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Page 1: Breakfast is Very Important to Each Individual

Breakfast is very important to each individual. This is because, breakfast to make sure your body active and intelligent mind throughout the day. However, there are some individuals who are less fond of eating breakfast. They consider breakfast will only add weight. There may also be individuals who often suffer from stomach problems just eating breakfast. The range of benefits we get when eating breakfast together pagi.Marilah we examine the benefits of eating breakfast.

One of the benefits of eating breakfast is to prevent obesity. Many think that by not eating breakfast, can reduce their weight. In fact, weight loss is easier to take breakfast pagi.Ini reduced because, if we do not eat breakfast, we tend to consume more food in the afternoon and not as nutritious as a snack.

In addition, breakfast can provide energy to us. For individuals who do not eat breakfast, when by noon, they will begin to feel weak and helpless. Studies have shown that individuals who eat breakfast are more active than those who do not eat breakfast. Teens desperately need breakfast to give them energy. Their minds are more alert in the morning and this is easier for them to concentrate in class.

In addition, breakfast is very important for us to control hunger. A student must get up early in the morning. Breakfast will be covering the stomach while waiting for the break arrives. When less hunger, focus students will also be stable. If their stomachs are hungry, their focus will be interrupted. This causes them to lose focus on what is taught by teachers in the classroom. Therefore, parents should ensure their children eat breakfast.

In conclusion, eating breakfast gives a lot of importance to us. And omission of taking too bad for us. Therefore, start our day with breakfast for prevention is better than cure. Indeed, we need to know what is important for us to stay healthy mentally and physically. With this, the country can produce healthy people, thus helping to improve the economic status of the country.

Page 2: Breakfast is Very Important to Each Individual

Still many in the community who do not know the importance of breakfast. The reason we often hear when asked why they do not eat breakfast is because there is no appetite or fear of gaining weight. There is also a perception that breakfast will result in a more drowsiness and lack of concentration.

Whether spicy or not, do not leave the breakfast. Like the saying goes, "can yield, they should commoners. A thing which is practiced every day will become a daily routine. For that, start breakfast from now on. This is because it is responsible for providing energy to the body for a busy daily activities.

Among the benefits derived through breakfast is:


The best dish for breakfast is a carbohydrate or high fiber. Foods like oats, cereals and whole wheat bread is suitable for dishes in the morning because it provides quick energy and not hungry.


Breakfast with an empty stomach will accelerate burning calories more efficiently.


When you wake up in the morning, most of the energy in the form of glucose and glycogen was used on the previous day. Thus, intake of glycated required to generate brain development and concentration. Without glucose, you will feel tired and less focused on the work done.


Fiber obtained from the grain can absorb cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol absorption thereby reducing cholesterol levels can be harmful to health.

Page 3: Breakfast is Very Important to Each Individual

Breakfast or covering the stomach, food is very important in the life of the morning. Breakfast like a fertilizer to plant life. Likewise, people who need breakfast every morning. There are many different human red especially students who are at school about eating breakfast include:

· A large number of students do not eat breakfast before school. They only had breakfast at 10 am on break at school.

· The selection of food for breakfast only to preferred food and not the food.

· Breakfast does not contain carbohydrates such as bread and cereals which can stimulate brain function.

· Breakfast is not followed by drinks such as milk, milo or other nutritious drinks.

· Breakfast is something foreign and strange to those who have never done between the hours of 7:00 to 9:30 am.

Phenomena of our students today who do not eat breakfast in the morning to school was considered normal. They will feel uncomfortable when having breakfast. In fact, breakfast is not to be too heavy, quite simply a glass of milk, a piece of bread or some cereal.

Brain or mind desperately need breakfast to stimulate thinking towards better learning in school. Breakfast is said to invigorate the mind if it is taken as a daily routine is important for better quality of life.

Nutritionists agree that eating breakfast is the first resource to start their daily lives, as well as revitalize the mind. A recent study showed that people who eat breakfast regularly enjoy a good quality of life, well-organized, positive attitude, more slender and have better concentration.

Selection, especially breakfast rich in carbohydrates, providing energy, able to suppress hunger and control the desire to eat in between breakfast and lunch.

Page 4: Breakfast is Very Important to Each Individual

Unfortunately, many people leave the grounds breakfast appetite in the morning or do not have time for late risers. If you fall into this group, it's good to see you continue to hear the secrets behind a simple meal called breakfast.

Some scientists are calling the breakfast as food for the brain. Studies show that breakfast is closely related to mental fitness. In summary, the breakfast is said to have positive effects on brain activity - more energetic, alert and focused.

Indirectly bring positive influence on the individual to perform his duties, even if only to take a piece of bread and a cup of breakfast milk.

Carbohydrates taken in the morning will stimulate glucose level and micro-nutrients in the brain. For example, B vitamins are enriched in bread and cereals could be identified to have positive effects on brain function.

The effect is more pronounced in children who eat breakfast rich in complex carbohydrates is that they can concentrate on their studies and problem-solving. Therefore, do not be surprised if the operators of bread and cereals are racing to produce products that are fortified with various nutrients and vitamins.

A study conducted in collaboration with the Food Facts Asia four Asian universities for students aged 10 to 12 years who consumed breakfast on average far more slender and less dealing with the problem of overweight.

In fact, studies in the United States over 3,000 volunteers showed they can lose weight and maintain a desirable body weight by simply adopting breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal in the diet. The question is why breakfast is so important to us?

Breakfast is very important because once you spend time with an overnight sleep, I'm sure the stomach is empty and your body water shortage. This means you are hydrated, the sugar content in the blood is also low and this means that the body has little energy.

Page 5: Breakfast is Very Important to Each Individual

Eating breakfast actually helps to lose weight because they prevent someone from taking a snack or snack before arriving at lunchtime. However, to ensure your body gets enough energy before it is time for lunch, breakfast should be healthy and nutritious. Instead of high-fat and kolesterolnya.

This dish is not only delicious but also healthy and easy to prepare.

1 Prepare a bowl of salad before you go to bed. The next day, this dish can be a healthy breakfast and low fat.

2 Toast can be tasty and nutritious if you prepare wisely. Use high-fiber bread instead of white bread. To add flavor, rub a little peanut butter and sprinkle some raisins.

3 Muffin is also a good choice if it contains grains or pieces of fruit. To save time, try to take time once a week to bake this dish. Muffins can be stored a long time, not more than two weeks.

4 If you want faster, tuna sandwich with cheese and an apple is a good breakfast choice. This combination can make the stomach full until lunchtime.

5 A bowl of breakfast cereal mixed with milk is very nutritious breakfasts and very easy to prepare. To add taste, add a few slices of fruit such as apples, bananas or strawberries.

6 egg omelet mixed fresh vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, celery leaves, and mushrooms are also a good choice because it's breakfast high in protein.

7 To complete the breakfast dishes, drinking fresh fruit juice blended itself. Mix a little milk into the juice to get some calcium.