Download - Blepharitis – the Inflammation of the Eyelids

Page 1: Blepharitis – the Inflammation of the Eyelids


Page 2: Blepharitis – the Inflammation of the Eyelids


Blepharitis is a condition in which eyelids become inflamed (i.e. Red and swollen)

As a chronic disease, it is usually long term and so most people experience repeated occurrences.

While Blepharitis can occur at any age, it is most common in people over the ages of 40 – 50.

There are two types of Blepharitis: - Posterior blepharitis affects the meibomian glands

which secrete a lubricating oil that allows the tear film to spread effectively

- Anterior blepharitis affects the outer edge of the eyelids, near the eyelashes

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Itchy, sore, swollen and red eyelids Eyelids that stick together and can be difficult to

open after waking up Eyelashes can become crusty (see image below) Photophobia – increased sensitivity to light In severe cases, loss of eyelashes can occur Contact lenses may begin to feel uncomfortable to

wear Vision can also become blurred

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CAUSES OF BLEPHARITIS Anterior blepharitis is caused by:- The Staphylococcus bacteria – this lives harmlessly on

the skin of most people, but can cause infection in others.

- The skin conditions Seborrhoea dermatitis and rosacea cause the skin to become oily and flaky (e.g. Can cause dandruff) can spread to the eye, causing blepharitis.

- Demodex mites which live in eyelashes can which are normally harmless, can cause blepharitis.

Posterior blepharitis is caused when a problem with the meibomian glands leads to excessive production of the lubricating oil. This causes blockages in the gland, causing inflammation.

Excessive production of the lubricating oil can too be caused by Seborrhoea dermatitis or rosacea

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Blepharitis is a chronic, re-occurring condition so is rarely permanently cured, although there are several ways to relieve the symptoms:

Thoroughly cleaning the eyelids every day – a warm flannel should be pressed against the eyelids for 5-10 minutes, and then a cotton bud should be used to remove crusting and any oils that have built up.

Eye drops can be used to lubricate the surface of the eyes, helping to reduce dryness.

Oral antibiotics are recommended if it is believed the cause of the blepharitis is being caused by rosacea.

Antibiotic ointments and creams can be applied directly to the eyelid.

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COMPLICATIONS OF BLEPHARITIS Blepharitis can also cause dry eye syndrome as the eyes may

longer be able to produce a sufficient volume of tears; this causes inflammation of the eyes, making them red and feel gritty.

Conjunctivitis can be caused if the bacteria causing blepharitis spread to the conjunctiva (the transparent membrane which covers the white part of the eye).

Meibomian cysts are caused when the meibomian glands become swollen due to a blockage of the lubricating oil.

A bacterial infection of an eyelash follicle can cause a stye – a painful swelling on the outer eyelids.

Severe blepharitis can cause damage to the cornea, which can potentially threaten sight.

Suicide – blepharitis is among the top 20 causes of suicide:- http://


Page 7: Blepharitis – the Inflammation of the Eyelids


Extract from a post on an online forum:Suicide attempt - colloidal silverHi!

I'm being hospitalized in a mental-institution, because I tried to kill myself with exhaust (carbon dioxide). Weird that someone saw me in that location, well well..

I tried this, since I'm fed up with dry, red eyes (seborrheic blepharitis).