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Big  Data  Without  Ac.on  

Glenn  Pasch,  COO  &  Partner  PCG  Digital  Marke6ng    


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What  is  it?  

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Big  Data  Big  Data[1][2]  is  a  collec-on  of  data  sets  so  large  and  complex  that  it  becomes  difficult  to  process  using  on-­‐hand  database  management  tools  or  tradi-onal  data  processing  applica-ons.  The  challenges  include  capture,  cura-on,  storage,[3]  search,  sharing,  analysis,[4]  and  visualiza-on.  The  trend  to  larger  data  sets  is  due  to  the  addi-onal  informa-on  derivable  from  analysis  of  a  single  large  set  of  related  data,  as  compared  to  separate  smaller  sets  with  the  same  total  amount  of  data,  allowing  correla-ons  to  be  found  to  "spot  business  trends,  determine  quality  of  research,  prevent  diseases,  link  legal  cita-ons,  combat  crime,  and  determine  real-­‐-me  roadway  traffic  condi-ons."  

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Big  Data  

“Big  data  is  a  popular  term  used  to  describe  the  exponen-al  growth,  availability  and  use  of  informa-on,  both  structured  and  unstructured.    Much  has  been  wriKen  on  the  big  data  trend  and  how  it  can  serve  as  the  basis  for  innova-on,  differen-a-on  and  growth”  

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Goals  of  Workshop  

•  Understanding  How  to  Use  Data  to  Drive  Results  

•  Understanding  how  one  report  influences  others  

•  How  to  Implement  Change  Based  on  Data  

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What  Do  You  Look  At  In  Your  Dealership  

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Impact  of  One  report  

•  Data  says  increase  paid  search  •  More  Leads  come  in  •  More  Phone  calls  come  in  •  Sales  should  go  up  •  Did  we  let  BDC  or  Internet  team  know  what  we  did  

•  Are  we  staffed  correctly  •  Did  we  increase  accountability    

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No  Ac.on:  Shred  Away  

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Results  =  Process  +  Effort  

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Results  =  Process  +  Effort  

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Results  =  Process  +  Effort  

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Mythical  Dealer  Internet  Department  Cars  Sold  


•  Sold  50  cars  •  Feel  they  could  be  doing  beTer  on  amount  of  leads  they  get  

•  What  Data  are  you  looking  at?  

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Mythical  Dealer  Current  Results  

•  #of  leads:  600  •  #  of  engagements  400    (66%)  •  #  of  appointments  225  (56%)  •   #  of  shows    90    (40%)  •  #  of  sales:  50    (55%)  •  Overall  Closing  ra.o:  8.3%  

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60  x  4  Rule  to  Begin  

•  600  leads  •  600  x  60%  =  360  engagements  •  360  x  60%  =  216  appointments  •  216  x  60%  =  129  Shows  •  129  x  60%  =  77  cars  sold  •  13%  closing  ra.o    

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What  Do  We  Want?  600  leads   Current   13%  

Engagements   400   360   -­‐40  

Appointments   225   216   -­‐9  

Shows   90   129   +39   How?  

Sold   50   77   +27  

Closing  %   8%   13%   +5%  

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Things  to  Look  at  

•  What  is  Current  Process?  –  Is  it  Documented?  –  Is  there  a  script  in  place?  – Who  listens  to  calls?  – Who  is  causing  results?    One  person  or  the  group?  

– Who  is  training  them?  –  Is  there  accountability?  

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The  3  Pillars  What-­‐Why-­‐How  

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 •  Clarity  of  outcome  in  terms  of  DATA  

•  What  is  different  •  Log  BEHAVIOR  changes.  

•  Specific  as  possible  

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•  This  is  biggest  thing  to  communicate  

•  Has  to  be  big  enough    

•  What  if  I  don’t  change  has  to  have  pain  

•  Timeframe  has  to  be  short  “or  else”  

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•  Specific  outline  •  Ask  for  help  from  the  team  

•  Everything  has  to  .e  in  together  

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Analyze  and  Follow  up  on  DATA    

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What  if  Data  is  Good?  

•  Do  you  inspect  with  same  intensity?  

•  Do  you  reinforce  behavior  that  got  there?  

•  Do  you  take  process  for  granted?  

•  Do  you  just  go  to  another  pain  point?  

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•  Data  is  just  the  point  •  Need  to  understand  how  data  impacts  all  processes  and  other  departments  

•  Any  change  to  process  has  to  be  implemented  correctly  

•  You  need  to  monitor  your  data  to  see  the  impact  

•  Adjust  as  needed  

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     –  Office:  732.450.8200  –  Email:  [email protected]  – @sidebysidecoach  –  

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