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BlitzDocs® Collaboration SuiteMortgage document collaboration made easy.


Capabilities brief

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BlitzDocs® works the way the industry works, just better

Your industry has changedThe mortgage industry remains an interconnected network of participants, from loan originator to underwriter, from closing agent to lender, from correspondent buyer to seller. Add in mortgage insurance companies, quality control and due diligence providers —there is no shortage of members. While making for a dynamic business, this creates tremendous inefficiencies, particularly with paper as the main vehicle for communication. That’s why change was inevitable.

To make a dramatic improvement over paper-based collaboration, documents must not only be converted into an electronic form, but also enable enhanced collaboration and workflow in a secure environment. Welcome to BlitzDocs.

Growing returnsA recent Tower Group report estimates the average loan has $202 in paper costs. Last year alone, the industry spent $3.7 billion on document management costs for 15.7 million loans.1

A paperless environment can equate to more profitability. That’s why more companies are turning to the BlitzDocs® Collaboration Suite. In fact, BlitzDocs is now the number one network for efficient collaboration in origination, underwriting, post-closing and investor loan delivery.

Evolve your IT: Move to a complete electronic solution at your own pace. Start with paperless underwriting, add on paperless document submission from brokers or loan officers, and then implement paperless investor delivery later.

Differentiate in production: When you make it easier for originators and other channels to work with your organization, you receive a greater percentage of loans.

Improve your service: Greater visibility, better workflow and the ability to outsource solutions as peak volumes occur are just some of the reasons you will experience improved turnaround time and greater responsiveness.

1 Document Management a Cost-CuttingImperative by Michael Murray, Tower Group.

Originator“We never knew the status of our loans before going paperless. Now I can upload documents quickly, and the real-time access provides immediate loan status. The loan is processed quicker, which lets me originate more loans.”

Underwriter“The ability to resolve stipulations electronically helps streamline the funding process. We can electronically ship loans in flow, bulk or mini-bulk with the click of a button, providing tremendous efficiencies.”

Secondary market manager“I receive fewer follow-up calls from originators, which makes my job easier. The automatic notification process means conditions are quickly satisfied and BlitzDocs provides a way to easily outsource certain processes. I underwrite more loans per day.”

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Document Submission

Brokers and Originators

Lenders QC and DueDiligence

InvestorsMI and ContractUnderwriting

Retail Branches/LO’s LOS/POS/ Imaging Systems

Closing Agents andOther Third Parties

Underwriting Archive/Audit Investor Delivery

Correspondent and Conduit

Collaborative ElectronicLoan FolderTM






Electronic Shipment

Temporary Access

BlitzDocs collaboration in actionThe first step is to make the paper loan electronic at the point of submission. Once documents are submitted, they are saved in a Collaborative Electronic Loan Folder™ e-folder.

Then, using a web browser, originators, lenders, investors and other authorized parties can securely access, view, share and electronically ship the e-folder, including mortgage documents and underwriting status in real time. All participants, including brokers and originators, have immediate, simultaneous online access to loan document status, conditions and more. A robust, permission-based user configuration allows individual access only to those documents for which they are authorized.

BlitzDocs: The number one network for mortgage documentation collaborationBlitzDocs provides the industry’s most widely used collaborative document network where participants capture, submit, organize, underwrite, audit, share and deliver loan documents electronically.

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Key Features• Deployment is measured in days, providing immediate benefits to your organization.• On-demand business model means minimal up-front investment and virtually no risk. • Enables parallel processing and collaboration by multiple parties. • Supports the MISMO® SMART Doc® specifications. • Integrates with existing, in-house or third-party systems with SOA-based Web services.

About Xerox Global ServicesXerox Global Services (XGS) specializes in transforming your documents and document processes to help reduce costs, achieve operational excellence and grow revenue. Xerox Mortgage Services, a part of XGS, provides one of the mortgage industry’s most widely used solutions for electronic document collaboration: the BlitzDocs Collaboration Suite. Through our unique combination of experience, resources and technology, we partner with you to integrate and optimize your office environment for better capturing, sharing, auditing and archiving of loan documents.

For more information servicesor call 678-460-2460

© 2008 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox® and the sphere of connectivity design, BlitzDocs® and Collaborative Electronic Loan FolderTM are trade-marks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Benefits during every step of the processLoan origination• Submit loans anytime, anywhere. View loan status in real time.• Eliminate or reduce express (overnight) delivery, copy charges and fax costs.• Reduce labor costs associated with origination.• Shorten turnaround time.

Underwriting• Eliminate lost documents and misplaced folders.• Streamline conditions management.• Reduce labor costs associated with underwriting and loan status management.• Eliminate status calls.• Process more loans per day.• Enable contract underwriting processes more easily.• Implement powerful rules-based notifications for faster processing.• Provide a complete audit trail of all documents, verification and other status changes.

Closing and post-closing• Eliminate or reduce off-site archiving and storage, binding and delivery costs.• Ship loans electronically to investors—no paper files or manual stacking.• Reduce time/resources preparing for audits.• Reduce labor costs associated with file room/vault and deficiency staffing.• Support electronic access to files for audits and due diligence reviews.• Integrate directly with your existing imaging system.

Investor loan delivery• Enable better execution with electronic delivery to investors.• Decrease or eliminate costs associated with sending and receiving paper files.• Fund faster with better turn time and deficiency management.• Reduce warehouse cost of funds.• Deliver electronic files in the investor’s custom or MISMO-specified formats, in their stacking order

and naming conventions.

Xerox Global Services—at your service The BlitzDocs Collaboration Suite allows for rapid implementations, so you can be up and ready for production within a few weeks. To help you get started, we offer a range of services, including deployment, training and support. To discuss how BlitzDocs can start improving your efficiency and ROI as quickly as possible, contact us today.