Download - Book Review Index through April 2014 - … · Author Title Issue Book Review Index through April 2014 Reviewer Blaschke,

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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

Abrams, Jeremiah & ConnieZweig, eds.

Meeting the Shadow 11/93 Donna van Toen

Alexander, Marianne The Centaur Pholus 12/96 Mary Plumb

Alli, Antero Astrologik 6/93

Alli, Antero Astrologik: The Oracular Art of Astrology 10/00 Mary Plumb

Alli, Antero Letters, Essays, and Premonitions:An Astrologikal Journal


Amber Lotus Astrology Journal 2/95 Donna Van Toen

Anderton, Bill Life Cycles: The Astrology of Inner Space andIts Application to the Rhythms of Life


Annand, Alan Scorpio Rising 2/12 Jan de Prosse

Appleby, Derek Horary Astrology: An Introduction tothe Astrology of Time


Arroyo, Stephen Practicing the Cosmic Science:Key Insights in Modern Astrology

6/00 Andrew Smith

Arroyo, Stephen Exploring Jupiter 8/96 Donna Van Toen

Arroyo, Stephen Astrology, Karma and Transformation 12/01 Mary Plumb

Ashcroft-Nowicki, Dolores;and Stephanie V. Norris

The Door Unlocked:An Astrological Insight into Initiation

2/10 Mary Plumb

Ashman, Bernie Roadmap to Your Future 2/96 Donna Van Toen

Ashman, Bernie Roadmap to Your Future:A Quick Guide to Progressions & Transits

10/00 Mary Plumb

Astro Numeric Service Astro*Carto*Graphy Source Book ofMundane Maps for 1993


Astrological Association ofGreat Britain

An Astrological Anthology, Essays andExcerpts from the Journal of the AstrologicalAssociation, Volume One: 1959-1970

4/97 Mary Plumb

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Avelar, Helena & Luis Ribeiro On the Heavenly Spheres: A Treatise onTraditional Astrology

6/11 Mary Plumb

Avery, Jeanne Astrology and Your Health 2/94

Baigent, Michael; NicholasCampion; and Charles Harvey

Aquarian Astrology Handbook: MundaneAstrology—An Introduction to the Astrology ofNations, Groups and Organizations


Baird, Penelope Hidden Zodiac 2/09 Mary Plumb

Barclay, Olivia Horary Astrology Rediscovered 7/95 Donna Van Toen

Barrett, Keven W. Understanding the Moon’s Nodes:Rahu and Ketu

8/97 Linda Johnsen

Barz, Ellynor Gods and Planets 6/97 Donna Van Toen

Baum, Laurie A., MSW Astrological Secrets for the New Millennium 8/99 Mary Plumb

Beckman, Howard Mantras, Yantras & Fabulous Gems:The Healing Secrets of the Ancient Vedas

8/99 Linda Johnsen

Beckman, Howard An Introduction to Vedic Astrology:Spiritual Science of the Ancients

12/98 Gary Gomes (SwamiKampananda)

Behari, Bepin Astrological Biographies:17 Examples of Predictive Insights

4/97 Linda Johnsen

Bell, Lynn The Mars Quartet: Four Seminars onthe Astrology of the Red Planet

6/02 Mary Plumb

Bell, Lynn Cycles of Light: Exploring the Mysteriesof Solar Returns

10/06 Michael Lutin

Betz, Martha & Keith The Betz Ephemeris: 1940–2040 8/01 Linda Johnsen

Beversdorf, Anne Vedic Secrets to Happiness: Life’s Handbook 12/12 Linda Johnsen

Bisterbosch, Liesbeth Star and Planet Almanac 2003 12/02 Mary Plumb

Blaschke, Robert Astrology: A Language of Life , Vol. II —Sabian Aspect Orbs

6/01 Mary Plumb

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Blaschke, Robert Astrology: A Language of Life, Volume IV —Relationship Analysis

6/05 Mary Plumb

Blaschke, Robert P. Astrology: A Language of Life, Vol. I —Progressions

8/99 Mary Plumb

Blaschke, Robert P. Astrology: A Language of Life, Vol. III—A Handbook for the Self-Employed Astrologer

10/02 Mary Plumb

Blaze, Chrissie Mercury Retrograde: Your Survival Guide toAstrology’s Most Precarious Time of Year

6/09 Mary Plumb

Bloomfield, Andrew How to Practice Vedic Astrology:A Beginner’s Guide

2/04 Linda Johnsen

Bobrick, Benson The Fated Sky 6/06 Kate Plumb

Boehrer, Kt Declination: The Other Dimension 11/95 Ed Dearborn

Bogart, Greg Astrology and Meditation: The FearlessContemplation of Change

2/03 Mary Plumb

Bogart, Greg Astrology and Spiritual Awakening 3/94

Bogart, Greg Planets in Therapy: Predictive Techniqueand the Art of Counseling

6/13 Mary Plumb

Bogart, Greg Therapeutic Astrology 10/96 Donna Van Toen

Bolen, Jean Shinoda Goddesses in Every Woman 7/93

Borstein, Agneta The Moon’s Nodes: Understanding theDynamic Ties that Bind

8/13 Miriam Klamkin

Borstein, Agneta K. The Moon’s Nodes: A Churning Process of Soul 4/05 Mary Plumb

Bowser, Kenneth An Introduction to Western Sidereal Astrology 2/13 Kenneth Irving

Brady, Bernadette Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars 10/98 Mary Plumb

Braha, James Transits of the West — Dasas of the East:How to Predict Your Future


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Braha, James The Art and Practice ofAncient Hindu Astrology

8/01 Linda Johnsen

Brittain, Patti Tobin Planetary Powrs: The Morin Method 10/11 Bette Ford Starr

Budapest, Z; andDiana L. Paxson

Celestial Wisdom for Every Yearof Your Life

10/04 Mary Plumb

Bunker, Dusty Numerology, Astrology and Dreams 10/93

Burk, Kevin The Complete Node Book 12/03 Mary Plumb

Byrnes, Ronald Laurence Jesus and the Holy Shroud:An Astrologer’s View

6/03 Mary Plumb

Camilleri, Stephanie The House Book:The Influence of the Planets in the Houses

6/00 Mary Plumb

Camp, Robert Love Cards 2/99 Maya del Mar

Campion, Nicholas The Book of World Horoscopes 3/93

Campion, Nicholas The Book of World Horoscopes 4/05 Mary Plumb

Campion, Nicholas The Book of World Horoscopes 5/96 Tom Bridges

Campion, Nicholas Astrology, History and Apocalypse 6/01 Mary Plumb

Campion, Nicholas The Great Year 11/95 Noel Tyl

Campion, Nicholas & LizGreene, editors

Astrologies: Plurality and Diversity 4/13 Mary Plumb

Campion, Nicholas; PatrickCurry; and Michael York, eds.

Astrology and the Academy 10/04 Mary Plumb

Carter, Charles E.O. The Principles of Astrology: IntermediateAstrology Book

12/09 Mary Plumb

Carter, Lance Planetary Patterns and High Focus Planetsin Spherical Astrology

2/12 Mary Plumb

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Casey, Caroline W. Making the Gods Work for You:The Astrological Language of the Psyche

10/98 Alanna McDonagh

Cassidy, Nancy Patterns of History through Cycles of Time 12/97 Mary Plumb

Castellucci, Greg Heaven and History 4/94

Cerow, Don When the Dragon Wore the Crown 2/14 Kate Plumb

Chadbourne, Arthyr W. Ancient Whispers from Chaldea:Making Babylonian Astrology Work for You

2/00 Mary Plumb

Chadbourne, Arthyr W. The Moment of Truth: The Art ofTraditional Horary Astrology

10/10 Mary Plumb

Christino, Karen What Evangeline Adams Knew: A Book ofAstrological Charts and Techniques

4/05 Mary Plumb

Christino, Karen Foreseeing the Future: Evangeline Adamsand Astrology in America

8/02 Judi Vitale

Christino, Karen The Best of Al H. Morrison 12/07 Mary Plumb

Christino, Karen Your Wedding Astrologer: How to Plan aMarriage Made in the Heavens

12/11 Mary Plumb

Claigh, Roberleigh H. The Stargazer 6/98 Donna Van Toen

Clark, Brian The Sibling Constellation: The Astrology andPsychology of Sisters and Brothers

2/00 Mary Plumb

Clement, Stephanie Jean Charting Your Spiritual Path with Astrology 8/02 Susan Thompson

Clement, Stephanie Jean, Ph.D. Power of the Midheaven:The Astrology of Self-Realization

8/01 Edna Rowland

Clifford, Frank C. Getting to the Heart of Your Chart:Playing Astrological Detective

2/13 Mary Plumb

Clifford, Frank C. The Astrologer’s Book of Charts 10/10 Mary Plumb

Cochrane, David Astrology for the 21st Century 2/03 Mary Plumb

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Connerr, Helyn Learning Without Tears 10/11 Mary Plumb

Conrad, Courtney Roberts Real-Time Astrology — A Clear Case forPlanetary Influence

10/99 Andrew Smith

Cornelius, Geoffrey The Moment of Astrology:Origins in Divination

2/96 Kate Plumb

Cornelius, Geoffrey The Moment of Astrology:Origins in Divination

6/04 Kate Plumb

Cornelius, Geoffrey & PaulDevereux

The Secret Language of the Stars and Planets:A Visual Key to the Heavens

4/98 Mary Plumb

Cornu, Philippe Tibetan Astrology 6/98 Mary Plumb

Cosmic Intelligence Agency Neptune’s Return (DVD) 10/10 Mary Plumb

Cossar, Faye Using Astrology to Create a VocationalProfile

10/12 Mary Plumb

Costello, Darby Water and Fire 12/99 Mary Plumb

Costello, Priscilla The Weiser Concise Guide toPractical Astrology

12/08 Mary Plumb

Couteau, Rob The Role of the Least Aspected Planetin Astrocartography

10/06 Mary Plumb

Cowger, Barry D. Reconstructing the Real You:Applying Astrology to Family Psychology


Cox, Susie, ed. The International Directory of Astrologers 11/92

Crane, Rev. Pamela The Draconic Chart:Interdimensional Astrology, Vol. 1

10/00 Mary Plumb

Crowley, Aleister, withEvangeline Adams

The General Principles of Astrology 4/04 Sarah Jones

Crowther, Patricia The Zodiac Experience 4/94

Cunningham, Donna The Consulting Astrologer’s Guidebook 2/95 Donna Van Toen

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Cunningham, Donna How to Read Your Astrological Chart:Aspects of the Cosmic Puzzle

12/00 Mary Plumb

Cunningham, Donna Healing Pluto Problems 12/01 Mary Plumb

Damiani, Anthony Astronoesis: Philosophy’s Empirical Context— Astrology’s Transcendental Ground

4/01 Linda Johnsen

Damiani, Anthony Astronoesis: Philosophy’s Empirical Context— Astrology’s Transcendental Ground

4/01 Linda Johnsen

Davidson, Allison Metal Power 2/94

Davis, Martin Astrolocality Astrology: A Guide toWhat It Is and How to Use It

12/99 Mary Plumb

Davis, Martin, ed. From Here to There: An Astrologer’s Guide toAstromapping

4/14 Mary Plumb

De Faria, Duke Interceptions: Cycles of Spiritual Unfoldment 6/97 Mary Plumb

de Fouw, Hart & Robert E.Svoboda

Light on Relationships:The Synastry of Indian Astrology

4/01 Linda Johnsen

de Fouw, Hart & Robert E.Svoboda

Light on Relationships:The Synastry of Indian Astrology

4/01 Linda Johnsen

De La Lama, Luisa Power Planets 10/94 Donna Van Toen

deFouw, Hart & Robert Svoboda Light on Life: An Introduction tothe Astrology of India

7/96 Sat Siri Khalsa

Devine, Carol DeMott Solar Arc Directions: How to ReadLife’s Roadmap

4/02 Mary Plumb

deVore, Nicholas Encyclopedia of Astrology 10/03 Mary Plumb

Diaz, Armand; Eric Meyers;and Andrew Smith, eds.

Transpersonal Astrology:Explorations at the Frontier

2/14 Mary Plumb

Diaz, Armand M. Integral Astrology: Understanding the AncientDiscipline in the Contemporary World

8/12 Mary Plumb

DiClemente, Rick The Exquisite Zodiac: Why the Signs Arethe Way They Are and What It Means for You

10/13 Mary Plumb

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Discepolo, Ciro Transits and Solar Returns 12/09 Mary Plumb

Doane, Doris Chase Modern Horary Astrology 4/94

Dowton, Mary & Steve Cahill The Astrologer’s Textbook of Astronomy 2/03 Mary Plumb

Dreyer, Ronnie Gale Venus 3/95 Kim Rogers-Gallagher

Dreyer, Ronnie Gale Vedic Astrology: A Guide tothe Fundamentals of Jyotish

4/98 Linda Johnsen

Dreyer, Ronnie Gale Indian Astrology: A Western Approach tothe Ancient Hindu Art


Dreyer, Ronnie Gale Healing Signs: The Astrological Guide toWholeness and Well-Being

12/00 Mary Plumb

Duncan, Adrian Ross Astrology: Transformation& Empowerment

12/03 Mary Plumb

Dykes, Benjamin Traditional Astrology for Today:An Introduction

12/12 Mary Plumb

Eberlein, Sven &Evelyn Terranova

Dancing on the Brink of the World 12/09 Mary Plumb

Edis, Freda The God Between:A Study of Astrological Mercury

4/97 Mary Plumb

Edward, Pauline Astrological Crosses in Relationships 8/03 Mary Plumb

Eisenman, Robert & MichaelWise

The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered: The FirstComplete Translation and Interpretation of 50Key Documents Withheld for Over 35 Years


Elenbaas, Virginia Focus on Pluto 12/01 Mary Plumb

Elwell, Dennis Cosmic Loom:The New Science of Astrology (revised)

8/00 Robin Heath

Ensworth, Heather M. Finding Our Center: Wisdom from the Starsand Planets in Times of Change

2/12 Mary Plumb

Epstein, Alan Understanding Aspects: The Sextile 2/98 Mary Plumb

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Epstein, Alan Understanding Aspects: The Inconjunct 6/96 Donna Van Toen

Ertel, Suitbert & Kenneth Irving The Tenacious Mars Effect 2/97 Nick Campion

Escobar, Thyrza Essentials of Natal Interpretationwith Study Guide


Fallon, Astrid Graphic Ephemeris for Forecasts 1920–2040 12/98 Mary Plumb

Farnell, Kim Flirting with the Zodiac 10/09 Mary Plumb

Farrell, Paul B., J.D., Ph.D. Think Astrology & Grow Rich with the New“Money Astrology”: Success Formulas forBusiness, Career & Investment

2/95 Samear Zaitoon, M.A., LUTCF

Fearrington, Basil The New Way to Learn Astrology 4/01 Mary Plumb

Fearrington, Basil The New Way to Learn Astrology 4/01 Mary Plumb

Ferguson, Lance Loves Never Lost 7/94

Fernandez, Maurice Astrology and the Evolution of Consciousness,Volume One: Astrology Fundamentals

6/10 Mary Plumb

Fernandez, Maurice Neptune, the 12th House and Pisces:The End of Hope, the Beginning of Truth

8/05 Mary Plumb

Finey, Michele The Sacred Dance of Venus and Mars 6/13 Mary Plumb

Fitch, Kevin D. Raphael Celestial Configurations of Africa andthe Caribbean

2/13 Mary Plumb

Foreman, Patricia L. Computers and Astrology:A Universal User’s Guide and Reference


Forrest, Jodie & Steven Skymates: Love, Sex andEvolutionary Astrology

10/02 Mary Plumb

Forrest, Steven Yesterday’s Sky:Astrology and Reincarnation

2/10 Mary Plumb

Forrest, Steven The Changing Sky 4/93

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Forrest, Steven Stalking Anubis (fiction) 6/03 Janette deProsse

Forrest, Steven The Night Speaks: A Meditation of theAstrological World-View


Forrest, Steven The Book of Pluto: Turning Darkness intoWisdom with Astrology

12/01 Mary Plumb

Forrest, Steven The Book of the Moon: DiscoveringAstrology’s Lost Dimension

12/11 Mary Plumb

Forrest, Steven and Jodie Forrest Skymates II: The Composite Chart 12/05 Mary Plumb

Forrest, Steven & Jeffrey WolfGreen

Measuring the Night: Evolutionary Astrologyand the Keys to the Soul, Vol. One

12/00 Mary Plumb

Fox, Matthew The Reinvention of Work:A New Vision of Livelihood for Our Time

11/95 Tom Bridges

Francis, Helena Catch a Rising Star: An Astrological Guideto Parenting in the 21st Century

4/05 Katarina Campagnola

Frawley, David The Astrology of the Seers 12/96 Donna Van Toen

Frawley, John The Horary Textbook 4/06 Mary Plumb

Frawley, John The Real Astrology 10/01 Mary Plumb

Frawley, John The Real Astrology Applied 12/02 Judi Vitale

Frawley, John Sports Astrology 12/08 Mary Plumb

Furst, Dan Dance of the Moon:Celebrating the Sacred Cycles of the Earth

6/10 Mary Plumb

Gailing, Stephanie Planetary Apothecary: An AstrologicalApproach to Health and Wellness

12/11 Mary Plumb

Gainsburg, Adam The Light of Venus: Embracing Your DeeperFeminine, Empowering Our Shared Future

12/12 J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D.

Geary, Nan, Ed. &Frank Clifford

Astrology: The New Generation 10/12 Mary Plumb

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Geneva, Ann Astrology and the 17th-Century Mind 8/96 Marilynn Lawrence

George, Demetra Finding Our Way through the Dark:The Astrology of the Dark Goddess Mysteries

4/97 Mary Plumb

George, Demetra Astrology and the Authentic Self 6/09 Mary Plumb

George, Demetra Mysteries of the Dark Moon:The Healing Powers of the Dark Goddess


Giamario, Daniel,with Carolyn Brent

The Shamanic Astrology Handbook 1/96 Donna Van Toen

Gibson, Mitchell E., MD Signs of Mental Illness: An Astrological &Psychiatric Breakthrough

10/99 Colleen Stewart

Gillett, Roy Astrology and Compassion:The Convenient Truth

4/09 Mary Plumb

Gillett, Roy The Secret Language of Astrology 8/13 Mary Plumb

Gillman, Kennet One After Another 10/10 Mary Plumb

Goldsmith, Martin The Zodiac by Degrees 12/04 Karen Bolander-Claus

Goldsmith, Martin Jupiter’s Dance 12/10 Mary Plumb

Grasse, Ray Signs of the Times 6/03 Mary Plumb

Grasse, Ray The Waking Dream 10/96 Donna Van Toen

Greaves, Doris Regulus Ebertin Cosmobiology Beyond 2000 8/00 Kate Plumb

Grebner, Bernice Prill The ABCs of Astrology and Astronomy 8/94 Donna Van Toen

Green, H. S. & Raphael Mundane Astrology 10/95 Donna Van Toen

Green, Jeffrey Wolf Essays on Evolutionary Astrology:The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul

6/12 Mary Plumb

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Green, Jeffrey Wolf Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul 12/01 Mary Plumb

Green, Jeffrey Wolf Pluto: The Soul’s Evolutionthrough Relationships

12/01 Mary Plumb

Green, Jeffrey Wolf Pluto, Vol. II: The Soul’s Evolutionthrough Relationships

12/97 Mary Plumb

Green, Molly & Lavinia Hamer Birthsigns: The Celtic Tree Year 6/98 Donna Van Toen

Greenbaum, Dorian Gieseler Temperament: Astrology’s Forgotten Key 2/06 Mary Plumb

Greene, Liz The Astrological Neptune andthe Quest for Redemption

2/97 Mary Plumb

Greene, Liz The Inner Planets 3/94

Greene, Liz The Dark of the Soul 8/04 Mary Plumb

Greene, Liz Apollo’s Chariot:The Meaning of the Astrological Sun

12/01 Mary Plumb

Greene, Liz The Astrology of Fate 12/01 Mary Plumb

Greene, Liz & Howard Sasportas The Luminaries 4/93

Grimes, Eileen Titanic Astrology: The Grand Design ofa Famous Shipwreck

8/04 Mary Plumb

Gunzburg, Darrelyn Life after Grief: An AstrologicalGuide to Dealing with Loss

8/05 Mary Plumb

Gunzburg, Darrelyn, ed. Under Capricorn 2/92

Guttman, Ariel; andKenneth Johnson

Mythic Astrology Applied:Personal Healing through the Planets

10/04 Mary Plumb

Guttman, Ariel & KennethJohnson

Mythic Astrology:Archetypal Powers in the Horoscope


Guttman, Arielle Venus Star Rising: A New Cosmologyfor the 21st Century

10/11 Mary Plumb

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Hall, Judy The Hades Moon 2/99 Mary Plumb

Hall, Judy Patterns of the Past 6/01 Mary Plumb

Hall, Judy The Karmic Journey 7/95 Donna Van Toen

Hall, Judy The Hades Moon: Pluto in Aspect to the Moon 12/01 Mary Plumb

Halvorson, Kalli, ed. Herstar Invocation One 6/97 Mary Plumb

Hamaker-Zondag, Karen Handbook of Horary Astrology 2/94

Hamaker-Zondag, Karen The Twelfth House 8/92

Hamaker-Zondag, Karen(trans. by Wanda Boeke)

The Yod Book 2/01 Susan Marya Baronoff

Hamblin, David The Spirit of Numbers: A New Explorationof Harmonic Astrology

10/12 Sarah Fuhro

Hammerslough, Bruce Forecasting: Backward and Forward: ModernTechniques of Timing and Rectification


Harding, Michael & CharlesHarvey

Working with Astrology: The Psychology ofMidpoints, Harmonics andAstro*Carto*Graphy

6/99 Mary Plumb

Harness, Dennis M. The Nakshatras:The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology

4/00 Linda Johnsen

Harvey, Charles Anima Mundi: The Astrology ofthe Individual and the Collective

8/02 Mary Plumb

Harvey, Charles & Suzi Sun Sign, Moon Sign 2/97 Mary Plumb

Harvey, Suzi (Ed.) Orpheus: Voices in Contemporary Astrology 2/01 Mary Plumb

Hasnas, Rachelle Phases in Cycles: The Lunar Cycles asa Guide to Self-Empowerment


Hathaway, Edith Navigating by the Stars:Astrology and the Art of Decision-making


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Hathaway, Edith In Search of Destiny: Biography, History &Culture as Told through Vedic Astrology

4/13 Vinay Aditya

Hawthorne, David & V. K.Choudhry

Astrology for Life:How to Become Your Own Vedic Astrologer

2/01 Linda Johnsen

Heath, Robin Sun, Moon & Earth 4/00 Mary Plumb

Heath, Robin A Key to Stonehenge 6/96 Nick Campion

Herbst, Bill Houses of the Horoscope 12/92

Herlong, Henry, M.A. & RitaHerlong, R.N., M.S.

Taming the Beast 12/96 Mary Plumb

Herring, Amy Astrology of the Moon 6/11 Mary Plumb

Hickey, Isabel M. Astrology: A Cosmic Science 12/01 Mary Plumb

Hill, Judith The Lunar Nodes:Your Key to Excellent Chart Interpretation

2/10 Mary Plumb

Hill, Judith Medical Astrology: A Guide toPlanetary Pathology

12/05 Mary Plumb

Hill, Judith A. The Astrological Body Types:Face, Form and Expression


Hill, Judith A. The Astrological Body Types:Face, Form & Expression (revised edition)

10/99 Mary Plumb

Hill, Judith A. The Part of Fortune in Astrology 10/99

Hill, Judith A. Vocational Astrology 12/00 Mary Plumb

Hill, Judith A.; andAndrea L. Gehrz

A Wonderbook of True Astrological Case Files:54 True Short Stories

10/13 Mary Plumb

Hillman, Laurence Planets in Play 6/09 Mary Plumb

Hillman, Laurence andDonna Spencer

Alignments: How to Live in Harmonywith the Universe

8/03 Mary Plumb

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Hofman, Oscar Classical Medical Astrology:Healing with the Elements

12/10 Mary Plumb

Holden, James Herschel Five Medieval Astrologers 2/09 Mary Plumb

Holden, James Herschel Biographical Dictionary ofWestern Astrologers

2/14 Chris Brennan

Holden, James Herschel(translator)

Rhetorius the Egyptian: AstrologicalCompendium

4/10 Chris Brennan

Holmes, Tiffany On the Ascendant 3/93

Hopewell, Joyce, andRichard Llewellyn

The Cosmic Egg Timer:Astrological Psychology

8/05 Mary Plumb

Houck, Richard Digital Astrology 8/99 Linda Johnsen

Houck, Richard The Astrology of Death 12/94 Edith Hathaway

Houck, Richard, ed. Hindu Astrology Lessons:36 Teachers Share Their Wisdom

6/98 Linda Johnsen

Houlding, Deborah The Houses: Temples of the Sky 2/99 Claire-France Perez

Houlding, Deborah The Houses: Temples of the Sky 10/06 Mary Plumb

Howell, Alice O. The Heavens Declare: Astrological Agesand the Evolution of Consciousness

4/10 Mary Plumb

Howland, Ronald W. A Chronology of American Charts 10/00 Mary Plumb

Hughes, Mary N. Forecasting with Diurnals 2/95 Donna Van Toen

Hyde, Maggie Jung and Astrology 8/97 Mary Plumb

Hyde, Stella Darkside Zodiac 8/04 Mary Plumb

Jackson, Eve Astrology: A Psychological Approach 6/92

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James, Reina All the Sun Goes Round:Tales from the Zodiac

10/11 Mary Plumb

Jay, Delphine Gloria Interpreting Lilith 3/95 Donna Van Toen

Jayne, Charles The Best of Charles Jayne 12/10 Mary Plumb

Jenkins, John Major Tzolkin: Visionary Perspectivesand Calendar Studies

3/95 Bruce Scofield

Jenkins, John Major Galactic Alignment: The Transformationof Consciousness According to Mayan,Egyptian, and Vedic Traditions

8/03 Bruce Scofield

Johnsen, Linda A Thousand Suns: Designing Your Futurewith Vedic Astrology

6/05 Ronnie Gale Dreyer

Johnson, Kenneth Planets in the Signs & Houses:Vedic Astrologer’s Handbook II

2/04 Linda Johnsen

Johnson, Kenneth Mansions of the Moon:The Lost Zodiac of the Goddess

6/03 Linda Johnsen

Jones, Prudence, ed. Creative Astrology 11/92

Kalb, Ken LightShift 2000:Let’s Turn on the Light of the World

8/99 Mary Plumb

Kalb, Ken The Grand Catharsis 10/95 Clifford S. Garner

Kalb, Ken The Grand Catharsis 12/94 Katherine D’Estelle

Kalsang, Jhampa Tibetan Astro Science, Volume II of theKalachakra Trilogy

12/05 J. I. Abbot

Kempton-Smith, Debbi Secrets from a Stargazer’s Notebook 2/01 Mary Plumb

Kendal, Shelagh Cycles of the Century 6/00 Mary Plumb

Kent, April Elliott The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology 2/12 Mary Plumb

Keyes, Jonathan Guide to Natural Health 6/04 Mary Plumb

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King, Chancey D. Sexual Behavior in the Zodiac 12/92

Kirby, Babs Experiential Astrology:Symbolic Journeys Using Guided Imagery

10/98 Robin Heath

Kishner, Jeffrey; andBill Streett, editors

The Astrology of Film: The Interface ofMovies, Myth, and Archetype

4/06 Mary Plumb

Koch, Beth Astrology of Dreams 2/93

Koch, Beth Equal Houses 11/93

Koch, Robert A. The Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology 2/07 Linda Johnsen

Kollerstrom, Nick The Metal-Planet Relationship 2/94

Kollerstrom, Nick The Eureka Effect 10/93

Kollerstrom, Nick, Ph.D. Planting by the Moon:A Gardeners’ Calendar 1999

2/99 Mary Plumb

Kollerstrom, Nick, Ph.D. Interface: Astronomical Essays for Astrologers 12/97 Diana K. Rosenberg

Koparkar, Mohan Moon Mansions 11/95 Linda Johnsen

Koval, Barbara Time and Money: The Astrology of Wealth 8/93

Kutternik-Lewis, Ysanne &Peter Ford

To Touch the Face of the Stars (music CD) 12/00 Mary Plumb

Lambert, Ed The Seed of Life 8/93

Landwehr, Joe The Seven Gates of Soul:Reclaiming the Poetry of Everyday Life

6/05 Mary Plumb

Landwehr, Joe Tracking the Soulwith an Astrology of Consciousness

8/12 Mary Plumb

Lang-Wescott Angles and Prediction 4/09 Mary Plumb

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Lang-Wescott, Martha Mechanics of the Future: Asteroids 7/92

Lang-Wescott, Martha The Orders of Light 12/93

Lang-Wescott, Martha Architects of Time 12/97 Bran-Dee Wheeler

Lass, Martin Chiron: Healing Body & Soul 8/06 Mary Plumb

Lass, Martin Musings of a Rogue Comet:Chiron, Planet of Healing

10/02 Mary Plumb

Lavoie, Alphee The Four Paths to God: Using the AstrologicalEnneagram to Find Your Spiritual Balance

4/01 Mary Plumb

Lavoie, Alphee Horary Lectures 10/92

Lavoie, Alphee Horary at Its Best! 12/03 Mary Plumb

Lavoie, Alphee & LorraineWalsh, eds.

Essentials of Intermediate Astrology 5/96 Steven Forrest

Le Grice, Keiron The Archetypal Cosmos: Rediscovering theGods in Myth, Science and Astrology

12/12 Mary Plumb

Lehman, J. Lee The Martial Art of Horary Astrology 2/03 Sarah Jones

Lehman, J. Lee Traditional Medical Astrology 6/13 Nina Gryphon

Lehman, J. Lee, Ph.D. Classical Astrology for Modern Living:From Ptolemy to Psychology and Back Again

12/96 Diana K. Rosenberg

Levacy, William R. Beneath a Vedic Sky: A Beginner’s Guide tothe Astrology of Ancient India

8/99 Linda Johnsen

Levitt, Susan,with Jean Tang

Taoist Astrology 2/99 Mary Plumb

Lewis, H. Spencer Self-Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life 8/92

Lewis, James R. The Astrology Book: The Encyclopedia ofHeavenly Influences

4/04 Mary Plumb

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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

Lewis, James R. The Astrology Encyclopedia 8/94 Edith Hathaway

Lewis, Jim(ed. Erin Sullivan)

Peter Pan in Midlife andthe Midlife of America

12/07 Mary Plumb

Lewis, Jim (with KennethIrving)

The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy,Second Edition

2/13 Mary Plumb

Lewis, Mitchell Scott Death in the 12th House:Where Neptune Rules

8/13 Kate Sholly

Lewis, Sue Astrology and Juan de Mena’sLaberinto de Fortuna

8/01 Judi Vitale

Lilly, William Christian Astrology 12/04 John Frawley

Llewellyn Publications Llewellyn’s 1995 Astrological Calendar 10/94 (press release)

Lonsdale, Ellias Inside Degrees: Developing Your SoulBiography Using the Chandra Symbols

2/98 Henry Seltzer

Louis, Anthony Horary Astrology 4/93

Louis, Anthony The Art of Forecasting Using Solar Returns 6/09 Donna van Toen

Louis, Anthony Horary Astrology Plain & Simple 12/98 Edna Rowland

Lowe, Kelly An Astrologer’s Journey: My Life withthe Stars

10/13 Mary Plumb

Luna Press The 1995 Lunar Calendar 10/94 (press release)

Luna Press The 1994 Lunar Calendar 12/93

Lyons, Tim Astrology Beyond Ego 2/92

Lyons, Tim Astrology Beyond Ego, rev. edition 6/12 Mary Plumb

Macphail, Jamie Astrology and the Causes of War 4/14 Mary Plumb

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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

Malsin, Peter The Eyes of the Sun:Astrology in the Light of Psychology

8/98 Martin Goldsmith

Mann, A. T. A New Vision of Astrology 2/04 Mary Plumb

Mann, A. T. Life Time Astrology 6/93

Mann, A. T. Sacred Architecture 12/94 Samuel Heaton

Mann, A. T. & Jane Lyle Sacred Sexuality 12/96 Robin Heath

Manning, Marguerite Cosmic Karma: Understanding Your Contractwith the Universe

2/09 Mary Plumb

Mansfield, Victor Head and Heart: A Personal Exploration ofScience and the Sacred

8/04 Mary Plumb

March, Marion Millenium: Fears, Fantasies and Facts 12/98 Mary Plumb

March, Marion & Joan McEvers The Only Way to Learn about Relationships 7/95 Donna Van Toen

Marks, Tracy The Astrology of Self-Discovery 8/09 Mary Plumb

Martin, Clare Mapping the Psyche: An Introduction toPsychological Astrology - Volume 1:The Planets and the Zodiac Signs

4/06 Carole Taylor

Massey, Anne Venus: Her Cycles, Symbols & Myths 4/14 Mary Plumb

Mateel Press The 1994 Earth Calendar, Pacific Coast Edition 10/93

McBroom, Don Midpoints: Identify & Integrate Midpointsinto Horoscope Synthesis

4/14 Mary Plumb

McCann, Maurice The Sun & the Aspects 2/04 Mary Plumb

McCleary, Rollan Signs for a Messiah: The First and LastEvidence for Jesus

12/04 Mary Plumb

McClung, Gavin Kent The Hyperion Series: AstrologicalDegree Symbols

8/04 Mary Plumb

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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

McCullough, Nance Love Formulas~2 4/04 Mary Plumb

McCullough, Nance Solar Returns: Formulas & Analyses 10/02 Mary Plumb

McDevitt, Theresa Defining Relationships Astrologically 3/93

McEvers, Joan, ed. Financial Astrology:Llewellyn’s New World Astrology Series


McEvers, Joan, ed. Intimate Relationships 8/92

McKay-Clements, John The Canadian Astrology Collection:Timed Birth Data of Prominent Canadians

2/99 Paul O. Hewit

McRae, I. I. Chris Understanding Interceptions:A Key to Unlocking the Door

12/01 Mary Plumb

McWhirter, Louise Astrology and Stock Market Forecasting 10/95 Donna Van Toen

Meece, E. Alan Horoscope for the New Millennium 6/97 Mary Plumb

Meridian, Bill Planetary Stock Trading 4/96 Georgia Stathis

Meridian, Bill Planetary Economic Forecasting 6/03 Kate Plumb

Meridian, Bill Planetary $tock Trading — III 6/03 Kate Plumb

Meridian, Bill The Predictive Power of Eclipse Paths 8/10 Mary Plumb

Meridian, Bill Planetary Stock Trading (revised edition) 12/99 Georgia Stathis

Merriman, Raymond The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing,Volume 3, Geocosmic correlations to TradingCycles

2/02 Kate Plumb

Merriman, Raymond A. The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing:Vol. 1: Cycles and Patterns in the Indexes

2/98 Geraldine Hannon

Merriman, Raymond A. The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing:Vol. 2: Geocosmic Correlations to InvestmentCycles

10/99 Georgia Stathis

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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

Meyer, Michael Humanistic Astrology Revisited: 1997 4/97 Mary Plumb

Meyers, Eric Elements & Evolution:The Spiritual Landscape of Astrology

2/11 Bill Streett

Meyers, Eric The Astrology of Awakening, Volume 1:Eclipse of the Ego

2/13 Dena DeCastro

Meyers, Eric The Arrow’s Ascent:Astrology and the Quest for Meaning

4/05 Mary Plumb

Meyers, Eric Uranus: The Constant of Change 12/08 Mary Plumb

Michele Adler Predictive Astrology: Cycles of Change,Seasons of Meaning

10/06 Mary Plumb

Michell, John & ChristineRhone

Twelve-Tribe Nations and the Science ofEnchanting the Landscape


Miller, Anistatia R, & Jared M.Brown

The Complete Astrological Handbook forthe Twenty-first Century

4/00 Mary Plumb

Molnar, Michael R. The Star of Bethlehem:The Legacy of the Magi

12/99 Valerie Vaughan

Moore, Thomas The Planets Within: The AstrologicalPsychology of Marsilio Ficino

3/95 Samuel Heaton

Moore, Thomas The Planets Within 8/93

Morin, Jean-Baptiste Astrologia Gallica Book 25:The Universal Constitutions of the Caelum

4/10 Nina Holly

Morin, Jean-Baptiste Astrologia Gallica Book Sixteen:The Rays and Aspects of the Planets

6/11 Nina Gryphon

Morin, Jean-Baptiste Astrologia Gallica Book Seventeen:The Astrological Houses

6/11 Nina Gryphon

Morris, Grace K. It Looks Like Greek to Me:Astrology for the Absolute Beginner

10/94 Merilyn Artman-Zaitoon

Morrison, Al H.(ed. Karen Christino)

The Best of Al H. Morrison 12/07 Mary Plumb

Munkasey, Michael The Astrological Thesaurus, Book 1:House Keywords


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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

Munkasey, Michael Midpoints:Unleashing the Power of the Planets


Munro, Pat Legends of the Star Gods 4/05 Mary Plumb

Murray, Jessica At the Crossroads: An Astrologer Looks atThese Turbulent Times

4/13 Mary Plumb

Murray, Rose When Planets Promise Love:Your Romantic Destiny through Astrology

6/99 Edna Rowland

Myers, Robert Kent Getting “On Time” with Your Life 12/96 Mary Plumb

Nasser, Rafael(Jodie Forrest, editor)

Under One Sky 12/04 Kate Sholly

Neal, Jeremy Allan Orcus 10/13 Mary Plumb

Negus, Joan The Book of Uranus 2/97 Mary Plumb

Newman, Paul F. Declination in Astrology:The Steps of the Sun

4/01 Carol Cilliers

Niemann, Henry Rectification 4/94

Noel Tyl, ed. Exploring Consciousness in the Horoscope 8/95 Donna Van Toen

O’Reilly, Michael Political Astrology 4/06 Claudia Dikinis

Oakland, Dennis Your Planetary Personality 10/92

Ojha, Pandit Gopesh Kumar &Pandit Ashutosh Ojha

Aspects in Vedic Astrology 2/94

Oken, Alan Rulers of the Horoscope 2/02 Mary Plumb

Oken, Alan Soul-Centered Astrology:A Key to Your Expanding Self


Oken, Alan Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology:The Classic Guide to Modern Astrology

10/09 Mary Plumb

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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

Oken, Alan Soul-Centered Astrology: The Key to YourExpanding Self

10/09 Mary Plumb

Okin, Brita I Answer Questions: Comments and Notes ofa Horary Practitioner

6/97 Mary Plumb

Olesky, Rio Astrology and Consciousness:The Wheel of Light

10/96 Cheryl Ban

Organization for ProfessionalAstrology

How to Start, Maintain, and Expand anAstrological Practice

8/02 Mary Plumb

Orr, Marjorie The Astrological History of the World:The Influence of the Planets on Human History

12/03 Mary Plumb

Ovason, David The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’sCapital: The Masons and the Building ofWashington, D.C.

8/01 Bernadette Cahill

Owen, Amanda Lucky Stars 4/02 Mary Plumb

Palomäki, Ulla Pluto: The Key to Expansion of Consciousness 12/01 Mary Plumb

Papus(trans., J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D.)

Astrology for Initiates: Astrological Secrets ofthe Western Mystery Tradition

4/97 Mary Plumb

Paquin, Marguerite Manual for the Soul:A Guide to the Energies of Life

2/11 Mary Plumb

Parker, Ann E. Fortunes of the Famous:The Pole of the Arabic Parts in Relationships


Parker, Ann E. Galactic Astrology 12/96 Mary Plumb

Patry, Joni Eastern Astrology for Western Minds:A Compilation of NeoVedic Astrology

4/05 Linda Johnsen

Paul, Haydn Gate of Rebirth 4/94

Paul, Haydn Revolutionary Spirit 6/92

Paul, Haydn The Astrological Moon 6/99 Linda Johnsen

Peay, Pythia Mercury Retrograde: Its Myth and Meaning 6/05 Mary Plumb

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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

Penfield, Marc Solar Returns in Your Face 2/98 Donna Van Toen

Pepper, E. & J. Wilcock, eds. The Witches’ Almanac:Spring 1994 to Spring 1995


Pepper, Elizabeth & JohnWilcock

The Witches’ Almanac: Complete AstrologicalGuide, Spring 1993 to Spring 1994


Perry, Glenn, Ph.D. The Journal of Astro-Psychology:The Complete Edition

7/95 Sophia Young

Perry, Wendell Saturn Cycles: Mapping Changes in Your Life 12/09 Mary Plumb

Pessin, Dietrech Lunar Shadows III: The Predictive Powerof Moon Phases and Eclipses

8/10 Mary Plumb

Pessin, Dietrech Lunar Shadows 12/98 Donna Van Toen

Pestka, Ralph Jordan Your Prime Outer Planet: New Insights intoUranus, Neptune, and Pluto

8/04 Mary Plumb

Phillipson, Garry Astrology in the Year Zero 4/01 Mary Plumb

Phillipson, Garry Astrology in the Year Zero 4/01 Mary Plumb

Phipps, Kelly Lee Celestial Renaissance:A Revolution of Astrology

2/98 Mary Plumb

Polansky, Joseph Sun Sign Success 11/93

Pond, David Astrology & Relationships: Techniques forHarmonious Personal Connections

10/01 Mary Plumb

Pottenger, Maritha Your Starway to Love 2/95 Samuel Heaton

Pottenger, Maritha & ZipporahDobyns

Planets on the Move 1/96 Donna Van Toen

Pottenger, Maritha & ZipporahDobyns

Unveiling Your Future: Progressions Made Easy 6/99 Mary Plumb

Pottenger, Mark Astrological Research Methods, Volume I 1/96 Donna Van Toen

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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

Powell, Robert A. Chronicle of the Living Christ 2/97 David Solté

Powers, Kathleen Using Astrology to Find Your Luck:What Works?

2/10 Mary Plumb

Ptolemy (edited byAndrea L. Gehrz)

An Introduction to the Tetrabiblos ofPtolemy by Porphyry of Tyre

4/01 Mary Plumb

Regulus Astrology LLC America Is Born: Introducing the Regulus USANational Horoscope

8/11 Mary Plumb

Reinhart, Melanie Chiron and the Healing Journey 2/11 Mary Plumb

Reinhart, Melanie Chiron and the Healing Journey 2/93

Reinhart, Melanie To the Edge and Beyond:Saturn, Chiron, Pholus and the Centaurs

4/97 Mary Plumb

Reinhart, Melanie Incarnation: The Four Angles andthe Moon’s Nodes

6/98 Robin Heath

Rey, H. A. The Stars: A New Way to See Them 3/92

Roberts, Courtney Visions of the Virgin Mary: An AstrologicalAnalysis of Divine Intervention

4/05 Mary Plumb

Roche, Diana E. The Sabian Symbols: A Screen of Prophecy 8/99 Mary Plumb

Rodden, Lois Astro-Data I: Profiles of Women 2/97 Mary Plumb

Rodden, Lois Money: How to Find It with Astrology 10/94 Merilyn Artman-Zaitoon &Samear Zaitoon, M.A., CLU

Rodden, Lois Modern Transits 12/93

Rogers-Gallagher, Kim Astrology for the Light Side of the Brain 7/96 Debi Hansen

Roma, Tom Jerome Tom Jerome Roma’s Weekly Forecasts 4/96 Judith Burns

Ronngren, Diane Lunar Nodes: Keys to Emotions andLife Experience

8/06 Mary Plumb

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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

Rose, Christina The Tapestry of Planetary Phases 8/12 Mary Plumb

Rose, Ed Planetary Music:Understanding Astrological Rhythms

12/98 Mary Plumb

Rose, Edwin Generational Patterns Using Astrology 8/13 Mary Plumb

Rowland, Edna True Crime Astrology 8/98 Mary Plumb

Rudhyar, Dane Astrological Insights into the Spiritual Life 4/93

Rudhyar, Dane The Astrology of Transformation 7/93

Ruperti, Alexander Cycles of Becoming: The Planetary Pattern ofGrowth

8/06 Mary Plumb

Rushman, Carol The Art of Predictive Astrology:Forecasting Your Life Events

8/03 Colleen Stewart

Sasportas, Howard Direction and Destiny in the Birth Chart 2/99 Mary Plumb

Sasportas, Howard The Gods of Change: Pain, Crisis andthe Transits of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

12/01 Mary Plumb

Sasson, Gahl Eden Cosmic Navigator: Design Your Destiny withAstrology and Kabbalah

8/09 Mary Plumb

Schermer, Barbara Astrology Alive: A Guide to ExperientialAstrology and the Healing Arts

8/98 Mary Plumb

Schostak, Sherene &Stefanie Iris Weiss

Surviving Saturn’s Return 6/04 Mary Plumb

Schreib, William Dance of the Zodiac: Rhythms and Patternsof Creation

12/11 Mary Plumb

Schwimmer, Larry What the Hell Is Going On in My Life? 2/14 Mary Plumb

Scofield, Bruce The Circuitry of the Self: Astrology andthe Developmental Model

8/02 Mary Plumb

Scofield, Bruce Signs of Time 8/95 Donna Van Toen

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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

Scofield, Bruce User’s Guide to Astrology 12/97 Mary Plumb

Sellar, Wanda The Consultation Chart: A Guide toWhat it is and How to use it

6/02 Kate Plumb

Sellar, Wanda Introduction to Medical Astrology 8/09 Mary Plumb

Sepharial Primary Directions 2/07 Mary Plumb

Sepharial The Science of Foreknowledge 8/94 Donna Van Toen

Seymour, Dr. Percy The Scientific Basis of Astrology:Tuning to the Music of the Planets


Seymour, P. A. H., Ph.D. The Birth of Christ: Exploding the Myth 10/99 Bronwyn Elko

Seymour, Percy Astrology: The Evidence of Science 3/94

Shafferman, Barbara The President’s Astrologer 6/99 Mary Plumb

Shaneman, Jhampa andJan V. Angel

Buddhist Astrology 12/05 Sarah Jones

Sharma, Dinesh The Divisional Charts:Exploring the Secrets of Chart Interpretation

8/99 Linda Johnsen

Sharman-Burke, Juliet The Family Inheritance:Parental Images in the Horoscope

12/96 Mary Plumb

Sharman-Burke, Juliet & LizGreene

The Astrologer, the Counsellor, and the Priest 8/98 Donna Van Toen

Shea, Mary Fortier Planets in Solar Returns:Yearly Cycles of Transformation and Growth

2/00 Mary Plumb

Shesso, Renna A Magical Tour of the Night Sky: The Planetsand Stars for Personal and Sacred Discovery

6/12 Mary Plumb

Simms, Maria Kay Moon Tides, Soul Passages: Your AstrologicalCycles for Personal and Spiritual Development

8/05 Judi Vitale

Simms, Maria Kay A Time for Magick: Planetary Hours forMeditations, Rituals & Spells

10/01 Judi Vitale

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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

Simms, Maria Kay Circle of the Cosmic Muse 10/94 Donna Van Toen

Skinner, Christeen The Financial Universe: Planning YourInvestments Using Astrological Forecasting

8/10 Kate Plumb

Soffer, Shirley The Astrology Sourcebook 8/12 Mary Plumb

Soffer, Shirley The Astrology Sourcebook 10/99 Mary Plumb

Spencer, Neil True as the Stars Above 10/03 Mary Plumb

Spiller, Jan Astrology for the Soul 4/98 Natori Moore

Spring, Elizabeth North Node Astrology 2/10 Mary Plumb

Spurek, Milan Praga Mysteriosa 8/04 Mary Plumb

Star, Gloria Astrology: Woman to Woman 8/00 Mary Plumb

Star, Gloria, ed. Astrology for Women 8/97 Mary Plumb

Starck, Marcia Medical Astrology: Healing forthe 21st Century

12/02 Mary Plumb

StarFire Three Signs in the Heavens at the End ofa Millennium, Book One

8/99 Mary Plumb

Stathis, Georgia Anna Business Astrology 101: Weaving the Webbetween Business and Myth

12/01 Mary Plumb

Stein, Zane B. Essence and Application: A View from Chiron 10/12 Mary Plumb

Strusiner, Dovid Astrology for Self-Empowerment:Techniques for Reclaiming Your Sacred Power

2/01 Mary Plumb

Sullivan, Erin The Astrology of Midlife and Aging 2/06 Mary Plumb

Sullivan, Erin Saturn in Transit 4/92

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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

Sullivan, Erin Venus and Jupiter 4/98 Mary Plumb

Sullivan, Erin Where In the World? 6/00 Mike Harding

Sullivan, Erin Dynasty: The Astrology of Family Dynamics 8/97 Mary Plumb

Suskin, Rod Synastry: Understanding the Astrology ofRelationships

10/09 Mary Plumb

Sutton, Komilla Indian Astrology: How to Discoverthe Secrets of Your Vedic Star Sign

8/01 Linda Johnsen

Sutton, Komilla The Essentials of Vedic Astrology 8/99 Linda Johnsen

Svoboda, Robert E. The Greatness of Saturn 2/98 Linda Johnsen

Swanson, Julia, withSusan Painter

Quantum Relationships: It’s Written inthe Stars!

12/02 Mary Plumb

Szanto, Gregory Perfect Timing 3/92

Szanto, Gregory Astrotherapy 3/93

Tanzer, Elliot Jay Evaluating Astro*Carto*Graphy Maps 10/09 Mary Plumb

Tarnas, Richard Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of aNew World View

6/06 Gerry Goddard

Tarnas, Richard Prometheus the Awakener 7/95 Samuel Heaton

Teal, Celeste Eclipses: Predicting World Events& Personal Transformation

8/06 Mary Plumb

Teal, Celeste Lunar Nodes: Discover Your Soul’s KarmicMission

8/09 Mary Plumb

Tebbs, Carol A. The Complete Book of Chart Rectification 6/10 Mary Plumb

Thayer, Edith G. Stars over America 10/00 Mary Plumb

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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

Thornton, Penny Divine Encounters 6/94

Thorp, Rosalind The Essential Pattern: Finding OurCosmic Connection

8/04 Mary Plumb

Tierney, Bil Alive and Well with Uranus 4/00 Judi Vitale

Tierney, Bil Alive and Well with Neptune 4/00 Judi Vitale

Tierney, Bil Alive and Well with Pluto 4/00 Judi Vitale

Tierney, Bil All Around the Zodiac:Exploring Astrology’s Twelve Signs

6/02 Mary Plumb

Tierney, Bil Alive and Well with Pluto:Transits of the Heart and Soul

12/01 Mary Plumb

Tierney, Bil Twelve Faces of Saturn:Your Guardian Angel Planet

12/98 Carole K. Schreiber

Tobey, Carl Payne Carl Payne Tobey’s Collected Workson Astrology

8/99 Naomi Bennett

Tobyn, Graeme Culpeper’s Medicine:A Practice of Western Holistic Medicine

4/98 Ted PanDeva Zagar

Tompkins, Sue Aspects in Astrology 6/93

Tompkins, Sue The ContemporaryAstrologer’s Handbook:Interpreting Your Horoscope

8/11 Mary Plumb

Townley, John Composite Charts:The Astrology of Relationships

2/01 Mary Plumb

Townley, John Dynamic Astrology 8/98 Mary Plumb

Townley, John Lunar Returns 10/04 Mary Plumb

Tyl, Noel Solar Arcs: Astrology’s Most SuccessfulPredictive System

2/02 Mary Plumb

Tyl, Noel The Tyl MasterWork Series (DVDs) 4/01 Mary Plumb

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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

Tyl, Noel Prediction in Astrology:A Master Volume of Technique and Practice


Tyl, Noel Astrology of the Famed 4/97 Jackie Slevin

Tyl, Noel Predictions for a New Millenium 6/97 Mary Plumb

Tyl, Noel The Creative Astrologer:Effective Single Session Counseling

8/00 Mary Plumb

Tyl, Noel Vocations: The New Midheaven ExtensionProcess

8/06 Mary Plumb

Tyl, Noel How to Use Vocational Astrology forSuccess in the Work Place


Tyl, Noel, ed. How to Manage the Astrology of Crisis 2/94

Tyl, Noel, ed. How to Personalize the Outer Planets 7/93

Tyl, Noel, ed. Astrology Looks at History 10/96 Mu’Min Bey

Vanel, Steffan The Astrological Karma of the U.S.A. 4/05 Mary Plumb

Vaughan, Valerie Astro-Mythology: The Celestial Union ofAstrology and Myth

12/99 Samten Williams

von Heeren, Robert Chiron Ephemeride 2000–2050 6/98 Mary Plumb

Walsh, Patricia L. Understanding Karmic Complexes:Evolutionary Astrology and RegressionTherapy

2/11 Mary Plumb

Watters, Barbara H. Horary Astrology andthe Judgment of Events

8/12 Mary Plumb

Westin, Leigh Beyond the Solstice by Declination 4/02 Mary Plumb

Whitaker, Anne Jupiter Meets Uranus:From Exotic Bathing to Star Gazing

4/10 Mary Plumb

Whitman, Paul The Essential Heliocentric Chart 8/11 Mary Plumb

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Book Review Index through April 2014Reviewer

Wilhelm, Ernst Vault of the Heavens: Treatise onVedic Astrology

4/02 Linda Johnsen

Wilkinson, Robert A New Look at Mercury Retrograde 8/98 Marion D. March

Willis, Roy & Patrick Curry Astrology, Science and Culture:Pulling down the Moon

2/06 Bruce Scofield

Willner, John The Perfect Horoscope 10/03 Sally Dishong

Woebcke, Carl You and the Universe 10/03 Mary Plumb

Woolley, Benjamin The Queen’s Conjurer 6/04 Sally Cragin

Wright, Paul The Literary Zodiac 8/12 Mary Plumb

Zain, C. C. Weather Predicting 8/95 Donna Van Toen