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GEORGE LUCAS IN LOVE-In the poster the colouring is in a sepia effect, or a ‘coffee stained’ effect. This effect gives the impression of an older movie, which sets the scene for the film, as it is in fact made to be in the 1960’s.

-The colour scheme is fitted to the film, but I feel it differs largely from the generic feature film colour scheme; this because feature and holly wood film posters often have bright, eye-catching colours on it to ensure that it is noticed by the public. Due to George Lucas In Love not being a popular film of this sort, it does not have to have the bright colours as it is only appealing to a niche market who are interested in this style of project.

-The image itself looks almost hand drawn due to the over editing of the characters themselves, giving the impression that it will appeal directly to a niche market. Plus, the written or drawn style adds to the effect of writers block, with the images of the characters perhaps representing doodles from the writer himself.

-Although the effect of the image is different, the placement of the characters is very similar to that of a Hollywood or feature film poster, for example it has a large pool of similarities to the star wars posters. This means that all of the characters can be familiarised to the audience, and also means that the more important characters can be shown.

-The font on this poster also represents the writing theme in the film with the text looking like a type writing. Although this is a good idea, it does look more amateur than other fonts, showing the difference in funding to the Star Wars film for example.

Page 3: Blog Task 2

ACROSS THE HALLThe SHORT FILM poster is the top image, and the FEATURE FILM is the bottom image.

-Across The Hall was made into a feature film after the short film. The posters of the two differ largely. The short film poster, for starters, is a still of the movie which means little editing will have been done on the image. However the feature film poster is a montage of photo’s of the characters in the film, which clearly has high quality editing which works very effectively.

-Not only is there an effective editing on the image, but the over all quality of the photo is a lot better than the short film, which is clearly due to the difference in expertise and budgeting. Furthermore, the expertise is also shown by the content of the feature film. I feel the feature film poster is a lot more gripping, with interesting tag lines used in relation to the occurrences in the film; proposing that someone is going to die, which makes the audience ask questions and works better than just sheer facts of the room in the hotel. Although both of these tag lines are related to the film, I do not feel the short film tag lines entice the audience enough to watch the film.

-Also there is a lot more going on in the Hollywood film poster, with all characters being introduced to the audience. An attractive female is center stage, with two males either side. The variation of expressions gives an interesting impression that everyone will be catered for, with the different emotions hinting a gripping story line. The short film poster is good in that it makes you wonder why he is hiding and who he is hiding from, but I feel more of the movie could be given away perhaps or more expression could be shown.

-There is a consistency in the style of the feature film also, which makes it look more attractive and appealing. However in the short film the font is inconsistent which I feel makes it look unprofessional.

Although the short film poster does look professional for what it is, it could definitely be improved.

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I’M HERE-I think this short film poster is the most professional looking of the three, I mainly think this because of the use of the image. The editing on the foreground of the photo gives it a blur, giving it a better effect than an average photograph. Furthermore, the sharper part of the photo is the main area that needs to be noticed/focused on as this is where the characters are, so this works quite well. This style is similar to that of a feature film, however there is still a clear comparison.

-The text in this poster is also a lot more similar to that of a feature poster, this is because it is of a consistant style and theme, plus is lay out looks professional with the title and reviews in the place they would be on a Hollywood poster.

-A difference that this poster has to feature film posters however is that there is not a main focus on the characters, they may be on the image, but generally film posters have close up pictures of the main characters. However, the idea of introducing the characters with the main role in the film has still been used.

-Another difference between this and a feature film is that this does not appear to be heavily edited; this is perhaps due to the difference in budget as it unlikely the maker of this poster had the same budget as someone who makes Hollywood movies, therefore a simple photo graph has been used, rather than a highly edited montage of photos. Although this is the case, I do think that this works well, and that the contrast between a normal world and two out of this world characters is an interesting twist. Plus the setting fits the plot, as it looks romantic.

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-Dark and eerie

-Font is done in strange, creepy writing

-Meeting the scary character straight away makes you ask questions: who is it? Why does she look so scary?

-Scary theme to show the audience that the film will be a good horror

-Relevance to previous movie as this is a sequel


-Couple, look cute and as if they are happy – appeals to women

-Font looks hand written, as if it is a novelty, love letter.

-The photograph is bright and looks appealing and eye catching to the audience, fits the ‘happy’ mood.

-Attractive male looking romantic on cover – appeals to females, and fans


-Characters pulling faces to make audience laugh, makes it look funny

-Note of what films this maker also made, makes it appealing to those who are fans of comedy films

-Play on words with photo ‘taking it like a man’, more comedy to draw in the target audience

-Bright and eye catching colours


-Long shot of the robots/sci fi side of the story will attract fans of the genre

-The whole poster is based around the sci fi theme which sets it apart from other genres

-Colour scheme looks cold, chilling, robotic

-Contrast in colours which makes it eye catching to the audience and passers by that may see the poster


-Main focus on the character

-Character gives an insight into what ma be in store with the gun: exciting, dangerous

-Many characters are shown with the usual aspects of action – main character, accomplice, attractive female

-Poster looks urban

-Over all layout (character stance and font) will appeal to fans of action films