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  • Chapter 1 - the study and practice of osteopathy Chapter 1-1

    A deep ocean studies Revised version of a lecture held in 1982 in a basic course of the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation in Alexandria, Virginia.

    To what you have done so far in your practice to connect with what you will learn during this week, now a huge transition must stattfi ends. Our main task as a teacher is to help you in this, this bridge to cross as comfortable as possible. At the same time I have to tell you, however, also point out that what we are going to do this week, especially hard work.

    As a part of the bridge that we use to make this transition, I have listed on the chalkboard the four basic osteopathic principles that have been taught you in college:

    1. The body is a unit. 2. The body possesses self-regulating mechanisms. 3. Structure and function to each other in a reciprocal relationship. 4. A vernnft owned treatment is based on the understanding of the self-regulating body mechanisms and the reciprocal relationship between structure and function in the body.

    These are basic principles that you already know your entire dental profession; first you have it belongs in your first year at an osteopathic college. We all agree that the beautiful statements. But how many of you realize, while you listen to these allegations and read that we are talking about a living mechanism? In our education, in which we have only seen things in a dead, lying on the autopsy table body behavior, bring most of us feel with that we can do with it what we want.

    In the coming work week but we are talking about a living body as a unit, a vibrant self-regulating mechanism, a living structure and function, which are in reciprocal relationship with each other, as well as a rating based on this understanding, lively treatment. These mechanisms have been revived, they are healthy. That's why we here today

  • I-17

    allow enbaren their own infallible Potency to off - to bring this health pattern to light.

    To operate in this way, we need deep into another sea of Understanding plunge and allow the physiological function in the patients to train us in the truest sense of the word. We want to learn about: Where is this patient's health? How do I get them to light? The body physiology of the patient instructs us literally. The doctor who lives in my patients has trained me in the last eight years, and still I'm a student. This is a part of the transition, we have to accomplish. We want to learn, these mechanisms, both in us and in our

    Patient work, to feel and to be aware of their. Lawful to you during this week, if you're the patient to feel this mechanism at work, at the same time trying to feel during the student treated as the same mechanisms working in you. So you can begin to sense function.

    In order to achieve the objectives set out here, you have to go through three learning steps, the first is the most difficult. First you have to accept that the anatomic-physiologic function is alive in you and in your patients, already in motion, available for your findings and use that fact. You have to accept this fact - close your eyes, exceeds that limit and Hoff e that there is still a floor under your feet when you put on the other side of the border. Suddenly you are of secondary importance in relation to this matter, in which you are working. The boss is inside. He is both in you and in your patients. As a practitioner you're going to understand this fact and use.

    Second, we need to study the details of the anatomic-physiological mechanism in living body. We must understand that the living anatomical and physiological details of the primary respiratory mechanism, the craniosacral mechanism, no separate functional units, which have to be studied separately. We add these details add to the anatomy and physiology that we have learned in school. In my first lesson with Dr. William Garner Sutherland I told him I had not come to his Way we work, learn, but to my knowledge of anatomy and physiology to the craniosacral expanding mechanism through which we had not learned anything in college. Dr. Sutherland was the one who gave the our profession, and now we will give it to you further. You are here in order to continue your studies of the anatomy and physiology of the living body, and that includes the Primary respiratory mechanism.


    Chapter 1-2 Students for a lifetime

    Revised transcript of a lecture given in 1986 in the framework of a

    Educators of the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

  • What is a dentist? The role of the practitioner is to serve humanity. The science of osteopathy has its origins in which off enbarenden Structure and function of the individual. This is expressed as one of the Body physiology inherent mechanism of motility, mobility and a fluid Drive has. It represents itself as an experience from inside the patient and as a learned himself, trained, palpation artistry in the practitioner. The work of AT Still gave us the science of osteopathy. The work of WG Sutherland gave us the primary respiratory mechanism with its detailed anatomy and physiology, not as one of Dr. Schaff Stills en separated unit, but as an integrated in the science of osteopathy share.

    Following important point we need to bear in mind: From the time of their discoveries accepted Still and Sutherland the science of Osteopathy as a basic living law of body physiology and To be need for a lifetime student of authority that the lively Body physiology inherent. They ceased to be doctors and have become students. Your search was completed, they had osteopathy found and were now for the rest of their lives students of this science. Dr. Still and Dr. Sutherland were to eternal student, as well as all clinicians who follow in their footsteps, needed fi shall find consent to seek use of the same living laws for their service to humanity.

    However, we are not here to remind us of the work of Still or Sutherland. We are here to be students of the laws of the mechanism was discovered. These laws are accessible, they are an off ener room. Still and Sutherland were to students and gave something of itself. They gave those who followed them, the work - but gave them only hints, in the knowledge that those subsequent handler itself also students of this I-21

    and in each individual case showed them the body by what he tried to do it yourself, the appropriate diagnostic procedures and treatment program.

    What's new in the science of osteopathy? The answer is simple: the next patient who comes to the door and previously had been everywhere and tried everything. The body physiology is the teacher, the attending is the student. The mechanism of the body physiology has many doors, to make experimental experiences in the service of better health. As a physician and a student at the same time you erschaff st on understanding this mechanism based techniques by you visualize first what should be in this area in your opinion, and then depending on how you understand the mechanism in each case and in each individual patient , those techniques develop. In other words: you will be granted a lot of room for experimentation, as long as you obey the laws of osteopathic science. Results you get is proportional to your knowledge and your sense of touch to be refined. We as students of the body physiology, as doctors can use the body physiology in treating each patient and are used by it. The future is bright for all who choose to study the works of Dr. Still and Dr. Sutherland and apply.

  • Many Thanks. I-23


    1. Say the living mechanism in you and in patients. Life always tried to express health. 2. Give yourself to a result of this affirmation. Understand that what the mechanism tells you is true. 3. Develop palpation skills. The body is smarter than you, so learn from him.

    The first step is the hardest, but also the essential, in order to understand and take advantage of living mechanisms of health. Find and learn the mechanisms of the living function first in yourself; will you lead them to understand your patients.

    The second step is to be an observer of living functions while working. Give yourself to the patient.

    The third step requires of you that you are developing a vibrant Palpationskunst. Palpation is the tool that uses the handler to read what the primary doctor is doing in each of us to bring about health from the inside. Learn the function as to feel inside, not just smaller or larger movements.

    Did you think you come in this course, to gather information? Palpation skills to develop? To be knowledgeable in terms of services to your patients with their problems?

    No, you got to be the work that you're going to understand and use in your service to the patient.


    gene, as one would even solve this situation. Your they want to support it, herauszufi ends that their own strength is good, no matter how limited they may seem. In this way, the volunteers support the caller is to use their own resources and express their feelings in a more constructive manner. Finally, teaches the "Help" method that it is good, empathize and clarify that it's important to you, what happens to the person seeking help. The contact and the person himself are important to you.

    These are the principles and skills that make this "help" method so effective. This type of verbal contact requires an education, but the basic principles are easy to learn and we can all apply in our lives.

    As I now speak so here I would like that you listen to what's going on in your head, if anyone asks for help. An important point to pay attention to this, is the need, your own feelings about the person with whom you are talking to know exactly these people really as to who he is, to accept - someone who deserves respect just as itself. Listen to him and answers, without judging. People feel much freer in the presence of other people, which they accepted as silent as they are. It is your task to just stay relaxed,

  • in fact if anything happens. Just to be present in such an atmosphere, is salutary. Actually, it is these faces, listening response, and not an active, Shunting showcased reaction that can operate an osteopathic treatment.

    The psychotherapist Carl Rogers expresses in his book Development of the personality of something similar. He writes that help does not consist of giving, but of pieces basically. He shows us that we can help others, if we know how to show our real feelings, without judging, and by strength Hilfebedrft warm encounter as people who are just as valuable as we who think we're healthy. Others respond to the esteem in which we give them, by gain confidence and begin to help themselves.

    We have now built a bridge by a volunteer helper who works with the help of talks to a doctor who has worked in the osteopathic science. Remember: If a patient comes into your practice, it entails a body physiology that seeks your help. Instead of teaching the patient that help verbally, we will learn to palpate and silently to examine the body physiology. Learn silent to work with this patient, by I-27

    work. You will begin to help the patient, and you do not have to think about it or talk about it. Your only need to be aware you are listening by her and she feels literally using your palpatory skill. Works very quietly

    with the patient, are silent partners, active listeners.

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    I recognize that the patient has the same mechanism as me. Only then, I ask the patient in the treatment room. Then I do what has to be always done. I work here, without thinking of what I hope to achieve for that patient e. I just start to work.

    This small, coming out of my heart greeting, which I acknowledge my own silence in patients is a silent acknowledgment that she is alive. An invisible acknowledging or realizing that. Even if you treat 45 patients in one day, you can take you time for this very moment, in order to connect to a point of stillness within yourself, and then with the same point in the patient. Because then - no matter how you work with the individual patient - it happens 45 times a day that you have recognized in you and in the patient something that will silence ttzen the treatment program Unters. What is this something, I do not know, and that's not even important. It's simply, stand out for identifi with a mechanism that exists in each of us, and to use one's. This silence is Will guide you in terms of what specific at this Day to do. And I am convinced that the patient it does not have to consciously participate. I treat many patients who do not have the slightest idea what I'm doing, and it still like it because they feel that something is happening in them. It feels to them as if finally a dentist has recognized some of them and try to help them. Sometimes they suspect that I'm doing anything at all, but in the end they know that I'm doing something, because their clinical picture changes.

    So this contact is a silent confirmation, and it also gives me a moment of rest between patients. If you have a case that really takes along to you - and some do - you do not want all this garbage to take to the next patient. If it is possible to take you then a little more time for this process. Take a three-quarter minute to you sit down somewhere and let it just herausfl ow from you, it flushes out. Ye have forgotten then when they leave the treatment room, you know not even the name. Then you let be quite calm and asks the next patient to come into the room. Even if it is not a difficult case, you can watch if the patient is to make aware quietly, that something has happened, while he was in the treatment room. You must not say a word about it. This is simply a silent exchange between my silence and the silence of the patient - the name does not matter, techniques do not matter, not I-31

    Chapter 1-6 Relax, there's no hurry

    The mechanism has no problems

    Revised version of a lecture held in 1986 as part of a basic course of the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

  • I you would like an interesting story about one of my Experiences with Dr. Will Sutherland. During a course for doctors in Denver, C olorado, one of the participants brought a patient with the advice, who had developed epilepsy as a result of a tractor accident and in whose treatment he progressed his feeling after not really. He therefore asked Dr. Sutherland to investigate these patients and see what you could do to help him.

    Dr. Sutherland, a very silent guy who never used words than necessary, examined the patient, eventually turned to the doctor and said, "I think you are on the right track, you make just the good work continues . "When Sutherland got up to return to his chair, the practitioner said," Dr. Sutherland, a quick question, please. What would You do, if the patient had a seizure while you are trying to help him, "Dr. Sutherland simply said," Do not block him, "and moved on. Well, I was coincidentally at a place from where I could see the whole audience, and looked in thirty uncomprehending faces. "You block it," was all he said. He expected that we go back to the mechanisms of our patients and herausfi ends what he meant. He was just a great man who taught you something about the mechanism by leaving it to the mechanism to inform you.

    So we can be relaxed and cheerful and aufh ren to worry about it. We must accept the fact that life is already at work both in the practitioner as the patients and so we can relax as well. We're not going anywhere, and your patients also to be there. The patient must take responsibility and appear with you. And patients will not run, unless you treat them really bad. They are I-33

    his work. If there is a dysfunction pattern -. For example, a problem of okzipitomastoidalen area in the skull base - Man, that's actually a problem. But this dysfunction between the occipital and mastoid Pars does not realize that it is a problem. You must be beschft IGT with being a okzipitomastoidale dysfunction. So we have to go to this dysfunction and ask quietly: "Look, it may be that you enjoy life like that, but the body in which you live, it does not enjoy so much. Well, will not you consider to allow me to touch you with my hands so that you change your state and aufh Oerst to be a so-called complex dysfunction? "

    We have the right, the privilege, and to understand ourselves in the mechanism, this okzipitomastoidale dysfunction in patients. We have a okzipitomastoidalen mechanism in our own mind, perhaps having no dysfunction; but we can use this mechanism, we study, we understand out. And we will certainly understand him even better once we get our hands on the person who comes to us, lay.

    Exactly the mechanisms that are to be healthy, they also which are able to express one's health. They work and are in constant motion; Always working towards the same goal, which is also in us. We are fighting - we live - to express ourselves in health. That whatever you ask us, everything that the next patient who enters our practice, will say to us is, "I would like to be healthy, doctor, and it has been said to me that you and the

  • mechanisms in themselves understand me that will allow me to health zurckzufi ends. "We must not hurry this. We can answer: "For the present treatment, we have X minutes. What is possible, we will do. We'll give a little suggestion here and there a small suggestion; and then take the home and make it work. Do you live alone your daily life, follow a few suggestions, come back next week, and we will continue in our efforts to help each of us. "In silence, the patient connects speak with the mechanism in me and in silence Treff e I with the mechanism in patients. We are trying quietly to work in an atmosphere in which we exchange ideas and capabilities, and then we'll go quietly from there. When you go from this course back home, all these mechanisms will work in you to the mechanisms in the patient; and the two of you it will be fun. All Good.


    aufnehmt her contact with this patient, contact your own SutherlandFulkrum and the silence.

    Let us come back to earth. When you return to your home practice, this knowledge should be a part of what is available to you to meet the patient's needs. Not projected it outward - the patient himself will show to try out what you have learned you need. It's like when you learn for a final exam. Man studying like crazy, stuffed all sorts of information to himself and is not sure how it goes. You just studying, reading and lets it penetrate its essence. Then you throw all textbooks out the window goes to the exams and somehow fl ows forth the information that you need for the exam.

    So let this course a few days penetrate your being before you try to use everything - and used it in a relaxed manner. Let the knowledge of the movement of the temporal bones, the pattern of the cranial base, individual, specifi c, membranous joint dysfunctions, the condyles of the occiput, the fluid dynamics of living fluctuation, the rocking motion of a reciprocal tension membrane, the articulated movement of the skull and the Os sacrum between the ilia Ossa - let these things easy for a few days penetrate your being. Adds these new diagnostic tools gradually added. When you are back home, the patients who come into your consulting room, the same ones that have already been dealt with her in the x years of your practice; and if they have not yet benefited from this treatment approach will not make much difference a few more days.


    Dr. Still was in developing the science of osteopathy his Creator closer than reinstoff royal breathing; he was guided by a spiritual or mental fulcrum, as Dr. Sutherland.

    If we, as students of the science of osteopathy, really want to understand osteopathy, we will need to fi nd, our knowledge of the Godhead, which orients us to the center, to reawaken, to turn them into our spiritual fulcrum, which leads us and learn to have in our daily work the Creator in mind to feel and use. Thanks to its knowledge and its application of the science of osteopathy gave us Dr. Sutherland

  • Signposts, which we can follow. However, let us for a moment this resolute way of thinking in 1900 with today's science compare. I recently the recently published article by a famous science moth read, in which he tried and spiritual science Liche truths together. His conclusion is that science and spirituality are not incompatible, but that the great truths of these two areas are, so to speak, more or less parallel. In other words, both are moving towards that unknown understanding that is necessary for the well-known understanding. I'm not really agree with this idea. How can you conclude that this is a science Liche truth and the other a spiritual truth? Because I trust more a science ler which his science comprehensive understanding comes through a Spiritual Guidance and not by attempting to build a separate super-structure.

    I like the idea of a biologist and science Jewellers, who made this remark in a discussion about the phenomena of life: "It is a fact that the life science s are not only much more complicated than the science s, but also a much larger symbol space have; and they go further in the exploration of the universe of science as the

    Science s. While you are using all natural science data and your explanation basics, then go far beyond that and include an even greater amount of data and additional explanation foundations that offer no less, but in a sense, even more scientific probability. The point here is that all known material processes and explanatory principles on living Organisms en zutreff, only a limited number but not living systems. "When osteopathic concept, and this includes the cranial area, is about a living system. Dr. Sutherland said, "The cranial work is not a special, separate from the science of osteopathy area. The truth is a lot of I-39

    per takes in response to its internal and external environment to its voluntary and involuntary actions. And with these factors we can learn to feel through the use of our thinking, feeling, seeing, knowing fingers.

    If we put our hands on a patient who is in good health, we feel a general sense of well exploitation ends. We feel the respiratory cycle of his breathing. We feel the flexion and extension of his running in the midline structures in their function. We feel the alternating external and internal rotation of its bilateral structures in their function. We feel any voluntary movements this person and many involuntary movements of various organ systems within the body. If our hands are on his head, we can feel the movements of the cranial mechanism tion joint mechanism, the vast movements of the reciprocal tension membrane and the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid as an integrated radio. Throughout the body is something tangible that today in the Anatomy and physiology texts is normally not mentioned: a general Uten Tidenbewegung the entire body, a Hereinfl and out Ebben. It is as if the whole, acting as a unit body reacts to a force similar to that which moves the tides of the ocean. It is a rhythmic movement within all Krperfl uids. She's on her quiet way Krft strength than any other physiological function within the physical mechanism, important and powerful than the breathing

  • cycle, the voluntary or involuntary movements or any of the other movements that we normally take into consideration. Our expert touch learns to recognize all of these factors that work together as an integrated feature in each we examined body part. This is a rhythmic Tide in the physiological interaction with their highest known element and their inherent potency.

    If we go deeper in our understanding of the physical mechanisms, we learn that any normal functioning of the individual body units - there were bones, ligaments, membranes, fascia, organs or fluids - apparently carried out by means of free-floating, automatically changing Fulkren. The Sutherland fulcrum which is located where the falx meets the tentorium, is a free-floating, automatically to changing fulcrum for the reciprocal tension membrane. The sternal end of the clavicle is a osseous fulcrum for the functioning of the entire upper extremity. The Atlas is used in childbirth than osseous fulcrum for Partes condylares of the occipital bone. It I-41

    To clarify this thought further, he adds: "D he is the breath of life in the tide of the cerebrospinal fluid, the principle of the primary

    respiratory mechanism underlying." Next he gave us as we develop thinking, feeling, seeing, knowing fingers

    detailed instructions to the Tide bring down to its point Still, their break-rest period to check their function in the body physiology. It is important to know that we are in our efforts to learn how to control the tide, are not limited to the craniosacral mechanism. If we are looking at a body portion balance in tissue and fluid element, while we detect a disease or a pathological state s, we learn how to bring the tide in their balance point or Fulkrumbereich. When we do this, a transmutation process stattfi ends, which resolves the mechanics of dysfunction, pathology corrects and restores health for that person. This is the designed by the master mechanic healing principle that works in our patients; and we can develop and see how it works in the tissues of patients our perception as a handler inside and workstations.

    So far I have referred to the functioning of the Tide in the body and to the many Fulkren who work in the body physiology. Now it's time to talk about something else that Dr. Sutherland gave us on the way to deepen our understanding. This is the silence of the tide - not the up-and-down fluctuation of its waves, but the silence that nds the fulcrum point within the Tide fi. There is a potency within this silence. The term silence confused when trying to understand this kind of work, perhaps our thinking. How can there be a potency or power or energy in the silence? Dr. Sutherland described the pictorially: If you transfer a vibration on a glass of water, you can watch how to form a still point in the center of Wasseroberfl che. He pointed out that this is a fulcrum point within the water glass, and compared him to the fulcrum point, which we achieve when we the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid during the compression of the fourth ventricle (or any other technique for controlling the Tide) bring down their still point." It is the silence of the Tide, which we are seeking , "he pfl EGTE to say, because in that silence is the Potency of the Tide.

  • Those of us who had to be there when he about this happiness Th ema said, were able to experience how the entire classroom was noticeably quiet. Dr. Sutherland made us aware and mentioned that this huI-43

    following action. We need to understand the mechanism of this silence and use in treating our patients. It is not necessary that we fully understand what it is or where it comes from or where it goes after it had us in this moment of benefits - the silence of the tide in the body physiology.

    So far I have talked about feature, the free-floating, automatically changing fulcrum and the Tide, the silence and the potency that operate within all these facets in the body physiology. It seems as if I'm trying to develop a theological hypothesis to explain this kind of work. However, this is not the case. I'm just trying to show you that the Creator of the human body and its mechanisms is more than a passive concept, of which only we speak, without believing in it and to use it.The science of osteopathy heard daily, active benefits of the Creator. Osteopathy is an acquired art, not just a science; and I like the quote that I read somewhere: " Be at peace with God, who and what ever he is in your opinion. And whatever they may be your wishes and desires in this noisy confusion of life: " Be in harmony with your soul. " Therefore, we need in our daily practice working tools for understanding and using a Spiritual Fulkrums.

    What is one of these tools? First, a practitioner needs to develop in my opinion, an objective perception. He was the anatomy, physiology and pathology and know all the integrated, related to each other and with themselves functional sequences that ends stattfi between all these elements of the body physiology. He must be capable of diagnostic and prognostic To evaluate knowledge and to determine, from the first examining the patient until its release from treatment. He should be able to bring in every patient the changes that causes the use of potency in the tissue, with the objective progress towards normalcy and recovered compensation in connection. And he should be guided in each case, treatment of the objective findings in determining the procedure.

    Second, the clinician should have a subjective perception of the potential that lies in the application of healing principles described herein. And he should be able to feel, what is the chance to turn the pathology of the patient, and the extent to which a recovery within the tissue units is possible. It has to do with the subjective phenomenon of life itself and takes on the changes taking place in the patient's subjective changes in part, I-45

    ments that I hear in my practice on hufi gsten, are: " He has not done anything, but ... " or " All he did was to put his hands on me and sit there, and when he had finished, it went better for me. " It's always important to establish and allow a good relationship with the patient, that the internal physiological function of their own, never erring Potency brings as motive power for the correction, rather than a force applied from the outside blind.

  • If you have reached good results in someone who already had various other treatments behind her, including sometimes osteopathy using manipulation, then you will of this patient and this patient like to send his or her friends. It is interesting to see how these potential patients are prepared for their services. The new patient is said: " If you go to my osteopath, was not surprised about his type of treatment. You'll think he does nothing, but it will you be better off if he's done with the treatment; and when he says he wants to see you again, stick with it, and it will ensure that you're well again. " I have a very fine gentleman as a patient who has already sent me a lot of other patients, and which says he, " go to my osteopath with the magic hands. I do not know how he does it, but he can help you. "

    Your patients come back and send their friends because they achieve good results in case of problems that could be solved either by medicine, physiotherapy or some other form of examination or testing. Then, when further develop your skills, you will get more and more complex cases; People who have been everywhere and still need help for your problems.And just when you think that this is now the most difficult case at all, comes a new patient who can appear just before lying all cases. If you, as the main force for diagnosis and treatment uses the infallible Potency, the complex cases attracts as flowers attract bees. That is the reason, why this kind of work is always interesting.There is always something new to learn from the physiological body of the patient. Growing understanding - that is what the clinician needs to be able to help the patient.

    " You come back to: cause , "said Dr. Sutherland. " If you understand the mechanism, the technique is simple. " Think for a moment about what these two statements mean for osteopaths. In this world of consequences pile up in the problem cases that come to us in the practice, consequences to follow until these consequences totally drown out the causal factor, ie the original injury or illness that caused the syndrome. Now I-47

    Skepticism be observed in one patient and creates in this type of work an interesting challenge.

    In addition, the practitioner should have an objective and a subjective consciousness as well as a thinking, seeing sentient, knowing sense of touch feature. The following concise set of Dr. Sutherland summarizes all these qualifiers cations together: " If you understand the mechanism, the technique is simple. " And it's easy. This was and is the science of osteopathy as Dr. Still, Dr. Sutherland, and many other leading capacities have formulated and practiced in our profession. Today we are concerned with the traditional by Dr. Sutherland truths and their demonstration.

    Now we must consider what all this means for us and for our practical work now and in the future. We need every service out there today within our highly qualifi ed profession. We need our hospitals, our surgeons, internists, pediatricians, gynecologists, psychiatrists and all other departments. Each area of modern medicine is important for the routine care of our patients. There are, however, not only for all these areas space, but also for somewhat beyond Going. We need at least 2,000 women and

  • men who take the time to learn the necessary material in order to use the truths of Still and Sutherland in their daily practice. They told me that not every practitioner is able to acquire these specific skills that you have to pay to be particularly gifted. This opinion I am not. I think the practitioner needs perseverance, time, and has to spend a lot of work to learn this skill and science. Who is willing, time and effort into the basic requirement " be still and know "investing, which can bring a closer to the Creator as a pure substance royal breathing, is on this path inevitably an advocate and practical user of the principles given to us by Dr. AT Still and Dr. WG Sutherland were mediated. Off en said I would like to see how 2,000 men and women to exercise this kind of osteopathy because those osteopaths will be many thousands of patients to services, which you have said elsewhere: " We have done for you everything is possible. You will have to learn to live with this problem. " A high percentage of these numerous people can be led to a much higher level of health but, as is available in their present condition are available. Such patients, which can help me at heart. So you get stuck, you need the help of osteopaths with Skills in the said areas. At present there are in America but only I-49

    sent me many years ago in response to a letter in which I referred to certain aspects of osteopathy in the cranial region. However, his response includes the entire body physiology in the science of osteopathy. I quote him verbatim:

    " I am closer than my breath the creator of the cranial mechanism ... The patient closer is the creator of his or her cranial mechanism ... 7 My thinking, sentient, seeing, knowing fingers out on smart way of Magisterial mechanic who created this mechanism , It does not matter how you interpret, as long as you mentally contact with the overhead line has like a streetcar. "

    Let me repeat that: ' It does not matter how you interpret, as long as you mentally contact with the overhead line has like a streetcar . "

  • Chapter 2

    Understanding the mechanism

  • The involuntary mechanism Revised Excerpts from lectures, held in 1976 during a basic course of the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

    We want to talk about the nature of the primary respiratory mechanism, which is a simple, basic, primary rhythmic functional unit. He is completely involuntary, involves the entire anatomy and physiology and can be palpated by a trained clinician in each body area. Just as he provides the evidence for health throughout the body physiology, he also points to a reduction in the health area in each dysfunction. One can equally be used as a tool for diagnosis and treatment him. The primary respiratory mechanism is a manifestation of life in the patient and the practitioner can in his service to restore health in patients who take his help.

    He is and remains a functional unit, this primary respiratory mechanism, even though he was divided for teaching purposes in five components, one of which therefore each forms part of these simple, rhythmic, primary functional unit within the body physiology. You see that I have not just said, "within the primary respiratory mechanism" but "within the body physiology," The entire unit has this factor.. Everything follows the laws of flexion / external rotation and extension / internal rotation of the anatomic-physiological mechanism. We are completely dependent on this simple, rhythmic, mobile, motile fluid-drive mechanism.

    The entire body has an involuntary mechanism. Even if your Psoamuskel is sick, he is destined to go into internal and external rotation. Your foot is so designed that it ten or twelve times per minute is in internal and external rotation - not because of the primary respiratory mechanism, but because of the primary respiratory mechanism can function only in this way. Therefore, we must learn its rules and laws.

    Let me read you a text in which it comes to what I want to express here. He comes from a book of essays by the American anthropologist Loren Eiseley. If you have not yet read Loren Eiseley, you should do that - especially if you want to learn how to palpate. Through his books I-55

    mechanism, to move and to stay alive, to be what he is: a mind-body structure, an anatomically-physiological, functioning mechanism. We have many involuntary systems in our body - circulatory, digestive, etc. But the key role in the human body has a very special unwillkrlichern mechanism: Every single body cell, each individual cell that lives within the liquids in which it is produced, is 10 to 12 times per minute moves in flexion and extension, in internal and external rotation.

    So if we have a healthy patient - regardless of whether he sits quietly, walketh about, deep asleep, running, is very active or in complete tranquility are in a friend - is taking place everywhere in him this involuntary physiological function movement. We focus on the neurokranialen and sacral mechanism than the

  • Parts enbaren this mechanism, this involuntary movement off. But the neurocranial and the sacred activity axis, its physiological function is when you want to say so, more or less, the drive shaft of the system that allows all the wheels and hoists as well as everything that comes so directly from the factory, to do their work be brought - flexion / external rotation and extension / internal rotation. So one can understand the neurokranialen and sacral mechanism under any circumstances as a separated from the whole body physiology unit. Every time we put our hands to a patient, we are dealing with the largest and most important involuntary system in the human body. Every time we touch these patients, no matter whether we are here referring to a tiny finger joint or a whole leg, we must attune ourselves to these involuntary, physiological mechanism.

    Arbitrary mechanisms correspond all that the decisions precipitating fraction of our brain decides to do with this involuntary thing. I decide to go myself to stand or sit; I decide to persuade me to eat and think (or think that I think); I can a million decisions taken en. I decide to have thoughts or emotions - everything is arbitrary. These are activities that we can use in an intelligent way, by trying to offend nor to let them starve or to take on excessive manner. We just use the normal daily lives, and once we aufh ren to use them, they fall easily back to where they came from, and our involuntary mechanism continues to support us until we give the instruction again, that the arbitrary something else to do. It is the arbitrary page in life that puts us in difficult situations, not involuntary.

  • I-57

    among leading levels. That's the change that speaks of the Eiseley, the infinite variety of patterns, from a functional state to another, in the involuntary mechanism by which it works. As long as it takes. This is the time, the needs change. Our job as a therapist is to us silently tune from the inside out in order to understand this event. Our understanding arises out of something that we feel, though can not explain. What we because it is perceptible to us, feel, is a consequence. And yet we can observe that something is actually happening in this nanosecond. We can observe what pattern was previously there and that thereafter, and - because we have studied the details of the physiological movement of any part of this involuntary mechanism not only in the craniosacral axis, but in the whole system - with our intelligent comprehension able to make this available for clinical purposes.

    A universal design

    There are in this craniosacral mechanism and throughout the anatomy and physiology of the entire body and the aspect of universality. Approximately ten thousand generations or three million years did it take to make the human body to what it is today. Basically, it is designed so that it functions as a voluntary and involuntary mechanism. The only reason why we are sitting here today is that we are the product of x people generations that have managed to survive. Therefore, the mechanisms are in us all those that have been determined by nature to survive.

    In other words: The fundamental guiding principle in the healing arts (I have deliberately not told "the osteopathic profession," because we are talking about something that should be understood that members of all healing arts), the fundamental idea is so that the body from head to at the feet is a wonderful mechanism and, although was composed, designed from many parts as a comprehensive unit, as a universal functional unit. The more clearly we understand how he as a holistic mechanism works in ourselves - and I mean both the voluntary and involuntary part -, the more precise can be our diagnosis and more capable certainly our treatment.

    Yesterday there was talk in the department about the architectural principles of I-59

    Craniosacral mechanism has principles that work universally in all of us and then ends its individual expression in the personality, to which they belong, fi.

    That we while studying in these courses do not look for pathologies but to the basics, which can function this mechanism, expands our horizons considerably. Not to study the so-called Normal, so here you are, but to understand the principles that belong to the so-called normal at the individual person with whom you were working.

  • DNA patterns

    If you could examine the structure of an involuntary people without any interference of arbitrary would you fi nd that there is an individual pattern of health for every human being in this world. Each anatomical-physiological, involuntary mechanism follows from the top of the head to the feet a pattern that inoculated him, for him geschaff en was of the DNS, which was at the time of conception there and around which every man his pattern of health builds. He received energy to build this pattern. It takes nine months to be born, and 90 years in order to tear oneself away; But all this time on the involuntary structure is continuously built up cell by cell again, with only the DNA patterns of this particular body creates the internal mechanism that makes it into a functioning system involuntary.

    If you are with your hands on these patients einstimmst you with the aim of problems ausfi constantly to make, then fi du nd also problems caused by arbitrary geschaff enes stress, disease or trauma - that is, by something that carried the patient from the outside inwards has. But if you're able, through what has been saddled with this thing, wade and your focus judge on the whole of involuntary pattern you call instead the most energy in the world - the DNS and its pattern or blueprint - brought that saying: "That is what I want to be," This pattern is individually designed for this soul, this one individual..

    So if I do this cranial mechanism, or whatever I'm trying to deal with, touch, while the I focus my consciousness on MAKE mechanism of this patient, I try to read under the I-61

    Chapter 2-2 Movement - the key to diagnosis and treatment

    Paper presented at a conference of the Cranial Academy, which took place in 1979 with support of the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation.

    Movement is life. Movement is a manifestation of life. The miracle of life is expressed in movement, the flow of electrons around a nucleus around, call to the living creatures, Anzen we viruses, bacteria, fungi, plowing animals and mankind. This life can be ends in the sea fi, on land and in the air - perhaps even in space. Mankind has lived in all these environments or adapted in order to be able to live there. Webster defi ned movement as:

    "The act or process of moving itself; the local change of a body from one place to another; the action to move his body or a body part; in mechanics: a combination of moving parts; Mechanism. "9

    At Dorland total 30 Defi nition of movement include the following: 1. The process of self-moving. 2. Active activity: a caused by the own muscle movement. 3. Automatic movement: a movement which has its origin in the body, but is not triggered deliberately. 4. Transferred movement: a force

  • triggered by external movement. 5. Passive movement: each photosensitive from outside the body are in a force caused body movement. 6. refl exbewegung: an involuntary movement, provoked by an external stimulus, acting on a nerve center. 7. Spontaneous movement: a movement that has its origins within the organism. 8. Index movement: a movement of a cranial part of the body in relation to a fi xed caudal part. 9. Brownian motion: the dancing movement tiny particles suspended in a liquid.

    These nine Defi nition of the term s movement are important for our discussion. For example Defi nition number eight: "Index movement: a movement of a cranial part of the body in relation to a fi xed caudal part", a very clear definition of the clinical condition, we at whiplash

    9 No reference in the original text.


    their off ensichtlichen movements, whether coarse or fine, draw their power from an inherent potency, allow me as a clinician, allow the internal physiological function of their own, never erring Potency off enbart, held in treating my patients blind force applied from the outside.

    Our nameless bodies have other resources that complement the overall functional processes in our internal and external environment, complicate, promote and support. We have a name that was given to us by our parents. We have an ego, a mind and emotions. These three - ego, mind and emotions - are also manifestations of life as movement, but at different frequencies than on the, which is the physical and physiological structure of our nameless body as its own. All three are an inherent portion of our holistic nature and therefore part of our total existence. Ego, mind and emotions creating en areas is manifesting movements with so many rapidly changing variables as there are people on Earth. Answered and Again refl ected our nameless body an existing internal and external natural interdependence with all of these variables in the fields of ego, mind and emotions.

    Compare the body of a man whose whole being expresses anger, a friend of the one man who is allowed to be in are in a state of utter devotion, in meditative silence. Watch the infl uence of a terrified mother to her injured child. Once they brought me a baby that had fallen from his high chair and unconscious. As I examined it, his mother sat on the other side of the room. I looked at the still unconscious appearing little boy thoroughly and found no physical injuries. "You must not worry, nothing happened," I said to the mother. "Thank God!" She cried and relaxed. Immediately the little boy responded by he began to move normally and crying. The fear of the mother had contributed to the immobility of the child.

    We have now briefly talked about all of the various types of motion in a nameless body, capable of turn out to answer his internal and external environment as a functional unit per se and to refl ect. We have

  • supplemented by the many variables that ego, mind and emotions can contribute with its forms of movement. These are no cause-effect relationships. Here it comes, whether it is the physician or the patient to an undivided individual in an existing externally and internally interrelated with its own individual environment.


    Can be read out of the functional processes of the body physiology The now following criteria for the care provider and patient. The physiology of our nameless body has four main movement patterns, the five senses, which can be used to his conscious perception for the diagnosis of the doctor in addition, and five basic principles of potential treatment. The four main patterns of movement are:

    1. The neuromuscular movements of the musculoskeletal system; it could also be as arbitrary mechanism of physiological function sequences indicate in the body. 2. The secondary ribs and breathing mechanisms that move all body tissues during breathing cycles. 3. The inherent rhythmic motile and mobile, involuntary craniosacral fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid and the entire lymphatic system with a cycle speed of 10 to 14 times per minute in a healthy state. Dr. William G. Sutherland has described this perfectly rhythmic motion as a kind Tidenphnomen. This means that over a period of ten minutes the whole body physiology each about 100 times passes through a cycle of movement of flexion with external rotation and extension with internal rotation. This is a powerful tool for diagnosis and Th erapie. 4. A large tidenartige movement that approximately 6 times stattfi friend over a period of nine minutes a fl uktuierender mechanism needs for each rhythmic cycle about one and a half minutes. I could watch this great Tide in my patients for the first time ten years ago and I have no idea what their origin or to their very nature. It is one

    Tide, the massive feels like having a gradually swelling expansion of the whole body physiology and a gradually rcklufi gene movement, followed by the next, gradually becoming a massive expansion in a rhythmically balanced exchange within the whole body physiology. I have this movement simultaneously counted in two patients, and it was common to both, but in each case on an individual way. This too is a powerful therapeutic tool, as we'll discuss later. The full resources of the body physiology, including the four main

    movement patterns, answer and reflect the creative tensions of normal functional processes within the involuntary articularly-membranous mechanisms of the primary respiratory mechanism and the fascial-ligamentous voluntary and involuntary linkages of the rest of the body physiology. This I-67

  • the linkages up to the deepest level of voluntary and involuntary movement in the overall physiology of the patient.

    The more sensitive we are to be participants in the palpation, the more awareness we develop the true value of the capacity and the resources that are inherent to the voluntary and involuntary mechanisms of our patients. They are the ones that allow us to diagnostic assessment and ask ourselves the therapeutic mechanisms are available that help can be the many problems that we encounter in our practice, treat. The possibilities are limitless.

    The concept of movement in the treatment in the healing arts covers a wide area and many branches of science: Medicine and Surgery, Psychology, Radiology, Physiotherapy, Krankenpfl ege, and any other additional supply. All of these areas of knowledge based on a number of principles that are aligned so that they can be used for any type of service and are suitable to address specifi c problems when creating a useful diagnosis and a clinical treatment plan for a recovery towards health. In our discussion, it continues to the conditions laid down by us criteria for some of the main forms of movement in a nameless body physiology as well as the criteria for the use of conscious perception, the five projected sensations and the sensory motor skills by the dentist who these tools with the finding its palpation performed by him as a participant coordinated.

    Following therapeutic principles are applied when we use motion: 1. reinforcement 2. Perform apart, 3. Direct Action, 4. Opposite Physiological motion and 5. Compression.

    The artistry and science of palpation for a diagnostic findings can be when you realize as an interested party is not separate from the therapeutic principles, because it is a synchronous process in the physiological functional processes of the nameless body when the practitioner with the problem in Patients works. The reason is simple: the nameless The patient's body has developed a problem which brings us to the patient. Our careful estimate using our participating palpation and our motor skills gives us the movement pattern in this patient experience. We are out of the range of movement and use the aforementioned five principles, not techniques of reinforcement, apart Run, Direct Action, opposites physiological movement, compression I-69

    Again, it is interesting to see that when we have reached the point of balance or the balance points and support the tissues so that they go through the treatment cycle, the creative tension of the nameless body from the inside reinforcement, apart Run, Direct Action, opposite physiological motion and compression - or a combination of the five - show, while the body searches and goes through the quiet period of the change in the reciprocal tension balance what correction means. The nameless body uses in themselves the same set of principles that we apply as a dentist to go to fi nd those balance point that allows the body through his course of treatment.

  • Even a brief remark about the great tidenartige movement as a therapeutic tool: it is not clearly noticeable in every patient. If it can be observed, it feels solid, with a gradually swelling Ngern expansion of tidenartigen Flssigkeitsfi that ltrieren the bundle of membranous and fascial sheaths throughout the body INFI. If one edge of the ocean life and saw the heranfl utenden finger the Tide, which gradually fill the cracks and crannies of an estuary to the sea, so you would get an idea of how this works great Tide. While the returning pattern the tidenartigen finger pull back from the membranous and fascial bundles, then reappear the next rhythmic cycle. This tide is a powerful therapeutic tool. You can feel how dozens or hundreds of tiny membranous and fascial-ligamentous joint corrections stattfi ends - a connective tissue that has enriched from a source that makes it work in its eff ektivsten phase of living function. Our participating palpatory sensitive and motor skills can learn to use this Tide to fi nd and not necessarily in every case of treatment, but often enough to make it be interesting and productive when they are the dentist shows.

    In summary, I would say that to me is awarded as a dentist and my patient as individuals life that manifests as movement. We learn at all levels of our being, in our spiritual consciousness, our ego, our mind, in the emotions and the physiological functional processes of our nameless body the resources of this life. It is off Obviously, that we can use as a practitioner this existing movement as a key for diagnosis and treatment in the service of our patients. I would like to leave you with the question: "What is the key to movement"?


    physiology, the use innate vitality in every living human being, and the ability of the physician this basic anatomical and physiological mechanism in living patients to restore health. He had spent thirty-five years to learn these principles. Dr. Still knew the basic anatomy and physiology of the living body, was able to receive a mental picture of the health mechanisms in individual people and developed a skilful manual approach for correcting body physiology of the patient to guide their return to healthy functioning. Dr. Still knew these principles, and - more importantly - he took it and observed in the patients who took its service to complete, the result: a from the inside out executive return to health.

    The principles that Dr. Still discovered in 1874, are still as applicable and true as ever. The term "principle" is defined as follows defi in dictionary:

    "1) The original source, origin or cause of something or 2) a natural or original or trend basis."

    These definitions describe the Defi presented by Dr. Still basic concepts. It is refreshing to read the works of Dr. Still, and you fi nd easily hundreds

    of citations that the one-to-one relationship between Dr. Still and his various patients subject s. Through his discovery Dr. Still realized that:

    these active principles and concepts inherent in the mind, live in the body and in the soul of every patient,

  • it is the supreme duty of the physician, for the people 'health to fi nd "(because" any disease can fi nd ") 10, the resources of the living body to the attentive practitioner to Ver-addition are, so that he can make a mental picture, which - combined with palpatorischem Can - for evaluating the body physiology can be used in healthy, sick or traumatized state, the living body of the patient carries tools in itself, with which you promote the existing in patient self-healing principles and may induce them to work.

    10 Note. d. Edit .: Here Becker refers to the famous still-quote "The health of fi nding should be the concern of a doctor. Anyone can fi nd the disease "[From:. Still AT:

    The great Still Compendium. 2. A., Volume II: The philosophy of osteopathy, JOLANDOS,

    2005, pp II-16th]


    The quote of Dr. Still emphasized the normalcy of health in the living human body. This main focus on health runs through all Still'schen font en. The second lesson that we can learn from this quotation is the fact that the presence of any disease or of trauma in the body physiology is merely a consequence, a departure from the norm in terms of position and function in the areas where the disease or trauma to fi nd is.

    Health is a living principle in the living body, and they can not be defi ne. Cause and effect is a principle of body physiology that can be defi ned in the presence of disease and / or trauma.

    For example: A patient comes with a severely sprained ankle, with possibly torn ligaments. The ankle shows symptoms and dysfunction; but these are only consequences, not the cause of the restriction. Perhaps the patient has tried to catch with an outstretched hand or with both hands while he umknickte and fi el. In all kinds of places in his body normality may have been disturbed, and each of these places controls as a cause to the eventual development the sprained ankle in. There may an abnormal rotation at the knee or at the hip give e the right or left leg, a dysfunction pattern in psoas or ligamentous joint Train in the arm and hand, and indeed where they are pitched when falling on the floor. The accumulated results of this single cause areas add up and be the cause of the ankle injury. Each of these areas must be carried out and evaluated a corrective treatment so that the healthy functioning of both the causal areas as well as in the ankle is restored. With the return to normality can be seen again at the ankle health and even torn ligaments heal better.

    Another example of a deviation from the health and as well as the ankle injury is merely a consequence disease. You can take many forms: There are chronic problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, which lasts for years, or relatively acute diseases such as lobar pneumonia. The - in the latter case

  • - diseased lung is not the cause of anything. There are a number of effects that occur in a specifi c pattern and cause the deviation from normality. The health returns to the lungs if all these consequences are resolved. To perform a corrective evaluation and treatment that addresses the root cause, you have to work on the areas of the body physiology, who allows the lungs, their opposition to I-75

    Dr. Stills work began at an hour when he turned his back on the ineff ective health system of his time. He describes his discovery of the science of osteopathy on June 22, 1874 as follows: "22 years ago I shot hit not into the heart but into the dome of the mind. This dome was then in a poor state, to be pierced by an arrow with the principles of philosophy. ... Some of the time I retired to think about this event, which I realized thanks to the force of closing that the word means god perfection in all things and in all places. At this point I began with the microscope of the mind to consider carefully the assumption was often made in our presence that the divine perfection can be seen in his works. "12

    Dr. Still took it upon himself to work with all the hidden factors that belong to the basics of the science of osteopathy, to examine them, to experiment with them, to study them, to test, to rethink and to feel. It was a sudden break out for a man, this change from "elimination of pain and suffering" toward "restoring health from the inside."

    There are many facets of knowledge and understanding that can be learned from the living body physiology of the patient. And there are many lively diagnostic and treatment skills that can be utilized in the development of a perceptual coordination of the living practitioner in its work with the living patient to achieve a correction towards health.

    The emphasis on the word is intentionally alive. To Dr. Stills discovery belongs his knowledge that the human body is a machine, which is driven by the invisible force called life.It is the vitality of the human body, which makes him react to tests, techniques and tools of medical science - to exact from the technologically more advanced computed tomography and magnetic resonance tomography on vaccinations, which have wiped out some of the most dangerous diseases of mankind, through acting antibiotics or other drugs and sophisticated heart surgery, etc. In this direction there was in the past six to ten years more progress than in the fifty years before. Many thousands of lives have been saved thanks to these advances.

    12 AT Still: The great Still Compendium . 2. A., Volume I: autobiography , JOLANDOS, 2005

    S. I-121st


  • Seres service explained. Before his discovery, Dr. Still was working for humanity as a doctor " particularly through the elimination of pain and suffering "from the outside in, with the medical art and science of his time. He was, as it should be a philanthropist, dissatisfied with his results, searching for answers and ways to improve. At the time of his discovery "something happened", an invisible factor, a step into the unknown. The quality of his life as a doctor was changed, transformed. Or you could use the word "transmutation" in order to explain what happened? As a result of this "silent" action he became a philanthropist, whose primary interest was the fact of humanity through the " restoration of health from the inside out to serve. " He now understood the meaning and experience of the "vitality" of his own nature and the same "vitality" in his patients as a unity of life. He took this quality of "aliveness" that was given to him on without question; The knowledge served him in his daily practice as a doctor, engineer and philanthropist.

    What happened at the time of its discovery, is something that has already happened to hundreds of times people in the most diverse areas. It is part of a learning process with such people and autodidacts who are looking for a heartfelt response to their specifi c questions. It is precisely then, if it is to happen, and not by intention.

    Dr. Still gave the world the science of osteopathy and two clear, basic principles that can be used to serve the needs of mankind: first, the principle of health in the body physiology, which can be regarded as a law per se, and Second, the principle of cause and Effect that can be used in treating disease and / or trauma in the body physiology, wherein each such problem is merely a consequence that can be diagnosed and treated by causal areas to restore the processes of health. Both principles may be used by clinicians living in his work with a living patient.

    The following statement by Dr. Still gives us an insight into his profound knowledge and the quality of his experience:

    "I hope e all those who read this to me, my full conviction will perceive that the mind of God in nature its planning ability - unless plans are needed - and has demonstrated the creators ung self-organizing laws no pattern for the myriad of life forms ; he did well with the equipment and I-79

    Chapter 2-4 Still points

    Revised version of a discussion, in 1986 during an internal training of the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, took place.

    You have asked the question: What happens when the Still Point? That's a good question, and I'll try anything to say about it - but it's not the answer, because there is no answer to the question, what happens when a still point.

  • You walk through a still point by changing the relative function of a lever on a fulcrum. You created st a complete exchange between the two ends of the lever.

    Now, I want you to not confuse, but I've given up trying to use the Still Point; he is not a target of the treatment. I've even given up trying to look for it. I Found A Million Still points - before, during, after ... and finally I gave up. I take just as much as possible out of the way, as far as it is necessary so that something can be done.

    A still point is a physiological balancing act, the body goes through the physiology of each patient. He may at any time, any place, to happen in some way. Probably it comes spontaneously when the patient sleeps well at night or in similar situations. The Still Point is the body's attempt to make himself free, back into a fully motile mechanism. In treatment it is an observable event that the practitioner can recognize as something that a friend stattfi in the body physiology, which he does not voluntarily sought or tries to evaluate. It is an anatomical-physiological change that brings about the body, and I as a doctor had nothing to do with it. I do not even recognize the Still Point. The fact that he stattfi friend, points out that the body physiology decides to use it. I am here simply an observer and not a man who pursues an aim.

    Often Still Points are going to happen in front of you, but you can also hufi g the

    Making experience that you nd stattfi at some distance. You are about to quietly work on a field in a patient, listen, and suddenly you realize that something is happening somewhere else. Well, it has gone through a Still Point I-81

    Chapter 2-5 Sit with your mechanism

    Revised version of lectures around the course as part of a G 1976

    Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

    The experience of the inner Sprens

    In this course, we started with the bones of the cranium on the outside, then inside gone through the reciprocal tension membrane, the rolling and unrolling of the central nervous system have to taken and a fluid Drive the cerebrospinal fluid, introduced into the neurokranialen mechanism. We have seen that this mechanism has the capacity to do certain things and certain patterns to be created en - twist, SidebendingRotation, vertical and lateral shear and compression muster14. We have found that it can have certain membranous joint dysfunctions and that he has a lot of joints. And today we have drangehngt a detailed face.

    Now I want you to just sit down yourselves for a little while and you should look to yourselves. We want to reverse the process of training program this

  • week. I want you to become aware of cerebrospinalis you quietly and without effort of the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid, the stattfi friend in your minds - the turnover of the Fluid Drive. Feel very quiet the cerebrospinal fluid, the fundamental basis of the primary respiratory mechanism. Whether you can actually feel it or not: Be aware of basic cerebrospinal fluid. I do not ask you, you feel active. Be you its just as aware of Fluid Drive, the rhythmic fl uktuiert, heranfl ows and ebbs like the tide of an ocean, within your complete craniosacral mechanism flows into and flows out, flows out along the cranial nerves and along the spinal nerves, further drives in the lymphatic system and a part of the lymphatic system - your whole body will be an inflow and outflow of CSF cerebrospinalis.

    14 Original: Strain



    This morning I want to do something I've never done before. I do not know if it will work, but it's an interesting thought. Here in Dallas, there are quite a few yoga groups, and as the student of yoga western bodies have, trying to sit in non-Western positions, they come to me with physiological dysfunctions that they by their attempts for a certain time sit and meditate, have acquired. At the same time I have contact with at least two people, to guide the meditation groups and may well sit in the position that is appropriate for yoga meditation; and I believe that there is a physiological reason why this position is used.

    In the lotus position you sit not on its rump, as is the case with the reclined sitting in a chair where you can put pressure on the sacrum, which limits the primary and secondary respiratory mechanism. Instead, you sit upright and slightly bent forward, with your spine straight, on his sit bones and thighs. What happens here? The primary respiratory mechanism floats - the whole mechanism of the skullcap to the sacrum depends as it were in the air.

    Since this involuntary mechanism moves rhythmically back and forth, the liquid, the reciprocal tension membrane, the central nervous system and the hinge mechanism can be as simple free-floating hanging. This allows the potency in the cerebrospinal fluid to nourish every cell in the body, and the reciprocal tension membrane, gently rocking the fascia in flexion / external rotation and the counter-movement. It allows the bone, the bands, the central nervous system and everything else to change. Your pattern is formed on a micro level, so that they can zurckzukorrigieren in a more normal physiological mechanism. You are in ends up almost in a state of self-treatment when they are in this position; they make this mechanism a living factor of function.

  • So sit down now in your chair, with your feet on the floor, with your spine straight and slightly bent forward: So you're sitting on your sit bones and rejects you not determined in the chair. Then, in silence, with his eyes closed, thinking about a Krft strength cerebrospinal fluid, which expands and contracts rhythmically. This is an inner feeling - try to feel himself a body of liquid which comes at a still point and expand ated, comes at a still point and ebbs, comes to a standstill point quietly in you

  • Chapter 3 - The Tide of cerebrospinal fluid Chapter 3 - The Tide of cerebrospinal fluid

    Chapter 3-1 The cerebrospinal fluid

    These texts were written by a writing please set out forward from the year 1977th

    From the understanding of the cerebrospinal fluid in the anatomic-physiologic Overall structure of the body tap into our concepts, which are rich in anatomical and physiological details and - more importantly - to philosophical details. Dr. Still noted:

    "A thought comes to him that the cerebrospinal fluid is the highest known element that contains the human body. As long as the brain does not produce this liquid in a large amount, the invalid state of the body is maintained. Who can close, will see that this great river of life and tapped the parched field must be watered immediately, otherwise the crop health is lost forever. "15

    And WG Sutherland added that the arterial flow was most important though, the cerebrospinal fluid but the "supreme command" have and one can observe its fluctuation within a natural cavity by palpation. The key to understanding the cerebrospinal fluid is that it due to its Fluctuation pattern by the practitioner for both the diagnosis and the treatment can be used, and, more importantly, within the living body as an anatomical and physiological unit in integrated function with the whole body. One could say that one is dealing with the rechargeable battery of the life and health in human physiology, if one understands the CSF and its fluctuation pattern correctly.

    Anatomical considerations

    The discovery of cerebrospinal fluid to write to generally Domenico Cotugno. But the first serious study of e Liquor has 1825

    15 AT Still: The great Still Compendium. 2. A., Volume II: The philosophy of osteopathy, JOLANDOS, 2005, pp II-20th


    CSF in the ventricular and subarachnoid space usually varies 125-150 ccm.16

    Science of liquor is seen Lich a vibrant liquid whose Water content is somewhat higher than that of blood. Compared with the blood of the protein content is very low, and the sugar content is slightly lower. Other substances such as creatinine, uric acid, urea, not organic phosphate, bicarbonate, Wasserstoffi mation, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and lactic acid in the spinal fluid in the same or a

  • lesser extent as in blood plasma to fi nd. Obtained by a lumbar puncture spinal fluid, will slightly different from the fluid found in the ventricles.

    Some studies relate except to the described circulation paths also in a way the tides within the cerebrospinal fluid, a characteristic of a fluctuation. However, such indications are not accompanied by a clear acceptance of the phenomenon, but instead say that you have indeed observed the existence of such a pattern, but it can not explain.

    Since most of these studies served the purpose to determine the factors of CSF circulation, were their primary interests in this Th ema and not to declare a fluctuation pattern to fi nd and its significance.

    Physiological Considerations

    In an editorial the Lancet in 1975 was notable following quote: "One function of the lymphatic system is to cleanse the tissue spaces of substances

    that leak from capillaries or from the tissue itself and not re-absorbed into the bloodstream is. The meninges and the nervous tissue of the brain have no lymphatic channels; does this omission mean that the problem of the removal does not exist?

    ... Apart from the MAIN TRIAL USS Liquor back into the bloodstream through the arachnoid villi of the CSF could also be purified by the Plexi chorodei of substances. This idea seems bizarre when one thinks only of the plexi in the lateral ventricles, because they already produce the liquor, for agt you how

    16 Note. d. amerik. Ed .: An article in which it uence comes to the review of the various ways of Liquorfl, is under the title Recent Research Into the Nature of cerebrospinal fluid formation and absorption in the J. Neurosurg 1983 59: 369-383, to fi nd.

  • I-91

    Brain with the lymphatic system, "" Our studies of the compound of submembransen rooms with lymphatic system, "" The movement of cerebrospinal fluid within the medulla and the submembransen rooms "and About the penetration of various substances in the nerve trunk and its movement along the nerve."

    In his chapter on "rheumatism" Speransky describes a method, the liquor to "pump": "The pump was done by means of a lumbar puncture, performed on the seated patient. We used a 10.0-CC> Record

  • stattfi while I watch the pattern change that friend stattfi while applied palpatorisches Can pattern adorns modifi, and change that in the anatomical-physiological structure of the patient takes place when continuing the work happened on this day after my diagnosis and treatment program.

    It is extremely important that the practitioner takes on his palpating the functioning of the cerebrospinal fluid, the role of stakeholders.

    I like to be the idea, party rather than an outside observer, when it is necessary to take care of a problem in the patient's body - like this now a dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, a fascial dysfunction pattern or an interconnected with the primary respiratory mechanism. I have a feeling that I directly experienced the changes that stattfi ends in patients at diagnosis as in the treatment and so in relation to the type of dysfunction get a better diagnostic insight. I can therefore Ussen influenced food better at the potential that day corrections and the treatment results. I fi nd it necessary to accept the idea that I'm a party, and maintain this awareness during my diagnostic and therapeutic review. Because as a participant to reach to what I experience, as well as in the treatment results a much deeper quality than in the role of an outsider observer.

    If we want to take advantage of the sensory and motor skills of our consciousness while working with the natural resources in the body, including the cerebrospinal fluid heard we need to better understand the mechanisms at issue here, first of three concept E - self-organization, staff turnover and transmutation - defi ne and two principles - the breath of life and the breathing air - explain.

    Self-organization: the innate human ability to live physically, mentally, emotionally and philosophically express.

    Everyone has two mechanisms that interact lifetime: an arbitrary ability to work, play and rest, and a complex UNI 95

    The detectable by palpation, basic rhythmic fluctuation pattern of the CSF represent longitudinal, lateral and alternating spiral pattern. There are probably many other patterns or combinations of patterns that are very small and therefore not so easy to notice. A specifi Scheres rhythmic fluctuation pattern of cerebrospinal fluid can be palpated, by directing the cerebrospinal fluid along a maximum diagonal direction in any part of the body.

    Generally it is believed that the turnover rate of the cerebrospinal fluid is in a healthy state at 10 to 14 times per minute. However, you can the various states dysfunction in individuals according to vary and so may be very slow in chronic diseases, increases with fever, however.

    More important than its speed but is the quality of the fluctuation pattern. If the state is healthy, you can feel the palpating a full amplitude, vitality and lively dynamics. Is contrast against rheumatoid arthritis, fi nds due to stasis in connective tissue and lymph system, a thin, watered-down, low amplitude, and after a meningitis or encephalitis empfi nds them as sluggish

  • as the reciprocal tension membrane has lost the quality of their physiological tone. These are just a few of many examples of clear the variable quality of the liquor-fluctuation pattern. The lively cerebrospinal fluid reacts with its off enkundigen fluctuation to the challenges of a changing from hour to hour and from day to day health pattern in the individual organism and refl ected by changes in their quality and speed these processes.

    Dr. Sutherland tells us that the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid is paramount, as a phenomenon in itself, and I totally agree with this thought. There are others who disagree, and want to bring them to the contractility of the central nervous system or the rhythmic inhalation or exhalation of the respiratory system in conjunction. It is off Obviously that relationships and relationships are between all living tissues and the speed of their rhythmic function, motility of the central nervous system, the rocking motion of the reciprocal tension membrane, the rhythmic respiratory mechanism and others, both voluntary and involuntary mechanisms and that grace this fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid and modifi be reversed again graces modifi from her. Nevertheless, we will as a clinician with our conscious WahrI-97

    sem area improved, but its inherent function is not the body for immediate use.

    2. Be aware of an attentive and at the same quiet palpation of all the components of the self-organization, the uktuation with the quality of the involuntary movement Liquorfl and associated in the body. Palpiere now to found the overall vitality of the anatomical-physiological mechanisms. Although this vitality is not necessarily an electrical nature, I like to compare it with a measuring volts and make an estimated findings for each patient. In other words: The vitality of the average patient should feel as if they would be at 110 volts. In the case of a dysfunction, such as a chronic breakdown of the nervous system, the voltage V may be 60, 50 or less on the other hand. The same applies to rheumatoid arthritis. If the patient is in a state of acute fatigue, this comparison may be with a volt also yield low results, but in which you can feel that it is temporary and will probably correct for a good night's sleep yourself. For a professional athlete, the tension is not at 110 but at 220 volts. This is also necessary at all that these people have to endure in their sport.

    This is a useful test, because it gives you a sense of the quality of vitality with which you work in the diagnosis and treatment of problems. Sufficient VOLTAGE means sufficient vitality in order to carry out a correction and to have them develop further, so as you wish it to you. Low VOLTAGE is an indication that your corrective attempts should not exceed the capacity of the patient to use the correction because over-correction in this state of reduced vitality not last and the already prevailing local and general exhaustion of the patient will intensify.

    This second of my recommended test should not be confused with the counting of the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse (CRI), because it is more

  • sensitive and aussagekft strength. About two I mentioned tests could speak even longer; But I have said enough Hoff entlich to call your attention to it.

    Transmutation: The conversion of a thing to another; the change of a chemical element to another.

    The ability to transmutation is a natural phenomenon, which is in the body for a lifetime present. For rhythmic fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid that ability is part of the transmutation. It creates a rhythmic balanced interchange with the choroid plexus, the physiological centers in the I-99

    a CV4 technique; This time it took 30 minutes. Within another week, the skin healed completely on his legs and remained healthy.

    Howard Lippincott, DO, describes the results of the CV4 technique so: "It's hard to be cautious when it comes to the benefits achieved through the

    compression of the fourth ventricle. Because if this powerful liquid is activated by said technique leads to results which justify the enthusiasm.

    This leads to a beneficial effect on the overall circulatory system, comprising

    Decrease of congestion, edema and ischemia, as far as this is possible without surgery.

    The metabolic processes are improved, including the nutrition of all the tissues and the gradual absorption and calcium-fi brser deposits that are not physiological or compensatory nature.

    The compression of the fourth ventricle also improves the function of organs, and in infections, the immune system is strengthened by the effect on the spleen, pancreas and liver.

    The endocrine system is regulated according to the immediate needs of the body. The cerebrospinal fluid has the change of command on the substance, much of the

    involuntary functions, and the autoprotektiven mechanism of the organism. Dr. Sutherland pointed out that secondary osteopathic dysfunctions after compression

    of the ventricle are less off Obviously. The compression is therefore useful to determine the primary dysfunction. "21

    As you can see, is the involuntary mobility of the body, revitalizes with its micro-movements of flexion / external rotation and extension / internal rotation. In addition, the battery life - which we evaluate comparable volts - instantly transmuted / converted toward the physiological ideal state for these patients, were the now 110 or 220 volts.

    A controlled compression of the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid by being downloaded to their short rhythmic period or her arrest point and pass through this brings, can be of the parietal bones, the os frontal and the Ossa frontalia, the temporal bones or the Os carry out sacrum. However, it does not necessarily have a compression of the fourth Vent

    21 Sutherland, WG & A: The big Sutherland Compendium. Volume II: Some thoughts JOLANDOS, 2004, pp II-197th


  • Patients had to spend a lot of persuasion, to keep them as long at the bar until the desired results were achieved.

    A comparable number of cases with rheumatoid arthritis responded similarly positive and gained their inherent vitality. Although the aff enes joints were still limited, but they hurt a lot less. Also, the treatment dragged on for six to nine months. Two of the patients did not respond as strongly, but even they felt an improvement. As with the previously described case of the 55s it took with them at the beginning of treatment until there ceased breastfeeding spot. This was, however, from week to week better and they responded to the rhythmically balanced exchange in their clogged s tissue.

    In many cases, were terminally ill cancer patients, some for example with inoperable brain tumors, in recent weeks and months to live relatively pain-free and tolerable before her death.

    This controlling the fluctuations of cerebrospinal fluid by putting them down brings to their short rhythmic period, I applied to a wide variety of ways and in hundreds of cases, to satisfy the most diverse requirements. I do not use that in every patient who comes to my office, but whenever it is aware that it is appropriate. It always corresponds to the respective challenge, though usually with much less dramatic effects as in the cases described. However, by palpation and Applied palpation skills I erspre that was achieved, what was necessary in this day of treatment.

    The principle of life breath: Dr. According to Sutherland, the potency of the cerebrospinal fluid breathing mechanism can be regarded as a fundamental principle in the operation of the primary. He described it as a breath of life, as an invisible element and gave her another name, our Drawing attention to their importance for the functioning of the cerebrospinal fluid. Dr. Sutherland spent a lot of years trying to understand all the elements and components of the craniosacral mechanism: the cranial Linkages and the sacrum, the reciprocal tension membrane, the motility of the central nervous system and the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid. He worked all to yourself and experimented with compressed bandages on own skull to dysfunctions of the extension, the flexion, the Generate Sidebending rotation and twist; he also produced membranous joint dysfunctions, some of them right-wing extremist, and corrected her then.


    logical circulatory and rhythmic functional systems that we use for our Need presence on this earth. In order to manifest ourselves as an indivi