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How to Brain StormYour Interior Design Ideas

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Sit somewhere with no distractions,think again what you have already done and start jotting down ideas.

How to Brain Storm Your Interior Design

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Start sketchingwhatever in your mind or visualizing. You can getideas frombooks &magazines.

How to Brain Storm Your Interior Design

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Look at fabric, color and flooring samples.

Photos of the existing space. Items that you are going to keep.

How to Brain Storm Your Interior Design

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Now start putting things haphazardly. Pick out things that catch your eye & put them all together.

How to Brain Storm Your Interior Design

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Then start again over.You should continue this process a few times until you run out of ideas.

How to Brain Storm Your Interior Design

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See what idea or scheme catches your eye. Ask yourself,What caught your eye and why ?

How to Brain Storm Your Interior Design

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should this be the focal point. Will it work correctly ?

How to Brain Storm Your Interior Design

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Basically it is like a flow chart.If yes, then keep workingon it.

How to Brain Storm Your Interior Design

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You should look forother items and accessories also that coordinate with it.

How to Brain Storm Your Interior Design

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If no, then go back and find another idea and startworking with that.

How to Brain Storm Your Interior Design

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You may have come up with an even better idea of your own for brainstorming.

How to Brain Storm Your Interior Design

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This is a catalyst for creative thinking.

How to Brain Storm Your Interior Design

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The fact is you have toVISUALIZE what things will look like when the project is finished.

How to Brain Storm Your Interior Design

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The stronger your visualization is, the more ideas will come.

How to Brain Storm Your Interior Design

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