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Bird Life

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Probably it is easy to think that the birds sing for pleasing, nevertheless; his singing is for communicate, to be alerted and to be imposed on enemies.

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The vocal capacity of the birds has inspired poets and musicians

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The nightingale for example has 300 songs in his repertoire

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According to the English musician David Hintley, there are many similarities between the singing of the Lark and the Fifth Symphony of Beethoven.

The Lark gives itself the luxury of singing, at the same time that it is chased by a predator.

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The best moment to listen to the singing of the birds, is the dawn

Why sing at that hour ?

1 They do not have anything what to do and the intensity of the light is low.

2 they are warning the females that they are still suitable for the baby.

3 that have abundant energy.

4 they defend his territory

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To look and to find couple is not simple for the birds, because in the forest it is very difficult to attract attention. The competition is enormous, and because of it, they have to do big demonstrations, to court and to demonstrate to “misses bird“ that there are the ideal couple

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For example, the Bird Gardener, in his attempt to attract the females, constructs for 9 months, an avenue as that we see in this photo. The dry branches that it uses, are very big in proportion to his size.

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To decorate it, he uses materials of showy colors, sheets, flowers, fruits, moss, feathered of other birds and up to human materials like canisters and glass pieces.

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“Misses bird“, visit the avenues inside and on the outside and select like couple, to the builder of the avenue that more she has liked.

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All the Birds have the same approach of the maternity, cover with his body the egg to incubate it.

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Like an airplane can not fly if it are overweight , the Birds deposit his eggs as soon as they are fertile, of not making it like that, on weight it would prevent them to fly.

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It is very difficult to find a sure place to do the nest, but they solve this problem in many ingenious ways.

For example the woodpecker “Rufau“, it does his nest between colonies of ants “fury“.

The ants are in charge of eliminating any intruder who tries to steal the eggs.

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There exist very slack birds, which they do not like doing his nests and less incubating his eggs.

The Cuckoos use the nest of other birds that are in incubation process

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His strategy consists of selecting a nest where there are eggs very similar to theirs.

It puts an egg and eliminates one of the nest. All this does it in 10 seconds to avoid to be surprised.

A mystery is the motive of this behavior

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The new generation of scientists believes that the birds, they can solve problems and learn, as the human children do it.

To the bird Nutcracker, an incredible memory is recognized.

It is capable of locating the exact places where he hid thousands of seeds of Pine, gathered for several weeks, which it will use to feed during the winter.

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It is necessary to think that every seed, he hides it in different place, in a 24 kilometers space, and that the Pine seed is very small, in addition to that they remain covered by sheets.

Will exist a human being who could remember, where he put 30,000 seeds in different places ?.

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The Crow of New Guinea, also it is very intelligent. They are capable of constructing hardware in the shape of hook, to introduce them in small cracks to extract his detainees.

It makes his hardware from branches, and inclusive, with wires that find in the forest.

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The manufacture and use of hardware, it is considered to be an indication of top intelligence.

Every generation of birds who leaves the protection of his parents, has the genetic and innate information, which helps him on to live, doing the same that his parents do

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The Birds not only are professional aviators, for many birds his favorite plates are the fish and to be able to catch them, they have developed surprising skills, so much out as inside the water

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The Kingfisher discerns the fish from the low branches of a tree or a shrub. Next, it dives quickly with the peak ahead and the closed eyes, and captures his detainee with the highest success valuation. After the apprehension, it returns to his previous position, where it swallows the piece.

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The aquatic Blackbird, they usually live in the shores of rapid rivers of mountain.

His preference to the not contaminated waters has turned it into a bio indicator of the purity of a river.

Where there are Blackbirds the water is pure.

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It submerges in the water and as his blood carries very much oxygen, can remain under the water up to 30 seconds

It walks at the bottom of the Rio to feed on insects

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The Owls are big hunters of night habit and they hunt with base in the sound.

His vision is very scarce. They cannot see anything to a few centimeters of his eyes, but they have a system of perfect radar.

They feed principally on small rodents, especially mice.

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The Owls hunt in the darkness. His head in the shape of disc helps to direct the sound to his ears.

His feathers are very soft, this allows him to demolish by no means silence and surprise his detainees

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The Warbler Kirtland is the most specializing in his needs for feeding.

Only he eats Pine seeds, when these are liberated by the forest fires, for which the forest fire, is essential for the survival of this beautiful bird.

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In the State of Michigan (USA), controlled fires take place so that the Warblers have his food.

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The Woodpecker is one more marvel of the nature. They possess the aptitude to peck the trunk of a tree, 20 times per minute and a day in whole 12,000

They have a bone behind his peak and in front of his brain.

His language covers his brain what allows them to muffle the goals. this way he suffers neither pains nor anomalies for the thousands of blows that his life gives.

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When he is looking for food, it settles on the trunks and listens attentively to the noise for some insect that moves under the crust.

Quickly it perforates the crust and with his language it extracts his detainee.

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Not only it helps to the forests to eliminate insects infests, but it does holes in the trees so that other birds use them as nests.

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In case that you want to know much more of the Life of the Birds, the BBC of London, it edited a DVD and a Book, both of exceptional quality, like everything what does the BBC of London.

Sir David Attenborough, traveled 256,000 miles, being employed at five continents, accompanied by experts and by professional cameramen, who used the most modern filming skills.

The production was late 3 years and had a cost for 15 million dollars.

Sir David Attenborough

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Músic ; Mantovani
