Download - Binary Search Trees of Almost Optimal Height


1. simone tino Algorithms & Complexity evaluation Discoverying Binary Search Trees of Almost Optimal Height@ Universit di Catania #20/11/2012 2. so... whats this all about?Introducing SBB(k) trees Before getting to SBB(k) trees, we really have a long way to go... What about a shortcut?AVL-Tree(a,b)-TreeSBB(k) TreeBinary Search TreeB-TreeSBB TreeSBB-tree and SBB(k)-tree introduce the concept of pseudo-node! Presentation by Simone Tino - All rights reserved. Authored from October 2012 to November 2012 - University of Catania - Faculty of Computer Science - Algoritmi e Complessit 3. some definitions...Matrioska-like definitions, lets start from the most inner one...Optimally balanced The difference between its maximum and minimum heights