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BRANDA brand is a product , services or concept that is publicly distinguished from other products ,so that it can be easily communicated and usually marketed . A brand name is a distinctive product service or concept . Brands are usually protected from use by others by using a trade mark or service mark from an authorized agency , usually a government agency . Brand are expressed in the form of logos, graphics representation of brand etc.

BRAND AWARENESSBrand awareness is the probability that consumers are familiar about the life and availability of product . It is a degree to which a consumers precisely associate the brand with the specific product. Brand awareness includes both brand recognition as well as brand recall . Brand recognition is the ability of consumer to recognize the prior knowledge of brand while brand recall is the potential of consumer to recover a brand from his memory when given the products .

TYEPS OF BRAND AWARENESS THERE ARE TWO TYEPS OF BRAND AWARENES Aided awareness Top of mind awareness Aided awareness: Aided awareness means that on mentioning the product category the consumer recognized the brand from the list of brands shown. Top of mind awareness: This means that on mentioning the product category, the first brand that consumer recall from his mind in your brand.

BRAND CONSCIOUSNESSBrand consciousness is awareness of brand as a distinct product that is separate from others. It is about image and perception. Brand conscious is more than simply an awareness or preference for brand. There are difference in the level of brand consciousness. SEIF CONCIOUSNESS: Individuals are especially concerned about the impression they make on others. They are more likely to be physical appearance and fashion. They are also more complaints with standards of the society and are more sensitive to interpersonal rejection. Self conscious consumers who are brand conscious will most likely have a negative attitude

CO-BRANDINGCo-branding refers to the several different marketing arrangements. Co-branding also called brand partnership. Cobranding is when two companies from an alliance to work together, creating marketing synergy. It is an arrangements that associates a single product or service with more than one brand name or otherwise associates a product with some one other than the principal procedures

BRAND V/S BRANDING BRAND: A brand put simply is who you are and what you represents. A brand gives you an image that what people think about you when they meet you or encounters yours business BRANDING: A branding is the series of collection of activities from that you do establish your brand. It is about the things that you create, just like yours market materials, your logos, your websites, your emails. Basically thats the big difference that you are your brand but your branding sends the message out of the peoples. Brand and branding can help us to define the person and business.


Nature or silent generation (1928 - 1945) Characteristics: Hard working, married young, family-friendly, affluence, , activism, conventional, . Defining events: World War II, the start of the Cold War, suburbanization, , the Beat movement, the Korean War, Womens liberation.

The so-called silent generation consists of children who grew up surrounded by war and depression. cultural diversity, fragmenting families, affluence, and had a propensity toward in decision. However, while activism is one of the key characteristics of this generation, many also were quiet, hardworking people who focused on getting things done and advancing their careers, despite an internal struggle about their identity and place they in the world. The silent with the generation, so called because of their lack of voice, was encouraged to conform to social norms, but this generation struggled aspirations thrust on them from past generations with the revolutionary ideals of the growing civil rights movement and the women's liberation movement.

The baby boomers (Born 1945 1964) Characteristics: Experimental, individualist, free spirited, selfbelief, self-fulfillment, self-improvement, rejection or redefinition of traditional values, spiritualism, sub-cultural explosion. Defining events: The Cold War, the rise of television, the civil rights movement, first Apollo moon landing, Woodstock.

These boomers are healthier, richer, and preparing for a second flush of youth in their 50s as the kids move out and their savings can be spent on luxuries. And, as an increasingly Websavvy demographic, Boomers are fast becoming a marketers dream customer.

Generation X (Born 1965 1979 Characteristics: , Independent, entrepreneurial, antiestablishment, skeptical, ecology-minded, anti-consumerist, short attention spans, multi-career minded. Defining events: Watergate, the 1970s oil shocks, the Iran, hostage crisis, rising divorce rates, the PC revolution.

Gen X is known for its independent and skeptical approach to mass marketing and, now in their 30s and 40s, they represent an affluent demographic that are buying homes earlier and starting families later. They are inspired by nature and want to make a difference, a characteristic that is evident from the huge numbers of entrepreneurs in this group.

Generation Y or Millennials (1980 1994) Characteristics: Style-conscious, prematurely affluent,independent, needy, socially and environmentally aware, procommunity, pro-multi-culturalisum, pro-gender equality. Defining events: The birth of the Web, the dotcom boom and bust, anime, growth in social media, rebirth of pop culture. This generation are Internet savvy, are natural collaborators, are frequently in touch with their parents, use technology at a far higher rate than any previous generations, cannot function socially without a mobile phone, and have refined the art of multi-tasking to such an extent that they can text, surf the Internet, download music, and chat to friends on IM simultaneously.

The Net Generation (1995 present) Characteristics: Web and technology savvy, brand conscious, community minded, pro multi culturelisum, pro equality. Defining events: Explosion in social media, war on terror, growth in mobile technology, Bush Administration/Obama election, reality TV. , Generation Z, the net generation is considered to be those born between the mid-1990s and mid-2000s. As the children of the youngest baby boomers and generation X, this group has taken the use of technology and the Internet to new heights. Nick-named digital natives, these youngsters have never known life without the internet, DVDs, instant messaging, texts, MP3s, mobile phones, YouTube, or other such technologies.