Download - BITS: UCSC genome browser - Part 1

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Paco Hulpiau

UCSCgenome browsing

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§ Browse genes in their genomic context

§ See features in and around a specific gene

§ Investigate genome organization and explore larger

chromosome regions

§ Search and retrieve information on a gene- and


§ Compare genomes

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§ Collaboration between main genome browsers

Ensembl, UCSC and NCBI

» use same genome assemblies

» interlinking between sites

§ Ensembl Genome Browser:

§ NCBI Map Viewer:

§ UCSC Genome Browser:

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§ Collaboration between main genome browsers

Ensembl, UCSC and NCBI

» use same genome assemblies

» interlinking between sites

§ Ensembl Genome Browser:

§ NCBI Map Viewer:

§ UCSC Genome Browser:

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§ Collaboration between main genome browsers

Ensembl, UCSC and NCBI

» use same genome assemblies

» interlinking between sites

§ Ensembl Genome Browser:

§ NCBI Map Viewer:

§ UCSC Genome Browser:

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§ Other genome browsers and genome databases: Eukaryotic (143) and prokaryotic (505) genomes Xenopus tropicalis Drosophila genes & genomes C. elegans and some related nematodes => Comprehensive Microbial Resource (CMR) => Microbial genomes

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§ The UCSC Genome browser was created by the

Genome Bioinformatics Group

at the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC).

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§ The Genome Browser zooms and scrolls

over chromosomes, showing the work of

annotators worldwide.

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§ Blat quickly maps your sequence to the genome.

BLAT is not BLAST !

BLAT works by keeping an index of the entire genome in memory.

The index consists of all non-overlapping DNA 11-mers or protein 4-mers.

The index is used to find areas of probable homology, which are then

loaded into memory for a detailed alignment.

BLAT on DNA can quickly find sequences of 95% and greater similarity

of length 40 bases or more.

BLAT on proteins finds sequences of 80% and greater similarity of length

20 amino acids or more.

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§ The Table Browser provides convenient

access to the underlying database.

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§ The Gene Sorter displays a sorted table of genes

that are related to one another.

The relationship can be one of several types, including protein-

level homology,

similarity of gene expression profiles,

or genomic proximity.

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§ In-Silico PCR searches a sequence database with a pair of PCR

primers, using an indexing strategy for fast performance.

§ When successful, the search returns a file (fasta) containing all

sequences in the database that lie between and include the

primer pair.

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§ Genome Graphs is a tool for displaying

genome-wide data sets such as the results

of genome-wide SNP association studies,

linkage studies and homozygosity mapping.

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§ Galaxy allows you to do analyses you cannot do

anywhere else without the need to install or

download anything.

§ You can analyze multiple alignments, compare

genomic annotations and much more...

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§ VisiGene lets you browse through a large

collection of in situ mouse and frog images.

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§ The Proteome Browser provides a wealth of

protein information presented in the form of

graphical images of tracks and histograms

and links to other sites.

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§ The Utilities page contains links to some tools

created by the UCSC Genome Bioinformatics Group.

§ DNA Duster & Protein Duster remove non-sequence

related characters from an input sequence.

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§ The Utilities page contains links to some tools

created by the UCSC Genome Bioinformatics Group.

§ DNA Duster & Protein Duster remove non-sequence

related characters from an input sequence.

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Clade – Genome - Assembly

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Navigation: position control

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Navigation: position control

§ Click the zoom in and zoom out buttons on top

to zoom in or out 1.5, 3 or 10-fold

on the center of the window

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Navigation: position control

§ Zoom in 3-fold by clicking anywhere

on the base position track

§ Zoom to a specific region using “drag and zoom”

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Navigation: position control

§ To scroll the view of the display horizontally

by set increments of 10%, 50% or 95%

of the displayed size (as given in base pairs)

click the corresponding move arrow

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Navigation: position control

§ To scroll the left of right side by a specified number of

vertical gridlines while keeping the opposite side fixed

click the appropriate move start or move end


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Navigation: position control

§ To display a (completely) different position

enter the new location in the position/search text


§ You can also jump to an other gene location

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Annotation Tracks


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HIDE = removes a track from view

FULL = each item on a separate line

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DENSE = all items collapsed into single line

SQUISH = all items on several lines PACKED and at 50% height

PACK = each item separate and efficiently stacked (full height)

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Annotation Tracks

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Annotation Tracks

§ Different genome/assembly => different tracks!

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Annotation Tracks

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Annotation Tracks

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Annotation Tracks

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Annotation Tracks

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Annotation Tracks

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Annotation Tracks

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Annotation Tracks

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Annotation Tracks

§ Now try to change the tracks as follows

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Annotation Tracks

§ and...

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direction of transcription


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Annotation Tracks

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Annotation Tracks

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Annotation Tracks

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Annotation Tracks

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Annotation Tracks

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Annotation Tracks

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Annotation Tracks

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Annotation Tracks

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Browser graphics in PDF






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Exercises (I)

1) Search for your gene of interest

on Human Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19) Assembly

» Include 1000 base pairs up- and downstream

» Only show the tracks:

RefSeq Genes (pack)

Conservation (full, primates only)

» Save graphical view as PDF (exercises1_1)

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Exercises (I)

2) How many transcripts are there?

» Compare UCSC Genes with RefSeq and Ensembl genes!

» Save graphical view as PDF (exercises1_2)

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Exercises (I)

3) What are the flanking genes?

Are these conserved outside mammals?

» Zoom out until you can see at least

two or three flanking genes

(may need to hide some tracks, leave RefSeq on)

» Now have a look in the chicken genome

» Save graphical view as PDF

(exercises1_3a en exercises1_3b)

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Exercises (I)

4) Is there any regulatory information available?

» Change the view to see the genomic region upstream

(exon 1 and ~2000 upstream) and open some regulatory tracks

e.g. ORegAnno, TFBS Conserved, TS miRNA sites

» Save graphical view as PDF (exercises1_4)

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