Download - BOOVAL CATHOLIC PARISH · Dates: Friday 13 December 6pm to Sunday 15 December 3pm Place: Santa Teresa Spirituality entre, Wellington Street, Ormiston. ost: $370 ($340 for pensioners,

Page 1: BOOVAL CATHOLIC PARISH · Dates: Friday 13 December 6pm to Sunday 15 December 3pm Place: Santa Teresa Spirituality entre, Wellington Street, Ormiston. ost: $370 ($340 for pensioners,

Parish Priest Fr Thomas Varkey MCBS

[email protected]

Pastoral Ministry Co-ordinator & Safeguarding Officer

Mrs Donna Conway [email protected]

Parish Secretary Mrs Cathy Peacock

Chairperson - Pastoral Council Mr Mike Wilkinson

Chairperson - Finance Board Mr Ben Sotiriadis

Liturgy Co-Ordinator Mrs Margaret Kane

School Principals Sacred Heart School - Mr Chris Thomas

St Peter Claver College – Mr Terry Finan

Outside School Hours Care Co-Ordinator Mrs Linda Caplin

Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8.30am-4.30pm

Ph: 3282 1888 Fax: 3282 5702 Email: [email protected] Web:

Weekly Diary

Monday 4th November

9.00am Mass

Tuesday 5th November

NO Mass

Wednesday 6th November

5.30pm Rosary 6.00pm Mass

Thursday 7th November

9.00am Mass

Friday 8th November

8.45am Mass - including Prayers for the Dead

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday 9th November

4.00pm-4.30pm - Reconciliation 5.00pm Vigil Mass - Booval

Sunday 10th November

7.00am NO Mass - Riverview 9.00am Mass - Booval 5.00pm Mass - Booval

Marriages by appointment - at least six months notice is required.

Baptisms by appointment.

Booval Catholic Parish


Parishioners & Visitors


Fr Thomas Varkey’s Installation Mass as Parish Priest


His Grace Archbishop Mark Coleridge BA DSS

Archbishop of Brisbane

At the 9.00am Mass at Sacred Heart Church


Sunday 10th November, 2019

Followed by morning tea

A dedicated group of Sacred Heart

students gathered regularly throughout the month of

October to pray the Rosary

The school leaders recently attended the annual

Children’s Mission Liturgy which was held in

St Stephen’s Cathedral

A very warm welcome to our Year 2 students and their families

who are joining us at the 9am mass this weekend. There will be a sausage sizzle and a cuppa after mass.

BOOVAL CATHOLIC PARISH † Sacred Heart Church, Cothill Rd, Booval † Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 10 Old Ipswich Rd, Riverview

Sacred Heart Primary School, 25 Cothill Rd, Booval St Peter Claver Secondary College, 10 Old Ipswich Rd, Riverview


Coffee & Chat

Page 2: BOOVAL CATHOLIC PARISH · Dates: Friday 13 December 6pm to Sunday 15 December 3pm Place: Santa Teresa Spirituality entre, Wellington Street, Ormiston. ost: $370 ($340 for pensioners,

FR THOMAS’ INSTALLATION MASS: A morning tea will follow the 9.00am Mass to be held next Sunday 10th November. Parishioners are kindly asked to please bring something to share for morning tea

RIVERVIEW CHURCH - There will be NO 7.00am Mass at Riverview next Sunday 10th November.

CUP LUNCH - Tuesday 5th November 12.30pm at the Parish Centre. Tickets $20.00 which includes light lunch, punch/wine and lucky door prizes. $2 & $1 sweeps available on the day. To book please phone the Parish Office on 3282 1888. Bookings need to be made by 9am Monday 4th November. The Sacred Heart Craft Group will be selling various craft items after the 9am Mass this Sunday and on the following dates 17th, 24th November and 1st, 8th, 15th December. This is a great opportunity to do some Christmas shopping. Funds raised will go towards sending our youth to the Ignite Conference in the latter half of 2020. WALTZING MATILDAS - Next trip Tuesday 3rd December going to Gold Coast - End of year break-up - Buffet Lunch. Please bring water bottles. Enquiries Ph: Anne Hall 0408 773 734.

A VOCATION VIEW: Do whatever is necessary to see Jesus: climb a tree, make a retreat, confess your sins, read His life, help an enemy, say a prayer. He will stay with you today and I will praise your name for ever.

CHOIR PRACTICE for Fr Thomas’ Installation Mass will be held this Tuesday 5th November at 7.00pm. If you would like to be involved you are most welcome to come along and join in. NOVEMBER MASS OFFERINGS - Envelopes are available at each of our parish churches for those who wish to remember deceased relatives and friends. These names will be recorded in a folder that will be displayed in each church. These loved ones will be remembered during the month of November. Please place on the collection plate or return to the parish office. NOVEMBER DEVOTIONS - During November we remember and pray especially for all the faithful departed. Mass includ-ing Prayers for the Dead will give us an extra opportunity to do this. Friday Nov. 8 - prayers for deceased parents; Friday Nov. 15 - for spouses and children; Friday Nov. 22 - for brothers and sisters; Friday Nov. 29 - for all relatives and friends who have died. Finding God in The Quiet Centre “God speaks and names us, knows our being, touches base……” A weekend op-portunity for women to leave behind the chaos and clutter that can be a part of life and enter in to quiet in community. Come and experience a time of prayerful reflec-tion in the beauty of God’s good creation. Facilitated by Grace Harwood (Dragonfly Ministries) Dates: Friday 13 December 6pm to Sunday 15 December 3pm Place: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Wellington Street, Ormiston. Cost: $370 ($340 for pensioners, f/t students and unemployed) includes all accommodation, meals, resources and facilitation. Santa Teresa requires an additional $30 fee for those with special diets. For more information contact, Grace on 0409 524 283 or email [email protected] “God loved the world so much, he gave us his only son, that all who believe in him might have eternal life”. John 3:16


Tuesday 5 Nov 9.30am NO Craft Group

Wednesday 6 Nov 7.00pm Pastoral Council meeting

Friday 8 Nov 9.30am Christian Meditation

Friday 8 Nov 6.15pm CFC Group

The Booval Catholic Parish acknowledge the Jagera, Yuggera and Ugarapul people, the Traditional Custodians who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years.

How is God calling us to be a Christ-centred Church that is Prayerful & Eucharistic?

This National Theme for Discernment is inspired by the voic-es of the People of God who shared how deeply they treas-ured the Eucharist and the sacramental and liturgical life of the Church. There was a call for stronger and more engaging preaching, with an emphasis on the Word of God and con-nection to daily life, some seeking a uniquely Australian ex-pression of prayer and Eucharistic celebration, drawing from the wisdom and rituals of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and also bringing together the many migrant communities which make up the Church in Australia. There were many divergent expressions of ways in which people and communities encounter God through their experiences of prayer, music and liturgy, and a desire for catechesis, training and formation for those in ministries related to these.

How God is calling us to be a Christ-centred Church that is

Page 3: BOOVAL CATHOLIC PARISH · Dates: Friday 13 December 6pm to Sunday 15 December 3pm Place: Santa Teresa Spirituality entre, Wellington Street, Ormiston. ost: $370 ($340 for pensioners,


PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHOM WE REMEMBER: Dzienis, Aleksiuk & Potter families, William Bell, Francesco Di Rosa, Aleyamma Abraham, Emma Cruz, Brian Meara, Kirtley & Dolan families, Soundar Rajar, Bob Cole, Dorothy Walsh, George Bradley, Donna Gabriel, Tracie Files, Noela Shute, Rita Vanderbyl, Tom Brown, Roland Millington, Bernie Kin-nane, Chris Garton, Ken Adkins, Frank Van Gestel, Lorraine Murphy, David Samson, Brian McCarthy, Jack & Eileen McMahon, Bob, John & Mark Skippington, Thomas Boyle, Margery Boyle, Ellie & Ossie Cody, Rob Kane, Mike Cody, Helen Cody, Roy Folan, Alfred & Stella Grech, Moira Murphy, Melinda & Arthur Murphy, Bernice & Clement Goan, Arthur, Brian & Dane Bracey, Grahame Coultas.

LET US PRAY for those who are sick or recovering from surgery: Joy Gallagher, Louise Armstrong, Marianne Steentsma, Rae Clark, Bryan, Elsa White, Marea Teakle, Phyllis Cook, Jill Wright, 2 Special Intentions, Mary Lloyd, Leesa Besgrove, Kath Cole, Eileen Adkins, Erin, Eileen Galligan, Benjamin Palmer (Chris Garton’s Grandson), Shannon Spencer, Thomas Manoj, Donna Brown, Kalayanee Jitpak-dee, Brian Morgan, Hannah Smith, Fran Johnson, Julia Telford, Graeme Peters, Lilian Morrison, Sophie Leonard, David Stewart, An-thony Eden, Concetta Tiberi, Bridgette Muller, Darcy Watt, Lisa Lynch, Madge McLennan, Karen Purdie.

We also include in our prayers all the aged and sick to whom we take Communion. We pray for the safety and good judgement of those serving in our defence forces overseas.

(Please contact us when you feel that it is appropriate to remove the name of your friend or loved one from our Parish Prayer List)


Brian Bracy, Sr Mary Dorothy RSM, Brigid Power, Letitia Quinn, John Webb, Peg Devin Thelma Knopke, Enoliko Lafotanoa, Mario Li-ciardello, Pauline Gundry, Mary Hinchy, George Curran, Samuel Duncalfe, Julia (Julie) Hung, Frances Laimer, Gerald McCarthy, Roy Neylan, Philip O’Keeffe, Emily Butler, John Heston, Charles Lyne, Madge Scaroni, Doug Woods, Eric Brock, Rex Brock, Elizabeth Hallewell, Amelia King, James King, George Kopelke, Catherine Tierney, Ellen Baker, Isobel Lilley, Mervyn McKeaten, Sr Marcian McMahon, Evelyn O’Connor, Prakseda Oriszenko, Paul Potter, Maria Williams, Daniel Coogan, Vera Muir, Ivy Schostakowski, Suanne Skippen, Mary Steffens, John Twigg, Jean Wood.


1st Reading: 2 Macc 7:1-2, 9-14 2nd Reading: 2 Thess 2:16 - 3:5 Gospel: Luke 20:27-38

9/10 November 5.00pm Vigil 7.00am - Riverview 9.00am 5.00pm


Margaret Kane Katherine Toohill Ryan Prenzler

NO MASS INSTALLATION MASS Karen Sotiriadis Kate Sotiriadis ——


Evelyn Le Bherz Leanne Cook Barbara Engelbrecht Tim Habermann Madonna Prenzler

NO MASS INSTALLATION MASS Ben Sotiriadis Les Scott —— —— ——

ALTAR SERVERS 5.00pm - Michael Tate 7.00am – NO MASS 9.00am – INSTALLATION MASS

CHURCH CLEANING No cleaners required due to new carpet being laid


Page 4: BOOVAL CATHOLIC PARISH · Dates: Friday 13 December 6pm to Sunday 15 December 3pm Place: Santa Teresa Spirituality entre, Wellington Street, Ormiston. ost: $370 ($340 for pensioners,


Alleluia! Sing to Jesus

Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!

His the sceptre, his the throne.

Alleluia! His the triumph,

his the victory alone;

Hark! The songs of peaceful Sion

thunder like a mighty flood;

Jesus out of ev’ry nation

Hath redeem’d us by his blood.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Glory be to God on high;

Alleluia, to the Savior

who has won the victory;

Alleluia to the Spirit,

font of love and sanctity;

Alleluia! Alleluia to the triune majesty.

Text: Rev. 5:9; William Dix, 1837-1898, and others. Traditional.

GLORIA: [Sung]

© M. Haugen – GIA Publications PSALM RESPONSE: Psalm 144

I will praise your name forever,

my King and my God.

© Gerard O’Dempsey ofmcap.


Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

© M. Haugen – GIA Publications NICENE CREED

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.


Lord To Whom Shall We Go

Lord to whom shall we go?

You are our Bread, broken and shared.

Lord to whom shall we go?

Yours are the words of life.

The manna we ate,

yet our hunger remained;

Our hearts were not satisfied.

O Lord, you feed us

with the finest of wheat,

our pledge of eternal life.

The bread you give

is the living bread,

your flesh for the life of the world.

Your word, O Lord,

is a lamp for my steps;

A light for my path of life.

By Michael Herry © 1993


© M. Haugen – GIA Publications ACCLAMATION [Sung]

We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again, until you come again.

© M. Haugen – GIA Publications AMEN [Sung]

© M. Haugen – GIA Publications OUR FATHER [Sung] LAMB OF GOD [Sung]

© M. Haugen – GIA Publications

Mass Parts: Excerpts from the Roman Missal © 2010 ICEL


I will come to you in the silence,

I will lift you from all your fear.

You will hear my voice,

I claim you as my choice,

Be still and know I am here.

I am hope for all who are hopeless,

I am eyes for all who long to see.

In the shadows of the night,

I will be your light,

Come and rest in me.

Do not be afraid, I am with you.

I have called you each by name.

Come and follow me,

I will bring you home;

I love you and you are mine.

I am strength for all the despairing,

Healing for the ones who dwell in shame.

All the blind will see,

the lame will all run free,

And all will know my name.

I am the Word that leads all to freedom.

I am the peace the world cannot give.

I will call your name,

embracing all your pain,

Stand up, now walk, and live!

By David Haas © 1991 – GIA Publications.


Holy Father, God of Might Holy Father, God of might,

Throned amid the hosts of light,

Take our life our strength, our love,

King of earth and heav’n above.

Hear the songs your people raise,

Songs of joyful thanks and praise,

Calling all created things

To adore you, King of kings.

So will all exalt your name

And your kingship all proclaim,

Heaven and earth in unity

Praise the blessed Trinity

© R. Connolly – CON.

All rights reserved. Used with permission under

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