Download - Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Page 1: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379

RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment - Permit Number: 062014-002A Project Number: 2016-03-062; Installation Number: 113-0029

Dear Ms. Ingoli:

The Air Pollution Control Program has reviewed Bodine Aluminum, Inc.' s March 18, 2016 request to amend Construction Permit 062014-002 to reflect the stack test results for OD3 Scrubber #3. This letter and the attached revised special conditions constitute Construction Permit 062014-002A.

Construction Permit 062014-002 Amendment A Discussion Construction Permit 062014-002 was issued June 4, 2014 for the installation of 12 new casting machines under existing emission point 02, the modification of four existing core machines under existing emission point 05, the installation of four new core machines under existing emission point 05, and the installation of a new natural gas-fired heat treat furnace under existing emission points COl (natural gas combustion emissions) and OA7 (process emissions). At the time of permit issuance, no site-specific emissions data was available for the new and modified emission sources; therefore, emissions from the natural gas combustion in the heat treat furnace were analyzed using AP-42 Section 1.4 "Natural Gas Combustion" (July 1998) emission factors and emissions from the casting machines and core machines were based on stack testing conducted on similar equipment in Japan in the mid-1990s. Due to the age of the emission factors, uncertainty as to the test methods and procedures used to conduct the tests, and changes in sand binding materials used, Construction Permit 062014-002 required stack testing to verify the accuracy of the emissions factors used. Stack testing was conducted in January 2016. The stack testing results indicated that some pollutant emission rates were higher than the emission rates upon which Construction Permit 062014-002 was issued; therefore, Construction Permit 062014-002 i,s being amended to reflect the true emission rates.

The January 2016 stack tested emission factors for 02 Cylinder Head Casting, 05 Cylinder Head Core Molding, and OA 7 Heat Treat Furnaces are provided in Table 1. Stack testing was conducted after the scrubber; therefore, no additional control efficiency should be applied to the emission factors in Table 1. An updated project emissions summary is provided in Table 2.

-{'\ ·~ Recycled paper

Page 2: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Ms. Julie lngoli Page Two

T bl 1 J a e : anuary 2016 St k T t d E . . F t ac es e mISSIOn ac ors

Emission Source: 02 Cylinder Head 05 Cylinder Head Core

Casting Molding

Emission Factors Pollutant (lb/ton metal

(lb/ton sand used) produced)

PMIPM10IPM2.s 0.16524 1.0943 X 10-2

NOx Not tested Not tested voe 0.34144 0.24908

Acetaldehyde (75-07-0) 8.1196 X 10-2 5.9914 X 10-2

Benzene (71-43-2) 1.9195 X 10-3 1.4171 X 10-3

Cresol (1319-77-3) 7 .2592 X 10-3 5.3662 X 10-3

Ethylbenzene ( 100-41-4) 3 .2520 X 10-3 2.4234 X 10-3

Formaldehyde (50-00-0) 4.3844 X 10-3 3.2353 X 10-3

Naphthalene (91-20-3) 2.4632 X 10-3 1.8452 X 10-3

Phenol (108-95-2) 8.8299 X 10-3 6.5832 X 10-3

Styrene (100-42-5) 1.984 7 X 10-3 1.4626 X 10-3

Toluene (108-88-3) 5.8138 X 10-3 4.2942 X 10-3

Xylene (1330-20-7) 5.9766 X 10-3 4.4241 X 10-3

Combined HAP 0.12308 9.0965 X 10-2

OA 7 Heat Treat Fumaces1

(lb/ton metal produced) Not tested 0.78596

1.4035 X 10-2

2.8590 X 10-3

7.0175 X 10-5

2.4951 X 10-4

7.2775 X 10-5

2.5471 X 10-4

7.2775 X 10-5

6.7576 X 10-4

8.5770 X 10-5

1.7154 X 10-4

2.1572 X 10-4

4.7277 X 10-3

T able 2: Construction Permit 062014-002A Updated Emissions Summary (tons per year)

Regulatory Existing Existing

Potential New Installation Actual

Pollutant DeMinimis Potential Emissions

Emissions of the Conditioned Levels Emissions (2017 EIQ) Application1 Potential

PM 25.0 NID NIA 25.30 NIA PM10 15.0 <250.0 23.57 10.52 <250.0 PM2.s 10.0 NID 23.19 7.72 NIA SOx 40.0 NID 0.08 0.004 NIA NOx 40.0 <250.0 26.41 31.31 <250.0 voe 40.0 <250.0 21.88 27.49 <250.0 co 100.0 NID 5.55 0.57 NIA

HAPs 25.0 NID 2.67 7.66 <25.0

1 This includes emissions from the process stack only, natural gas emissions vent through a separate stack and are reported under CO I Plantwide Natural Gas Combustion.

Page 3: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Ms. Julie Ingoli Page Three


Acetaldehyde (75-07-0) Benzene (71-43-2)

Cresol (13 l 9-77-3)

Ethylbenzene (100-41-4)

Formaldehyde (50-00-0) Hexane

(110-54-3) Naphthalene

(91-20-3) Phenol

(108-95-2) Styrene

(100-42-5) Toluene

(108-88-3) Xylene

I (1330-20-7)

Regulatory DeMinimis SMAL


10.0 9

10.0 2

10.0 1

10.0 10

10.0 2

10.0 10

10.0 10

10.0 0.1

10.0 1

10.0 10

10.0 10

Existing Potential New Existing Actual Emissions of Installation Potential

Emissions the Conditioned Emissions (2017 EIQ) Application1 Potential

N/D 0.98 5.03 <10.0

N/D 0.71 0.12 <10.0

N/D 0.21 0.45 <10.0

N/D 0.003 0.20 <10.0

N/D 0.54 0.28 <10.0

N/D 0.12 0.01 <10.0

N/D 0.002 0.15 <10.0

N/D 0.08 0.56 <10.0

N/D 0.003 0.12 <10.0

N/D 0.005 0.36 <10.0

N/D 0.01 0.37 <10.0

As potential emissions of phenol associated with this project exceeded the SMAL for phenol of 0.1 tons per year, the installation was required to conduct ambient air quality modeling to determine the ambient impact of phenol. Only phenol emissions associated with this project were modeled. The results of the modeling analysis are provided in Table 3. As the project only phenol modeling analysis was below 4% of the phenol Risk Assessment Level (RAL), installation-wide phenol modeling was not performed. For additional phenol modeling information, please see "Ambient Air Quality Impact Analysis (AAQIA) for Bodine Aluminum, Inc." (May 2018).

Table 3: Phenol Modelin Pro· ect Modeled Im /m3 RAL /m3 4% ofRAL /m3 Time Period

0.266 45 1.8 24-hour 0.047 9.5 0.38 Annual

If you were adversely affected by this permit decision, you may be entitled to pursue an appeal before the administrative hearing commission pursuant to §§621.250 and 643.075.6 RSMo. To

Page 4: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Ms. Julie Ingoli Page Four

appeal, you must file a petition with the administrative hearing commission within 30 days after the date this decision was mailed or the date it was delivered, whichever date was earlier. If any such petition is sent by registered mail or certified mail, it will be deemed filed on the date it is mailed; if it is sent by any method other than registered mail or certified mail, it will be deemed filed on the date it is received by the administrative hearing commission, whose contact information is: Administrative Hearing Commission, United States Post Office Building, 131 West High Street, Third Floor, P.O. Box 1557, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102, phone: 573-751-2422, fax: 573-751-5018, website:

If you have any questions regarding this amendment, please do not hesitate to contact Alana Hess, at the department's Air Pollution Control Program, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102 or at (573) 751-4817. Thank you for your attention to this matter.



d~__fi. ;Ja-0

Kendall B. Hale Permits Section Chief



c: St. Louis Regional Office PAMS File: 2016-03-062

Page 5: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Paae No. 5 Permit No. 062014-002A Proiect No. 2016-03-062


The permittee is authorized to construct and operate subject to the following special conditions:

The special conditions listed in this permit were included based on the authority granted the Missouri Air Pollution Control Program by the Missouri Air Conservation Law (specifically 643. 075) and by the Missouri Rules listed in Title 10, Division 1 O of the Code of State Regulations (specifically 10 CSR 10-6.060). For specific details regarding conditions, see 10 CSR 10-6.060(12)(A)10. "Conditions required by permitting authority."

Bodine Aluminum, Inc. Lincoln County, S36, T36, R7W

1. Superseding Condition A. The conditions of this permit supersede the following special conditions

found in the following construction permits previously issued by the Air Pollution Control Program: 1.) Special Conditions 2 and 3 of Construction Permit 012017-008

2. Installation Emission Limitations A. Bodine Aluminum, Inc. shall emit less than 250.0 tons of VOCs in any

consecutive 12-month period from the entire installation as listed in Table 4.

B. Bodine Aluminum, Inc. shall emit less than 250.0 tons of PM10 in any consecutive 12-month period from the entire installation as listed in Table 4.

C. Bodine Aluminum, Inc. shall emit less than 250.0 tons of NOx in any consecutive 12-month period from the entire installation as listed in Table 4.

D. Bodine Aluminum, Inc. shall emit less than 25.0 tons of combined HAP in any consecutive 12-month period from the entire installation as listed in Table 4.

E. Bodine Aluminum, Inc. shall emit less than 10.0 tons of each individual HAP in any consecutive 12-month period from the entire installation as listed in Table 4.

Page 6: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Page No. 6 Permit No. 062014-002A Project No. 2016-03-062


The permittee is authorized to construct and operate subject to the following special conditions:

T bl 4 E . "t b" tt th a e m1ss1on um s su 1Jec 0 r ·t r e em1ss1on 1m1 a ions o fS . IC d"f 2 pec1a on 110n Emission Source Description C01 Plantwide Natural Gas External Combustion2

CO2 Natural Gas Emen:iencv Generator EU-C1 Heat Treatment Furnace - Natural Gas Combustion3

G1 General Plant Exhaust 101 Sand Reclamation and Core MoldinQ Line 101 4

102 Sand Reclamation and Core Molding Line 1025

103 Sand Reclamation and Core Molding Line 1036

2 C01 Pl tw·d N t I G C b r I d II f th f II an 1e aura as om us 10n inc u es a o e o ow1nq equ1pmen :

Description Total MHDR Process Emissions (MM Btu/hr) are reported under ...

(1) Sand Reclamation Furnace 4.8 P05

(1} Sand Reclamation Furnace 4.8 (1) Resin CoatinqlMuller Pre-heater 4

P11 (1} Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer 8.9 (53) Low Pressure Die Castinq Die Heaters 24.91 NIA (9} Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA) Die Heaters 0.234 NIA (31) HVAC Units 135.98 NIA (3} Water Heaters 0.19 NIA (4) Conventional Heat Treatment Furnaces: (4) natural gas aging burners at 1. 76 MMBtulhr each and 7.04 (4) electric solution burners (6) Simple Slim Heat Treatment Furnaces: (6) solution burners at 2.34 MMBtulhr each and (6) aging 28.26

OA7 burners at 2.374 MMBtulhr each (6) TNGA Heat Treatment Furnaces: (4) solution burners at 2.374 MMBtulhr each, (4) aging 23.67 burners at 1.187 MMBtulhr each, and (2) aging burners at 2.374 MMBtulhr each (1) Simple Slim Heat Treatment Furnace 1.586 NIA

3 This emission source is part of C01, but was erroneously reported as a separate emission source in the installation's 2017 EIQ. In order to make it clear that this emission source is included in the synthetic minor NSR limits, the emission source was included in this table; however in all future EIQs and in Attachments A through D the installation should report natural gas combustion from this source as part of C01. 4 Includes 101 a Sand Mixing, 101 b Sand Polisher, 101 c Sand Classifier, 101 d Sand Classifier, 101 e Sand Crushing, and 101f (5) Core Molding Machines. 5 Includes 102a Sand Mixing, 102b Sand Polisher, 102c Sand Classifier, 102d Sand Classifier, 102e Sand Crushing, and 102f (5) Core Molding Machines. e Includes 103a Sand Mixing, 103b Sand Polisher, 103c Sand Classifier, 103d Sand Classifier, 103e Sand Crushing, and 103f (5) Core Molding Machines.

Page 7: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Page No. 7 Permit No. 062014-002A Project No. 2016-03-062


The permittee is authorized to construct and operate subject to the following special conditions:

Emission Source Description 104 Sand Reclamation and Core Molding Line 1047

M1 Plantwide Machining Stations 02 Cylinder Head Casting 05 Cylinder Head Core Molding OA7 Cylinder Head Heat Treatment Furnaces - Process Emissions OA10 1 MZ Cylinder Block Solution Heat Treatment Furnace P01 Used Sand Crushing P02 Used Sand Sieving P03 Aluminum/Sand Separation P04 Final Sand Crushing P05 Sand Reclamation Furnace P06 Sand Separation P07 Sand Storage P08 Sand Weighing P09 Sand Dryer - Process Emissions P10 Heated Sand Storage P11 Resin Coating P12 Resin Holding, Bin Charging P14 Coated Sand Crushing/Cooling P15 Coated Sand Sieving P16 Coated Sand Storage P30 High Pressure Die Casting P35 Diesel Emergency Generator P36 Diesel Emen:iency Fire Pump Q01 Sand Reclamation and Core Molding Line Q01 8

Q02 Sand Reclamation and Core Molding Line Q029

F. Attachments A, B, C, D, E, and For equivalent forms approved by the Air Pollution Control Program shall be used to demonstrate compliance with Special Conditions 2.A through 2.E.

7 Includes 104a Sand Mixing, 104b Sand Polisher, 104c Sand Classifier, 104d Sand Crushing, and 104e (2) Core Molding Machines. 8 Includes Q01a Sand Mixing, Q01 b Sand Polisher, Q01c Sand Classifier, Q01d Sand Classifier, Q01e Sand Crushing, and Q01f (5) Core Molding Machines. 9 Includes Q02a Sand Mixing, Q02b Sand Polisher, Q02c Sand Classifier, Q02d Sand Classifier, Q02e Sand Crushing, and Q02f (5) Core Molding Machines.

Page 8: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Attachment A - voe Compliance Worksheet

Bodine Aluminum, Inc. Lincoln County, S36, T36, R7W Project Number: 2016-03-062 Installation ID Number: 113-0029 Permit Number: 062014-002A

This sheet covers the period from _________ to _______ _ (month, year)

Emission Source .... Description

co1 11

CO2 M1 02 05 OA7


P05 P09 P11 P30


Plantwide Natural Gas External Combustion2

Natural Gas Emergency Generator Plantwide Machining Stations Cylinder Head Casting Cylinder Head Core Molding Cylinder Head Heat Treat Furnaces 1 MZ Cylinder Block Solution Heat Treatment Furnaces Sand Reclamation Furnace Sand Dryer Resin Coating High Pressure Die Casting

(month, year)

M<>nthly Usage


MMscf gal

tons metal tons sand tons metal

tons metal

tons sand tons sand tons sand tons metal

VOC .Emission Factor

5.5 lb/MMscf12

126 lb/MMscf13

1.8 lb/gal14

0.34144 lb/ton15

0.24908 lb/ton15

0.01404 lb/ton16

0.88 lb/ton18

0.02252 lb/ton17

0.002 lb/ton18

0.0025 lb/ton17

1.15 lb/ton18

10 Monthly voe Emissions (tons)= Monthly Usage x voe Emission Factor x 0.0005 (ton/lb).

MonthlyVOC Emissions10


11 The installation is required to include natural gas combustion by EU-C1 Heat Treatment Furnace under C01 in all future EIQs and in this attachment. 12 Obtained from AP-42 Section 1.4 "Natural Gas Combustion" (July 1998). 13 A voe emission factor of 0.12 lb/MM Btu was obtained from AP-42 Section 3.2 "Natural Gas-fired Reciprocating Engines" (August 2000) Table 3.2-1 and a natural gas heat content of 1,050 MMBtu/MMscf obtained from AP-42 Appendix A "Miscellaneous Data and Conversion Factors" (September 1985). 14 Obtained from manufacturer specifications for the coolant, Yu mate EC-50T2 (March 2014). If an alternate coolant is used or if the VOC content information for the current coolant is updated, the installation shall update the VOC content. The installation shall retain documentation to support the updated VOC content with this attachment. 15 Obtained from January 2016 stack test results. The VOC Emission Factors for 02 and 05 already account for the scrubber; therefore, no additional control efficiency shall be used. These emission factors may be updated with more recent stack test results, provided the stack test results have been approved by the Air Pollution Control Program. The installation shall retain documentation to support the updated voe emission factor with this attachment. 16 Obtained from January 2016 stack test results. This emission factor may be updated with more recent stack test results, provided the stack test results have been approved by the Air Pollution Control Program. The installation shall retain documentation to support the updated VOC emission factor with this attachment. 11 Obtained from December 2014 RTO inlet and outlet stack test results. The VOC Emission Factor for P11 already accounts for the RTO; therefore, no additional control efficiency shall be applied. Per Permit 102014-009, the installation is no longer required to operate the RTO for P05; therefore, no additional control efficiency should be applied. These emission factors may be updated with more recent stack test results, provided the stack test results have been approved by the Air Pollution Control Program. The installation shall retain documentation to support the updated VOC emission factor with this attachment. 1s The voe Emission Factors for OA 10, P09, and P30 are from Project 2011-03-044. These emission factors may be updated with more recent stack test results, provided the stack test results have been approved by the Air Pollution Control Program. The installation shall retain documentation to support the updated VOC emission factor with this attachment.

Page 9: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Emission Monthly voe Emission Description Source Usage Factor

P35 3,230 HP Diesel Emergency 1,000 gal 11.5 lb/1,000 gal19


P36 266 HP Diesel Emergency Fire 1,000 gal 49.3 lb/1,000 gal20

Pump Diesel Storage Tanks: (1) 4,650 oallons and (1) 500 oallons

Installation Monthly voe Emissions22 (tons): Installation Monthly voe SSM Emissions23 (tons): .Installation 12-Month Rolling Total voe Emissions24 (tons):

19 Obtained from WebFIRE for Process sec 20200401. 20 Obtained from WebFIRE for Process sec 20200102.

MonthlyVOe Emissions10



21 Monthly VOC Emissions from the diesel storage tanks are the sum of the breathing losses and working losses. Where breathing losses were determined based on the capacity of the tanks and a breathing loss voe emission factor obtained from WebFIRE for Process SCC 40301019. Where working losses were determined based on the MHDRs of the only diesel combustion sources (P35 and P36) and a working loss VOC emission factor obtained from WebFIRE for Process sec 40301021. 22 Installation Monthly voe Emissions (tons)= the sum of each emission source's Monthly voe Emissions (tons). 23 Installation Monthly VOC SSM Emissions (tons)= the sum of all voe SSM emissions reported to the Air Pollution Control Program during the calendar month in accordance with 10 CSR 10-6.050. The installation shall retain documentation of all SSM reports and their supporting voe SSM emissions calculations. 24 Installation 12-Month Rolling Total VOC Emissions (tons) = the sum of the most recent 12 months' Installation Monthly VOC Emissions (tons) + the sum of the most recent 12 months' Installation Monthly voe SSM Emissions (tons). Installation 12-Month Rolling Total voe Emissions of less than 250.0 tons indicates compliance with Special Condition 2.A.

Page 10: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Attachment B - PM10 Compliance Worksheet

Bodine Aluminum, Inc. Lincoln County, S36, T36, R7W Project Number: 2016-03-062 Installation ID Number: 113-0029 Permit Number: 062014-002A

This sheet covers the period from ________ to ______ _ (month, year) (month, year)

Emission PM10 Emission Source

Description Monthly Usage Factor

co1 11 Plantwide Natural Gas Combustion2 MMscf 7.6 lb/MMscf12

CO2 Natural Gas EmerQency Generator MMscf 50. 726 lb/MMscf26

G1 General Plant Exhaust tons sand 1.16 lb/ton27

02 Cylinder Head Casting tons metal 0.16524 lb/ton28

05 Cylinder Head Core MoldinQ tons sand 0.01094 lb/ton28

P01 Used Sand Crushing tons sand 0.1015 lb/ton27

P02 Used Sand Sieving tons sand 0.057 lb/ton27

P03 Aluminum/Sand Separation tons sand 0.057 lb/ton27

P04 Final Sand Crushing tons sand 0.0505 lb/ton27

P05 Sand Reclamation Furnace tons sand 0.01751 lb/ton29

P06 Sand Separation tons sand 0.0505 lb/ton27

P07 Sand StoraQe tons sand 0.0125 lb/ton27

P08 Sand Weighing tons sand 0.0125 lb/ton27

P09 Sand Dryer tons sand 0.0125 lb/ton27

P10 Heated Sand StoraQe tons sand 0.0125 lb/ton27

P11 Resin Coating tons sand 0.01375 lb/ton29

P12 Resin HoldinQ, Bin CharQinQ tons sand 0.00064 lb/ton30

25 Monthly PM10 Emissions (tons) = Monthly Usage x PM10 Emission Factor x 0.0005 (ton/lb).

Monthly PM10 Emissions25


26 A PM10 filterable emission factor of 0.0095 lb/MMBtu and a PM condensable emission factor of 0.00991 lb/MMBtu were obtained from AP-42 Section 3.2 "Natural Gas-fired Reciprocating Engines" (August 2000) Table 3.2-1 and a natural gas heat content of 1,050 MMBtu/MMscf obtained from AP-42 Appendix A "Miscellaneous Data and Conversion Factors" (September 1985). 27 The PM10 Emission Factors for G1, P01, P02, P03, P04, P06, PO?, P08, P09, P10, P14, P15, P16, and P30 are from Project 2011-03-044. The PM10 Emission Factors already include controls; therefore, no additional control efficiencies shall be used. These emission factors may be updated with more recent stack test results, provided the stack test results have been approved by the Air Pollution Control Program. The installation shall retain documentation to support the updated PM10 emission factor with this attachment. 28 Obtained from January 2016 stack test results. The PM10 Emission Factors for 02 and 05 already account for the scrubber; therefore, no additional control efficiency shall be used. These emission factors may be updated with more recent stack test results, provided the stack test results have been approved by the Air Pollution Control Program. The installation shall retain documentation to support the updated PM10 emission factor with this attachment. 29 Obtained from December 2014 RTO inlet and outlet stack test results. The PM10 Emission Factor for P11 already accounts for the RTO; therefore, no additional control efficiency shall be applied. Per Permit 102014-009, the installation is no longer required to operate the RTO for P05; therefore, no additional control efficiency should be applied. These emission factors may be updated with more recent stack test results, provided the stack test results have been approved by the Air Pollution Control Program. The installation shall retain documentation to support the updated PM10 emission factor with this attachment. 30 An uncontrolled PM10 Emission Factor of 0.0064 lb/ton was obtained from WebFIRE for Process sec 30502503. The installation is required by Special Condition 3.A of Construction Permit 112008-006 to operate a baghouse on P12; therefore, a control efficiency of 90% was applied to the uncontrolled PM10 emission factor - no additional control efficiency shall be used.

Page 11: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Emission PM10 Emission Monthly PM10

Description Monthly Usage Emissions25

Source Factor (tons) .. · .

P14 Coated Sand Cooling tons sand 0.114 lb/ton27

P14 Coated Sand Crushing tons sand 0.1015 lb/ton27

P15 Coated Sand SievinQ tons sand 0.114 lb/ton27

P16 Coated Sand StoraQe tons sand 0.1265 lb/ton27

P30 High Pressure Die Casting tons metal 0.37 lb/ton27

P35 3,230 HP Diesel Emergency

1,000 gal 7.85 lb/1,000 gal19 Generator

P36 266 HP Diesel Emergency Fire

1,000 gal 42.5 lb/1,000 gal20 Pump

101 4 Sand Reclamation and Core Molding tons sand 0.23287 lb/ton31

Line 101

1025 Sand Reclamation and Core Molding tons sand 0.23287 lb/ton31

Line 102

1036 Sand Reclamation and Core Molding tons sand 0.23287 lb/ton31

Line 103

1047 Sand Reclamation and Core Molding tons sand 0.22457 lb/ton31

Line 104

001 8 Sand Reclamation and Core Molding tons sand 0.22093 lb/ton31

Line 001

0029 Sand Reclamation and Core Molding tons sand 0.22093 lb/ton31

Line 002 Installation Monthly PM10 Emissions32 (tons): Installation Monthly PM10 SSM Emissions33 (tons): Installation 12-Month Rolling Total PM10 Emissions34 (tons):

31 This is a composite PM10 emission factor for the entire line based on the following emission unit-specific emission factors:

• A PM10 emission factor of 0.00233 lb/ton for sand mixing was obtained using Equation 1 of AP-42 Section 13.2.4 "Aggregate Handling and Storage Piles (November 2006), a worst-case wind speed of 15 mph (maximum value for which equation is A-rated), and a worst-case moisture content 3.29% ( obtained from AP-42 Section 11.12 "Concrete Batching" (June 2006) background document). One mixer on each line. Lines Q01 and Q02 were given 90% control efficiency for the baghouse required by Special Condition 4 of Construction Permit 012017-008.

• A bag house controlled PM10 emission factor for sand polishing/crushing of 0.1015 lb/ton obtained from Project 2011-03-044. The baghouses are made practically enforceable by Special Condition 4 of Construction Permit 012017-008. One polisher and one crusher on each line.

• A venturi scrubber controlled PM10 emission factor for sand classifying of 0.0083 lb/ton obtained from AP-42 Section 11.19.1 "Sand & Gravel Processing" (November 1995). As venturi scrubbers and baghouses have similar control efficiencies, no additional control efficiency was applied for the use of the bag house required by Special Condition 4 of Construction Permit 012017-008. Two classifiers on Lines 101 -103, Q01, and Q02. One classifier on Line 104.

• A PM,o emission factor for core molding of 0.01094 lb/ton obtained from stack testing conducted in January 2016 on 05. Each line contains core molding machines. The core molding machines on Lines 101-104 are uncontrolled. A 90% control efficiency was given for the bag houses required by Special Condition 4 of Construction Permit 012017-008 for Lines Q01 and Q02.

32 Installation Monthly PM,o Emissions (tons) == the sum of each emission source's Monthly PM10 Emissions (tons). 33 Installation Monthly PM10 SSM Emissions (tons)== the sum of all PM,o SSM emissions reported to the Air Pollution Control Program during the calendar month in accordance with 10 CSR 10-6.050. The installation shall retain documentation of all SSM reports and their supporting PM10 SSM emissions calculations. 34 Installation 12-Month Rolling Total PM10 Emissions (tons)== the sum of the most recent 12 months' Installation Monthly PM10 Emissions (tons)+ the sum of the most recent 12 months' Installation Monthly PM10 SSM Emissions (tons). Installation 12-Month Rolling Total PM10 Emissions of less than 250.0 tons indicates compliance with Special Condition 2.8.

Page 12: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Attachment C - NOx Compliance Worksheet

Bodine Aluminum, Inc. Lincoln County, S36, T36, R7W Project Number: 2016-03-062 Installation ID Number: 113-0029 Permit Number: 062014-002A

This sheet covers the period from ________ to ______ _ (month, year) (month, year)

· ..

Emission NOx Emission Source

Description Monthly Usage Factor

co1 11 Plantwide Natural Gas Combustion2 MMscf 100 lb/MMscf12

CO2 Natural Gas EmerQency Generator MMscf 4,284 lb/MMscP6

02 Cylinder Head Casting tons metal 0.01 lb/ton37

OA7 Cylinder Head Heat Treat Furnaces tons metal 0. 78596 lb/ton38

OA10 1 MZ Cylinder Block Solution Heat tons metal 1.5 lb/ton39

Treatment Furnaces P09 Sand Dryer tons sand 1.6 lb/ton39

P30 High Pressure Die Casting tons metal 0.01 lb/ton37

P35 3,230 HP Diesel Emergency

1,000 gal 438 lb/1,000 gal19


P36 266 HP Diesel Emergency Fire

1,000 gal 604 lb/1,000 gal20

Pump Installation Monthly NOx E111issions40 (tons): Installation Monthly NOx SSM Emissions41 (tons): Installation 12-Month Rolling Total NOx Emissions42 (tons):

35 Monthly NOx Emissions (tons) = Monthly Usage x NOx Emission Factor x 0.0005 (ton/lb).

Monthly NOx Emissions35


36 A NOx emission factor of 4.08 lb/MM Btu was obtained from AP-42 Section 3.2 "Natural Gas-fired Reciprocating Engines" (August 2000) Table 3.2-2 and a natural gas heat content of 1,050 MMBtu/MMscf obtained from AP-42 Appendix A "Miscellaneous Data and Conversion Factors" (September 1985). 37 Obtained from WebFIRE for Process sec 30400114. 38 Obtained from January 2016 stack test results. This emission factor may be updated with more recent stack test results, provided the stack test results have been approved by the Air Pollution Control Program. The installation shall retain documentation to support the updated NOx emission factor with this attachment. 39 The NOx Emission Factors for OA 10 and P09 are from Project 2011-03-044. These emission factors may be updated with more recent stack test results, provided the stack test results have been approved by the Air Pollution Control Program. The installation shall retain documentation to support the updated NOx emission factor with this attachment. 40 Installation Monthly NOx Emissions (tons) = the sum of each emission source's Monthly NOx Emissions (tons). 41 Installation Monthly NOx SSM Emissions (tons)= the sum of all NOx SSM emissions reported to the Air Pollution Control Program during the calendar month in accordance with 10 CSR 10-6.050. The installation shall retain documentation of all SSM reports and their supporting NOx SSM emissions calculations. 42 Installation 12-Month Rolling Total NOx Emissions (tons) = the sum of the most recent 12 months' Installation Monthly NOx Emissions (tons)+ the sum of the most recent 12 months' Installation Monthly NOx SSM Emissions (tons). Installation 12-Month Rolling Total NOx Emissions of less than 250.0 tons indicates compliance with Special Condition 2.C.

Page 13: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Attachment D - Individual HAP Compliance Worksheet

Bodine Aluminum, Inc. Lincoln County, S36, T36, R7W Project Number: 2016-03-062 Installation ID Number: 113-0029 Permit Number: 062014-002A

This sheet covers the period from ________ to ______ _ (month, year) (month, year)

Individual HAP Name & CAS No43 ·

Individual Emission

Description Monthly Usage .· HAP Source Emission

Factor44 co1 11 Plantwide Natural Gas Combustion2 MMscf CO2 Natural Gas Emerqency Generator MMscf 02 Cylinder Head Casting tons metal 05 Cylinder Head Core Molding tons sand OA7 Cylinder Head Heat Treat Furnaces tons metal

OA10 1 MZ Cylinder Block Solution Heat tons metal

Treatment Furnaces P05 Sand Reclamation Furnace tons sand P11 Resin Coating tons sand

P35 3,230 HP Diesel Emergency 1,000 gal Generator

P36 266 HP Diesel Emergency Fire 1,000 gal Pump

Installation Monthly Individual HAP Emissions46 (tons): Installation Monthly Individual HAP SSM Emissions47 (tons): Installation 12-Month Rolling Total Individual HAP Emissions48 (tons):

Monthly. Individual .HAP


.. (tons)

43 The installation shall complete a separate Attachment D (or equivalent form) for each individual HAP listed in Attachment E. 44 As obtained from Attachment E. 45 Monthly Individual HAP Emissions (tons) = Monthly Usage x Individual HAP Emission Factor x 0.0005 ton/lb. 46 Installation Monthly Individual HAP Emissions (tons) = the sum of each emission source's Monthly Individual HAP Emissions (tons). 47 Installation Monthly Individual HAP SSM Emissions (tons)= the sum of all SSM emissions of this individual HAP reported to the Air Pollution Control Program during the calendar month in accordance with 10 CSR 10-6. 050. The installation shall retain documentation of all SSM reports and their supporting individual HAP SSM emissions calculations. 48 Installation 12-Month Rolling Total Individual HAP Emissions (tons)= the sum of the most recent 12 months' Installation Monthly Individual HAP Emissions (tons)+ the sum of the most recent 12 months' Installation Monthly Individual HAP SSM Emissions (tons). Installation 12-Month Rolling Total Individual HAP Emissions of less than 10.0 tons indicates compliance with Special Condition 2.E.

Page 14: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Attachment E - Individual HAP Emission Factors

Bodine Aluminum, Inc. Lincoln County, S36, T36, R7W Project Number: 2016-03-062 Installation ID Number: 113-0029 Permit Number: 062014-002A

C01 11 Plantwide Natural Gas Combustion2 Individual HAP Emission Factors were obtained from AP-42 Section 1.4 "Natural Gas Combustion" (July 1998):

CAS·No. Individual HAP Name Uncontrolled Emission Factor (lb/MMscf) 20-01-9 Arsenic Compounds 0.0002 71-43-2 Benzene 0.0021 20-03-1 Beryllium Compounds 0.00001 20-04-2 Cadmium Compounds 0.0011 20-06-4 Chromium Compounds 0.0014 20-07-5 Cobalt Compounds 0.00008 106-46-7 Dichlorobenzene 0.0012 50-00-0 Formaldehyde 0.075 110-54-3 Hexane 1.8 20-11-1 Lead Compounds 0.0005 20-12-2 Manganese Compounds 0.00038 20-13-3 Mercury Compounds 0.00026 91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.00061 20-14-4 Nickel Compounds 0.0021 TP15 Polycyclic Organic Matter 0.00009

20-16-6 Selenium Compounds 0.00002 108-88-3 Toluene 0.0034

CO2 Natural Gas Emergency Generator Individual HAP Emission Factors (lb/MMBtu) were obtained from AP-42 Section 3.2 "Natural Gas-fired Reciprocating Engines" (August 2000) and converted from lb/MMBtu to lb/MMscf using a natural gas heat content of 1,050 MMBtu/MMscf obtained from AP-42 Appendix A "Miscellaneous Data and Conversion Factors" (September 1985):

CAS No. Individual HAP Name Uncontrolled Emission Factor (lb/MMscf) 79-34-5 1, 1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.06962 79-00-5 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane 0.05534 106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene 0.861 542-75-6 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.04599 540-84-1 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 0.8883 75-07-0 Acetaldehyde 8.778 107-02-8 Acrolein 8.169 71-43-2 Benzene 2.037 92-52-4 Biphenyl 0.2226 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.06374 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 0.04662 67-66-3 Chloroform 0.04946 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 0.1134 106-93-4 Ethylene Dibromide 0.07707 50-00-0 Formaldehyde 57.96 110-54-3 Hexane 1.1655 67-56-1 Methanol 3.213 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 0.15435 91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.10196

Page 15: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

CA$ No. Individual HAP Name .· Uncontrolled Emission Factor (lb/MMscf) 108-95-2 Phenol 0.04421

TP15 Polycyclic Orqanic Matter 0.14805 100-42-5 Styrene 0.05754 108-88-3 Toluene 1.0112 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 0.02594

1330-20-7 Xylene 0.2814

02 Cylinder Head Casting Individual HAP Emission Factors were obtained from January 2016 stack testing (these emission factors may be updated with more recent stack test results, provided the stack test results have been approved by the Air Pollution Control Program. The installation shall retain documentation to suppo rt th d t d f t . h th' tt h t) eu o a e em1ss1on ac ors wit 1s a ac men :

CAS No. Individual HAP Name Scrubber Controlled Emission Factor (lb/ton metal produced) 75-07-0 Acetaldehyde 0.08120 71-43-2 Benzene 0.00192

1319-77-3 Cresci 0.00726 100-41-4 Ethyl benzene 0.00325 50-00-0 Formaldehyde 0.00438 91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.00246 108-95-2 Phenol 0.00883 100-42-5 Styrene 0.00198 108-88-3 Toluene 0.00581

1330-20-7 Xylene 0.00598

05 Cylinder Head Core Molding Individual HAP Emission Factors were obtained from January 2016 stack testing (these emission factors may be updated with more recent stack test results, provided the stack test results have been approved by the Air Pollution Control Program. The installation shall retain documentation to support the updated emission factors with this attachment):

CAS No. Individual HAP Name Scrubber Controlled Emission Factor (lb/ton sand used) 75-07-0 Acetaldehyde 0.05991 71-43-2 Benzene 0.00142

1319-77-3 Cresci 0.00537 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 0.00242 50-00-0 Formaldehyde 0.00324 91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.00185 108-95-2 Phenol 0.00658 100-42-5 Styrene 0.00146 108-88-3 Toluene 0.00429 1330-20-7 Xylene 0.00442

OA7 Heat Treat Furnaces and OA10 1 MZ Cylinder Block Solution Heat Treatment Furnaces Individual HAP Emission Factors were obtained from January 2016 stack testing (these emission factors may be updated with more recent stack test results, provided the stack test results have been approved by the Air Pollution Control Program. The installation shall retain documentation to support the updated emission factors with this attachment):

CAS.No. Individual HAP Name Uncontrolled Emission Factor (lb/ton metal produced) 75-07-0 Acetaldehyde 0.00286 71-43-2 Benzene 0.00007

1319-77-3 Cresci 0.00025 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 0.00007 50-00-0 Formaldehyde 0.00025 91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.00007

Page 16: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

. CASNo. Individual HAP Name Uncontrolled Emission Factor (lb/ton metal produced) 108-95-2 Phenol 0.00068 100-42-5 Styrene 0.00009 108-88-3 Toluene 0.00017

1330-20-7 Xylene 0.00022

P05 Sand Reclamation Furnace Individual HAP Emission Factors were obtained from December 2014 stack testing (these emission factors may be updated with more recent stack test results, provided the stack test results have been approved by the Air Pollution Control Program. The installation shall retain documentation to support the updated emission factors with this attachment):

CAS No. " Individual HAP Name Uncontrolled Emission Factor (lb/ton sand reclaimed) 75-07-0 Acetaldehyde 0.04854 71-43-2 Benzene 0.00025

1319-77-3 Cresci 0.00075 100-41-4 Ethyl benzene 0.00025 50-00-0 Formaldehyde 0.00023 91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.0001 108-95-2 Phenol 0.00125 100-42-5 Styrene 0.00025 108-88-3 Toluene 0.00025 1330-20-7 Xylene 0.0005

P11 Resin Coating Individual HAP Emission Factors Individual HAP Emission Factors were obtained from December 2014 stack testing (these emission factors may be updated with more recent stack test results, provided the stack test results have been approved by the Air Pollution Control Program. The installation shall retain documentation to support the updated emission factors with this attachment):

CAS No; Individual HAP Name RTO Controlled Emission Factor (lb/ton sand coated) 75-07-0 Acetaldehyde 0.00263 71-43-2 Benzene 0.00025

1319-77-3 Cresci 0.0005 100-41-4 Ethyl benzene 0.00013 50-00-0 Formaldehvde 0.00288 91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.00013 108-95-2 Phenol 0.00413 100-42-5 Styrene 0.00013 108-88-3 Toluene 0.00025 1330-20-7 Xylene 0.00038

P35 Diesel Emergency Generator Individual HAP Emission Factors (lb/MMBtu) were obtained from AP-42 Section 3.4 "Large Stationary Diesel and All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines" (October 1996) and converted from lb/MMBtu to lb/1,000 gal using a diesel heat content of 137 MMBtu/1,000 gal obtained from AP-42 Appendix A "Miscellaneous Data and Conversion Factors" (Seotember 1985):

.. CAS No. lndividualHAP Name Uncontrolled Emission Factor (lb/1,000 gal) 75-07-0 Acetaldehyde 0.00345 107-02-8 Acrolein 0.00108 71-43-2 Benzene 0.10631 50-00-0 Formaldehyde 0.01081 91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.01781 TP15 Polycyclic Organic Matter 0.02904

108-88-3 Toluene 0.03850 1330-20-7 Xylene 0.02644

Page 17: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

P36 Diesel Emergency Fire Pump Individual HAP Emission Factors (lb/MMBtu) were obtained from AP-42 Section 3.3 "Gasoline and Diesel Industrial Engines" (October 1996) and converted from lb/MMBtu to lb/1,000 gal using a diesel heat content of 137 MMBtu/1,000 gal obtained from AP-42 Appendix A "Miscellaneous Data and Conversion Factors" (September 1985):

·· CAS No. Individual HAP Name Uncontrolled Emission Factor.(lb/1,000 gal) 106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene 0.00536 75-07-0 Acetaldehyde 0.10508 107-02-8 Acrolein 0.01267 71-43-2 Benzene 0.12782 50-00-0 Formaldehyde 0.16166 91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.01781 TP15 Polycyclic Organic Matter 0.02904

108-88-3 Toluene 0.05603 1330-20-7 Xylene 0.03905

Page 18: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Attachment F - Combined HAP Compliance Worksheet

Bodine Aluminum, Inc. Lincoln County, S36, T36, R7W Project Number: 2016-03-062 Installation ID Number: 113-0029 Permit Number: 062014-002A

This sheet covers the period from ________ to ______ _ (month, year) (month, year)

Individual HAP Name Cas. No. ,, ,

1, 1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 1,3-Dichloropropene 542-75-6 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 540-84-1 Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 Acrolein 107-02-8 Arsenic Compounds 20-01-9 Benzene 71-43-2 Beryllium Compounds 20-03-1 Biphenvl 92-52-4 Cadmium Compounds 20-04-2 Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 Chloroform 67-66-3 Chromium Compounds 20-06-4 Cobalt Compounds 20-07-5 Cresci 1319-77-3 Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 Ethylene Dibromide 106-93-4 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 Hexane 110-54-3 Lead Compounds 20-11-1 Manganese Compounds 20-12-2 Methanol 67-56-1 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 Mercury Compounds 20-13-3 Naphthalene 91-20-3 Phenol 108-95-2 Polycyclic Orqanic Matter TP15 Selenium Compounds 20-16-6 Styrene 100-42-5 Toluene 108-88-3 Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 Xylene 1330-20-7

Monthly lndhtidual HAP Emissions~~ (tons) ,,

49The sum of the Installation Monthly Individual HAP Emissions (tons) and the Installation Monthly Individual HAP SSM Emissions (tons) from the Attachment D for the individual HAP.

Page 19: Bodine Aluminum - Troy · JUL 1 7 2018 Ms. Julie Ingoli Environmental Specialist Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 100 Cherry Blossom Way Troy, MO 63379 RE: New Source Review Permit Amendment

Installation Monthl Combined HAP Emissions50 (tons): 1.nstallation 12-Month Rollin Total Combined HAP Emissions51 tons :

50 Installation Monthly Combined HAP Emissions (tons) = the sum of each individual HAP's Monthly Individual HAP Emissions (tons). 51 Installation 12-Month Rolling Total Combined HAP Emissions (tons)= the sum of the 12 most recent Installation Monthly Combined HAP Emissions (tons). Installation 12-Month Rolling Total Combined HAP Emissions of less than 25.0 tons indicates compliance with Special condition 2.D.