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Page 1: BRASIL 1945 - 2004 MIGRATION POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT IN BRAZIL – 1945 to the present Sabrina Evangelista Medeiros (IUPERJ/UFRJ) – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil.


1945 - 2004



Sabrina Evangelista Medeiros(IUPERJ/UFRJ) – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil

Presentation at Freie Universität – Lateinamerika Institut

Sabrina Evangelista Medeiros(IUPERJ/UFRJ) – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil

Presentation at Freie Universität – Lateinamerika Institut

Page 2: BRASIL 1945 - 2004 MIGRATION POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT IN BRAZIL – 1945 to the present Sabrina Evangelista Medeiros (IUPERJ/UFRJ) – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil.


1945 - 2004

Managing the official numbers of immigrant arrivals till 1972

Period Portuguese Italian Spanish German Japonese Others Total1872-1879 55.027 45.467 3.392 14.325 58.126 176.337

1880-1889 104.690 277.124 30.066 18.901 17.841 448.622

1890-1899 219.353 690.365 164.293 17.084 107.232 1.198.327

1900-1909 195.586 221.394 113.232 13.848 861 77.486 622.4071910-1919 318.481 138.168 181.651 25.902 27.432 123.819 815.4531920-1929 301.915 106.835 81.931 75.801 58.284 221.881 846.6471930-1939 102.743 22.170 12.746 27.497 99.222 68.390 332.7681940-1949 45.604 15.819 4.702 6.807 2.828 38325 114.0851950-1959 241.579 91.931 94.693 16.643 33.593 104.629 583.5871960-1969 74.129 12.414 28.397 5.659 25.092 51.896 197.5871970-1972 3.073 804 949 1.050 695 9.017 15.5581872-1972 1.662.180 1.662.491 716.052 223.517 248.007 878.642 5.350.889

Fonte: LEVY, M. S. F. O papel da migração internacional na evolução da população brasileira (1872-1972). Revista de Saúde Pública, São Paulo, v.8, supl. p.49-90, 1974

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1945 - 2004

General Overview of the immigrants motivations in the beginning of 20th


• The Brazilian coffee culture had received many immigrants as colognes from the end of the 19 th century to the beginning of the 20th.

• Since that, immigrants were received and registered by Colonization’s Institutes, which were held to organize those flows, directed to the rural and recent industry labor in Sao Paulo region.

• The propose of their coming usually is connected to the I and II war periods, the fascism movements, economic crisis after the 1929´s Crash, and motivations for having a better life and work in the new land, even though Brazilian Government till the 30´s restricts the entrance up to 2% for each nationality.

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1945 - 2004

Brazilian’s Governments and its greater Democracy’s transitions

• Brazilian had suffered two long dictatorship periods between 1937 and 1945 and between 1964 and 1985.

Populist Democracy


Military Dictatorship

2nd. Democratization and the Begin of

Liberal Democracy

1946-1964 1964-1985 1986-2004

Democratic Constitutions (1946 and 1988)


Getulio Vargas 1st Gov.

1930 Revolution + Provisory Government +

Estado Novo Dictatorship

• So, the Democratic government was established completely (including secret’s vote right, for example) since 1945, when Getulio Vargas’s initiates direct elections

and a Constitution Process, stopped because of the Military Dictatorship since 1964.

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1945 - 2004

The Populist Years for Immigration

Enrico G. Dutra (1946-1950) - responsable for redemocratization, he had ‘put things in order’.

Getulio Vargas (1954-1954) - trying to clean up his image as a dictator, he has done a populist worker governmet as well as he promotes immigration only for special qualified workes – Transforms DNI into CIC.

Jucelino Kubstcheck (*1955-1960) - With a mixed Economy propose, he was the first to refuse to catch communists, even if he tried to control Brazil´s receiving policy, reflecting Brazil´s opening to IR agreements.

Janio Quadros (1961) - As the less popular president, he became a moralist and conservative governant, even though he was being close to Fidel Castro.

Joao Goulart (1961-1964) - The leftist government, he is a reformer on the rural issues, including regularization of immigrants inthis and urban sectors, amplifieng their civil rights.

* as Getulio Vargas suicide, there was a provisory government to hold elections.

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1945 - 2004

Copy of the Getulio Vargas Original

Document on Migration Issues, from the National

Department of Immigration (1939) and Dutra´s Document about


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1945 - 2004

Copy of the Getulio Vargas Original

Documents from de Institute for

Immigration and Colonization Issues

(1952 and 1954).

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1945 - 2004

Copy of Jucelino Kubitschek´s

original government´s document on

Migration Issues, from the National

Institute of Immigration and

Colonization (1956).

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1945 - 2004

Copy of Janio Quadros´ original government´s document on Migration

Issues, from the National Institute of

Immigration and

Colonization (1961).

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1945 - 2004

Copy of Joao Goulart´s

Speech (1961).

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1945 - 2004

The Dictatorship Years for Immigration

Castelo Branco (1964-66) – As the first to help the Dictartorship, he begins the Legislative Reform in favor of the regime, treating the blow as Revolution.

Costa e Silva (1966-1969) – He wins the elections against the opposite candidate which had to be approved by the Military forces. He had imposed the AI-5 repressive law.

Medice (1969-1976) – He uses all the effectiveness law against those who opposite the regime.

Ernesto Geisel (1976-1979) – Supposed to be the one to held the open process, he had a contradictory mandate, suspending the Congress and continuing to repress opposition movements.

Joao B. Figueiredo (1981-1985) – As a former Ministry of SNI – National Service on Information - , he had held a Conservative open process.

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1945 - 2004

The Dictatorship Period Documents

Min. da Justica – Costa e Silva 1969

Intern. Relations – Medice - 1970

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1945 - 2004

Some other Documents

Jose Sarney and the first civil government Document

Intern. Relations – Medice - 1971

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1945 - 2004

The Democratization and the dismiss in Regulating Flows

The Brazilian Last Legislation on Immigrant´sLEI Nº 6.815, DE 19 DE AGOSTO DE 1980

 Define a situação jurídica do estrangeiro no Brasil, cria o Conselho Nacional de Imigração, e dá outras providências.  

Art. 1° Em tempo de paz, qualquer estrangeiro poderá, satisfeitas as condições desta Lei, entrar e permanecer no Brasil e dele sair, resguardados os interesses nacionais.

Art. 2º Na aplicação desta Lei atender-se-á precipuamente à segurança nacional, à organização institucional, aos interesses políticos, sócio-econômicos e culturais do Brasil, bem assim à defesa do trabalhador nacional.

Art. 3º A concessão do visto, a sua prorrogação ou transformação ficarão sempre condicionadas aos interesses nacionais.

(...) Art. 7º Não se concederá visto ao estrangeiro:I - menor de 18 (dezoito) anos, desacompanhado do responsável legal ou sem a sua autorização expressa;

II - considerado nocivo à ordem pública ou aos interesses nacionais;III - anteriormente expulso do País, salvo se a expulsão tiver sido revogada;

IV - condenado ou processado em outro país por crime doloso, passível de extradição segundo a lei brasileira; ouV - que não satisfaça às condições de saúde estabelecidas pelo Ministério da Saúde.

(...) Art. 9º O visto de turista poderá ser concedido ao estrangeiro que venha ao Brasil em caráter recreativo ou de visita, assim considerado aquele que não tenha finalidade imigratória, nem intuito de exercício de atividade remunerada.

(...) Art. 15. Ao estrangeiro referido no item III ou V do artigo 13 só se concederá o visto se satisfizer às exigências especiais estabelecidas pelo Conselho Nacional de Imigração e for parte em contrato de trabalho, visado pelo

Ministério do Trabalho, salvo no caso de comprovada prestação de serviço ao Governo brasileiro.(...) Parágrafo único. A imigração objetivará, primordialmente, propiciar mão-de-obra especializada aos vários setores da

economia nacional, visando à Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento em todos os aspectos e, em especial, ao aumento da produtividade, à assimilação de tecnologia e à captação de recursos para setores específicos. (Redação

dada pela Lei nº 6.964, de 09/12/81)Art. 57. Nos casos de entrada ou estada irregular de estrangeiro, se este não se retirar voluntariamente do

território nacional no prazo fixado em Regulamento, será promovida sua deportação. (Renumerado pela Lei nº 6.964, de 09/12/81)

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1945 - 2004

The Democratization Period and It´s Numbers of Foreign People

Foreigners in Brazil 1981-1991

• Europa = 15.346 or 24.05%• América del Norte = 8.742 or 13.70%• América del Sur = 28.083 or 44 %• América Central = 1.283 or 2.01%• África = 1.801 or 2.82%• Asia = 10.793 or 16.91%• Oceanía = 317 or 0.50%• Sin especificación = 453 or 0.71%

Total - 63 818 or 100%

Font: IBGE. Censo Demográfico de 1991; Tabulaciones especiales, NEPO/UNICAMP.

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1945 - 2004

•  1970 1980 1991 1970 1980 1991 1970 1980 1991

Argentina 17.213 26.633 25.468 23,94 24,09 21,49 1,40 2,40 3,32

Bolívia 10.712 12.980 15.694 14,91 11,75 13,24 0,87 1,17 2,04

Chile 1.900 17.830 20.437 2,65 16,14 17,24 0,15 1,60 2,66

Colômbia 870 1.490 2.076 1,21 1,35 1,75 0,07 0,13 0,27

Costa Rica 152 327 357 0,21 0,30 0,30 0,01 0,03 0,05

Cuba 470 574 492 0,65 0,52 0,42 0,04 0,05 0,06

Equador 357 758 605 0,50 0,69 0,51 0,03 0,07 0,08

El Salvador 352 495 364 0,49 0,45 0,31 0,03 0,04 0,05

Guatemala 145 176 121 0,20 0,16 0,10 0,01 0,02 0,02

Haiti 90 127 141 0,13 0,11 0,12 0,01 0,01 0,02

Honduras 83 207 300 0,12 0,19 0,25 0,01 0,02 0,04

México 519 853 660 0,72 0,77 0,56 0,04 0,08 0,09

Nicarágua 593 608 329 0,83 0,55 0,28 0,05 0,05 0,04

Panamá 371 641 981 0,52 0,58 0,83 0,03 0,06 0,13

Paraguai 20.025 17.560 19.018 27,88 15,89 16,05 1,63 1,58 2,48

Peru 2.410 3.789 5.833 3,36 3,43 4,92 0,20 0,34 0,76

R.Domenicana 221 169 178 0,31 0,15 0,15 0,02 0,02 0,02

Uruguai 13.582 21.238 22.141 18,91 19,22 18,68 1,11 1,91 2,88

Venezuela 989 1.262 1.226 1,38 1,14 1,03 0,08 0,11 0,16

Barbados Belize 81 40 120 0,11 0,04 0,10 0,01 0,00 0,02

Guyana 364 696 1.131 0,51 0,63 0,95 0,03 0,06 0,15

Guiana Francesa 116 1.759 651 0,16 1,59 0,55 0,01 0,16 0,08

J amaica 58 89 11 0,08 0,08 0,01 0,00 0,01 0,00

Suriname 160 196 191 0,22 0,18 0,16 0,01 0,02 0,02

TOTAL 71.833 110.497 118.525 100,00 100,00 100,00 5,85 9,94 15,44

Estrangeiros da América Latina e Caribe no Brasil

Proporção no total de latino-americanos (%) Proporção no total de estrangeiro (%)

Some problems concerning the changes on actual flows

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1945 - 2004

Immigration Panorama in

Brazil (1996-today)

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1945 - 2004

Briefing and Conclusions

In resume, Immigration’s Policies were defined into the States necessities:

• Before the Vargas Provisory and Dictatorship Governments for coffee and commodities production;

• During it’s period, for the formation of a national identity view of qualified workers;

• on 1945 for the workers organizations on the defense of the national market;

• On the Populist Period, also to confirm International Agreements to Reforce the Cold War.

• during the Military Dictatorship to avoid different ideology that could put in risk the government status;

• and after this (post-1985), it remains to be organized in time to the regionalization process and Democratization experiences on Social and Civil Rights, occurring nowadays.