Download - Bourbon news (Paris, Ky. : 1895). (Paris,KY) 1898-02-01 [p ] · at the theatre last night The occasion was the fnt appearance of the Peters

Page 1: Bourbon news (Paris, Ky. : 1895). (Paris,KY) 1898-02-01 [p ] · at the theatre last night The occasion was the fnt appearance of the Peters

JL l i g

CHAMP MILLER Editors and Owners


C F CO- -

Main and Broadway

The Bed of the FutureConsigned to the past are the old time beds with their high rosts

their towering canopies and their fluttering draperies

THE BEi OF TODAYIs of or brass Light clean attractive and strong

in attractive form all the requisites of an up-to-da- te bedcover a wide range


350 500 etc

White Enameled Dresser 1250 and 1350Maple and Mahogany chamber furniture in attractive styles

FOLDING BEDSChiffonier Beds full size

1500 1800 2000Mahogany finish upright bed vvM 18x40 French mirror at 3000Look at our East window Cut Price Sale of Pictures

3 3 eWall Papers now open and ready for inspection- - All new designs

and colorings See ns before placing your order Liberal Discount forcontracts now

C F BROWER COCarpets Furniture Wall Paper



See my select stock of Christmas supplies

Nuts 10c lbFigs 8 to 15c lbRaisins 8 to 15c lbCandies 1 4 to 25c lbDates 7 1 2 c lb


r- n

Cs- -

Our 30 Suits for 35Our 35 Suits for 30Our 40 Suits for 35Sold by others for 55 to 60



to4czenWw WApples bananas prunes grapes

pickles dried fruits oysters cel-ery crackers turkeys

The cheapest line of fire works inParis

Come and see me






Headquarters For Correct Styles

Hats KnoxStyles




and Dun lap

New line of from 75c upThe very latest and

cuffs up to dateCollars 15c to 20cCuffs 20c and 25c per pair

Neckties 25c 50c and75c Fall and line of


OUR HOLIDAY BARGAINSOur 30 OvercoatSifor 25Our 35 OvercoutsforOOur 40 Overcoatscfor 35Sold by for J60

Try our Trousers Sold by for

We mean what we say and can prove itThe above prices are for Cash




-- Sarey















wr- - - - - J -


8 1- -


only safe uxe andreliable Female PHiever toespecially

I to marriedAsk for D3 lipTTS PEJCrZEOYAI PUiIS and t -- ko no other

yb w aena iar circmar jsriitu oiiuu lur UUAi iro or omiX--t-c jyjjx jL kjjtj ii H laio

Sale By W T Brooks TJrnggit

offered Ladies
















Xewg Notes Gathered In And About TheBur

Ed Wilson is very ill with the feverMiss Lucy Reese of Mason i the

gnest of Miss Alice ClarkeMiss Minnie Evans returned Saturday

from a visit to LexingtonMiss Lula Best of Washington

Mason county i3 visiting relatives tfiere

Thos McOlintock sold to ChaCheney a pair of broke mules for 26

Mr L Auxier and little son of Cov¬ington are guest6 of Dr Hurt andfamily

Mrs Kate Richardson of Lexingtonis the gnest of her mother Mrs MaryTrotter

Mies Alice Clark returned Fridayfrom a visit with Miss Edith Bueh atWinchester

Mr Jack Allen of Sharpaburg wathe guest of relatives here Thursdayand Friday

Caleb Corrington is having thehauled for the foundation of hisresidence

Mrs Tom Pickrell of Carlislehere Friday to visit her daughter



llsabelle at the M F C

Mr Allen Darnaby of Lexingtonwas the guest of Miss Lida Clarkefrom Saturday until Monday

Miss Nannie Peed of Mayslick gnestof Miss Dorothy Peed went to Cynthiana Monday to visit relatives

If you want anything in the house-keeping


line be sure to call on J THinton He can suit you and save youmoney tf

Mr Jas Johnson and Miss Lilla Cur ¬

tis eloped to Pari Friday night andwere married by Rev F J Cheekat his residence

Mr Waller Allen and daughter MissRosa D of Sharpaburg came downFriday The latter is the guest of hercousin Miss Lucylee Allen

Frank and Claude Vimont sold Jas AButler 500 bushels of wheat at 86cents John N Caldwell also sold him500 bushels at same price

The Masons of Halleck Lodge of thisplace will give a supper in their nevviodge room Friday evening February4th They will also have instrumentalmnsic singing and recitations Severalprominent speakers are expected Theproceeds will be used in furnishing theirhall All are invited

rTheJ3chool AssociationshehLhereSat- -WMII IIIJIU - - H IJWMHIg i ffraavAwasramteTaTgaccessxbntTalimwere

SrymucSppoinCTOurTScthe absence of Miss Kate Edgar whowas too ill to attend Misses Taylorand Purnell wish to return their thanksto tbeir friends for t6 music singingrecitations etc also to those whohelped furnish the lunch




rtCu i l



Fayette Go Land

r couut

Nutters Admr Plaintiffvs

W Nutters Heirs and CreditorsDefendants

By virtue of the judgment renderedin the above cause at October Term1897 1 will sell at public sale to thehighest and best bidder on


being first day of February Term ofScott CircuifCourt at the West FrontCourt House door in Georgetown Kyabout the hour of 12 oclock M on acredit of 12 18 and 24 months in equalinstallments the following land to wit

A tract of two hundred 200 acres ofLland in Fayette county Ky adjoiningthe lands of B K Nutter of RobertBeatty of Carrick brothers and of theheirs of Dr Peters The Horeb turn-pike


cuts off a few acres of the land onthe east and borders the remainder onthe east and Elkhorn passes throughthe south end of it cutting off a few

Jl 1acres trom tne main iract ana it isbounded on the north by a dirt roadleading from the Horeb pike to Lemonsmill

Purchaser to give bond with good andsufficient surety bearing interest fromdate to have the force and effect of asale bond A lien will be reserved onthe property sold until all the purchasemoney is paid


This is good land suited for tobaccohemp corn wheat grass etc Dwell-ing


house and necessary outbuildingB onit


All persons having claims against CF Clay deceased will present thesame properly proven according to lawto the undersigned Administrators

All persons knowing themselves in ¬

debted to C F Clay deceased willplease settle promptly with the Admin-istrators



Administrators of C F Cliy deceasedlljan 4wk


Theatrical Ad OthnrwiKe Remarks IiThe Foyer

Not now does the Paris maid lookTo see wBSre her tolu wad is

Shes toe engrossed to leave her bookForafceaabwried in -- Quo Vadis

Mr CralCretnent and his excellentcompany1 oopwyere tnorougniyed a lsrgeMand fashionable


aradiencewith a perfect production of that beau ¬

tiful paatoriir The New DominionSaturday nfebt at the Grand operahouse Tbteeis little that is new to besaid of thepiayr which is chaste andcharmiugiimple and beautiful MrClementiwpersooation of the gentlescholarly Miman nobleman TimBohensianjfcnyroa better if possiblethan on ffocraer visits and he waxforced to acknowledge half a dozen curtain calls jlud make a epech MissKarra Keawymir- - Clement is just ashandsome and clever as of yore in theattractive rote-- of Josephine Dulaneyrand wonWilliams

i Boner asNorman

mew adtnirersflMr Jeirreywas-- excellent as Marshalwas Mr Frank Aiken as- -

Sigar Randolph and Tho3OMallev asWurWeoi Randolvh MissNell McEwaa made a dainty and prettyFlora MayBZaitdoiph and filled the partmoat acceptably Miss GertrudeOMallev ffilayed the part of Marthavery welMtfdeed and Miss Annie Filbonrne andW B Mack also gave goodsupport jRaris theatre goers will giveMr Clementa royal welcome in hisnew play gA Southern Gentleman

ETERS ANDJGREENThe Knoxville Tribune says of the

en Uompany gwnicn appears at tfiep opea house Friday andSaturdaySTghts and Saturday Jmatinee

Tberejgjas not decent standing roomat the theatre last night The occasionwas the fnt appearance of the PetersGreen Comedy Company and every onegot the worth of bis money and some-thing


to spare The entire company isup-to-datej- in every respect and the billlast nighfawas bang up It was an Irishfarce andjside splitting from the timethe curtain rose to the end of the lastnotwv -

Peterilhid Green are up far on theladderdaflRTmedyiirork aadatlwThitvesuoucthenMelveifvWltKwSwlSxoHent36TmjtoSPlH

first classThe company as a whole is conceded

to be the best popular price- - companythat ever held the boards at Staubs byeveryone who saw the performance oilast night

Jersey City has probably the J onlyehurch uancing class in America Itnumbers sixty members and is taught byRev John Stoddard pastor of St JohnsChurch who organized the class just toshow that dancing was aotimproper His class gginaeetsevery Thursday night RevStoddard-- ipecialitieg are the two step

ad polka ma rkz vA th - i

1 for eight lessons Over 100 isonswant to join the class

Creston Clark the splendid youngactor who gave a tine performance heresome time ago in The Last of HisRace plays to morrow nightville and Friday night andafternoon in Lexington

in DanSaturday

E H Sothern was born in NewOrleans but was taken when three yearsold to England where he was educatedHis wife Virginia Harned is a Virginiagirl

Giles Shine who is known to manyParisians is playing the role ofRichelieu in Under The Red Robethis week at Louisville

Wilton Lackaye and Frederick Wardehave closed their tours at Chicago Notenough money coming in and too muchgoing out


The Rev John TalbottNew York has written

The Black Cardinal

a priest ofa play

Elita Proctor Otis will soon reviveOliyerTwist assuming the role of

Nancy oikes

DELINQUEIi T MSAll persons who have not paid their

poll tax for 1897 are notified to call atthe Sheriffs office and settle same andsave costs


NOTICEWill not be responsible for any debts

unless written order from me

Sjan ff


S BROOKS OLAJSppervisor of inllic Roads




X iadLBourbon Circuit Court


Economy Building Loan Associationof Paris Kentucky Plaintiff

vsN E F Best etc Defendants

By virtue of a judgment of the Bourbon Circuit Court made and entered inthe above stvled cause at its Novemberterm 1907 I will sell publicly at theCourt house door in Paris Kentuckyon

mondm mmm m isosvat aboutthe hour of noon the follow-ing described tracts of land to wit

Beginning at Ion the southeast edge ofthe pike leading from Mdlleraburg toRuddles Mills and running N 48i W2976 poles to 2 and of stone fence cor¬

ner to Wilder then with stone fence asit meanders N 50 E 5 40 poles to 3 N33 iJ 1 4 poles to 4 K 43 E 2040poles to 5 a stone corner to S Thompsontaen N 57 W 5230 poles to 6 corner toSarah Moore then N 40 W 2208- - polesto a staKe corner to Liaypon then S 54W 5312 poles to 8- - the north edge of therock on said pike then S 38A E 6948poles to 9 corner to Jerry Hall then N

f48E961 poles to 10 a stone corner toPsaine then S 4S E 20 poles to 11 thetooutneast eage of the rock uu said pikethen N 72 E28 poles to 12 bend inthe pike then N 83 E 14 56 poles to thebeginning and containing 33 acres and29 poles and-- is the same property con-veyed to the said Nannie E P Best byM Li Pressly by deed of record in theoffice of the jlerk of the BourbonCounty Court in deed book 2 at page

Also a certain tract of land lying nearthe above tract beginning at a stonejorner to J Bruce Smith then S 48 E19j poles to a stone on the N margin ofthe Huddles Mills Turnpike then orossiog the pike at the bridge N 2S9 W 14poles to a stone on the N marginof the pike thence N 48 E10 noles to the beeinnisr containing 1

acre and 2S poles and is the same prop-erty conveyed to N E P Best by ML Presley by deed or so- - much thereofas may be necessary to satisfy thedebts interest and costs of this action

Said sale will be made upon credits oftgelveitnonthsJoreqnl part of

ittetyigttVll9CPlOifiB0fl- a





mediately upon the concieion of saidMale with good surety to be approved byK T r l - t C wi - Jxt o rv m x vw rn I

payable to said Commissioner and bear ¬

ing interest from date until paid at theKite of six per cpnt per annum having

Ithe forctj and effect of a judgmentSaid sale is made to satisfy a judg ¬

ment in favor of the plaintiff EconomyBuilding Loan Association of ParisKentuckv for 1479 8S with interestthereon from the 80th day of May 1896until paid and 10 costs of former suitamounting on the day of sale toitl fiRft ftl nnd nlr lnrttrmpnf in fnvvr4wV w u w w u u I

of the Eagle Tobacco Warehouse Cotor JgbUUUU wiru interest thereon tromthrt 231 rv nf February 1897 untilp - tf 6 rr cnt per annumamouutuiK ou the day of sale to 634 40and the no ts to wit 10429 makingthe total sum to be raised on day of sale2378 36

EMMETT M DICKSONMaster Commissioner

CourtBourbon Circuit

McMillan Talbott Attys


You can afford to Indulge yourself or yourCamlly in the luxury ot a good weekly news-paper


and a quarterly magazin of fictionYou can get both of these publications withalmest a library of good novels for 5 per year




world famed for its brightness and the mostcomplete General Weekly covering a widerrange of subjects suited to the tastes of menand women of culture and refinement than anyjournal ever published Subscription price

4 per annumTALES FROM TOWN TOPICS a as6 pago

Quarterly Magazine of fiction appearing thefirst day of March June September and Decamber and publishing original novels by thebest writers of the day and a mass of shortstories pov ins burlesques witticisms etcSubscription price 2 per annum

Club price for both 5 per annumYou can have bota of these if you aubscribe

NOW end a bonus f 10 novels selected fremthe list telpw Ragular prici for each 50cents A I sent postpaid

Remit m New York exchange express orpostal money order or by registered lettertogether with a list of the 10 novels selectedby numbers to rows topics

SOS Flftk Avenue TVew York

e THE SALE OF A SOUL By C M S McLellanBy A S VanWcstretn7 lHtLOUbIN UfTHtMU

8 SIX MONTHS IN HADES By Clarice I Clincliam9 THE SKIRTS OF CHANCE By Cajrtain Alfred

Thompson10 ANTHONY KENT By Charles Stakes Wayneji AN ECLIPSE OF VIRTUE By Champion Hisseltis AN IN5PLAKABLE SIREN By John Gilliat13 THATTJR ADFUL WOMAN By Harold R Vynne14 A DEAL IN DENVER By Gilmer McKendrteIS WHY SAiS GLADYS By David Christie Murray16 A VERY REMARKABLE GIR- I- By L H Bickford17 A MARR1A GE FOR HATE By Harold R VynneiS OVr OF THE SULPHUR By T C De LeonJ9 THE WRONG MAN By Champion Bissell2t THE HUNT FOR HAPPINESS By Anita Vlvantl

r Chartresat HURSl RANGE EXPERIMENT By Harold R Vynnai ON THU ALTAR OF PASSION i y Jvhn tat

23 A MART YH TO LOVE By JcCana E Wuwd

ErfaHshei FEB l 1881

NO 9


City Property

Bourbon Csrcuit CourtEconomy Building Loan Association


SaHie Thomas etc Defendantst--

By virtue of a judgment of the Bour--bon Circuit Court made and entered in--

tbe above styled cause on the 18th dayof December 1897 1 will sell publiclyat the court house door in Paris Kentucky about the hour of noon on


tke following descrit ediwit r

real estate to--

Tke certain house and lot situated onthe South side of Chestnut street nowSeventh street fronting out said street

i4 feet and extendirg therefrom between parallel lines and with the line ofJosephine Wilson on the East and theline of Mrs Anna Elgin on the West to- -

the line of Mangons lot and iB the sameproperty conveyed to said Same Thomasby John L Trundle and wife by deedof date May 7th 1890 which is ofrecord in the Clerks office of theCoomty Court of Bourbon county atDeed-- Book 73 page 22 and is part ofthe property conveyed to John L Trun--die by Selby Lillestcn and wife

Said sale will be made upon credits csix and twelve mouths for equal partsof the purchase money and tor whichthe purchaser will be required to exe-cute


bonds with good surety to be approyed by the undersigned Master Com ¬

missioner bearing interest from dateuntil paid at the rate of six per centper annum having the force and effectof en judgment

Said sale is made tosatisfy a judgment in favor of theplaintiff herein for the sum of 640 66--with interest thereon from September30th 1896 until paid at the rate of sixper cent per annum amounting prin¬

cipal and interest on the day of sale tothe sum of 692 65 and the costs of thisuit to wit 7585 making the totalsum to be raised on the day of sale thesum of 76850


Master Commissioner BourbonCourt

bMcMiLLAfr Tatbott Attyjs



- -- US

Bourbon County


Bourbon Circuit Court

Nannie T Martins Exr Plaintiffvs

T 31 FUier etc DifHKa

By virtu- - of an agreed order of salein the ahovp styled action entered at thoNov 1897 term of the Court the wa4ersigned willl on


about the hour of 11 a m oclock at thConrt honse door in Paris BourbonCounty Kentucky expose to public salethe following real estate located nearRuddells Mills in Bourbon County Ken ¬

tucky to witA tract of 131 acres 0 roods and 17

poles of land lying in Bourbon CountyKentucky near tne town of RuddellsMills adjoining the lands lately ownedby J W Mcllvain the Millersburg

Ruddells Mills turnpike the WillisCollins estate the farm lately owned bybourbon County as a poor house farmthe lands of J J Diminitt and otkers121 acres 0 roods and 17 poles thereof be ¬

ing the same lands conveyed to T MFisher by Willis Collins and others bydeed of record in the office of the Clericof Bourbon County Court in deed book52 page 8 and the remaining 10 acresbeing the same lands conveyed to saidFisher by Joshua Barton and others bydeed recorded in the office of the Clerkof the Bourbon County Court in deedbook 52 page 9 to which reference ismade for a description of said landa bymetes and bounds

Terms This sale will be made tupoacredits of 12 and 18 months for equalparts of the purchase money and topurchaser will be required to executebond with good surety to be approyed ofby the undersigned assignee beariBg interest from date until paid at the rat of6 per cent This sale will be made freefrom the contingent dower right of thwife of T M Fisher For further in-formation


apply to the assignee at ifcichmond Ky

E B HOGGAssignee of T M Fisfcer

Or McMillan TalbottAttys for Pltff

Paris ZZj

w ANTED TRUSTWORTHY andactive gentlemen or ladies to

travel for responsible established housin Kentucky Monthly 6500 and ex-penses


Position steady InferenceEnclose self addressel stamp envelopeThe Dominion Company Dept WChicago lGnov 8t






