Download - Branding Development

  • 7/29/2019 Branding Development


    Logo Generation

    The rst 3 pages experiment with creating dierent

    logos with the same concept. This spread uses an upper

    case sans seri with a lower case tag line. The segments

    are small and dainty to keep the balance between bold

    and subtle. The logo can be altered according to the

    segment advertised. All o these designs would work in

    colour or monoprinted.

  • 7/29/2019 Branding Development


    A logo based on the segments (like the previous page).

    These examples have lower case logo with a upper case

    tag line. The lower case sans seri creates a riendly ace

    or The Mosses Centre.

  • 7/29/2019 Branding Development


    Buisiness Card Ideas

    Transerring the segmented circle ideas across colourul

    typography based business cards. This gives the option

    o 5 dierent business card designs: one or each section

    and a ull circle as well.

  • 7/29/2019 Branding Development






    Mosses CentreWE ARE ENJOYABLE.

    Peter Firth

    Cheif Officer

    0161 761 2079

    [email protected]

    Mosses CentreWE ARE EDUCATIONAL.

    Peter Firth

    Cheif Officer

    0161 761 2079

    [email protected]

    The Mosses CentreWE ARE FRIENDLY.

    Peter Firth

    Cheif Officer

    0161 761 2079

    [email protected]

    The Mosses CentreWE ARE SUPPORTIVE.

    Peter Firth

    Cheif Officer

    0161 761 2079

    [email protected]

    Buisiness Card Ideas

    Relying on beutiul imagery the segments can be laid

    ontop o these to advertsie the specic area o The

    Mosses Centre. The corisponding colour is used on the

    reverse side with a smaller tag line ... We are... This adds

    emphaise to what The Mosses Centre is about. These

    highlight the concept that The Centre is all about the

    community and all o its members.

    (We cannot use these photographs (or copywritereasons) these are just place holders so I can put these

    boards on my university blog).

  • 7/29/2019 Branding Development


    Using Images

    Using images and banner / posters we can apply a

    pattern made rom the segments that could be the

    same colour as the specic segment. These are a rough

    examples to explain what I mean.

  • 7/29/2019 Branding Development


    We started Gateway so that members could c ome along to

    meet their friends. This year we c elebrate our 30th Birthday

    and we still have original members still coming to meet

    friends. We still have around a hundred members with sixty to

    seventy members attending each Thursday evening. Members

    can listen to music, dance, have a game of pool, and play air

    hockey, table football and dominoes.


    We provide a meeting place for over forty clubs and groups.Members range from young budding Karate champions, right

    to way through to a hard for hearing society.

    We have rooms for hire including our large Main Hall with a bar

    and dance floor for weddings, parties, quiz nights and large

    gatherings and our Gym is suitable for sports and exercise

    classes or even childrens birthday parties. We also have

    smaller rooms for meeting or training purposes.

    Using Images

    Revising the design using the segments with images,

    this can be used in the annual reports and leafets, etc. I

    made the segments much bolder and the use o colour

    clearer as well.

  • 7/29/2019 Branding Development


    For further information on other training and support for the

    Third Sector (Community and Voluntary Organisations), click

    on Other Contacts below:

    3SDA (Bury Third Sector D evelopment Agency), Bury Business

    Centre, Kay Street, Bury BL9 6BU

    Co-ordinator Marie Brookfield0161 705 1878

    [email protected]

    Bury Council Web Site

    Greater Manchester Community Foundation - Grants for

    Voluntary, Community & Third Sector groups in Bury


    We provide a meeting place for over forty clubs and groups.

    Members range from young budding Karate champions, right

    to way through to a hard for hearing society.

    We have rooms for hire including our large Main Hall with a bar

    and dance floor for weddings, parties, quiz nights and largegatherings and our Gym is suitable for sports and exercise

    classes or even childrens birthday parties. We also have

    smaller rooms for meeting or training purposes.

  • 7/29/2019 Branding Development



    The Mosses Centre is a large Com munity Centre. We

    provide an important cornerstone for the community of

    Bury. Situated in the heart of town, we provide a meeting

    place for over forty clubs and groups.

    We feed, enjoy, socialise, educate and supp ort. To

    achieve this we hold educational programs, work in

    partnership with other statutory and provide facilities

    for local groups and societies.