Download - Bill Nye Wave Video Quiz - › uploads › 8 › 5 › 8 › 9 › 8589077 › waves_video.pdfBill Nye Wave Video Quiz Name: _ Hour _ 13.

Page 1: Bill Nye Wave Video Quiz - › uploads › 8 › 5 › 8 › 9 › 8589077 › waves_video.pdfBill Nye Wave Video Quiz Name: _ Hour _ 13.

Bill Nye Wave Video Quiz Name: _

Hour _

13. X-ray waves are

14. Waves are hand crafted by

15. Earthquake energy travels as

16. Earthquake waves are called

17. Amplitude is the

18. Musical instruments make sound

I. This video is brought to you by _

2. Energy, light, and sound,all travel as _

3. Bill playing the guitar is an example of what type of energy? _

4. The distance from wave to wave is called _

5. How often waves repeat is called their _

6. Draw a high frequency wave., ~ _

7. Draw a low frequency wave., _

8. Energy travels in what direction? _

9. Draw how the amplitude is measured. _

10. All waves have a similar _

iil. What spectrum is made up of different waves? _

1.2. What do radio waves bounce off of before returning to the earth? _

_____ "-- __ than light waves so they have higher _

on the ocean.------------

___________ waves.

__________ of the wave.

19. Low note = long pipe = waves.

20. Sonar uses waves to tell how things are in the water.

,~l. Amplitude describes a wave's _

?2. Energy moves in _

23. Draw a wave. Label the frequency, amplitude, and wavelength.


Page 2: Bill Nye Wave Video Quiz - › uploads › 8 › 5 › 8 › 9 › 8589077 › waves_video.pdfBill Nye Wave Video Quiz Name: _ Hour _ 13.

STUDYGL'Wave CharacteristicsUse words from Section",,, fill in the blanks in the reading passage belo» .• \TOU that some of the blanks aloenumbered. Use th« letien on i~t numbered blanks to compla« the statement at the bottom of the sheet. Thisstatement expressesan. important 'concept from Seaion.18-1. •

Waves are rhythmic disturbances. The easiest type ofwa\~e to risualize is

a -- -- wave. - -- transfer18 14 5

energy in powerful shock waves that -- -- -- __ __ __ through Earth. Most "ayes travel7 .through some kind of material called a . However, two apes of waves

8· ,that can travel without any material present are radio waves and _ _ _ _ _ waves.

11You can produce __ -- 10 - - - - -- -_ -._",·avesinaropebysnapping

it up and down. The highest points of such waves an called -_ __ __ __ __ _ , and the. 13 17

lowest points are called - - - . The distance between the hig-h point of1619 -

one wave and the high poin t of the next W2.,'eis the __ . .9 6

The distance from the crest of a waveto the rest position of the medium is the

Nave Characteristics• ,-,' -"::,".::" ~ ," "'.-.0 .- •• -. ~-",'""':-:::;,~: • ~._' __ .'_

On each of thefigures below, 1square of the grid represents 1unit. UseFigure 1 to answ~ q;;';;tions j -4~Onthe blank, write the letter of the correct answer.



--~' ..-~:':-'::-::'-::. ::....::-.:: -:::::'- ... i I 6 . 1 1 . <Ii -I .' .: I, 1

.j . J ! I .. . I· ..--. --'TII V .. -j \0 .. i··· II I \J I· -] .i

. q; \1 !/F I HI\ i/l! I ! 'k!./ I . ! ./11

FlGIIJREl ! ! ~ 1 i i I I j I

1. Which distance is exactly 1 wavelength?a. A-J .h. A-Dc. D-F d. B-G - e. D-J

2. Which distance is the amplitude?a. B-C h.A-D c. E-G d. £-1 e.A-J

3. How manY_units measure one wavelength>a. 2 h. 4 . e. 6·· -. - d. 8 e.l0

4. Which letters are the crests?- - - - - - - - - of the \\"aye.The speed at which the waye crests moye is - ..-...-...- -.-.a ..AD h. E, Ie. H,J:2 ,:,~e -- -- -- -- -- - . The number of wave crests that pass a place in one

3 4

second is called the -- -- -- -- __ __ __ __ _ of the ""aYe,which is expressed1 15

in units calIed__ __ __ __ __ .2

9 12 3 14 19 ------------.7 2 10 6 17 18 3 8 15 5 16 11 4

WordWlse.Test your knowledge of vocabulary terms from Chapter 17 by matching the vocabulary term 10 the d€,":r.ition.A. Amplitud! B. Decibel C. Diffraction· D. Doppler effect E. Ini.r!orenceF. Period G, Rarefaction H. Transverse I. Trougb J. ,,·.,·t1ength

___ 1. Maximum displacement of a wave

___ 2. The rime required for one complete wave cycle

___ 3. Ar. apparent change in frequency oi a sound source that moves relative to ~n observer

___ 4. ?-fC3 where panicles in a medium are spread out as 0 longimdinal wave travels througb ;,

___ 5. Distance from one point to the next idtlllical point on a wave

___ 6. Type of mechanical wave whose direction of vibration is perpendicular te its di recrion of travel

___ 7. A unit used to compere sound intensity levels

___ 8. Occurs when waYe! overlap

_. __ , .. Occurs wqen a wave encounters a.., object or opening that is close in sID: to its wavelengt•..~

___ 10, Lowest point of a wave below the rest position

d.B,G e.F,H

5. The wave in Figure2is identical to the wave in Figure). Use a red pencil to draw a wave be-.tween points A and B that has a v,"avelengthof4cunits2.Ild.anamplitude of2 units.

. __ ~ ... -_0-.-. __ .._-------_ .•-_._-_.- •.._-_ ... _

: :i -! -Ii -111 II !i i Ii I i1 I ]-~! "!I --1 1+,I-·+=4"k++·--l-I·~i ~l T-:r-!T~TT1! r IV I I j '" i ! !. V!--rn ! I ' In

i 1\"-1 i iIJ ·T3fJ LJ1~i[T'(:I7.'.1 i I I ''CIY'

! J I i ,'-1HFfftt~!-j-+-1-1'-ri G~Rp i, 1 .. i 1 ! r-I T

6. Use a blue pencil to draw a second wave that has a wavelength of 8 units and an amplitude of 4units.

7. Between points X and Yon Figure 3 draw a wave that has a wavelength of 4 units and an ampli-tude of 5 units.

I..TT.l:T::t=~i-. i

... -;. --1.-! II! I r : Ii ! ...

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, ii _..J I. i ..TTTlll 'rr rTTTli i I

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