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  • 7/25/2019 bonds-debentures



    Bond is simply a loan given to a company or a government by an

    investor. It is a debt investment in which an investor loans money to an

    entity which borrows the funds for a dened period of time at a variable

    or xed interest rate. Bonds are used by companies to raise money andnance a variety of proects and activities.

    !ypes Of Bond

    Secured Bond

    Such bonds attach the guarantee of xed assets to the value of the bond.

    !his gives the investor a guarantee that if the issuing organi"ation defaults in

    the payment of principal and interest when they are due the property

    attached as a guarantee could be ta#en over by the bondholder.

    $allable Bond% a type of bond that allows the issuer of the bond to retain the

    privilege of redeeming the bond at some point before the bond reaches its

    date of maturity.

    $onvertible Bond

    % a type of bond that the holder can convert into a specied number of

    shares of common stoc# in the issuing company or cash of e&ual value.


    * debenture is a type of debt instrument that is not secured by

    physical assets or collateral. Debentures are bac#ed only by the general

    creditworthiness and reputation of the issuer. Debentures are issued usually

    by large+ nancially strong companies with excellent bond ratings.

    !reasury Bills

    !reasury bills+ also #nown as ,!%bills+, are a security issued by the (.S.

    government. -hen you buy one+ you are essentially lending money to thegovernment. ere+ the term security means any medium used for

    investment+ such as bills+ stoc#s or bonds.

    !reasury bills have a face value of a certain amount+ which is what they are

    actually worth. But they are sold for less. /or example+ a bill may be worth

    012+222+ but you would buy it for 03+422. 'very bill has a specied maturity

    date+ which is when you receive money bac#. !he government then pays you

  • 7/25/2019 bonds-debentures


    the full price of the bill %% in this case 012+222 %% and you earn 0522 from your

    investment. !he amount that you earn is considered interest+ or your

    payment for the loan of your money. !he di6erence between the value of the

    bill and the amount you pay for it is called the discount rate+ and is set as a

    percentage. In the example above+ the discount rate is 5 percent+ because

    0522 is 5 percent of 012+222. !reasury bills are one of the safest forms ofinvestment in the world because they are bac#ed by the (.S. government.

    !hey are considered ris#%free. !hey are also used by many other

    governments throughout the world.

    *lthough their yield is lower than on other securities with similar maturities+

    !%bills are very popular with institutional investors because+ being bac#ed by

    the government7s full faith and credit+ they come closest to a ris# free


    !here are three tenors of !reasury Bills8 91: 31 day 9;: 1anagement Bills 9e.g. =?%day+ 5;%day:.


    !he foreign exchange mar#et plays a crucial role in global trade. Institutionssuch as ban#s can buy and sell currencies li#e the euro or the yuan. *s a

    result+ international trading and investments run smoothly.


    !he mar#et is di6erent from other exchanges in that it has no central

    location. Instead+ it consists of traders who buy and sell currencies from their

    computers. /unction !he main purpose of the foreign exchange mar#et is to

    encourage international investment and trade. !his mar#et exchanges one

    currency into another currency. /or example+ when 'uropean countries

    exports products and services to the (nited States+ the (.S. can pay forthese items in euros+ rather than dollars.


    (nli#e other mar#ets+ such as commodities+ the foreign exchange mar#et is

    highly li&uid+ meaning assets can be &uic#ly converted into cash. !raders can

    execute trades ;5 hours per day+ except on the wee#ends.

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    !ypes !he foreign exchange mar#et is one of the largest global mar#ets.

    Some of the players that trade in this mar#et are central ban#s+ speculators

    and corporations. Individuals+ #nown as retail traders+ ma#e up a small part

    of this mar#et. !hey cannot trade directly+ but can conduct this tas# through

    a bro#er or ban#.


    !he foreign exchange mar#et is bro#en down into levels when it comes to

    accessing prices. Not all traders will see the same price. !he inter%ban#s+

    which are very large investment ban#ing rms+ have the best access to

    prices because they trade in very large volumes. *s a result+ they have

    access to the best spreads. !he spread is the di6erence between the bid and

    the as# price.

    !he forex mar#et is the most li&uid mar#et in the world now and accounted

    for almost 05 trillion as daily turnover in ;212./actors In@uencing /orex >ar#et8 !he changes in the forex mar#et are a

    cumulative e6ect of economic factors+ political conditions and mar#et


    'conomic factors 8 !he economic policies+ balance of trade as well as

    in@ation and growth rates of an economy in@uence the exchange rate of a

    currency. *n economyAs productivity also in@uences its exchange rates


    olitical conditions 8 olitical stability is one of the #ey factors operating

    behind forex mar#et @uctuations. *lso events in one country may a6ect theexchange rate of neighboring countryAs currency.

    >ar#et psychology8 /orex mar#ets are highly responsive to expectations and

    mar#et perceptions. !he participants often rely their decisions on long term

    trends of economic indicators.

    $urrencies !raded8 !he most traded currencies in the forex mar#et are8

    1. (.S Dollar 9(SD:

    ;. British ound Sterling 9CB:

    =. 'uro 9'():

    5. $anadian Dollar 9$*N:

    ?. *ustralian Dollar 9*(D:

    4. Swiss /ranc 9$/:

    . New Eealand dollar 9NED:

  • 7/25/2019 bonds-debentures


  • 7/25/2019 bonds-debentures


    Secondary >ar#et has an important role to play behind the developments of

    an eJcient capital mar#et. Secondary mar#et connects investorsA favoritism

    for li&uidity with the capital usersA wish of using their capital for a longer

    period. /or example + in a traditional partnership+ a partner can not access

    the other partnerAs investment but only his or her investment in that

    partnership+ even on an emergency basis. !hen he or she can brea# theownership of e&uity into parts and sell his or her respective proportion to

    another investor. !his #ind of trading is facilitated only by the secondary


    !he secondary bond mar#et trend gives idea about the mar#et li&uidity of a

    particular bond. !he investor can either hold the bond for a long period of

    time or sell it after a short period of time.