Download - Botulism and · Botulism and Heat-ProcessedSeafoods JOSEPH J. L1CCIARDELLO Introduction ... canned tuna containing type


Botulism and Heat-Processed Seafoods



From 1899 to 1973 there have been688 reported outbreaks of botulism inthe United States, involving 1,784cases and 978 deaths (Center for Dis­ease Control, 1974a). Seventy-twopercent of the outbreaks were associ­ated with home-canned foods, where­as commercially processed productswere involved in only 9 percent of theoutbreaks. In Japan, Canada, Swe­den, Denmark, and Russia, the ma­jority of outbreaks have been due toimproper home preservation of fishand fish products. Since 1940 therehas been a decline in the number ofbotulism cases in the United States.This is believed attributable to an im­provement in canning proceduresboth in the home and industry.

When one considers the total num­ber of cans of commercially processedfood produced in this country sincethe inception of the canning industry,on the whole the overall safety recordpertaining to botulism is remarkable.Out of 775 billion cans of food soldbetween 1926 and 1971, only threecans have produced (four) fatal casesof botulism (Borgeson, 1971).

Most botulism cases associatedwith commercially processed foodshave not involved fully sterilizedproducts, but semi-preserved prod­ucts (i.e., smoked, brined, pickled,pasteurized) which must be refriger­ated and which rely upon salt content,pH, etc., for semi-preservation. In

The author is with the Gloucester Laboratory,Northeast Fisheries Center, National MarineFisheries Service, NOAA, Emerson Avenue,Gloucester, MA 01930.

February 1983,45(2)

such products, the commensal micro­bial flora has been either reduced orinhibited, whereas the spores of C.botulinum may be unaffected. Undersuitable conditions, germination andoutgrowth may occur without compe­tition from other bacterial types, pro­ducing toxins-and sometimes withno outward sign of spoilage.

Nevertheless, when botulism fromcommercially produced foods doesoccur, the sensational publicity gener­ated by the insidious nature of thedisease arouses great concern andaccusations which diminish publicconfidence in the food industry in­volved. This causes serious economicloss to the affected industry. Rebuild­ing public confidence in such situa­tions may take 2 years or more(Anonymous, 1978).

Commercial SeafoodProducts Involved

The principal habitat of C. botulin­um is in soil; therefore, it is not sur­prising that vegetables have been im­plicated in the majority (17.4 percent)of U.S. outbreaks (Center for DiseaseControl, 1974a). Fish and fish prod­ucts have been implicated in 4.4 per­cent of all outbreaks, whereas meatproducts were involved in 1.7 percent.However, in 66.7 percent of all out­breaks, the vehicle for the intoxica­tion was either not known or not re­ported (Center for Disease Control,1974a).

Botulism associated with commer­cially prepared fish products in theUnited States has involved cannedclams, clam juice, crab, salmon, sar­aines, sprat, tuna, and smoked orvacuum-packed ciscoes and whitefish

(Meyer and Eddie, 1965; Center forDisease Control, 1974a). Most ofthese products, however, are usuallyconsumed directly from the containerat ambient temperature with no fur­ther culinary preparation which couldinactivate any toxins.

Distribution andOccurrence in Fish

There are seven known strains ortypes of C. botulinum, designatedtype A to G, which produce pharma­cologically identical but serologicallydistinct toxins. Types A, B, E, and Fare responsible for human botulism,whereas types C and D are usuallyassociated with birds and animals(Smith and Holdeman, 1968). Therole of type G has not yet been estab­lished.

The predominant strain in fish­related botulism has been type E,although types A and B have beenoccasionally implicated. Type E C.botulinum is ubiquitously distributedin nature and has been isolated fromterrestrial soils, rivers and freshwaterlakes, marine muds and waters, warmwaters (i.e., Gulf of Mexico), andcold waters (i.e., Baltic Sea) (Grai­koski, 1971; Hobbs, 1976). It hasbeen found in such principal areas as the Great Lakes, Gulfof Mexico, and the Atlantic and Pa­cific coasts (Dolman, 1957; Bott etaI., 1966; Ward and Carroll, 1965;Nickerson et aI., 1967; Presnell et a\.,1967; Ward et a\., 1967; Craig et a\.,1968; Eklund and Poysky, 1970;Laycock and Longard, 1972).

Type E C. botulinum seems to haveits greatest concentrations in bays,

estuarine areas, and the surroundingland masses. These areas act as catchbasins for rivers draining the contigu­ous land masses and thus maintainreservoirs of the organisms in the im­mediate environs (Graikoski, 1971).However, type E habitat is not con­fined to littoral waters. Dolman(1957) isolated the organism frombenthic mud off the coast of BritishColumbia at depths ranging from 153to >765 yards (140 to >700 m). Lay­cock and Longard (1972) detected itin waters 150 miles (241 km) off thenortheast coast of Newfoundland,and the spores are probably dissemi­nated throughout the marine environ­ment by underwater currents.

Since the organism inhabits marineand freshwater environments, it hasbeen detected in or on the associatedfauna. In infected fish or shellfish, itis usually found on the slime or exo­skeleton, the gills, and in the intestinaltract (Huss, 1981). Among salmontaken in Alaskan waters (coastal andrivers), the number of positive gillsamples exceeded the number of posi­tive viscera specimens, particularlywith the fish caught in rivers (Hought­by and Kaysner, 1969). The authorsbelieved the gills were acting as filter­ing agents.

While much research has been di­rected toward establishing the qualita­tive incidence of type E C. botulinumin various fishes, there remains a pau­city of information on the concentra­tion of viable cells or spores, particu­larly in edible portions. A survey byGoldblith and Nickerson (1965) forthe quantitative contamination bytype E C. botulinum of commerciallyproduced haddock fIllets in Boston,Mass., revealed that about 24 percentof the samples taken from five differ­ent processing plants were contami­nated, but the highest level found inany of the samples was 17 organismsper 100 g of fillets. No attempt wasmade to differentiate between cell andspore content. The incidence of typeE spores among herring taken fromNorwegian fishing grounds was esti­mated at <::;1 spore per 16 g of fish(Cann et aI., 1966). The highest levelof type E organisms found in Gulf of


Maine groundfish intestines was 10per 100 g (Nickerson et aI., 1967).These limited data suggest a lownatural level of type E botulism sporeson finEsh; however, the fact that asignificant part of the raw material isinfected provides the potential forintroduction and buildup of theorganism in a processing plant unlessstrict safeguards and good manufac­turing practice (GMP) are main­tained.

Recent Cases WithCommercially Packed Fish

Botulism concerns were greatlystimulated in 1963 when commerciallyprepared foods were responsible formore cases of the disease in theUnited States than foods processed inthe home (Dowell et aI., 1970). Threecases and two deaths in Detroit,Mich., resulted from commerciallycanned tuna containing type E toxin.Seventeen cases and five deaths due totype E botulism in some southeasternstates were associated with vacuum­packed smoked whitefish chubs whichhad been inadvertently held at roomtemperature (Dack, 1964; Center forDisease Control, 1974a).

In 1974 a recall of canned tuna wasissued by the Food and Drug Admin­istration (FDA) after botulinum toxintype C was detected in one can (Cen­ter for Disease Control, 1974b). Pack­ed in Samoa, the can was reportedlyan "obvious leaker." In Great Britainduring 1978 four cases of botulismwith two deaths were attributed to asingle can of salmon packed in Alaska(Corwin, 1980), but damaged some­time after processing. This was thefirst such case in the long history ofcanning which resulted from commer­cially canned salmon produced in aU.S. plant. FDA attempts to repro­duce the specific can damage in thecanning plant were unsuccessful.

More recently, in early 1982, an­other incident with one associateddeath involving canned salmon fromAlaska was reported in Belgium(Anonymous, 1982a; 1982b). A tinyhole was found in the sidewall of thecan near the bottom seam. Unlike theearlier cases, it was speculated that the

defect may have been caused in theplant by the can reforming equipmentwhich may have caused tears in theedges of the can. For economy inshipping, some canneries receiveformed but collapsed can bodies anduse a reforming machine to restorethese flattened bodies to a cylindricalshape, after which the body is flangedat both ends and a cover attached toone end.

Determination of aSafe Commercial Process

To appreciate the inherent protec­tion from botulism in commerciallycanned foods, a brief discussion fol­lows of the principles involved in de­termining process times. Thermalprocess requirements for commer­cially canned low-acid foods wereoriginally based on a mathematical in­tegration of heat penetration data andthermal resistance of the most heat­tolerant pathogen, C. botulinum. Theheat resistance data were derived froma thermal death time (TDT) curveestablished by Esty and Meyer (1922)for an initial inoculum of 60 billionspores of the most heat-resistantstrains of types A and B C. botulinumin M/15 phosphate buffer pH 7. Anextrapolation of that curve indicated aTDT of 2.78 minutes at 250°F(121°q.

Townsend et al. (1938) applied acorrection to the data of Esty andMeyer for heating lag time and recal­culated the TDT at 250 OF to be 2.45minutes. The number of minutes re­quired at any given temperature to in­activate the above spore load of C.botulinum is designated the F valuefor that particular temperature. Thus,by this definition F2l0 = 2.45, and thisvalue may be used as the reference forsafety when calculating the sterilizingvalue of a canning process. Othertime-temperature combinations, i.e.,24.5 minutes at 232 OF (111.1 0q, 245minutes at 214 OF (101.1 0q, etc. ob­tained from the TDT curve wouldalso provide a sterilizing value equiva­lent to 2.45 minutes at 250°F. For thesake of conformity, 250 OF has beendesignated the reference temperaturein thermal process calculation and a

Marine Fisheries Review

process which receives a sterilizingvalue equivalent to 2.45 minutes at250 of would satisfy the requirementfor a minimum botulinum cook; how­ever, for safety reasons industry com­monly considers the "minimum botu­linum cook" as equal or equivalent toFm = 3.0. This sterilizing value is ap­plied in the absence of satisfactoryTDT data which would show that alower sterilizing value is appropriate.

Another parameter often used inthermal process evaluation is the Dvalue, referred to as the death rateconstant, or decimal reduction time.This is defined as the time required ata given temperature to effect a 90 per­cent reduction in numbers of the or­ganism during heating, or the time re­quired for the rate-of-destructioncurve to traverse one log cycle whennumbers of survivors are plotted as afunction of heating time on semilogpaper. The D,so for C. botulinumspores in phosphate buffer was deter­mined to be 0.20 minutes (Schmidt,1964). If the thermal death time valueof 2.45 minutes (at 250°F) is dividedby the D,so value of 0.20 minutes, avalue of 12 is obtained. This indicatesthat the 60 billion spores in the studyof Esty and Meyer were reduced by 12log cycles or a factor of 10 -12 afterheating for 2.45 minutes at 250°F.Consequently, a sterilizing process de­signed to effect a minimum botulinumcook is also termed a 12 D process.

One perspective for perceiving thesafety factor inherent in a minimumbotulinum cook is to envision 60 mil­lion cans of product each arbitrarilycontaining 1,000 C. botulinumspores. Theoretically, after a mini­mum botulinum heat process, onlyone among all these cans would con­tain a viable spore. Today commercialheat processes for low-acid cannedfoods are usually not designed princi­pally for the destruction of C. botu­linum, but rather for the spores ofmore heat-resistant nonpathogenssuch as Putrefactive Anaerobe 3679, astrain of Clostridium sporogeneswhich could cause putrefactive spoil­age if they survived the process (Lewisand Hall, 1970).

Stumbo et al. (1975) recommended

February 1983,45(2)

a sterilizing value (F250 ) of 5-6 forcommercial heat processes for low­acid conduction-heating canned foodsat a retort temperature of 240°F toobtain sterility with a moderate degreeof assurance that only minor eco­nomic losses from spoilage by spore­forming mesophilic bacteria moreheat resistant than C. botulinumwould result. However, when goodthermal resistance data are available,thermal processes may be based onsterilizing values that are somewhatlower than 5 or 6. Commercial pro­cesses today are generally based onthese recommended F values of 5-6.This is twice the lethal requirement ofC. botulinum and thus provides awide margin of safety.

One must caution, however, thatthese sterilizing values are founded onmoist-heat inactivation kinetics wherebacterial spores are relatively heat­labile. Bacterial spores are more resis­tant with dry heat, i.e., in a hot-airoven or in oil. Lang and Dean (1934)found C. botulinum spores to bemore resistant in fish products packedin oil. Neufeld (1971) recovered viablemicroorganisms from some cans oforganoleptically sound, commerciallyheat-processed fish products, withsurvival attributed to fat protectionsince the isolated cultures were notfound to be heat resistant.

Canned foods are not generallyconsidered absolutely sterile butrather "commercially" sterile. Thisterm implies that a few viable or in­jured cells may be present in a prod­uct, but growth and multiplication aresuppressed by environmental con­ditions in the substrate. In low-acidcanned foods, spores of heat-resistantthermophiles such as B. stearotherm­ophilus are the only ones which areexpected to survive the processesused.

Another factor which contributesto the prevention of botulism is theheat lability of the toxin. Simplyheating the food to the boiling tem­perature before eating should be suffi­cient for detoxifying a product (Lic­ciardello et aI., 1967). Most outbreakswith commercially packed seafoodsinvolve products which may be served

cold and directly from the can (i.e.,tuna, crab, and sardines).

Factors Responsible fora Botulism Hazard

In contrast to type A and type Bspores, the spores of type E C. botu­linum are relatively heat sensitive(Angelotti, 1970), and would be easilydestroyed by a conventional commer­cial heat process as designated by theNational Food Processors Associa­tion (1966). It has been stated that alloutbreaks of botulism from U.S.commercially canned foods in recentyears have been due to technical er­rors and not to the recommendedthermal process itself (Lewis andHall, 1970).

For example, the presence of C.botulinum in commercially cannedmushrooms was thought to have beencaused by use of a new type of fillingmachine which tended to pack themushrooms into a solid mass in thecontainer, thus altering the heat pene­tration characteristics. The processorunwittingly continued to maintain thesame process schedule which resultedin an underprocessed product. Pro­cessing time should be redeterminedwhenever there is any change in prod­uct formulation involving particlesize, drained weight, consistency, etc.,which could affect heat transfer char­acteristics.

The 1963 outbreak in Detroit,Mich., resulted from recontaminationof canned tuna due to a faulty seal(Stersky et aI., 1980). The mechanismby which this can occur is as follows:As soon as steam pressure is releasedin a retort at the end of a thermal pro­cess, and while the cans are still hot, atremendous strain is imposed on thecontainer seams and microleakagecan occur, particularly if the can hadbeen sealed by a seaming machine thatwas out of adjustment or had badlyworn rolls. During the cooling perioda negative pressure develops withinthe can, and in a can with a defectiveseal, the cooling medium (air orwater) can be sucked in. Although cansizes of approximately 4 inches diam­eter and smaller are normally designedto withstand internal pressures which


develop if the sterilizer steam pressureis suddenly released, can sizes greaterthan 4 inches diameter must be cooledunder pressure to prevent strainingand/or buckling of the containerends. Failure to pressure cool proper­ly can lead to leaker spoilage prob­lems with these large diameter cans.Post-process recontamination can bereduced by treatment of the coolingwater with an effective germicide, bygentle handling of filled containers toavoid damage to sealed ends, and byproper sanitation of can runways andequipment (Bee and Hontz, 1980; Itoand Seeger, 1980).

Significance of z Value inDetermining Process Times

The strains of C. botulinum foundin fish or marine foods are usually ofthe nonproteolytic variety (type E andsome types B and F). This is fortunatein the respect that nonproteolyticstrain spores are less heat resistantthan those of proteolytic strains.However, it is unfortunate becausethe proteolytic strains produce aputrid, recognizable spoilage patternwhich would be a deterrent to theconsumption of a toxic product,whereas spoilage and toxin produc­tion induced by the nonproteolytictypes are usually less evident. In addi­tion, nonproteolytic strains arecapable of growing at lower tempera­tures, e.g., 37.4 °_41 of (3 °_5 0c)(Hobbs, 1976).

Most type E outbreaks with com­mercially processed fish, particularlyduring the early 1960's, have beenassociated with inadequately refriger­ated smoked fish. As a result, a codeof practice was instituted for commer­cial production requiring smoked fish(from the Great Lakes) to be heated atleast 30 minutes to an internal temper­ature of either 180 of (82°C) if the saltcontent of the aqueous phase is 3.5percent, or 149 of (65°C) if the saltconcentration is 5.0 percent (Liston,1980). However, it has been demon­strated that this process schedule maynot be adequate for complete elimina­tion of type E spores from contami­nated fish (Christiansen et aI., 1968;Pace et aI., 1972).


When establishing a process sched­ule, the objective is usually the de­struction of the most heat-resistantstrain of a particular bacterial species.Quite often the thermal resistance ofdifferent bacteria may be comparedeither through their thermal deathtimes or D values at a particulartemperature. This would be a validcomparison only if the slopes of theTDT curves were the same (Townsendet aI., 1938). In thermal processingterminology, the slope of a bacterialTDT curve, expressed as the degreesFahrenheit intercepted by the curve intraversing one log cycle, measures thechange in thermal death time as afunction of temperature. This param­eter is called the z value. Another con­cept of the z value is that it representsthe number of Fahrenheit degrees re­quired ~o cause a tenfold change inheating time to achieve the same lethaleffect. In the classic study by Esty andMeyer (1922) referred to previously,the z value in phosphate buffer wasfound to be 18. As this value becomessmaller, the effect of a processingtemperature change becomes moremarked. Thus, two strains of type Espores with different z values couldhave the same heat resistance at oneparticular temperature, but the sporeswith the smaller z value will be moreresistant at lower temperatures andless resistant at higher temperatures(Perkins, 1964). A thermal processbased on the heat resistance of thespores with the higher z values in thiscase would result in underprocessing(Perkins et aI., 1975).

The z values for various strains oftype E spores in either water, phos­phate buffer pH 7, or trypticase pep­tone glucose broth have been reportedto range from 7.4 to 17 (Ohye andScott, 1957; Schmidt, 1964; Robertsand Ingram, 1965; Crisley et aI., 1968;Ito et aI., 1970; Lynt et al., 1977). Al­though the substrate is known to af­fect the z value, variable values werereported even in situations with thesame substrate. There are essentiallytwo different methods for determiningthe z value: 1) From a TDT curve con­structed from end-point destructiondata, and 2) from a phantom TDT

curve obtained by plotting log D valueas a function of temperature (Perkins,1964).

Experimental Comparisonof z Value for C botulinum

Type E by Two Different Methods

Because of the reported variabilityin z value for type E C. botulinumspores, the following study was con­ducted to determine the influence ofthe particular method by which thevalue was derived. Thermal destruc­tion rates were determined for twostrains of type E C. botulinum spores(8E and Detroit) in either M/ 15 phos­phate buffer pH 7.0, clam liquor, or ahaddock slurry over a temperaturerange of 140°-180°F (60.00-82.2°C).The spore suspensions were heated ina thermostatically controlled mineraloil bath in sealed melting-point-deter­mination capillary tubes which al­lowed rapid heating or cooling to am­bient temperature (Licciardello andNickerson, 1962). The number of sur­vivors was counted by asepticallycrushing the acetone/chromic acidcleaned tubes in sterile diluent and in­oculating appropriate dilutions intoMiller-Prickett' tubes containing 0.5ml of 5 percent filter-sterilized sodiumbicarbonate solution and then adding10 ml of a molten agar medium (50 gtrypticase, 5 g peptone, 10 g glucose,0.5 g sodium thioglycollate, 0.5 g fer­ric citrate, 1 g K2 HP04, 1 liter distilledwater, pH to 7.2). Tube cultures wereincubated 48 hours at 85 OF (29.4 0c)before counting colonies.

A typical set of survivor curves isshown in Figure 1 for strain 8E in ahaddock slurry. The nonlinear surviv­al curve with heat-resistant tail exhib­ited by 8E in haddock slurry also oc­curred with the other substrates andwith the Detroit strain. Lynt et al.(1977) also reported a tailing effectfor thermal destruction of type Espores. The D value was calculatedfor each heating temperature from thereciprocal linear regression slope ofthe survival data over the first three to

'Mention of trade names or commercial firmsdoes not imply endorsement by the NationalMarine Fisheries Service, NOAA.

Marine Fisheries Review


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Figure I.-Survivor curves for spores of C. botulinumtype E (8E) heated in a haddock slurry. Each point repre­sents the average count of duplicate tubes.

Figure 2.-Phantom TDT curves for spores of C. botu­linum type E in various substrates. Each point representsresult of separate trial.

four log cycles of destruction. Al­though it is acknowledged that thisprocedure for determining D value isvalid only for linear survival curves,in this case the value so derived wouldbe applicable to 99.9-99.99 percent ofthe population, which for all practicalpurposes can be considered to repre­sent the population. The D values ob­tained in this study support the generalconclusion of others that type E C.botulinum spores are relatively heatsensitive.

Phantom TDT curves are shown inFigure 2. The z values calculated fromregression slopes were as follows: Forstrain 8E, 9.2 in phosphate buffer, 9.3in clam liquor, and 9.0 in haddockslurry; for the Detroit strain, 8.2 inclam liquor.

Thermal death times were deter­mined by the end-point method forthe Detroit strain in clam liquor. Aseries of five capillary tubes, each

containing 150 x 106 spores washeated for various time intervals ateither 170, 180, 190, or 200°F (76.7,82.2, 87.8, or 93.3 0c) and then asep­tically subcultured in TPG brothtubes and stratified with vaspar. Fol­lowing a 2-week incubation period at85 OF (30°C), each culture tube wasexamined for viability by phasemicroscopy and for presence of typeE toxin by mouse intraperitoneal in­jection. A TDT curve was constructedby drawing a straight line between theinterval of heating times for the lastset of toxin-positive tubes and the firstset of five toxin-free tubes for eachtemperature (Fig. 3). From this TDTcurve a z value of 17 was calculated,and this is to be compared with thevalue of 8.2 obtained from the phan­tom TDT curve. Lynt et al. (1977)similarly computed a higher z valuefrom the TDT curve compared withthe phantom TDT curve for strains of

type E C. botulinum spores in crabmeat. The discrepancy may be due tothe fact that the TDT curve was basedon the thermal resistance of a verysmall proportion of heat resistantspores in the population, whereas thephantom TDT curve was derivedfrom the resistance of the major frac­tion of the population which wasrelatively heat sensitive. The questionhas long been debated whether the ex­treme heat resistance often encoun­tered in a very small proportion of abacterial population is due to I) aphysical phenomenon (i.e., clump­ing), 2) the presence of some driedspores on the inside wall of the TDTtube being subjected to dry ratherthan moist heat, or 3) a variation inphysiological condition among thespore population. However, in thisstudy and also in another (Graikoskiand Kempe, 1964), it was demon­strated that the extreme heat resis-

FebruaryJ983,45(2) 5



Figure 3.-Thermal death times plot for spores of C.botu/mum type E (Detroit) in clam liquor (+ = toxindeveloped in at least one of five tubes after heating and ­= toxin did not develop in any of five tubes after heating).


Literature Cited

Angeloni, R. 1970. The heat resistance of Clo­stridium botulinum type E in food. In M.Herzberg (editor), Proc. First U.S.-JapanConference on Toxic Microorganisms, p.404-409. Published by the UJ R JointPanels on Toxic Microorganisms and theU.S. Department of the Interior.

Anonymous. 1978. Botulism-the killer.World Fish. 27(11): 15.

_---,--_. 1982a. Canned salmon inspires an­other botulism scare in Europe. FoodChern. News 23(49):50.

__.,..--_" 1982b. HHS News. Bull. P82-4.U.S. Dep. Health Human Serv., Wash.,D.C., 2 p.

Bee, G. R., and L. R. Hontz. 1980. Detection

bases a process schedule on a mlnt­mum botulinum cook, it is not be­lieved that the public health would becompromised. Pflug and Odlaug(1978) have concluded that an Fm of3.0 minutes and a z value of 18 havebeen the standard for the minimumbotulinum cook for more than 40years and there is no epidemiologicalevidence to demonstrate that the stan­dard has failed.

180 190






with a liquid broth. Finally, enumera­tion of survivors in the rate of de­struction method was based on colonyformation, whereas in the end-pointmethod the criterion for survival wastoxin production. It is not knownwhether all surviving spores werecapable of toxin production. The im­portant question is which of these twomethods is correct. To be realistic,thermal death times would probablybe best determined by heating and in­cubating the spore inoculum in thesame substrate for which the processtime is being determined. This can beaccomplished using TOT cans. It ispossible that heat-injured spores maybe recovered when subcultured into anutrient medium whereas these samespores might not be able to germinateand grow out because of an unfavor­able environment if left in the heatedfood substrate. More work is neededto establish the validity of the twomethodologies reported here.

Nevertheless, if a food processor

tance was not an inherent trait, sincespore crops produced from the resis­tant survivors possessed the samethermal resistance as the parent cul­ture. That type E C. botulinum heat­resistant spores do exist is evidencedby the recovery by other investigatorsof viable type E spores from chubswhich had been heated in accordancewith the recommended code of prac­tice, i.e., to an internal temperature of180 OF for 30 minutes (Pace et aI.,1967; Christiansen et aI., 1968). Dol­man and Chang (1953) reported thatsome strains of type E spores with­stood 30 minutes exposure to 212 of(100°C). Yet, based on D valuesgenerally reported for type E strainsat 180°F, 30 minutes should exceed asterility time calculated for a 12 Dprocess. In our study the D,so for theDetroit strain in clam liquor was 0.2minutes. A 12 D process based on thisdatum would require 2.4 minutes at180°F. Yet, from Figure 3 the TOT at180 OF for 150 million spores is shownto be about 65 minutes. Lynt et al.(1977) similarly found that the com­puted process time for type E sporesin crab meat at 185 of (85°C) basedon 12 D from a phantom TOT curvewas much less than the value obtainedfrom the regular TOT curve.

The discrepancy in processing re­quirement as derived from these twotechniques must result from some un­accountable experimental error inher­ent in one of the two different meth­odologies. This is also reflected in thedifferences in z values obtained by thetwo methods. A possible causativefactor could be the differences in in­cubation time after heating for recov­ery of viable spores or testing for tox­inogenesis. In the TOT method a2-week incubation period was allowed,whereas in the rate of destructionmethod the agar tubes could not beincubated beyond 2 days because ofextensive gas formation which pre­cluded counting colonies. The gasresulted from the fermentation of glu­cose which was considered an essen­tial requirement for maximal recoveryof type E C. botulinum. Also, there isa possibility of differences in recov­ery, particularly of heat-injuredspores, resulting from subculturing ina solid nutrient medium compared

6 Marine Fisheries Review

and prevention of post processing con­tainer handling damage. 1. Food Prot. 43:458-460.

Borgeson, L. 1971. So, stop worrying aboutcanned foods. Family Health, Nov., p.22-36.

Bott, T. L., 1. S. Deffner, E. McCoy, andE. M. Foster. 1966. Clostridium botulinumtype E in fish from the Great Lakes. 1.Bacteriol. 91 :919-924.

Cann, D. c., B. B. Wilson, 1. M. Shewan, andG. Hobbs. 1966. Incidence of Clostridiumbotulinum type E in fish products in theUnited Kingdom. Nature (Lond.) 21 I :205.

Center for Disease Control. 1974a. Botulismin the United States, 1899-1973. In Hand­book for Epidemiologists, Clinicians, andLaboratory Workers. DHEW Publ. (CDC)74-8279. U.S. Dep. Health, Educ., Wel­fare, Atlanta, Ga.

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Crisley, F. D., 1. T. Peeler, R. Angelotti, andH. E. Hall. 1968. Thermal resistance ofspores of five strains of Clostridium botu­linum type E in ground whitefish chubs. 1.Food Sci. 33:411-416.

Dack, G. M. 1964. Characteristics of botulismoutbreaks in the United States. In K. H.Lewis and K. C. Cassel, lr. (editors), Botu­lism, p. 33-38. Public Health Servo Publ.999-FP-1. Public Health Serv., Cincinnati,Ohio.

Dolman, C. E. 1957. Type E (fish-borne)botulism: A review. lpn. 1. Med. Sci. BioI.10:383-395.

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