Download - Board of Directors Meeting Notes Monday January 16, 2017 · 1/16/2017  · Board of Directors Meeting Notes Monday January 16, 2017 Goals for 2016! ... 1-3 pm. Americorp is coming

Page 1: Board of Directors Meeting Notes Monday January 16, 2017 · 1/16/2017  · Board of Directors Meeting Notes Monday January 16, 2017 Goals for 2016! ... 1-3 pm. Americorp is coming

Board of Directors Meeting Notes

Monday January 16, 2017

Goals for 2016 ! Improve Data Collection and Analysis of programs and budget ! Sustainable Funding for Director of Art After School Program ! Reorganize Committees and Recruit More Volunteers

1) Call to order by Susan Archibald at 6:34 pm. a) Quorum established, Board Members Attending: Susan Archibald, Brenda Berg, Jennifer Hennig, David

Kurtz, Noelle Lightborne, Tina Masciocchi, Johanna McCormick b) Guests: Liz Paine c) Absent: Larry Worley

2) Motion to approve Consent Agenda & notes from December, made by Johanna, seconded by Tina, Vote: all in favor.

3) Board Check in

4) Meeting Focus: a) 2017 Budget

i) Susan distributed the proposed budget. Asked the Board to review and prepare to vote on at next meeting.

ii) Donations/fundraising was up in 2016, due to the Human Race. Will vote next meeting on whether to participate again this year. Susan passed around a list of 2016 donors, which was significantly larger tha 2015. Johanna will add the donor list to the website.

b) New Board member

i) Elizabeth Payne wants to join the Board. She has been active in the Ceramics department for many years, and co-organized the Muddy Mountain Music fundraisers. She submitted a bio for the Board to review.

ii) Liz wants to initiate a Resident Artist program at the Art Center for Ceramics.

(1) She asked Board members to familiarize themselves with resident programs at other centers, and have a discussion at a future meeting.

(2) The program should provide: a space to work, a way to make money, an exhibit.

(3) The Art Center would need to raise funds to support the program

(4) She recommended the Board check out the podcast of a friend of hers, who visits art centers around the country: Tales of a Red Clay Rambler with Ben Carter

iii) Tina made a motion, seconded by Brenda, to appoint Liz to the Board of Directors, effective immediately. Vote: all in favor, an enthusiastic welcome aboard, Liz!

c) Calendar

i) Summer event for 20th Anniversary: reception, volunteer appreciation, annual meeting, potluck. Sunday July 23, 5-8 pm. Date/time chosen not to compete with MCT for parking.

ii) Human Race: Saturday, May 13

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iii) Mother’s Day Sale: Saturday, May 13

iv) Ceram-A-Rama: sometime in May? TBD

v) Redwood Mountain Faire: Sat & Sunday, June 3-4

vi) Holiday Sales: Saturday, December 2 & Sunday, December 17.

vii) Holiday Workshop, Sunday, December 3.

viii) Curatorial committee is meeting on February 13 to discuss procedure for featured artist show applicants.

d) Brochure

i) Johanna is working on a full-color brochure. Would feature sections for Youth Ed, Ceramics, Gallery, Adult classes, and General info. She asked for submissions of good pictures with captions to use.

e) Goals for 2017

i) Sustainability

ii) Build volunteer base

1) Old Business: a) Gallery Floor: Was replaced by Chris Haltrom Floors, they were wonderful to work with. Tina & Noelle

painted the baseboards, Noelle & David helped storm-proof the entryway. Noticed rot at base of 4x4s around door frame, put on list to repair in summer.

b) Ivy removal: Weather-dependant work day scheduled for January 30, 1-3 pm. Americorp is coming on 2/27. Details are pending, as Linda Skeff has been out for hip surgery.

2) Motion to adjourn made by Tina, seconded by Noelle at 8:00 p.m.

Next meeting will be Monday, February 13, 6:30 pm at the Art Center.

Consent Agenda Items: 1) Treasurer’s Report and Budget:

a. Checking: $30,550.98 (as of 1/3) $321 restricted for scholarships

$617.15 restricted for SCCMP (museum partnership) $5000 restricted for Ceramics / Ceram-A-Rama

$75 restricted for Generosity Fund $24,537.83 available

b. Money Market: $48,145.46

c. Exhibits brought in $7821.60 in gallery sales for December; total gallery sales for 2016 are $20,876.57, up 16% over 2015.

d. Membership – i. This month: 4 renewals, 1 new member, $265 collected, 201 on the mailing list. ii. Last month: 3 renewals, 3 new members, $270 collected, 201 on the mailing list.

2) Chair Report:

11/07 Attended quarterly Youth Art Meeting and goodbye party for Natosha

11/10 Attended Art Associates Meeting in Aptos

11/10 Attended group on Non-Profit Boards with Mary Hillard

11/15 Met with Brian Bowes and others to discuss directing Youth Art Program

11/16 Interview panel for Community Bridges for position at Felton Resource site.

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11/29 SLV Non-Profit Roundtable meeting

12/04 Helped with Family Gift Making workshop

12/04 Attended SLV Chamber of Commerce Award Dinner with Brenda Berg and we accepted award as Organization of 2016 by said group

12/09 Attended group on Non-Profit Boards with Mary Hillard

12/09 Met with Jim Brown of the Community Foundation to discuss sustainability issues in regards to the Art Center

12/10 Helped with Holiday Sale day

12/18 Helped with 2nd Holiday Sale day

12/27 Hosted SLV Roundtable meeting

3) Chair/Committee Reports

a. Curatorial (Tina) –

a. The Gallery will be closed to the public until Jan. 22, 2017. New flooring will be installed in the front and back galleries on Jan 5-6 2017. Four new gallery lights will be installed in January.

b. Take in for the new show, What Feeds Your Spirit? will be Jan. 22, 2017.

c. Facilities (Larry, David) –

1. Put tarp over glaze/chemical because there was condensation/leaking inside

2. Working with Fillmore to get more shelving and storage for Ceramics area

d. Fundraising/Grants (Kathryn) –

e. Ceramics (Noelle, David) –

1. We are both happy to accept the positions of co-chairs for Ceramics. Many thanks to Jen Hennig for all she has done these past three years as Director. We want to give credit to her for her expertise and steadfast commitment to see our Ceramics dept. thrive. With her mentoring we feel confident that our facilities will continue to be a safe and happy creative space.

2. Our glazing area has a new rock floor which came in just below the budgeted amount of $200. This will make it safer as all the old spilled glazes have been dug away and will no longer cause concern.

3. Our extra shelving ($50 from Craigslist) is being put up by Fillmore and we are glad to know we will now have room for all the pieces to fill our larger kilns.

4. The Ceramic Ornament workshop went really well. There was a full house and it felt very festive for our holiday season. Thankfully we used low fire glazes so when the kiln failed it still reached maturity for the ornaments and everyone was happy.

5. Fortunately the kiln failure was repaired by David as he needed to replace burned out relay switches and wiring. The cost was less than $150. Kevin at Phoenix was very helpful and it was all completed before classes begin again.

6. Laurel Grace and Chris Finney will be instructing again in Jan. Thanks again to Noelle Lightbourne and David Kurtz, our new Ceramics Chairs keeping us fired up!

f. IT/Website/Graphics/Social Media (David) –

1. Posted occasional entries on Art Center Facebook page to promote ceramics events

2. Used Bookeo to look up class participants in Ceramics classes so that instructors would know how many students

g. Youth/Adult Education (Brenda) –

1. Internet Technology (Johanna, Brenda, Gretchen)

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a. Webpages/Bookeo: No updates

2. Social Media

a. AAS winter 2017 with registration link added to Facebook. �

b. Brian added as Kids’ FB administrator. Need to add Brian to Twitter and Instagram. �

3. Printed Media (Johanna, Brian, Brenda, Gretchen) �

a. Complete Marketing & Graphics Report: Johanna McCormick

4. Budget P & L and class Data Collection

a. Brian and Brenda will assess Bookeo youth classes’ data spread sheets and P&L reports.

5. Youth Classes (Complete report from Brian Bowes)

a. Art After School: Deadline for all spring 2017 contracts (teachers and TAs) is January 20, 2017.

b. At the Center

�Preschool Classes: Brenda will meet with Kathryn Pierno to discuss teaching preschool classes at the Center. �

Spring Art Camp: No report

c. Youth Education Director Updates

a) Brian has hit the ground running! Increasing AAS enrollment for winter 2017 is his immediate priority. �

b) Developing a complete youth annual task sheet with everything from media deadlines, to class scheduling and school calendars is an additional project that has been initiated and will be completed by Brian. Thank you Brian for developing a very useful tool for future administrators! �

c) Brenda and Brian have scheduled a YED briefing meeting for Monday, January 2, 2017 at 9:30 am at the Art Center. �

6. Policies and Procedures Committee (Brenda, Susan and Gretchen)

a. No meeting scheduled. �

b. Susan has recommended that the terms “job” and “independent contractor” be reconsidered. Discussion needed. �

7. CFSCC Grant: Received first payment of $10K

8. NEW KIDS’ LOGO! (Johanna and Brenda)

a. Johanna is working on final designs for kid’s logo. Thank you, Johanna!! We hope to launch the new logo sometime in January 2017.

b. Brenda will send donation letters to our generous supporters: Foster’s Freeze, Dr. Creech and Palace Arts.

9. Adult Classes: No updates. �

10. Adult Ceramic Classes: Ceramics Chairperson reports on ceramics’ classes and business.