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Billiards Concentration; Narrow Your Field of FocusWe are going to work together with this great skill. When I asked that question to the class, as to why they lose, they were telling me that they did not work on their concentration skills. I want you to come to this section each month. Read it, down load it, memorize it and work on your concentration skills.

According to Ernest Wook in his book, Raja Yoga, "Concentration is the narrowing of the field of attention in a manner and for a time determined by the will." Mountain climbers, when they are dangling from a high dim tell each other not to look down, but to look directly in front of them. This way they narrow the field of attention. It is not about falling, it is about holding on and moving step by step towards the top. 

When I was playing very well, I would lean over the table and stare at the clothe. I narrowed my field of attention. Or I would stare at the point of contact on the object ball. I would simply stare at it until I was ready to shoot. Once again, I narrowed my field of attention. There is a lot to be said about concentration. An entire course can be taught on this subject. And we will cover it completely during our time together. Be ready to follow your assignments. We are going to improve our skills in the fine art of concentration. 

The mind is like a searchlight. When you shine it upon an object, it illuminates that object. It does not encompass the entire terrain. If it did, the searchlight would loose it's purpose and illuminate nothing. In order to be effective the searchlight must be narrow, bright and confined to one purpose. We must increase our focus, shine on one thing, and narrow our field of attention. Do this throughout the day. Focus on objects. Search for objects. Remember my favorite quote from the Bible. "the word is like a lamp unto my feet". To me, my growth in pocket billiards is the "word". A lamp unto my feet only shows only one step at a time. It does not light up the entire surroundings. Many of my students want to learn everything in one easy lesson. Let the light shine all around, and you cannot see where to step. Shine at your feet and you will always have sure footing.

Recently I was driving through the mountains of New Mexico with my daughter on my motorcycle. We were near Tao's which is well worth visiting if you are in the area. I did not see the beauty as she did. I needed to focus on the road directly in front of me. At one point I was mesmerized by the mountains and the Rio Grande River. We were running high above the Rio Grande, and for a moment, with my eyes on the river, we drifted towards the edge of the road. My heard pounded by the knowledge that we almost went over the edge. I was not focused on what I was doing. A motorcycle offers no forgiveness for driver mistakes. From that time on, I use the scenic cut outs to do my sightseeing. Or I travel very slowly.

When you are in a match, do not look around at the environment. Instead, narrow your field of attention, by focusing on the game at hand.

Listen to me. If you have mastered The Monk 101 system, you will always have a specific purpose on all shots When you are not committed to what you are doing, you are not going to give one hundred percent. You will be divided. And when you are, Herman and his girlfriend are going to have their way with you With my system, you will be able to identify exactly what you intend to do and have the skills to carry it out. 

How many times have you missed your position and then missed the next shot.

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And the next shot was possible? It was not the shot you expected. It was not the shot you had in mind. And you kept the expected shot in your mind when you attempted the shot at hand. How can you focus on the shot you have, when you have another shot in your mind. You have not narrowed the field of focus. And the result was a miss. 

We have a lot of work to do. Remember, when you have increased your skills at concentration, you gain your freedom from Herman and his girlfriend. Freedom is what we seek.

Keep this in mind. "We focus on a spot, for a time determined by the will". Once we master the skills to concentrate, we then need to work on our will skills.