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✓  It's a Big Data platform that allows TV broadcasters to provide a much better experience to their viewers, building new ways of interaction with them and widen their business model by using an automatic sync between the smartphones and tablets of their viewers with what's on the TV.

✓ Is designed to promote the synchronous use of second screen apps while the viewers watch TV. Using our proprietary technology, we can know what the viewers are watching and to interact on their mobile devices; building customizable and contextualized relations with the audience, attracting new viewers and increasing their degree of loyalty with a channel or a program.

✓  Providing broadcasters with useful data which permits them to know who's watching what (identified one to one), how they watch it, individual viewer interests..., and to contact with them one to one in a synchronous and asynchronous way... through a scalable structure developed in the cloud.

✓  From the channel second screen own app, BM platform permits, using a unique development, to have a personalized app simultaneously for each and everyone of the shows on the network.

The Bridge Mediatech Platform

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BM platform systems

BM Platform

5 systhems

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Automatic Content Recognition (ACR)

✓ Our proprietary Automatic Content Recognition (ACR) System is integrated in our platform, allowing to identify each viewer and to detect in less than 2 seconds what channel is watching.

✓ This ACR is the “certification element” of our platform, which lets us know immediately, continuously and with high precision, what the viewer is watching at any time.

✓ Through our platform, the broadcaster may know, without relying on any other company, the evolution of the audience and their profile; the behavior of each viewer (when they are connected, if they watch the whole program or only part, if they keeps on the advertising breaks, if they really saw all the chapters or not ...) being able to interact with every viewer (segmenting them according to their characteristics and behaviors) at the apropiate moment, contextualizing their experience in the different screens.

✓ Our proprietary technology allows to detect both live and recorded programs, and does not need to include any watermark or extra content in the broadcasted signal.

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Application Systems …that allows multiple possibilities: To obtain the data of the viewers and interact with them, we use the second screen applications. We offer to broadcasters the possibility of use our second screen app 'mashTV' (already in stores) or the “sdks” that we have developed and that allow a very simple and rapid integration in the broadcaster second screen apps. Through this apps/toolkits the broadcasters can interact with the viewers while they watch their shows, enriching their experience through extra content, games, quizzes, predictions, e-commerce offers, marketing... in a very personalized and contextual way with the contents they're watching.

Application System

...  with  mul*ple  possibili*es:  

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Inbounds System

The inbounds system (call to action) allows launching the “interactions” on mobile devices in a personalized, segmented, synchronous, flexible, wide and non-invasive way while they watch TV. Through it, the broadcasters: •  can obtain further information about viewer´s personal characteristics. •  can deliver to viewers a wide variety of contents (complementary

content to the show they're watching, predictions, quizzes, badges and achievements, marketing, ecommerce, voting, games...) contextualized at each moment with what is being watched on TV, based on the knowledge of the viewer personal preferences and interests and therefore enriching the overall experience of watching TV.

•  can widen their business models (implementing micro payment models, implementing TV-commerce models more attractive for new advertisers and e-reatilers ...), and facilitating access to a significant part of the mobile marketing investment.

All this possibilities using a very simple Dashboard that permits to program all the augmented content or to send it instantly. Simultaneously the inbound system is the second great source of the platform's big data; each viewer interaction with each one of the inbounds keeps stored on the intelligence system, getting this way, the unique preferences for each viewer.

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Data Intelligence System

Information about behavior of every viewer in front of the TV (what they see, how and when they see it...) and the contextualized content (their interests) is stored, allowing us to adapt our actions and inbounds to their likes in a custom way. From the personalized knowledge of every viewer´s behavior and their interests “with names and last names” (email, age, location...) we may launch segmented “campaigns”, building new kind of relationships rewarding loyalty to our programs and channels and promoting particular behaviours; providing new management tools to reach each and everyone of the different objectives fixed for each action.

Information about behavior of every viewer in front of the TV (what they see, how and when they see it...) and the

contextualized content (their interests) is stored, allowing us to adapt our actions and inbounds to their likes in a

custom way..

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The Audience Relationship Manager (ARM) included on the Bridge Mediatech platform, is the system that allows the customization of the interactions with the viewers based on their characteristics, preferences, interests and TV behaviors making easier to make high value custom contacts, both in a synchronous (while the user is watching TV and though inbounds) and an asynchronous way. From the system's dashboard, broadcasters may design and launch specific campaigns for each viewer having into consideration both their personal characteristics (sex, age, location) and their behavior in front of the TV (for example, if they have watched determined shows or not, if they view our channel the majority of time or not...)... and from there we can initiate custom contacts and influencing their behavior.

Audience Relationship Manager (ARM)

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* Timeline

She press the event on the TV broadcaster app from which the

toolkit is launched for use it simultaneously

she watch the show al TV

Ana interacts on her second screen where she receives

exclusive extra content contextualized with what she is watching on TV, she can shop,

play, predict, interact with product advertising that

interests her... building a funner and richer experience. She shares on social media the

contents she likes ... and invites to their digital friends to watch the show and to download and use the TV Channel app. Also

each interaction allows Ana to earn points and badges...

XYZ is going to start and Ana runs the

app on her mobile device (smartphone

or tablet)

Because she has seen all the shows of the series this month and she has reached the 500 points,

Ana gets a discount bonus of product M rewarding

her loyalty and interaction and receives a premium

invitation to the filming of the show.

Ana turns on the TV, today

'XYZ' is on, her favorite show .

She downloads a signed protagonists

photograph sent only to those viewers that have

seen the show in the past week with the new

BSO, she believes a privileged viewer,

making her engage lto the show even stronger and she share her pride

on social media.

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Tuesday morning, Manuel gets a summary video from

the last episode and prepares the inbound for send it to that viewers of

XYZ show that watched the program and simultaneously

interacts with the app. Minutes before the show

starts, the women viewers in that segment get an inbound and email that

incorporates a promotional element (dedicated picture) to all those that follow XYZ

show (for 'X' amount of weeks) and a new song from

the soundtrack.

Wednesday morning: Manuel checks the stats and the exclusive useful

data and incomes that his company had thanks to BM

platform and the interaction from the

viewers with marketing content included on the second screen. Manuel

also checks the evolution of their show audience

data, the audience is still growing through the TV

app (non intermediary data and that only the provider will have) and sends the graphs and data to the

media and to their publishers, sponsors and

potential customers.

Manuel looks the audience data and the viewer

behavior from the before XYZ show thanks to Bridge

Mediatech platform , set up the inbounds corresponding to

tomorrow's episode: extra content, protagonist

photos, games, questions... among them the show's sponsor that

offers discounts to everyone who visited their

website from our app while they watched the

show ....

In the evening of that same day, Manuel

takes advantage of the data that he has of the viewer characteristics

and behaviors, and uses BM Audience

Relationships Management, inviting to a segment of them

to see the all-new show that debuts

tonight (in a way of thanking the loyalty of

the viewers that watched XYZ and

taking to them the chance of a crossed

promo with points and gifts if they follow the

two shows).

In collaboration with the producer, Manuel

sets up an auction with scenery, clothes

and perks that XYZ won't be using

anymore and that can only be accessible

through the provider's app, some of them

will have a 70% discount for the most

viewing fans or the ones who didn't

change channels through commercials. A percentage of what

is gathered will be donated to charity.

… and many other possibilities!

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 [email protected]    

Bridge Mediatech

May we talk about how to implement it?