Download - Bihar : The return of Jungle Raj

  • THE RETURN OF JUNGLE RAJ The secret history of the heroes of Bihar

    In the name of democracy and elections Modis lieutenant Amit Shah and some other weeds of RSS & BJP have

    invaded the land of Buddha and Mahavira (Bihar) today and as the Sanghis have sounded the bugle of their vi-

    cious communal cum political campaign , the blasphemous and heretical talk of Jungle Raj is maliciously being

    peddled by their presstitutes against the heroes of anti-emergency, pro-mandal , anti-communalism movements

    of India. But why are Lalu Prasad Yadav and Nitish Kumar such bete noires for the stooges of Godse, Modi, Netanyahu, Babu Bajrangi and Maya Kodnani ?

    Heres a historical perspective of what makes the mass murderers call an elected government of Bihar a Jungle


    And one who doesnt seek the truth is bound to be fooled by the RSSs grassroots propaganda and BJPs power-

    ful corporate media machines.

    It was the last quarter of the year 1990 and India was burning in the fire of anti-Mandal (anti-dalit) hooliganism on one side and anti-Muslim riots on the other. Every state specially the Hindi heartlands were smoldering as Dalits

    and Muslims were brazenly being attacked in the name of reservations and Hindutva.

    On one hand the decision of the then PM of India V.P.Singh to support the cause of Dalits and implement the

    recommendations of Mandal Commission consequently giving reservation to the long outcasted millions of India

    had forced the Dalit-hater, anti-Mandal agitators to hit the streets, the violence was intensifying and spreading to

    more and more cities as always does when RSS takes up the lead.

    And on the other hand the then wild-beast of RSS by the name of L.K.Advani who had patriotically boarded a

    Japanese Toyota mini-bus (camouflaged into a Hindu religious Rath to fool innocent and brainwashed Hindus ) to embark on his RathYatra from Somnath in Gujarat to Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh with an eye to demolish a cen-

    turies old Masjid in Ayodhya. The situation in India was explosive and there was no-one to put a curb on the hell

    that the Sanghis had broken loose in our motherland .

    The storm of Advanis communally charged RathYatra that had started in Gujarat had transformed into a su-

    per-typhoon before it reached Bihar, virtually burning every city in her way in Gujarat, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh

    and Andhra causing widespread communal riots and Hindu-Muslim violences and deaths.

    This was the stepping stone of the Jungle Raj that Indians are experiencing in the form of Gujarat massacre, Vy-

    apam, and LalitGate today with RSS pracharak Modi at the helm.

    It was on October 23, 1990 that the spurious Hindu Jagran Rath of Advani reached Samastipur in Bihar , the

    peoples leader and the then chief minister of the state the brave Lalu Prasad pounced at the communal virus,

    quarantined it, arrested the scumbag L.K.Advani and saved Bihar from engulfing in the flames of hindu Mus-lim war that the RSS so desperately wanted to start. It was from this day and date that the RSS fascists and the

    pseudo-nationalists of Nathu Ram Godse & Mohan Bhagvat call his rule as Jungle Raj.

    For those who have experienced the safety and security in Lalu jis period of governance and later the prosperity

    and development in the Nitish jis rule know why these RSS insects are so desperate to defame these two worthy

    sons of the soil.The voters of Bihar have a choice to make.The Gujarat model reeks of burnt bodies, raped wom-

    en, orphaned children, hanged farmers, jailed philanthropists, murdered whistle blowers, compromised judiciary,

    freed killers, corporate scamsters and mass murderer rulers while the existing Bihar Model smells of friendship,

    harmony, mutual-respect, equal rights, rule of law, development for all, self reliance, education hard work and


    Today you have a chance , tomorrow you wont. Think before you vote. . Jai hind.

    Arshad Mohsin

    (A proud Indian from Bihar)