Download - BIO 320 Carbon Sink

  • 8/14/2019 BIO 320 Carbon Sink


    Courtney Peloso

    Biology 320

    Dr. StabileJune 18, 2008

    The Global Carbon Cycle: Oceanic Uptake

    Earths climate relies heavily upon the levels of greenhouse gases, including

    carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases capture radiation, which

    would otherwise be released, and cause it to remain contained in the atmosphere. With

    the continuous growth of industrialization, humans bear much responsibility for the

    increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is calculated at

    about 380 parts per million, up from 280 ppm in the mid-19th century1 The trapping of

    radiation by greenhouse gases causes temperature to increase, leading to the melting of

    ice in the polar regions, resulting in a subsequent rise in sea level, and leading to a

    multitude of issues related to climate change. Because of carbons role in greenhouse gas

    emissions, the global carbon cycle has become a key subject of interest for those

    investigating the implications of climate change and possible ways to alleviate and deal

    with these issues. The worlds oceans are of particular importance, for they function as a

    key component of the carbon cycle. Much research is currently underway involving the

    vital role the oceans play in determining carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

    Researchers hope that by obtaining greater insight into the oceans role in the carbon

    cycle, they will be able to determine how it will respond to even greater increases in

    carbon dioxide atmospheric concentration, as well as formulate possible ways to use the

    oceans to keep this concentration in check.

    1Not Easy Being Green Climate Change Solutions

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    The global carbon cycle functions as a system of carbon exchanges between the

    atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere. Some elements of these spheres are

    sources of carbon, while others operate as sinks, or storage reservoirs for the carbon

    produced by the sources. The major sources for carbon include the burning of fossil fuels,

    the production of cement, and the burning and clearing of forests for agricultural and

    architectural purposes. On the other side of the equation lie the carbon sinks, which

    include atmospheric storage, oceanic uptake, and forest regrowth, as well as an

    undetermined factor known as the missing sink. Natural processes of photosynthesis

    and respiration are also involved, but without the excess carbon emissions due to

    manmade causes, they are close to equilibrium.2 Oceanic uptake is an extremely

    important part of this equation, currently removing about 30% of the carbon released into

    the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels.3 The deep ocean is the greatest reservoir of

    carbon, containing about 40,000 gigatons, but the exchange occurs over several hundred

    years. The upper layers of the ocean, on the other hand, store much less carbon, at about

    1,000 gigatons, but the exchange with the atmosphere, biosphere, and geosphere occurs

    much more quickly.4

    Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is taken up by the ocean, going into solution

    and becoming dissolved carbon dioxide. Some of this dissolved carbon dioxide combines

    with water to form carbonic acid, which rapidly dissociates into a bicarbonate ion and a

    hydrogen ion. Bicarbonate ions account for 90% of the carbon dissolved in seawater, but

    some undergo a second ionization, becoming carbonate and a second hydrogen ion.

    However, not all the dissolved carbon dioxide taken up from the atmosphere proceeds

    2 Ocean Carbon and Climate Change: An Implementation Strategy for US Ocean Carbon Research4

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    through this series of chemical reactions, but is, instead used in the process of

    photosynthesis by the microscopic phytoplankton that exist in the surface layers of the

    ocean. Many of these phytoplankton also take up carbonate ions, which they use in

    combination with calcium to form calcium carbonate shells. Upon their death, the

    calcium carbonate shells are decomposed, returning the carbon to the water, most of

    which sinks to the deeper waters of the ocean. By using carbon in their life processes,

    phytoplankton are vital to the carbon cycle; by removing carbon dioxide and carbonate

    ions from the water, they thus create more space in which atmospheric carbon dioxide

    can be taken up by the oceans and dissolved.


    The movement of carbon within the oceans themselves is controlled by a system

    of downwelling and upwelling. These processes, which are intertwined with the use of

    carbon by phytoplankton, function in the transfer of carbon between deep and surface

    layers. With the cooling and increased salinity of surface waters near the polar regions,

    density of the water increases, and consequently, it sinks below to deeper levels of the

    water column. This downwelling causes the movement of carbon from the surface to the

    depths of the ocean. However, an opposite process occurs, called upwelling, which

    occurs at areas of current divergence, such as the equatorial region. This allows for the

    upward transfer of carbon as deep water rises, as well as a mix of nutrients, such as

    nitrates and phosphates, which are now available for use in the growth of phytoplankton

    and various other forms of marine biota.

    Because phytoplankton are so vital to the exchange of carbon between organic

    and inorganic forms, accounting for close to half of the entire biospheres net primary


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    productivity6 and thus establishing the basis of a global food chain, investigating the

    impact of climate change on their growth and prosperity is highly important. Research

    determining the productivity levels of these phytoplankton can aid in predicting how they

    will behave under changes in climate and amount of carbon dioxide. Currently, research

    on this topic is being conducted in order to find out whether there are any promising ways

    to use these phytoplankton in reducing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the

    atmosphere by increasing the levels they take up.

    The GlobColour Project, organized by the European Space Agency, was

    established in 2005, and as its name implies, compiles satellite data concerning the colors

    of the ocean.7 Color sensors on the three satellites, which are MERIS on ESAs Envisat,

    MODIS on NASAs Aqua, and SeaWiFS on GeoEyes Orbview-2, detect concentrations

    of phytoplankton in the oceans. The chlorophyll contained in the microscopic plankton

    accounts for the colors picked up by the sensors. The combination of data collected from

    these different sources ensures its accuracy, and provides a 10 year sample that can be

    used by researchers to determine the productivity and growth of phytoplankton, and

    predict future levels of the marine organisms. This data is especially helpful and

    important for carbon cycle researchers, such as those of the Integrated Global Carbon

    Observation (IGCO) and the Global Carbon Project, which involve international efforts.

    Continued data collection by the GlobColour Project will be extremely helpful in

    monitoring changes in phytoplankton concentrations, which could in turn have a

    profound impact on the ability of the ocean to serve as a carbon sink. Modeling based on

    6Climate-Driven Trends in Contemporary Ocean Productivity7ESA Contributes to Ocean Carbon Cycle Research

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    this data can help researchers determine how phytoplankton will behave under even

    greater carbon dioxide concentrations due to continued industrial emissions.8

    Looking at the data collection of the SeaWiFS satellite, which was the first able to

    take measurements at night, evidence of changing chlorophyll levels with climate change

    can be seen. These chlorophyll levels function as the gage used to measure primary

    productivity in the photic zone.9 The results and observations of the data collected by the

    SeaWiFS show a correlation between increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and

    increased sea surface temperatures. With the warming of the upper level of the water

    column, density disparity between that and subsurface layers increases leading to greater

    stratification. In turn, less nutrient mixing occurs, and less primary productivity can be

    seen.10With the decrease in productivity of the phytoplankton, they take up less carbon

    dioxide from the air, and thus perpetuate global warming. This cycle of changes implied

    by the primary productivity data collection shows that with increased carbon emissions,

    atmospheric and ocean temperatures will rise, which is likely to decrease productivity in

    the oceans. This decrease in the ability of phytoplankton to operate as a carbon sink is

    likely to then increase the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide even further.

    Because of this startling, and seemingly unending downward spiral of oceanic carbon

    uptake, which is likely to disrupt oceanic and terrestrial ecosystems, further research into

    developing mechanisms to deal with increased carbon emissions is currently being

    undergone and will certainly continue into the future.

    Increased levels of emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases also

    cause ozone depletion, which, on the basis of a four-year international study of the

    8 Trends in Contemporary Ocean Productivity10Climate-driven Trends in Contemporary Ocean Productivity

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    Southern Ocean, can be damaging to the oceans role as a carbon sink. Climate change in

    the form of increased winds over the Southern Ocean due to ozone depletion, along with

    the buildup of greenhouse gases, has caused this ocean, which functions as the primary

    oceanic carbon sink, to reach its saturation point. This study, undertaken in part by the

    National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, concerned measuring atmospheric

    carbon dioxide over the Southern Ocean, which has shown that the carbon sink has

    weakened. The study found that with rising carbon dioxide concentration accelerating to

    an increase of about 2 ppm per year, since the start of the 20 th century, the Southern

    Ocean can no longer accept any excess carbon dioxide. The processes of carbon

    exchange still continue, with the saturation point meaning that, in its current conditions,

    the Southern Ocean will not be able to handle an increase in carbon concentration, which

    will cause more carbon dioxide to build up in the atmosphere. This continued increase in

    concentration will likely cause even greater climate change. Again, a cycle of disruption

    can be seen here. Not only will the climate change resulting from increased carbon

    emissions cause a decrease in the primary productivity, but it will also cause the carbon

    saturation of the oceans, weakening their ability to accept excess atmospheric carbon.11

    Some of the research and experimental programs to develop techniques to

    alleviate the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by increasing oceanic

    uptake surround what is known as the iron hypothesis. This hypothesis focuses on the

    key role iron plays in the carbon cycle and its function as the limiting nutrient on primary

    productivity. Because iron is a necessary component for chlorophyll synthesis and the

    synthesis of organic compounds by its role in the reduction of carbon dioxide, a link can

    be seen between it and the uptake of carbon by oceanic phytoplankton. This important

    11Climate Change Weakens Carbon Sink

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    element thus bears influence on primary production rates by these phytoplankton in areas

    such as the Southern Ocean previously discussed. The iron hypothesis proposes that

    iron, in fact, is responsible for controlling the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,

    and therefore controls climate change. Based on this, some researchers have proposed the

    fertilization of oceans with iron, making greater quantities available to phytoplankton, in

    order to enhance carbon dioxide uptake.12 Small scale experiments with artificial iron

    fertilization have confirmed that iron does have a vital role in productivity by ocean

    plankton, but have not shown to aid in the transfer of large quantities of carbon to the

    deep ocean reservoirs, which is the main goal of increasing oceanic uptake. The short

    time scale of these experiments also presents a limitation, in that it is difficult to project

    the overall viability of iron fertilization as a way to alleviate carbon excess and climate

    change, which occurs on a longer time scale.

    One recent study involving iron as the limiting nutrient in the primary

    productivity of the oceans involved the study of the Kerguelen plateau phytoplankton

    bloom in the Southern Ocean. This bloom is the result of natural iron fertilization, and its

    study by the Kerguelen Ocean and Plateau Compared Study (KEOPS) found that this

    made a difference in making the sequestration of carbon more efficient. The ratio of

    carbon export to the amount of iron supplied was calculated at about ten times higher

    than that of smaller-scale artificial experiments. This difference is likely due to the slow

    and continuous addition of dissolved iron in the natural bloom, versus the rapid addition

    of large amounts added in the experiment. In this rapid addition, much iron is lost to the

    deeper waters and not taken into use by the phytoplankton. Therefore, while the

    Kerguelen bloom does show the importance of iron fertilization to the carbon cycle, it

    12Iron, Phytoplankton Growth, and the Carbon Cycle

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    does not provide support for enacting the process artificially to alleviate atmospheric

    carbon concentration. Further investigation and experimentation on a longer time scale is

    necessary to determine the merit of such proposals.13

    Overall, with the continued increase in carbon dioxide emissions into the

    atmosphere, widespread climate change has already begun and will continue to occur

    without innovation in the development of techniques to alleviate and decrease its

    concentration. The oceans, in their role as an important carbon sink, may hold the key to

    finding the solution. Climate change due to unchecked carbon emission will also lead to

    the possibly irreversible damage of the valuable ecosystems within the ocean. Further

    research and study of the carbon cycle and the oceans role within it is imperative for the

    maintenance of the oceans themselves, as well as the rest of the Earths systems and


    13Effect of Natural Iron Fertilization on Carbon Sequestration in the Southern Ocean

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    Works Cited

    Behrenfeld, Michael J., et al. Climate-driven trends in contemporary ocean

    productivity. Nature 444 (Dec. 2006). Science Reference Center. EBSCO. Iona

    Coll. Lib., New Rochelle, NY. 19 June 2008 .

    Blain, Stephanie, Bernard Queguiner, and Bruno Bombled. Effect of natural iron

    fertilization on carbon sequestration in the Southern Ocean. Nature 446 (Apr.

    2007). Science Reference Center. EBSCO. Iona Coll. Lib., New Rochelle, NY. 19

    June 2008 .

    Climate change weakens carbon sink. ScienceAlert 17 May 2007. 19 June 2008


    Doney, Scott C. Ocean Carbon and Climate Change: An Implementation Strategy for

    U.S. Ocean Carbon Research. US Carbon Cycle Science Scientific Steering

    Group and Inter-Agency Working Group. Carbon Cycle Science Ocean Interim

    Implementation Group. 19 June 2008 .

    ESA Contributes to Ocean Carbon Cycle Research. European Space Agency 5 May

    2008. 19 June 2008 .

    Geology. Dept. home page. Carleton College. 19 June 2008 .

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    GlobColour Project. European Space Agency. 19 June 2008


    Houghton, Richard. Understanding the Global Carbon Cycle. The Woods Hole

    Research Center. 19 June 2008 .

    ODonnell, Erin. Not Easy Being Green: Climate Change Solutions? Harvard

    Magazine May-June 2008. 19 June 2008 .

    Street, JH, and A Paytan. Iron, phytoplankton growth, and the carbon cycle. Metal Ions

    in Biological Systems 43 (2005): 153-93. Abstract. Science Reference Center.

    EBSCO. 19 June 2008 .

    United Kingdom. Met Office. Met Office Hadley Centre: The Carbon Cycle. 19 June

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