the letters. Once the music stops, the children will move to the nearest letter. The adult will call on a few children, one at a time, and ask the child to name the letter

and the corresponding letter sound. The adult can also ask the child to name a word that begins with the letter they are standing on.

The adult will call out a different gross motor movement then play the music again, stopping to call on new children. This process repeats until all the children have had a chance to tell about the letter they landed on.

When finished, gather the cards from the children.

Closing:As the children bring the letters to the adult during clean up, the children will name the alphabet letters in their hands as they give them to the adult. The adult will also talk with the children during lunchtime about the letters each child landed on and the words that start with that letter.

Back-Up Plans:If this activity does not work, I will have the children move around the gym acting like an animal that starts with each letter. Example: “Here is the letter B, move around the gym buzzing like a bee”.

Evaluation: To assess the children, I was able to observe their physical abilities as they moved

around the room performing the large muscle movements called out. I was also able to observe the children’s knowledge of the alphabet letters and corresponding sound and word as they gave their answered when I called on them. All 16 children were able to perform the objectives set for the activity.

Extensions/variations: Instead of asking the children to simply skip or march, the adult can ask the children to

make movements like animals. Example: “This time when I play the music, I want you to move around the room like a bird”.

Use upper and lower case alphabet cards and when calling on a child, ask them if their letter is an upper or lower case letter.

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Activity Plan 7

Dinosaur Skeletons

Brief Description:

Children pretend to be paleontologists who have discovered fossils (pasta) in the ground (playdoh). They can use their fine motor skills to hide the pasta in the playdoh and find it again.


The children are continuing to learn about dinosaurs and how scientists learn about dinosaurs that once lived. The children are also building their fine motor skills. In using the playdoh and noodles, the children will knead the playdoh and use their fingers to carefully make dinosaur fossils by placing the noodles in the playdoh in the shape of a dinosaur. This activity aligns to the Michigan Early Learning Standard as children experience growth in fine motor development and use small muscles to mprove a variety of fine motor skills both in structured and unstructured settings.

Domain(s): Fine Motor


The children will improve their fine motor skills by carefully placing noodles into the playdoh to make dinosaur fossils.

Objectives: The children will be able to knead the playdoh and flatten it onto the table. The children will be able to pinch the noodles with their fingers and place the noodles

onto the playdoh to make a dinosaur fossil.

Materials: Playdoh Noodles (elbow, penne, cannelloni, etc) Dinosaur cookie cutters Large plastic tweezers (optional) Skeleton/fossil pictures of dinosaurs.

Set Up: The adult will make the playdoh based on any basic playdoh recipe. The adult will set out the materials onto the table for the children to explore.

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Role of adults: The adults will observe as the children make dinosaur skeletons with the noodles into

the playdoh. The adults will talk with the children about what they are doing as they play with the


Prerequisite Skills: Children are able to pinch noodles either with their fingers or large plastic tweezers. Children are able to knead and roll playdoh on a table surface.

Adaptations: For a child who has trouble pinching small noodles with their fingers, they can use the

plastic tweezers. For a child who is unfamiliar with what a skeleton of a dinosaur looks like, they can look

at the skeleton pictures provided for the children to look at. For a child who has difficulty using their hands to make the playdoh into the shape of a

dinosaur, they can use the cookie cutters to cut the dough.

Introduce the Activity:Hold up the fossil/skeleton pictures for the children to see. Explain that they can use the skeleton pictures as an outline to look at while they make their own skeletons using noodles and playdoh. Demonstrate to the children how they can use the noodles as bones to build a dinosaur in the playdoh.

Pre-Assessment:The children are continuing to use their fingers to pinch objects during planning and recall time. They have had experiences pinching pom poms and other small objects and transferring them from one bowl to another. Knowing this, I know that the children should be able to pinch the noodles.

Steps: Introduce the materials. Demonstrate how the children can use the materials to make a skeleton. Allow the children to explore the materials freely.


Talk with the children about their skeletons. Explain what you observed, example: “I noticed you used the tweezers to pinch the noodles, can you tell me about how you made your dinosaur skeleton?”.

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Back-Up Plans:

If this activity does not work, I will lay out bowls for the children to transfer the noodles (bones) from one bowl to another using the tweezers.

Or, I would lay out dinosaur stencils and have the children make their own dinosaur books.



Extensions/variations: Instead of having the children press the noodles into playdoh, they can glue the noodles

onto construction paper, making a dinosaur skeleton. The noodles can be colored.

Activity Plan 8

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Dinosaur Finger Play

Brief Description:

During circle time, the children will learn a dinosaur finger play and sing along with the adults and other children.


The children enjoy learning new songs and activities. They can already sing the song Five Little Hot Dogs and will learn a new song about dinosaurs with using this beat. This activity aligns to the Michigan Early Learning Standard that children show how they feel, what they think, and what they are learning through listening, participating in, and creating instrumental and vocal music experiences.

Domain(s): Music and Movement


The children will use their knowledge of the song Five Little Hot Dogs to learn a similar song about dinosaurs. They will use their fingers to count backwards from five as they sing and move to the song.

Objectives: The children will be able to sing the new dinosaur song along with the adults while

using their fingers to count backwards from five.

Materials: 5 pictures of dinosaurs

Set Up: The adult will place the five dinosaurs on the white board (or felt board) and

demonstrate counting backwards by orally counting backwards while removing the dinosaur pictures one by one.

Role of adults: The adult will sing the dinosaur song while demonstrating the finger movements. The adult will repeat singing the song as the children begin to sing along. As the adult

counts backwards, she will remove the dinosaur pictures as a visual for the children.

Prerequisite Skills:

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The children will already know the tune and procedure to the song Five Little Hot Dogs in order to know how to hold fingers up and remove fingers as they count backwards in the song.


For a child who has no prior knowledge of counting backwards in a song, the adult can help the child by emphasizing the process of counting backwards.

For a child who has difficulty using their fingers to count backwards, they can hold popsicle sticks in their hand and remove a stick each time they count backwards.

For a child who can read, it would be helpful to have the words to the song written on the board for them to read or visualize the word patterns.

Introduce the Activity:Sing the song Five Little Hot Dogs to the children. Then ask them what we have been talking about all week (dinosaurs). Then explain that you have a new song to teach them about dinosaurs and counting.

Introduce the new song to the children by singing it to them first. (Hold up your hand and move your fingers to the beat)

These are the dinosaurs so very bigWhen we start out let me see all five

Then opps! Say good-bye….one goes and hides

Five big dinosaurs stomping all aroundStompin’ and a boppin’Swaying to the soundThere goes one dinosaurOops say good-bye

Four big dinosaurs still left behind

(repeat with three, two and one)

….But Stop! And look, the five dinosaurs are back once again

Ready to play together as friends

Pre-Assessment:The children can count to five and when using visual aides, they can count backwards.


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Adult introduces the song and sings to the children while using her fingers and dinosaur pictures to show counting backwards from five.

The children begin singing along with the adults.


Once the children know the dinosaur finger play, the adult can ask them if they know of any other ways we could move to the song. Then as a group, try the new movements out.

Back-Up Plans:

If this song does not work out, I would sing the Brontosaurus song with the children that they already know and, have them act out the song one by one.

Evaluation:The children enjoy learning new songs and movements. I will observe their participation as they sing along and, observe if they are counting backwards using their fingers.

Each of the children participated in singing the song and used their fingers to count backwards. The children danced around and seemed to enjoy this activity as they laughed and continued singing a second time.

Extensions/variations: Have five students stand at the front of the group and pretend to be the dinosaurs that

disappear one by one. Allow each child a chance at acting out the song in front of their peers.

Sing the song counting backwards from ten.

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Activity Plan 9

Fossil Clay

Brief Description:

The children will work together to make coffee grounds fossil clay. They will mix ingredients and work together to make a product they will use to play with to make a fossil imprint with.


The children are learning the process of cooking and following directions to make a final product. By following the directions in the recipe, they will create fossil clay that they will be able to use to create their own dinosaur fossil with. This activity aligns with the Michigan Early Learning Standard as children grow in their capacity to use effective listening skills and understand what is said to them.

Domain(s): Cooking


The children will become more familiar with the process of following directions and using ingredients to make a final product (fossil clay).

Objectives: The children will be able to follow directions given to add ingredients to make fossil

clay as a whole group. The children will be able to pour/scoop ingredients into measuring cups and take turns

mixing the added ingredients in the bowl using a large spoon. The children will use small objects such as dinosaurs to make imprints in their fossil

clay to make their own fossil.

Materials: 1 batch of fossil clay (double recipe for a class of 15+)

1 cup of used coffee grounds ½ cup cold coffee 1 cup of flour ½ cup of salt waxed paper mixing bowl empty can or butter knife small objects to make impressions in the dough toothpicks (optional) string to hang fossil (optional)

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Large spoon (wooden) Picture of a fossil (or actual fossil)

Set Up: Newspaper will need to be laid across the tables. The adult will have all the ingredients and materials laid out on the table.

Role of adults: The adult leading the group will provide instructions, step by step, for the children as

they take turns adding the ingredients. The adult will talk with the children about what the product looks like as it is being

made. The adult will conference with the children as they make their own fossil using a small

plastic dinosaur to make imprints in their fossil clay.

Prerequisite Skills: The children are able to sit at the table and wait for directions. The children know how to scoop, pour and stir ingredients.

Adaptations: For a child with a visual impairment, it would be helpful to label with large writing, the

ingredients and materials needed. For a child who is unaware of what the ingredients/materials are, it would be helpful to

have a poster up with pictures and labels of what each item is. Example, have a picture of a bag of flour with the word “flour” written next to it.

Introduce the Activity:Hold up an example of what a fossil looks likes. Explain to the children that fossils are how we learn about dinosaurs from a long time ago and that when the dinosaurs went extinct, their bones imprinted into rocks and other earth materials, leaving behind a fossil. Explain to the children that they will be making their very own fossil.

Pre-Assessment:The children have prior knowledge following directions step by step. To pre-assess them, I will write the steps and draw a picture next to the number of what they will be doing. I will say a step and they will repeat the step back to me before we even begin using the materials.

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Steps: Have one child scoop 1 cup of coffee groups into the measuring cup and add it into the

mixing bowl. Have each child take a turn. One child will mix the cold coffee into the bowl, one child

will add the flour and another child will add the salt into the mixing bowl. Give the bowl to the next child and have them mix the ingredients together. Pass the

bowl around the table and allow each child the chance to knead the dough together. Lay the dough out onto the table on the wax paper. Allow each child the chance to cut

their own dough piece from the large piece using the can or butter knife. Allow the children to choose an object to make a fossil imprint. Show the children how

to press the object (dinosaur) into the dough to make a fossil. Allow the fossils to dry and harden. Optional, you can hang the fossils if you poke a hold

in the top of the dough and string a piece of yarn/string making a knot to hang it.


Ask the children about their fossils and talk with them about how they made it and what type of fossil it is.

Back-Up Plans:

If this activity does not work, I will have the children mix ingredients to make a salad or a “leaf eating dinosaur lunch”.

Evaluation:I observed the children doing this activity during small group time. All 16 children achieved the objectives set. The children followed directions and mixed the ingredients as instructed. The children played with the fossil clay, kneading it in their hands and rolling it on the table. Many of the children did not want to stop playing with the fossil clay. They used plastic dinosaurs to make imprints into the fossil clay to make footprints and skeletal imprints.

Extensions/variations: To extend this activity I could have the children tell me about their fossil and write their

dialog on a piece of paper that can go along with their fossil so that others will know what the child was thinking as they made their fossil.

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Activity Plan 10

Museum of Natural History

Brief Description:

The class will be visiting the University of Michigan Museum of Natural History to learn about dinosaurs.


To begin our unit on dinosaurs, we will be taking the children to the University of Michigan Museum of Natural History so that they can gain knowledge about dinosaurs as part of our history. They will be able to see fossils and dinosaur skeletons, and much more.

Domain(s): Field trip


The children will learn about prehistoric life and how dinosaurs once roamed the earth.

Objectives: The children will be able to examine fossils and skeletons of dinosaurs.

Materials: Emergency bag Parent consent forms Snacks

Set Up: We will need to make sure all the children are properly strapped into the bus seats with

the seat belts. The museum staff sets up all museum props.

Role of adults: To encourage and provoke new ideas based on the information the museum teaches the


Prerequisite Skills: The children need to know that dinosaurs once lived on earth a long time ago.

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Adaptations: For a child who has trouble walking through the museum, we could get them a wagon

or stroller. For a child who has sensory issues, we would make sure that we brought ear plugs

incase the museum is too loud or over stimulating.

Introduce the Activity:Explain to the children that we will be taking a class trip to the museum to learn about dinosaurs and see real fossils and dinosaur skeletons.

Pre-Assessment:The pre-assessment will take place during the time when the three pre-assessment questions are asked. These ideas will be addressed at the museum.

Steps: Prior to going to the museum, the teacher will ask the three pre-assessment questions

and explain to the children that they will be learning the answers to these questions at the museum and during the week.

Closing:Discuss with the children what they saw and learned at the museum.

Back-Up Plans:If this activity does not work, I would try to get dinosaur skeletons or bones and allow the children to touch and observe the bones in the classroom.

Evaluation:Fourteen of the sixteen children went on the field trip to the University of Michigan Museum of Natural History. The children participated in a group discussion about what dinosaurs look like and, sang and danced to a song about dinosaurs. The children went with the museum staff to observe dinosaur bones, remains and much more.

Extensions/variations: Bring in skeletons into the classroom. Ask a paleontologist to visit the classroom.

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Activity Plan 11

Dinosaur Egg Letter Matching

Brief Description:

The children will take turns and match upper and lower case letters. Using plastic Easter eggs. I will write upper and lower case letters on each side of the detachable egg and the children will put the egg back together based on matching the upper and lower case letters.


The children are continuing to recognize alphabet letters. They are learning to match upper and lower case letters to each other. They are also learning letter symbol and sound. This activity aligns to the Michigan Early Learning Standard as children represent what they understand about the world through actions, objects, and words. They will use their skills and actions of matching.

Domain(s): Language Literacy


The children will become more familiar with upper case letters and the corresponding lower case letter.

Objectives: The children will be able to choose an egg with an upper case alphabet letter on it then

find from the pile the corresponding lower case letter. The children will be able to name the letter they have chosen from the pile. The children will be able to recognize the letter on the egg and make the corresponding

letter sound. The children will be able to take turns with their peers in choosing letters in the pile of


Materials: 26 eggs, each half of the egg labeled with upper and lower case letters.

Set Up: Write upper and lower case letters on each half of the plastic eggs. The eggs will be in two piles. One pile upper case letters and the other pile lower case


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Role of adults:

The adult leading the group will provide instructions for the children.o Chose an upper case letter egg.o Find the matching lower case letter egg.o Make the sound that goes along with the letter chosen.

Let each child take a turn to find the letters. Once the child has found matching upper and lower case letters, ask them to make the

corresponding sound. The adult will monitor the children’s progress of matching the eggs and making the

correct letter sound. Provide the children with feedback and support. If there is time, play again and have the children choose a different egg than the first egg

they chose.

Prerequisite Skills: Children are able to identify letters of the alphabet. Children are able to recognize letters and make the corresponding letter sound. Children are able to take turns with their peers.

Adaptations: For a child with fine motor difficulty; an adult could have the children sit at the table

instead of the carpet area so the child could slide the egg off the table instead of trying to pick the egg up off the floor.

For a child who is unfamiliar with the letters; the adult can provide feedback about the letters to all the children. Also, allow that child to choose another letter for a better chance of success. Help sound out the letters with them.

For a child who has difficulty taking turns, remind the group that each child gets one turn then if there are eggs left over, each child can take a second turn.

Introduce the Activity:Hold up alphabet cards one by one. Point out each upper and lower case letter. Make the letter sound with the children for each alphabet letter.

Pre-Assessment:The children can currently recognize many of the letters of the alphabet. Each morning the children are exposed to the alphabet during circle time where we show large alphabet flash cards and the children say the letters out loud.

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Steps: Adult introduces activity. Children work in a small group, taking turns matching the alphabet cards. Adult asks the children what letter they chose and the sound that letter makes. Children explore their eggs and the eggs of their friends.


Once the children have individually stated the letter they chose, as a group we will review each egg and the extra eggs in the pile.

Back-Up Plans:

If this activity does not work out I will have the children practice writing their names. I will get out their name cards and sentence strips and have them practice writing their first name and last name if they choose to do so.

Evaluation:The children are still working toward achieving the objectives in this activity. The children will be repeating activities similar to this one throughout the rest of the school year.

Enter assessment results here.

Extensions/variations: Take some cards out of the pile and have the children determine if there even is a

matching egg. Ask the children to name an object that starts with the letter they chose.

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Activity Plan 12

If Dinosaurs Came Back Class Book

Brief Description:

After reading the book, If Dinosaurs Came Back by Bernard Most, the children will make their own class book with illustrations and their idea of what would happen if dinosaurs came back.


The children are learning about reading and writing and that their words have meaning. By writing a page telling what they think would happen if dinosaurs came back and by illustrating their own class book page they will learn that they are becoming writers.

Domain(s): Literacy


The children will write and illustrate their own class book page based on the book, If Dinosaurs Came Back by Bernard Most.

Objectives: The children will be able to dictate their idea of what would happen if dinosaurs lived

now and how it would affect their world. The children will be able to illustrate a page in the class book that corresponds to their

sentence about dinosaurs coming back to the present day.

Materials: If Dinosaurs Came Back by Bernard Most If Dinosaurs came back class page Crayons Pencils

Set Up: Place the writing and coloring materials out at the tables for the children to use while

writing their own class page for the class book.

Role of adults: The teacher will read the book, If Dinosaurs Came Back by Bernard Most. The teacher will model writing her own page in the class book. The teacher will brainstorm with the children what they think will happen if dinosaurs

came back. The teacher will help the children write and will dictate their writing.

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Prerequisite Skills: The children need to know that dinosaurs lived long ago. The children need to know how to color.

Adaptations: For a child who cannot see the book, I would allow them to sit closer to me during story

time. For a child who has a hard time seeing the model of my class page, I would write the

name on the white board in large writing. For a child who cannot write, we will dictate their sentence.

Introduce the Activity:Read If Dinosaurs Came Back by Bernard Most.

Pre-Assessment:I will ask the children what they think the world looked like when dinosaurs lived.

Steps: Introduce the activity by asking the children what would happen if dinosaurs lived now. Read the book, If Dinosaurs Came Back by Bernard Most. Demonstrate writing a page in the class book. Brainstorm ideas about what would happen if dinosaurs came back. Have the children write their own class page.

Closing:Ask the children what they think would happen if dinosaurs came back and ask them to tell about the picture they drew.

Back-Up Plans:If this activity does not work, I will read the Weekly Reader; All About Dinosaurs Edition Pre-K January 1999, Week 2. I would lead a class discussion about the different dinosaurs.



Extensions/variations: Add extra visual aides to show the children what each dinosaur looks like. Have each child choose a dinosaur to draw and tell what they like about that dinosaur.

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Activity Plan 13

Dinosaur Herds

Brief Description:

Some dinosaurs travel in herds. The children will pretend to be a dinosaur and travel in herds.


Brontosaurus and triceratops dinosaurs travel in herds. The children will use gross motor skills to travel with their “herd” around the room.

Domain(s): Large group Gross motor


The children will become more familiar with working in a large group to act as a dinosaur traveling in a herd. Their group is their herd.

Objectives: The children will be able to move around the room with their herd acting like a

dinosaur. The children will be able to use gross motor skills of crawling and other movements to

move around the room like a brontosaurus and triceratops.

Materials: Pictures of a brontosaurus and triceratops Fake leaves scattered in the room

Set Up: The adult will place leaves around the room for the herds to eat. Pictures of dinosaurs will be placed on the board for the children to see.

Role of adults: The adult will ask the children how they think a brontosaurus and triceratops move. The adult will explain what a herd is and how a herd of dinosaurs is like a family and

they move around, traveling together. One adult will act like a brontosaurus with one group of children while the other adult

will act like a triceratops with the other group of children, moving throughout the room.

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Prerequisite Skills:

Children are able to move throughout the room controlling their body so that they do not run into objects, toys or furniture.


For a child with a physical disability, this activity can be done in the gym or outside where there is more room for the children to move freely at their own ability.

For a child who does not understand what a herd is, each group of children can have a symbol on them to differentiate the two groups. Example, the brontosaurus group wears a green shirt while the triceratops wears a yellow shirt. Doing this will help the children to remember what herd they are part of.

Introduce the Activity:Talk about the different groups in our class. We have two learning groups. Explain that each group stays together for planning, story time, recall and small group time. Explain what a herd is and how it is a group of animals that travels together. Make the connection of a herd to the daily learning groups in our classroom. Explain dinosaurs that travel in herds and the ones that travel alone.

Pre-Assessment:Ask the children to get into their daily learning group. Ask the children to get into a group of boys and a group of girls. Ask the children to get into a group of people with jeans on and a group of people who have another type of pants on. See if the children can move into groups.

Steps: Adult introduces the idea of herds. Adult explains the types of dinosaurs that travel in herds. Adult instructs the children to make two groups (can be based on various factors,

boys/girls, clothing types, eye/hair color, etc). The children move around the room in their herd pretending to be the dinosaur the

teacher instructed their group to be.


Once the activity is done, get back into a large group and ask the children what their herd did together.

Back-Up Plans:

If this activity does not work then I will have the children sing a song/chant or finger play that they are familiar with such as the one they learned about dinosaurs.

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Evaluation:The children broke into two groups of eight. One group pretended to act like a herd of brontosaurus’ and the other group pretended to be a herd of triceratops. Each group walked around the gym in their herd stomping their feet. When they walked to a card placed on the floor, they performed the activity the card stated. The cards instructed the children to swing their tails, snort, stomp and eat plants. Each child stayed in their herd and participated well in the activity.


This activity can also be done outside where there is more room. The children can pretend to travel in a herd then travel alone such as a t-rex or other

dinosaurs that travel alone.

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Activity Plan 14

Spray Painting

Brief Description:

The children will use spray bottles containing colored water to spray paint the ground outside.


Most of the time the children just play freely outside without any directed activity. By planning this activity for outside play time, it will give them the opportunity to use their creative skills in an outdoor setting.

Domain(s): Outdoor activity Fine motor Art


The children will improve their fine motor skills of squirting colored water from spray bottles while creating outdoor cooperative art.

Objectives: The children will be able to use the spray bottles to make colored snow or color the

ground while also learning about what happens when mixing colors. The children will be able to use their creative skills while being in an outdoor setting.

Materials: Spray bottles filled with water and food coloring/ water color mix. Paint brushes

Set Up: Mix the die and water into the spray bottles. Get out the paintbrushes.

Role of adults: Encourage the children to mix colors to see what happens. Make sure that the children do not spray the toys or other children.

Prerequisite Skills: The children will need to know how to use the spray bottles.

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Adaptations: For a child who cannot squeeze the spray bottle, the teacher can put the colored water

mixture into a bowl and allow the child to use the paintbrushes. For a child who has trouble following directions, designate one area of the playground

as the spray art area that way the children do not run off with the spray bottles and spray each other or the playground toys.

Introduce the Activity:On a piece of paper in the classroom, show the children about what happens when you spray two different colors together. Explain that when they go outside they can chose to explore with the spray bottles to see how the colors mix or what happens when you spray the pavement/snow. Also explain that they can use the paintbrushes to move the colors around once they spray the ground.

Pre-Assessment:Many of the children have experience with the spray bottles on a piece of paper. Using art supplies outside will be a new experience for the children and therefore it will be neat to observe their creative abilities in an outdoor setting.

Steps: Introduce the activity, demonstrating what happens when you spray a bottle and what

happens when you mix the colors. Lay out the supplies outside and encourage the children to choose to utilize the

supplies. Have discussions with the children as they use the materials. Ask what they are making,

encourage the mixing of colors, talk about the differences in colors and how the colors are different on the pavement compared to the snow.

Closing:When lining up to go inside, have the children as a whole group walk past the spray bottle art area and talk about the different colors and pictures that the children made.

Back-Up Plans:If this activity does not work out, I will get out the hula hoops and bean bags and have the children do a bean bag toss while outside.



Extensions/variations: Take a large butcher paper outside for the children to use the spray bottles on. Have the children make chalk drawings and then spray over the chalk with the colored

spray bottles.

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Teacher Resources:

Books: Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Prekindergarten , Michigan State Board of

Education, 2005. Theme-A-Saurus, The Great Big Book of Mini Teaching Themes by Jean Warren National Geographic Dinosaurs by Paul Barrett, 2001

Magazines: The Mailbox 2006-2007 Yearbook: A Cross-referenced Resource of Teaching Ideas for

Preschool Click: Opening Windows For Young Minds; What do we know about Dinosaurs? May-

June 2010 Issue

Audio-visual aides:

Computer Programs:

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Children’s Books:*Denotes book was read to the children during the unit

Bones, Bones, Dinosaur BonesBy Byron Barton*

Dinosaurs, DinosaursBy Byron Barton*

How Do Dinosaurs Clean Their Room?By Jane Yolen

How Do Dinosaurs Count To Ten?By Jane Yolen

How Do Dinosaurs Play With Their Friends?By Jane Yolen

How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?By Jane Yolen

How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You?By Jane Yolen

If Dinosaurs Came BackBy Bernard Most*

The Dinosaur Who lived In My BackyardBy B.G. Hennessy*

What If I Was A Dinosaur?By Sharlene Alexander

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Dear Families, Wow time is surely flying by! I cannot believe it is already March! I wanted to update you on some of

the things we will be doing this week. We will be exploring dinosaurs and how they lived long ago. The activities we will be doing are in the weekly chart. We will begin our dinosaur unit by going on a field trip to the University of Michigan Museum of Natural History where we will learn about different dinosaurs that lived long ago and, we will be exploring skeletons and historical artifacts. The children are very excited to go on the field trip and I cannot wait to see their excitement while we are there!

Activity Info: Writing~ The children are working really hard to write their names! Your support in helping them learn how to write their names is evident as they are getting better and better each day! Keep up the good work! This week the children will be writing their own page in a class book that we are making based on the book If Dinosaurs Came Back by Bernard Most.

Math~ This week we will be counting dinosaur bones (noodles). The children are continuing to learn to count to ten and above. Counting the dinosaur bones will give them practice counting as well as developing their fine motor skills with tweezing the noodles as they count.

Reading~ This week we will be reading many different dinosaur books listed in the weekly chart. Other suggested dinosaur books that can be checked out at the library include:

How Do Dinosaurs Clean Their Room? By Jane Yolen How Do Dinosaurs Count To Ten? By Jane Yolen How Do Dinosaurs Play With Their Friends?By Jane Yolen How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? By Jane Yolen How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? By Jane Yolen The Dinosaur Who lived In My Backyard By B.G. Hennessy What If I Was A Dinosaur? By Sharlene Alexander

This week ask your child about: What a dinosaur detective does? What a paleontologist is and how they find bones. What dinosaurs eat To sing the dinosaur songs to you (on back)

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Dinosaur songs:

Dinosaur Finger Play(Hold up your hand and move your fingers to the beat)

These are the dinosaurs so very bigWhen we start out let me see all five

Then opps! Say good-bye….one goes and hides

Five big dinosaurs stomping all aroundStompin’ and a boppin’Swaying to the sound

There goes one dinosaurOops say good-bye

Four big dinosaurs still left behind

(repeat with three, two and one)

….But Stop!And look, the five dinosaurs are back once again

Ready to play together as friends

Brontosaurus(sung to the tune of “Fara Jacque”)

Bront-o-sau-rus, Bront-o-sau-rusIn the tarpit, in the tarpit

He was very tallBut his brain was small

Bront-o-sau-rus, Bront-o-sau-rus