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  • Biophotonics & Light Communication - the Science behind Energy Healing

    I'm in a wonderful position: I may witness people's wellbeing improve, sometimes dramatically, while practicing Reconnective Healing. Watching them

    come in with pain and leave without it, dance through the room trying out

    movements they couldn't do in months, or get up saying: I'm not depressed

    anymore!, move on the massage table so much in response to frequencies of

    energy, light and information that I feel compelled to hold the table in place,

    speak what seems another language fluently without conscious knowledge of it,

    heal from a severe accident a lot faster than predicted - it makes you wonder

    what exactly happens to people experiencing this, and what the Reconnective

    Healing phenomenon is based on. This holistic process engages frequencies of

    energy, light and information which tangibly and visibly interact with a person,

    helping them to allow a healing to occur. It is wellbeing centered, powerful,

    compatible with other approaches, as good for prevention as for healing and

    recovery, offers benefits without risk, and can be life-changing. It addresses

    causes rather than symptoms, while creating no dependency on the practitioner -

    I don't see clients more than three times per life situation. Reconnective Healing

    is also experiential. No article, book, or live presentation substitutes for a direct

    experience of this process. However, these are good beginning points.

    While applied in some areas of current medical practice, light frequencies as

    curative agents enjoy comparatively little use. Yet, I believe that frequency and

    information based healing is the way of the future. Reconnective Healing and

    other energy healing modalities exemplify this already, and have been for

    centuries in some cases (e.g. Qigong, Tai Chi there are c. 1000 energy healing

    modalities). Light frequencies directly impact biology on a systemic level (Levin

    2003, Popp 2006, Barbault et al 2009, Han et al 2011), while also being targeted, ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

  • compatible with conventional therapy, harmless, effective, and lasting (Pearl

    2001, Barbault et al 2009, Zimmermann et al 2012). How do they do that? And

    isn't this a favorable approach to invasive methods? No needles. No pills. No

    side-effects. Only feeling better. Brilliant! Is this kind of healing really possible?

    The answer is YES. Light frequencies hold a key to wellbeing, and this article

    explores why and how. T

    What is light?

    Before going into how light interacts with biology, it pays to revisit some basics.

    What is light? What is this phenomenon that we're so familiar with we almost

    forget it exists? Light is electromagnetic radiation. It exhibits what's called wave-

    particle duality: it posseses properties of both waves (frequency, energy,

    information) and particles (= photons). Light waves combine two waves in one

    (Fig.1): an electric wave forming an electrical field, and a perpendicular magnetic

    wave forming a magnetic field. Both

    these fields feed off each other,

    creating a self-propagating light wave

    in the process. Light has a frequency

    (cycles per second, measured in

    hertz), contains energy, and carries

    information. The speed of light is

    defined as 299.792 km/s. In other

    words, a photon (particle of light)

    travels 8.3 minutes between the Sun

    and your skin while basking on a

    sunny day. That's 150 million

    kilometers in under 10 minutes (by

    comparison, the Earth's circumference

    is c. 40.000 km)! Another way to think about this: imagine sitting in an airplane,

    and traveling around the world seven times in a row in one second. Wouldn't

    that be fantastic! Let's just say that light travels very fast indeed. This hints at why

    healing modalities that effectively employ it tend to work fast and do not require a

    person to come back regularly, week after week, sometimes even years. In

    Reconnective Healing, 90 minutes of ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

    Fig 1. Light wave. Source:

  • interacting with frequencies of energy, light and information is more than enough

    to know whether this works for someone, and felt health differences may occur

    within minutes.

    The visible spectrum of sunlight which informs and enables our visual sense

    represents but one small portion of the entire frequency range coming from the

    Sun (Fig 2). One could say we're literally blind to most solar radiation, as we only

    perceive a narrow spectrum of what's emitted. However, we invented numerous

    technologies that use light and see within other ranges inaccessable to our

    senses, thus artificially extending our perception (Fig 2). Use of this light

    technology influences (dictates?) our every day experience: TV, radio, GPS,

    supermarket scanners, X-rays, and most prominently, cell phones and the

    internet. All of these technologies use light frequencies to encode or decode

    information, and thus to communicate. And it's everywhere, without getting

    esoteric or religious or spiritual. Just scientific will do. Electromagnetic fields

    accompany us all day every day.

    One of the most important properties of light is carrying information. What does this mean? Light waves can be changed in different ways to encode

    information. AM and FM radio means amplitude and frequency modulation, for

    example (amplitude is wave height, see Fig. 1). One can also vary the pulse of

    waves (as in on-off). That is what Morse code uses. It is only important for the

    recipient to know the code in order to understand the message, otherwise they

    will only see seemingly senseless signals and miss the communication. Or take

    sending a text message: you punch in letters that make sense. Then you press

    'send' and your friend on the other end receives your message, also in letters on

    their display. What happens in between? Your phone converts letters to an

    electrical signal which it then transmits as a pulsed microwave pattern carrying

    your information, until the recipient phone decodes that pattern and, converting it

    back to letters, displays it as words on the screen. This, then, is an every day

    example of using frequencies of energy, light and information to communicate.

    The internet uses fibre optic cables to relay packets of information across long

    distances. Same principle: your email is converted into electrical signals and

    transmitted via digital light pulses until the recipient computer decodes your mes- ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

  • ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

    Fig 2. The electromagnetic spectrum and its technological applications. Notice how narrow the visible spectrum is, allowing (and confining) us to perceive the world through our

    visual sense. Left scale: frequency; right scale: wavelength. Source:

  • sage for the other person to read. It's all about encoding and decoding

    information carried by waves. That's what our five senses do, too. That's all they

    do! We are expert translators of vibration. Only it is so normal and so fast that

    we're hardly aware of participating in it.

    When waves interact, they form

    interference patterns (Fig. 3). And these

    patterns contain information. For

    example, in the case of pebbles tossed

    in a pond, the resulting waves carry

    information about the pebbles, their

    size, the time of the event and point of

    origin, and their speed. When colliding

    waves amplify each other, we see larger

    peaks and troughs (information

    addition); when they interfere destructively, they cancel each other out

    (information loss). While interacting in this way, both waves share their respective

    information while simultaneously maintaining their integrity: after the interaction

    they look just as before. For example: wave A has amplitude A and wave B has

    amplitude B. Both travel toward each other. When they overlap (interfere), the

    resulting amplitude is A+B during the interaction, and then again A and B

    afterwards, once both waves continue on their individual paths (as in A, B, A+B,

    A, B). They just passed through each other, and it's as if they never met. Yet the

    temporary interference patterns resulting from interacting waves play an

    important role.

    Light waves, too, produce interference patterns that contain information (Fig. 4).

    Notice the semi-circular wave patterns resulting from light passing through two

    pinholes. If you would put a detector or light sensitive film somewhere in the

    plane where both light waves cross (grey bar), you would attain an interference

    pattern resembling a barcode. This barcode contains the information of both light

    waves. Look familiar? That's right: every supermarket item shows a barcode with

    product specific information. And a scanner (ie laser beam) retrieves the encoded

    information when you check out. Jumping ahead just a little bit, figuratively spea - ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

    Fig 3. Wave interference patterns contain information. Source:

  • king, you can think

    of biological light

    fields as barcodes

    holding specific in-

    formation. Each cell

    has one, each

    tissue has one,

    each organ, and

    each person. And

    they are change-

    able, not static.

    That's where the

    analogy ends. The

    importance here is that overlapping waves create patterns that allow for

    information storage, flow and exchange.

    Waves constitute a near endless potential to encode, store and exchange

    information. The greatest such medium is what physics calls the Zero Point Field

    (ZPF), and Eastern philosophy terms the field of all possibility: a quantum sea

    of energy and information that is omnipresent and connects everything with

    everything else in this Universe - a possible explanation for why distance healing

    works (a 'quantum' is the smallest amount of something, e.g. a photon is a

    quantum of light). According to physicist Richard Feynman (1918 -1988, Nobel

    Prize 1965), one cubic metre of space (zero point energy) is enough to boil the

    oceans of the world. A wonderful book summing up some 30 years of research

    into the ZPF is Lynne McTaggart's The Field (2001). It is written in plain English,

    so one needn't be a physicist to enjoy it.

    Now that we laid the foundation of light properties and wave interactions, let's

    see how all of this relates to living systems - us!

    One of the fundamental questions in biology is how organisms self-regulate. How do cells manage to carry out some 100.000 biochemical reactions per second, and how does the body know to manufacture 10 million new cells ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

    Fig 4. Light interference and information. Source:

  • per second, and to also let go of an

    equal number in the same time

    frame? And how do cells know

    when to stop growing? How does

    the body know to produce what

    protein when and where, and how

    does that protein then know where

    to go? And why is it that cell

    division (mitosis, Fig 5) usually

    runs error free? Statistical chance

    alone would have c. 100.000 errors

    occur per event. Yet this does not

    eventuate. What controls this

    process so precisely, and how? To illustrate what a feat it is to divide DNA into

    two exact portions for each daughter cell to inherit, imagine a big truck filled to

    the brim with peas. Your job is to sort these into two exactly equal piles. No

    mistake allowed. If only one pea rolls back crossing into the other heap, you lose.

    And you have to be quick. Cells usually take anywhere from a few minutes to

    under 24 hours for completing their (perfect) division.

    Understanding the regulation of this process represents the holy grail of biology

    and medical research. Why? Cancer cells enter into cell division for unknown

    reasons, and if one could solve that, cancer therapy would benefit immeasurably.

    It would open new avenues of understanding, prevention, and treatment.

    How light interacts with Biology: Biophotons and the work of Prof Fritz-Albert PoppFritz-Albert Popp shared the fate of many an ingenious person: he got fired and

    ridiculed for a revolutionary re-discovery: cells contain and emit light. And what goes for cells also holds true for whole organisms, including humans. Everything

    living constantly emits an ultra-weak radiation. Popp called it biophoton emission,

    indicating its biological origin. To illustrate how weak this light is: it would equal

    still seeing a candle flame at a 20 km distance. This highlights a major challenge

    in science: it can only ever measure phenomena detectable by current equip - ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

    Fig 5. Mitosis (celll division) in broad bean root cells. Chromosomes (DNA): finger-like structures at the cells' center. Source: Katrin Geist.

  • ment. Popp had long worked on developing a machine sensitive enough to

    detect single photon events. Beginning with cucumber seedlings, he measured

    low level light emissions (biophotons) coming from these plants when put into his

    photomultiplier machine (Fig. 6), a technolo-

    gy based on work by Albert Einstein who

    received the Nobel Prize for it in 1921. Popp

    noticed that any organism he tested emitted

    a weak light, and it is well established today

    that this pertains to all life forms (Bischof

    1995). What did this light emission mean?

    What could its function be? And could

    anything of such low intensity really matter to


    One clue came from his own previous work studying two forms of almost the same thing: 1,2 benzpyrene and 3,4 benzpyrene. While their structural difference is tiny, the former is harmless to us, and the latter is a highly

    carcinogenic substance (e.g. in cigarette smoke and coal-tar). When shining UV

    light on 3,4 benzpyrene, Popp noticed something baffling: the substance would

    not radiate back light at the same wavelength, but rather emit a different

    wavelength. Normally, and like the harmless 1,2 benzpyrene, things emit back

    the same frequency they were exposed to. This didn't. Instead of radiating back

    the same UV wavelength, 3,4 benzpyrene emitted light of a different kind. It

    absorbed one light form and gave off another. It scrambled light frequencies.

    Popp was amazed to learn that 380nm, the wavelength at which his test

    molecules reacted as light scramblers, is part of the light spectrum at which DNA

    photorepair a well known and accepted yet not fully understood mechanism

    operates. One can next to destroy a cell with strong UV light or X-rays, for

    example, and then expose it to a weaker dose of UV light to induce cell repair.

    Cells recover almost completely within a few hours. This amazing ability is

    termed DNA photorepair or photoreactivation, and it depends on light exposure

    between 310nm and 400nm. Popp thought nature was too coordinated for this to

    be a coincidence could it be that frequency scrambling substances were at the

    root of causing cancer? Had he even discovered the mechanism behind car - ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

    Fig 6. Left: leaves in daylight. Right: biophotn emission of same leaves as detected by a photomultiplier. . Source:

  • cinogenic effects? What if light scrambling molecules interefere with and disrupt

    or prevent DNA photorepair, thus leading to mutations? He felt on to something.

    Presenting his results at a conference, he was met with much skepticism and

    resistance. His results did not fit the mould and stretched attendees' imagination

    too far. Despite this disappointing experience, Fritz-Albert Popp persisted with his

    inspiring research. Studying 37 more substances (some harmless, some

    carcinogenic), a pattern emerged: without exception, every frequency scrambling

    chemical turned out to be a carcinogen, absorbing at 380nm, and then emitting a

    different wavelength. Popp wondered about the implications of this for cells: the

    light absorbing property of carcinogens at 380nm with subsequent scrambling

    would block light of that wavelength, thus withholding it from photorepair, and

    eventually preventing it altogether. Consistent, long-term exposure (e.g. smoking)

    to carcinogens, then, would deprive cells of their repair mechanism and render

    them vulnerable to damage. It would also mean that, in order to carry out

    photorepair, cells naturally contain UV light (as it does not penetrate skin very

    deeply, and all cells use it), and that DNA interacts with it. Measuring his

    cucumber seedlings confirmed that organisms not only emit light, but coherent

    light at that (see below). Question remained: where did this inner light come


    Popp mused it must come from the live food we eat. Green plants harness sunlight and convert it into biochemical energy. When

    we enjoy a fresh salad, we also ingest photons

    currently held within the plant tissue. There is

    good experimental evidence that DNA is a lot

    more than just a blueprint for building proteins.

    It seems to hold and emit photons (Rattemeyer

    et al 1981), allow for coherence (see below)

    (Popp 1984), and, recently, was used as digital

    information storing device, akin to a flash drive.

    Church et al (2012) stored (and retrieved) an

    entire book: 53.426 words, 11 jpgs and one

    JavaScript program. ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

    Fig 7. DNA as barcode: by ana- logy, a temporary summary of current cellular processes.. Source: world wide web...

  • Also, what has been termed junk DNA (some 95% of it), turns out to be

    anything but: remember the barcode? Figuratively speaking, it's a temporary

    description of what's going on in a cell, regardless of sequences coding for

    proteins (genes) or not (junk). Popp believes that DNA is a light storing resonator molecule that uses light signals to coordintate intra- and intercellular processes. (Resonators either generate waves of specific frequencies or select specific frequencies from an incoming signal. They

    temporarily store light.) DNA acts as an antenna sending and receiving light

    signals. Popp's research, and that of others, certainly points in that direction

    (Popp 2006, Blank & Goodman 2011, Garo & Haener 2012, Meyl 2012).

    Since every biochemical reaction requires energy for activation, photons make

    perfect sense to provide that, especially because they act like catalysts: without

    being used up in the process, they initiate a reaction, and then return to the light

    field, ready to repeat the task. In other words, a cell carrying out 100.000 reaction

    per second (!) does not require 100.000 photons to kick them off. A handful could

    do, since they are reused, and, as light, travel very fast. It's similar to a honey

    bee visiting hundreds of flowers instead of only one. In a cell, everything is in

    constant flux and exchange, in a most coordinated way. And you consist of some

    50 trillion cells. Imagine what's going on at all times!

    Also interesting in this respect is that every atom (basic unit of matter) functions

    as a resonator for a specific wavelength, and this translates up the scale to

    molecules (which consist of atoms), cells, tissues, and organs. What does this

    mean? Essentially, that everything is in motion in response to light waves which

    excite atoms at certain wavelengths. This excitation has atoms form molecules

    and molecules aggregate to larger structures like cell membranes. Photons

    provide the impetus for anything to happen. Everything vibrates. Why is this

    important? Every atom/ molecule/ cell/ tissue/ organ/ person resonates with

    certain frequencies and not with others. That's why we like some vibes or people,

    and not others. That's what different tastes are, and different smells different

    perceptions. When something resonates with us, we fell really good, in love

    even. We can resonate with people, places, foods or ideas. It generally just feels

    very good. It also means that every molecule and every cell serves as a potential ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

  • light source, due to the nature of resonators as temporary light traps. This allows

    for the formation of three-dimensional light fields throughout the body. One could

    say that light glues the body together, as every cell emits and absorbs

    electromagnetic force fields (light) in communication with its neighbours.

    Biophotons prefer spaces of constructive interference (amplified light fields) and

    interact with charged particles (e.g. electrons, atoms, proteins). Therefore, they

    influence the body's charge distribution, and thus its energy field.

    Coherent light as ordering principleCoherent light (e.g. a laser beam) is light that originates from a very small source

    (e.g. a photon, or by passing through a pinhole, see Fig. 8). A word of many

    definitions, in the world of biophotons, coherence denotes 1) a high degree of

    order and 2) the ability to form light fields through wave interference

    (amplification & attenu-

    ation), where biopho-

    tons from spatially

    different sources inter-

    act to weave an

    ordered (coherent)

    light field. It is these

    standing waves that

    enable information ex-

    change in biological

    systems. A standing

    wave keeps the same

    form over time. It is subject to boundary conditions (as given by a cell membrane

    or a river channel) which maintain and determine its shape. Change only one

    boundary condition, and the entire wave (system) changes: light fields are

    holistic. That is why coherence is so important, as it buys cells time to carry out

    tasks until coherence erodes, thus changing the quality of information exchange

    possible. For example, healthy people emit coherent biophotons with periodic

    patterns, whereas ill people show little coherence and disturbed or no periodicity

    (Cohen & Popp 1997). The ability of biological systems to achieve coherence

    exceeds that of modern lasers by orders of magnitude (Popp 2006). ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

    Fig 8. Coherent vs incoherent light. Source:

  • So by analogy, think of a packed rugby stadium. Photons are like people: they

    spontaneously and temporarily connect and cooperate as one to create order

    and meaning while keeping their individual identity. La ola, the wave, goes

    around the stadium with people participating in a cooperative pattern that carries

    meaning: that's coherence. No single person could bring it about. But cooperative

    interaction can. Likewise, photons weave a tapestry of information in biological

    systems, thereby transmitting and communicating information about the state of

    the system. Forget the barcodes: think la ola! It's more like a dance anyway.

    Popp's brilliant move was to calculate possible resonator wave patterns (light fields) for cells. The trouble with research of this kind is that one cannot directly measure cellular light fields cells are too small for inserting probes

    directly, and that very act would also immediately alter the boundary conditions

    (by disturbing the cell membrane), and thus the result. So scientists resort to

    indirect approaches which involve measuring biophoton emissions to infer

    standing wave patterns (light fields) present in cells, and to theoretical

    calculations such as: what biophoton wave interference patterns (light fields) are possible within cellular boundary conditions? In cells, boundary conditions largely depend on the cell membrane: its shape, molecular

    composition and electrical charges, for example. A standing wave in a river may

    depend on channel width and depth, log jams and water flow. If only one

    boundary parameter changes, the resulting wave changes, too, whether that's

    water or light.

    Fig. 9 summarizes Fritz-Albert Popp's genius and the foundation of his life's

    work. This, surely, should see the Nobel Prize, as far as I'm concerned. Amazing

    to think that this knowledge least 35 years old. People all too often die

    over their great contributions without recognition. One can only hope that they

    make up their minds soon. ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

  • What do we see here? The left side shows a light microscope image of a classic

    mitotic pattern (called anaphase, see also Fig. 5) of a fish cell, where the dark

    double band at the center is DNA, and the bushy bits that radiate out from each

    side are microtubule proteins that attach to DNA and eventually pull it apart to

    separate chromosomes (DNA) into two equal portions (like pea sorting, only

    much more elegant). The right figure shows the corresponing, calculated light

    field (resonator wave). They are a perfect match.

    So an immaterial, standing electromagnetic wave pattern (light field) directs physical molecules towards their respective sides. Notice the central line: this hinders molecules to transgress. They literally cannot cross that

    boundary, as their own charge, which interacts with the light field's electrical

    forces (indicated by single lines and arrows), prevents it. Molecules literally get

    repelled and sent back. This is mindblowingly beautiful. To think that cells life!

    - resonate with (sun)light. And once you see it like that, it seems so obvious!

    Popp, and by now many others, as pioneers before them (e.g. Gurwitsch,

    Prirogine, Froehlich), provides a theoretical framework to understand and explain

    the fundamental processes of life. And of course there's more to it still, yet I will

    spare us the mathematics here, which are readily available from the literature. ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

    Fig 9. Popp's revolutionary discovery: mitotic pattern (left) and biophoton light field (right) match perfectly! Source: Popp (2008).

  • Suffice to say that Popp and colleagues veryfied their findings, for example by

    matching calculated light field patterns such as that from Fig. 9 to film footage of

    dividing cells and to spectral colors emitted by cells undergoing cell division the

    light field pattern in Fig. 9 emits biophotons at a wavelength of 350nm, for

    example, and cells undergoing mitosis emit light at that wavelength, thus

    confirming calculated values. It all added up.

    A summary of what we know from biophotonics today (Popp 2006, unless noted otherwise):

    All organisms emit biophotons (light fields). Their importance and intensity

    vary with the level of organisation: humans radiate less light than algae,

    and the more complex a life form, the more important biophotons seem to

    be (more complex organisms tend to retain their biophotons, as they need

    them to activate metabolic processes and to maintain order within the


    Biophoton emissions occur within the visual spectrum of light (from

    ultraviolet to near infrared, 200nm - 800nm) and range between a few

    biophotons to a few thousand biophotons per square centimeter surface

    area (e.g. skin) per second. They also seem to be species specific, i.e.

    species exhibit characteristic biophoton patterns.

    Biophoton emissions differ from the bioluminescence of fireflies or deep

    sea fish (which is much stronger and not present in all life forms).

    Organisms exchange biophotons.

    Biophotons within cells likely originate from DNA. DNA absorbs and

    radiates light between ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths. It is thought to

    function as a resonator, orchestrating cellular function.

    Biophotons carry information within & between cells, between body parts

    and organisms, and between organisms and the environment (e.g. Galle

    et al. 1991, Fels 2009, Dotta et al 2014).

    Humans emit most biophotons through their hands (A. Popp 2011, video

    presentation available from the HHG/Reconnective Healing youtube

    channel), which is very interesting in regards to energy healing.

    Stress usually increases biophoton emissions (van Wijk 1992, Slawinski, ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

  • et al 1992).

    Biophoton emissions show periodic rhythms (e.g. daily, seasons) (Jung et

    al 2005).

    Meditation decreases biophoton emissions (van Wijk et al 2006).

    Healthy people emit 8-10 biophotons/s/cm2 coherent light with periodicity.

    Sick people emit incoherent light and lose their periodicity: cancer patients

    shine less than normal (are too dim; tumors absorb light); MS patients

    shine too bright (one could say this degenarative disease causes patients

    to lose photons as the body increasingly struggles to keep an ordered

    state); stroke patients lose their left-right balance between both hands

    (Han et al 2011).

    Some carcinogens scramble light at 380nm, the wavelength of DNA

    photorepair could this explain their detrimental effects to the body

    through disrupting cell repair?

    When cells die (e.g. through centrifugation, toxins, heat, ionizing radiation,

    or freezing), their light emissions increase, sometimes dramatically (factor

    1000), before ceasing altogether at point of death.

    Coherent light fields connect everything with everything else, and there is

    no single, separate light source as such; while light fields direct

    biochemistry (molecules), molecules in turn influence the light field in a

    constant, dynamic feedback loop. Both levels (light & biochemistry) are

    essential, and neither exists without the other in the life process.

    Consciousness influences biophotons: it is the transformation process

    between potential information and actualized information (Akin to tossing a

    coin: when it flies in the air, it has the potential to land on either side; once

    landed, the actualized choice is apparent, and gives meaning to a toss-

    preceding question as when asking questions of the I Ching).

    Implications of biophotonics

    The above invites to rethinking a few well engrained definitions. Those of health and illness, for example. Viewing illness as a biochemical imbalance or

    sick molecules of sorts falls incredibly short of identifying the real issue: disturbed

    or distorted light fields (ie regulation systems), as measurably expressed by in - ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

  • coherent and elevated or reduced biophoton

    emissions. That is the basis of illness, not

    biochemistry. We even call it so-and-so disorder.

    Exactly! One could say illness is scrambled or

    distorted information. Remember, biochemistry

    carries out what light fields guide it to do (as in

    DNA photorepair or the cell division example, Fig.

    9). If the light field is disturbed, biochemistry

    follows, and the body functions at sub-optimal

    levels until the light field rights itself again. I

    believe that any physical ailment has an energetic

    (information) component as its root cause, and

    that when the energy field is helped by offering

    access to the correct information, the physiology

    follows. It has to. Remember that standing light wave? It is holistic. So when the

    wave changes back to normal, it allows the body to express normally, too. I

    believe that that is part of what I witness when people show dramatic (and often

    lasting) improvements of their ailments during and after Reconnective Healing.

    Human health, then, is a coherent light field with low biophoton emissions. Health

    is being in synch: we feel very well when light fields and biochemistry resonate in

    harmony and quantum communication flows freely throughout the body.

    Essentially, biological systems represent quantum mechanical processes: every

    atom, every molecule, every cell, tissue, organ, and person possesses a

    signature frequency. As does our planet and the Universe at large. We're all

    linked in. As Nikola Tesla (1856-1943, 20th century genius inventor) said: If you

    wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.

    Everything is energy. All things exhibit wave/ particle behavior. ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

    Fig 10. Pill-down-man and the old paradigm: improving illness through biochemistry to regain health. While warran-ted in acute situations, regular, long-term pill consumption may not be the best choice. Source:

  • Now imagine what this new definition

    means to how we live: all the

    technologically created electromagnetic

    pollution everywhere in form of wireless

    hotspots/ modems/ appli-ances, smart

    meters, cell phones, etc it is part of

    why I'm not fond of wireless access

    points everywhere, nor of using a cell

    phone. Nice idea, unforseeable

    consequences. In light of what we just

    said, people need to be aware of

    where technological developments can

    lead and how they potentially affect them

    (Becker & Selden 1998, Blank & Goodman 2011). Without getting paranoid, I

    tend to limit my exposure to electromagnetic radiation of technological origin

    where I can, as it certainly has the potential to mess with biofields (Cifra et al

    2011). And since I believe that the energy field is primary, it pays to look after it.

    If frequency scramblers exist, are there substances that reinstate order? Popp wondered whether plant extracts could change light emissions of cancer

    cells, so that they would again communicate with the rest of the body. He

    examined a number of non-toxic substances purported to be successful in cancer

    treatment. All but one increased biophoton emissions, thus making matters worse

    rather than better. The one exception: mistletoe, which seemed to guide tumor

    cell emissions 'back to normal'. Experimenting with tumor cells of a so-called

    terminally ill patient and a variety of mistletoe extracts, he found one that induced

    coherence similar to that expressed by the patient's body. Within a year, this

    woman (a 'lost case' by conventional standards) healed fully through taking an

    herbal remedy that restored her light field (McTaggart 2001).

    Popp is convinced that thoughts influence biophoton emissions, and thus the body's regulatory systems (ie our health). This isn't exactly new. Marcus

    Aurelius, Roman Emperor, said Our life is what our thoughts make it. Many

    others before and since adhered to similar view points, as reflected by the readily ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

    Fig 11. Cell phone use and radiation. Source:

  • available literature. Only Popp is among the pioneers who provide an explanation

    of the mechansim behind this notion in regards to the body. His laboratory also

    documented people consciously changing their hand's biophoton emissions (A.

    Popp Youtube clip, 2013). To me, the mind-body connection is a fact. Try this:

    think about something very pleasant or joyous or funny. Put all of your attention

    on it and make it vivid in color and sound. Then just notice how your body feels.

    There is a direct link between thoughts and feelings. Good thoughts feel good,

    not so good thoughts feel well, not so good...imagine loving each and every

    one of your thoughts!

    Another aspect I won't go into detail here is that of water memory & homeopathy, which directly link in with biophotonics: light waves as a means to imprint water with a message. We are 70% water. Our cells swim in light and

    water. It pays to remember that. What message does your (tap, drinking, city,

    river, rain) water carry? And what do your cells make of it? And what do you

    make of it, by virtue of your thoughts? Are you helping or hindering? Big

    questions. Care about the quantity and quality of water that you consume. Your

    50 trillion cells will thank you for sufficient hydration with high qualtiy (clean &

    structurally intact) water. They also appreciate healthy, life affirming thoughts. I

    point you to the works of Dr Masaro Emoto, Dr Jaques Benveniste, Dr Bernd

    Kroeplin, and Viktor Schauberger.

    Applications of biophotonics

    Food qualityWhole foods show higher coherence than processed foods, inclu-ding effects of

    cooking and freezing (Fig 12). The quality of eggs from free range hens even-

    tually exceeds that of caged hens by 100%. That is, the hens' experience matters

    and translates into the quality of its egg, and thus its offspring - or your ome-


    Biophotonics allow to predict the germinating ability of grains, and enable a

    quality check of agricultural produce in terms of freshness, contaminants, origin,

    sun exposure, fertilizer type, and more. A positive development is that Rewe, a ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

  • supermarket chain in Germany and Austria, now uses Popp's machines to

    measure the quality of their produce. Great trend! While I'm not sure to what

    degree they do this, it seems an excellent start down the right track.

    Another note on food: its

    real value to us is not the

    molecules and energy

    content: rather, it is the

    information content! The

    light storage capacity of a

    food equals its nutritional

    value: the more light

    (information) is stored, the

    more can also be

    transferred to another

    system (e.g. you). Human

    beings constantly seek to

    maintain order (ie a

    coherent system), as the

    natural tendency of

    anything in this Universe is

    falling into chaos. So we need to constantly expend energy to counteract that

    tendency, and to keep order. Live foods help us do that. And dead foods don't.

    Throw out your microwave and potato chips. Time to get gardening and to eat

    fresh! Or at least buy organic whenever possible.

    A word on the above image: while Kirlian photography does not measure intrinsic

    light alone (as it applies a high voltage source to objects), the images are still in

    line with illustrating biophotonic principles and findings. In other words, biophoton

    emission measurements yielded results similar to those shown in Fig 12, which

    serves as a nice visual to illustrate a difference in 'shine' between raw and

    cooked foods. ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

    Fig 12. Kirlian images of raw (top left) and steamed (top right) broccoli & raw and briefly cooked tomato (bottom left & right) Sources: and

  • Estimating health statusApparently, by using a biophoton scanner, one can easily evaluate the state of

    one's health and the likelihood of developing diabetes, cancer, macular

    degeneration, and heart disease. Wow. This totally harmless process is based on

    the excitation of carotinoids (plant pigments) in your skin and measuring the

    subsequent biophoton emission. The score informs about where on the scale of

    healthy eating and thus sufficient carotinoid/ antioxidant content you fall. You

    are put into the position of changing dietary habits and monitoring the effect of

    your action through harmless and informative biophotonics. No prickly blood


    Another harmless yet effective diagnostic tool comes from real-time infrared (IR)

    measurements. Brizhik et al (2009) found that a person's physiological and

    psychological state of health reliably reflects in their IR readout. The system also

    distinguishes between acute and chronic disease. As with the biophotonics

    machine above, this allows for easy evaluation of a person's state, including

    monitoring the efficacy of a particluar treatment. Popp also found a way to

    evaluate the efficacy of a treatment by measuring the experience of the patient,

    say while receiving energy healing. If the experience registers logarithmically, the

    healer influences a patient's light field in a meaningful way. If it registers as a

    random distribution, the healer created some ineffective noise that passes right

    through without beneficial consequence. This method is based on the Weber-

    Fechner law which states that our perception is a logarithmic (not linear)

    experience of reality: our senses buffer reality down to a bearable degree,

    otherwise we would be overwhelmed by the intensity of stimuli around us. In

    other words: environmental signals are a lot more intense than we perceive them

    to be. This law comes in very handy, as it allows to detect whether or not a

    person responds to a process. Skin conductivity testing also uses this principle.

    In that case, it is a way of testing for coherence without even measuring

    biophoton emissions.

    A new point of viewViewing ourselves and the wold largely as naturally interconnected and

    interdependent expressions of energy, frequency and vibration represents a to - ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

  • tally different perspective from the solid, separate subject/ object world we're so

    used to operating in. Re-interpreting our world as a vibrant, harmonious,

    resonant, energetic, frequency based phenomenon is very exciting. It puts us

    back in the driver's seat of our lives. Don't like the vibe? Change it! It's up to us,

    not someone out there. Effective energy healing practitioners, then, help people

    to change their frequency and information field. However, I believe nobody needs

    a practitioner of any sort! We have the power to heal ourselves it's just that

    we're so used to giving it away, not to mention the societal conditioning that

    suggests we need something outside ourselves to deal with illness. Doctors,

    healers, pills, tinctures and crystals are all just props we think we need to heal. In

    truth, we need none of that. In my view, their only function is to allow people to

    come into alignment with their own beliefs about healing: If I have ____, I'll feel

    better. The healing agent is not the thing or person they turn to it's the belief in

    that thing or person and the conviction that it helps. This engages the body's self

    healing capacity. Your BS (belief system) is vitally important in your life.

    Remember the mind-body connection. You can direct your light field (i.e. your

    body's regulatory systems) by virtue of thought. That is the real secret and key to

    regaining wellbeing, vitality and joy in your life. Electing people, books, DVDs and

    other resources as props along the way is totally fine. Do whatever you have to

    do in order to line up with an honest conviction of I can, or better still, I am this

    and that. When you're getting really good at this, you don't need anything outside

    yourself to accomplish anything. And until you get there, enlist people, pets,

    methods, anything or anyone you feel contributes positively to your journey.

    Summary & ConclusionBiological systems resonates with light. Light orders and coordinates life

    processes. It does so through coherent light fields which orchestrate

    biochemistry. Molecules in turn influence light fields through a constant feedback

    loop between biochemistry and electromagnetic (light) force fields, which

    themselves depend on (changeable) boundary conditions. Coherent light fields

    connect everything with everything else. They allow for communication within

    cells, between cells, between body parts, and between organisms by performing

    different functions at different frequencies. Thus, biology is a quantum

    mechanism, rather than the biochemical machine it is still commonly thought of. ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

  • Effective energy healing does nothing more - nor less - than helping a person to

    reset their light field by providing access to the right frequency-based information.

    Once received by the body, it knows exactly how to process this information. And

    that is also why effects last and no recurring sessions are required: the root

    cause is addressed, not some symptom patched up, which indeed would require

    ongoing treatment. Not the case. Few people give back their healing. Most

    continue joyously, fully appreciating their newly gained perspective of a partial or

    complete healing and the knowingness that one can affect change outside the

    confines of our medical model, either in addition to or in lieu of it (consult with

    your physician before making drastic changes).

    It is time for a paradigm shift in biology and medicine. Away from life defined as

    randomly interacting hormones and enzymes, and towards understanding it as a

    complex, highly cooperative, ordered exchange between immaterial light fields

    and physical molecules: both light and biochemistry are equally required in this

    perpetual, versatile interplay of resonant frequencies orchestrating the dance of

    life so perfectly expressing as YOU.

    About the authorKatrin Geist loves exploring the mysteries of life. Originally

    doing so as a biologist, she now devotes her time to helping

    clients regain and maintain their wellbeing through

    Reconnective Healing and holistic health coaching.

    Biophysics taught her the importance and far reaching

    implications of a truly holistic approach to wellbeing, and to

    life at large. More and more, she begins to understand how

    energy, frequency, and information shape our lives knowingly or not.

    Katrin holds a BA from the University of Montana, USA, and an MSc in biology

    from Berlin University (FU). This science background enables her to

    communicate scientific subjects in accessible ways, so that everyone can benefit

    from information otherwise often confined to technical experts. ~ [email protected] ~ mobile: +64 (0)21 026 95 806

  • Katrin has held international wellbeing clinics in several countries and currently

    works as Reconnective Healing practitioner and holistic health coach from her

    New Zealand office in Dunedin. She feels privileged to serve in this capacity and

    invites you to experience something different. Take back the reins of your health!

    Contact Katrin Connect on

    Website: FacebookEmail: [email protected] YouTubePhone: 0064 (0)21 026 95 806 (NZ mobile)

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