Download - bio f 4

  • 7/31/2019 bio f 4


    Diagram 1 shows the structure of a typical cell of an organism as seen under an electron


    (a) Name the structures labelledR, T, UandX. (2


    (a) (i) State the process that occurs in structure U. (1m)

    (ii) How does structure Ucarry out this process? (1m)

    (b)What type of cell is shown in Diagram 1? Give reasons for your answer. (2m)(d), (i) State the main contents of structure R. (1m)

    (ii) State two functions of structure R. (2m)

    (e) (i) What is the process that occurs in structure T? 0m)

    (ii) What will happen if the cell does not have structure T? (1m)

    Explain why the density of structure Uin this cell is less than those in the male reproductive cell.

    2 Diagram 2 shows two organelles that can be found in a cell.

  • 7/31/2019 bio f 4


    a) (i) State one feature that can be found in both organelles R and S. (1m

    (ii) Name organelles R and S. (2m

    (ii) Draw and name the cells that have many (1) organelle R and (2) organelle S. (2(b) Explain the importance of the function of organelles R and Sto the cells. (2(c) (i) Name structure Y in organelle R. (1

    (ii) Explain the function of Y in organelle R. (1(c) (i) State two characteristics of the cell that has many organelle R.

    Diagram 3 shows the organisation of cells in a multicellular organism.

    (a) (i) Name structure W. (1 m)

    (ii) Identify structures W, X, Y and Z and link them up to show cell organisation. (1 m)

    (b) Name the process that form structure X. (1 m)

    (c) (i) State the function of structure Y. (1 m)

    (ii) Besides structure X, state two other types of structure that make up structure Y. (1 m)(d) (i) What is the function of structure Z? (1 m)

    (ii) State two structures that form structure Z. (1 m)(iii) State the difference between structure Z and structure Y. (1 m)