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By Marissa Solario

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Page 3: Biology photo essay lab

These plants grow in grasslands as tall as up to 6 feet. Flowers stem from the top as they grow. These are most commonly found on roadsides.

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Thistle Plant

Thistle plants come in many colors. In this instance, it was a creamy thistle plant. These plants are characterized by leaves with sharp prickles on the margins. The average thistle plant produces in excess of 10,000 seeds per plant.

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I believe I got a picture of a dried out Paepalanthus plant. Paepalanthus is a genus with about 485 species, in the family Eriocaulaceae.

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Fallen California Oak Branch

California Oaks are widespread throughout California. Worldwide there are 500-to-600 species of oak. Half of California's native oak species are trees. A third are shrubs. The rest can be shrub-like or tree-like.

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Heteromelesarbutifolia, more commonly known as Toyon, is a common perennial shrub native to California down to Baja California. Toyon is a prominent component of the coastal sage scrub plant community, and is a part of drought-adapted woodland habitats. It is also known by the common names Christmas berry and California holly.

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Cumberland Rock Shield

The Cumberland rock-shield is a foliose, yellow-green lichen which is found across much of North and South America. It is a relatively large lichen and grows attached to rocks, where it is tightly attached and difficult to removed. Boulders and smaller rocks close to the ground tend to be its main habitat. It can also be found at a variety of altitudes. Some studies have found it growing upon siliceous granite gravestones; practically any rock surface is suitable for cumberland to thrive.

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Yellow Clematis

There are several species of clematis that produce

yellow blooms. It is important to note that clematis blooms may

vary in color from season to season. One type of yellow clematis is the Tibetana. This yellow clematis will produce bright yellow blooms

from July all the way to late autumn. These

yellow clematis are most successful when planted in sunny or partly shady


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Mountain Alder

Mountain Alder is a small to medium size tree with smooth grey bark even in old age, its life span being a maximum of 60-100 years. The oval leaves are alternate, serrate, and often shallowly lobed. These are coarse shrubs or small deciduous trees, 2 to 10 meters tall and they often occur in clumps.

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Common Monkey Flower

Monkey flowers are named for their funny-face-flowers that look like grinning Monkeys. These plants like dry rocky slopes. They can often be found growing in almost solid rock with very little moisture even on south facing slopes. They will often survive drought by

going summer deciduous. Monkey flowers are more floriferous in full sun but will tolerate part or even full shade.

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Lichen plants are composite organisms consisting of a symbiotic organism composed of a fungus with a photosynthetic partner, usually either a green alga or cyan bacterium. The morphology, physiology and biochemistry of lichens are

very different from those of the isolated fungus and alga in culture. Lichens occur in some of the most extreme environments on Earth. However, they are also

abundant on leaves and branches in rain forests, on bare rock, including walls and gravestones, and on exposed soil surfaces.

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Valley OakValley Oak grows only in California , generally below 2,500 feet elevation. Valley Oaks are the largest of all oak trees in North America. They can rise more than 100 feet above the ground and have trunks 6 or 7 feet in diameter. A young valley oak's tap root can reach 60 feet deep, to search for groundwater. But as the tree matures, the tap root sloughs off and the tree develops a tiered root system with feeder and sinker roots that permeate different layers in the soil profile, generally from two to four feet below the soil surface.

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I spotted this wild horse out on the other side f the mountain. While most horses are domestic, others remain wild. Feral horses are the descendents of once-tame animals that have run free for generations. Groups of such horses can be found in many places around the world.