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Set in the suburbs of Atlanta Ga, “The Straight Athlete” tells the story of a budding artists’ struggle growing up in a small, rural town. Attempting every sport under the sun, Marc Fearney quickly realizes he needs more out of this life than bigger, faster, stronger. And after being introduced to the world of dance, he finally finds where he belongs.

Attracted to the physicality, discipline, and of course, work-ing with twenty sweaty girls, his soul begins to blossom. And while his peers mock and jeer him at the sight of his Ballet shoes in his football locker, he perseveres in his quest for fulfillment and acceptance. But Marc not only thrives, he explodes on to the dance scene and ultimately becomes a professional dancer with The Atlanta Ballet.

“A Splash of Life” shows us what the world of bartending and travelling held for Marc Fearney. With his adventer-ous spirit and endless search for the beautiful and strange, he finds himself working in a Dude-Ranch bar, modelling in an aquarium behind the front desk of a hotel, being an interpreter for The National Association for the Deaf on a cruise ship, serving cocktails to the rich and famous on an open-air rooftop bar, and assisting Wolfgang Puck at The Academy Awards.

Collecting stories and passport stamps along the way, his escapdes lead him to one conclusion: “The human psyche is, and forever will be, the most intriguing destination on the planet”.

Marc Fearney stars in this epic tale about how he was attracted to commercials and advertising from just a wee lad. We find him in diapers standing inches from the television having his parents’ friends say, “He’s going to go blind doing that”. Fast forward to present day and he’s still fascinated by jingles, snappy dialogue, and entertain-ing spots, but his standing frozen in front of the television never fades.

As fate would have it, the opportunity presents itself for him to join The Creative Circus. Running the gauntlet of what is considered “advertising boot camp”, he is hurled into the demanding and sometimes painful land of this exciting business. Learning about AOF’s, color theory, ty-pography, graphic design, photography and illustration, he finds himself ready to paint the world with his extraordinary newfound gifts.