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Book analysis poster rubric

Limited analysis of how the author used imagery, symbolism, tone, motifs, plot structure, and character.

•Covered major aspects•Explanation is clear •Explanation requires reader to make inferences to understand.

•Covered each aspect thoroughly, •Explanation is clear•Thinking is easy to understand and supported by evidence from the text. The reader does not need to infer the meaning. •Goes beyond the obvious.

Author’s craft•How did the author create the message?•Imagery •symbolism•Tone•Motifs•Plot structure•character

Author’s message is not clear or not connected to the theme of the text. Explanation is lacking.

Author’s message is connected to the theme and supported by the text. Explanation is clear.

Author’s message is clearly connected to the theme and supported by the text. Explanation is clear and well supported.

Author’s message•What does the author feel or want you to feel about the theme? Explain your answer

Theme and or image is not supported by text

Theme and image are accurate and related to the text.

Theme and image reflect deep understanding of the big idea behind story (may have more than 1).

Theme (big idea)•Must have at least 1 image to support theme (1 of 3)

•All present•Neatly arranged•Accurate •Images reflect basic understanding of the text

•All present•Neatly arranged•accurate•Appropriate images that reflect understanding of text’s theme, message, imagery, tone, etc. (may be hand drawn, of other media)

•All present•Neatly arranged•accurate•Images show deep understanding of text’s theme, message, imagery, tone, etc. (may be hand drawn, of other media)

Format•Title•Author’s/illustrator’s names•Genre•At least 3 images


Page 2: Book Analysis Poster Rubric

1. Name of book__________________________2. Name of Author and/or illustrator___________________________

_____________________________________________________4 Genre________________________________________________5 Rough draft or description of 3 images and how they will be used

12 Theme (s):_______________________________________________13 Author’s message_________________________________________14 Author’s craft and how it is used to support message (how is it evidence that

supports your inference?):

Plot structure





How they support the author’s message

Lines from the text



Before you may start on your actual poster, you must show this completed form to me for approval. Use the back of this sheet to draw out a rough draft of your poster.