Download - Book review Performance Management

  • 1. BOOK REVIEW Roll No. 26 30Harvard Business Essentials PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT

2. INDEX OF THE BOOK TOUSIF LANDAGE ROLL NO.29 INTRODUCTION OF BOOK GOALS THEORYHARSHAD KUTHE ROLL NO.27 MOTIVATION MENTORING PERFORMANCESNEHAL KUMBHAR ROLL NO.26 CLOSING GAPS AND IMPROVING PERFORMANCE BECOMING A BETTR COACHHARSHADA LAD ROLL NO.28 FORMAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL EMPLOYEE DEVELOPEMENTKETAN MAINKAR ROLL NO.30 INTRACTABLE PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS EVALUATION OF THE BOOK 3. INTRODUCTION Reward & Developme ntAppraisal (year end)CoachTracking progress togetherSetting goals (beginning of year)EMPLOYE EMotivate Tracking progressReview (mid year)together 4. Goals Key topics covered in this chapter: Formulating goals Getting alignments Characteristics of effective goals Planning for success 5. Goals begin at the Top-well almost Enterprise Level Operating Unit LevelIndividual employee levelStrategic goalsUnit A GoalsUnit B goalsIndividual goalsIndividual goalsIndividual goals 6. Goals v/s activities GoalsActivitiesIncrease sales by 10%Writing weekly sales reportReduce customer turnover by 15%Handling customer complaints & other problems 7. Characteristics of effective goals Recognized as important Clear Written in specific terms Measurable & framed in time Aligned with organizational strategy Achievable but challenging Supported by appropriate rewards 8. Three mistakes to avoid 1. Performance metrics 2. Goal and reward miss alignments 3. Insufficient challenge 9. 4 steps to accomplishing goals 1.Break each goal down into specific task2.Plan the execution of these task with timetables3.Gather the resource needed to fulfill each task4.Execute the plan 10. Motivation 11. Theories of Motivation Theory XTheory YHawthorne experiments. 12. Rewards Extrinsic Rewards.Intrinsic Rewards.Challenges to the Incentive System. 13. Tips for Motivating 14. Demonstrate Trust 15. Introduce Challenge 16. Drive out Fear 17. Preserve Subordinates Dignity 18. Sack the Slackers 19. Be a Good Boss 20. Monitoring Performance 21. Observe and Gather Data 22. Move from Observation to Discussion 23. Be an Active Listener 24. Test your Hypothesis 25. Common causes of Poor Performance Bad processes. Work Overload. Personal Problems. Relationship conflicts at work. Interference of the Superior in work. 26. COACHING 27. COACHING is an interactive process through which managers and aim to close performance gaps, desirable work behaviors. It is a powerful method for strengthening the organizations store of human capital. Coaching can rekindle motivation and help your subordinates with numerous aspect of effective performance: Closing performance gaps Overcoming personal obstacles Achieving new skill and competencies Preparing themselves for new responsibilities Becoming more motivated Managing themselves more effectively 28. Coaching is generally accomplished four step process. 1.Observation2.Discussion and agreement3.Active coaching4.Follow up 29. Create an Action Plan An action plan contains a statement of goals and the measures of success, a time table and clear indication of how the coach and the coached will work together. The benefit of a formal action plan is that both parties know exactly what is expected, their mutual obligations, and how success will be measured. 30. Becoming better coach dos and donts observed by every good coach. Conserve KnowTime and Energywhen to coach and when not tocoach Delegatewhen possible 31. Create the right climate That climate is characterized by these important features :Mutual trustAccountability for resultsMotivation to learn and improve 32. Formal Performance Appraisal MeaningPerformance Appraisal is formal method of assessing how well an individual employee is doing with respect to assigned goals.Why some of the managers are not particularly fond of performance appraisal ? 33. Eight Effective Steps of Appraisal Step 1 : Be Prepared Self Appraisal of employees Its benefits1. Involvement of employees in tone of partnership 2. managers give different perspective of subordinates work. 34. 360 degree Feedback 35. Benefits and Drawbacks Benefits : we easily know individuals strength and weaknesses. The observation of many people and many perspective brought in. Reduce the chances of performance misdiagnosis. 36. Benefits and Drawbacks Drawbacks : Time consuming process. Reviewers hesitate to give real feedback. Conditions1. It is used in an environment of trust. 2. There should be commitment to performance evaluation. 3. Both the people making and interpreting the evaluation have received adequate training. 37. Step 2: conduct the performance appraisal meeting Start by setting the person at ease. Review the purpose of the appraisal and benefits both the parties. Ask the employee to talk about self Appraisal. Now move on to your appraisal. 38. Step 3: identify both good and bad performance Give priorities to how the employee s accomplishments compare to agreed upon goals Look for the gaps between actual and expected performance. Now focus it on your discussion and performance 39. Step 4: Find the root cause of performance gaps Create an opportunity for employees to express their views . Avoid generalizationBe selective Give authentic praise as well as meaningful criticism. Orient feedback towards problem solving and action. 40. Step5: Plan to close performance Gaps Give the employee first opportunity to develop a plan to close ay gaps Prepare a plan including employees views.Make sure that every employee acknowledges it and its importance 41. Step 6: Reevaluate Performance Goals 42. Step7: Get it on Record 43. Step 8: Follow Up 44. Employee Development Begin with the employees. 45. Employee Development Develop a plan. 46. Basic Tactics for Employee DevelopmentJob ReductionTask DelegationSkill trainingCareer Developm ent 47. Intractable performance problemsThe chapter deals with the problems faced by managers while dealing with employees showing low performance levels , even after Coaching & other interventions 48. Steps Involved Diagnose the problem Confront poor performers Future based focus Avoiding confrontation should be avoided Handling C performers Considering the possibility of Burnout Tactics for combating 49. Final Step (Dismissal) Grounds for it Legal aspect Breaking the news Things to be avoided during the Dismissal Aftermath (The last three steps are part of appendix have just clubbed them , this line is for ur ref wil del l8er) 50. Epilogue & Useful implementation tools What leaders must do A coachs self evaluation checklist Annual core performance expectations and development plan 51. Evaluation Positives Glossary : Use of Jargons of H.R For Further reading : References of reading material for further detailed information Simple Language 52. Evaluation Possible Improvements Brief Additions in contentMore Scope for information on Linking Pay to performance 53. Gratitude Suggestions and recommendations