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In this issue, Danielle and Jessica will share their vision for our award-winning chapter. Sammy wrote a very

informative article regarding the new changes in the licensure process. You can find more information regarding

the ASDA Annual Session 2013 and our BU representatives’ achievements in Ahmed’s report. Brian explained

how the Wellness Committee has been bringing “Health” into our social, physical and spiritual aspects; Nadia

and Neda shared their experiences about the ups and downs, advantages and disadvantages of having a sibling

studying alongside you in dental school.




Boston University American Student Dental Association Newsletter

Summer 2013

Volume 3, Issue 5


On Saturday, March 2, 2013, GSDM’s Student National

Dental Association (SNDA), American Student Dental

Association (ASDA) and Hispanic Student Dental Association

(HSDA) launched the first SNDA Impressions program in the

School’s history to educate pre-dental students and to introduce

them to several aspects of GSDM.

Dr. Joseph Calabrese, Assistant Dean of Students (R) and

Dr. Larry Dunham, Director of Diversity & Multicultural

Affairs (L) with the GSDM volunteers and pre-dental students.

In this issue:


Changes in Licensure Process

Sameet Gill, DMD 14 7

What ASDA Means to Me

Jessica Metcalfe, DMD 15 2

ASDA 2013 Annual Session

Ahmed Jawad, DMD 16 6 Siblings at GSDM Homan Javaheri, AS 14

With the articles of Dr. Nadia Daljeet, DMD 13 and Nikoo Habibinia, DMD 16


Editor’s Desk Homan Javaheri, Advanced Standing DMD 14


Letter from Our First Delegate

Danielle Fernandez, DMD 14

Wellness Corner

Brian Leibtog, DMD 15

If you would like to send us an article or have an idea, email us at [email protected]

It is always a great feeling to see our classmates’ successes. This is the place to

embrace new ideas in order to make a brighter future. And as John F. Kennedy

once said “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or

present are certain to miss the future.”


BU ASDA NEWSBITE Summer 2013 2

At the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, we are fortunate to have a strong ASDA chapter

with an abundance of talent. Our members are constantly reinventing events and creating new ideas to raise the bar. As the First

Delegate, I can only hope that our members will continue to do the same for future boards.

In our future, I see a strong, national award-winning chapter, which will influence and motivate chapters across the country.

One of our chapter's long-term goals is to win the Ideal ASDA Chapter Award. In order to do so, we must exhibit excellence in

all areas of our chapter. With many of our members involved on both regional and national levels, we have learned about many

great ideas and received feedback to help our chapter grow in the direction of becoming an "ideal" chapter.

Our chapter has great potential and I am excited to see what our future holds. We should be very proud of our hard work and

dedication that have helped us make great strides. In March 2013 at ASDA Annual Session, we received the Crest Oral-B

Community Service Award, which recognized our chapter’s Oral Health in programming with under-served communities in

Boston. I believe this is just the beginning for our chapter and I am excited to see how much we can accomplish this year!

August 1, 2011, 5:00 AM

I couldn’t sleep; dental school orientation was starting and I was excited. No, I was a nervous wreck. I walked into the auditorium and it was huge and there were so many people. I remember thinking, “Will I be able to stand out and make my own mark on this school? Will the school leave a lasting impression on me?” These questions just kept running through my mind. The first day of orientation came and went; it was all a blur, except for the ice cream social. I walked around the room picking up pamphlets, making sure I was educated about all things in Boston. Then, I stumbled onto the ASDA booth where Dee Gulis (DMD 12), who was the first delegate at the time, handed me my “Getting Through Dental School Manual”. I swear to you, I held on to that book so tight as if it was my lifeline. Of course, I got home, and the book along with all the other pamphlets drifted into the corner of my bedroom. It wasn’t until months later that I picked up the book and read it.

August 10, 2013, 9:00 PM

Today, I sit at my desk having a hard time trying to put words together explaining what ASDA means to me and what my vision of ASDA is for the future. Our chapter is beyond

beyond involved and each year we keep adding new events and projects. This is only possible because of the people who are involved. Every year we lose graduate wonderful ASDA members but we also gain a new class full of hope, aspiration and innovative ideas. My vision for the future is that ASDA will continue to grow as a chapter and as a community. As long as we are united, look out for each other, help each other grow and make lasting memories, then ASDA has done its job.

From the community outreach projects and yoga to the many socials; BU ASDA has something for everyone. Even if you choose to only go to a couple of events, ASDA will put a smile on your face and a memory on your Facebook wall or Scrapbook. There is a reason why ASDA has coined the term “ASDA fever;” because once you’ve caught it, the temperature continues to rise. With that said, there are some upcoming events to look forward to: Fall Social, Apple Picking, Medical/Dental Halloween Party, Oral Cancer Walk, Coffee and Cookie Hour, Stairway to Health, Pre-Dental school visits, apparel sale, golf tournament and many lunch and learn events. If you have any new ideas that you want to

try out, send us an email at [email protected].

Finally, in the words of Dr. Seuss, “Teeth are always in style,” so don’t forget to smile!

Letter from Our First Delegate

Danielle Fernandez

DMD 14

First Delegate BU Chapter

Jessica Metcalfe

DMD 15

Second Delegate BU Chapter

What ASDA Means to Me

BU ASDA NEWSBITE Summer 2013 3

It is no secret that dental professionals are susceptible to

career-altering injuries. It is important to develop beneficial

routines from the beginning because destructive habits can

be hard to break once they become ingrained. Just like a

few minutes a day brushing and flossing can prevent major

oral health pathologies down the road, a few minutes spent

each day towards physical and mental health can help avoid

personal and professional disaster! GSDM wants all its

graduates to have long, flourishing careers and has recently

taken a big step towards this goal.

This year saw the beginning of a new ASDA committee

at Boston University – the Wellness Committee. Since its

inception, the Wellness Committee has executed a number

of new and exciting events that encourage a healthy body

and mind. These include a partnership with Sadhana, a local

yoga studio that provided free classes to all GSDM students

for a month; Stairway to Health; Coffee and Cookie Hour

ASDA Health and Wellness Committee is hoping to

bring to BUGSDM and hopefully something its

graduates will carry with them for the rest of their


This new ASDA team is assured to have a lasting

impact on BUGSDM students; their most recent

development is ‘Dental Diversions,’ a collection of

sports equipment that students will be able to sign out

to squeeze in some recreation around their busy class

and clinic schedules. Available equi

events on the horizon are a run to raise awareness for oral

cancer and massages to soothe aching muscles.

Anyone who would like to get involved can email Marissa at

[email protected]. Remember: It’s your health. Invest in


Brian Leibtog

DMD 15

[email protected]

Wellness Corner

to “refuel and recharge” and a Tennis

Tournament for those more (and less)

athletically inclined.

“Health is more than just the absence

of disease” asserts Wellness Committee

Chairperson Marissa Kobewka (DMD

15). “It’s a state of wellbeing that of

course includes physical aspects, but also

psychological, social and spiritual aspects

as well. This is what the BU ASDA

Health and Wellness Committee is hoping

to bring to GSDM and hopefully

something its graduates will carry with

them for the rest of their careers.”

This new ASDA committee hopes to

have a lasting impact on GSDM students.

Their most recent development is

“Dental Diversions,” a collection of

sports equipment that students can sign

out to squeeze in some recreation around

their busy class and clinic schedules.

Available equipment includes a football,

soccer ball, frisbee and more. Among


- “Chill and Drill” organized by ASDA's Wellness and ADEA Dental Education Committees on April 13th to help the first years prepare for their first summative exam. - Wellness Committee 2012-13 posing for a photo (L to R: Amrita Sandhu, Jessica Metcalfe, Keely Matheson, Emma Lattouf and Marissa Kobewka.)

- Marina Gonchar (R) and Jelena Vucijak (L), both DMD 14, Chair and Vice-Chair of Social Committee in the ASDA Coffee and Cookie hour.

BU ASDA NEWSBITE Summer 2013 4



1- GSDM students volunteering at a Woman to Woman event at Rosie’s place on April 12. 2- Dr. Caitlin Reddy (R) and Dr. Sara Mandell (L), both DMD 13, were inducted into the United States Army at Fenway Park on May 19. Dr. Joe Calabrese (center) and several classmates attended. 3- The ASDA Advocate Award was presented to Erica Manczuk, Assistant Director of Students Affairs. 4- On Friday, May 17th, the School’s 49th annual Convocation was held at Walter Brown Arena. 190 DMD students were honored and awarded degrees. 5, 6- DMD 15 & AS 14 students pose for a photo with ADA president Dr. Faiella and Dean Hutter at the White Coat Ceremony on July 6th

1 2



News in Pictures

Siblings at Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine

Homan Javaheri AS 14

What are the advantages of having a brother or sister in the dental school? How about the competitions? Here

at GSDM, Dr. Nadia (DMD 13) and Nikhil (DMD 15) Daljeet, Nisreen and Hala Mahmod (both AS 14), Marjan and

Hamidreza Fakhri (both AS 14), Hajra and Sara Sheilkh (both AS 14), Nikoo and Neda Habibnia (both DMD 16) are

siblings who have been attending our dental school. In this issue, family ties have been highlighted by getting to

know a few pairs of these siblings. Nadia and Neda shared their experiences about the ups and downs of having a

sibling studying alongside you in dental school. (Continued on the next page)

BU ASDA NEWSBITE Summer 2013 5

“ One of the Most Special Moments in Our Lives “ Nikoo Habibnia, DMD 16

Over the course of our academic careers, Neda and I have gone to

the same elementary school, high school, and college. The first thing

that happens when you go to the same school as your sister is that

professors get us confused. When we started college together in

Biology program in Toronto, Canada, we realized that we had the same

dream: to become a dentist! We started studying together and always

reminded ourselves that the sound of two hands clapping can literally

be heard loud and clear. This dream came true when we were both

invited for an interview at Boston University Henry M. Goldman

School of Dental Medicine. We stood up in front of the dental school

and my sister whispered, “We can do it”.

Nikoo (left) and Neda (right) Habibnia

We received our offers of admissions with a difference of 20 minutes and that’s how we started our new journey at Boston

University. Taking the oath, while my sister and I were standing side by side in this memorable moment at the professional

ceremony, was one of the most special moments in our lives, when we saw tears in each other’s eyes out of joy. The first year of

dental school was full of great memories and moments. Neda and I both agree that the best days of every week were during the

SLC sessions. We sit right besides each other and play the role as each other’s dental assistants. Having each other has allowed

us to better deal with the rigors of the dental school as well. At the beginning of each week, I start organizing all of our notes

while Neda begins to make us a perfect agenda for the week and it’s amazing to have your sister with you at the school. Looking

back on our experiences, we can’t imagine any journey could be as exciting to our future careers as dentists as the experiences

that have made us who we are today.

“ To Continue Our Tradition “ Dr. Nadia Daljeet, DMD 13

Dentistry runs in our family. Our father is a successful dentist

in Toronto and to say he loves his job is an understatement. His

passion for the field has undoubtedly influenced our decision. It is

quite unique that Nikhil and I both attended The University of

Western Ontario where we achieved the same degree, then ended

up at the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine. When I

moved to Boston four years ago, it was overwhelming to be so far

from my friends and family and move to a new city where I knew

no one. I quickly adjusted and fell in love with Boston, meeting

lifelong friends and becoming too busy with classes and exams to

think about much else. Two years flew by, and Nikhil decided to

follow the same path following his acceptance to BU. I was

excited to have him join me. There has never been any

competition between us, and I have always tried to help when I

can whether it is with SLC or advice about classes. This year I

decided to do an AEGD to further my education as a general

dentist and am spending another year in Boston. Although Nikhil

is still deciding whether to specialize, I hope to someday work

together in the family business and continue our tradition.

From left to right: Nadia, Nikhil and

their sister, Mira

BU ASDA NEWSBITE Summer 2013 6

Ahmed Jawad

DMD 16

[email protected]

From March 6th to 9th, 2013, 480 dental students and 5 pre-dental attendees gathered in Atlanta, Georgia for the 43rd ASDA Annual Session to set association policy and to elect the executive committee and board of trustees for the next term. Of the dental students, six were representatives of the ASDA chapter at Boston University seeking to improve the local chapter: Sameet Gill, Jay Patel, and Zara Nensey (DMD 14); Antonio Maceda and Jessica Metcalfe (DMD 15); and Khamir Patel (AS 14).

Among other activities, our BU ASDA representatives attended educational presentations. “Dentistry at a Crossroad: A Look Back, A Look Forward” by Marko Vujicic, Ph.D., the managing vice president of the Health Policy Resources Center at the American Dental Association, highlights a decline in dental care over the last ten years due to the fact that when the economy slows down, dental care appears to be one of the first things to be taken out of the budget and with this comes a decline in the net income of dental providers not just in the United States but worldwide. Vujicic proposed solutions to this issue such as increasing utilization of dental care among young adults and increasing oral health literacy to increase the value of dental care and dental benefits.

“Starting a Chapter Website” gave tips on how to create a responsive and organized chapter website in order to improve chapter communications, streamline payments from members and vendors, and increase member advocacy. “Alternative Workforce Models” by Ben Youel (DMD 13, Illinois) and Tim Calnon (DDS 13, Buffalo) presented new dental workforce models that are emerging such as dental health aide therapists, who can perform direct restorations and non-surgical extractions, advanced dental hygiene practitioners; coordinators, who implement community education programs, and advanced dental therapists, who can perform direct restorations, primary tooth extractions, pulp caps and can apply local and nitrous anesthesia, and then presented the American Dental Association’s views on them.

“How to Network Effectively” by Dr. Colleen Greene (DMD 13, Harvard) gave tips on how to enhance social capital and foresee opportunities at gatherings and events to gain influence and possible favors from peers through knowing how to behave at the event itself and maintaining a good reputation afterward.

The efforts of our representatives were fruitful; BU ASDA won 3rd Place for Community Service, Khamir Patel (AS 14) proposed a resolution for an email list for international students, which was adopted by the House of Delegates, and Sameet Gill (DMD 14) was elected to sit on the ASDA Board

of Trustees as District 1 Trustee. The Board of Trustees meets

about eight times during the year and represents the interests of over 20,000 dental students. As a Trustee, Gill will be engaging students in key responsible for national, state and local issues and also connecting chapters with national incentives and goals through such methods as Engage, a new website for students to connect with politicians and become more knowledgeable about relevant issues. Engage’s Website is

“I really encourage everyone to visit it to become more up to date on state and federal issues,” Gill says. Among other duties, Gill will also sit on the council for professional issues in ASDA and be a consultant for the council on scientific affairs for the ADA. These councils will work on specific tasks throughout the year and report back to the delegation at their respective annual sessions. “I am also responsible for planning and executing the annual district meeting with the help of my appointed cabinet. This year we are having the meeting “Leadership in Motion” on September 21st and for the first time in three years it will be in Boston. We will be focusing on leadership development and improving your chapter's involvement in National ASDA, and we will head to a Red Sox game that evening to socialize afterwards; this year has been especially rewarding for me as a trustee and I've had the opportunity to grow as an individual both personally and professionally. Honestly, it's a once in a lifetime chance to be a trustee for an organization as large and engaging as ASDA. I am thankful to my colleagues at Boston University who campaigned with me for almost a year, tirelessly standing by my side and advocating for my passion for dentistry every step of the way. I couldn’t have asked to come from a more loyal and dependable student body. I'm so incredibly thankful and happy to be representing District 1 dental students on the Board of Trustees.”

The next ASDA Annual Session will be held from February 26th to March 1st, 2014, in Anaheim, California.

ASDA Annual Session 2013 and Our

GSDM Representatives

GSDM ASDA representatives pose for a photo after receiving the Community

Service Chapter Award at the ASDA Annual Session 2013

© 2013 American Student Dental Association

From left to right: Jessica, Sameet, Zara, Antonio, Khamir and Jay

BU ASDA NEWSBITE Summer 2013 7

At this time the states of California, Washington, Minnesota, Connecticut and New York offer licensure alternatives to initial

licensure exams overseen by the American Board of Dental Examiners (ADEX). Many of these states saw the need to make

changes to licensure processes in a move away from the use of patients. The American Student Dental Association supports

exploring alternatives to initial clinical licensure exams that do away with the use of live patients.

ADEA’s 2011 House of Delegates (ADEA 2011 HOD) adopted a resolution that by the year 2015, the live patient exam for

dental licensure should be eliminated and all states should offer methods of licensure in dentistry that include advanced education

of at least one year, portfolio assessment, and/or other non-live patient based methods" [Resolution 10H-2011, ADEA Policy

Statement on Elimination of Live Patient Exam by 2015].

It is no wonder that the deans in Boston decided to collaborate their efforts and begin to approach licensure reform in a

steadfast manner to meet the goal set by the ADEA 2011 HOD. In January 2013, the deans of Boston University Henry M.

Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Harvard School of Dental Medicine and Tufts University School of Dental Medicine drafted

Bill H2080, and presented it to the State House of Representatives. Bill H2080 addresses an alternative for licensure that would

allow dentists who gain acceptance into CODA accredited institute one-year residency programs to apply for licensure upon

successful completion. The bill received support from representatives John W. Scibak, Peter V. Kocot, Stephen L. DiNatale, and

John J. Mahoney among others.

Since introducing Bill H2080 to the House of Representatives in January 2013, the State Board of Registration in Dentistry of

Massachusetts (BORID) has taken a special interest in investigating the intent behind the action. BORID, appointed by Governor

Deval Patrick, is a health care board charged with evaluating the qualifications for licensure and granting licenses to those who

qualify. Boards establish rules and regulations to ensure the integrity and competence of licensees. They also promote public health,

welfare and safety by ensuring that licensed professionals and entities meet the requirement set forth by the boards. It is important

to note that BORID is responsible for carrying out the process and interpreting the law set forth by state legislation. The deans

followed up with BORID on April 3, 2013 to introduce Bill H2080 and formally ask for their support.

As a result, BORID created a work group to investigate the intent behind Bill H2080 by interpreting its wording. The BORID

members of the work group present at the first meeting included professionals from many walks of life. Barbara Young is a retired

dental hygienist and criminal defense attorney who recently retired from prosecuting child pornography, rape and arson cases. Dr.

Mina Paul wears several hats in the world of organized dentistry as the vice president elect of the National Association of Dental

Board Examiners (ADEX), and a Northeastern Regional Board Examiner (NERB). Dr. Milton Glicksman has served a long and

illustrious career as a dentist, past president of Massachusetts Dental Society, and a member of BORID. Finally Alish Wilkie, a

retired director at a hospital, has spent most of her life tirelessly advocating for upholding the highest standard of ethics for

patients. All three deans of Boston’s dental schools also serve on the work group, and are not BORID chair members.

The work group’s first meeting focused on delving into the wording of the legislation and interpreting it in a way that maintained

its intent. Support from BORID will be an important step in achieving licensure reform. On the other hand, it was made clear at

the meeting that the focus of the group was to decide on how to proceed if Bill H2080 passed and was signed by the governor. The

work group’s official duty did not lie in drafting board policy. Once the facts and information are gathered, it will be presented to

the board that can decide to vote on policy how they wish. Current dental licensure processes are an anomaly in the world of health

care. For examples, medical students perform two years of residency for licensure; Surgeons present portfolios with minimum

number of cases to a third party for evaluation to gain licensure. The winds of change in the licensure process have been swirling

for nearly a decade, with changes made in regards to portability and ethical alternatives. Many parties, including ADEA, ASDA and

ethicists, are invested in finding ethical alternatives to the current process and applaud the work group’s efforts thus far.

Sameet Gill

DMD 14

District 1 Trustee

The winds of change in the licensure process


First Delegate Danielle Fernandez [email protected]

Second Delegate Jessica Metcalfe [email protected]

Secretary Chris Lachapelle-Lampkin [email protected]

Treasurer Jay Patel [email protected]

Legislative Liaison

David Lane [email protected]


Homan Javaheri [email protected]

PR/IT Chair Amrita Sandhu

Contributing Editors Danielle Fernandez

Sammy Gill Jessica Metcalfe Brian Leibtog Ahmed Jawad Nikoo Habibnia Dr. Nadia Daljeet

Pre-dental Chair Ryan Pasiewicz

Social Committee Chair Marina Gonchar

Fundraising Chair

Karina Vergara

Community Outreach Chair Neelam Shah

Lunch and Learn Chair Amrita Patel

Wellness Committee Chair

Marissa Kobewka

Ethics and Professionalism Chair

Matthew Dekow

100 East Newton Street

Boston, MA 02118

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Dental Education Chair

Emma Lattouf

DMD 14 Representative Zara Nensey

AS 14 Representative Muhammad Ali Shazib

DMD 15 Representative Antonio Maceda

DMD 16 Representative Mike Mayr

“ Art washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul. ” - Pablo Picasso

Not only is dental education a scientific process, but it also needs an artistic view. We are planning to add an Art

section to our newsletter. If you wish to contribute, please feel free to submit your poems, short stories, artwork,

pictures and any related material to: [email protected]

When Dentistry meets Surrealism Dr. Louis Brown, Pre-Clinical Fixed Prosthetics Course Director and

Salvador Dali, surrealist painter at the ASDA Hour: DMD 15 at the

Estragon Tapas Bar.

Photo by: Amrita Sandhu (DMD 15)

The Mental Blocks (BU Dental) Clockwise from left to right: Drs. Michael Maya, Christopher

Bickford, Habib Tarzi (All DMD 13), Dr. Fred Harrington (Group

Practice Leader) and ASDA Committee members in the “Battle of the

Bands” on April 20th