Download - BRIEF PROJECT REPORT - the District of Akola, Washim, Hingoli, Nanded,


Consultancy Services for Project Management Phase I

including Preparation of Detailed Project Report for up

gradation of Nanded –Hingoli – Washim - Akola Section of

NH-161 in the State of Maharashtra to Two/Four Lane with

Paved Shoulder Configuration (Package No- NH/IAHE/05)

Consultants:Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions

Marc House, Sector 6-7 (Dividing Road), Opp. Devi Lal Park,Bahadurgarh, Haryana-124507


End Point WarangaFata

Start Point

From Chaiange 4.635 (Akola) to Chaiange

92.200(upto Washim) of NH-161

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions


Executive Summary 1.1 General ................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 About the project .................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Necessity: ................................................................................................................ 1

1.3.1 Executive Summary ................................................................................................. 2

1.4 Project Description & Improvement Proposal .......................................................... 2

1.4.1 Existing Alignment ................................................................................................... 2

1.4.2 Right of Way ............................................................................................................ 4

1.4.3 Carriageway ............................................................................................................ 5

1.4.4 Pavement Condition ................................................................................................ 6

1.4.5 Built-up Areas .......................................................................................................... 6

1.4.6 Forest Area .............................................................................................................. 7

1.4.7 Terrain .................................................................................................................... 8

1.4.8 Existing Structures: .................................................................................................. 8

1.4.9 Existing VUP .......................................................................................................... 10

1.4.10 Culverts ................................................................................................................. 10

1.4.11 Existing Junctions & Intersections .......................................................................... 15

1.4.12 Road Side Drainage ................................................................................................ 18

1.4.13 Truck Laybyes ........................................................................................................ 19

1.4.14 Bus Bays & Bus Shelters ......................................................................................... 19

1.4.15 Critical Sections / Sensitive Areas. .......................................................................... 19

1.5 Technical Engineering Alternatives & Improvement Proposals ............................... 19

1.5.1 Right of Way .......................................................................................................... 19

Typical X-sections alongwith Chainage-wise details are attached as Appendix-1. .............. 21

1.5.2 Bypasses ................................................................................................................ 21

1.5.3 Realignments ......................................................................................................... 25

1.5.4 Service Road/ Slip Roads ........................................................................................ 25

1.5.5 Pavement Composition .......................................................................................... 27

1.5.6 Cross Drainage Structures ...................................................................................... 29

1.5.7 Grade Separated Structures ................................................................................... 42

1.5.8 Junctions and Intersections .................................................................................... 45

1.5.9 Road Side Drainage ................................................................................................ 47

1.5.10 Shoulders .............................................................................................................. 51

1.5.11 Footpaths .............................................................................................................. 51

1.5.12 Road Side Furniture ............................................................................................... 51

1.5.13 Bus Bays & Bus Shelters ......................................................................................... 54

1.5.14 Road Protection Works ........................................................................................ 55

1.5.15 Rest Areas & Other Project Facilities ...................................................................... 58

1.5.16 Landscaping and Tree Plantation......................................................................... 59

1.5.17 Toll Plaza ............................................................................................................... 59

1.5.18 Utility Shifting ....................................................................................................... 59

1.5.19 Trees ..................................................................................................................... 59

1.6 Methodology for Feasibility Study and Engineering Survey & Investigations ........... 60

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions

1.6.1 Topographic Survey ............................................................................................... 60

1.6.2 Existing Pavement Condition ................................................................................. 60

1.7 Socio-Economic Profile of the Project Influence Area ............................................. 61

1.8 Design Parameters ................................................................................................. 61

1.9 Traffic Surveys & Analysis ...................................................................................... 62

1.10 Environmental Screening and Preliminary Environmental Assessment ................... 65

1.11 Initial Social Assessment and Preliminary land Acquisition/Resettlement Plan ....... 66

1.11.1 Land Acquisition: ................................................................................................... 66

1.12 Cost Estimate: ....................................................................................................... 67

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 1

Executive Summary

1.1 General

Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, has initially entrusted the Indian Academy of Highway Engineers

(IAHE, the preparation of Detailed Project Reports & Project Management of part of selected

stretches/corridors of various National Highways in the States of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh,

Rajasthan and Karnataka to Two/Four Lane with paved shoulder configuration. Upgradation of Nanded –Hingoli – Washim - Akola Section of NH-161 in the State of Maharashtra, is part of this Program.

Subsequently the preparation of DPR and implementation is transferred to NHAI through tripartite

agreement dated 31.03.2016.

1.2 About the project

NH-161 starting from Akola on NH-53 connecting, Washim, Hingoli, Nanded, Diglur in the State of

Maharashtra and terminating at its junction with NH-65 near Sangareddi in the State of Telangana passes

through the District of Akola, Washim, Hingoli, Nanded, Kamareddy and Sangareddy in the State of

Telangana. It joins the cities of Akola, Washim, Hingoli, Nanded, Diglur, Sangareddy and Hyderabad in

Central-Southern India with each other. NH-161 serves as a vital trade link between the two states of

Maharashtra and Telangana. It is the important link road connecting NH-6 (Akola), NH-222, NH-204

(Nanded, NH-9 (Sangareddy) besides other State Highways, and other district roads. The existing road is of

2-lane capacity in distressed condition and would not be able to cater to the present and anticipated

traffic in the coming years and hence there is need for rehabilitation and capacity augmentation. For the

sake of construction, the project from Km 4.635 to Km 180.500 is divided into 4 packages.

The present project road starts from NH-53 (old NH-6) at Akola city (Km 4.635), in Akola District and

passes through the District of Washim and ends at Washim at Km 92.200. The total length of the Project is

92.200 kms.

1.3 Necessity:

The National Highway NH-161 connects Akola in Maharashtra at one end and Sangareddy in the State of

Telangana on the other. The present Project Akola to Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (design

chainage) lies in Akola and Washim District. The proposed improvement can be viewed as boosting

economic growth and poverty reduction which will bring substantial social and economic development in

the region. The social benefits arising due to the project will be enhanced due to improved accessibility to

various services such as easy access to markets, health facilities, schools and workplace which in turn

increases the income of the locals, and ultimately elevating their standard of living.

Quick mode of transport and smooth and sturdy roads will help overall development of the project

influenced region of Maharashtra. Upgradation of this section will further improve level of service

alongwith, substantial socio-economic grain in terms of reduced Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC), and

reduced travel time will be achieved.

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 2

1.3.1 Executive Summary

This Executive Summary is prepared as part of Final Feasibility Report and as per revisions and

modifications, based on the discussions held with the NHAI for the road section from Akola – Washim

from existing Km 4.635 to Km 93.921 (Design Chainage from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200).

1.4 Project Description & Improvement Proposal

1.4.1 Existing Alignment

The project road starts from NH-53 (old NH-6 at Akola city (Km 4.635) in Akola District and passes through

Patur and Medshi and ends at Wahim from Km 4.635 to Km 93.921, design chainage from Km 0.000 to

Km. 92.200 The length of the Project is 92.200 kms.

The project highway lies mainly in plain, rolling & hilly terrain (3.110 km).

The land use along the project highway is mostly agriculture and built up stretches.

6.51 kms length (16. 988Ha of land ) is passing through the forest area.

The Project road crosses the railway crossing LC No.115 (Akola-Hingoli Lane).

There is a proposal of construction of Nagpur-Mumbai Super Communication Expressway, which shall

cross NH-161 at around Km 54.700. There shall be a Flyover for cross passage.

The Project road cross river Morena at Km 49.940.

There is no wild life sanctuary or sensitive area along the project road.

The major built-up areas of Malegaon and Washim are congested and require bypasses.

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 3

Package-I : Akola – Medshi

from Km 0.000 to Km 47.700

(Design Chainage) Package-II : Medshi - Washim

from Km 47.700 to Km 92.200

(Design Chainage)

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 4

1.4.2 Right of Way

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi

The existing ROW generally varies from 22.00m to 30.00m. The ROW is not marked on the Revenue Maps

nor Boundary pillars are available.


Existing Chainage (km) Existing ROW

(m) From To

1 4.635 8.000 30

2 8.000 11.000 32

3 11.000 16.000 30

4 16.000 19.000 32

5 19.000 20.000 30

6 20.000 24.000 22

7 24.000 36.600 26

8 36.600 40.000 30

9 40.000 44.000 26

10 44.000 47.200 22

11 47.200 51.165 26

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim

The existing ROW generally varies from 26 m to 30m.


Existing Chainage (km) Existing ROW

(m) From To

1 51.165 57.665 26

2 57.665 57.800 26

3 57.800 Malegaon Bypass

(58.800) 26

4 Malegaon Bypass


Malegaon Bypass

(61.000) 30

5 Malegaon Bypass

(61.000) 63.460 30

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 5

6 63.460 63.600 26

7 63.600 66.000 26

8 66.000 67.600 30

9 67.600 68.800 30

10 68.800 75.380 26

11 75.380 75.500 26

12 75.500 80.000 30

13 82.000 86.365 26

13 86.365 87.000 26

14 87.000 88.000 28

15 88.000 93.921 26

1.4.3 Carriageway

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi

The present carriageway of the Project Highway is 2-Lane.

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim

The present carriageway of the Project Highway is mainly 2-Lane except at minor sections where

it is 2-Lane with Paved Shoulder, and 4-Lane.


Existing Chainage (km) Existing


width (m)

Remarks From To

1 51.165 57.665 7m

2 57.665 57.800 7m

3 57.800 Malegaon Bypass

(58.800) 7m Realignment

4 Malegaon Bypass


Malegaon Bypass

(61.000) 7m

5 Malegaon Bypass

(61.000)* 61.260 10m

Proposed Malegaon

Bypass (LHS)

6 61.260* 61.890 15m Proposed Malegaon

Bypass (LHS)

7 61.890* 63.460 7m Proposed Malegaon

Bypass (LHS)

8 63.460 63.600 7m

9 63.600 66.000 7m

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 6

10 66.000 67.600 7m

11 67.600 68.800 7m

12 68.800 75.380 7m

13 75.380 75.500 7m

14 75.500 81.450 7m Proposed Washim


15 81.450* 82.600 7m Proposed Washim


16 82.600* 86.425 7m Proposed Washim


17 86.425 86.570 7m

18 86.570 87.000 7m

19 87.000 88.000 7m

20 88.000 93.921 7m

The details of existing bypasses are as follows:


Name of




From Km - to



(in Km)





(m) Type

1. Malegaon Km 58.850 to

Km 61.000 2.150 30m 7 m Flexible

1.4.4 Pavement Condition

The existing pavement of the project highway is bituminous and the condition is from very poor to fair.

The pavement composition of the existing pavement is generally same as bituminous, Water Bound

Macadam Base and sub-base with boulders. The wearing coat (Bituminous) is average 100 mm; base

course is average 100 mm in case of WBM Base and 100 mm Boulders Sub-base. The bituminous course

consists of one to two layers and appears to be in poor to fair in condition.

1.4.5 Built-up Areas

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi

Main built-up areas along the existing project stretch are given below.



Chainage Km. Length

(m) Side

Name of

Town/Village From To

1 4635 5635 1000 Both side Akola

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 7

2 10800 11800 1000 RHS Kheragaon

3 13400 14300 900 Both side Lakhanwada

4 16400 17175 775 RHS Kapsi

5 20900 21540 640 Both side Chikhalgaon

6 30120 33950 3830 Both side Patur

7 35000 35350 350 Both side Bodkha

8 47370 50775 3405 Both side Medshi

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim

Main built-up areas along the existing project stretch are given below.



Chainage Km. Length

(km) Side

Name of

Town/Village From To

1 64.940 65.625 0.685 Both side Amanigaon

2 68.150 68.500 0.350 Both side Zodgagaon

3 71.175 71.850 0.675 Both side Savergaon

1.4.6 Forest Area

Akola to Washim

The project stretch is passing through the forest area at the following locations.

Sr. No. Division Taluka Village

Name Comptt



no. Length of

Road(m) Area in Ha.



Akola Chikalgaon 198 65 315 0.85

199 75 490 0.40



Bodkha 71 8 200 0.14

3 Chinchkhed

68 23



69 24 1.12

68 25 2.99

68 33 1.69

4 Sawarkhed 67 49

350 0.37

E-99 50 0.18

5 Malrajura 68 73

250 0.08

68 74 0.34

6 Malegaon Medshi E-103




145 0.14

146 0.61

E-101 310 200 0.97

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 8

Sr. No. Division Taluka Village

Name Comptt



no. Length of

Road(m) Area in Ha.

7 Washim Dhumka E-64 72 200 1.00

Total 4305 m 16.64 Ha

1.4.7 Terrain

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi

Sr. No. Existing Chainage (km)

Length (Km) Terrain Start End

1 4635 33000 28365 Plain

2 33000 36940 3940 Rolling

3 36940 40050 3110 Hill area

4 40050 47000 6950 Rolling

5 47000 51165 4165 Plain

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim

Sr. No. Existing Chainage (km)

Length (Km) Terrain Start End

1 51165 64400 13.235 Plain

2 64400 68000 3.600 Rolling

3 68000 86700 18.700 Plain

4 86700 88000 1.300 Rolling

5 88000 93200 5.200 Plain

6 93200 97921 4.721 Rolling

1.4.8 Existing Structures:

(i) Major Bridges:

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 9

The project road has 1 major bridge :

Sr. No Existing


Type of Structure 1. No. of Spans with span length (m)


Width (m) Foundation Substructure Superstructure

1 49.940 Open RCC Slab 11x 10.75 8.50

The road section at this location is proposed to be bypassed, as such the above bridge location is excluded

from the finalized alignment for improvement proposal

(ii) Minor Bridges:

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi

The project road has 14 minor bridges : Span Arrangement (Existing) Nos

x Span (m)

Width of Bridge (m) Chainage/ Km.

1 13.280 2 x 5 8.2 2 17.045 1 x 6.5 12.2 3 22.290 3 x 2.5 12.0 4 27.300 2 x 4 8.4 5 29.085 5 x 2.4 8.3 6 29.340 2 x 4.7 7.4 7 31.110 1 x 7.3 8.07 8 31.670 2 x 5.0 7.85 9 32.800 2 x 6.0 8.58 10 35.595 2 x 3 13.2 11 36.050 2 x 4 9.0 12 37.975 2 x 6.5 12.6 13 47.100 2 x 5.4 8.9 14 48.350 1 x 9.0 8.04

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim

The project road has 19 minor bridges :




Type of Structure Span



Nos X Span (m)





Location/ Km. Foundat


Substructure Superstru


1 57.665 Open SM RCC 3 x 4.6 9.00

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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2 58+900* Open RCC RCC 1x7.0 7.5

3 61+000* Open RCC RCC 4 x 7.0 8.25

4 63+325* Open RCC RCC 2 x 4.2 10.26

5 0.659 (Malegaon

bypass) Open RCC RCC 3 x 7 12.00

6 2.783 (Malegaon

bypass) Open RCC RCC 2 x 4.2 20.30

7 64.900 Open RCC RCC 3 x 8 8.10

8 66.180 Open RCC RCC 3 x 6 8.20

9 66.480 Open RCC RCC 3 x 5.7 16.50

10 67.530 Open RCC RCC 2 x 6.7 8.30

11 68.630 Open RCC RCC 3 x 5.5 8.10

12 71.920 Open RCC RCC 2 x 5 8.40

13 73.135 Open SM RCC 2 x 5 8.40

14 76.535* Open RCC RCC 1 x 7 8.53

15 80.280* Open RCC RCC 2 x 5.8 16.99

16 81.070* Open RCC RCC 2 x 6.0 16.55

17 81.900* Open RCC RCC 5 x 4.0 16.40


83.350* Open SM Arch


cum PUP

1 x 6.1 8.40

19 86.145* Open RCC RCC Slab 1 x 6.1 11.94

1.4.9 Existing VUP

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi

Sr. No. Location

Chainage Km

No. of Span

1 Akola 7+460 2x9.2m

1.4.10 Culverts

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 11

There are 82 nos RCC pipe culverts, 5 nos slab culverts and 8 nos box culverts along the project


(i) Pipe Culverts:

Sr. No. Existing Chainage (km) No.of Rows x


Width of Culvert


1 5.350 1 x 1.000 12.5

2 5.735 1 x 0.900 12.5

3 7.735 1 x 1.000 12.5

4 7.820 1 x 0.900 12.5

5 8.520 3 x 0.900 17.5

6 8.770 1 x 0.900 12.5

7 8.980 3 x 1.200 12.5

8 9.600 3 x 1.200 15.3

9 9.920 1 x 0.600 12.5

10 10.000 1 x 1.200 12.5

11 10.275 2 x 0.900 17.5

12 10.450 1 x 0.800 12.5

13 10.765 2 x 1.000 14.32

14 11.100 1 x 1.000 17.5

15 11.275 1 x 0.450 10.0

16 11.430 2 x 1.000 12.5

17 11.700 1 x 0.300 12.5

18 11.870 2 x 1.500 13.0

19 12.080 1 x 0.300 9.95

20 12.310 3 x 1.000 13.5

21 12.460 1 x 0.300 10.3

22 12.915 3 x 1.000 16.94

23 13.120 2 x 1.000 17.41

24 14.400 1 x 0.600 11.3

25 14.905 1 x 1.000 12.5

26 15.070 1 x 0.900 19.61

27 15.390 2 x 1.000 9.3

28 15.615 2 x 1.000 14.75

29 16.460 2 x 0.900 11.88

30 16.590 1 x 0.900 11.82

31 16.855 1 x 0.900 10.44

32 18.000 1 x 0.900 11.82

33 18.055 1 x 0.800 12.7

34 18.110 1 x 0.900 12.48

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 12

Sr. No. Existing Chainage (km) No.of Rows x


Width of Culvert


35 18.225 1 x 0.900 12.53

36 18.565 1 x 0.800 12.32

37 18.970 2 x 0.900 12.42

38 19.020 1 x 1.000 12.50

39 19.660 1 x 0.900 15.39

40 20.100 1 x 1.000 14.80

41 20.790 1 x 0.800 12.63

42 21.330 1 x 0.800 13.03

43 21.590 1 x 1.000 16.44

44 22.075 1 x 1.000 12.44

45 22.435 2 x 0.800 12.36

46 23.015 1 x 0.800 12.47

47 23.171 1 x 1.000 12.66

48 23.415 1 x 0.800 12.54

49 24.400 1 x 0.800 18.33

50 24.645 2 x 0.800 15.21

51 26.170 1 x 0.800 23.00

52 28.065 1 x 0.900 11.68

53 28.225 1 x 0.900 25.20

54 28.745 1 x 0.900 12.74

55 28.825 1 x 0.900 23.77

56 29.925 2 x 1.000 12.74

57 30.250* 1x0.900 28.90

58 32.295* 1x0.900 11.35

59 32.515* 1x.800 10.06

60 33.295* 1x.900 11.55

61 33.550* 1x1.000 10.90

62 33.760* 2x.900 20.95

63 34.215 2 x 1.000 21.83

64 34.345 2 x 1.200 10.02

65 34.750 2 x 1.000 21.93

66 35.310 1 x 0.600 13.15

67 36.475 2 x 0.900 12.43

68 37.060 2 x 1.000 14.5

69 37.200 3 x 1.000 18.19

70 37.530 5 x 1.000 12.31

71 38.500 1 x 0.900 14.07

72 39.000 1 x 0.900 12.3

73 39.135 1 x 0.900 14.11

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 13

Sr. No. Existing Chainage (km) No.of Rows x


Width of Culvert


74 39.365 1 x 0.900 15.7

75 42.265 3 x 0.900 9.8

76 42.825 3 x 1.000 10.5

77 43.740 1 x 0.900 17.0

78 44.640 1 x 1.000 16.15

79 45.855 2 x 0.900 14.8

80 46.215 1 x 0.900 12.5

81 48.210* 2x.900 13.07

82 48.745* 2x1.000 16.18

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim

There are 25 nos RCC pipe culverts, 7 nos slab culverts and 2 nos box culverts along the project


(i) Pipe Culverts:

Sr. No. Existing chainage (km) No.of Rows Width of Culvert (m)

1 52.035 1 x 0.900 11.15

2 52.540 1 x 0.900 12.07

3 53.520 1 x 1.000 14.99

4 55.305 1 x 0.900 10.77

5 55.460 1 x 1.200 12.50

6 56.100 2 x 1.000 20.16

7 56.550 2 x 1.000 16.47

8 56.770 1 x 1.000 12.50

9 Malegaon existing Bypass 2 x 1.200 20.15

10 Malegaon existing Bypass 2 x 1.000 27.50

11 Malegaon existing Bypass 1 x 0.750 17.44

12 59.975* 1x0.900 30.50

13 60.375* 1x0.900 9.60

14 60.500* 1x0.600 9.10

15 60.710* 1x0.900 15.80

16 62.480* 3x1.000 12.23

17 64.100 4 x 0.900 14.14

18 67.255 3 x 1.000 17.21

19 69.535 2 x 1.200 13.07

20 69.985 2 x 1.200 21.84

21 70.855 3 x 1.000 17.60

22 72.325 2 x 1.000 24.69

23 74.100 5 x 0.900 -

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Sr. No. Existing chainage (km) No.of Rows Width of Culvert (m)

24 92.285 2 x 1.000 12.10

(ii) Box Culverts:

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi

Sr.No. Existing chainage


Type of


Span Arrangement

(no.x span)

Width of Culvert


1 9.285 Slab 1 x 4.00 12.5

2 20.410 Box 1 x 5.000 12.12

3 22.625 Box 4 x 0.600 12.15 4 25.230 Box 1 x 0.900 + 1x0.600 14.12

5 25.360 Box 1 x 0.900 11.23 6 25.590 Box 1 x 0.600 11.71 7 26.390 Box 2 x 0.900 11.58 8 26.435 Box 1 x 0.500 11.14 9 26.770 Box 1 x 0.600 13.07

10 26.940 Slab 1 x 5.000 14.03 11 27.500 Slab 1 x 4.500 11.13 12 28.600 Slab 1 x 4.800 11.14

13 45.475 Slab 1 x 2.00 8.50

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim

Sr.No. Existing chainage


Type of


Span Arrangement Width of Culvert


1 55.670 Box 1 x 0.600 9.77

2 79.235* Box 2 x 0.500 15.02

(iii) Slab Culverts :

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi

Sr.No. Existing chainage


Type of


Span Arrangement

(no.x span)

Width of Culvert


1 9.285 Slab 1 x 4.00 12.5

2 20.410 Box 1 x 5.000 12.12

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Project Report

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Sr.No. Existing chainage


Type of


Span Arrangement

(no.x span)

Width of Culvert


3 22.625 Box 4 x 0.600 12.15 4 25.230 Box 1 x 0.900 + 1x0.600 14.12

5 25.360 Box 1 x 0.900 11.23 6 25.590 Box 1 x 0.600 11.71 7 26.390 Box 2 x 0.900 11.58 8 26.435 Box 1 x 0.500 11.14 9 26.770 Box 1 x 0.600 13.07

10 26.940 Slab 1 x 5.000 14.03 11 27.500 Slab 1 x 4.500 11.13 12 28.600 Slab 1 x 4.800 11.14

13 45.475 Slab 1 x 2.00 8.50

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim

Sr.No. Existing chainage


Type of




Width of Culvert (m)

1 59.550* Slab 1 x 4.500 8.80

2 77.135* Slab 1 x 4.700 8.60

3 77.605* Slab 3 x 1.000 20.01 4 82.760* Slab 1x3.000 8.47

5 86.800 Slab 1 x 4.500 8.52 6 87.590 Slab 1 x 4.500 8.64 7 89.200 Slab 1 x 3.000 11.53

(iv) Arch Culverts :

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi

Sr.No. Existing chainage

(km) Span Arrangement Width of Culvert (m)

1 12.755 2 x 1.750 12.5

2 45.175 2 x 2.5 17.0

1.4.11 Existing Junctions & Intersections

(i) Major Junctions

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Project Report

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The project has the following Major Junctions :-

Sr.No. Location /

Chainage (km)

Category of Cross


Type of Junction

1 4.635 Old NH-6 Cross Junction

2 7.460 NH-53 Cross Junction


3 32.060 SH-198 Y Junction

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim

Sr.No. Location /





Separated Category of Cross Road



1 53.760 -

2 56.225 -

3 58.255 - SH-207

4 60.760 - SH-207

5 62.345* - SH-207

6 81.680* - SH-183

7 82.500* - SH-183

(i) Minor Junctions

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi

The details of minor junctions are as follows:

Sr. No.

Location /

Chainage (km)

Type of Junction Carriageway

Width (Jn) T-Junction Cross Road

1 7.265 Y-Junction - 5.5

2 8.510 T-Junction - 3.5

3 9.425

Cross-Junction 5.5

4 9.915 T-Junction - 3.5

5 11.735 T-Junction - 3.5

6 12.800 T-Junction - 3.5

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Project Report

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Sr. No.

Location /

Chainage (km)

Type of Junction Carriageway

Width (Jn) T-Junction Cross Road

7 12.825 T-Junction - 3.5

8 15.355 T-Junction - 3.5

9 16.315 T-Junction - 3.5

10 16.900 Y-Junction - 3.5

11 18.390 T-Junction - 3.5

12 21.640 T-Junction - 3.5

13 24.850 T-Junction - 3.5

14 25.300 Y-Junction - 3.5

15 27.080 Y-Junction - 5.5

16 31.450 - Cross-Junction 3.5

17 34.950 Y-Junction - 3.5

18 36.875 Y-Junction - 3.5

19 41.285 T-Junction - 3.5

20 42.470 T-Junction - 3.5

21 42.890 T-Junction - 3.5

22 43.520 Y-Junction - 3.5

23 46.100 Y-Junction - 3.5

24 48.615 Y-Junction - 3.50

25 48.620 T-Junction - 3.50

26 48.910 T-Junction - 3.25

27 Medshi Bypass T-Junction - 3.5

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim

Sr. No.

Location /

Chainage (km)

Type of Junction

Carriageway Width (Jn) T-Junction Cross Road

1 51+325 Y-Junction 3.5

2 53+360 Y-Junction 3.5

3 56+225 Y-Junction 3.5

4 56+770 T-Junction 3.5

5 56+790 Y-Junction 3.5

6 57+155 T-Junction 3.5

7 65+045 T-Junction 3.5

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Sr. No.

Location /

Chainage (km)

Type of Junction

Carriageway Width (Jn) T-Junction Cross Road

8 66+645 T-Junction 3.5

9 68+600 T-Junction 3.5

10 72+750 T-Junction 3.5

11 73+780 T-Junction 3.5

12 75+070 T-Junction 3.5

13 Washim Bypass


Junction 3.5

14 Washim Bypass


Junction 3.5

15 79+850*


Junction 3.75

16 82+450*


Junction 5.5/7m

17 83+085*


Junction 5.5/7m

18 83+300* Y-Junction 3.75

19 84+090* T-Junction 7.5

20 87+465 T-Junction 3.5

21 87+545 Y-Junction 3.5

22 89+180 T-Junction 3.5

23 89+680 Y-Junction 3.5

24 90+820 T-Junction 3.5

25 93+785 T-Junction 3.5

1.4.12 Road Side Drainage

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi

The existing road does not have proper provision of longitudinal drains. Roadside drains exists at following

locations. Chainage (km) Side

Length (m)

From To

1 47.495 47.640 RHS 145

2 48.350 48.445 LHS 95

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configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Project Report

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Package 2:- Medshi to Washim



Existing Chainage (km) Side

Length (m)

From To

1 61.240 61.760 RHS 520

2 61.260 61.780 LHS 520

3 80.285 80.465 LHS 180

4 82.170 82.610 Both 440

5 82.670 82.720 RHS 55

6 83.210 83.240 LHS 30

1.4.13 Truck Laybyes

There are no Truck Laybyes for truck parkingss along the Project Highway.

1.4.14 Bus Bays & Bus Shelters

There are no Bus Bays along the Project Highway. However, Bus Shelters at 13 locations.

1.4.15 Critical Sections / Sensitive Areas.

There are no sensitive areas or critical sections along the Project Highway.

2. Technical Engineering Alternatives & Improvement Proposals

The Project is proposed to be to be implemented in two Packages:

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi from existing Km 4.635 to Km 51.165(km. 0.000 to km. 47.700

design chainage)

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim from existing Km 51.165 to Km 93.921 (km. 47.700 to km.

92.200 design chainage)

2.1.1 Right of Way

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

The Proposed ROW is 60 m for the project Highway. However, in built-up areas the ROW of 46.50m is

proposed to avoid demolition of structures.

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Sr. No. Design Chainage Proposed

Width (m)


From To

1 0000 1000 30m Existing NH

2 1000 6165 60m Existing NH

3 6165 6920 46.5m Existing NH

4 6920 7165 53.5m Existing NH

5 7165 8765 60m Existing NH

6 8765 9400 53.5m Existing NH

7 9400 9665 46.5 Existing NH

8 9665 11760 60m Existing NH

9 11760 11850 46.5m Existing NH

10 11850 16200 60m Existing NH

11 16200 16800 53.5m Existing NH

12 16800 16910 46.5m Existing NH

13 16910 18950 60m Existing NH

14 18950 19500




15 19500 22400 60m Existing NH

16 22400 22600




17 22600 23000 60m Existing NH

18 23000 23200




19 23200 23800 60m Existing NH

20 23800 24000




21 24000 25200 60m Existing NH

22 25200 31600 60m Proposed Bypass

23 31600 32405 60m Existing NH

24 32405 32760 46.5m Existing NH

25 32760 34350 60m Existing NH

26 34350 35800 45m Existing NH

27 35800 36570




28 36570 37300 45m Existing NH

29 37300 42850 60m Existing NH

30 42850 43200




31 43200 44400 60m Existing NH

32 44400 47500 60m Proposed Bypass

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Sr. No. Design Chainage Proposed

Width (m)


From To

33 47500 47700 60m Existing NH

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200) The Proposed ROW is 60 m for the project Highway. However, in built-up areas the existing ROW of 43.5

m and 46.50m are proposed to avoid demolition of structures.

The following widening options are proposed for the Project Highway.

1. Widening to the Left/Right of the Existing Carriageway

2. Concentric Widening of Existing Carriageway:

3. Short Realignments for curve improvement.

4. Bypasses for congested built-up areas

The Summary of proposed Widening Scheme is given below:

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

Proposals Design Length(Km)

Bypasses 9.500

Realignments for Curve Improvement 2.270

One side Widening 28.791

Concentric Widening 7.189

Total Design Length 47.700

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

The Summary of proposed Widening Scheme is given below:

Proposals Design Length(Km)

Bypasses 15.925

Realignments for Curve Improvement 0.693

LHS Widening 16.659

RHS Widening 10.823

Concentric Widening 0.400

Total Design Length 44.500

Typical X-sections alongwith Chainage-wise details are attached as Appendix-1.

2.1.2 Bypasses

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Project Report

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The existing alignment of NH-161 passes through towns of Patur and Medshi where the present road

becomes narrower and there is a no space for further improvement. To reduce the demolition of built-up

structures, to avoid the problem of traffic congestion and ensure safe movement of vehicle, alternative

routes have been proposed in terms of bypasses to divert the traffic from town areas.

Based on Reconnaissance and detailed site surveys, the locations are finalized for alternative alignment

option study. Public Consultations have been held under the Chairmanship of SDO Civil Balapur for

bypasses and existing route alignments, the alignments have been finalized.



Name of Bypass Existing Chainage


Side w.r.t



Design Chainage (km) Length


From To From To

1. Patur Town 29.900 34.200 RHS 25.200 31.600 6.400 km

2. Medshi Village 47.200 50.965 LHS 44.400 47.500 3.100 km


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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Project Report

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Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200) The existing alignment of NH-161 passes through towns of Medshi and Washim where the present road

becomes narrower and there is a no space for further improvement. To reduce the demolition of built-up

structures and to avoid the problem of traffic congestion and ensure safe movement of vehicle, alternative

routes have been proposed in terms of bypasses to divert the traffic from town areas.

Based on Reconnaissance and detailed site surveys, the locations are finalized for alternative alignment

option study. Public Consultations have been held under the Chairmanship of District Collector, Washim for

the proposed bypass alignments and the existing alignments, and after public consultations, the alignments

have been finalized.



Name of Bypass Existing Chainage (km) Side w.r.t



Design Chainage (km) Length

(Km) From To From To

1. Malegaon Town 61.000 63.600

LHS 57.130 60.725 3.595

2. Washim City 75.380 86.600 RHS 72.500 84.830 12.330

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Malegaon Bypass

Washim Bypass

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configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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2.1.3 Realignments

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

Short Realignments have been proposed at the following locations for curve improvement. Existing Chainage (km) Design Chainage (Km) Length (m) Remarks

From To From To

1 23+600 24+160 18+950 19+500 550

Realignment for

Curve Improvement

2 27+080 27+300 22+400 22+600 200

Realignment for

Curve Improvement

3 27+700 27+900 23+000 23+200 200

Realignment for

Curve Improvement

4 28+500 28+700 23+800 24+000 200

Realignment for

Curve Improvement

5 38+400 39+340 35+800 36+570 770

Realignment for

Curve Improvement

6 45+600 46+000 42+850 43+200 350

Realignment for

Curve Improvement

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

Realignment have been proposed at the following location.



Existing Chainage (km) Design Chainage (Km) Length Km Remarks

From To From To






54+207 54+900 6.93 Realignment for

Curve Improvement

2.1.4 Service Road/ Slip Roads

In Built-up areas, service roads /slip Roads have been proposed on both sides as per site condition and

traffic pattern for facilitating cross road and local traffic movement.

(i) Service Roads

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

Sr. No.

Design Chainage (km) Length (km) Carriageway

Width (m) Location


1 1.000 3.925 2925 2925 7.5m HinganaMahispur

2 6.165 6.665 500 500 7.5m Chandur

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Project Report

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Sr. No.

Design Chainage (km) Length (km) Carriageway

Width (m) Location


3 9.400 9.665 265 265 7.5m Mahispur/Lakhanwada

4 11.625 11.850 225 225 7.5m Kapsi

5 16.000 16.200 200 200 7.5m Chikalgaon

6 16.800 17.100 300 300 7.5m Chikalgaon

7 32.405 32.760 355 355 7.5m Bhodka

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)



Design Chainage (km) Length (m) Carriageway

Width (m)



1 62.400 62.750 350 350 7.5m Amanigaon

2 68.300 68.425 125 125 7.5m Saver Gaon

(ii) Slip Roads

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

Sr.No. Design Chainage Length (m) Carriageway

width (m) Location


1 3.925 4.875 950 950 7.5m HinganaMahispur/ Somthana

2 6.665 7.450 785 785 7.5m Chandur

3 8.765 9.400 635 635 7.5m Mahispur

4 16.200 16.800 600 600 7.5m Chikhalgaon

5 20.750 21.400 650 650 7.5m Nandkhed/Sirla

6 11.850 12.525 675 675 7.5m Kapsi

7 25.000 25.875 875 875 7.5m JiraitPatur/ Bagaitpur

8 26.650 27.650 1000 1000 7.5m AmraiPatur

9 30.750 31.700 950 950 7.5m AmraiPatur/ Bagaitpur/Bodkha

10 37.975 38.725 750 750 7.5m Chinchkhed/Malrajura/ Sawarkhed

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Sr.No. Design Chainage Length (m) Carriageway

width (m) Location


11 46.050 47.125 1075 1075 7.5m Medshi-Bramhanwada

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)



Design Chainage (km) Length (m) Carriageway

width (m) Location


1 49.800 50.575 775 775 7.5m Bramhanwada

2 54.175 55.250 1075 1075 7.5m Davi

3 56.825 57.330 505 505 7.5m Nangardas

4 60.000 60.825 825 825 7.5m Malegaon

5 61.825 62.400 575 575 7.5m Amani

6 65.225 65.775 550 550 7.5m Zodga Bk

7 68.425 68.975 550 550 7.5m Savergaon Barde

8 72.000 73.550 1550 1550 7.5m Washim Bypass

9 74.525 75.350 825 825 7.5m Washim Bypass

10 78.100 79.300 1200 1200 7.5m Washim Bypass

11 80.650 81.750 1100 1100 7.5m Washim Bypass

12 82.600 83.020 420 420 7.5m Washim Bypass

13 83.084 83.720 635 635 7.5m Washim Bypass

14 84.175 87.300 3125 3125 7.5m Washim Bypass

15 87.300 88.200 900 900 7.5m Dhumka Junction

2.1.5 Pavement Composition

Flexible Pavement

The existing pavement is mainly flexible. The CBR values of Borrow Area Soils is >8%, it is proposed

to adopt a minimum design CBR of 8% for new pavement design as per clause 5.1 of IRC:37 – 2012.

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Project Report

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The Pavement Design Thickness as per IRC : 37 – 2012 for various sections are :

Section CBR





Sub-base and

Base Course

Thickness (mm)

Wearing & Binding

Course Thickness





Km 4.635 – Km 29.900 8 % 20 200 250 85 40 575

Km 29.900 – Km 51.165 8 % 60 200 250 105 40 595

Km 51.165 – Km 52.200 8 % 60 200 250 105 40 595

Km 52.200 – 76.600 8 % 70 200 250 105 40 595

Km 76.600 – Km 93.921 8 % 50 200 250 100 40 590

Rigid Pavement

The rigid pavement design for various sections is as under:

Section Chainage

New Pavement (mm)




Existing Km Km 4.635 – Km

29.900 150 150 310 610

Existing Km 29.900 – Km


(Design Chainage 0.000 to


150 150 320 620


Existing Km 51.165 – Km


Design Km 47.700 to Km


150 150 320 620

As per Minutes of the meeting dated, 28th September, 2015, chaired by Hon’ble Minister, (Road Transport & Highways), Govt. of India issued vide IAHE letter no.IAHE/DPR/Tech-Review/Ongoing/ 24/2015-16

dated 06th November, 2015 Rigid Pavement has been proposed for the Main carriageway, service roads,

and slip roads, bus bays and toll plaza locations.

During the meeting with PD, PIU NHAI for review of the Technical Schedules and cost estimates, it was

decided by the NHAI to adopt the following pavement composition for main carriageway, bus bays and toll

plaza locations, due to cost consideration.

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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(i) Main carriageway

New Pavement (mm)

GSB DLC PQC Total Thickness


150 150 300 600

(ii) Service Roads/Slip Roads

Length (km)

New Pavement (mm)

GSB DLC PQC Total Thickness


150 150 150 200 500

2.1.6 Cross Drainage Structures

The existing bridges in good condition are retained, some of them are required to be widened to 3

Lane and a new 3-Lane bridge shall be proposed at the same location on new carriageway. The old

and narrow bridges and bridges constructed in masonry are proposed to be reconstructed with 6-

Lane. New bridges are proposed at bypasses where required. The Bridge-wise Improvement proposal

are given below:

1. Major Bridges

Sr. No. Existing






Type of Structure Span Arrangement

(m) Overall

Width (m)

1 Medshi


44+875 PSC /T Beam



2. Minor Bridges

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

(i) Widening of Existing Bridge:



Existing Chainage


Span Arrangement

Nos x span (m)

Type of Structure Carriageway width

Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Main






Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Existing Chainage


Span Arrangement

Nos x span (m)

Type of Structure Carriageway width

Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Main






1 37.975 35+380 2 x 7.0 2 x 7.0 SM/RCC RCC Box 2x13 -

(ii) Existing Bridges are to be reconstructed:



Existing Chainage


Span Arrangement

Nos x span (m)

Type of Structure Overall width

Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Main







1 13.280 8+645 2 x 5 2 x 5.0 Stone


RCC Box 2x16 -

2 17.045 12+405 1 x 6.5 1 x 6.5 Arch RCC Box 2x14.5 2x10.8

3 22.290 17+650 3 x 2.5 1 x 8.0 Arch RCC Box 2x16 -

4 27.300 22+625 2 x 4 1 x 8.0 Arch RCC Box 2x16 -

5 29.085 24+385 5 x 2.4 2 x 7.0 Stone



RCC Box 2x16 -

6 29.340 24+635 2 x 4.7 2 x 5.0 Stone



RCC Box 2x16 -

7 35.595 33+005 2 x 3 1 x 7.0 Stone



RCC Box 2x16 -

8 36.050 33+465 2 x 4 1 x 8.0 Stone



RCC Box 2x16 -

9 47.100 44+310 2 x 5.4 2 x 6.0 Stone



RCC Box 2x16 -

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(ii) New Bridges :



Location Design





Nos x span (m)

Type of


Overall width (m)





1 Patur Bypass 25+520 1 x 8.00 RCC Box 2x14.5 2x10.8

2 Patur Bypass 26+285 2 x 12.50 RCC T-beam 2x16 -

3 Patur Bypass 31+100 2 x 12.50 RCC T-beam 2x14.5 2x10.8

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

Summary of Minor Bridges :

i) Retain with repairs and rehabilitation : 1 no.

ii) Widening and new additional bridges : 4 no.

iii) Reconstruction +Service road bridges : 5 no.

iv) New construction : 4 Nos.

i) Existing Bridges to be retained and Additional New 3-Lane Bridge Proposed: S.


Existing Chainage


Span Arrangement

Nos x span (m)

Type of Structure Overall width

Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Main






1 66.480 63+615 3 x 5.7 3 x 5.7 RCC RCC Box 2x16 -

ii) Existing Bridge to be widened and New 3-Lane Bridge Proposed



Existing Chainage (km) Span Arrangement

Nos x span (m)

Type of Structure Carriageway width

Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Main






1 66.180 63+315 3 x 6.0 3 x 6.0 RCC RCC Box 2x16 -

2 67.530 64+665 2 x 6.7 2 x 6.7 RCC RCC Box 2x16 -

3 71+920 69+040 2 x 5 2x5 RCC RCC Box 2x21 -

4 73+135 70+260 2 x 5 2x5.00 RCC RCC Box 2x16 -

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 32

iii) Existing Bridges are to be reconstructed and New 3-Lane Bridge proposed.



Existing Chainage (km) Span Arrangement

Nos x span (m)

Type of Structure Overall width

Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Main







1 57.665 54+200 3 x 4.6 3 x 4.6 Stone


RCC Box 2x14.5 2x10.8

2 (Malegaon


54+965 3 x 7 2 x 11.0 RCC RCC T beam 2x14.5 2x10.8

3 (Malegaon


57+100 2 x 4.2 1 x 10.0 RCC RCC solid


2x14.5 2x10.8

4 64.900 62+040 3 x 8 2 x 12.0 RCC RCC T-beam 2x14.5 2x10.8

5 68.630 65+760 3x5.5 3x5.5 RCC RCC Box 2x14.5 2x10.8

(ii) New bridges at the following locations on the Project Highway shall be constructed.



Location Design






Nos x span


Type of


Overall width (m)





1 Washim

bypass 76+500 2 x 5.00

RCC Box 2x16m -

2 Washim

bypass 77+070 2 x 5.00

RCC Box 2x16m -

3 Washim

bypass 79+290 1 x 10.00

RCC Solid


2x14.5m 2x10.8

4 Washim

bypass 80+590 2 X 5.00

RCC Box 2x16m 2x10.8

3. Culverts:

The summary of Improvement Proposal of existing culverts (structure-wise) are given below:

Total No. Culverts : 238 Nos.

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Pipe to Box : 56 Nos.

Slab to Box : 3 Nos

Arch to Box : 2 Nos

Box to Box : 8 Nos

New Construction : 86Nos

Widening of Existing Culverts :

Pipe Culverts : 37Nos

Slab + Box : 5 Nos

Box Culverts : 1

Box culverts at Junction: 40 Nos.

Reconstruction of Existing Culverts:

(i) Details of Pipe Culvert to be re-constructed as Box culverts:-

Sr. No. Location


Span Arrangement

(No. x Length)






(horizontal clear

span x vertical ht.)



1 5+350 1 x 1.000 0+715 1.50 x 1.50 34.0

2 5+735 1 x 0.900 1+100 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

3 7+735 1 x 1.000 3+105 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

4 7+820 1 x 0.900 3+190 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

5 8+520 3 x 0.900 3+900 3.00 x 2.00 28.0

6 8+770 1 x 0.900 4+140 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

7 9+920 1 x 0.600 5+290 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

8 10+275 2 x 0.900 5+640 2.00 x 2.00 28.0

9 10+450 1 x 0.800 5+820 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

10 11+275 1 x 0.450 6+640 1.50 x 1.50 45.0

11 11+700 1 x 0.300 7+065 1.50 x 1.50 45.0

12 12+080 1 x 0.300 7+435 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

13 12+460 1 x 0.300 7+825 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

14 14+400 1 x 0.600 9+765 1.50 x 1.50 45.0

15 15+070 1 x 0.900 10+430 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

16 16+460 2 x 0.900 11+820 2.00 x 2.00 45.0

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 34

Sr. No. Location


Span Arrangement

(No. x Length)






(horizontal clear

span x vertical ht.)



17 16+590 1 x 0.900 11+950 1.50 x 1.50 50.0

18 16+855 1 x 0.900 12+220 1.50 x 1.50 57.0

19 18+000 1 x 0.900 13+360 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

20 18+055 1 x 0.800 13+415 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

21 18+110 1 x 0.900 13+470 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

22 18+225 1 x 0.900 13+590 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

23 18+565 1 x 0.800 13+925 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

24 18+970 2 x 0.900 14+330 2.00 x 2.00 28.0

25 19+660 1 x 0.900 15+045 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

26 20+790 1 x 0.800 16+150 1.50 x 1.50 34.0

27 21+330 1 x 0.800 16+690 1.50 x 1.50 50.0

28 22+435 2 x 0.800 17+800 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

29 23+015 1 x 0.800 18+375 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

30 23+415 1 x 0.800 18+785 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

31 24+400 1 x 0.800 19+735 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

32 24+645 2 x 0.800 19+985 2.00 x 2.00 28.0

33 26+170 1 x 0.800 21+500 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

34 28+065 1 x 0.900 23+370 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

35 28+225 1 x 0.900 23+540 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

36 28+745 1 x 0.900 24+050 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

37 28+825 1 x 0.900 24+125 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

38 34+215 2 x 1.000 31+625 2.00 x 2.00 56.0

39 34+345 2 x 1.200 31+750 2.00 x 2.00 36.0

40 34+750 2 x 1.000 32+155 2.00 x 2.00 28.0

41 35+310 1 x 0.600 32+720 1.50 x 1.50 45.0

42 36+475 2 x 0.900 33+885 2.00 x 2.00 30.0

43 38+500 1 x 0.900 35+910 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

44 39+000 1 x 0.900 36+285 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

45 39+135 1 x 0.900 36+375 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

46 39+365 1 x 0.900 36+610 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

47 42+265 3 x 0.900 39+510 3.00 x 2.00 28.0

48 43+740 1 x 0.900 40+980 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 35

Sr. No. Location


Span Arrangement

(No. x Length)






(horizontal clear

span x vertical ht.)



49 45+855 2 x 0.900 43+070 2.00 x 2.00 28.0

50 46+215 1 x 0.900 43+430 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

51 52+035 1 x 0.900 48+570 1.50 x 1.50



y Width

52 52+540 1 x 0.900 49+075 1.50 x 1.50

53 55+305 1 x 0.900 51+845 1.50 x 1.50



Bypass 1 x 0.750 56+060 1.50 x 1.50

55 64+100 4 x 0.900 61+230 4.00 x 2.50

56 74+100 5 x 0.900 71+220 5.00 x 2.00

(ii) Details of Slab Culvert to be re-constructed as Box Culvert:-





Type of


(Pipe, Slab

Box, Arch)

Span Arrangement

and Total Vent

way (No. x

Length) (m)




Arrangement (m) (horizontal span x

vertical height)





1 9+285 Slab 1 x 4.00 4+650 4.00 x 2.50 28.0

2 26+940 Slab 1 x 5.000 22+270 5.00 x 3.00 28.0

3 45+475 Slab 1 x 2.00 42+720 2.00 x 2.00 28.0

(iii) Details of Box Culvert to be re-constructed as Box Culvert:-





Span Arrangement

and Total Ventway

(No. x Length)





Arrangement (m) (horizontal span x vertical



Width (m)

1 22+625 4 x 0.600 17+985 4.00 x 2.50 28.0

2 25+230 1 x 0.900 +

1x0.600 20+565 2.00 x 2.00 28.0

3 25+360 1 x 0.900 20+695 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 36





Span Arrangement

and Total Ventway

(No. x Length)





Arrangement (m) (horizontal span x vertical



Width (m)

4 25+590 1 x 0.600 20+920 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

5 26+390 2 x 0.900 21+725 2.00 x 2.00 28.0

6 26+435 1 x 0.500 21+770 1.50 x 1.50 28.0

7 26+770 1 x 0.600 22+105 1.50 x 1.50 28.00

8 55+670 1 x 0.600 52+210 1.50 x 1.50




(iv) Details of Arch Culvert to be re-constructed as Box Culvert:-

Sr.No. Existing

Chainage (Km)


Chainage (Km) Span Arrangement (m) (horizontal span x vertical height)

Tentative Width


1 12+755 8+125 2.00 x 2.00 30.0

2 45+175 42+410 5.00 x 3.00 28.0

Widening of existing culverts The existing culverts in good condition shall be widened to the roadway width, after repairs and rehabilitation.

(i) Details of Pipe Culvert to be widened and rehabilitated:-



Location (km) Span


and Total

Ventway (No.

x Length) (m)





(no.x dia)


Width (m)

1 8+980 3 x 1.200 4+350 3 x 1.200 17.5

2 9+600 3 x 12.00 4+960 3 x 1.200 14.7

3 10+000 1 x 1.200 5+365 1 x 1.200 17.5

4 10+765 2 x 1.000 6+130 2 x 1.000 15.68

5 11+100 1 x 1.000 6+465 1 x 1.000 27.5

6 11+430 2 x 1.000 6+795 2 x 1.000 32.5

7 11+870 2 x 1.500 7+235 2 x 1.500 35.0

8 12+310 3 x 1.000 7+675 3 x 1.000 16.5

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 37



Location (km) Span


and Total

Ventway (No.

x Length) (m)





(no.x dia)


Width (m)

9 12+915 3 x 1.000 8+285 3 x 1.000 13.06

10 13+120 2 x 1.000 8+490 2 x 1.000 12.59

11 14+905 1 x 1.000 10+270 1 x 1.000 17.5

12 15+390 2 x 1.000 10+745 2 x 1.000 25.7

13 15+615 2 x 1.000 10+975 2 x 1.000 20.25

14 19+020 1 x 1.000 14+380 1 x 1.000 17.5

15 20+100 1 x 1.000 15+465 1 x 1.000 15.2

16 21+590 1 x 1.000 16+950 1 x 1.000 13.56

17 22+075 1 x 1.000 17+435 1 x 1.000 17.56

18 23+171 1 x 1.000 18+490 1 x 1.000 17.34

19 29+925 2 x 1.000 25+225 2 x 1.000 43.26

20 37+060 2 x 1.000 34+475 2 x 1.000 25.50

21 37+200 3 x 1.000 34+605 3 x 1.000 11.81

22 37+530 5 x 1.000 34+930 5 x 1.000 17.69

23 42+825 3 x 1.000 40+065 3 x 1.000 19.50

24 44+640 1 x 1.000 41+875 1 x 1.000 13.85

25 53+520 1 x 1.000 50+055 1 x 1.000 Upto



26 55+460 1 x 1.200 51+995 1 x 1.200

27 56+100 2 x 1.000 52+635 2 x 1.000

28 56+550 2 x 1.000 53+090 2 x 1.000

29 56+770 1 x 1.000 53+290 1 x 1.000

30 Malegaon

Existing Bypass 2 x 1.200 55+000 2 x 1.200

31 Malegaon

Existing Bypass 2 x 1.000 55+025 2 x 1.000

32 67+255 3 x 1.000 64+385 3 x 1.000

33 69+535 2 x 1.200 66+665 2 x 1.200

34 69+985 2 x 1.200 67+120 2 x 1.200

35 70+855 3 x 1.000 67+990 3 x 1.000

36 72+325 2 x 1.000 69+455 2 x 1.000

37 92+285 2 x 1.000 90+570 2 x 1.000

(ii) Details of Box Culvert to be widened and rehabilitated:-

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 38










Arrangement (m) (horizontal span x vertical height)


Width (m)

1 20+410 15+775 5.00 x3.00 17.88

(iii) Details of Slab Culvert to be rehabilitated plus widened with Box:











Arrangement (m) horizontal span x vertical height)


Width (m)

Structure for


1 27+500 22+815 4.50 x 2.50 18.87 Box

2 28+600 23+910 5.00 x 3.00 18.86 Box

3 86+800 85+090 4.50 x 3.00 48.48

Upto roadway

width 4 87+590 85+855 4.50 x 3.00 23.36

5 89+200 87+470 3.00 x 2.00 21.47

New Box Culverts

(iv) New Box culverts shall be constructed at the following locations:

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)


No. Location (km)




Arrangement (m) (horizontal span x

vertical height)

Tentative Width


1 On existing road 1+500 2.00 x 2.00 30

2 On existing road 2+325 2.00 x 2.00 30

3 On existing road 19+200 2.00 x 2.00 30

4 Patur Bypass 25+790 3.00 x 2.00 56

5 Patur Bypass 26+060 3.00 x 2.00 28

6 Patur Bypass 26+600 3.00 x 2.00 30

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 39


No. Location (km)




Arrangement (m) (horizontal span x

vertical height)

Tentative Width


7 Patur Bypass 26+920 3.00 x 2.00 56

8 Patur Bypass 27+115 3.00 x 2.00 56

9 Patur Bypass 27+430 3.00 x 2.00 56

10 Patur Bypass 27+740 3.00 x 2.00 28

11 Patur Bypass 27+960 3.00 x 2.00 28

12 Patur Bypass 28+300 3.00 x 2.00 28

13 Patur Bypass 28+620 3.00 x 2.00 28

14 Patur Bypass 28+750 3.00 x 2.00 28

15 Patur Bypass 28+870 3.00 x 2.00 28

16 Patur Bypass 29+370 3.00 x 2.00 28

17 Patur Bypass 30+100 3.00 x 2.00 28

18 Patur Bypass 30+580 3.00 x 2.00 28

19 On existing road 37+350 2.00 x 2.00 30

20 On existing road 38+300 3.00 x 2.00 28

21 Medshi Bypass 44+580 3.00 x 2.00 32

22 Medshi Bypass 44+735 5.00 x 2.00 28

23 Medshi Bypass 45+160 3.00 x 2.00 28

24 Medshi Bypass 45+490 3.00 x 2.00 28

25 Medshi Bypass 45+625 3.00 x 2.00 28

26 Medshi Bypass 45+920 3.00 x 2.00 28

27 Medshi Bypass 46+160 3.00 x 2.00 50

28 Medshi Bypass 46+500 3.00 x 2.00 50

29 Medshi Bypass 46+840 3.00 x 2.00 50

30 Medshi Bypass 47+120 3.00 x 2.00 50

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)



Location (km) Design Chainage Span



Width (m)

1 On Existing road 47+900 2.00 x 2.00 Upto roadway

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Project Report

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Location (km) Design Chainage Span



Width (m)

2 Malegaon Existing Bypass 54+290 3.00 x 2.00 width

3 Malegaon Existing Bypass 54+470 3.00 x 2.00

4 Malegaon Existing Bypass 54+550 3.00 x 2.00

5 On Existing road 56+775 2.00 x 2.00

6 Malegaon Bypass 57+400 3.00 x 2.00

7 Malegaon Bypass 57+640 3.00 x 2.00

8 Malegaon Bypass 57+910 3.00 x 2.00

9 Malegaon Bypass 58+230 3.00 x 2.00

10 Malegaon Bypass 58+620 3.00 x 2.00

11 Malegaon Bypass 58+790 3.00 x 2.00

12 Malegaon Bypass 59+030 3.00 x 2.00

13 Malegaon Bypass 59+320 3.00 x 2.00

14 Malegaon Bypass 59+470 3.00 x 2.00

15 Malegaon Bypass 59+750 3.00 x 2.00

16 Malegaon Bypass 60+000 3.00 x 2.00

17 Malegaon Bypass 60+180 3.00 x 2.00

18 Malegaon Bypass 60+440 3.00 x 2.00

19 Malegaon Bypass 60+600 3.00 x 2.00

20 On Existing road 70+675 2.00 x 2.00

21 On Existing road 72+000 3.00 x 2.00

22 Washim Bypass 72+740 3.00 x 2.00

23 Washim Bypass 72+980 3.00 x 2.00

24 Washim Bypass 73+160 3.00 x 2.00

25 Washim Bypass 73+380 3.00 x 2.00

26 Washim Bypass 73+640 3.00 x 2.00

27 Washim Bypass 73+850 3.00 x 2.00

28 Washim Bypass 74+210 3.00 x 2.00

29 Washim Bypass 74+350 3.00 x 2.00

30 Washim Bypass 74+600 3.00 x 2.00

31 Washim Bypass 75+120 3.00 x 2.00

32 Washim Bypass 75+510 3.00 x 2.00

33 Washim Bypass 75+700 3.00 x 2.00

34 Washim Bypass 75+975 3.00 x 2.00

35 Washim Bypass 76+260 3.00 x 2.00

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Project Report

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Location (km) Design Chainage Span



Width (m)

36 Washim Bypass 76+760 3.00 x 2.00

37 Washim Bypass 77+325 3.00 x 2.00

38 Washim Bypass 77+930 3.00 x 2.00

39 Washim Bypass 78+200 3.00 x 2.00

40 Washim Bypass 78+650 3.00 x 2.00

41 Washim Bypass 78+945 3.00 x 2.00

42 Washim Bypass 79+700 3.00 x 2.00

43 Washim Bypass 80+050 3.00 x 2.00

44 Washim Bypass 80+225 3.00 x 2.00

45 Washim Bypass 80+945 3.00 x 2.00

46 Washim Bypass 81+345 3.00 x 2.00

47 Washim Bypass 82+000 3.00 x 2.00

48 Washim Bypass 82+305 3.00 x 2.00

49 Washim Bypass 82+930 3.00 x 2.00

50 Washim Bypass 83+270 3.00 x 2.00

51 Washim Bypass 83+720 3.00 x 2.00

52 Washim Bypass 84+075 3.00 x 2.00

53 Washim Bypass 84+465 3.00 x 2.00

54 On Existing road 86+720 2.00 x 2.00

55 On Existing road 89+120 2.00 x 2.00

56 On Existing road 91+645 2.00 x 2.00

The width of culverts shall be for the complete roadway width.

Culverts at Junctions:

For cross drainage, RCC Box culverts are proposed, where drains are not provided. Details of

locations are given below: Design Chainage (Km) Type of Junction

1 2625 Y

2 3880 T

3 4790 X

4 5280 T

5 7135 T

6 8165 T

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 42 Design Chainage (Km) Type of Junction

7 8190 T

8 10720 T

9 11680 T

10 13750 T

11 17000 T

12 20190 T

13 20635 Y

14 22135 Y

15 22410 Y

16 32360 Y

17 34295 Y

18 38530 T

19 39710 T

20 40130 T

21 40755 Y

22 43300 Y

23 44560 Y

24 44650 T

25 47340 Y

26 47860 Y

27 49900 Y

28 52765 Y

29 53305 T

30 53335 Y

31 53690 T

32 63770 T

33 69870 T

34 70900 T

35 85745 T

36 85825 Y

37 87460 Y

38 87945 Y

39 89100 T

2.1.7 Grade Separated Structures

A. Flyovers

Sr.No Design



Type of






No x Span (m)

Total Width of

the structure (m)

1 25+385 T-Junction 7m 1x25 2x14.5

2 27+255 Cross-Junction 7m 1x30 2x14.5

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Sr.No Design



Type of






No x Span (m)

Total Width of

the structure (m)

3 31+390 T-Junction 7m 1x25 2x14.5 4 54+655 T-Junction 7m 1x30 2x14.5 5 57+145 Cross-Junction 7m 1x30 2x14.5 6 60+520 T-Junction 7m 1x25 2x14.5

7 72+650 T-Junction 7m 1x25 2x14.5

8 78+495 Cross Junction 7m 1x30 2x14.5

9 84+670 T-Junction 7m 1x25 2x14.5

B. Vehicular Underpasses

Sr. No. Design Chainage


Name of Intersecting


Span Arrangement(No. x

Span (m)

1 12+195 Kapshi Fata 1x15x5.5 m

2 46+780 Medshi Bypass 1x15 x5.5m

3 50+300 Rajura/Ridhora 1x15x5.50

4 74+930 Washim/ Shirpur 1x15x5.50

5 81+170 Washim bypass 1x15x5.50

C. Vehicular Underpass (Grade-II)

Sr. No. Design Chainage (Km) Name of Intersecting


Span Arrangement(m)

(No.X Span)

1 4+340 Akola 1x 12 x4.5 m

2 7+130 Hingana Barling 1x 12x4.5 m

3 9+170 Lakhanwada 1x 12 x4.5 m

4 16+600 Chikhalgaon 1x 12x4.5 m

5 21+100 - 1x 12x4.5 m

6 28+645 Gulshan Colony/ Malkapur 1x 12x4.5 m

7 38+465

- 1x 12x4.5 m

8 58+440 Malegaon/Borgaon 1x 12 x 4.50 (Clear ht.)

9 62+230 Amanigaon 1x 12 x 4.50 (Clear ht.)

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Project Report

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Sr. No. Design Chainage (Km) Name of Intersecting


Span Arrangement(m)

(No.X Span)

10 65+555 Zodaga Bk. 1x 12 x 4.50 (Clear ht.)

11 68+605 Savargaon 1x 12 x 4.50 (Clear ht.)

12 77+630 Washim/Walki Jahangir 1x 12 x 4.50 (Clear ht.)

13 79+900 Jambharun


(Washim Bypass)

1x 12 x 4.50 (Clear ht.)

14 87+950 Kalgaon 1x 12 x 4.50 (Clear ht.)

D. Existing Vehicular Underpass/ ROB

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

Sr. No.

Chainage (Km)


Remarks Existing Design

1 7+460 2+825 Akola

Integration of service

roads of NH-161 and

old NH-6 shall be

done along with

improvements of

Junction as a whole at

the existing level.

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200) A railway level crossing (single line) in Km 84+320 at Washim ( on Akola-Hingoli railway line) crosses the

Project Road. An ROB of span arrangement given below is proposed at the location where the Washim

Bypass crosses the Railway Line.










Name of



Tentative span







Total width of

the structure


1 Washim Washim


83+052 - (1x14.058+





Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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2.1.8 Junctions and Intersections

Provision of flyovers, PUPs, VUPs is proposed at the major junctions, as stated above. The existing

intersections/junctions, which are deficient with respect to the minimum requirements, shall be improved

as per provisions in IRC:SP:84-2014 and other relevant specifications of IRC: SP:41 and Standard drawings

of Intersections issued by the MoRT&H.

At-Grade Intersections

(i) Major Intersections

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)


No. Design



Type of


Category Remarks

1 0.000 Cross-Junction NH-6 (old) Jalgaon/Nagpur

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

Sr.No. Design


Type of

Junction Location


width Remarks

1 60+520 T-Junction RHS 7.0m Malegaon Bypass End

2 72+645 T-Junction LHS 7.0m Washim Bypass Start

3 84+670 T-Junction LHS 7.0m Washim Bypass End

(ii) Grade Separated Junctions

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

Sl No. Design

Chainage(Km) Type of

Intersection Remarks

1 7.130 T Junction VUP Grade-II

2 12.195 T Junction VUP

3 25.385 Y Junction Flyover

4 27.255 Cross Junction Flyover

5 31.390 Y Junction Flyover

6 44.560 T-Junction Medshi Bypass Start

7 47.340 T-Junction Medshi Bypass End

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Project Report

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Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

Sl No. Design

Chainage(Km) Type of

Intersection Remarks

1 60+520 T-Junction Malegaon Bypass End

2 72+645 T-Junction Washim Bypass Start

3 84+670 T-Junction Washim Bypass End

(ii) Minor Intersections

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

Sl.No. Existing




Type of






1 7.265 2.630 Y-Junction 5.5 Kalambeshwar

2 8.510 3.880 T-Junction 3.5 Somthana

3 9.425 4.790 Cross-Junction 5.5 Kalambeshwar/Nandura

4 9.915 5.280 T-Junction - Carttrack

5 12.800 8.165 T-Junction 3.5 Maheshpur

6 12.825 8.190 T-Junction 3.5 Nimbi

7 15.355 10.715 T-Junction 3.5 Warkhed

8 16.315 11.675 T-Junction 3.5 Kapshi

9 16.900 12.260 Y-Junction 3.5 Kapshi

10 18.390 13.750 T-Junction 3.5 Rajanda

11 21.640 17.000 T-Junction 3.5 jalalabad

12 24.850 20.190 T-Junction 3.5 Nandkhed

13 25.300 20.635 Y-Junction 3.5 Bhandran

14 27.080 22.410 Y-Junction 5.5 Andharevill. 15 34.950 32.360 Y-Junction 3.5 Patte A.Patur

16 36.875 34.280 Y-Junction 3.5 Mahadoli

17 41.285 38.530 T-Junction 3.5 Manrajuravill. 18 42.470 39.710 T-Junction 3.5 BT.Road

19 42.890 40.120 T-Junction 3.5 Gondhaiwadi

20 43.520 40.755 Y-Junction 3.5 Sawarkhed

21 46.100 43.315 Y-Junction 3.5 Koldara

22 Medshi

Bypass 44.655 T-Junction 3.5 BT Road

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

Sr.No. Design


Type of



Width Remarks

1 47+860 Y-Junction 3.5m Branhanwada

2 49+900 Y-Junction 3.5m Branhanwada

3 52+765 Y-Junction 3.5m Warngi

4 53+305 T-Junction 3.5m Irla

5 53+335 Y-Junction 3.5m Dahi

6 53+690 T-Junction 3.5m Irla VILLAGE

7 62+170 T-Junction 3.5m Karanji

8 63+770 T-Junction 3.5m Zodagakh.

9 65+720 T-Junction 3.5m B.T Road

10 69+870 T-Junction 3.5m Tharkata

11 70+900 T-Junction 3.5m Tharkata

12 72+190 T-Junction 3.5m Tamsi

13 82+730 Cross-Junction 3.5m BT. Road

14 85+745 T-Junction 3.5m BT. Road

15 85+825 Y-Junction 3.5m Dhumka

16 87+945 Y-Junction 3.5m Dhumka

17 89+100 T-Junction 3.5m Tamsala

18 92+065 T-Junction 3.5m Tondagaon

2.1.9 Road Side Drainage

There is no proper provision of Road Side drains.

Drains are provided either on left side/right side or on both sides, depending upon country side slope with

respect to road. Lined covered cement concrete drain is proposed for the urban/built-up area. V-shaped

road side drains will be constructed along the hill side in open area.

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Summary of proposed drainage work is given below:

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

Sr.No. Type of Drain Length (m)

1 Covered RCC Drain 22384

2 RCC Open Drain 10832

3 PCC Side Drain 975

4 V Shape Drain 2411

5 Earthen Drain 60986

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

Sr.No. Type of Drain Length (m)

1 Covered RCC Drain 5694

2 RCC Open Drain 17114

3 Earthen Drain 59077

(i) The stretches where RCC Covered drains are essentially required are as listed below.

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700) Design Chainage (km) Length

Side From To

1 0.000 1.000 1000 Both

2 1.000 3.925 585 2 each on both side

3 4.334 4.346 12 Both

4 6.165 7.165 1000 Both

5 8.765 9.665 900 Both

6 11.760 12.402 642 Both

7 12.408 12.525 117 Both

8 16.200 16.910 710 Both

9 21.094 21.106 12 Both

10 25.373 25.398 25 Both

11 27.240 27.270 03 Both

12 28.639 28.651 12 Both

13 31.378 31.403 25 Both

14 32.405 32.760 355 Both

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 49 Design Chainage (km) Length

Side From To

15 38.459 38.471 12 Both

16 41.175 41.650 475 Both

17 46.773 46.788 15 Both

22384m (8267x2+2925x2)

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

Sr. No Design Chainage (km)

Length (m) Side

From To

1 50292 50307 15 Both

2 54640 54670 30 Both

3 57130 57160 30 Both

4 58434 58446 12 Both

5 60507 60532 25 Both

6 62052 62750 698 Both

7 61825 62028 203 Both

8 65225 65752 526 Both

9 65768 65775 6.75 Both

10 68300 68975 675 Both

11 72637 72662 25 Both

12 74922 74937 15 Both

13 77624 77636 12 Both

14 78475 78505 30 Both

15 79894 79906 12 Both

16 81163 81178 15 Both

17 84657 84682 25 Both

18 87944 97956 12 Both

19 91285 91765 480 Both


(ii) RCC Open Drains are proposed at following locations. Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700) Design Chainage (km)

Length (m) Side From To

1 3.925 4.334 409 Both

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 50 Design Chainage (km)

Length (m) Side From To

2 4.346 4.465 119 Both

3 20.400 21.094 694 Both

4 21.106 21.400 294 Both

5 25.000 25.373 373 Both

6 25.398 25.516 118 Both

7 25.524 25.875 351 Both

8 26.650 27.240 590 Both

9 27.270 27.650 380 Both

10 30.750 31.088 338 Both

11 31.113 31.378 265 Both

12 31.403 31.600 197 Both

13 31.600 31.700 100 Both

14 37.300 38.459 1159 Both

15 38.471 38.500 29 Both




Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

Sr. No Design Chainage (km)

Length (m) Side

From To

1 49800 50000 200 Both side

2 50000 50292.5 292.5 Both side

3 50307.5 50575 267.5 Both side

4 54225 54640 415 Both side

5 54670 54900 230 Both side

6 54900 54954.5 54.5 Both side

7 54975.5 55250 274.5 Both side

8 56825 57000 175 Both side

9 57000 57095 95 Both side

10 57105 57130 25 Both side

11 57160 57330 170 Both side

12 60000 60507 507 Both side

13 60532 60725 193 Both side

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Sr. No Design Chainage (km)

Length (m) Side

From To

14 60725 60825 100 Both side

15 72000 72500 500 Both side

16 72500 72637 137 Both side

17 72663 73550 887 Both side

18 78100 78475 375 Both side

19 78505 79285 780 Both side

20 79295 79300 5 Both side

21 80650 81162.5 512.5 Both side

22 81177.5 81750 572.5 Both side

23 84175 84657.5 482.5 Both side

24 84682.5 84830 147.5 Both side

25 84830 85100 270 Both side

26 87300 87944 644 Both side

27 87956 88200 244 Both side


(iii)PCC Drains shall be provided at following locations.

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

Design Chainage


Design Chainage

To Length (m) Remarks

36.100 36.550 975m Hill Section

2.1.10 Shoulders

1.5m paved shoulder plus 2.0m earthen shoulder are proposed as per site specific requirements.

2.1.11 Footpaths

1.50 m wide footpaths cum drains are proposed in built-up sections.

2.1.12 Road Side Furniture

Road Signs and Markings, Delineators, Safety Barriers, Road Studs, Markings at junctions, are proposed in

accordance with the IRC SP 84-2014 and other relevant IRC Codes and Standards.

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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KM stones and Road Boundary Stones, are proposed in accordance with the IRC SP 84-2014 and other

relevant IRC Codes and Standards.

Pedestrian Guard Rails are proposed at the following locations:

Design Chainage Length (m) Remarks

From To

0000 1000 1000 Akola Builtup

6165 6920 755 Kheragaon

9400 9665 265 Lakhanwada

11760 11850 90 Kapsi Fata

16800 16910 110 Chikhalgaon

32405 32760 355 Bodkha

62400 62750 350 Both Side

68300 68425 125 Both Side

Crash Barriers:

(i) W-Metal Crash Barriers of 18.435 kms (excluding Built-up overlap with sharp

curve and approaches with RE Wall) are to be provided. Tentative Locations are

given below:

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

Design Chainage Length (m) Location

From To

19950 20050 100 RHS

20920 20980 60 LHS

27950 28585 1270 B/S

28701 28750 98 B/S

29800 29900 100 LHS

31050 31080 60 B/S

31115 31250 135 B/S

44700 44805 210 B/S

44945 45250 610 B/S

45640 45710 140 B/S

46125 46720 1190 B/S

46830 47050 440 B/S

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

Design Chainage

Length (m) Location From To

54100 54225 250 Both side

58000 58434 868 Both side

58446 58675 4580 Both Side

67025 67125 100 RHS

74550 74923 746 Both Side

77000 77100 200 Both Side

77300 77624 648 Both Side

77636 78075 878 Both Side

79525 79894 738 Both Side

80525 80650 125 LHS

80675 81403 1456 Both Side

88100 88150 50 RHS

89975 90125 150 RHS

90050 90125 75 LHS

(ii) RCC Crash Barriers (13.505 kms) are also proposed at the following locations:

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

Design Chainage Length (m) Location

From To

0000 1000 1000 B/S

6165 6920 755 B/S

6920 7124 204 B/S

7136 7165 29 B/S

8765 9164 399 B/S

9176 9400 224 B/S

9400 9665 265 B/S

11760 11850 90 B/S

11850 12187 337 B/S

12202 12390 188 B/S

12390 12402 12 B/S

12401 12408 7 B/S

12408 12525 117 B/S

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Design Chainage Length (m) Location

From To

0000 1000 1000 B/S

6165 6920 755 B/S

16200 16260 60 B/S

16260 16594 334 B/S

16606 16800 194 B/S

16800 16910 110 B/S

32405 32760 355 B/S

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

2.1.13 Bus Bays & Bus Shelters

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

At 13 locations, Bus Bays & Bus Shelters are proposed:

Sr. No. Chainage (Km) Location

Existing Proposed Remarks

1 10.455 5+820 LHS Kheragaon

2 12.660 8+030 RHS Mimbi

Design Chainage

Length (m) Remarks From To

61825 62028 406 Both Side

62052 62075 46 Both Side

62075 62224 298 Both Side

62236 62400 328 Both Side

62400 62750 700 Both Side

65225 65275 100 Both Side

65275 65325 100 Both Side

65325 65549 448 Both Side

65561 65625 128 Both Side

65625 65725 200 Both Side

65725 65751.75 54 Both Side

65768.25 65775 13.5 Both Side

68300 68425 250 Both Side

68425 68599 348 Both Side

68611 68975 728 Both Side

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Sr. No. Chainage (Km) Location

Existing Proposed Remarks

3 12.965 8+335 LHS Mhaispur

4 14.620 9+980 RHS Lakhanwara

5 15.930 11+290 LHS Kapshi Fata

6 17.490 12+855 RHS Chikalgaon

7 22.085 17+445 RHS Chikalgaon

8 24.970 20+305 RHS Bhandraj

9 26.555 21+890 LHS Shirla

10 43.600 40+840 RHS Sawarkhed

11 47.300 44+510 LHS Wakalwadi

12 Medshi Bypass 47+160 RHS Medshi

13 51.030 47.570 LHS Medshi

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

At 14 locations, Bus Bays & Bus Shelters are proposed:

Sr. No. Existing Chainage Proposed

Chainage Side


1 52.93 49+465 LHS Medshi

2 54.673 51+215 RHS Brahmanwada

3 57.215 53+750 RHS Ridhora

4 Malegaon bypass 56+500 LHS Irala

5 Malegaon bypass 57+670 RHS Amravati

6 64.030 61+155 RHS Malegaon

7 64.305 61+495 LHS Malegaon

8 65.960 63+085 RHS Amanigaon

9 67.720 64+870 RHS Zodaga Bk.

10 69.065 66+125 LHS Jambhrunwadi

11 70.840 67+965 LHS Savergaon

12 72.850 69+980 RHS Dharkata

13 74.520 71+645 LHS Tamsi

14 87.205 85+480 RHS Washim city

2.1.14 Road Protection Works

Retaining Walls/Breast Walls

i. RCC Retaining Wall is proposed at the grade separated locations without service road/slip road.

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

Sr. No.

Design Chainage (km)

Remarks From To

1 28.639 28.651 VUP Approaches

2 35.369 36.569 Hill Section

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

Sr.No. Design Chainage Remarks

From To

1 74873 74988 VUP-II Approaches

2 77574 77586 VUP-II Approaches

3 79844 79856 VUP-II Approaches

4 81353 81368 VUP Approaches

ii. At following locations, Breast wall is proposed.

Sr. No.

Design Chainage (km)

From To

1 35.725 36.650

2 36.300 36.350

iii. Location of Reinforced Earth Wall

Reinforced Earth Wall shall be provided on the Approaches of Grade Separators and other


Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

Sr.No. Design Chainage Remarks

From To

1 4.050 4.334 VUP (GR-II)

2 4.346 4.550 VUP (GR-II)

3 6.875 7.124 VUP (GR-II)

4 7.136 7.375 VUP (GR-II)

5 8.825 9.164 VUP (GR-II)

6 9.176 9.375 VUP (GR-II)

7 11.925 12.188 VUP Approach

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Sr.No. Design Chainage Remarks

From To

8 12.203 12.500 VUP Approach

9 16.200 16.594 VUP (GR-II)

10 16.606 16.775 VUP (GR-II)

11 20.825 21.094 VUP Approach

12 21.106 21.400 VUP Approach

13 25.025 25.373 Flyover Approach

14 25.398 25.875 Flyover Approach

15 26.675 27.240 Flyover Approach

16 27.270 27.600 Flyover Approach

17 30.800 31.378 Flyover Approach

18 31.403 31.650 Flyover Approach

19 31.600 31.650 Flyover Approach

20 38.050 38.459 VUP (GR-II)

21 38.471 38.675 VUP (GR-II)

22 46.100 46.773 VUP Approach

23 46.788 47.100 VUP Approach

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

Sr.No. Design Chainage Approx Length



From To

1 61850 62224 320mx2 VUP II Approach

2 62236 62375 139mx2 VUP II Approach

3 65250 65549 299mx2 VUP II Approach

4 65561 65750 142.5mx2 VUP II Approach

5 68450 68599 149mx2 VUP II Approach

6 68611 68950 339mx2 VUP II Approach

7 54250 54640 390mx2 Flyover Approach

8 54670 54875 205mx2 Flyover Approach

9 57160 57305 145mx2 Flyover Approach

10 60025 60507 482.5mx2 Flyover Approach

11 60532 60725 192.5mx2 Flyover Approach

12 72500 72637 137.5mx2 Flyover Approach

13 72662 73550 887.5mx2 Flyover Approach

14 78100 78475 375mx2 Flyover Approach

15 78505 79300 755mx2 Flyover Approach

16 84175 84657 482.5mx2 VUP Approach

17 84682 84830 147.5mx2 VUP Approach

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Sr.No. Design Chainage Approx Length



From To

18 82625 83020 395mx2 ROB Approach

20 83084 83695 610mx2 ROB Approach

21 56825 57130 305mx2 Flyover Approach

22 60725 60800 75mx2 Flyover Approach

23 72000 72500 500mx2 Flyover Approach

24 54900 54955 54.5mx2 Flyover Approach

25 54975.5 55250 274.5mx2 Flyover Approach

26 56825 57095 270mx2 Flyover Approach

27 57105 57130 25mx2 Flyover Approach

28 80700 81162 462.5mx2 VUP Approach

29 81177 81700 522.5mx2 VUP Approach

30 49825 50292 467.5mx2 VUP Approach

31 50307 50550 242.5mx2 VUP Approach

32 87325 87944 619mx2 VUP II Approach

33 87956 88175 219mx2 VUP II Approach

Total 19587m

Flyash conforming to table 1 of IRC: SP: 58 - 2001 obtained from coal or lignite

burning thermal power stations shall be provided for construction of embankment

(30%) at the structure approaches proposed in open area as per MoEF Notification

no.S.O.1396(E) dated 25.03.2015.

2.1.15 Rest Areas & Other Project Facilities

Rest Areas are provided at the following Locations: Village Design Chainage Location

1 Sawarkheda 40+415 RHS

2 Medshi 43+400 LHS

3 Hisse Borhala 89.000 LHS

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Project Report

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Other project facilities are provided for the Project Highway as per IRC:SP:84-2014.

Street Lights at all Built-up Areas, Rest areas and Busbays with Bus Shelters.

Overhead signs and gantry signs

Footpath and Pedestrian Crossings

Traffic aid posts;

Medical aid posts;

Vehicle rescue posts;

Telecom system; and

Highway traffic management system.

2.1.16 Landscaping and Tree Plantation

Landscaping and Tree Planation : at Toll Plaza, major intersections, interchange, median etc.

Landscaping within ROW of the project highway shall be done as per specifications and standards

specified in the Manual (IRC:SP: 84-2014).

2.1.17 Toll Plaza

Proposed Location for Toll Plaza is as under:

Toll Plaza (8+8 lanes) shall be provided at following location:-

Sl. No

Locations Chainage (Km)

(Towns/Villages) Existing Proposed

1 Medshi-Sawarkheda 44.180 41.420

2 Dhumka-Tondgoan 93.220 91.525

2.1.18 Utility Shifting

High tension lines, electric poles, transformers and OFCS are existing along the project highway, which

requires shifting in the proposed utility corridor. Utility Relocation plan submitted to NHAI for getting the

estimates and relocation plan from the Electricity Departments.

2.1.19 Trees

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

The improvement proposal to 4-Lane divided carriageway shall affect felling trees. The Inventory details of

trees likely to be affected has been prepared and submitted to NHAI for further action by the Forest

Department. 3254 No. of trees likely to be affected are as under:

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

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Girth (dia) 300mm to 600mm : 2099 nos

Girth (dia) 600mm to 900 mm : 875 nos

Girth (dia) >900 mm : 280 nos.

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

The improvement proposal to 4-Lane divided carriageway shall affect felling trees. The Inventory details of

trees likely to be affected has been prepared and submitted to NHAI for further action by the Forest


2.2 Methodology for Feasibility Study and Engineering Survey & Investigations

The methodology adopted for feasibility study and the Engineering Survey and Investigations are detailed

in Feasibility Report.

2.2.1 Topographic Survey

Topographic survey for has been carried out on the Project Highway. The GTS Bench mark value of

290.620 M (RL (m) back side of the PWD Circuit House at Akola is applied all along the Project Road.

2.2.2 Existing Pavement Condition

The existing pavement condition is fair to poor. At few locations, the pavement is disintegrated or in

distressed condition.

CBR Value

The soaked CBR values of existing sub-grade soil averages > from 8%. The proposed CBR is 8%.

Roughness Survey was carried out along the Project Highway. It is observed that roughness is high,

and the surface condition of the road is fair to very poor.

The evaluation of structural strength of existing flexible pavement was carried out using a Benkelman

Beam in accordance with the procedure given in IRC 81-1997.

To assess the characterization of Sub-grade, following tests were conducted on each of the subgrade

samples collected from trial pits:

Grain size distribution (Wet)

Atterberg’s Limits (Liquid limit and plastic limit)

Modified Proctor Density at three compaction levels

Four days soaked CBR at three energy levels

The laboratory investigations of sub-grade indicate that the existing subgrade varies from location to

location along the road and are available in the Feasibility Study Report.

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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2.3 Socio-Economic Profile of the Project Influence Area

The NH-161 in Maharashtra, lies in 3 Districts; Akola, Washim & Hingoli and provide connectivity to a

number of cities and important places/tourist places and religious places like : Shahanur Fort in Akola,

Padmatirtha, Balaji temple, Rama temple, Madhyameshvara temple, Godeshvara temple, two Jain

temples and Narayana Maharaja temple, in Washim, Jaleshwar Mahadev Temple (present in the lake);

Arshi Namdev Temple (one of guru of sikhs); Aundha Nagnath, 8th Jyotirlinga; Tulja Devi Sansthan Ghota,

Tahsil – Hingoli; Sant Namdev Sansthan Narsi; Mallinath Digambar Jain Temple; Dakshinmukhi Hanuman

temple, Khatkali in Hingoli District and Takhat Sachkhand Shri Hazur Abchalnagar Sahib, Gurudwara in

Nanded District are few of them.

Agriculture is the main occupation of the people in the project-influenced districts. Most of the villages in

the districts are electrified.

2.4 Design Parameters

The improvement proposal is with 4-Laning divided carriageway as per IRC:SP:84-2014 “Manual of

Specifications and Standards for Four Laning of Highways through Public Private Partnership (first

revision)”. All efforts have been made to maintain consistency of design criteria factors on account of

ground conditions. Design criteria adopted for the project is summarized below:

Sr. No. Design Specification Unit Design Parameters

Plain or Rolling Terrain

1 Design speed kmph 100Kmph ruling / 80kmph min.

2 Land width Open / Built-up

area m 60m minimum

3 Width of carriageway m 2 x 7.00 m

4 Paved shoulders m Open Country - 1.50 m

Built up Area - 2.00 m

5 Unpaved shoulders m 2 x 2.00 m

6 (i) Camber/cross fall

Carriageway & paved

shoulders Rigid Pavement


2.0 %

(ii) Earthen shoulders % 3.0 %

7 Maximum super elevation % 7 %

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Sr. No. Design Specification Unit Design Parameters

8 Minimum Radii of

horizontal curves m 400m ruling /250m min.

9 Service roads m 7.50m

10 Ruling Gradient % 2.5%

11 Bridge Structures As per Policy Matter circular

no.11014/11/2016-HR-1 dated 12.06.2017

12 Grade Separated


As per Policy Matter circular

no.11014/11/2016-HR-1 dated 12.06.2017

2.5 Traffic Surveys & Analysis

Traffic Survey Report including the analysis of various traffic surveys i.e. Classified volume count (CVC),

Turning Movement Count (TMC), Origin-Destination (O/D), Axle load, Speed Delay, Willingness to Pay and

analysis for Project facilities which have been carried out on the entire project highway, was submitted as

part of Final Feasibility Report.

Locations Location wise AADT

No. of Vehicles PCUs

7+800 6260 6561

33+900 6915 13735

63+500 6233 12131

The location wise summary of AADT by vehicles no and PCU’s of classified traffic volume count are given below:

Summary of ADT, AADT and PCU at Km 7+800

Type of Vehicle Location 7+800 (ADT) Location 7+800 (AADT)

Number PCU Number PCU

Two Wheeler 3003 1502 3153 1577

Car / Jeep / Van / Taxi 1495 1495 1570 1570

Three Wheeler 303 303 318 318

LCV 382 573 440 659

Govt. Bus 164 493 189 567

Private Bus 94 281 108 323

Mini Bus 12 18 14 21

Tractor 3 5 4 6

Tractor With Trolley 9 41 10 47

2 - Axle 149 448 172 516

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Type of Vehicle Location 7+800 (ADT) Location 7+800 (AADT)

Number PCU Number PCU

3 - Axle 130 588 150 676

Multi-Axle Truck 31 140 36 160

Total Fast Moving 5777 5886 6163 6439

Slow Moving Vehicle(SMV)

Cycle 55 28 58 29

Rickshaws 2 5 3 5

Bullock Cart 2 15 2 16

Total Slow Moving 59 47 62 50

Toll Free vehicles

Car / Jeep / Van 16 16 17 17

Trucks 0 2 0 2

Bus 15 46 18 53

Toll Free vehicles 32 64 35 72

Total ADT, AADT and PCU 5868 5997 6260 6561

Summary of ADT, AADT and PCU at Km 33+900

Type of Vehicles Location 33+900 (ADT) Location 33+900 (AADT)

Number PCU Number PCU

Two Wheeler 2295 1148 2410 1205

Car / Jeep / Van / Taxi 1148 1148 1205 1205

Three Wheeler 170 170 179 179

LCV 343 515 395 592

Govt. Bus 147 442 169 508

Private Bus 97 292 112 336

Mini Bus 10 15 12 18

Tractor 8 12 10 14

Tractor With Trolley 39 176 45 202

2 - Axle 391 1173 450 1349

3 - Axle 907 4086 1044 4699

Multi-Axle Truck 629 2832 724 3257

Total Fast Moving 6186 12008 6753 13563

Slow Moving Vehicle(SMV)

Cycle 119 60 125 63

Rickshaws 1 2 1 2

Bullock Cart 7 54 7 56

Total Slow Moving 127 116 134 122

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configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Type of Vehicles Location 33+900 (ADT) Location 33+900 (AADT)

Number PCU Number PCU

Toll Free Vehicles

Car / Jeep / Van 17 17 17 17

Trucks 0 0 0 0

Bus 10 29 11 34

Toll Free Vehicles 26 46 29 51

Total ADT, AADT and PCU 6340 12170 6915 13735

Summary of ADT, AADT and PCU at Km 63+500

Type of Vehicles Location 63+500 (ADT) Location 63+500 (AADT)

Number PCU Number PCU

Two Wheeler 2051 1025 2153 1077

Car / Jeep / Van / Taxi 1009 1009 1060 1060

Three Wheeler 282 282 296 296

LCV 366 550 421 632

Govt. Bus 149 446 171 513

Private Bus 88 264 101 303

Mini Bus 12 19 14 21

Tractor 1 1 1 1

Tractor With Trolley 15 66 17 76

2 - Axle 327 981 376 1129

3 - Axle 802 3613 923 4155

Multi-Axle Truck 539 2427 620 2792

Total Fast Moving 5642 10684 6154 12055

Slow Moving Vehicle(SMV)

Cycle 40 20 42 21

Rickshaws 0 1 0 1

Bullock Cart 1 9 1 10

Total Slow Moving 42 30 44 32

Toll Free Vehicle

Car / Jeep / Van 29 29 31 31

Trucks 0 0 0 0

Bus 4 12 4 14

Toll Free Vehicle 33 41 35 44

Total ADT, AADT and PCU 5717 10755 6233 12131

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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The location wise summary of Tollable Traffic in terms number of vehicles and PCU’s of classified traffic volume count are given below:

Type of Vehicles Location 7+800 Location 33+900

Location 63+500

Number PCU Number PCU Number PCU

Car / Jeep / Van /

Taxi 1495 1495 1148 1148 1009 1009

LCV 382 573 343 515 366 550

Govt. Bus 164 493 147 442 149 446

Private Bus 94 281 97 292 88 264

Mini Bus 12 18 10 15 12 19

2 - Axle 149 448 391 1173 327 981

3 - Axle 130 588 907 4086 802 3613

Multi-Axle Truck 31 140 629 2832 539 2427

Total Tollable

Traffic 2458 4035 3673 10503 3294 9309

As per Ministry’s Circular no.F.No.RW/NH-33044/37/2015/S&R® dated 26.05.2016, National Highways

needs to be widened to 4-Lane when PCUs reached 10000 in plain area and 8500 PCUs in rolling terrain.

2.6 Environmental Screening and Preliminary Environmental Assessment

Preliminary environmental assessment / environmental screening has been carried out in the project area

during September – October 2015.

The project does not attracts the provisions of EIA Notification, 2006 (with revision 2013) of MoEF, Govt

of India and the project will fall under Category ‘B’ project hence no prior environmental clearance would be required for the project from Central Committee, MoEF, Govt. of India.

As per MOEF Notification (dated 22 August 2013), since the project highway

involves acquisition of additional right of way/land acquisition greaten than 40m on existing alignments

and 60m on bypass, environmental clearance is not required.

Estimate for Compensatory Afforestation, implementation of Environment Management Plan during

construction and operation phase of project road development has been worked out and included in the

Cost Estimate.

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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2.7 Initial Social Assessment and Preliminary land Acquisition/Resettlement Plan

Base line socio-economic and census survey to assess the impacts on the people, properties and loss of

livelihood due to the proposed project implementation were carried out. The socio-economic status of

the local community and the affected persons are also assessed.

2.7.1 Land Acquisition:

Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

The Proposed upgradation of the Project Highway is 4-Lane divided carriageway with paved shoulders. To

accommodate the required lane configuration, land is required to be acquired.

Total Land required 280.51 Ha

Total Land Available 113.48 Ha

Land to be acquired

167.02 Ha

Private Land : 127.24 Ha

Govt. Land : 23.14 Ha

(Forest Land: 16.64 HA)

Status of Land Acquisition

3(a) Published in the Gazette

3(A) Published in the Gazette

75% of Field Measurement Survey completed.

3D is under process.

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

The Proposed upgradation of the Project Highway is 4-Lane divided carriageway with paved shoulders. To

accommodate the required lane configuration, land is required to be acquired.

Total Land required 266.134 Ha

Total Land Available 68.27 Ha

Land to be acquired

197.86 Ha

Private Land : 193.48 Ha

Govt. Land : 4.38 Ha

Status of Land Acquisition

3(a) Published in the Gazette

3(A) Published in the Gazette

95% of Field Measurement Survey completed.

3D is under process.

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Village-wise break up of the Forest land required.

Sr. No. Division Taluka Village

Name Comptt



no. Length of

Road(m) Area in Ha.



Akola Chikalgaon 198 65 315 0.85

199 75 490 0.40



Bodkha 71 8 200 0.14

3 Chinchkhed

68 23



69 24 1.12

68 25 2.99

68 33 1.69

4 Sawarkhed 67 49

350 0.37

E-99 50 0.18

5 Malrajura 68 73

250 0.08

68 74 0.34

6 Malegaon Medshi E-103




145 0.14

146 0.61

E-101 310 200 0.97

7 Washim Dhumka E-64 72 200 1.00

Total 4305 m 16.64 Ha

The compensation shall be carried out based on the entitlement matrix, drawn as per RFCTLARR act’ 2013.

The tentative R & R budget, for the structures affected has been included in the LA Cost Estimate. The final

figures will be drawn after the actual estimations of the affected households / structures (i.e. the actual

numbers of title holders, encroachers and squatters are finalized) and due approvals by the competent

project authorities.

2.8 Cost Estimate:

The rates for bitumen, cement & steel has been considered as per refinery rate & current market rates.

The cost estimates for all the structures such as Major bridge, Minor bridges, Flyovers, VUPs, VUP-II are

prepared based on the GAD for each individual structure, the same is considered for arriving at the project

cost. GST has also been considered as per NHAI circular no. NHAI/F&A/2017-18/SM dated 4th Oct 2017.

It is submitted that other activities of Final DPR is under process. It is further submitted that there may be

changes in Cost Estimate and Plan and Profile after detailed geo-technical investigations as per site

conditions, as geotechnical investigations are yet to be started at site.

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

Completion period for the Construction work of the Project is proposed 30 months. The Cost Summary

is as under :

Civil Works : Rs. 732.12 Cr.

Per Km Civil Work Cost : Rs. 15.35 Cr.

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

Completion period for the Construction work of the Project is proposed 30 months. The Cost

Summary is as under :

Civil Works : Rs. 799.77 Cr.

Per Km Civil Work Cost : Rs. 17.97 Cr.

Total Project Cost including Centages : Rs. 923.14 Cr.

Per Km Cost (Incl. centages) : Rs. 20.74 Cr.


Package 1:- Akola to Medshi (km. 0.000 to km. 47.700)

Applicable Typical Cross-section for the Project Stretch

Sr. No Design Chainage (m)

Length (m)



From To

1 0 1000 1000 TCS No - XV

2 1000 3925 2925 TCS No - IB

3 3925 4334 409 TCS No - XXIII

4 4334 4346 12 TCS No - XXIII VUP (GR-II)

5 4346 4875 529 TCS No - XXIII

6 4875 6085 1210 TCS No - II

7 6085 6165 80 TCS No - III

8 6165 6665 500 TCS No - IV

9 6665 7124 459 TCS No - XII

10 7124 7136 12 TCS No - XII VUP (GR-II)

11 7136 7450 314 TCS No - XII

12 7450 8640 1190 TCS No - II

13 8640 8650 10 TCS No - II Minor Bridge

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

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Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

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Sr. No Design Chainage (m)

Length (m)



From To

14 8650 8665 15 TCS No - II

15 8665 8765 100 TCS No - III

16 8765 9164 399 TCS No - XII

17 9164 9176 12 TCS No - XII VUP (GR-II)

18 9176 9400 224 TCS No - XII

19 9400 9665 265 TCS No - IV

20 9665 11625 1960 TCS No - III

21 11625 11850 225 TCS No - IV

22 11850 12187.5 337.5 TCS No - XXV

23 12187.5 12202.5 15 TCS No - XXV VUP

24 12202.5 12525 322.5 TCS No - XXV

25 12525 15900 3375 TCS No - II

26 15900 16000 100 TCS No - III

27 16000 16200 200 TCS No - IV

28 16200 16594 394 TCS No - XII

29 16594 16606 12 TCS No - XII VUP (GR-II)

30 16606 16800 194 TCS No - XII

31 16800 17100 300 TCS No - IV

31 17100 17646 546 TCS No - III

32 17646 17654 8 TCS No - III Minor Bridge

33 17654 18700 1046 TCS No - III

34 18700 18900 200 TCS No - II

35 18900 19300 400 TCS No - III

36 19300 19600 300 TCS No - II

37 19600 20750 1150 TCS No - I

38 20750 21094 344 TCS No - XXIII

39 21094 21106 12 TCS No - XXIII VUP (GR-II)

40 21106 21400 294 TCS No - XXIII

41 21400 22120 720 TCS No - II

42 22120 22300 180 TCS No - III

43 22300 22600 300 TCS No - II

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

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Sr. No Design Chainage (m)

Length (m)



From To

44 22600 22621 21 TCS No - III

45 22621 22629 8 TCS No - III Minor Bridge

46 22629 22960 331 TCS No - III

47 22960 24378 1418 TCS No - II

48 24378 24392 14 TCS No - II Minor Bridge

49 24392 24630 238 TCS No - II

50 24630 24640 10 TCS No - II Minor Bridge

51 24640 25000 360 TCS No - II

52 25000 25200 200 TCS No - XIX

53 25200 25372.5 172.5 TCS No - XIII

54 25372.5 25397.5 25 TCS No - XIII Flyover

55 25397.5 25516 118.5 TCS No - XIII

56 25516 25524 8 TCS No - XIII Minor Bridge

57 25524 25875 351 TCS No - XIII

58 25875 26272.5 397.5 TCS No - VI

59 26272.5 26297.5 25 TCS No - VI Minor Bridge

60 26297.5 26650 352.5 TCS No - VI

61 26650 27240 590 TCS No - XIII

62 27240 27270 30 TCS No - XIII Flyover

63 27270 27650 380 TCS No - XIII

64 27650 28639 989 TCS No - XXIX

65 28639 28651 12 TCS No - XXIX VUP (GR-II)

66 28651 28825 174 TCS No - XXIX

67 28825 30750 1925 TCS No - VI

68 30750 31087.5 337.5 TCS No - XIII

69 31087.5 31112.5 25 TCS No - XIII Minor Bridge

70 31112.5 31377.5 265 TCS No - XIII

71 31377.5 31402.5 25 TCS No - XIII Flyover

72 31402.5 31600 197.5 TCS No - XIII

73 31600 31700 100 TCS No - XIX

74 31700 32300 600 TCS No - II

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

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Sr. No Design Chainage (m)

Length (m)



From To

75 32300 32405 105 TCS No - III

76 32405 32760 355 TCS No - IV

77 32760 32800 40 TCS No - III

78 32800 33001.5 201.5 TCS No - II

79 33001.5 33008.5 7 TCS No - II Minor Bridge

80 33008.5 33410 401.5 TCS No - II

81 33410 33461 51 TCS No - IX

82 33461 33469 8 TCS No - IX Minor Bridge

83 33469 34350 881 TCS No - IX

84 34350 35373 1023 TCS No - VII

85 35373 35387 14 TCS No - VII Minor Bridge

86 35387 36100 713 TCS No - VII

87 36100 36150 50 TCS No - XVI

88 36150 36275 125 TCS No - XIV

89 36275 36375 100 TCS No - XVI

90 36375 36450 75 TCS No - XIV

91 36450 36550 100 TCS No - XVI

92 36550 37975 1425 TCS No - VII

93 37975 38459 484 TCS No - XXIII

94 38459 38471 12 TCS No - XXIII VUP (GR-II)

95 38471 38725 254 TCS No - XXIII

96 38725 38900 175 TCS No - VIII

97 38900 39100 200 TCS No - IX

Toll Plaza 98 39100 41175 2075 TCS No - VIII

99 41175 41235 60 Toll Plaza

100 41235 41650 415 Toll Plaza Toll Plaza

101 41650 41835 185 TCS No - III

102 41835 42500 665 TCS No - I

103 42500 42850 350 TCS No - II

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Sr. No Design Chainage (m)

Length (m)



From To

104 42850 43025 175 TCS No - VI

105 43025 43900 875 TCS No - II

106 43900 44304 404 TCS No - III

107 44304 44316 12 TCS No - III Minor Bridge

108 44316 44400 84 TCS No - III

109 44400 44812.5 412.5 TCS No - VI

110 44812.5 44937.5 125 TCS No - VI Major Bridge

111 44937.5 45725 787.5 TCS No - VI

112 45725 46050 325 TCS No - XVII

113 46050 46075 25 TCS No - VI

114 46075 46772.5 697.5 TCS No - XIII

115 46772.5 46787.5 15 TCS No - XIII VUP

116 46787.5 47125 337.5 TCS No - XIII

117 47125 47500 375 TCS No - XVII

118 47500 47.700 200 TCS No - XIII

Package 2:- Medshi to Washim (km. 47.700 to km. 92.200)

Sr. No Design Chainage Length (m) TCS No Remarks

From To

1 47700 49735 2035 TCS No - III

2 49735 49800 65 TCS No - II

3 49800 50000 200 TCS No - XXIII

4 50000 50292.5 292.5 TCS No - XXIII

5 50292.5 50307.5 15 Refer GAD VUP

6 50307.5 50575 267.5 TCS No - XXIII

7 50575 52538 1963 TCS No - III

8 52538 52870 332 TCS No - VIII

9 52870 53535 665 TCS No - IX

10 53535 54193.1 658.1 TCS No - II

11 54193 54206.9 13.8 TCS No - II Minor Bridge

12 54206.9 54225 18.1 TCS No - VI

13 54225 54640 415 TCS No - XIII

14 54640 54670 30 TCS No - XIII Flyover

15 54670 54900 230 TCS No - XIII

16 54900 54954.5 54.5 TCS No - XIX

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Sr. No Design Chainage Length (m) TCS No Remarks

From To

17 54954.5 54975.5 21 TCS No - XIX Minor Bridge

18 54975.5 55250 274.5 TCS No - XIX

19 55250 56825 1575 TCS No - III

20 56825 57000 175 TCS No - XIX

21 57000 57095 95 TCS No - XIX

22 57095 57105 10 TCS No - XIX Minor Bridge

23 57105 57130 25 TCS No - XIX

24 57130 57160 30 TCS No - XIX Flyover

25 57160 57330 170 TCS No - XIII

26 57330 57975 645 TCS No - VI

27 57975 58434 459 TCS No - XXIX

28 58434 58446 12 TCS No - XXIX VUP II

29 58446 58700 254 TCS No - XXIX

30 58700 59000 300 TCS No - VI

31 59000 59150 150 TCS No - XVII

32 59150 60000 850 TCS No - VI

33 60000 60507.5 507.5 TCS No - XIII

34 60507.5 60532.5 25 TCS No - XIII Flyover

35 60532.5 60725 192.5 TCS No - XIII

36 60725 60825 100 TCS No - XIX

37 60825 61325 500 TCS No - III

38 61325 61825 500 TCS No - III

39 61825 62028 203 TCS No - XII

40 62028 62052 24 TCS No - XII Minor Bridge

41 62052 62075 23 TCS No - XII

42 62075 62224 149 TCS No - XII

43 62224 62236 12 TCS No - XII VUP II

44 62236 62400 164 TCS No - XII

45 62400 62750 350 TCS No - IV

46 62750 63307 557 TCS No - III

47 63307 63325 18 TCS No - III Minor Bridge

48 63325 63606.45 281.45 TCS No - II

49 63606.45 63623.55 17.1 TCS No - II Minor Bridge

50 63623.55 64125 501.45 TCS No - II

51 64125 64658.3 533.3 TCS No - III

52 64658.3 64671.7 13.4 TCS No - III Minor Bridge

53 64671.7 64724 52.3 TCS No - III

54 64724 65225 501 TCS No - III

55 65225 65275 50 TCS No - XII

56 65275 65325 50 TCS No - XII

57 65325 65549 224 TCS No - XII

58 65549 65561 12 TCS No - XII VUP II

59 65561 65625 64 TCS No - XII

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

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Sr. No Design Chainage Length (m) TCS No Remarks

From To

60 65625 65725 100 TCS No - XII

61 65725 65751.75 26.75 TCS No - XII

62 65751.75 65768.25 16.5 TCS No - XII Minor Bridge

63 65768.25 65775 6.75 TCS No - XII

64 65775 66625 850 TCS No - III

65 66625 68300 1675 TCS No - II

66 68300 68425 125 TCS No - V

67 68425 68599 174 TCS No - XII

68 68599 68611 12 TCS No - XII VUP II

69 68611 68975 364 TCS No - XII

70 68975 69035 60 TCS No - II

71 69035 69045 10 TCS No - II Minor Bridge

72 69045 69200 155 TCS No - II

73 69200 70255 1055 TCS No - III

74 70255 70265 10 TCS No - III Minor Bridge

75 70265 72000 1735 TCS No - III

76 72000 72500 500 TCS No - XIX

77 72500 72637.5 137.5 TCS No - XIII

78 72637.5 72662.5 25 TCS No - XIII Flyover

79 72662.5 73550 887.5 TCS No - XIII

80 73550 74525 975 TCS No - VI

81 74525 74922.5 397.5 TCS No - XXIX

82 74922.5 74937.5 15 TCS No - XXIX VUP

83 74937.5 75350 412.5 TCS No - XXIX

84 75350 76495 1145 TCS No - VI

85 76495 76505 10 TCS No - VI Minor Bridge

86 76505 77065 560 TCS No - VI

87 77065 77075 10 TCS No - VI Minor Bridge

88 77075 77275 200 TCS No - VI

89 77275 77624 349 TCS No - XXIX

90 77624 77636 12 TCS No - XXIX

91 77636 78100 464 TCS No - XXIX

92 78100 78475 375 TCS No - XIII

93 78475 78505 30 TCS No - XIII Flyover

94 78505 79285 780 TCS No - XIII

95 79285 79295 10 TCS No - XIII Minor Bridge

96 79295 79300 5 TCS No - XIII

97 79300 79500 200 TCS No - XXI

98 79500 79894 394 TCS No - XXIX

99 79894 79906 12 TCS No - XXIX VUP II

100 79906 80475 569 TCS No - XXIX

101 80475 80585 110 TCS No - VI

102 80585 80595 10 TCS No - VI Minor Bridge

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 75

Sr. No Design Chainage Length (m) TCS No Remarks

From To

103 80595 80650 55 TCS No - VI

104 80650 81402.5 752.5 TCS No - XXIX

105 81402.5 81417.5 15 TCS No - XXIX VUP

106 81417.5 81700 282.5 TCS No - XXIX

107 81700 82600 900 TCS No - VI

108 82600 83020.2 420.2 TCS No - XVIII

109 83020.2 83084.32 64.116 TCS No - XVIII ROB

110 83084.32 83720 635.684 TCS No - XVIII

111 83720 84175 455 TCS No - VI

112 84175 84657.5 482.5 TCS No - XIII

113 84657.5 84682.5 25 TCS No - XIII Flyover

114 84682.5 84830 147.5 TCS No - XIII

115 84830 85100 270 TCS No - XIX

116 85100 87225 2125 TCS No - II

117 87225 87449 224 TCS No - XXV

118 87449 87461 12 TCS No - XXV VUP-II

119 87461 87650 189 TCS No - XXV

120 87650 90200 2550 TCS No - II

121 90200 91285 1085 TCS No - III

122 91285 91765 480 TCS No - III Toll Plaza

123 91765 92000 235 TCS No - III

124 92000 92200 200 TCS No - II

Total 44500

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 76

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 77

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 78

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 79

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 80

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 81

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 82

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 83

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 84

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 85

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 86

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 87

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 88

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 89

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 90

Upgradation of Akola - Washim - Hingoli – Waranga Phata Section of NH-161) to Four Lane

configuration in the state of Maharashtra on EPC mode

Section of Akola-Washim from Km 0.000 to Km 92.200 (Design Chainage)

Executive Summary of

Project Report

Marc Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Global Infra Solutions 1 - 91