Download - Bootstrap - You're Doing it Wrong! Jab14

  • Bootstrap You're Doing it Wrong! Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!#JAB14
  • Who is this guy? Philip Locke & Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!WHO
  • WHO IS THIS GUY? YES YES AND NO! Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!WHO
  • Mambo leading to Joomla Open Source Matters (OSM) Bootstrap & Joostrap WHO IS THIS GUY? Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!WHO
  • SO WHATS THIS SESSION ABOUT? 1. What is Bootstrap 2. Learn the Power of Bootstrap 3. They all look the same 4. Customise Bootstrap 5. Boostrap Bloat 6. Qs & As Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!WHAT ?
  • WHO ARE YOU? MY QUESTIONS Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!
  • The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!WHAT IS BOOTSTRAP? QUICK OVERVIEW
  • NO its not! Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!WHAT IS BOOTSTRAP? QUICK OVERVIEW
  • 1 x CSS file 2 x JavaScript file and some other helpful bits Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!WHAT IS BOOTSTRAP? QUICK OVERVIEW
  • 1. Support - HUGE community 2. Cool functionality baked in 3. Saves you time & money Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!WHAT IS BOOTSTRAP? QUICK OVERVIEW
  • Some popular front-end bits & pieces to help develop responsive, mobile first projects on the web Quickly & Easily Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!WHAT IS BOOTSTRAP? QUICK OVERVIEW
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!POWER OF BOOTSTRAP RTFM ;-)
  • 1. Read the documentation 2. Learn the Grid System Responsive Utilities 3. You dont have to use every feature that Bootstrap provides. 4. Play, have fun & make money Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!POWER OF BOOTSTRAP RTFM ;-)
  • But, all Bootstrap websites look the same I can tell a Bootstrap site, just by looking at it REALLY? Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!ALL LOOK THE SAME CLONES ARE COMING
  • So lets customise Bootstrap Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!CUSTOMISE BOOTSTRAP DESIGN HAT ON
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!CUSTOMISE BOOTSTRAP DESIGN HAT ON
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!CUSTOMISE BOOTSTRAP DESIGN HAT ON
  • NO! Stop! Leave Bootstrap alone Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!CUSTOMISE BOOTSTRAP LEAVE BOOTSTRAP ALONE!
  • Create your own override files Load them after Bootstrap 1. custom.css 2. custom.js Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!CUSTOMISE BOOTSTRAP LEAVE BOOTSTRAP ALONE!
  • .btn { -webkit-border-radius: 20px; -moz-border-radius: 20px; border-radius: 20px; } Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!CUSTOMISE BOOTSTRAP LEAVE BOOTSTRAP ALONE!
  • .btn-custom { background-color: #08c; border-color: #08c; } .btn-custom:hover, .btn-custom:focus, .btn-custom:active, { background-color: #f90; border-color: #f90; } Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!CUSTOMISE BOOTSTRAP LEAVE BOOTSTRAP ALONE!
  • $(document).ready(function(){ $(".pause-slide").click(function(){ $("#myCarousel").carousel('pause'); }); }); Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!CUSTOMISE BOOTSTRAP LEAVE BOOTSTRAP ALONE!
  • Bootstrap is bloated. Far too much CSS & JS. Load times are crazy. this is for mobiles?!?! Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!BOOTSTRAP BLOAT THE MAGIC - ROCKET SCIENCE?
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!BOOTSTRAP BLOAT THE MAGIC - ROCKET SCIENCE?
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!BOOTSTRAP BLOAT THE MAGIC - ROCKET SCIENCE? That's massive reduction in bloat from the CSS & JavaScript files
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!BOOTSTRAP BLOAT THE MAGIC - ROCKET SCIENCE? Wait! Theres something else
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!BOOTSTRAP BLOAT THE MAGIC - ROCKET SCIENCE? Dust Me Down US/firefox/addon/dust-me-selectors
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!BOOTSTRAP BLOAT THE MAGIC - ROCKET SCIENCE?
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!BOOTSTRAP BLOAT THE MAGIC - ROCKET SCIENCE?
  • Doh! Brain wave! Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!BOOTSTRAP BLOAT THE MAGIC - ROCKET SCIENCE?
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong! CDNs BOOTSTRAP BLOAT THE MAGIC - ROCKET SCIENCE?
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong! 1. Distribute the load 2. Save bandwidth 3. Boost performance 4. Reduce hosting costs We do it with YouTube Right? BOOTSTRAP BLOAT THE MAGIC - ROCKET SCIENCE?
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!BOOTSTRAP BLOAT THE MAGIC - ROCKET SCIENCE? Why, this site could be systematic, hydromatic, ultramatic Why, it could be greased lightning
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!BOOTSTRAP BLOAT THE MAGIC - ROCKET SCIENCE?
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!BOOTSTRAP BLOAT THE MAGIC - ROCKET SCIENCE?
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!BOOTSTRAP BLOAT THE MAGIC - ROCKET SCIENCE?
  • QUESTIONS & ANSWERS QA QUESTIONS?OR SHALL WE JUST GO TO THE BAR! Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!
  • Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!BOOTSTRAP BLOAT THE MAGIC - ROCKET SCIENCE? Rocking Joomla! like a mad man ;-)
  • PHILIP LOCKECONTACT ME Website: Email: [email protected] Twitter: @philiplocke @joostrap Bootstrap - youre doing it wrong!