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((WWOORRKK IINNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONNSS)) BBRRIIDDGGEE CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN HIMACHAL PRADESH ROADS & INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD (HPRIDC) States Roads Project, Nirman Bhawan Nigam Vihar, Shimla 171002 Tel No.: 0177-2627602 Issue No: 01Rev No. 00 Review & Issue By: Project Director(MR)Approved By: MD/ Secretary Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC/Table of Contents Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/i TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page No. Chapters AMENDMENT SHEET .......................................................................................................... i 1.INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................1-1 2.CLASSIFICATION OF BRIDGES..........................................................................2-1 2.1.Planning and investigation.....................................................................................2-1 2.2.Designs ..................................................................................................................2-3 2.3.Detailed Project Report .........................................................................................2-3 2.4.Tender....................................................................................................................2-4 2.5.Contract Management ...........................................................................................2-5 3.PROCESS FLOW FOR BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION ...........................................3-1 4.QUALITY PLAN FOR BRIDGE / CROSS DRAIN.................................................4-1 4.1.Background............................................................................................................4-1 4.2.Scope.....................................................................................................................4-1 4.3.Abbreviations and Definitions................................................................................4-1 4.4.References.............................................................................................................4-2 4.5.Planning of Bridge / Cross Drain Projects.............................................................4-2 4.6.Original Construction / Maintenance.....................................................................4-3 5.QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR BRIDGES...............................5-1 5.1.Project Report Preparation....................................................................................5-1 5.2.Material Controls....................................................................................................5-1 5.3.Process Controls ...................................................................................................5-1 6.QUALITY PROCESS FOR MAINTENANCE OF BRIDGES.................................6-1 6.1.Annual Maintenance / Ordinary Repairs / Routine Maintenance .........................6-1 6.2.Periodic Maintenance............................................................................................6-1 6.3.Special Repairs......................................................................................................6-1 6.4.Survey Report ........................................................................................................6-2 7.NON-CONFORMANCE (NC) AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS.............................7-1 7.1.Typical NCs with Product: Concrete / Asphalt work .............................................7-1 8.TEST PLANS AND CHECKLISTS........................................................................8-1 8.1.Test Plan for Cement.............................................................................................8-1 8.2.Test Plan for Coarse Aggregate............................................................................8-2 8.3.Test Plan for Fine Aggregate ................................................................................8-3 8.4.Test Plan for Water for Construction.....................................................................8-4 8.5.Test Plan for Sheathing.........................................................................................8-5 8.6.Test Plan for Epoxy Paint ......................................................................................8-6 8.7.Test Plan for Elastomeric Bearings.......................................................................8-7 8.8.Test Plan for Pot Bearings.....................................................................................8-8 8.9.Test Plan for Chemicals for Anti Corrosive - Treatment (CECRI) ........................8-9 8.10.Test Plan for Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating (FBEC).........................................8-10 8.11.Test Plan for Reinforcement Steel (HYSD).........................................................8-11 8.12.Test Plan for Steel for Pre-Stressing...................................................................8-12 8.13.Test Plan for Steel for MS Liner ..........................................................................8-13 8.14.Test Plan for Elastomeric Expansion Joint (Strip Seal) ......................................8-14 8.15.Checklist for Pile Foundations.............................................................................8-15 8.16.Checklist for Pile Foundations.............................................................................8-18 8.17.Checklist for Pile Cap ..........................................................................................8-19 Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC/Table of Contents Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/ii 8.18.Checklist for Formwork........................................................................................8-20 8.19.Checklist for Construction of Well Foundation....................................................8-23 8.20.Checklist for Construction of Well Cap................................................................8-28 8.21.Checklist for Excavation for Open Foundation....................................................8-30 8.22.Checklist for Steel Reinforcement .......................................................................8-33 8.23.Checklist for Structural Concrete.........................................................................8-36 8.24.Preparation of Mix Design of Cement Concrete .................................................8-40 8.25.Checklist for Bearing............................................................................................8-42 8.26.Checklist for Strip Seal Expansion Joints............................................................8-44 8.27.Checklist for Providing and Fixing of Bridge Railing...........................................8-46 8.28.Construction of Reinforced Concrete for Piers and Abutments..........................8-48 8.29.Construction of Pier Cap and Abutment Cap......................................................8-50 8.30.Providing Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall .........................................................8-53 8.31.Checklist for Application of Epoxy Paint to Exposed Faces of Superstructure..8-55 8.32.Checklist for Application of Epoxy Pain to Exposed Faces of Superstructure...8-56 8.33.Checklist for Application of Water Proof Cement Paint to Structure ..................8-57 8.34.Checklist for Tack Coat .......................................................................................8-58 8.35.Checklist for Mastic Asphalt ................................................................................8-60 8.36.Checklist for Dense Bituminous Macadam.........................................................8-62 8.37.Checklist for Asphaltic Concrete .........................................................................8-65 8.38.Providing and Fixing Water Spouts.....................................................................8-68 8.39.Checklist for Application of Aqua Epoxy Paint to Structure................................8-70 8.40.Checklist for Application of Aqua Epoxy Paint to Structure................................8-72 9.TESTS AND TEST PROFORMA..........................................................................9-1 9.1.Tests to be conducted by Construction Division...................................................9-1 9.2.Test report on aggregate characteristics of Grade 2 metal for WBM Work .........9-3 9.3.Test Report on Cement Concrete Cubes..............................................................9-4 9.4.Test Report of Sand Sample.................................................................................9-5 9.5.Test Report of Brick Sample..................................................................................9-6 9.6.Test Report of Coarse Aggregate (40mm and less / 20mm and less) .................9-7 9.7.Test Report of Cement Sample.............................................................................9-8 9.8.Test Report on Aggregate Characteristics of Single Coat Surface Dressing.......9-9 9.9.Test Report on Aggregate Characteristics of 20mm Thick Open Graded Premix Carpet / Seal Coat ...........................................................................................................9-10 9.10.Test Report on Aggregate of Built-up Spray Grout .............................................9-11 9.11.Test Report on Aggregates Characteristic for Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete (SDBC)........................................................................................................................9-12 9.12.Test Report on Aggregate Characteristics of Bituminous Macadam..................9-13 9.13.Test Report on Coarse Aggregate for Bituminous Concrete..............................9-14 9.14.Test Report on Aggregates Characteristic for Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam........................................................................................................................9-15 Annexures Annexure I. :Typical Letter for Public Representation .....................................................I-1 Annexure II. : Typical Covering Letter from Divisionl to Division......................................II-1 Annexure III. : Typical Routine Inspection Proforma for Maintenance of Bridge ............III-1 Annexure IV. : Annual Calendar for QA Checks for Bridge Maintenance...................... IV-1 Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC/Table of Contents Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/iii Appendixes Appendix I. : Proforma for Bridge / Cross Drain ................................................................I-1 Appendix II. : Proforma for Bridge.....................................................................................II-1 Appendix III. : Checklist for Proposal Preparation for Bridge/Cross Drain......................III-1 Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC/Amendment Sheet Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/i AMENDMENT SHEET Sl. No.DocumentDescription of Change Page/Para. No. Rev. No. Date of Issue Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-01/Introduction Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/1-1 1.INTRODUCTION ThismanualintendstoprovideguidancetotheHPPWDengineersintheir functions of investigation, designs, estimation inspection and assurance of quality ofconstructionandmaintenance.Ithelpsinthevendorcontrolandgradationof contractorsandisexpectedtoaidinstructuredQualityAssuranceactivitiesof HPPWD. Bridge construction is dependent on several challenges, right from selection of the terrain,soilconditions,materials,methods,typeanddesignofconstructionto supervisionandassuranceofqualityinconstructionofnewapproachroadsand maintenance of the same after the area is acquired. Theenclosureswouldprovidetypicalprocessflowofroadconstruction,Quality Assurancerequirements,testplansforQualitychecksofmaterialsusedin construction and teats and test report Performa for presentation of test results. The checklists are the Level III documents of an established Quality Management System(QMS)asperISO9001:2008.TheQualityPlandrawnuphighlightson theprocesscontrolsnecessaryforproductrealizationandimprovements.Itis intended to help the internal auditors while carrying out audits of the implemented QMS of HPPWD. ThisdocumentisanimportantadjuncttotheProcedureManual(LevelII) document and takes into consideration theexisting practices and codalneeds of HPPWD. The formats to be used are the same as necessary for the QMS and the departmental code. For easy reference to the contents of the manual the following process has been adopted: BCM refers to Bridge Construction Manual. TP refers to Test Plan CL refers to various Check list for process control. The test plans are identified as BCM/TP XX refers to the Serial No. of Test plan, similarlyBCM/CLXXreferstotheSerialNo.ofchecklistasapplicable.Thetest planandchecklistshouldbeconsideredasworkinstructionsnecessaryfor construction and maintenance of Bridge. The typical tests and test Performa are given in separate chapters for the purpose of guidance to the site engineer, quality control staff and also the contractors. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-02/Classification of Bridges Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/2-1 2.CLASSIFICATION OF BRIDGES Type of BridgeLengthDetails Culvertsup to 6mBridge structure with a lineal waterway. Minor Bridge6 m- 60 mOn stable rivers and canals Major Bridgemore than 60 mOn major river or tributaries, which are shifting in nature. 2.1.Planning and investigation 2.1.1.Planning Following factors are taken into consideration: The need for the structure and its location. Thetrafficthatwillpassoverthestructureoncompletionandinfuture(in respect of the volume of traffic as well as the axle/wheel load.). Characteristics of the river / stream / canal. Subsoil condition. Construction problems that may arise. Cost and economics. (including land acquisition). Alternativesiteseitherbylongitudinalshiftsoftheproposedstructureorby lateral shift of the alignment itself. 2.1.2.Investigation Techno feasibility study. Techno economic study. Detailed survey and project report. Feasibility Study Selection of Site oEntirereachoftheriverwithintheareatobeinter-connectedarestudied to find out sites which satisfy various conditions for location a bridgeoNo.offactorseachsitesatisfyarelistedandthesitewhichsatisfythe most are selected for further consideration. oMapsarestudiedtochoosesitesthatappearsuitableforlocatingthe bridge.Choiceisnarroweddowntothree/fouralternativesites.Italso includesgatheringinformationonbehaviourofriveratsitesbystudying available reports. oAdetailedassessmentofconstructionproblemsthatcanaffectits feasibility, cost and duration of construction. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-02/Classification of Bridges Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/2-2 Techno-Economic Study Duringthisinvestigationtechnicaldetailsarestudiedin-depthtofacilitate estimating the cost of various alternatives. Details obtained for each site are Length of bridge. Length of approaches. Volume of traffic anticipated. Distance from important city / town. Expected duration of construction. Nature of flow at site. Construction problems, if any (including land acquisition). Cost benefit ratio. Surveys Traffic surveys and analysis oClassified traffic volume survey. oOrigin-destination studies. oSpeed and delay studies. oSurvey for design of Bridge/Cross Drain junctions, Bridge/Cross Drain over / under bridges, etc. oAxle load studies. oAccident records. oTraffic projection (for approx. 30 years). Geographical survey oStudy of maps and survey sheets. oStudy of GIS information. oDetailed ground survey. oHydrological data collection and survey. Environmental impact studies oEnvironmental impact assessment. oEnvironmental management action plan. oResettlement and rehabilitation action plan. Soil surveys oStudy of secondary data. oSoil investigation for low embankments. oSpecial investigation for high embankments. oSoil investigation for cut sections. oSpecial investigation for land-slide-prone area. oSoilexplorationfordeterminingnatureofFoundationandcarryingout model/studies. Drainage studies oObjectives. oHigh flood level (HFL). oDepth of water table. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-02/Classification of Bridges Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/2-3 oPounded water level. oSpecial investigation for cut-sections. oSurface run-off. Cost benefit oReturn on investments worked out in more precise terms. (Benefits by the way of savings or additional earnings) Investigation for major /Important bridge with waterway of > or=60 m oTopographical Details. oCatchment area and its characteristics. oHydrological particulars. oGeo-tech. Details. oSeismology of the area. oNavigational requirements. oConstruction Resources: (i)Land availability and acquisition. (ii)Labour. (iii)Material. (iv)Habitation and accommodation. (v)Water and power. (vi)Existing transport and Communication infrastructure. oImportant details of nearest bridge across the same river or stream and its history. oTraffic Present and future trend. oAlternative routes and modes available. 2.2.Designs Detailed pavement design. Cross Drains design. Side Drains design. 2.3.Detailed Project Report2.3.1.Survey Details Longitudinal section. Cross Section. Earthwork calculations for embankment if any. 2.3.2.Design and Drawing Details A plan of the proposed structure 1:100 to 1:200. ACrossSectionofthestructurealsoshowingthegroundprofileatthe foundation level both HFL and LFL to the same scale. A part of elevation and part section along the centerline of the bridge. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-02/Classification of Bridges Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/2-4 A site plan to the scale 1:1000 or 1:2000. A cross section to half front elevation along the alignment showing the ground profile and containing a section through the trial pit at the chain age. The catchments area map (for major bridge only). 2.3.3.Estimate DetailsIt is based on Current Schedule of Rates (CSR) applicable for respective Circles.It includes.Generalreportdetailingaboutpresentconditionoftheroad,connectivity, proposed improvements. Inspection Certificate by AE and EE. Abstract detailing name of the work and estimated cost. Detailed Estimate describing items, units, quantity, rate amount, etc. Sub-estimates. Rate Analysis. Plans. Index Map. Bar chart for existing Road condition. Bar chart for proposed improvements. Recapitulation sheet. 2.3.4.Other Documents L sections. Cross Sections. Tehsil map. District map. Bar chart for existing Bridge/Cross Drain condition. Bar chart for proposed improvements. 2.3.5.Submission of Project report (Plans and Estimates.) Submissionoftheprojectreport(detailingsalientfeaturesofbridge,its estimatedcost,andcostbenefitratio,etc.)byEEtoEEandsubsequent authoritiesinaccordancewiththeDelegationoffinancialpowersfor Administrative Approval. AfteradministrativeapprovaltheProjectreportwillbesubmittedtothe concernedauthorityforTechnicalSanctioninaccordancewiththeDelegation of financial powers.Upon accord of technical sanction by competent authority, Division initiates the next activity of tendering. 2.4.Tender Notification for Inviting Tenders (NIT) Preparation of Draft Tender Papers oPre-qualification of Contractor. oPreparation of Draft Tender Schedules (DTS). Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-02/Classification of Bridges Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/2-5 oPreparation of schedule B. Tender Documents Shall Contain oTechnical specifications.oCommercial conditions. Supply of Tender Documents Clarification of Tender Documents oScope of Tender. oEligibility criteria. oAmendment of Tender documents. Receipt of Tenders and Tender Opening Tender Evaluation to be in Accordance with Evaluation Criteria Preparation of Evaluation Report and Award of Contract Handing Over of Site to the Contractor 2.5.Contract Management Supervision oProduct and process. Product Inspection oMaterials, Equipments, finished product. Control of Materials oTesting of material for source approval. oInspection and certification of materials on receipt. oTesting of materials going into construction. Equipments oTest frequencies and calibration schedule. oHandling by skilled manpower. Process Inspection oWorkmanship, procedures. Workmanship oCompetent manpower. oSafety. Procedures oSpecifications. oDepartmental Codes. oQuality Management Procedures. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-03/Process Flow for Bridge Construction Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/3-1 3.PROCESS FLOW FOR BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION

Requirement from concerned dept Line Estimation Scrutiny by CA, TCPreparation of Designs and detailed estimates Administrative Approval Approved? Tendering and Award of Contract Execution and Supervision Appear in the budget? NYNYAdministrative Approval Approved?NYQuality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-04/Quality Plan for Bridge / Cross Drain Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/4-1 4.QUALITY PLAN FOR BRIDGE / CROSS DRAIN 4.1.Background Bridgesaredefinedasstructures,whichprovidepassageoveragapwithout closing the way beneath. They may be needed for passage of railways, roadways, andfootpathsandevenforcarriageoffluids.AgoodBridge/CrossDrainhasan importantbearingontheeconomyofacountry.Inthechangingscenarioof globalization and economic liberalization, a great deal of emphasis is already laid ondevelopmentofinfrastructurethroughconstructionofadependable Bridge/CrossDrain.Consequently,consistencyinthequalityofstructure, workmanship, reliability etc.,have gained paramount importance. In line with this needthedocumentispreparedtoprovideguidelinesforQualityAssuranceof Bridge/Cross Drains. 4.2.Scope TheseguidelinescoverqualitysystemforactivitiesofBridge/CrossDrain construction. These include steps towards planning and investigation, design and construction, Tendering, Corrective and preventive actions for NCs, etc. 4.3.Abbreviations and Definitions 4.3.1.Abbreviations IRC- Indian Roads Congress No. NumberRef. Reference DTS-Draft Tender Schedule Divn- Division NC- Non Conformance 4.3.2.Definitions The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that relies on its ability to satisfy stated or implied need. Assurance Allthosesystematicandplannedactionsnecessarytoprovideadequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy given requirements for quality. Plan Adocumentsettingoutspecificpractices,resourcesandsequenceofactivities relevant to a particular product, service contract or project. Non-fulfillment of specified requirements. Sanction The name is given to the order of the competent authority sanctioning a properly detailed estimate of the cost of a work of construction or repair, to be carried out bythepublicworksdepartment.Ordinarily,suchsanctioncanonlybeaccorded Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-04/Quality Plan for Bridge / Cross Drain Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/4-2 bythegovernmentinthepublicworksdepartmentorbysuchauthoritiesofthe departmenttowhomthepowerhasbeendelegatedbygovernment.Sanction accordedtoaworkbyanyotherdepartmentofgovernmentisregardedasan administrative approval of the work. Approval Thistermdenotestheformalacceptance,bytheadministrativedepartment concerned,oftheproposalsforincurringanyexpenditureinthepublicworks departmentonaworkinitiatedbyorconnectedwiththerequirementsofsuch administrative department. It is in effect, an order to the Public Works Department toexecutecertainspecifiedworksatastatedsumtomeettheadministrative needs of the department requiring the work. . Administrative ApprovalTechnical Sanction Subject to appearing in the BudgetFor estimate of original work Lumpsum Contract Architectural, Acoustic, Landscaping, electrical etc. 4.4.References ISO 9000:2005 Fundamentals and Vocabulary, IRC, MOSRTH. 4.5.Planning of Bridge / Cross Drain Projects Original Construction Maintenance Annual Maintenance Periodical Maintenance Special Maintenance BRIDGE/CROSS DRAIN Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-04/Quality Plan for Bridge / Cross Drain Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/4-3 4.6.Original Construction / Maintenance 1.Public Representation. TypicalLetterforPublicRepresentation:FromPublic/Electedrepresentative (Annexure I). 2.Feasibility study by Division Economic profile and analysis. Traffic survey. Preliminary Topographical survey. Soil survey and Drainage studies. Initial pavement designs. Land acquisition estimate. Traffic analysis and projection. Line estimate for detail investigation. 3.Typical Covering Letter from Division to division (Annexure II). 4.Proposal scrutinized by EE and submission to SE. 5.Proposal scrutinized by SE and submission to CE. (Submission to SE / CE depends upon the amount involved and financial powers delegated). 6.EE/SE/CE submits proposal to Govt. for sanctioning the amount towards detail investigation. 7.Upon receiving the amount for detail investigation to Division, EE instructs the Division to carry out the activity. 8.Based on the investigation results, designs are prepared. 9.On the basis of designs and by referring to current schedule of rates, applicable to concerned Circle, detailed estimate is prepared. 10.DetailedProjectReportissubmittedbyDivisiontoTechnicalCommittee (TC)/Board of directors.11.TC/BODscrutinizesalltheproposals(completeinallaspects)receivedfrom various Divisions. 12.TC/BOD prioritizes proposals on the basis of need of the project for inclusion in the budget. 13.UponapprovalfromtheGovt.(inclusionintheBudget),TC/BODintimatesthe concerned Division accordingly. 14.Theproposalswhichdonotappearinthecurrentbudgetduetofinancial reasons are stored by TC/BOD, for including in the budget of next year by revising Plans and Estimates. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-05/Quality Assurance Requirements for Bridges Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/5-1 5.QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR BRIDGES 5.1.Project Report Preparation Design and drawings, contracts and contractors, materials, quantity estimation, requirementsofhumanresources,execution,inspectionandtesting, acceptance / reworking and asset acquisition. 5.2.Material Controls Testing of materials Aggregates coarse, fine, components (base, sub-base, pavement, shoulders). Test methods, Acceptance limits. Sampling and Frequency of testing. Availability of equipment Monitoring and measurement. Reports of test results, calibration. 5.3.Process Controls AlignmentControlsforapproachroadsEdges,carriageway,horizontal alignment, vertical profile, pavement thickness. Road embankment Grade, sub base and fill. Grain size, Plasticity Index, of materials, moisture content, density. Samplingandfrequencyoftesting,Testmethods,testingequipment, calibration. Tests on finished profile. Granular Base course laying. oMaterial testing (Gradation, sizing, aggregate impact values, density). oFrequency and sampling. oTest equipment and test methods. oTests on surface profile (slope and evenness). Bituminous Pavement laying. oTests on aggregates, bitumen, mix grading. oTemperature and rate of application of prime and tack coating. oTemperature for mixing, laying and compaction of bitumen mix. oCore sampling, assess for density, voids. oTests on surface profiles, evenness, slope of the finished pavement. Cement Concrete (CC) Pavements. oTests on aggregates (for the base and paving). oTests on cement. oTests on Cement Concrete mix, (both in-situ and laboratory). oTests on cores. oTests on concrete for Cross Drainage. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-06/Quality Process for Maintenance of Bridges Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/6-1 6.QUALITY PROCESS FOR MAINTENANCE OF BRIDGES Thebasicobjectiveofamaintenanceactivityistoensuresafetyandmeeting customerrequirements.TheQualityAssuranceactivitiesassurethatthe maintenanceactivitiesareperformedasperplans.Towardsthis,acalendaris drawn up at the beginning of the year for both preventive and annual maintenance of all assets- bridges. A typical maintenance plan is given below: 6.1.Annual Maintenance / Ordinary Repairs / Routine Maintenance It includes following nature of worksUpkeep of bridges (whitewashing, painting etc). Upkeep of bridge Drainage system. Upkeep of earth retaining structures. Keeping the bridges in good condition (plastering, fittings, electricals). 6.2.Periodic Maintenance Visual examination of the condition of bridges shall be carried out at least once in sixmonths.Regularpreventivemeasuresforanydamagestoapproachroads, corrosionandrusting,paintingrequirements,undesirablevegetationshouldbe carriedout.AtypicalroutineinspectionPerformaformaintenanceofbridgesis given in (Annexure III). 6.3.Special Repairs It covers damages occurred due to unforeseen / natures calamity. TheprocessmaintenanceofBridgeneedsasystemapproachtobefollowed involving a series of sequential operations. Detailed assessment of the present Bridge condition.Diagnosis of the problem.Selection of the most appropriate treatment. Thissystematicapproachenablesaclearunderstandingofdeterminationof prioritiesmoreobjectivelyandallotmentofavailableresourceswheretheyare most needed. The first step in planning a maintenance operation is to know the existing bridge in terms of physical condition, structural capacity, surface etc. The following data are required to be collected. The various inputs are: Strip map. Maintenance Annual Maintenance Periodic (preventive) Maintenance Special repairs (Corrective actions) Routine Maintenance Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-06/Quality Process for Maintenance of Bridges Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/6-2 Surface history. List of bridges - Major / Minor Bridges. Condition survey. Conditionsurveysatfixedfrequencyarenecessaryfordeterminingperiodic renewal requirements and long-term maintenance strategy. 6.4.Survey Report Type of bridge ( Major/Minor) RoutineSpecialRoutineSpecialRoutineSpecial Inspected by: Approved by: 6.4.1.Method Visual inspection 6.4.2.Calendar of QA Planning for Maintenance Thecalendarisdrawnupfortheyear,keepinginmindthebesttimefor maintenanceactivity,suchas,pre-monsoon,postmonsoon,winter (forhillbridges)etc.Atypicalcalendarisshownforpurposeofreference (Annexure IV).

Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-07/Non-Conformance (NC) and Corrective Actions Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/7-1 7.NON-CONFORMANCE (NC) AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS 7.1.Typical NCs with Product: Concrete / Asphalt work 7.1.1.Non-Conformance with Strength Requirements Thespecificationstrength/densityforconcrete/asphaltrecognizesthe statisticalpossibilityofcubefailuresandthuslimitsofmeans,standard deviationandminimumvalueofstrengtharespecified.Therejectioncriteria are set out in the agreement. In the event of cube/ density failures outside the provision of the contract then: (a).Approval of concreting/asphalting of similar works shall be withheld.(b).All aspects of concreting/asphalting shall be reviewed.(c).Thecausesoffailureshallbeidentifiedandmeasurestakentoremedy the problem. 7.1.2.Non-Conformance Other than Strength or Finish Issueofaletterstatingthefactsandconfirmingthattheworksarenot approved. Approvaltocarryoutconcreting/asphaltingofasimilarnatureshallbewith held. The Contractor shall be asked for his proposals to rectify the non-compliance, which may involve re-submission of materials, new trial mixes, revised method statement. 7.1.3.Non-Conformance with Finishing Requirements Where the required finish is not attained then:(a).Approval of similar work shall be withheld.(b).All aspects of work shall be reviewed. (c).The cause of poor finis shall be identified.(d).Revisedspecifications/instructionstoavoidfurtherrecurrenceofnon-conformance shall be issued. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC/Annexures Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/AN.I-1 Annexure I. :Typical Letter for Public Representation Date: To The Executive Engineer Division, PIN.- Sir, Sub: Submission of proposal (Strike out the non-applicable products) Ref.: Iam/Weareherebysubmittingaproposalintheprescribedformatattached herewithforconstruction/Improvement/MaintenanceofBridge/CrossDrains/ Buildings / Culverts / Pavedip / causeway / others. I/Wehopethisproposalwillbeconsideredfornecessaryapprovalfrom Government and work will be taken up at the earliest. Thanking you. Yours truly, Enclosure:1.Performa of Bridge/Cross Drain (Appendix I). 2.Bridge (Appendix II). Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC/Annexures Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/AN.II-1 Annexure II.: Typical Covering Letter from Sub-Division to Division No./EE-/Caseworker/Subject/FileNo./Year/DispatchNo./ Dispatch Date Date: ToThe Executive Engineer District> PIN. Sir, Sub:Proposal for (Tick mark the applicable) Bridge/Cross Drain / Bridge under Ref.: Public Representation dated - Iamherebysubmittingaproposalforconstruction/Improvement/Maintenance of Bridge/Cross Drains / Culverts / Pave dip / causeway / others in the prescribed format attached herewith. IhopethisproposalwillbeconsideredfornecessaryapprovalfromGovernment and work will be taken up at the earliest. Thanking you. Yours truly, Executive Engineer Sub- Division Enclosure:1.Checklist for Bridge/Cross Drain (Appendix III). 2.District Map. 3.Tehsil Map. 4.Copy of Representatives Letter, if any. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC/Annexure Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/AN.III-1 Annexure III. : Typical Routine Inspection Performa for Maintenance of Bridge Sl. No. Particular action to be taken Chain age -100KM -101 KM-102KM -103KM - 104 1.Jungle Clearance 2.Side drains 3.Shoulder andEdge Correct camber Correct Edges Pot holes Erosion cuts Drain cuts 4.Carriageway Fill patches Fill pot holes Grit for bleeding Renewal needed 5.CD Works 6.Encroachment details 7.Road furniture- Sign boards KmandHectometer -Stones Pavement markings Speed Breaker 8.Cleaning and repairs of Bridge/CD proper. 9.Repair/replacement of bearings and expansion joints. 10.River/Drain training and Clearing the vents. 11. Repairs to approaches / Embankments. 12.Repairs to aprons. 13.White washing/Painting Parapets /Handrails. 14.Visual checks for vegetation, cracks etc. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC/Annexures Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/AN.IV-1 Annexure IV. : Annual Calendar for QA Checks for Bridge Maintenance Sl. No. Items Apr-Jun July-Sep Oct-Dec Jan-Mar. Remarks1.Cleaning and repairs of Bridge/CD proper. XXXX 2.Repair/replacementofbearings and expansion joints. XXXX 3.River/DraintrainingandClearing the vents. X X 4.Repairstoapproaches/ Embankments. XX 5. Repairs to aprons.XX 6.Whitewashing/PaintingParapets /Handrails. XXX 7.Visual checks for vegetation, cracks etc. XXXX Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC/Appendixes Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/AP.I-1 Appendix I. : Performa for Bridge / Cross Drain 1.Name of the Bridge/Cross Drain: 2.Length in Km: 3.Present condition of Bridge/Cross Drain: 4.Improvements required: Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC/Appendixes Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/AP.II-1 Appendix II. : Performa for Bridge 1.Name of the Bridge: 2.Location of the Bridge: 3.Reason for construction of Bridge: 4.Period of traffic interruption: 5.If proposed for repairs- (a).Present condition of Bridge: (b).Cause of damage (c).Improvements required: Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC/Appendixes Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/AP.III-1 Appendix III. : Checklist for Proposal Preparation for Bridge/Cross Drain Sl.No ParticularsProject 1Project 2Project 3 1.Name of District 2.Name of Tehsil 3.Name of constituency 4.Name of proposed Bridge/Cross Drain 5.Category of Bridge/Cross Drain 6.Total length of Bridge/Cross Drain 7.Length of the Bridge/Cross Drain proposed for improvement 8.Estimated cost Rs. in Lakhs Based on the SR for the year. 9.Estimated cost for detailed investigation 10.Villages benefited 11.Population benefited 12.Traffic intensity / census year WBM From To BT From To WBM From To BT From To WBM From To BT From To 13. Surface condition of existing Bridge/Cross Drain 14.Proposed improvements 15.Name of the representative 16.Priority level * 17.Justification 18.Remarks Note: Priority Levels *(a).Top priorityBridge/CrossDrainswhicharebadlydamagedi.e.traffic interruption is more than half an hour and having WBM surface. If the Bridge/Cross Drain is SH and connecting pilgrimage centre. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC/Appendixes Issue 01, Rev 00 Controlled DocumentPage No.: BC/AP.III-2 (b).Medium priority Bridge/CrossDrainswhichareasphaltedbutbadlydamagedtraffic interruption is more than half an hour. IftheBridge/CrossDrainisMDRormotorableandcreating shortcut. (c).Low priority Bridge/CrossDrains,whichareasphaltedbutrequireminimum improvements. If it is MDR and traffic intensity is low. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-1 8.TEST PLANS AND CHECKLISTS 8.1.Test Plan for Cement BCM/TP 01 Name of Work :Sanction No. and date: Agreement No.: Estimated Cost : Sl.NoTest/ParameterAcceptance Standard Sampling criteria Acceptance Criteria 1.Physical and Chemical TestIS 4031 As per ISConformance to the tests 2.Ordinary Portland cement 33 GradeIS 269Each consignmentConformance to specification 3.Portland slag cementIS 455Each consignmentConformance to specification 4.Portland Pozzolana CementIS 1489Each consignmentConformance to specification 5.Rapid Hardening Portland cementIS 8041Each consignmentConformance to specification 6.Ordinary Portland cement 43 GradeIS 8112Each consignmentConformance to specification 7.Ordinary Portland cement 53 GradeIS 12269Each consignmentConformance to specification 8.Sulphate Resistant Portland cementIS 12330Each consignmentConformance to specification Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-2 8.2.Test Plan for Coarse Aggregate BCM/TP 02 Note: Samples will be drawn for testing whenever there is a change of source of supply. Name of Work :Sanction No. and date: Agreement No.: Estimated Cost : Sl.NoTest/ ParameterAcceptance Standard Sampling size Frequency of Test Acceptance Criteria 1.Los Angeles (LA) Abrasion Value IS2386 (Pt 4)OnemonthlyConformance2.SoundnessIS2386 (Pt 5)OnemonthlyConformance 3.Alkali-Aggregate ReactivityIS2386 (Pt 7)OnemonthlyConformance 4.Gradation IS2386 (Pt 1)One DailyConformance 5.Deleterious Constitutions IS2386 (Pt 2)One DailyConformance 6.Water Absorption IS2386 (Pt 3)One DailyConformance Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-3 8.3.Test Plan for Fine AggregateBCM/TP 03 Name of Work :Sanction No. and date: Agreement No.: Estimated Cost : Sl. No. Test/ParameterAcceptance Standard Frequency of Test Sample sizeAcceptance Criteria 1.GradationIS2386 (Pt.1) IRC 21:2000,Clause 302 DailyOne/ lotConformance 2.Deleterious materialIS2386 (Pt.2) IRC 21:2000,Clause 302 DailyOne/ lotConformance 3.Water absorptionIS2386 (Pt.3) IRC 21:2000,Clause 302 DailyOne/ lotConformance Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-4 8.4.Test Plan for Water for Construction BCM/TP 04 8.4.1.Test Plan for Water for Construction from Drains / RiverSl.NoTest/ParameterAcceptance StandardSample sizeAcceptance Criteria 1.pH ValueMOSRTH clause 1010 IRC 21:2000, Clause 302.4 One per Source Conformance2.Permissiblesolids(Organic, Inorganic Sulphates, Chlorides) MOSRTH clause 1010 One per Source Conformance Name of Work :Sanction No. and date: Agreement No..: Sl.NoTest/ParameterAcceptance StandardSample sizeAcceptance Criteria 1.pH ValueMOSRTH clause 1010 IRC 21:2000, Clause 302.4 OneConformance 2.Permissiblesolids(Organic, Inorganic Sulphates, Chlorides) MOSRTH clause 1010 OneConformance Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-5 8.5.Test Plan for Sheathing BCM/TP 05 Name of Work :Sanction No. and date: Agreement No..: Estimated Cost: Sl. No. Test/ParameterAcceptance StandardSample size and Frequency of TestAcceptance Criteria 1. WorkabilityIRC-Appendix 1800/1 One per lot/not exceeding 7000metre Conformance 2. Transverse load rating test.IRC-Appendix Table-1 One per lot/not exceeding 7000 m Conformance 3. Tensile load test.IRC-Appendix Table-2 One per lot/not exceeding 7000 m Conformance 4. Water loss testIRC-Appendix Table-2 One per lot/not exceeding 7000 m Conformance Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-6 8.6.Test Plan for Epoxy Paint BCM/TP 06 Name of Work :Sanction No. and date: Agreement No.: Estimated Cost : Sl. No. Test/ParameterAcceptance StandardSample size and Frequency of Test Acceptance Criteria 1. Salt SprayAs per ISOne sample per lot Conformance to spec 2. Scratch hardnessAs per ISOne sample per lot Conformance to spec 3. AdhesionAs per ISOne sample per lot Conformance to spec 4. Ultra violet Resistance test.As per ISOne sample per lot Conformance to spec 5. Water absorptionAs per ISOne sample per lot Conformance to spec 6. Pot lifeAs per ISOne sample per lot Conformance to spec 7. Chemical resistance.As per ISOne sample per lot Conformance to spec Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-7 8.7.Test Plan for Elastomeric Bearings BCM/TP 07 Name of Work :Sanction No. and date: Agreement No.:Estimated Cost : Sl. No. Test/ParameterAcceptance StandardSample size Acceptance Criteria 1. Properties of Elastomer2000.1, IRC 83 (Part 2): 1987, Appendix 918.4.2 One sample for a lot of 20 bearings Conformance 2. Manufacturing Defects2005.3.3.1EachConformance 3. Axial load test.2005.3.3.1EachConformance 4. Other CharacteristicsIRC 83 (Part 2): 1987, Appendix 918.4.2 918 acceptance levels I and II EachConformance Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-8 8.8.Test Plan for Pot Bearings BCM/TP 08 Name of Work :Sanction No. and date: Agreement No..: Estimated Cost: Sl. No. Test/Parameter 8.8.1.Acceptance Standard Sampling SizeAcceptance Criteria 1. Over all dimensionsProject Specific Each Conformance of the lot 2. Load testCl.2006.5.4 MOSRTH Each Conformance of the lot 3. Determination of coefficient of friction Cl.2006.5.4 MOSRTHOne pair of randomly selected Sample Conformance of the lot 4. Permissible rotationCl.2006.5.4 MOSRTHOne pair of randomly selected Sample Conformance of the lot 5. Acceptance TestsCl.2008 MOSRTHOne pair of randomly selected Sample Conformance of the lot Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-9 8.9.Test Plan for Chemicals for Anti Corrosive - Treatment (CECRI) BCM/TP 09 Note: Samples will be tested on a quarterly basis in a year. Name of Work :Sanction No. and date: Agreement No..: Estimated Cost: Sl. No. Test/ParameterAcceptance StandardSampling SizeAcceptance Criteria 1.De-rusting solution(Chemical composition) Indian patent No. 465One per lotConformance 2.Phosphate jelly (Chemical composition) Indian patent No. 109879One per lotConformance 3.Inhibitor solution(Chemical composition) Indian patent No. 109784/67One per lotConformance 4.Sealing solution (Chemical composition) Indian patent No. 112440/67One per lotConformance Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-10 8.10.Test Plan for Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating (FBEC) BCM/TP 10 Name of Work :Sanction No. and date: Agreement No..: Estimated Cost: Sl. No. Test/ParameterAcceptance StandardSample size Acceptance Criteria 1.Chemical composition IS One per lotConformance 2.Thickness 174 + 50 micronsMinimum two bars of each size from each production shift. Conformance 3.Continuity VisualRandom for coating Conformance 4.AdhesionBend testAt least one bar of each size from each production shift. Conformance Note:Samples will be tested every quarter in a year. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-11 8.11.Test Plan for Reinforcement Steel (HYSD) BCM/TP 11 Note: Samples will be drawn whenever there is change of source of supply. Name of Work :Sanction No. and date: Agreement No..: Estimated Cost: Sl. No. Test/ParameterAcceptance Standard Sample Size Acceptance Criteria 1.Tensile strengthIS 1786 (415 MPa) One per lot Conformance 2.Elastic modulus IS 1786 (200 GPa) One per lot Conformance 3.Elongation stressIS 1786 One per lot Conformance 4.Proof stressIS 1786 One per lot Conformance 5.Bend TestIS 1786 One per lot Conformance Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-12 8.12.Test Plan for Steel for Pre-Stressing BCM/TP 12 Name of Work :Sanction No. and date: Agreement No..: Estimated Cost: Sl. No. Test/ParameterAcceptance StandardSample SizeAcceptance Criteria 1. Characteristic strength IS 14268: 1995One per lotConformance 2. Elastic modulusIS 14268: 1995 One per lotConformance 3. ElongationIS 14268: 1995 One per lotConformance 4. Proof stressIS 14268: 1995 One per lotConformance Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-13 8.13.Test Plan for Steel for MS Liner BCM/TP 13 Name of Work :Sanction No. and date: Agreement No.: Estimated Cost: Sl. No. Test/ParameterAcceptance StandardSample SizeAcceptance Criteria 1. Diameter As per item of workOne liner/ hundred RMTConformance to the specification 2. ThicknessAs per item of work Oneliner/ hundred RMT Conformance to the specification 3. Tensile strengthIS220One per lot Conformance to the Grade specified Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-14 8.14.Test Plan for Elastomeric Expansion Joint (Strip Seal) BCM/TP 14 Name of Work :Sanction No. and date: Agreement No.: Estimated Cost: Sl. No. Test/ParameterAcceptance StandardSample SizeAcceptance Criteria 1. Edge beams a)Weldability. b)Notch toughness. Rst37-2 , IS 2062One per lot Conformance 2. Strip seal a)Tear strength b)Other properties of Chloroprene of strip seal. Clause 915.1 of IRC.83 (Part-II) Table No. 2600-1. of MOSRTH specification One per lot Conformance 3. Anchorages / loop Weldability IS 2062One per lot Conformance Note: Samples will be drawn for conformity testing if there is any change in source of supply. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-15 8.15.Checklist for Pile FoundationsBCM/CL 01 Name of work:Estimated cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. and date:Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date/ /200 //200 //200 //200 //200//200 1.Location/Chainage/Descriptionof work. 2.Execution Check is complete. If yes, Date and Reference. 3.MSLinerdrivenasperconditionsofstrata met and the level recorded 4.The joints of casing are made as tight aspossibletominimiseinflowof waterorleakageofslurryduring concreting. 5.RockStrataidentifiedandlevel recorded.refer F.B.No. ----Page No. --- 6.Adequatesockettinginfounding strata obtained and levels recorded. If Yes, refer F.B.No.--- Page No. --- Refer PILE F-1 7.Founding strata approved. Refer FILE F-2 8.Theshaftiscleanofallloose materialspriortotheloweringofthere-enforcement cage. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-16 Name of work:Estimated cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. and date:Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date/ /200 //200 //200 //200 //200//200 9.Thecovertoreinforcingsteelis maintained by suitable spacers. 10.Concretingunderwaterforcast-in-situ piles is done by tremie method. 11.Thefinishingofbore,cleaningof bore,loweringofreinforcementcage and concreting of pile for full height is accomplishedwithoutanystoppage inonecontinuousoperation (MOSRTH Clause 1107). 12.The first charge of concrete is placed withslidingplugpusheddownthe tubeaheadofittopreventmixingof water and concrete. 13.Thetremiepipealwayspenetrates wellintotheconcretewithadequate marginofsafetyagainstaccidental withdrawal 14.TheQualityChecksexercisedduring concreting.; 15.Additional observation, if any. 16.Conclusionbyinspectingofficers Executionactivitiesaresatisfactory/ Not satisfactory. If satisfactory, further bridgeconstructionactivityto commence by --- Ifnotsatisfactory,thecontractorsto Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-17 Name of work:Estimated cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. and date:Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date/ /200 //200 //200 //200 //200//200 report the corrective action taken and inform for re-inspection. 17.Contractor's/ Authorized Representative Name, Designation and Signature. 18.Inspecting Officer Name Designation and Signature. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-18 8.16.Checklist for Pile Foundations BCM/CL 02 Name of work:Estimated cost : Agreement No. Sanction no. and date:8.16.1.PILE F-1 Record DatePile No. Top ref. line of Hard Strata Weight of Chisel Duration of Chiseling Height of FallPenetration achieved Signature of Contractor Signature of SO 8.16.2.PILE F-2 Approval DatePile No. Top Ref. Line of Hard Strata Founding Ref. Line Socketing achievedSBC of founding strataSignature of Contractor Signature of S.O. Signature of EE/ EE 8.16.3. PILE F-3 of Tilt / Shift DatePile No.Tilt in mm.Shift in mm.Signature of Contractor Signature of S.O.Remarks Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-19 8.17.Checklist for Pile Cap BCM/CL 03 Name of work:Estimated cost : Agreement No. Sanction No. and date:Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date //200 //200 //200//200 //200 / /200 1.Location /Chainage/ Description of Item. 2.Execution activities carried out 3.Concreting of the pile cap is carried out in dry conditions. 4.Quality Checks exercised during concreting 5.Additional observation if any 6.Conclusion by inspecting officer- Executionactivitiesaresat6isfactory /Notsatisfactory.Ifsatisfactory,further bridgefurtherbridgeconstruction activity to commence by ---- Contractors to report the corrective action taken and inform for re-inspection. 7.Contractor's/ Authorized Representative Name Designation and Signature 8.Inspecting officerName Designation and Signature Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-20 8.18.Checklist for Formwork BCM/CL 04 Name of work:Estimated Cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. and Date:Sl. No. Particular Remarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date//200//200 //200//200 //200//200 1.Location/Chainage/Descriptionof Item. 2.Execution activities carried out3.Theformworkisrobustandstrong andthejointsareleak-proof (MOSRTH Clause 1504.1) 4.Staginghascrossbracingsand diagonal bracing's in both directions. 5.Staginghasbeenprovidedwithan appropriatelydesignedbaseplate resting on firm strata. 6.Thenumbersofjointintheformwork arekeptto aminimumbyusinglarge size panel (MOSRTH Clause 1504.2). 7.Alljointsareleakproofandare properlysealedwithPVCjoined sealingtape,orPVCTsections,foam rubber, etc. (MOSRTH 1504.2). 8.Clampsareusedtoholdtheform together (MOSRTH 1504.3) 9.Minimumnumbersofnailsareused, leftprojectingandcanbewithdrawn Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-21 Name of work:Estimated Cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. and Date:Sl. No. Particular Remarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date//200//200 //200//200 //200//200 easily (MOSRTH 1504.3) 10.ThetiesareusedwithHDPE sheathing(MOSRTH 1504.4) 11.Thechamfers,bevellededgesand mouldingsaremadeintheformwork itself (MOSRTH 1504.5) 12.Shuttering for walls, sloping members andthinsectionsofconsiderable heightisprovidedwithtemporary openingstopermitinspectionand cleaningoutbeforeplacingof concrete (MOSRTH 1504.6). 13.Theformworkiscoatedwiththean approvedreleaseagentthatwill effectively prevent sticking and will not staintheconcretesurface(MOSRTH 1504.14). 14.Additional observation if any. 15.Conclusion by inspecting officer-Executionactivitiesare satisfactory/Notsatisfactory.If satisfactory,furtherbridge construction activity to commence by -----If not satisfactory, the contractors toreportthecorrectiveactiontaken and inform for re-inspection. 16.Contractor's/Authorized Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-22 Name of work:Estimated Cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. and Date:Sl. No. Particular Remarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date//200//200 //200//200 //200//200 RepresentativeNameDesignation and Signature17.Inspecting Officer NameDesignation and Signature Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-23 8.19.Checklist for Construction of Well Foundation BCM/CL 05 Name of work:Estimated cost: Agreement No.:Sanction no. and date: Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date / /200 / /200 / /200 / /200 //200 //200 1.Location / Chainage / Description of Item. 2.Executioninspectioncarried out 3.Necessaryreferencepoints arefixedbeforewellsinking operations(MOSRTH Clause 1203) 4.Atemporarybenchmarkis establishednearthewell foundationandalsoit checkedregularlywith respecttopermanentbench mark. 5.Sandislandisprotected againstscouranditsheight issufficientsothatitissafe against wave action. 6.Floatingcaissons,wherever used,arehavingatleast 1.5m free board above water level. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-24 Name of work:Estimated cost: Agreement No.:Sanction no. and date: Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date / /200 / /200 / /200 / /200 //200 //200 7.StabilityoffloatingCaissons isensuredagainst overturningandcapsizing whilebeingtowedand during sinking. 8.Forfloatingcaissons,a detailedstatementoffabrication,floatingand sinkingofcaissonsis preparedandfurnishedto theEngineerbythe Contractor. 9.Formworkcheckedand found correct. 10.Reinforcementcheckedand found correct. 11.Mixdesignforconcreteis approved. 12.Qualitychecksduring concreting exercised. 13.Duringwellsinkingthetilt andshiftaremaintained within permissible limit. refer(MOSRTHappendix 1200-I and II). 14.Safely precautions are taken whileplacingKentledgeon Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-25 Name of work:Estimated cost: Agreement No.:Sanction no. and date: Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date / /200 / /200 / /200 / /200 //200 //200 loadingplatformsuchthatit doesnotinterferewiththe dredgingprocessandalso not damage well steining. 15.Thecastingofwellsteining isdoneprogressivelyas sinking proceeds. 16.Thewellcurbrestsonthe hard strata. 17.Sinkingofthewell foundationisdoneinthe hardstratatotheextent stipulated in drawing. 18.RLsofallthesestratamet withduringsinkinghave been recorded. 19.Blastingoperationshallbe carriedout(Clause1207.4 of MOSRTH) 20.Fore walling of Well shall be approvedbySEbefore concreting the bottom plug 21.Holesaredrilled/leftthrough the well steining for inserting the32mmanchorrodsduly socketinginhardrockupto a depth of 5 meters Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-26 Name of work:Estimated cost: Agreement No.:Sanction no. and date: Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date / /200 / /200 / /200 / /200 //200 //200 22.The anchor rods are grouted in hard rock by using cement grout. 23.Dewateringregisteris maintained 24.Externalfacesofwell seiningareprovidedwith protectivepaintofCoalTar Epoxyuptothehightide level. 25.Whetherthesoundnessof bottomplugistestedandif yes the rise of water level in thewell(Itistobewithin permissiblelimitof 10mm/hr.) 26.If the pneumatic sinking is to becarriedout,medical supervision,lighting arrangement,manlocksare provided,Safetyagainstfire hazards,sanitation, protection against gases and other safety provisions to be ensured (MOSRTH 1207.6). 27.Thetiltandshiftarewithin permissiblelimit(1:80and Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-27 Name of work:Estimated cost: Agreement No.:Sanction no. and date: Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date / /200 / /200 / /200 / /200 //200 //200 150mmrespectivelyasper MOSRTH). 28.Additionalobservationsif any. 29.Conclusionbyinspecting officer-Theexecutionactivitiesare satisfactory/Notsatisfactory. Ifsatisfactory,furtherbridge constructionactivityto commence by ------- Ifnotsatisfactory,the contractorstoreportthe correctiveactiontakenand inform for re-inspection. 30.Contractor's/Authorized RepresentativeNameDesignation and Signature 31.Inspecting Officer NameDesignation and Signature Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-28 8.20.Checklist for Construction of Well Cap BCM/CL 06 Name Of Work:Estimated Cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. And Date:Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date / /200 / /200 / /200 / /200 //200 //200 1. Location /Chainage/ Description of Item. 2. Execution inspection carried out3. Formwork,reinforcementofwell capandreinforcementofSub-structure(Abutment/PIER) anchored into the well cap and the concreteconformtorelevant sections of MOSRTH Specification 4. Thematerialsaretestedin accordancewithMOSRTH specificationandaremetthe prescribed criteria. 5. Additional observations if any 6. Conclusion by inspecting officer-Executionactivitiesare satisfactory/Notsatisfactory.If satisfactory,furtherbridge constructionactivitytocommence Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-29 Name Of Work:Estimated Cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. And Date:Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date / /200 / /200 / /200 / /200 //200 //200 by ------- Ifnotsatisfactory,thecontractors toreportthecorrectiveaction taken and inform for re-inspection. 7. Contractor's / Authorized RepresentativeNameDesignation and Signature 8. Inspecting OfficerNameDesignation and Signature Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-30 8.21.Checklist for Excavation for Open Foundation BCM/CL 07 Name Of Work:Estimated Cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. and Date:Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date/ /200/ /200/ /200// 200 //200 //200 1.Location / Chainage / Description of Item. 2.Pre-executioncheckshavebeen completed Date and reference. 3.Theplandimensionsofthefoundationis setoutatthebottomoforiginal reference.(As per QA Plan) 4.A layer of M-15 concrete is provided below foundationconcretewherethebearing surface is earth.(MOSRTH 2104.3) (As per QA Plan) 5. Form work and concrete conform to section 1500and1700respectivelyofMOSRTH's Specification 2104.3Test Plan No------------ If yes ,Date and reference Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-31 Name Of Work:Estimated Cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. and Date:Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date/ /200/ /200/ /200// 200 //200 //200 6.Thelocationofconstructionjointsandits treatmentisdoneasperrequirementsof section 1700. (As per QA Plan). 7.Formworkisremovednotearlierthan24 hours after placing of concrete.(As per QA. Plan) MOSRTH 2104.3. 8.Curingofconcreteisdonebykeepingit continuouslymoistforaperiodof7days. (As per approved QA Plan). 9.Dewatering,wherenecessaryforlayingof concreteiscarriedoutasperprocedure laid down in clause 2104.3 of MOSRTH. 10.TheannularspaceisfilledwithM15 concreteuptotoprockincaseof excavation in rock. (As per approved QA Plan) 11.TheCoal-tarepoxyispaintedonthe surface of substructure below ground. Test Plan No. If Yes, Date and reference. 12.Spacesrefilledwithearthuptosurfaceof surroundinggroundinaccordancewith section 300. Test plan No...... Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-32 Name Of Work:Estimated Cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. and Date:Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date/ /200/ /200/ /200// 200 //200 //200 If Yes ,Date and reference13.Additional observation if any 14.Conclusion by inspecting officer-Theexecutionactivitiesare satisfactory/Notsatisfactory.Ifsatisfactory, furtherbridgeconstructionactivityto commence by ------- Ifnotsatisfactory,thecontractorstoreport thecorrectiveactiontakenandinformfor re-inspection. 15.Contractor's / Authorized RepresentativeNameDesignation and Signature 16.Inspecting Officer NameDesignation and Signature Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-33 8.22.Checklist for Steel Reinforcement BCM/CL 08 Name of Work : Sanction No. and date: Agreement No..: Estimated Cost: Sl.No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date//200//200 //200//200 //200//200 1.Location/Chainage/Descriptionofwork 2.Execution inspection is carried out. 3.Reinforcementisplacedaccuratelyin position as shown on the drawings. 4.Thebars,crossingoneanotherare tied together at every intersection with binding wire, conforming to IS :280 5.Coverblocks,placedbetweenthe barsandformworkaremadeof concretehavingthesamestrength andspecificationasthoseofthe member 6.Chairs/links/spacerbarstoseparate layersofreinforcementapproximately at onemeter intervals 7.BarscoatedwithEpoxyoranyother approved protective coating is placed, onsupportsthatdonotdamagethe coating. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-34 Name of Work : Sanction No. and date: Agreement No..: Estimated Cost: Sl.No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date//200//200 //200//200 //200//200 8.Overlappingofbars,ifrequiredis done as specified in drawings. 9.Overlappingbarsareboundwith annealedsteelbindingwire,notless than 1mm diameter and tightly twisted insuchamannerastomaintain minimumclearcovertothe reinforcementfromtheconcrete surface. 10.Bar is bent cold to the specified shape anddimensionusingaproperbar bendingdevicetoobtainthecorrect radii of bends and shape. 11.Barshavenotbeenbentor straightenedinamannerthatwill damage the coating. 12.The method of welding, if permitted in drawingisconformingtoIS2751and IS9417. 13.Additional observation if any. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-35 Name of Work : Sanction No. and date: Agreement No..: Estimated Cost: Sl.No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date//200//200 //200//200 //200//200 14.Conclusionbyinspectingofficer-The executionactivitiesaresatisfactory/Notsatisfactory.Ifsatisfactory, furtherbridgeconstructionactivityto commenceby -- Ifnotsatisfactory,thecontractorsto reportthecorrectiveactiontakenand inform for re-inspection. 15.Contractor's / Authorized RepresentativeName Designation and Signature 16.Inspecting Officer Name Designation and Signature Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-36 8.23.Checklist for Structural Concrete BCM/CL 09 Name Of Work:: Estimated Cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. and Date:Sl.No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date//200/ /200//200 //200//200//200 1.Location/ Chainage / Description ofwork 2.Execution checks have been completedDate and reference 3.Themixerorthereadymixplantat properlocationafterconsideringthe propertiesofmixesandthe transportation arrangements available withthecontractor,isapprovedby the Engineer (As per approved QA Plan) 4.Themethodoftransportingand placingconcreteisapprovedby Engineersothatnocontamination, segregationorlossofitsconstituent materialstakesplace.(Asper approved QA Plan). 5.Concreteisnotfreelybeingdropped intoplacefromheightexceeding1.5 metre (As per approved QA Plan). 6.Noconcreteisplacedinanypartof Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-37 Name Of Work:: Estimated Cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. and Date:Sl.No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date//200/ /200//200 //200//200//200 structuresuntiltheapprovalof Engineer has been obtained. (As per approved QA Plan).7.For40mmandlargersize aggregates,thecementcontentis reduced suitably to a maximum up to 10%(As per approved QA Plan) 8.Forfurtherwaterconcreting,the cement content is increased by 10% (As per approved QA Plan) 9.Thecementcontentiswithinthe maximumlimitof540kgpercubic metre of concrete. (As per approved QA Plan) 10.The design mix of concrete is carried out as per IS10262. (As per approved QA Plan) 11.Themixdesignisapprovedby Engineerwellinadvancebefore actual start of concrete. (As per approved QA Plan) 12.Therequirementofconsistencyof mixisconsideredinmixdesignas indicatedinTable1700-4of MOSRTH. (As per approved QA Plan) Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-38 Name Of Work:: Estimated Cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. and Date:Sl.No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date//200/ /200//200 //200//200//200 13.Thecontractorhaspreparedtrial mixesaspermixdesign,using samplesofapprovedmaterialwhich arebeingusedintheworks,forall gradestotheEngineerssatisfaction prior to commencement of concreting.(As per approved QA Plan) 14.The test cubes are tested on 3rd, 7th and 28th day. 15.Theproportioningfornominalmix concrete,ifrequiredisadoptedas specified in table 1700-6. (As per approved QA Plan). 16.Theoveralllimitsofdeleterious substances(chlorideandsulphate contents)areasspecifiedinsection 1700-4 of MOSRTH. (As per approved QA Plan) 17.Theuseofadmixturesuchassuper plasticizersforconcretearemade with the approval of the Engineer. (As per approved QA Plan) 18.Thesizeofcoarseaggregatesfor concretetobeusedinvarious componentsisadoptedasspecified in section 1706 of MOSRTH. (As per approved QA Plan) Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-39 Name Of Work:: Estimated Cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. and Date:Sl.No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date//200/ /200//200 //200//200//200 19.Thevibratorsproposedfor compactionofconcreteareadopted asspecifiedinclause1707-Cof MOSRTH. (As per approved QA Plan). 20.Additional observation if any. 21.Conclusionbyinspectingofficer-The executionactivitiesaresatisfactory/Notsatisfactory.Ifsatisfactory, furtherbridgeconstructionactivityto commence by -- Ifnotsatisfactory,thecontractorsto report the corrective action taken and inform for re-inspection. 22.Contractor's/Authorized RepresentativeName Designation and Signature 23.Inspecting Officer Name Designation and Signature Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-40 8.24.Preparation of Mix Design of Cement Concrete BCM/CL 10 Name of work: Estimated Cost : Agreement No.: Sanction No. and date:Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date //200 //200 //200 //200 //200//200 1.Location/ Chainage / Description of Item 2.Type of mix grade..... 3.Type of cement...... Grade of cement..... 4.Maximum nominal size of aggregate 5.Minimum cement content.... 6.Maximum water/ cement ratio.... 7.Workability in terms of slump....... 8.Type of aggregate .... 9.Maximum cement content ...... 10.Whether admixture are to be used ? 11.Type of admixture.... Condition of usage.... Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-41 Name of work: Estimated Cost : Agreement No.: Sanction No. and date:Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date //200 //200 //200 //200 //200//200 12.Gradation of coarse aggregate 13.Gradation of fine aggregate 14.Following Tests for cement are carried outStrength,initialsettingtime,final setting time. 15.TheCoal-tarepoxyispaintedonthe surface of concrete below ground. Test Plan No................ If Yes, Date and reference. 16.Spaces refilled with earth upto surface ofsurroundinggroundinaccordance with Section 300. Test Plan No................ If Yes, Date and reference. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-42 8.25.Checklist for Bearing BCM/CL 11 Name of Work:Estimated Cost : Agreement No.: Sanction No. and Date:Sl.No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date //200//200 //200 / /200 //200//200 1.Location/Chainage/ Description of Item. 2.Execution inspection carried out . 3.Installationofbearingareset thoroughlylevelandexact position as indicated or drawing. 4.Bearingarehandledwithcare during installation. 5.Placing of bearing is carried out in the presence ofEngineer. 6.Additional observation if any. 7.Conclusionbyinspectingofficer- Theexecutionactivitiesare satisfactory/Notsatisfactory.Ifsatisfactory,furtherbridge construction activity to commenceby Ifnotsatisfactory,thecontractors toreportthecorrectiveaction taken and inform for re-inspection 8.Contractor's/Authorized Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-43 Name of Work:Estimated Cost : Agreement No.: Sanction No. and Date:Sl.No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date //200//200 //200 / /200 //200//200 RepresentativeName Designation and Signature 9.Inspecting Officer Name Designation and Signature Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-44 8.26.Checklist for Strip Seal Expansion Joints BCM/CL 12 Name of Work: Estimated Cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. and Date:Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date / /200 / /200/ /200 / /200 / /200 / /200 1.Location/Chainage/Descriptionof Item. 2.ExecutioninspectioncarriedoutIf, Yes, refer BCM-CL. 3.ExecutioninspectioncarriedoutIf, Yes, refer BCM-CL 4.Boltcavitiesarecleanedandplugged withneoprenecavityplugs.Priorto placingtheplugssufficientsealantis applied in the cavities. 5.The top surface of expansion joint truly merges with the wearing surface on the deck of the bridge. 6.Additional observation if any 7.Conclusionbyinspectingofficer-The executionactivitiesaresatisfactory/Notsatisfactory.Ifsatisfactory,further bridgeconstructionactivityto commenceby -- Ifnotsatisfactory,thecontractorsto reportthecorrectiveactiontakenand inform for re-inspection Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-45 Name of Work: Estimated Cost : Agreement No.:Sanction No. and Date:Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date / /200 / /200/ /200 / /200 / /200 / /200 8.Contractor's/Authorized Representative Name Designation and Signature 9.Inspecting Officer Name Designation and Signature Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-46 8.27.Checklist for Providing and Fixing of Bridge Railing BCM/CL 13 Name of Work :Estimated Cost: Agreement No.: Sanction No. and date: Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date/ /200 / /200 / /200 / /200/ /200 / /200 1. Location/Chainage/Descriptionof Item 2. Execution inspection carried outIf Yes, refer BCM-CL 3. Specialcareistakentowatchthe surfaceofthecast-in-situportionof the deck. 4. Railingisnotfollowedany irregularityinthealignmentofthe deck. 5. Additional observation if any 6. Conclusion by inspection officer. The executionactivitiesaresatisfactory/ Notsatisfactory.Ifsatisfactory, furtherbridgeconstructionactivityto commenceby - - - Ifnotsatisfactory,thecontractorsto reportthecorrectiveactiontaken and inform for re-inspection. 7. Contractor's/ Authorized Representative Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-47 Name of Work :Estimated Cost: Agreement No.: Sanction No. and date: Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date/ /200 / /200 / /200 / /200/ /200 / /200 Name Designation and Signature 8. Inspecting Officer Name Designation and Signature Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-48 8.28.Construction of Reinforced Concrete for Piers and Abutments BCM/CL 14 Name of Work :Estimated Cost: Agreement No.: Sanction No. and date: Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date/ /200//200/ /200 / /200 / /200/ /200 1. Location/Chainage/Descriptionof Item 2. Executionchecksarecomplete.If yes, Date and reference 3. Thesurfaceoffoundationis scrappedwithwirebrushandall loose materials are removed. (As per approved QA Plan) 4. Incaseofsolidabutmentsweep holes are provided in conformity with section2706.(AsperapprovedQA Plan ) 5. Theexposedsurfacefinishisgot smoothandtheearthfaceof abutment is got rough finished. (As per approved QA Plan ) 6. Testsarecarriedoutinaccordance with is specifications. (As per approved QA Plan ) 7. Additional observation if any. Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-49 Name of Work :Estimated Cost: Agreement No.: Sanction No. and date: Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date/ /200//200/ /200 / /200 / /200/ /200 8. Conclusionbyinspectionofficer. Execution activities are satisfactory / Notsatisfactory.Ifsatisfactory, further bridge construction activity to commence by - - - Ifnotsatisfactory,thecontractorsto reportthecorrectiveactiontaken and inform for re-inspection. 9. Contractor's/ Authorized RepresentativeName Designation and Signature 10. Inspecting Officer Name Designation and Signature Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-50 8.29.Construction of Pier Cap and Abutment Cap BCM/CL 15 Name of Work :Estimated Cost: Agreement No.: Sanction No. and date: Sl.No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date / /200/ /200/ /200/ /200/ /200 //200 1.Location/Chainage/ Description of Item 2.Execution checks are completeIf yes, Date and reference 3.Forwork,reinforcementand concreteareconformedrelevant sectionsofMOSRTH specification(As per approved QA Plan) 4.The surface of cap is finished smooth and having a slope for drawing of water as shown on the drawings. (As per approved QA Plan) 5.Thetopsurfaceofthepedestal onwhichbearingsaretobe placedisalsobecasthorizontal. (As per approved QA Plan) 6.The surface on which elastomeric bearing are to place is wood float finished. (As per approved QA Plan) 7.Thesurfaceonwhichsteel Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-51 Name of Work :Estimated Cost: Agreement No.: Sanction No. and date: Sl.No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date / /200/ /200/ /200/ /200/ /200 //200 bearings or pot bearings are to be placed is cast about 25 mm below the bottom level of bearings or as indicated on the drawings (As per approved QA Plan) 8.Thematerialsaretestedin accordancewithMOSRTH specificationandaremetthe prescribed criteria. (As per approved QA Plan) 9.Additional observation if any. 10.Conclusionbyinspectionofficer. Executionactivitiesare satisfactory/Notsatisfactory.If satisfactory,furtherbridge construction activity to commenceby - - - Ifnotsatisfactory,thecontractors toreportthecorrectiveaction takenandinformforduring-execution re-inspection. 11.Contractor's/ Authorized RepresentativeName Designation and Signature 12.Inspecting Officer Name Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-52 Name of Work :Estimated Cost: Agreement No.: Sanction No. and date: Sl.No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date / /200/ /200/ /200/ /200/ /200 //200 Designation and Signature Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-53 8.30.Providing Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall BCM/CL 16 Name of Work :Estimated Cost: Agreement No.: Sanction No. and date: Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date //200 //200 //200 //200 //200//200 1.Location/Chainage/Descriptionof Item 2.Execution checks are completeIf yes, Date and reference. 3.TheReinforcingelementisplacedas per specification. (As per approved QA Plan). 4.LayingandCompacting:The reinforcingelementislaidasper specification.(As per approved QA. Plan) 5.Uniformcompactionofthefillis achievedbyplacingthefillindepthas specified. (As per approved QA Plan) 6.During filling no construction plant runs directly on the reinforcement. (As per approved QA Plan) 7.Compactionofearthfillcarriedoutas per instruction.Of the Engineer.(As per approved QA Plan) Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-54 Name of Work :Estimated Cost: Agreement No.: Sanction No. and date: Sl. No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date //200 //200 //200 //200 //200//200 8.Duringconstructionofreinforcedfill, theretainedmaterialbeyondthe reinforcement at rear or the structure is at the same level as reinforcement fill.(As per approved QA Plan) 9.Sealingmaterialforfillingjointsis closed cell polyethylene foam or closed cell polyurethane foam strip.(As per approved QA Plan) 10.Additional observation if any. 11.Conclusionbyinspectionofficer. Executionactivitiesaresatisfactory/ Notsatisfactory.Ifsatisfactory,further bridgeconstructionactivityto commence by - - - If not satisfactory, the contractors to report the corrective action taken and inform for re-inspection. 12.Contractor's/ Authorized RepresentativeName Designation and Signature 13.Inspecting Officer Name Designation and Signature Quality Management System Construction Manual (Work Instructions) for Public Works Department of Himachal Pradesh (HPPWD)

Procedure No.: QMS/WI/BC-08/Test Plans and ChecklistsIssue 01, Rev 00 Controlled Document Page No.: BC/8-55 8.31.Checklist for Application of Epoxy Paint to Exposed Faces of Superstructure BCM/CL 17 Name of Work :Estimated Cost: Agreement No.: Sanction No. and date: Sl.No. ParticularRemarks (Y/N/NA Observation if any) Date/ /200/ /200 / /200/ /200//200//200 1.Location/Chainage/ Description of Item 2.Execution checks are completed. If yes, Date and reference 3.The epoxy paint is applied in three coats i)Epoxy polyamide primer coating over concrete surface. Thickness 55 micron. ii)Micaceous iron oxide. Thickness 110 micron.