Download - Bologna Report M. Pozzato on behalf of Bologna Group Cetara Meeting – 13/09/2010.

Page 1: Bologna Report M. Pozzato on behalf of Bologna Group Cetara Meeting – 13/09/2010.


M. Pozzato on behalf of Bologna Group

Cetara Meeting – 13/09/2010

Page 2: Bologna Report M. Pozzato on behalf of Bologna Group Cetara Meeting – 13/09/2010.


Lab statusLab status

Scanning PlanScanning Plan

Quality of CS predictionsQuality of CS predictions

Vertex Location + Decay SearchVertex Location + Decay Search


Page 3: Bologna Report M. Pozzato on behalf of Bologna Group Cetara Meeting – 13/09/2010.

Lab StatusLab Status Software (Cuba Libre Edition):Software (Cuba Libre Edition):

SySal.NET 2.6_20100712 SySal.NET 2.6_20100712

SySal-ScanGrid 2.6_20100712SySal-ScanGrid 2.6_20100712

SySal2000 2.6_20100712SySal2000 2.6_20100712 Scanning resources used up to now:Scanning resources used up to now:

- 1 Standard ESS equipped with Plate Changer (glued setup);- 1 Standard ESS equipped with Plate Changer (glued setup);

- 2 Standard ESS- 2 Standard ESS

Not available for scanning (R&D in progress):Not available for scanning (R&D in progress):

- 1 Standard ESS equipped with Plate Changer (not-glued setup);- 1 Standard ESS equipped with Plate Changer (not-glued setup);

- 1 Custom ESS equipped with 100x- 1 Custom ESS equipped with 100x

Human resources: slightly affected by shifts at LNGS and Human resources: slightly affected by shifts at LNGS and vacation.vacation.


Page 4: Bologna Report M. Pozzato on behalf of Bologna Group Cetara Meeting – 13/09/2010.

Bologna Scanning PlanBologna Scanning PlanHW:The R&D on “not-glued setup” is coming to a successfully conclusion and the microscope is operative. One more plate changer is being installed and will be available within a few weeks. The custom ESS has been equipped with a revolver to host both 100x and 40x objectives in order to be used for standard scanning

Final scanning resources available : 2 ESS+PC (not glued)1 ESS+PC (glued)1 ESS1 custom ESS with 100X and 40X

SW:Scan-back supervised has been recently substituted by not-supervised track-follow. A lot of manual check is not necessary anymore.We will complete the R&D on on-line filtering of microtracks by the end of the year. We foresee the this could speed up our CS-to-brick connection.

These improvements plus other minor changes and an improved organization will increase our scanning speed.

Manpower (devoted to scanning, development and scanning station): 4 physicists at least (staff, postdoc, Phd Student), 2 technicians for scanning, 1 technician for full-time PlateChanger supporting, 1 technician for computing,

For 2011 we foresee to complete at least 8-10 bricks/week.

for 2011


Page 5: Bologna Report M. Pozzato on behalf of Bologna Group Cetara Meeting – 13/09/2010.

Quality of CS PredictionsQuality of CS Predictions


CC: ~80% ~70% with muon ~59% convergence pattern ~30% no muon ~65% convergence pattern

NC: ~20% ~77% convergence pattern

2009:CC: ~77% ~84% with muon ~47% convergence pattern ~16% no muon ~100% convergence pattern

NC: ~23% ~65% convergence pattern

convergence pattern defined as: - at least 2 tracks converging inside the brick- IP <1000(showers are included….not all converging patterns lead to primary vertex)

Info downloaded from OPITA (includes also NOT delivered bricks)


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Event 9218117517 – Event 9218117517 – brick 1069660brick 1069660


4 predictions delivered by LNGS, only one track connected BUT vetoed.

Very Poor Hits

Filtered data: - - 4 empty walls

- Dubna Algorithm cannot find the wall.

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Event 9155010575 – Event 9155010575 – brick 1131371brick 1131371

13/09/2010 7Muon passing….seems to be passing also by eledet

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Vertex Location & Decay Vertex Location & Decay SearchSearch

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ALL CC NCReceived 76 61 15 Scanning 76 61 15 Connected 70 57 13 Loc_DM_PT 59 49 10 ---------------------------------Localized 53 44 9 Dead Material 5 4 1 PT 1 1 0 BrickDump: 9


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Run 2009Run 2009

RUN 2009

ALL CC NCReceived 138 105 33 Scanning 131 102 29 Connected 119 95 24 Completed 85 70 15 -----------------------------------Localized 78 63 15 Dead Material 1 1 0 PT 6 6 0 913/09/2010

Total Scan done. Vertex to be confirmed ~12 Wait LNGS interaction: 9Scanned but need further analysis: ~10Brick-Dump (Fog > 15) : 4

Tentative connection done before dumping…1 brick out of 5 localized


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Slope 2008 RunSlope 2008 Run

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Slope Run 2009Slope Run 2009

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Backup- old

Backup- old

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XBrick 1140875, charm candidate

Interesting events Interesting events from 2008 decay from 2008 decay


Page 16: Bologna Report M. Pozzato on behalf of Bologna Group Cetara Meeting – 13/09/2010.

id IP id IPµ 0.1 3 4.92 0.1 4 4.9

µ 23.4 2 0.44 23.4 3 0.4

µ 16.93 16.9






id IP IP_Dµ 29.2 46.32 8.8 44.33 20.6 66.7

id IP IP_D2 1.3 2.63 4.4 9.04 5.6 10.2 4



µ 101931.3 46165.3 -0.0477 0.0638 473 101955.4 46147.9 -0.0861 0.0208 472 102038.8 46184.0 0.0611 0.0829 47 4 102251.3 45928.5 0.1243 -0.1165 48



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id IP id IPµ 0.1 3 4.92 0.1 4 4.9

primary = (101937.771,46129.463,-13987.791)secondary = (101965.137,46167.591,-13554.378)



ΔZ = 433.41 µm

flight lenght = 435.98 µm

φ = 73.5 °

SX = -0.0613

SY = -0.0879

low momentum track, P = 0.33; 0.22; 0.64; 0.90gamma




Hypothesis 1


47 48 49


200444 4



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4 102248.1 45929.0 0.1288 -0.1270 4841 102246.0 45929.0 0.1243 -0.1225 48 <4> 102075.35 46091.3 0.1267 -0.1248 47 5 103123.4 44537.0 1.5552 -2.0132 47

id IP D_IP<4> 28.1 56.1

1 28.1 56.1

id IP D_IP3 9.4 18.8

<4> 9.4 18.8

id IP D_IP2 1.1 2.2

<4> 1.1 2.2

id IP D_IP<4> 8.9 26.8

3 10.3 20.22 3.8 5.8


id IP D_IP1 22.7 45.45 22.7 45.4

Vertice tra le tracce 4 - 41Vtx (102165.0, 45985.7, -11934.2) (pl 47.8 , ~ bottom 48)IP = 0.7

Vtx2 (101963.6,46171.9,-13496.0)


ΔZ=270.1 µm4<4>









41 SX = -0.199926SY = -0.191781Fligth Length = 280.273 µmφ = 58.9°


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Page 20: Bologna Report M. Pozzato on behalf of Bologna Group Cetara Meeting – 13/09/2010.

Plate ChangerPlate Changer

1 – plate changer (glued emu)

1 – plate changer (not glued emu)

Equiped with bigger suction cap

Emulsions are easily detached from the stage

Space allocated for one more plate changer: will be set-up in August by Luigi

Modified air compressed circuit to give higher pressure to detach emulsions broken two oil-filters some pressure reductors not installed yet.


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Charm Event From Charm Event From NaplesNaples

Fog: 6Fog: 677 Predictions: 28 predictions Predictions: 28 predictions Matched: 16 Matched: 16 SB SB Time for Location: 1 day (SB + TS) Time for Location: 1 day (SB + TS)



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Eledet DisplayEledet Display


Page 23: Bologna Report M. Pozzato on behalf of Bologna Group Cetara Meeting – 13/09/2010.

ID TX TY IP1 0.112 0.173 12.92 -0.349 0.170 13.63 0.146 0.624 8.94 0.092 0.136 9.85 -0.082 -0.308 3.06 -0.214 0.194 3.77 -0.007 0.012 0.78 0.463 0.401 9.69 0.077 -0.066 5.8 10 -0.184 0.287 3.611 -0.028 0.074 8.5

ID TX TY IP2 -0.349 0.170 10.63 0.146 0.624 6.25 -0.082 -0.308 7.86 -0.214 0.194 2.37 -0.007 0.012 0.78 0.463 0.401 4.59 0.077 -0.066 2.7 10 -0.184 0.287 3.111 -0.028 0.074 4.1

ID TX TY IP (~130 um) 1 0.112 0.173 0.12 -0.349 0.170 0.1

Primary vertex: 73954.4, 6990.2, -37526.4 (between PL 28 and PL 29)


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Secondary vertex: 73954.4, 6990.2, -37526.4 (between PL 31 and PL 32)

1 parent (id 7 in the previous slide)1 charged daughter (TX: 0.210, TY: 0.021)4 gammas

Manual measurement at 100x objective to estimate e+e- angular aperture and accurate pointing direction in progress…
