Download - Bravery#2

Page 1: Bravery#2


Written By

Matthew Beeson

Based on, if any

PRODUCTION DRAFTBlue Revised Nov 17, 2013

AddressPhone Number

Page 2: Bravery#2

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1Blue Revised Nov 17, 2013


There is a giant courtyard in front of the school building to the left is a giant sports field, filled with a ton of *new and old students playing sports together.

KID 1Hey come on now, stopping our time is unfair

And to the oppoisite of the sports field is a small carpark where several cars have been parked and there is a small *group of the senior students hanging around their cars showing them off to each other. Two small footpaths lie to the right of the sports feild and to the left of the carpark with a long road in the middle, filled with the new students running down it trying to get to the school, gathering in small crowds outside some small food stands that lay behind the sports field and next to a giant hall where two young adults are standing there in black suits with their hair *combed and with there hands infront of them as if they where * guarding the president or someone else inportant.

a slightly smaller than average teenager walks onto the footpath to the right of the sports field with a small back slung over his shoulder.

JAY(voice over) *

Well, here i am, new school and a new start, i hope everything goes well this time.

As Jay walked down the path up in the skies was people flying around and playing a flying version of rugby and there was even one or two teeth flying out of the sky with a little bit of blood.

As the path continued some of the students where fighting each other, with with freezing cold flames being shoot one way and super hot blue flames being shoot the other way, this was truely fighting fire with fire situation, even some of the people who are viewing this fight was putting out the flames that had set fire to things with *water,dirt/ground and even starving some of the fire of oxygen to put them out before they went out of control. a teacher just stood there and let the fight continue until some one become the victor of the fight, but it didn't look like the fight was going to end soon, it seams to of just

Blue Revised Nov 17, 2013

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2Blue Revised Nov 17, 2013


Before the main school building was a few small class rooms, they seamed to be art and DT classrooms judging by the signs on the front door and the people that where in them. In the art was a young boy painting a bowl of fruit and with out warning the bowl of fruit disappeared and a painting that seamed like a professonal artist had painted it had appeared on the boys blank canvais. In the DT was several people weilding metal together with out the use of any flames or *somekind, in the corner was a young boy holding his hands on his head and focusing on the meatal and infront of the metal *was a girl with her hands out and it seamed she was fusing the metal together and manipulating it, that seamed to explain why the metal had be weilded together with out flames.

Round the corner of the small art and DT buldings was a small group of students sat in a circle with a dead bird in the middle one person put their hands over the dead bird and all the flesh,organs and muscle turned to dust and another person put their hands out and the birds skelliton started to move again like it was alive, it was jumping around and started to fly a little but the efects wore off a a small pile of bones fell to the ground, then all of the students got up and picked up the bones, and put them in a small hole *by where they where sitting and started to burry the bones in the ground.

Outside the main school building was a giant majestic arch *with two statues of an strange old man standing up and holding his book, and and under that statues read the found of our school, behind this arch was a small group of people, 3 of them seamed to be the school bullies, the leader who had a small ball of fire in his hands was thretening a small group of students, the look of these students was a look of horror, they seamed to be in fear of the bully


It was the first lesson of the day, as JAY and his other classmates walked into the classroom every one got set a seat it sit in, everyone headed to their seats. Jay sat down and found him self sitting next to a young girl who had her hair done up and was wearing a summer dress, JAY just turned away and looked at the front


Blue Revised Nov 17, 2013

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Hey weird kid, I'm ALICE nice to meet ya

JAY turned his head towards the girl


H-hey, I'm Jay

ALICEWell nice to meet you JAY, so what are your powers


I'm not really sure on what powers i have, i just know i got them

ALICEDon't worry about it, if you don't know they use a machine to scan you quickly and it tells you what your powers are

JAYAh, thats nice, so what are your powers ALICE

ALICESubconscious Manifestation

JAYWhat on earth is Subconscious Manifestation?

ALICE Well basicaly i can make my subconscious spill into the real world, its really powerful and i can't control it that well at times

JAYWow, thats cool, what does it look like


I don't really want to talk about that

JAYOh sorry if i upset you

ALICENo its ok, you didn't know

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JAYWell looks like class is starting, talk to you late

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Sp Filled

Matthew Beeson Nov 15, 2013 3:24 PM

Sp ton

Matthew Beeson Nov 15, 2013 3:24 PM

?Matthew Beeson Nov 15, 2013 3:25 PM

Try to condence it downMatthew Beeson Nov 15, 2013 3:27 PM

Sp parked

Matthew Beeson Nov 15, 2013 3:25 PM

Sp theirMatthew Beeson Nov 15, 2013 3:26 PM

Sp Matthew Beeson Nov 15, 2013 3:26 PM

Sp bagMatthew Beeson Nov 15, 2013 3:28 PM

Could be a voice overMatthew Beeson Nov 15, 2013 3:28 PM

Sp outMatthew Beeson Nov 15, 2013 3:29 PM

SpMatthew Beeson Nov 15, 2013 3:30 PM

?Matthew Beeson Nov 15, 2013 3:30 PM

Sp pickedMatthew Beeson Nov 15, 2013 3:30 PM

SpMatthew Beeson Nov 15, 2013 3:31 PM

SpMatthew Beeson Nov 15, 2013 3:31 PM