
? A '.* »*r^i*''Aster*. «H>«i



VABIB, November 9.-The coal minenear tit. Etienne caved in while ganga ofmon wero at Work. .'' None yet recoveredalive. Twenty-two bodies have been re¬covered. Thirty uro «till tn tho pit, alleqppoBed to be dead.

Thiers yields to compulsory militaryservice, as necessary to keep the army tothe efficient standard.

Several departments have adoptedcompulsory education. Others have de¬clared in favor of compulsory ednaution,and there ia good reason to believe thatall the departments will carry compul¬sory education into practical offed.

PARIS, November iO.-Thiers in¬spected the military sohool at St. Mauer.The Bpooial Frenoh mission to Metz hasbeen withdrawn.VIENNA, November 10.-The Emperoraddressed a letter toVon Bnest, thankinghim for his past services and appointinghim for life a member of the UpperBeiohstrath.LONDON, November 10.-The LordMayor's banquet was brilliant. Glad¬

stane, responding to a toast to her Ma¬jesty, stated that at the present moment,England had no quarrel, lead or con¬troversy with a foreign power anywhereon the wide surface of the globe. Howas glad England's peculiar position re¬moved her from the risks ot Europeandissensions. Peaoe was never so certainas now. He believed the sentiments offriendship and attachment betweenGreat Britain and the United States wereuniversally felt in tho breasts of bothnations. The treaty of Washingtonobviated futuro controversies. Englandhad tittio to four from internal trouble.The schemes of tho international societycause ho apprehension here.

NIGHT DESPATCHES.LONDON, November 10.-The disaster

to ttio whaling fleet caused an immediateadbanae in sperm oil hero. Nuvigalionin tho Bsltio is closed for the treason by.iee.. .

ROME, November 10.-Apartmonts forthe permanent residence of the King urepreparing in Q.iierinial Pallico.

BEWLIN, November 10.-The statue tothe poet Schiller was unveiled in thepresence of the royal family. Thecrowd was largo and enthusiastic.The German Gazette officially says thu

ohauges in the Austrian cabinet will notaffect the relations butween Germanyand. Austria.

American 1mullKfenoc.NOON DESPATCHES.


mored that Mayor Hull intends to resignbefore the organization of tho now mu¬nicipal boards.

It is believed that John tl. Koysor intraveling in Florida for his health. Hispartner says Keyser's property at Aiken,S. C., was ptirouased months ago for thepurpose of establishing a hospital forNorthern invalids.Tho Supreme Court reversed tho judg¬ment giving Capt. Samuels d5,0U0 for

the alleged libel by tho Scening Post.A man died at the hospital from swal¬

lowing half a pound of shot for consti¬pation of the bowels, prescribed by auold woman.The Cleveland Insurance Company, of

Cleveland, Ohio, has gone into liquida¬tion.Tweed says ho will be ready to answer

warrants when the twenty days are up.Marshal Sharp, fearing Jim Irving'sfriends would attempt to rescue him fromLndlow jail, ordered his removal to aFederal fort.

CHICAGO, November 9.-Tho Westernextension of the Baltimoro and OhioRailroad is to come into this oity ou thotrack of tho Illinois Central Railroadfrom Caloernot Station. These compa¬nies, together with the Michigan Centraland Chicago, Burlington and QuincyRailroads, will build u Union PusseugerDepot for this purpose. It is under¬stood that thoy will apply to tho city tosell thom all that part of Lake ParkNorth of Yan Buren street, npou whichthey propose to build the finest depot iuthe world.WILMINGTON, DEL , November 9.-W.

S. Tnst suicided with a pistol. Causo:Love, opium and whiskey.There are only Ave cases of small-poxin Wilmington.Grace Church subscribed 82,000 to

aid the Methodist denomination in Chi¬cago.DENVER, COI*., November 9.-There

was a blight earthquake, lasting from tento fifteen seoonds, this morning. Therewas no damage.

CINCINNATI, November 10.-A passen¬ger trutn on tho Cincinnati, Indianapo¬lis and Junction Railroad was thrownfrom the track yesterday; ten wero no¬vio us ly injured.SALT LAKE, November 10.-GeneralAnger, assigned to the command ofTexas, left yoiiterday for Washington.DETROIT, November 10.-Tho Newiron steamer India, was sunk in SaultSt. Marie River. No particulars.NEW ORLEANS, November 10.-The

protest of the Underwriters, press andthe people will probably canse tho cityadministrators to roscind tbo resolutionsestablishing a paid fire department, inplaco of the present volunteer system.Tbo Chicago fire is cited against apaid fire department.NORFOLK, November 10.-The canal»teamer Astoria, with a cargo of oottonand naval stores, was barned and sutkat her wharf thia morning. The originof the fire is unknown, Loss $15,000;no insurance on the boat.

ST. BOOSL^r l(Ä^(XXfÖof .«took of the Northern Missouri Road,owned by this Goon ty, was sold at $85,-Ö00; the purchasers to asaame fees andother expenses inijvjtred in the snit nowpending against the company.NEW YORK, November 10.-CharlesSwann, a nephew of Governor Swann,of Maryland, waa mn over by a mailwagoo aad seriously injured.FORT WATNE, INDIANA, November Í0.A. boiler nt the railroad blacksmithshop exploded. Six injured.

PouoBrKUKFsiqJttÏBW YORK, November10.-The first snow here fell to-day.NIGHT DESPATCHES.WASHINGTON, November 10.-Gov.

Sam. Bard, lately of the True Georgian,will resume journalism in n few weeks.A foll, prolonged Cabinet meeting con¬sidered civil Berrico matters.The Southern Claims Commission wi 1

close ita sessions temporarily on the 15th,to prepare a report for Congress. It ieoxpeoted it will resume its sessions ioDecember.'

Maj. George D. Bugglos, AssislaulAdjutant-Genend, ban been ordered tcreport to the Department of Texas.There is no present intention of de

daring martial law in Georgia or elsewhere, there being nothing in tho prcsent oonditiou of affairs to warraut sueta measure. Senator Scott, who, it i:«aid, urged the measure, himself donieiit.

Probabilities-Hising barometer, witlolear and clearing weather, will probablyEroyuil on Saturday from New York t<nike Superior and Southward to tin

Gulf. The Btorm in New York wilprobably pasB North-eastward over NevEngland, reaching Nova Scotia Saturdaynight, the high North-west winds otLake Erie and New Jersey folio win;closely iu its rear. Cautionary signalare ordered fur this eveuing at Cleveland, Buffalo, Oswego, Capo May, Ne«.York, New london, Boston aud Portlund.

tíAN FRANCISCO. November 10.-ThUnited States grand jury of TucsonAriz >na, mike formal charges ngaiufthe managers of tho Iudiau reservationin the territory, showing that thApaches were allowed to leave aud go ?

the war path at will. They specifnumerous murders committed by the Iiliiaus. They are supplied with urtuuud nm inclinion, and their women pro:ti tuted by tho o llicers iu charge.NEW YonK. November 10.-Tho Boarof Health appointed a committee to ure.Comptroller Green to furnish funds teuable the board to uheok the progrciof small pox, which, within u week, hisuddenly appeared iu all parts of tlcity.Tho doctors having reported that Dov

ling will not die, Jim Irving was releuston $10 0U0 bail. A great crowdroughs wus iu the court.Tho Supreme Court decides that tlMoutawk Indians aro trespassers ou tllands in Long Island which was HU

posed to bolong to tho tribe. Ththrows several thousand acres into tlmarket.CHARLESTON, November 10.- Arrived

steamer Charleston, New York; sohoouRosalie, Nassau, N. P.CHARLESTON, November 10.-A mei

ing of tho Howard Association was htto-day, ut which a resolution waa passgiving uotice that as thu yellow fever hnearly ceased, tho active operationsthe Association will terminate on the loinstant.SAVANNAH, November 10.-Raes di

ing the fair, Novumb r 2'2d, 23d u24th, for the citizens' purse of SdUO, a$400 for single aud double teums, trting the best three in five. Racing ider the auspices of the Savauuah JockClub. Matched races for the cilizepurse to como off ou the 25th-pri$1,000.

PHILADELPHIA., November 10.-A riwas granted iu the Court of CommPleas requiring Marcer, tho defaultiCity Treasurer, to show cause why a wisequestrating hts property, shouldissue.

ATLANTA, November 10.-The Hotpassed u bill providing for holdiuspecial election for Governor ousecond Tuesday in December. The ation providiug for sp-cial returuselection other than according topresent law was strickeu out. Tho Deicrats contended that the integrity ofRepublican uctiug Executive, Mr. Cley, should be trusted.

AOOUSTA, November 10.-The batRichmond County held a meeting to-duud unanimously passed resolut ionsquesting Cougress to establish u UuiStates District Court, with circuit pere, iu this city, for the Fifth Congsiouul District, and for eight orCounties adjoining tho Congrcssir.District.DEATH OY MISS BURKE -Julia Btu

tho young girl, about sevontoen yearage, who wus burnt at her father's idunce, in Anson, near Calhoun strWednesday night, at half-past 9 o'chby tho oxplosiou of a kerosene ludied yesterday morning, at 9 o'chThe mother of the young girl, whoburnt is trying to aid bur, waa ASyesterday UR oould be expected, andbably out of danger.

I Charleston CowieDIED or GRIEF.-Mrs. Robert Bro

of Broad Creek, Prince George's City, Md., died a fow days ago, andlittle daughter, seven years of age,so intensely grieved ut the bereaver.that she too, died, and both were butogether at Alexandria, Va. A skiphysician examined the little girl a stime before her death, and couldcover no disease. The Alexandria (Gazette thinks she undoubtedly diegrief at tho los» of ber mother.A distressing tragedy oceurrei

Zancsville, Ohio, the other day.wife of a lawyer was lying at tho ]of death from consumption, whenhusband, ia a frenzy of grief, shotself dead in her presence. Ten millater she also expired.

MTW* *J ^"

r OrtrG-Mr.Q. D.Woods waa thrown from a mule one daylast week, and died from the effeots ofthe injuries received, in two or threedays. He waa riding a wild and viciousmule, which he had much difficulty, onthe occasion of , his death, to mount;when, upon doing so, the animal dashedoff and threw him on the ground.j Kingairee Star.

OFFICIAL RAFFLE Neuntens Charloaion Ch ari.tablo Association, for bencftt Free School fund'RAVELS CLASS No. 199 -J/bmfnj, Atoccmoer 10

13-13-35- G4-14-22-42-17 44-1-39-33WitnosB my hand st Columbia, this 10th day

of November, 1871. FENN PECK,Nov ll Sworn Commissioner.

-- -~* » «.-_-

MAKUFACTOBIHO SNTEBFBISE IK CHAKI.HU¬TON -Charleston ia faat becoming a manu¬facturing aa well aa a oommorcial city. Thulargest manufactory of doora, sashes, blinds.«to., in the Southern States ia that of Mr. P.f. TOALE, on Horlbeck'a Wharf, in that city,salea rooms at No 20 Hayno street. MrPOA J.K'S advortiaemout appears in anothercolumn. Nov 2J

Financial and Commercial.COLUMBIA, S. O., November 10.-Salee

of cotton, to-duy, 56 bales-middling16%o.LONDON, November 10--Noon.-Con¬

sols 93. Bonds 91 «ó-FRANKFORT, November 10.-Bomb

9658'@96?¿.LivEitrooii, November 10-3 P. M.-

Cotton steady-uplands 9,%; Orleans 9;?¡8«bi8 to-day ÍU.OOU; of tho wcél,60,000; export 9,(100; speculation 5,000stock 497.000, whereof American ii911,000; receipts of th« wub<( 31,000whereof American is 18 000; actual exports 9,000; stock uflout 405,000, wbercoAmerican is 83.<J00.LONDON, November 10-Event ug.Consols 93.'¿. Bonds915¿.PARIS. November 10.-Ueutes57f. 35cLivicitrooL. November 1U-Eve-uing.-Cuttou closed quiet ami steady. Yarn

and fabrics at Manchester steady.Nn\V YoitK, November 10-Nonu.-Sdes of futures, last evening, were 2 SO1bales, ps follows: December lS'.ffVltf 5-16; January 18 7-16(7?» 18) Í; Febru.try 18 ll-l(î(7t;18;'.i; March 19; Aprii". Stocks stronger than at opeiiiliiHud quiet. Gobi heavy, ut lü}¿((tjll?¿Government and State bonds steady budull. Moueysteady, at 5(o6. Exchtiug-tuug8|á; short .)}... Flour quiet unsteady Wheat quiet and uuchaugeilCorn scarce »iud very firru. Pork quidat 13.10@13 25. Lard dull. Ottoquiet and sternly-uplands 18J-.Í; OrleunI9>1^; Halos 1,400 bales. Freiguts firm.

7 1*. M.-Cotton dull und heavy; sab2.209 bales-uplands 18,'.j; Orleuns 19;'tFlour unchanged. Whiskey scarce au

decidedly tinner, at 92. Wheat irregtlar and closed l(a)2o. better-winter reWestern 1 6o(ml GO. Com unchangedBice firm, ut 7?.i($8;?.{. Pork lower, s13 00. Beef quint. Lard weak-kelti10. Freights lieavy. Money very casiat 5@0. Discouuts 10@12. A repoti hut u Southern railroad company hagone into protest depressed speculatioiSterling steady, ut 9JB@9*.Í. Cold ll;(rrjll.'.j. Governmun ta steady all dny-()2s IIJ4. States steady but innedivi1'enueaaees very firm; new South Caroloas slightly better afc close. Tetiuessei67; new Oli.'.i. Virgiuias 60; new (jLouisianas 65; new 56; levees 63; 8s SAlabamas 98; 5A 69. Georgias 80;86. North Carolinas 3t¡}¿; uew 19»South Carolinas 70; uow 35;'J. Salesfutures to-day 9.200 bales, oe followNovember 18(«U8 116; Deocmbor 18J.January 18M(rir18 7-16; February lH:iii18 11-16; March 19; April 19»¿©19»Í.CINCINNATI, November 10. -Flosteady. Cum dull-new 45(o>46. Po12.75. Lard brm, at 8&(g9. Shoiders 7; sities T}.x%l]i- Whiskey 88.

LOUISVILLE. November 10.-Buggiquiet und steady, at 16,'¿(«)17. Flound com quiet uud firm. Purk 13.1Shoulders 7 J.Í ; clear aides 8%. Lardtierce 9¿¿@% » kl'B MU.<Whkey firm, at 8S.

BALTIMOHK, November 10.-Flour awheat steady and unchanged. Cotinner-white 6ti(«,75; yellow 70. Fivisions uuoliunged. Whiskey firmer,92(t792.'.J. Cotton quiet-middling 18.receipts 393 bales; stock 4,721; rccei|uf the week 3,319; sales 2,097.PHILADELPHIA, November 10.-Colt

quiet-middling 18,'u(o\ici-'j; receiptsibo week 2.929 bales."BOSTON, November 10 -Cotton quiomiddliug 19; receipts 2,517 bales; sn

300; stock 7,900; receipts of thc wt9,707; sales 200.NORFOLK, November 10.-Cottou qti-low middling 17j£(§)Í7ft;1,398 bales; sales 15U; stock 6 601;

ueipis of tho week 1U.903; sales 1,150SAVANNAH, Nuvuiuber 10.-Coll

in good demand, ut inside quotumholders firm, at outside-middling 1'®17>',i; receipts 3.950 bales; sales 2.3ulock 35,790; receipts of the week 22,3sules 9,000.CHARLESTON, November 10.-Cot

quiut-middling 17J»; receipts 1,1bales; sales 300; stock 24,892; recoiof tho week 10.742; eales 4,000.AUGUSTA, November 10-Cotton fi

-middling 17(^l7Ju; roceipts l,tbales; sales 800; stuck 1,335; receiptstho week 6,650; sales 4,995.WILMINOTON, Novumber 10.-Cot

quiet-middling IO,1-.» ; receipts 295 basales 22; stuck 2,067; receipts ofweek 1.693; sales 182.MOWLE, November 10.-Cotton du

middliug 17%; recoipts 1,671 bales; si

1,200; stock 25,798; recoipts ofweek 11,051; sales 7,000.NKW ORLEANS, November 10.-Col

quiet-middling 18; receipts ll,bules; sales 3.800; stock 90,243; receof the week 37,742; Rains 24 500.

* \



katata ?«?rvlvors* AMO«tallon. ^TblB association assembled in the

Court House, yesterday morning, at 10o'clock. In the absence of the Pr* ai-dent, Genera! Hampton, Ibo conventionwas called to order by Vico«PresidentGeneral Kershaw. The Secretary, Colo¬nel A. 0. Haskell, callsd she rolf, »hanthe following delegates were found pre¬sent:

Charleston-General James Conner,Captains J. S. Farley, À. G. McGrath,Jr., James Armstrong, Jr., and W. G.Wbilden.

Chenter-Jua. Johnson, Julius Mills, S.P. Hamilton and W. H. lirawley.Chesterfield-J. A. Wilson.Edgefield-lj. F. Yonmana, H. W. Ad¬

dison.Fairfield-Colonel J. H. Rion, CaptainS. 13. Clownoy. DuBose Easton.Greenville-Colonel W. H. Perry.Kershaw-General James Chesnut,General J. D. Kennedy, Cuptain YV. G.

Leitnur. Dr. A. A. Moore, Cuptain W.L. DePa8S.Lexington-W. W. Rice.Marlboro-John W. Harrington.Newberry-T. S. Moorman.Orangeburg-Captain T. U. Trezevant,Colouul A. A. Goodwyn, Dr. C. S Darby.Richland-D. B. DuSuussure, John D.

Caldwell, J. P. Thomas, Colonel ThomasTaylor, Dr. J. T. Durby.Sumter-Colonel J. D. Blauding,Guiguard Richardson.York-Colonel Cadwallader Jones.Laurens-H. Li. McGowan, Thoa. B.

Crews, H. Legare Farley.Tho Preaideut, Gonerul Hampton, ar¬rived uud took the chair.Major Thomm; Barker offered tho fol¬

lowing resolution; which was adopted:Resolved, Th'it alternate delegates beinvited to participate iu the proceedingsof this couvetitiou.

Also, tho following; which was adopted:Resolved, That Gen. Johnson Hugoedbe requested to represent the Couuly otBarnwell in this eon ve nt ion.Colonel Thomas offered thu following;which was ml np I eil:Resolved, That tho reading of the pro«coed I llgu of tho last eeo ven timi bo dis

noosed with-they having boen printed;.iud that tho Secretary bo instructed tedistribute copies among the delegates.Generul .Limes Cornier, in tho absenceof Colonel McCrady, Chairmau of tinExecutive Committee, read the followingreport of buid committee:Tho executive board respectfully re

port, that, during the lust year, the",have continued their efforts to colledmaterial for tho history of tho Statu «>|South Curolinn during the late war, um!have obtained possession of some mosvaluable original papers relating to tiltinauguration of the war upon tho secession of the State i ii December, I860, au»-.oino original rolls of thu iii st. troop)raised by tho State. They have also reuaived a number of returns from utlicenot companies, iu response lo circular o

July 1, 1S70, issued by tho Presidenta of which is annexed as Exhibit A.At tiie last meeting, tho board wen

authorized to publish by subscriptionupon the plan reported by thuin, tinroll of tho dead prepared by ProfesseUiver.'', as ro-arrariged and reported, iitwo editions; the first edition for correet.ious and additions, nnd thc second, sicorrected and added to in permutionform. Upon tho adjournment of tbameeting, the bonrd prepared and issuecirculars asking assistance in proenriusubscribers to tho publication. Theacirculara, inclosing blank forms for suiscriptiou lists, were scut by mail to a!the genera! officers, aud many other peisons, officers aud others, und to all thnewspapers iu tho State; und nguiu iMarch, ii note was addressed to eucperson, to whom u circular was sent, unfrom whom uo reply had been receivedasking if the circular had reunited biauud urging him to endeavor to ob taisubscribers.Tho District Association of Cbarlestu

employed a canvasser lo eauvasa the citof Charleston for subscribers, aud Ithis means obtained -IUD subscriptions ithat eily. Thu board have also tee.iivitho following lists: Abbeville, from GelSamuel McGowtiu, DO subscribers; E lgheld, from (ion. M. Li. Bonham, ôGeorgetown, fioiii Cul. ii. li. Wilso!.il; Kershaw, from Ctipt. Kershaw, -

Barnwell, from Robert Aldrich, 21.The ho ml having thus been able

obtain but ötiö subscribers, instead1,000, made au arrangement wit li MesstWaiker, Evuus A; Cogswell, of Charilton, publishers, by which they hope ththe work will be carried out. Tho nrangement is, that tho board have turu*over to Messrs. Walker, Evans A; Cogweil the lists of subMiriberu obtainedthey (Messrs. Walker, Evans & Cogawell tide rtuki og to publish thu work undthu auspicies of tho association, prvidod they can obtain 1,000 sub-cribciand from thu first profits thereof, if auto re-imburse this association for all e

penses incurred np to thc time of tlagreement.The board was authorized to parchan

ns soon UM thu Treasurer should bufunds, after having paid the nmotllithou already ordered, a complote liloofficial reports issued by thu war depuimont of the Confederate States, aisuch other histories us they might deeimportant ut once to obtain, ami to dnou the Treasuii-r, when so iu furntherefor to au amount not excuedn8125.Tho Troaaurer has not been in fun

for tho above mentioned purpose«, lithe board having un opportunitysecuring a completo Ule of auch olliereports, jun chased tho same for thu UKIelation, and advaucod tho cost, viz: SiThu board were authorized to obti

a place of düpü.-it for íliú records abooks of thu association, which ahoibu accessible to ail, mid to expend upthe sumo a nam of not more than ¿for shelves, &0. In piirsuaucu of tinstruction, thu board applied to tCharleston Libral y Society for thu iof a part of a room in the library bm

ing, wliioh they kindly consented toallow, end the records and papers of thoassociation have been placed there. TheTreasurer has not been able to furnishtho board with the fonds they were au¬thorized to expend upon this place ofdepoéiî of the records.To the request of tho association thatall persons having original reports or

other papers relating to the operationsof the war, would permit the board tohave copies ruado of tho same, the boardhave to report that Mujor-Goneral Sa¬muel Jopea, of Virginia, who at onetime commanded the department ofSouth Carolina, Georgia and Florida,has offered for copy _ book in which arerecorded many letters and a few reportsof military operations during the timehe commenced tho department, and alsocopies of telegrams having special référ¬ence to the operations along the line ofthe Charleston and Savannah Railroadin Deoember, 186_. Rut the board haveas yet been unable to avail themselvesof tho offer, in ooasequonce oí the wantof means with which to defray the ex¬pense of having these papers copied.Io this connection, the board have toreport that General Samuel McGowanbas presented the association with a mostvaluable book of casualties in his brigade,commencing from the battle of Chancel¬lorsville, tho first in whioh he command¬ed the brigade, and extending to the endof the war, cud that General Johnsonilagood has furnished a complete roll oítho general, field and staff and companyofficers of bis brigade, and that the rollsof (Gregg's) first South Carolina volun¬teers, is now nearly complete-wantingouly the roll of Company A und C.The board were instructed to seleot

and invito eome suitable person to deliv¬er aa oration before the association althis annual meeting. This duty theyperformed, und have to report that Lien-tcnuut-Guuerul Jubal A. Ëurly, P. A. C.S , of Virginia, accepted their invitationto address the association at this meet¬ing-

It was referred to thc boatd tocousideiund report ut this meeting ou n designfor u certificate of membership. Thejhave had this subject under consideratum, and recommend the adoption of thedesign hereto annexed ns Exhibit B. i

description of which is uppended as Ex¬hibit C. They further n comment! tbait be referred to a committee of three ticonsider and report, ut tho next meetingof tins association, a plan for having tbi.-nine lithographed and issued to thcmembers, und providing for tho expense;thereof.The board have not been able to proco rt

a suitable design for a mcdul to bo wonliv tlic members of the district associalions, which they wore instructed to d<by icsolntion at tho last meeting, and, iiconsideration of other pressiug demandupon their attention, respectfully ask t<bo discharged from tho further censidoration of the subject.At lb« last meeting, the board reporter

as follows: Thc board did uot feel themselves authorized to employ u libraríauntil sonic definite arrangement had becmade in regard to tho finances of thassociation. Dut they aro utix'ous tihave thu oOh o tilled at once. The coirespoudeuco iu regard to ibo TOIIH UO<Hoing prepared is large, the custody Cthc papera a matter of responsibilityand their arrangement a work requiriómore time and attention than eau bgiveu but by a person regulurly emploj-elo attend to it. They think that, for thsmall salary of §100 they could obtaithe services of a competent person Iperform these duties, uud reported uestimate ot expenses to include thitem, which was approved by the assocutiou.The estimate of expenses, as report,

by the board und pareil by tho ubsooitiou for tho year, was 8uUU, but, as wiappear by tho Treasurer's report, he w¡enabled to collect but $208 Ti; leavingdeficiency of amount, then reported,$391.21. lu other words, tho TreasurUAH only been able to pay thu ex pensincurred for the year 18(39 uud '70, ainothing toward the expenses of the yejust ended, 1870-'71. In additiouthis, thc stationery and printing expensfor the last year was found to be lurgthan the board had reported. This icretisn arising principally from the puI icu tion of the proceedings of two motwigs during tho year.Under these circumstances, the boa

idrained from engaging the servicesa librariau, uud continued to perforthc duties contemplated for that ollieThey submit the following estimateexpeuses for tho ensuing year:ESTIMATE OE EXPENSES-EXPENS

ATJKEAUY IKOOHIIED -Stationery aiprinting, including proceedings of yoiISti'J und 1870, as per account, §212 (purchase of ollicia! reports, ÇU0. Tot8302 ( »0.EXPENSES OK ENSUINO YEAH.-Lib

Hun, "100; bull, portage and cootingeexpouses, 8100; stationery and priutiiiucludiug oration, 8200. Total, §01grand total, 8902 (50.

Exilmn A.-List of rolls receivedresponse to circular, 1st July, 1870, nt'last report-Co. B, IstS. C. V., (GreggCaptain D P. duggans; Co. E, 1stC. V, (Gregg's.) Lieutenant D.«ruilb; Co. (J-, 1st S. C. V., (GreggLieuteiiaut-Coiouel A. B. Butler; Co.1st, (Gregg's,) Lieuteuuut C. J. C. Ilson; Co. A, 2d, Lieutenant S. L. Lobart; Co. K, 3d, Lieutenant W.Peeples; Co. I, 3d, Captain JohnSeabrook; Co. I, -1th, Lieutenant D.Gordon; Co. il, 4tb, Captain J. E. Pter: Co. B, 5th, Lieutenant G. A.trick; Co. G,5th, Captain b\ G. LathiCo. G. 0th, 1st Sergeant W. H. Vhams, 2d Sergeant W. M. Nelson iPrivate W. F. Jackson; Co. K, CLieutenant W. S. Brand; Co. G, 7Captain J. C. Williams; Co. B, iCaptain R. T. Powell; Co. C, lOlh, Ctain C. Johnson; Co. B, 11th. CaptJulius J. Wisooat; Co. I>, l!lth, CaptJames Y. McFall; Co. F, Htb, CorpcPiuckuey M. Blakely; Co. E, 15th, Ctain W. W. Kirkland; Co. G, 18th, Ctain J. W. Budmgndral; Co. G, li

Lieutebent 'W/ V. OJinfcácale/í;','!'tío. O,20tb, Captain/Godfrey Lehabárt; Xto. I,20tb, Lieutenant Mansei Gunter; Co. E,2lBt, Lientenant Fred. Richarde; Co. A,28o). Oap tain John C. Evana; Co. A, 25 th,(W. L. I,) Private J. L. Honour; Go. D.27th, Lieutenant James T. Well*; Oo. B,Orr'a Rifle«, Captain Jamea T. Reid; Go.K, Orr'aRi Ses, Captain W. O. Wanllaw;Oo. M, fairaetto Sharp Shooters, Cap¬tain F. G. Latham; Co. G. Sd 8. C.Cavalry, Captain Theo. Corde«; Co. I,3d S. O. Cavalry,-; Oo. K, 4th S.O. Cavalry, Lieutenant L. O*. Nowell;Co. K. 6th 8. O.Cavalry, Captain M. J.Hough; Co. A, Luoaa Battalion, Lieute¬nant E. B. Calhoun; Oo. F, ChssnutLight Artillery, Palmetto Regiment,-; Co. I, lat S. O. V., (Gregg'»old.) Captain J. B. Davie; Earle's .Bat¬tery, Captain W. E. Earle; Commission¬ed and non-Commissioned Field andStaff, 18th Regiment, Lieutenant Colo¬nel W. B. Allison; Commissioned andnon-Commiasioned Field and Staff, 20thRegiment, Adjutant John Alvilaon.

Capt. DePass offered the followingresolution:Resolved, That the time of the annual

meeting of the Survivors' Association beohanged to-.Tho resolution was laid on the table,on motion of Col. Addison.Some business was then indicated, butthe time for the proceedings havingelapsed, the convention adjourned te

meet again at 7 o'clock P. M.The convention re-assembled nt 7 P.M., and proceeded to the Baptist church,where the annual address was to be de¬livered by Gen. Jubal A. Early.Oo motion, it was resolved to meet atthe Court House, at 10 A. M., thiB morn¬ing, for the election of officers and the

consideration of important business.\vn ol. I. «t.ILK; IMOCUM tLnui'.a r.


APPLES, $jhu.l uO'ífilXJ. áfoi^SKS,CUÜ«^:tó(&5Í>BAOUINO,.18(ii24| Newuri'uB bu^'jsUALE BOFE, Ma.24iuu4' Hagar li'se.. G0(u,90N. Y.orWuH «jlh 701U1 NAILS, ty aeg5 500b 00UuTTEu.Nurtb. 280401 UNIONS. $but>l 6001 75Country, ty lb.200.45' Un., Kerusouo,). Sö(a4JiUACON. Hams. 180*0! Machinery..7501 00Sides, ty lb. 9J011¡ SPECIE, Gold 01 121Shoulder»,... «'iLlu Silver. (gil 07UANDLEH, Sperm JOf<i7o] POTAT'S, Iriel 50Vy.2oOAdamantine tt>1501G| dweut, bus 7501 00COTTON YAUN12O01 25» UICE, Carolina lb U " ioCOTTON, Stet M,.. .171; SHOT, #bag. 27503 00Middling.icj¡ SALT, L,iverp.2OO02 10Low Midl'g, _16 SOAP, $Ib,.74010Good Orduv,_15 SPIRITS, Alcoholáis00Ordinary.14J Brandy . .4 00012 GOCHEESE, Gin .2OO0GOOfactory.16022 Kum.2 OD®7 00COFFEE, Bio, 250271 Whiskey... 1 85(f/ 6 U0Laguayra_250'¿8¡ SUGAR, Cms & P16016Java.35040 Brown.12014Fi.oun.Co. 6 750100c STARCH, Hi... 8A01ONorthern. 750010 50 TEA,Green ttl 0002 50(iHAIN, Corn 1 1001 15' Black,. . .1 00® 1 10Wheat-1 8002 001 TOBACCO, Ohw.60©l 00O ati.750901 Sinoking,tt..6O0] 00Peas. 9001 Oe VINEGAR, Wine,.50060BAY, Nortn, %<cwi.2 00 French_ 01 OfHIDES,Dry, %jO<12J0ltl WINE, Cham. 250*8 09Green. ®H Port, «gal 30005 80LAun.^lL.120151 Sherry... 27*07 0QLIME, ty bbl. 2 6502 7»j Madeira.. 3 oort/ 8 iO

To Rent.

MTWO largo, pleasant BOOMS, withquarters for servante, if desired. Ap-_ply at thin office. Nov ll 1

Stovall's Excelsior Mills Flour.WE keep large buppliea of thia CELE-BBATEÜ FLU Jit, which we aeU atwholesale or retail, and warrant th«

quuiity. J. A. HENDB1X & BUG.,Nov ll Imo_Columbia, ti. C.

Secretary's Office, S. C. A. & H. 60.,I A I lt GHOUSDS, NOVEMBER ll, 1871.

ALL ACCOUNTS auld against ibis societymust he *prcseutod at thia oflice by iiiu'ciock to-day. D. WYATT AIKEN,Nov ll Secretary.Wanted,

AWHITE WOMAN to cook (with stove)and do general honno-work in a family intho country. Wagea $15 pur month, withboard, tteferences required. Apply by lotterto W., Ringville. P. G., SJ3_ _ _Nov ll 3

State Fair.Programme for To-Day.

SATURDAY, November ll, 18»I.Outee open at 8 o'clock A. M.At 0 o'clock, auction sales ol live stock.From 10 to 12 o clock, racing as fellows:Fir-t race -Half mile dash, for 1500.Second-Saddle home race.Third-Bull raceAt 12 M , the premiums will he awardedfrom the Executive Mauri, at the conclusion c.''which, thu Fair will close.Exhibitors will ploano give attention to re¬moval of thoir article:«.All article« upon which freight is duo wiithe hold mini thu same in paid.Nov ll I) »VY.V T r AIJOiN. Sec'y.

Tnanksgivtng Pioclamation.

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIW,EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT.riMIE year ÍH approaching its termination.JL andi humbly acknowledging tho SupremaBulor of the Universo as the arbiter and con¬troller of its destinies, and in accordancewith time-honored custom, and concurringwith tho proclamation of the President nf th«United States, I deem the present a fittingoccasion tn recommend to the people of Soot*Caroliia tho adoption of TH BSDAY, th«30th day o' November, as a day of solemathb iksgiving to Almighty God for his unnum¬bered Pleasings. Bovercntly assembling iatheir sanctuaries ol pray« r and praise, maythey make their humble contrition and ac¬knowledgments, remembering ia thoir orison«tho dosulate and oppressed, and realizing thalho that kuowoth Him, hath mercy on th«poor. And throngb the holy and impressiveinfiuonco of these acts of devotion, may wabo the bolter prepared to perform our dutiesto God and our fellow men, to resist ovil anilconquer temptation, and become more conse¬crated lo every pious and patriotic dutyIn virtue whereof, I have hereunto sst ar»hand, and camed the great sealor tho state to bo affixed, at Ci«[L. s ] lumbla thiv 8ihda\ of NovombeiL

A. D. 1871. aud in tho ninety-sixt*yoar of the independence of theUnited st atea of America.BOBEBT K. SCOTT, Governor.F. L. CAUDOXO, Secretary of State.Nov ll 1