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bizhub C352(P)/C300 – „Sovereign‟

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Konica Minolta is pleased to announce the bizhub C300 and bizhub C352/C352P, the

newest additions to the award-winning bizhub product family. The bizhub C352 and

C300 are compact digital, laser-based, color multifunctional devices that has been

designed to meet the needs of color and monochrome environments.

They are an excellent monochrome replacement and can easily meet the needs of

those customers that require high-quality, professional-looking color output. The

bizhub C352P is the printer-only version of the C352. It has been designed to meet

the needs of those customers that only require monochrome and color print output,

those users that do not have a need for an MFP device.

The bizhub C352 and C352P offer 35-ppm output in both color and black-and-white

(C300 offers 30-ppm output in both color and black-and-white), enabling users to

maintain a high level of productivity and efficiency independent of the type of output.

The C352, C352P and C300 are compact size units, modelled after black-and white

devices, to enable end users to replace monochrome devices with this versatile color-

based multifunctional device.

Contributing to their small footprint is the ultra-compact multi-array laser diode print

head, developed entirely by Konica Minolta as is the Emperon Print Controller

introduced with the C450 and incorporated into every printer-copier based product

introduced since that time. This clearly illustrates Konica Minolta‟s expertise in

optical as well as printer technologies.

Following in the footsteps of the bizhub products previously introduced, the C352 and

C300 have been designed to support the efficient use of office information, whether it

is color and/or black-and-white. This means providing a highly productive and intuitive

means of inputting data, managing data, distributing data and outputting data. The

C352P has been designed to provide high-quality color and monochrome output.

The bizhub C352 and C300 offer standard network printing (PS Level 3 and PCL),

standard network scanning (Email, FTP, SMB, HDD) and advanced digital copying

capabilities. Super G3 faxing is available as an option.

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TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss::

11.. SSoovveerreeiiggnn ccoolloorr ddeevviicceess

1.1. Product Positioning

1.2. Market Trends

1.3. Attachment Ratios

1.4. First Shipment

22.. FFeeaattuurree SSeett

2.1. Improvement Overview

2.2. Technical Improvements

2.3. New Features

33.. PPrriicciinngg

3.1. Hardware Pricing

44.. CCoommppeettiittoorr CCoommppaarriissoonn

4.1. Competitors bizhub C300

4.2. Competitors bizhub C352

55.. SSeerrvviiccee CCoonncceepptt

5.1. Product Overview

5.2. Service point of view

5.3. Service ability evaluation

5.4. Service support tool

5.5. Service training

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1 ‘Sovereign color devices’

1.1 Product Positioning

bizhub C300/C352

The Konica Minolta bizhub C352 is

positioned as a 35-ppm color and

35-ppm monochrome engine

designed to replace Segment 3

monochrome products as well as

serve as color device for those

environments that demand high

quality color output. The bizhub

C300 is positioned as a 30-ppm

color and 30-ppm monochrome

engine designed to replace

Segment 2 monochrome products as well as serve as a color device for those environments

that demand high quality color output. For those work environments or markets that require

professional color management and graphic arts functions, there is an optional Fiery

Controller available to meet these needs.

As standard printers, the bizhub C352 and C300 offer PCL6 and PostScript Level 3 print

drivers and Konica Minolta‟s “home grown” print controller, the Emperon Print Controller. As

digital copiers, they offer many advanced digital functions, including various color settings,

Booklet creation, Date/Time Stamp, Page and Distribution Numbering and versatile finishing

settings. As scanners, the bizhub C352 and C300 offer standard Scan-to-Email, Scan-to-

SMB, Scan-to-HDD and Scan-to-FTP. When the optional Fax Kit is installed, the bizhub

C352 and C300 also support Super G3 (33.6kbps modem) faxing.

The bizhub C352 and C300 are all-in-one color information input and output sources,

designed to function as the “hub” of the work environment and to improve workflow

efficiency. Their purpose is to digitize, share, utilize and distribute information.

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Positioning Summary

The new bizhub C352/300

and its printer version

bizhub C352P extend and

enhance the Konica Minolta

colour portfolio :

The bizhub C250 is Konica

Minolta‟s answer to the

colour-capable hybrid

devices from competitors!

While it will be priced

competitively the bizhub

C250 nevertheless offers

„real‟ high-quality colour as well as an outstanding productivity for its target market. Never

forget that we are competing here with a 4-cycle product which enables the identical high

colour and monochrome speed! The bizhub C250‟s key feature is that it‟s Emperon-driven (a

Fiery controller is not marketed), its key benefit the absolute flexibility it provides to the office

environment. With such assets the bizhub C250 should also allow us to develop new sales

channels at the lower end of the market.

The bizhub C300 on the other hand offers productivity to the office environment as its key

benefit: Its key feature is the high monochrome and colot speed of 30 ppm.

With an identical b/w and mono speed of 35 ppm the next model in our colour line-up, the

bizhub C352, provides productivity to colour-centric environments. Its two key features are

the optional Fiery controller and an enhanced security functionality. In many ways this model

is the perfect solution for the graphic arts market where the faster monochrome speed of the

bizhub C450 is of little importance.

Last but not least the bizhub C450 excels with its high monochrome speed of 45 ppm –

again the key benefit is productivity for the office environment! This in combination with

impressive 35 colour pages/minute make the C450 suitable for limited print runs of almost

anything, including reports, handbooks and meeting minutes just as much as marketing

materials! Key features of the bizhub C450 are its flexible overall performance and its two

controller alternatives Emperon as well as Fiery.

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1.2 Market Trends

1.3 Competitive Trends

The growing adoption of colour printing is having dramatic impact on the office hardware

market. The installed base of colour devices in Western Europe is expected to be three times

the installed base of monochrome devices by 2008. This represents a tremendous market

opportunity as colour printing becomes more widely adopted and increasingly affordable.

The key driver to growth in the colour market is the emergence of the ‚Color Capable

Devices‟. These devices produce colour pages at a competitive cost and output monochrome

pages at a price that is comparable to that of monochrome copiers/printers. Furthermore, the

capital cost of a color capable represents only a small premium over monochrome

copier/printers, and color capable offer features and functions that match the best

monochrome copiers/printers.

There are two types of color capable available on the market, namely colour-enabled

devices and colour- centric devices. Colour- enabled devices offer monochrome

production speeds that are two to four times faster than colour. These devices are displacing

existing black & white copiers and driving more colour pages in the office. As time goes on,

they are expected to begin replacing office inkjet devices as well. Meanwhile, colour-centric

offer monochrome speeds that are relatively consistent with colour production speeds. These

devices will drive more cost-competitive colour technology in the professional print space as

businesses begin to recognise the cost benefits of using them for printing in-house rather

than outsourcing.

The workgroup is an important and growing area of the office market and has seen dramatic

growth in colour printing. While unit shipments of copiers in the workgroup environment

increased 13.1% between 2003 and 2004, sales colour-capable devices increased 67%

during the same timeframe. This trend is expected to continue over the next two or three


Colour laser printing is another key area that has displayed remarkable growth. Western

European placements of colour laser printers showed grew by more than 40% between 2003

and 2004. Prices for colour laser printers continue to decline, increasing the acceptance and

deployment of colour page printers in office environments.

Document management systems and colour capabilities of new printer-based multifunctional

peripherals (MFPs) are improving productivity and reducing costs by automating business

processes. These devices offer centralised office functions such as printing, faxing, and

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copying in a single device, as well as software solutions that transfer paper-based

documents into electronic format.

Many buyers are moving to MFPs to consolidate their existing devices, replacing multiple

single-function printers, copiers, fax machines, and scanners with one MFP device. The real

value, however, lies in the solutions and customisation features that are offered. These can

bring significant savings when handling, processing, and storing hard copies.

As the color copier market grows and the push to replace monochrome products is well

under way, competitive manufacturers are expanding their product line with color devices

offering increased speed, smaller footprints, versatile and standard multifunctional modes,

increased productivity and higher reliability. The goal is to provide the speed, size and

multifunctional modes of conventional monochrome products as well as the high productivity

and reliability levels characteristic of black-and-white devices.

The goal of these color copier products is to spur the replacement of monochrome products

with color products, yet still maintain the quality monochrome output available to customers

at affordable costs. Manufacturers realize that in order for this transition to take place the

cost-per-print for monochrome output must match that of monochrome products.

Competitors are also making sure that these color products offer the security features

demanded in today‟s markets. They continue to improve upon and expand the security

capabilities available so that they can meet high-level government demands as well as

workgroup security demands.

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Color Usage

Another way to segment the market

is by the amount of color output.

Looking at the market from this

perspective is important because it

provides insights about the type of

color device that may fit best. As

shown in the Figure below, the

creative environment has the most

frequent color output with low to

moderate volumes. Creative

customers will primarily use color-

centric devices in the personal and workgroup environments. The general office environment

has low to moderate volumes with occasional color requirements. These customers will

primarily use monochrome and color-capable devices in the personal and workgroup

environments. The production market has the highest volume requirements and a

wide range of color requirements. Customers in this environment will have a mix of products

that provide optimal speeds, operating costs, print quality, and paper handling.

CCrreeaattiivvee MMaarrkkeett

The creative market includes end-users that are designing graphics-intensive color

applications such as marketing collateral and publications. Their primary focus is creating

documents. Creative people typically have been trained in graphic design and use the most

sophisticated software tools (i.e. Quark Xpress, Adobe InDesign). People in the creative

segments tend to be printing all or most of their jobs in color. They tend to have the highest

quality and paper handling requirements. Examples include design agencies, creative

departments within advertising agencies, prepress imaging service bureaus, and desktop

publishing specialists within medium-sized and large companies.

GGeenneerraall OOffffiiccee

The general office includes the end-users that create documents to support their work tasks,

but document creation is typically not their primary job function. General office workers tend

to use general office applications (i.e. MS Office), simpler creative tools (i.e. PowerPoint),

and other industry or company specific business applications (i.e. CRM, ERP, accounting).

Most office workers have an occasional need for color, although some have more frequent

requirements. Examples of general office departments include accounting, human resources,

legal, sales, and industry-specific departments (i.e. engineering, claims processing, customer


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1.4 Attachment Ratios

The standard configuration of bizhub C300/352 includes:

2 x 500 sheet universal trays

1024 MB memory


100 Sheet Multi-Bypass

PCL6c and PostScript3 controller

Ethernet NIC

MK-704 [only bizhub C352]

DF-608 90%

FS-514 50%

SD-503 15%

MT-501 5%

PK-510 20%

IC-406 25%

CD-25 50%

PC-103 20%

PC-203 15%

PC-403 25%

FK-502 25%

ML-501 3%

SC-503 3%

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First Shipment

Many of the options for the bizhub C250 are compatible with existing products and are

therefore already available. However, next year the finishing options now proposed for the

bizhub C250 will be discontinued and replaced by new finishers which will then be marketed

exclusively with the bizhub C250.

Since the Phase I release of the bizhub C250 is based on the Phase I release of the bizhub

C450, also the availability of the enhanced features for bizhub C250 will be in line with the

second phase of bizhub C450.

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2 Feature Set

2.1 Improvement Overview

In the table below key specifications of bizhub C300/352 are compared with those of the

bizhub C351 and bizhub C350:

bizhub C250 bizhub C300 bizhub C350 bizhub C351 bizhub C352 bizhub C450

Exposure Laser Laser LED LED Laser LED

Fusing Roller Belt Roller Roller Belt Roller

Copy Std Std Std Std Std Std


Scan Std Std Std Std Std Std

Fax Opt Opt N/A Opt Opt Opt

Speed Color PPM 25 30 22 35 35 35

Speed Mono PPM 25 30 35 35 35 45

Speed OPM [max] 25 65 35 35 65 35

WUT 110 sec. 72 sec. 99 sec. 99 sec. 72 sec. 99 sec.

FCOT Mono 8.4 sec. 6.5 sec. 6.8 sec. 6.8 sec. 6.5 sec. 5.5 sec.

FCOT Color 11.7 sec. 8.5 sec. 12.9 sec. 8.5 sec. 8.5 sec. 8.5 sec.

Memory std 1024MB 1024MB 256MB 1024MB 1024MB 1024MB

Memory max. 1024MB 1280MB 512MB 1280MB 1280MB 1280MB

HDD 40GB Std. 40GB Std. 40GB Opt. 40GB Std. 40GB Std. 40GB Std.

Paper Weight max. 256g/m² [1st tray]

256g/m² [1st

tray] 256g/m² [1


tray] 256g/m² [all

trays] 256g/m² [1


tray] 256g/m² [all


Duplex Weight max. 256g/m² 256g/m² 90g/m² 256g/m² 256g/m² 256g/m²

Controller Std Emperon Emperon Desteny Emperon Emperon Emperon

Controller Opt. N/A IC-406 IC-401 IC-402 IC-406 IC-402

ADF Belt Slit Belt Belt Slit Belt

Finisher Floor/Embedded Embedded Floor Floor Embedded Floor

Duplex Opt/Std Std Opt. Std. Std. Std.

bizhub OP Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes

bizhub Open API Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes

Authentication Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes

Banner Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes

Weight 94kg 100kg 100kg 125kg 103kg 125kg

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2.2 Improvements compared to bizhub C250

Compared to the bizhub C250, as well as bizhub C351 and bizhub C450, several technical

and hardware improvements could be implemented that support higher specification and

improved usability.

1. Document Feeder DF-608

The DF-608 incorporates well known and proofed b&w technology for the new color

devices. The DF-608 supports 1pass scanning via a slit glass instead of moving the

original over the complete glass platen (eg. DF-601 C250, C351 and C450). This

increases the overall scanning speed – bw up to 65 and color up to 51 - , lowers the

acoustic noise and improves feeding capabilities and reliability. Combined with the

unique Konica Minolta “Dust Prevention System” (see No. 2.3.2) that used, the DF-608

provides state-of-the-art document feeder technology.

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2. Embedded Finisher FS-514

As well coming from current bw line-up,

the FS-514 brings a new feature set to

the color devices. As first embedded

type finisher for tandem color

machines, it offers 2 major

improvements compared to floor type

versions (e.g. FS-603)

1. Finisher that can be equipped with the full feature set that usually can only be

supported by minimum 2 floor type versions, plus the availability of the Mailbin option.

2. Overall space saving compared to floor type models. Specification wise, the FS-514

does not stand behind the floor type versions, as it support as well specifications like

50 sheets stapling (standard), 15 sheets booklet (option), thick cover support and an

optional separator tray for e.g. fax output.

3. Mailbin Option MT-501

Like the FS-514, it is the first time that Konica Minolta introduces a real mailbin option for

the colour line up. Coming with 4 additional output trays (max. 7 addressable bin) and an

output capacity of 125 sheets each, it is a great addition for the office environment to

separate print output by department or workgroup.

4. Belt Fusing system

In comparison to the current fusing system of the C250, the new belt fusing system

support 3 major improvements. a) fastest warm up time of 72 seconds b) higher lifetime

of 300k and c) gloss mode functionality.

5. Bypass

Even if it is just a basic change, the paper size sensors are an important improvement vs.

the sensor less bypass of C250. In addition, the more stable version of the C351 and

C450 was used for the new models. However, bypass capacity stays at 100 sheets.

6. Fiery IC-406 and System 8e

Mainly the availability of a Fiery controller for C300 and C352 is already a step forward

compared to C250, as it offers the necessary functionality to professionally serve the

graphical environment. However, with the new System 8e, the Fiery IC-406 offers as well

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a complete functionality set to serve the office market with functions like authentication

and box functionality. Other improvements compared to the current IC-402 Version 1, are

- new 80 GB harddrive

- new Fiery Unidriver

- Virtual Printer as part of the HotFolder Option

- Adobe CSPI 3017 – passing Altona Test Suite

- RGB Subsitution to support RGB colors nest to spot colours with the standard feature


7. Phase 2.0

New functionality, software applications and especially Open API 2 are given with this

new Phase, which will be the standard for both models. However, this is already an

available Phase for all other color models. Therefore it is not an improvement, but

definitely a highlight for these devices.

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2.2.1 Belt Fusing Unit

The new belt fusing system incorporates technical

improvements compared to the roller fusing system that

is currently used by bizhub C250, C351 and C450.

Besides the specification improvement of only 72

seconds warm-up time (vs. 99 or 110), it offers more

stability, reliability and allows to use the gloss mode


The higher stability and reliability is already shown by

the increased lifetime of 300k (vs. 120k C250) which

has finally also a positive effect on the overall cost per

page. But as well the technical construction shows the

improvement, because the belt offers a larger contact

area, the temperature can be better transported to the

fusing roller. As well, it keeps the temperature more consistent over the complete surface.

Due to this, a better result in the evenness of the image surface is expected, especially on

thicker print media.

Finally the new fusing system eliminates the necessity of re-heating for the first print out.

While bizhub C351 and C450 have to reheat the fusing unit to full temperature after the first

page printed, the new belt system gets the necessary temperature from the start and does

not need to perform an addition reheating that will interrupt the print process.

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2.2.2 Document Feeder

Konica Minolta has developed a new,

high speed sheet-through ADF. It

offers significant faster scanning speed

at 65 opm in monochrome and up to 50

opm in full color mode.

The system can even accommodate

postcard size paper and scan both thin

and thick paper ranging in thickness

from 35 g/m² up to 210 g/m² at the same speed as plain paper!

The scanner glass features a dust-preventive coating to prevent adhesion of stick particles.

The step sheet prevents originals from making direct contact with the scanner glass while

passing, thus keeping the glass surface clean and free of dust. The ADF is also equipped

with Konica Minolta original dust reduction function, which

slides the scanner glass back and forth to remove the dust from

the scanning area. This gives Konica Minolta one of the

industries highest levels of streak noise suppression, while

ensuring extra quiet operation. On top of that we are offering

the scanner cleaner option for enabling the customer to

manually clean the slit glass area if required.

Scanner Movement Control

Normal Mode (High Speed Mode)

Each time the Power is turned on and followed after each

copy/scan job, the scanner glass moves over its full motion

range to enable the step sheet to remove any dust that has

fallen onto the glass surface. During each scan/copy job, the

scanner glass makes small movement after each scan to

minimise the generation of streaks caused by dust.

Dust reduction Mode (High Quality Mode)

In this mode the scanner glass moves over its full range after

each scan. This mode will help further reducing the possibility of

streaks caused by dust.

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Competitor Document Feeder Comparison

Konica Minolta Fuji Xerox Canon Ricoh

C352/C300 3535 iRC3170N Aficio 3245C

Sheet-Through Sheet-Through Sheet-Through Sheet-Through

Machine ppm 35/30 ppm 35 ppm 31 ppm 45 ppm

35/30 ppm 35 ppm 7 ppm 35 ppm

Left Left Left Left

Center Center Center Center

Feeding Originals Original Size Simplex B6SEF to A3 A5 to A3 B6 to A3 A5 to A3

Duplex B6SEF to A3 A5 to A3 B6 to A3 A5 to A3

Paper Weight Simplex 35 to 210 38 to 128 42 to 128 40 to 128

(g/sm) Duplex 50 to 128 50 to 128 50 to 128 52 to 105

Loading (sheet) 100 (80g/sm) 75 (Plain Paper) 50 80

100 ? ? 128

1000 ? ? 1200

Productivity 40 (114%) 45 (100%) 28 (90%) 42 (93%)

32 (80% of simplex) 20 (44% of simplex) 9 (32% of simplex) ?

65 (300dpi) 50 (200dpi) ? 50 (200dpi)

Yes No Yes ?

Dimension 592 560 565 570

548 510 538 518

130 120 122 150

Less than 14kg 12 8,5 10

Yes Special CCD N/A N/A

* Non touch transport

* Dust preventive coated


* Dust pre-detecting

system (before scanning)

* Detecting & Correcting

system (scanning)

* Detecting & Correcting

system (scanning/black

vertical lines on white

background only)

* Pre-Detecting System

(Before scanning)

* Dust preventive coated






ADF Method


Color Drift Protection

Original Set Position

Paper Feeding

Fax Stamp

Lower Resolution opm *3

Duplex opm

Simplex opm

Max. Original Length (mm)

Min. Original Length (mm)

Vertical Line Protection

W (mm)

D (mm)

H (mm)

Weight (kg)

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2.3 New Features

bizhub OP control system

Already-existing systems have their limits. In order to

cope quickly, efficiently and reliably with rapidly changing

market trends and end-user demands, a new effective control system is needed. This new

integrated control system, called bizhub OP, handles multiple tasks (like

Copy/Print/Scan/Fax/Store Data) seamlessly and easily. Also, the Open Platform product

concept makes it possible to integrate the platform with different products for freer


The bizhub architecture

boosts user productivity by

seamlessly linking all

functions under a single

control structure. The

Emperon Print System is a

controller platform

incorporating leading

technology to enhance performance. This new platform maximizes compatibility with printer

languages, operating systems and network environments, as well as improving printer driver

usability. The bizhub Open API will enable more user-specific fine-tuning by allowing third-

party software makers to create seamlessly integrated customized packages.

2.3.1 Copy Protection

For printed as well as copied documents the bizhub

C300/C352/C352P offers a selection of concealed security

watermarks such as "Confidential". To deter copying by

unauthorised people, the watermark becomes highly

visible upon re-copying a watermarked document. The

watermark menu suggests several phrases and patterns, or

the administrator can create and register a custom pattern.

The security watermark is effective even when

documents are copied on another brand of equipment.

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Launch Guide bizhub C300/C352(P)

2.3.2 Encrypted PDF

In addition to the already supported PDF functionality of bw and colour multipage PDF or

colour multipage Compact PDF, C300 and C352 are offering a new highlight coming from the

Phase 2.0 functionality – Encrypted PDF. For both PDF document types an additional

encryption can be selected, that not only encrypts the page information by 40 or 128bit, but

adds as well security functionality to protect the document. This security features includes

password protection for – document opening, document editing, content copy and comment

adding. This new feature is not only a technology highlight, but as well a great addition to the

sophisticating scan distribution functionality of the bizhub C line up.

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Launch Guide bizhub C300/C352(P)

3 Pricing

3.1 Hardware Pricing

bizhub C352 system pricing including

saddle finishing is almost the same as

C350, considering the feature set and

monochrome speed, it‟s obvious that

C352 has a big advantage.

Even comparing with C351, C352 has

advantage in terms of price and high

speed new ADF scanning.

bizhub C300 is easier to aiming for

monochrome replacement with lower

pricing (around 10% lower than C352).

Comparing competitor‟s colour capable

device, C300/C350 has very aggressive

pricing (C300 is 7% aggressive than

iR3170Ci, 21% aggressive than Aficio

3228C. C352 is 30% aggressive than

Aficio 3235C). Also, C300/C352 has

competitive price with competitor‟s

monochrome device (C300 is 19% higher than iR2870, C352 is 23% higher than iR3570 and

22% higher than Aficio 3035PS)

3.2 Running Cost

Even as the same base engine as C250, C300/C352 has more aggressive colour &

monochrome CPP by having more aggressive T/C & I/U pricing, and longer life fusing unit.

Comparing with C350/C351, C300/C352 monochrome CPP is more aggressive in order to

enhance monochrome replacement, and colour CPP is in line with them.

Same as C250, we will offer two different running cost figures: the one with the assumption

that I/U and waste toner box will be exchanged by engineer, the other with consideration that

the customer will exchange as CRU without involvement of the service organization.

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Launch Guide bizhub C300/C352(P)

4 Competitor Comparison

4.1 Competitors bizhub C300

Konica Minolta Canon Ricoh Sharp


Model bizhub C300 iR C2620 Aficio 3228 MX- 2700 CopyCentre


Launch Date 2006/05 2004/10 2004/02 2006/01 2006/01

Speed Color 30cpm 26cpm 20cpm 27 26

Mono 30cpm 26cpm 28cpm 27 36

Type Desktop Desktop Desktop Desktop Console

First Copy Time Color 8.5 sec. 13.1sec 10.0 sec 8.9 sec 8.5

Mono 6.5 sec. 9.8sec 8.0 sec 6.3 sec 6.1

Warming UP Time 72 sec 360sec 101 sec 80 sec 30 sec

Zoom 25-400% 25-400% 25-400% 25-400% 25-400%

Continuous Copy 999 999 999 999 999

Copier Dimensions 648x755x770 mm 620x786x710 mm 670x698x859 mm 620 x 670 x 950 mm 1346 x 636 x 1116

Main Body Weight 100 kg 126Kg 152kg 126 kg 257

Resolution 600x600dpi 600x600dpi 600x600dpi 600x600dpi 600x600dpi

Color Depth 8 Bit 4 Bit 2 Bit

Paper Size A3+ to A6 A3 to A5 A3 to A6 A3 to A5 A3 to A5

Number of Mailboxes 1000 100 200

Paper Type 60-256g/m² 64-209g/m² 60-163g/m² 60–220g/m²

Fusing System Fusing Roller Fusing Roller Fusing Roller Fusing Roller Fusing Roller

Exposure Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser

Copying System Tandem Tandem Tandem Tandem Tandem

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4.2 Competitors bizhub C352

Konica Minolta Ricoh Sharp Xerox

Model bizhub C352 Aficio 3235C MX-3501


Launch Date 2006/06 2005/06 2006/01 2004/10

Speed Color 35 28 35 15

Mono 35 35 35 35

Type Desktop Desktop Desktop Console

First Copy Time Color 8.5 sec. 8 sec 6.9 sec 8.5 sec

Mono 6.5 sec. 6 sec 4.7 sec 6.1 sec

Warming UP Time 72 sec 99 sec 240 sec 99 sec

Zoom 25-400% 25-400% 25-400% 25-400%

Continuous Copy 999 99 999 999

Copier Dimensions 648x755x770 mm 550x670x781 mm 645 x 670 x950 mm 1346 x 636 x 1116

Main Body Weight 84Kg 85 kg 115 kg 257 kg

Resolution 600x600 dpi 600x600 dpi 600x600 dpi 600x600 dpi

Color Depth 8 Bit 2 Bit 2 Bit 4 Bit

Paper Size A3+ – A6 A3– A5 A3-A5 A3-A5

Number of Mailboxes 1000 200 ? ?

Paper Type 60-256g/m² 64-160g/m² 64-160g/m² 64 - 220 g/m²

Fusing System Fusing Roller Fusing Roller Fusing Roller Fusing Roller

Exposure Laser Laser Laser Laser

Copying System Tandem Tandem Tandem Tandem

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Launch Guide bizhub C300/C352(P)

5 Service Concept

5.1 Product Overview

The product is designed for input and output of colour documents to increase the efficiency

of the office workflow. The product is a base for transmission and reception of colour

information. The bizhub C300 and bizhub C352/P can be equipped with the new ultra fast

ADF with slit feed and a high reliability. The bizhub C300 and bizhub C352/P are the first

colour MFP respectively printer with an embedded finisher which differs from bizhub C250.

The MFP series bizhub C300 and bizhub C352 can be equipped with the EFI controller IC-


A new level of functionality for the bizhub series will be offered with the Phase 2.0 of the

Firmware, also the C250 can be up-graded with the Phase 2.0 F/W. Phase 2.0 enables the

connection of new options like Scan accelerator kit, Fax multi line kit, network capabilities,

security features and aligning copy and print functions.

5.2 Service Point of view

The bizhub C300 and the bizhub C352 are very similar in comparison with the bizhub C250

concerning the hardware, except the Fusing Unit. As already experienced by the bizhub

C250 the consumables are accessible from the font side. Which means, the customer can

handle easily the exchange of the Waste Toner, Imaging Units and Toner. The first PM

Service will be after 120.000 pages and it‟s necessary for the exchange of the Image

Transfer Unit, Second Transfer Roller and Filters. The illustration below gives an idea how

easy the CRU‟s are accessible.

Also the Image Transfer Belt Unit is easy to replace which means a reduction of service time

respectively costs. The finishing options have not to be replaced as the excess is on the left

side of the machine.

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An on demand delivery for the CRU‟s can be supported by the CS Remote Care system with

pre-indication of the “end of life time” of the units.

In case of the end of life time it is possible, to start immediately the delivery of units before

the customer recognises the machine stops. If at the same time another unit‟s near the end

of life time, it can be considered to deliver also this unit, to avoid an unnecessary delivery at

the next days.

5.3 Service ability evaluation

Already during the manufacturing of the products it was taken account to avoid failure on

single parts such as clutch or solenoids. Referring to the service actions the operability,

serviceability and simplification of the product are improved. In case of the operability the

replacement units are designed as CRU‟s and also the replacements of the other units (e.g.

Image Transfer Unit and Fusing Unit) are simplified.

bizhub C250 bizhub C300 bizhub C352/P

Line up

bizhub C250 CRU’s < are identical to > bizhub C300 / C352/P CRU’s

Image Transfer Belt

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5.4 Service Support Tool

For the bizhub C300 and bizhub C352 the CS Remote Care system offers the urgent

notification of the SCA codes, of Paper Jams, of Toner empty and periodical check. Further

more the machine management data collection and the following applications: KM Core,

Web Application, and local applications as Maintenance tool, Meter Reading tool and in the

future also a Parts Life Management System which release time is not fixed jet.

The Support of Mail Remote Notice is also available which acquires the machine data by

using the mail application or a mobile device. With the Internet-ISW it‟s possible to rewrite

the bizhub C300 and bizhub C352 program. The below table gives an overview.

bizhub C300 bizhub C352

Function Interface Color 30/30 Color 35/35

CS Remote Care

RS-232C (GSM Modem) Supported Supported

NIC on IP controller Supported Supported

Fax Line Support with

Phase 2.5

Support with

Phase 2.5

Data transmission by

e-mail instructions

NIC on IP controller

(Emperon controller) Supported Supported

IISW (Internet In System


NIC on IP controller

(Emperon controller) Supported Supported

5.5 Training

As above mentioned the Hardware differences are not as significant, therefore BEU will not

offer a classroom training. We will offer training material which explains the enhanced

features of Phase 2.0 of the bizhub series.

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Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH Product Marketing Division Office Marketing Group Europaallee 17 30855 Langenhagen