


Organised by


Table of contents ADILA – Innovation in Learning Through Digital Media ..................................................................................................... 2

Keynote 1: Technology based observation and supervision in practical training process: Case of teacher training with Mentoring and Observation Software - MOSO ............................................................................................. 3

Tutoring in online and distance education ......................................................................................................................... 4

New Challenges – Working with digital tools and new solutions in music education ................................................ 5

International Welding Engineer - IWE by Distance Learning ........................................................................................... 6

Mobile Teaching Tool for Outdoor Sports Education ......................................................................................................... 8

Next Generation Learning at Dalarna University ............................................................................................................ 10

Gamification in Nursing Education ................................................................................................................................... 11

Digital assessment & the use of ICT in the examination of preservice teachers ..................................................... 13

Interactive algorithm visualisation platform for learning Mathematics and Computer Science ........................... 14

Simulation & visualization in mathematics .................................................................................................................... 16

Learning chemistry through virtual reality: an experiential learning approach ...................................................... 17

Keynote 2: Optimizing student interaction, engagement and collaboration through blended learning ............. 18

Keynote 3: Professional education in an inter-professional world – simulations, visualizations and knowledge in action ................................................................................................................................................................................. 19

MOOC for Mathematics Teacher Education ..................................................................................................................... 20



ADILA – Innovation in Learning Through Digital Media

Ghislain Maurice Norbert Isabwe Department of Information and Communication Technology

University of Agder [email protected]


Higher education landscape is being reshaped, through transformative pedagogy and the increasingly affordable, usable learning technologies. New models of education are emerging as a result of increased democratization of learning, where everyone can participate in co-creation of knowledge. The change in role of learners as prosumers of knowledge requires new thinking on the role and potential of technology in teaching and learning processes. Researchers in educational technology are invited to address pertinent questions including: How to promote “future oriented, varied, involving and practice-oriented teaching and learning1” as a solid foundation for lifelong learning? How to leverage the affordances of digital technology to nurture creativity and expedite innovation? How can emerging digital technology enhance co-creation of knowledge?

This work presents Agder digital learning arena (ADILA), which is an interdisciplinary initiative focusing on innovation in learning through digital media. ADILA intends to contribute in how to think about the future of education, in order to meet the learning challenges of the future. To achieve this goal, ADILA undertakes research studies to address the ever-shifting teaching and learning paradigms. So far, ADILA counts among its members eight PhD research fellows and several academic staff with interest in digital media supported teaching and learning. Research results are published on topics comprising of new findings on ePedagogy, design & development of ICT tools for education, visualizations and simulations in mathematics education, computer-supported collaborative learning, mobile learning, digital assessment, as well as eLearning specifications and learning technology standards. ADILA activities are anchored across different faculties in collaboration with the Centre for Educational Development (PULS) at the University of Agder (UiA). Initially, the initiative was fully funded by UiA, but there are ongoing efforts to attract external funding as well as expanding collaboration networks.

1 UiA Strategy 2016 2020



Keynote 1: Technology based observation and supervision in practical training process: Case of teacher training with Mentoring

and Observation Software - MOSO

Petter Mathisen1; Cato R. P. Bjørndal2 1Faculty of Humanities and Education & Centre for Teaching and Learning

2Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, Department of Education 1University of Agder; 2The arctic University of Norway

[email protected]; [email protected]


In the project “Tablet as a digital tool in supervision of student teachers’ practical training”, tablets have been tested as tools for observation and supervision in the course of Norwegian teacher education. The study incorporates fourteen practicum supervision groups and focuses on how the use of tablets can influence the quality of supervisions and the coherence between teaching, observation and supervision. Throughout the supervision process, the groups have used tablets to produce and share texts, pictures and video recordings.

The project is a constructive and qualitative study based on the data triangulation of individual interviews, focus group interviews, and open, qualitative questionnaires. Its long-term research design falls within the broad category of pedagogical design-research, and the analysis is based on recent descriptions of Grounded Theory in particular.

The use of tablets has resulted in eight aspects of quality improvement: improved observation, stronger motivation, improved feedback, the increased sharing of opinions, improved coherence, improved structure, improved preparation, and increased reflection.

Compared to Neufeldt’s broad conceptualisation of the reflectivity concept (Neufeldt et al., 1996), the findings indicate the strong potential of tablets as tools for enhancing individual student reflectivity. Tablets also show strong potential as tools for situated learning (Wenger, 1998), and for strengthening the supervision group as a community of practice, with markedly stronger indications of working alliances, and an evident culture of sharing. Finally, the tablet demonstrates its potential as a tool for striving for more feedback of a higher quality (Hattie & Timperly, 2007).

Mathisen & Bjørndal (2016) have demonstrated in their study that there is considerable potential for improving the quality of supervisions, and a need for tailor-made software products which better attend to the connections inherent in the supervision process. On the basis of the survey, UIA has developed a prototype of the software program MOSO (Mentoring and Observation Software, fig. 2), in collaboration with MOSO AS and Frontbyte AS. In the autumn of 2016, a collaboration will commence between PULS, the IT department, and UIA’s teacher training programme, working on a project which also involves the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway, and Halmstad University.

In this new project, which comprises a number of subprojects, the intention is to test out and experiment with the software, MOSO (Mentoring and Observation Software), and investigate its potential for improving the quality of supervision in student teachers’ practical training, and furthermore to examine how it affects the quality of supervision and student learning outcomes. The projects will be concluded during the autumn of 2017.

• Mathisen, P. & Bjørndal, C. (2016). Tablet as a digital tool in supervision of student teachers’ practical training. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 4/2016. (In print Des. 15, 2016)

• The ongoing project: • Information about MOSO:



Tutoring in online and distance education

Sven Åke Bjørke & Aleksandra Lazareva Department of Global Development and Planning

University of Agder [email protected]; [email protected]


In online collaborative learning, students are active in building their knowledge through the processes of inquiry and discussion. Asynchronous collaborative learning courses employ backwards design, where the primary focus is on what the students will have learned when completing the course. Instead of focusing on what the teacher will be delivering, such courses emphasize the actual learning activities students are going to participate in. Students are expected to be actively engaged in team work and take more responsibility for their own learning processes.

Often it is taken for granted that online collaboration will occur simply because technology makes it possible. However, collaboration skills are something that needs to be learned. Many students experience challenges when they start the process of online collaboration for the first time. They may experience motivational challenges due to the lack of social presence in the learning environment, may feel unsure whether their contributions and progress meet the course requirements, as well as they may be experiencing problems related to the technology and software used in the online course.

Therefore, providing sufficient support to online students during the discussions is necessary. There is a need for a tutor promoting students’ collaborative interactions and guiding them when they are unsure about their understanding and progress. The online tutor’s continuous monitoring and timely feedback becomes crucial especially when online students experience lack of confidence in their approach to a task, understanding of course material, or general progress in the course. Online tutor’s roles can be generally classified in four major groups: pedagogical, social, managerial, and technical.

Moreover, assessment should be a part of the learning process in online collaborative courses. While online tutor’s feedback during the course is crucial for online students’ engagement, it becomes a challenge for the tutor when a group deliverables are to be assessed. When the group outcome is evaluated, some students may feel they lack individual acknowledgement of their input and commitment, while others – free riders – may simply be benefitting from someone else’s work since it is the group’s product which is being assessed. This affects group dynamics, participants’ motivation and the overall outcome of the group, which suggests there is a need for more complex assessment methods. This can be done through assessing various aspects: participation in online groups, group- and individual hand-ins and online quizzes, combined with peer assessment.



New Challenges – Working with digital tools and new solutions in music education

Tore Bråthen Department of Popular Music

University of Agder [email protected]


The music industry is developing fast. And the institutions that are into music education need to keep up. New software is being developed almost weekly. This goes for effects and gadgets to use in a performance situation and software to be used in more theoretical related subjects like composing and arranging. We see different technological tools being used in music teaching even for children. Is it possible to keep up? We could of course wish that we had enough time to get to know all the programs, but it is of course more or less impossible. A lot of the software solution are related to different instruments and to different styles. If you’re not into it, it’s not possible. It would take too much time. By the time you got it well enough to use in a teaching situation, it would be old fashion. At my institute, we decided to focus upon three very common programs. These programs are being used by many. You find them in performing contexts and they are being used in educational situations. Sibelius for notation, Logic for working with midi and audio and Pro Tools for working with audio only. The idea is to see to that the students know these programs well. And to understand the different digital processes that go on in a modern way of working with music. Even if it is a lot of different programs, they all seek to answer the same questions or to solve the same tasks, with minor differences. I teach in the programs Sibelius and Logic. In this presentation, I would like to show how I use these programs in different feedback- and supervising situations.



International Welding Engineer - IWE by Distance Learning

Tor John Rødsås Department of Engineering Sciences

University of Agder [email protected]


University of Agder (UiA) commenced the training of welding engineers in 2015, after a request from the Global Center of Expertise (GCE) NODE industry cluster. Today, UiA is the only IWE training facility in Norway. 30 IWE diplomas have so far been issued to UiA students by the Norwegian Welding Society, making the total number in Norway to 301 diplomas.

The background for the request from GCE NODE was that the member companies are facing more and more stringent requirements to welding quality and documentation, and there was a need to increase the knowledge in welding technology. The IWE-study at UiA meets the industry cluster’s need for added knowledge. In addition, a large amount of fabrication has been subcontracted to low-cost countries, and with it the knowledge of welding technology in the companies has been reduced.

The IWE course consists of 4 theory modules, each with a written exam. The training employs a “distance learning” model combined with lectures during five weekends. On behalf of IIW, the Norwegian Welding Society approved UiA as an Authorized Training body in November 2014, including approval to use the “distance learning” model as defined in the IIW guidelines. This reduces the classroom nominated number of hours from 441 to 146, which is an advantage since the students are generally in employment.

There is one session with practical welding and demonstrations of material testing and nondestructive examination. Then there is a project assignment and a concluding oral exam. In total the student need to be on Campus only 12 working days, including the 4 days for the written exams.

The learning portal Fronter is used to distribute course material and the textbooks are specially written for the course, approximately 1.500 pages for the four modules.

There are 220 interactive exercises that the student must complete before the final exam can be taken. The exercises are problem oriented, and based on cases from the offshore industry. The student downloads the sets of exercises from Fronter, and runs the cases on his/her computer. The answers are handed in to the same Fronter-room, where they are approved, and the student can monitor the progression. A solution proposal is issued for each exercise so that the student can check that whether their answers are correct.

In 2015 we filmed some of the lectures in the classroom, and this work will be continued in 2017.

A closed group on Facebook is used as a forum where students can raise questions and get answers. Other guidance is by phone or e-mail, the students rarely visit Grimstad.

Several national and international standards call for welding coordinators with the IWE diploma. The main task for the welding engineer is the responsibility for welding coordination, i.e. the overall quality management of material and welding technology.


- Identification of requirements in standards and contracts - Auditing of potential subcontractors - Management of welder’s, welding operator’s and inspection personnel’s qualifications



- Qualification of welding procedures

The study gives 30 ECTS and runs from January to December with a summer break.

Future work:

- Record all lectures to reduce further the attendance on campus - Relocate the exercises visual basic to a web-based platform - Add new industry cases based on input from GCE NODE companies - Revise textbooks



Mobile Teaching Tool for Outdoor Sports Education

Renée Schulz, Stein Erik Skaar Department of Information and Communication Technology, University of Agder

Grimstad, Norway [email protected]; [email protected]


How can teachers of higher outdoor education ensure quality teaching and how can this be supported by up-to-date technology? We introduce the problem space surrounding the usage of technology in teaching. It is important to know that a lot of technology is used in teaching, but not that kind that supports teachers directly with their teaching process during classes or practice. What is needed from the teachers’ perspective and how can that be supported by mobile and wearable technology? This was analyzed as a possibility to address the flexibility and dynamic changes that outdoor education brings along. We introduce the challenges of a specific use case of outdoor education in higher education and how those challenges can be supported by mobile/ wearable technology. The concept of task triggering and distribution is introduced in relation to the outdoor education challenges. Our goal is to support teachers especially during the process of task design and distribution, including feedback and communication with students. Mobile- wearable and sensor technology can provide new insights into students´ learning process and enable the teacher to react on certain circumstances. It is even possible to make tasks according to circumstances that will automatically trigger for the students, when they meet those circumstances. This makes tasks more personal, progress oriented and flexible. The used sensor technology is able to record the student's performance in the way the teacher defines it to. In the following we describe the task supporting teaching tool for the higher education context with a special focus on outdoor (skiing- and snowboard) education.

DynQ: The Dynamic Questing Tool

The context requires a durable and reliable system and for the flexibility of the tasks, we need to have sensors, to analyse the user’s environment and situation to give dynamic tasks, recommendations and to provide the experience of personalized progress and feedback. So, for the system setup we planned, we need a sensor device. We decided to use a smartwatch as part of the prototype to get access to its sensors and hands-free possibilities. The teachers should be able to create their teaching tasks in the system and add useful sensors to their tasks which monitor the student's’ progress. The tasks used in this course, including meaningful sensors for feedback, could look like this: [At a specific location, start learning a specific technique, that requires a specific slope or distance. Pace, speed and location will be measured.]



Fig. 1. Use case for skiing and interface of the app for task creation.

That means, the biggest difference from the actual used tasks is, that dependencies and measured outcomes can be added. A task that before had the structure of description → reason → intended outcome can now get additional aspects. Additional aspects can comprise of triggers (meaning it is only shown if conditions are fulfilled), adding a location to the task (GPS based) and measurement of the available sensors during the task. This gives the teacher richer possibilities to define different pathways that can be chosen for the students, making learning more fun due to the aspects of exploring and personalization. Upon receiving the students’ feedback, teachers are also given more information about the student's progress. It makes the tasks much more dynamic and every learner can explore different routes, discovering and unlocking different tasks in their progress. This adds a motivational component of exploring for the students.



Next Generation Learning at Dalarna University

Stefan Rodheim Next Generation Learning Centre

Dalarna University [email protected]


Dalarna University has since the beginning of 2002, focused on developing Net-based learning, which has led to that Dalarna University today is a leading university within the field of net-based learning in Sweden. The development has in recent years been called the Next Generation Learning, and has been a focus throughout the entire university. This focus has meant an investment in a number of development projects and a graduate school involving a large number of teachers and students.

The presentation will focus mainly on how Dalarna University uses Adobe Connect for seminars, tutorials, meetings and examinations, but also how the tool has been adapted for the needs of both students and teachers have for it to serve as support in the learning process.

Further, EPOS, a tool that’s been developed for broadcasting and recording lectures will be presented. The tool provides students an opportunity to communicate despite geographical aspects. EPOS, as well as Adobe Connect is built to support the learning process and has been built to be very user friendly for teachers and students for usage, regardless of a large or smaller technical know-how.



Gamification in Nursing Education Hege Mari Johnsena,1, Mariann Fossuma,

Pirashanthie Vivekananda-Schmidtb, Ann Fruhlingc and Åshild Slettebøa

a Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway b Medical Education, The Medical School, University of Sheffield, UK

c College of Information Science and Technology, University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]


Gamified learning interventions may have a positive impact on student learning [1, 2, 3]. In healthcare education, serious games (SGs) represent gamified computerized simulations of clinical practice situations by enabling active, experiential, situated and problem-based learning [4]. This abstract provides an example of a collaborative knowledge creation project within the University of Agder (UiA) named; Jeg får ikke puste [I cannot breathe], the development of an SG for teaching clinical reasoning and decision-making skills to nursing students in the Bachelor of Nursing program.


During 2015, a video based SG for teaching clinical reasoning- and decision-making skills to nursing students caring for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was developed. The SG aims to: increase nursing students’ perception and confidence in clinical situations related to care for patients with COPD; promote systematic assessment of COPD patients; and improve the recognition and management of patients who are clinically deteriorating [5]. The SG contains four video based scenarios with quiz-based tasks.

A multidisciplinary developer team was brought together from two faculties at UiA, Grimstad, Norway; Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences and Faculty of Engineering and Science. The development team consisted of a doctoral student from the Department of Health and Nursing science and four bachelor students in Multimedia-technology and design, under guidance of supervisors from both faculties and international universities. The multimedia-technology and design students were responsible for design and development of the SG’s interface and functions and recording of the video based scenarios. The doctoral student was responsible for the content of the SG and was the project manager.

The doctoral student also collaborated with health professionals. Two registered nurses (RNs), one from home healthcare- and one from a local hospital, contributed with practical knowledge about caring for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and as actors in the SG scenarios. In addition, a person with COPD contributed as an actor in the SG scenarios. For quality assurance of the content, the two RNs from clinical practice, a nursing lecturer and a physician from a local hospital contributed during development and recommended corrections of the content.

A usability evaluation was conducted of the first SG scenario [5] in collaboration with usability specialists within the usability laboratory at UiA in Grimstad. The final SG prototype was further evaluated in a pilot study (paper in progress) where the SG was integrated as a part of a simulation course in the Bachelor of Nursing program. The pilot study was conducted in collaboration with coordinators of the simulation course.


Preliminary results indicate that this SG has a potential as a supplemental educational tool in nursing education.




The interdisciplinary collaboration and co-creation was experienced as an advantage to the SG prototype in the following ways: 1) Multidisciplinary exchange of expertise ensured that all the important aspects of an educational SG were considered in design of the SG, i.e. fit with context and user specifications, pedagogy, and the mode of representation and usability, 2) The two RNs from clinical practice enhanced the alignment between education and clinical practice through knowledge and experiences on what nursing students should gain of knowledge and skills before entering clinical practice in hospital or home healthcare, 3) The RNs and the person with COPD has increased the realism of the scenarios.


We would like to give a special thanks to faculty members at UiA, students, actors and healthcare professionals involved in the development and testing of the SG.


1. P. Buckley and E. Doyle, Gamification and student motivation, Interactive Learning Environments, 24:6 (2016), 1162-1175. 2. J-M. Koivisto, J. Multisilta, H. Niemi, J. Katajisto and E. Eriksson, Learning by playing: A cross-sectional descriptive study of

nursing students’ experiences of learning clinical reasoning, Nurse Education Today, 45 (2016), 22-28. 3. J. Kaczmarczyk, R. Davidson, D. Bryden, S. Haselden, P. Vivekananda‐Schmidt, Learning decision making through serious games,

The Clinical Teacher, 12 (2015) 1-6, 4. R. P. Cant and S. J Cooper. Simulation in the Internet age: The place of Web-based simulation in nursing education. An integrative

review, Nurse Education Today 34 (2014), 1435-1442. 5. H.M. Johnsen, M. Fossum, P. Vivekananda-Schmidt, A. Fruhling and Å. Slettebø, Teaching clinical reasoning and decision-making

skills to nursing students: Design, development, and usability evaluation of a serious game, International Journal of medical Informatics, 94 (2016) 39-48.

1 Hege Mari Johnsen, Department of Health and Nursing Sciences, University of Agder, PO Box 509, 4898 Grimstad, Norway, Telephone: +47 97515773, E-mail: [email protected]



Digital assessment & the use of ICT in the examination of preservice teachers

Erik Adalberon Department of Education

University of Agder [email protected]


A newly implemented exam design at the University of Oslo takes aim to bridge the gap between theory and practice in teacher education. Instead of writing answers based on theoretical oriented tasks, the students are supposed to apply the theoretical knowledge they possess to explain their observations of a video-case that is shown at the start of the exam. Through interviews and document analysis, this study is looking into what kind of responses the students themselves have shown when confronted with a digital exam format like this. After analyzing 11 interviews with pre-service teachers, and 21 exam reports, it has become quite clear that the students are struggling with the novelties the video-exam represents.



Interactive algorithm visualisation platform for learning Mathematics and Computer Science

Magnus Lysfjord, Simen Fossnes, Ragnar Bjornson, Elias Farhad Nordby,Tarek Rahou Department of Engineering Sciences

University of Agder [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]; [email protected]


In the year 2020, the employment sector in all computer occupations is expected to increase by a whopping 22%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) biennial update of employment projections [4]. With such a vast increase in this job sector comes a vast decrease in other job sectors that are becoming increasingly redundant, as described by Brynjolfsson and McAfee [2]. For example, in legal and financial services, algorithms are performing a number of tasks performed by paralegals, contract and patent lawyers [5]. All in all, according to a study done by the University of Oxford, an estimate of 47% of all US employment is in high risk category, with the estimation that they will be automated in the next 10 to 20 years [5]. Currently education in computer science and mathematics is still highly inaccessible at higher levels of education. However, education must adapt to solve this growing instability in employment due to this particular lack of skillset in automation, computer engineering, and mathematics [2].

AI, Engineering, and Mathematics is taught at Master ICT at University of Agder, but not without its challenges. Algorithms are difficult to understand for students new to the field, and several factors have shown to help the students understanding and motivation for learning [6]. Morten Goodwin, an associate professor at UiA, suggests that one of the key factors is rapid feedback on their solutions through for example automated feedback. Similarly, correct and pedagogical live visualisation and analysis of the implemented algorithms is for many a key to understanding their own implementation and how it functions.

Proposed solution

Sci-Code, a research team comprised of 5 developers supervised by professors from different fields at UiA, have created a novel E-learning platform teaching Mathematical algorithms through Python and JavaScript. The main philosophy is to bring forth the visualization of algorithms on command to further the optimized learning experience. A solution approach has been developed that allows for a 2-way feedback system- the “Hint” feedback and the “Visualization of Algorithm” feedback. This drastically optimizes the education system- the student can see the logic of an algorithm and the professor does not have to manually draw this out every time for each generation of students.

Figure 2: Feedback System



Having recently proved that with the established website framework it has been possible to implement a full course on Computer Science Optimization taught at the University of Agder (MA -157), as well as automate a method that makes it easy for the professor to create an exercise with a hint feedback system within minutes (2-4 minutes per exercise). We intend to expand the tool and introduce that to professors of various scientific fields attempting to merge their teaching with computer science


[1] Ben F. Rubin. Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft join forces to push AI.2016. Available online:

[2] Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee. Race Against The Machine: How The Digital Revolution Is Accelerating Innovation, Driving Productivity, and Irreversibly Transforming Employment and The Economy. MIT Center for Digital Business. 2012. Available online:

[3] Harvard Business Review Analytic Services. IT talent crisis: Proven advice from CIOs and HR leaders. Harvard Business Review. 2016. Available online:

[4] Patrick Thibodeau. It-management. It jobs will grow 22% through 2020 says US. Computerworld. 2012. Available online:

[5] Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne. The Future of Employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation? University of Oxford. 2013. Available online:

[6] Christopher D. Hundhausen, Sarah A Douglas, and John T Stasko. A meta-study of algorithm visualization effectiveness. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 13(3):259. 2002.



Simulation & visualization in mathematics

Ninni Marie Hogstad; Per Henrik Hogstad University of Agder

[email protected]; [email protected]


Visualizations / simulations in Mathematics are becoming an increasing part of teaching and learning mathematics. At the University of Agder the interactive digital tool SimReal is being developed. SimReal contains several thousand video lessons, video simulations, interactive simulations, exercises and practical applications in mathematics, physics, statistics, and computer science. SimReal applications can be executed on PC, laptop, tablet, mobile phone, TV, etc and is a totally open system where students and teachers can program their own visualizations and simulations. The programming can be done with a browser only, immediately available on internet and (if wanted) connected to advanced mathematical libraries.

Figure 1. Studying Curve Integrals in Vector Fields with SimReal.

Research is being conducted which focuses on specific parts of SimReal, one of them a simulation called Sim2Bil. This tool is used for practicing integrals. Students can simulate two cars by inserting velocity functions, and they are asked to find velocity functions to make the cars fulfill different requirements (e.g. drive with different velocities and finish together).

In the presentation, there will be an orientation of SimReal in general and a report from research in studying students’ work using Sim2Bil while practicing integrals.



Learning chemistry through virtual reality: an experiential learning approach

Margrethe Moxnes; Marie Ristesund; Ghislain Maurice Isabwe Department of Information and Communication Technology

University of Agder [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]


Science education may require experimental work for learners to achieve the intended learning outcomes, which usually include understanding of abstract concepts. This work focuses on chemistry as a subject, specifically the study of periodic system and chemical binding at junior high school. The challenge is that many students find chemistry and chemical binding difficult to understand and struggle with achieving deep learning. This is, on one hand, due to the complexity and abstract nature of the subject itself, but on the other hand, limited possibilities to experiment and actively manipulate chemical substances. We argue that emerging digital technology can help learners undertake experimental work. That would otherwise be very costly, either due to the scarcity of laboratory equipment or stringent safety requirements. In this work, we present a virtual reality (VR) based solution that supports experiential learning. A problem based learning approach is used to create student tasks that are authentic and engaging. To enhance the learning experience, students perform chemistry experiments in a virtual environment through a scenario representing outdoor activities in the nature. Through active experimentation, they can observe chemical reactions, reflect on the experience and create their own understanding of the chemistry concepts. With the use of VR, students are supported with consideration to different learning styles, including verbal, visual and kinesthetic through immersive multisensory learning space. Following the human-centred design process, we have involved students and teachers to define users´ requirements and develop the VR experience accordingly. From user based testing and evaluation, there are indications that learning using virtual reality based solutions can increase retention and improve overall learning experience. Test users suggested that this learning experience has a potential to increase intrinsic motivation to learn as well as the understanding of chemistry as a subject. Participating teachers confirmed that VR can help to make abstract concepts more understandable for students. After participating in the experiments, students in 10th grade indicated that they would be more motivated to learn if they were offered this solution because they can understand better how chemical elements react together.

Keywords: Virtual reality; Science education; Human-centred design; Experiential learning



Keynote 2: Optimizing student interaction, engagement and collaboration through blended learning

Derek Woodgate Department of Information and Communication Technology

University of Agder [email protected]


Blended learning is a harmonized, coherent instructional design approach that assesses, integrates and leverages the characteristics and assets of both face-to-face and virtual learning in order to advance and optimize student performance and goals.

I will use a personal case study from a UiA Master’s Program to demonstrate how by adapting the “Community of Enquiry” framework for blended learning coupled with emerging learning technologies and advances in meaningful experiential learning it is possible to augment learner potential, by engaging students’ individual skills and inducing learner personal ambience through interaction, presence and engagement.



Keynote 3: Professional education in an inter-professional world – simulations, visualizations and knowledge in action

Hans Rystedt, Roger Säljö University of Gothenburg

[email protected]; [email protected]


Currently many disciplines and professions are undergoing rapid change. The production of knowledge is increasing rapidly, and the response to this development is an increasing division of labour and specialization among professionals. In work settings this implies that the need for collaboration between professionals increases – a higher division of labour leads to a need for inter-professional collaboration in the delivery of services and goods. For university training this implies that teaching and learning situations that involve inter-disciplinary and inter-professional collaboration have to be organized. In this presentation, affordances of visualization and simulation for learning how to act in professional settings will be presented. The examples are taken from dental education, navigation at sea and medical emergency settings. It is argued that simulations and visualizations create opportunities for learning in which students are involved in situations that approximate future professional contexts, and where they learn both skills at the core of their own profession, and the characteristics of the contexts where those skills apply. Thus, they learn to contribute to work organized in teams, but they also have opportunities to draw general conclusions and connect to theoretical principles. Such simulations and visualizations also provide opportunities for engaging in reflection-on-action in iterative manners.



MOOC for Mathematics Teacher Education Anders Støle Fidje

Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Agder

[email protected]


In 2015 UiA and Senter for IKT i utdanningen were asked to develop a 30 ECTS online course for in-service teachers of mathematics. These teachers are experienced teachers, but they have outdated qualifications that do no longer meet the new formal requirements. The old diploma allowed them to teach up to grade 5, while they now need a qualification to teach up to grade 7. So, the course is mandatory for these teachers to upgrade their qualifications, but they are assisted by their school and by the government for doing so.

The course was to use the MOOC model (Massive Open Online Courses), because of the large number of students and the digital environment chosen. However, the course was not really open (compulsory for the teachers involved, and not open beyond the target group), not really massive (300 students, and not thousands of overseas students), and the mandatory character of the course does not allow participants to easily drop out as in other MOOCs. Nevertheless, we face similar problems as other MOOCs, such as the organization of online teaching (through videos), online group work, online tutoring and online assessment. The first group of students started in august 2016. In this presentation I will talk about the development of the course, and experiences from the first semester.


D-TEL 2016 - Second Symposium on Advances in Digital Technologies for Uni-versity Teaching and Learning

Higher education landscape is being reshaped, through transformative pedagogy and affordable, usable learning technologies. New models of education are emerging as a result of increased democratization of learning, where everyone can participate in co-creation of knowledge. The change in role of learners as prosumers of knowledge requires new thinking on the role and potential of technology in teaching and supervision processes. How to promote “future oriented, varied, involving and practice-oriented teaching and learning” as a solid foundation for lifelong learning? How to leverage the affordances of digital technology to nurture creativity and expedite innovation?

This symposium aims to present and discuss best practices on innovative use of digital technology in co-creation of knowledge. It will attract national and international partners, with a focus on “Learning and Education for the Future”.