Download - BIBLIOGRAPHY OF REPORTED BIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA ('EFFECTS … · effects of electrical currents on the human nervous system", [An exploratory study of visual effects (phosphenes) produced

  • .. September 1976



    Zorach R. Glaser Patricia F. Brown

    and Maire S. Brown

    Naval Medical Research Institute Detachment at Naval Surface Weapons Center

    Dahlgren Laboratory Dahlgren, VA 22448

    Project No. MF51.524.015~0030







    Zorach R. Glaser, Ph.D. LCDR, MSC, USN

    Patricia F. Brown, B.S. and Maire S. Brown

    Naval Medical Research Institute Detachment Naval Surface Weapons Center, Dahlgren Laboratory

    (Code DF-522), Dahlgren, Virginia 22448

    This report is a compilation and integration of the first seven supplements, and the alphabetical addenda (appended to the original bibliography), with the revised bibliography of April 1972. The report is a successor to Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI, Bethesda, MD 20014) Research Report No. 2, completed under Research Work Unit MF12.524.015-0004B in October 1971, by the senior author, and available from National Technical Information Service (Springfield, VA 22151) as AD #734-391. The original report was revised and reprinted in April 1972, and also contains the first three supplements; No. l dated October 1971, No. 2 dated November 1971, and No. 3 dated April 1972. The revised report which consists of more than 2300 literature citations, is available from NTIS as AD #750-271, and includes, as the first chapter, an outline of the effects which have been attributed to radio frequency and microwave radiation. Supplement No. 4 (containing 327 citations) was completed in June 1973, as an Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Project Office Report, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Navy), (Washington, DC 20372), and is avail-able from NTIS as AD #770-621. Supplement No. 5 (containing 497 citations) was completed in July 1974 as an EMR Project Office Report, Naval Medical R~search and Development Command (NMR&DC, Bethesda, MD 20014), and is avail-able from NTIS as AD #784-007. The sixth Supplement (containing 241 citations) was completed in June 1975 (also as an EMR Project Office, NMR&DC Report), and is available from NTIS as AD #A015-622. The seventh Supplement (containing 345 citations) was completed in May 1976 as a NMRI Report, and is available from NTIS as AD #A025-354. Supplement No. 8 (not included in this report, but containing 331 citations), was completed in August 1976 as a NMRI Report, and is available from NTIS as AD #A029-430.

    27 September 1976

    (Supersedes AD #734-391, #750-271, #770-621, #784-007, #A015-622, & #A025-354)

  • )


    More than 3700 references on the biological responses to radio frequency and microwave radiation, published up to May 1976, are included in this bibliography of the world literature. Particular attention has been paid to the effects of non-ionizing radiation on man at these frequencies. The citations are arranged alphabetically by author (where possible), and contain as much information as possible so as to assure effective retrieval of the original documents. Soviet and East European literature is included in detail.

    This report is a compilation and integration of the first seven supple-ments, and the alphabetical addenda {appended to the original bibliography), with the revised bibliography of April 1972. The report is a successor to Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI, Bethesda, MD 20014) Research Report No. 2, completed under Research Work Unit MF12.524.015-0004B in October 1971, by the senior author, and available from National Technical Information Ser-vice {Springfield, VA 22151) as AD #734-391. The original report was revised and reprinted in April 1972, and also contains the first three supplements; No.1 dated October 1971, No. 2 dated November 1971, and No. 3 dated April 1972. The revised report which consists of more than 2300 literature citations, is available from NTIS as AD #750-271, and includes, as the first chapter, an outline of the effects which have been attributed to radio frequency and microwave radiation. Supplement No. 4 (containing 327 citations) was completed tn June 1973, as an Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Project Office Report, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Navy), (Washington, DC 20372), and is avail-able from NTIS as AD #770-621. Supplement No. 5 (containing 497 citations) was completed in July 1974 as an EMR Project Office Report, Naval Medical Research and Development Command (NMR&DC, Bethesda, MD 20014), and is avail-able from NTIS as AD #784-007. The sixth Supplement {containing 241 citations) was completed in June 1975 (also as an EMR Project Office, NMR&DC Report), and is available from NTIS as AD #A015-622. The seventh Supplement (containing 345 citations) was completed in May 1976 as a NMRI Report, and is available from NTIS as AD #A025-354. Supplement No. 8 (not included in this report, but containing 331 citations), was completed in August 1976 as a NMRI Report, and is available from NTIS as AD #A029-430.

    Relevant presentations made at technical meetings are included in a separate section.

    The "outline of bio-effects" which appeared in the original Bibliography has been included in this report as an Appendix.

    Biological Effects Bibliography

    Key Words

    Electromagnetic Radiation Bio-Effects Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation Radiation Effects Thermogenesis Health Effects Radiobiology (Non-Ionizing)


    Non-Ionizing Radiation Microwave Radiation Electric-Field Bio-Effects Magnetic Bio-Effects Human Factors Pulsed Electromagnetic Radiation Stress Physiology Radar Safety


    Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena ('Effects') and Clinical Manifestations Attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation; Naval Medical Research Institute Report No. 2 on Project MF12.524.015-0004B, dated 4 October 1971, (AD #734-391 ), and Report No. 2 (Revised), 20 April 1972, (AD #750-271) by Zorach.R. Glaser.

    2639. AARONSON, s. (1974), The Sciences, 14(1) :15-22, (Jan.-Feb.), "Pictures of an unknown aura: There's something in those Kirlian photographs, whatever it is", [hig~voltage photography],

    1. AARONSO!i, T. (1970) Environment Q(4):2-10, "Mystery" (A good review article)

    2312. AABONSON, T. (1970), Environment, 12(5):26-31, "Out of the frying pan", [Hazards from microwave ovens).

    2. ABRAMSON, E. 1., BELL, Y., REJAL, H., TUCK, S., B~~TT. C., & FLEISCHER, C. J. (1960) Amer. J. of Physical Ked. 2!:87-95, "Changea in blood flow, oxygen, uptake, and tissue temperaturu produced by therapeutic physical agents, II. Effect of abortvave diathe1:111y" [A2, B2, B3, Bl6)

    3. ABRAMSON, D. 1., HARRIS, A. J., BEACONSFIELD, P., & SCHROEDER, J. M. (1957) Arch. of Physical Med, ~:369-376, "Changea ill peripheral blood flow produced by shortvave diachermy" (I) (Bl6, 12)

    4. ABRIKOSOV • I. A. (1954) Dissertation, l'!Dscov, "Tho! Iapulse UHF Field ill Experillleutal and Clil:lical Practice" (NV)

    5. ABRIKOSOV, 1. A. (1955) Theses of Reports of the Scientific Session of the State Sci. Res. Inet. of Physiotherapy, Moscow, pp. 28-29, "The Action of a Pulsed Electric UHF Field on the Organism" (ltV)

    6. ADDINGTON, C. H., FISCHER, F. P., NEUBAL~R, R. A., OSBO~~. C., S~~. Y. T., & SWARTZ, G. (1958) Proc. 2nd Tri-aervice Con£. on Biological Effects of Microwave Enet'gy (Pattishall, E. G., & Banghart, F. w., eds.) 2:189-201, "Review of the work at University of Buffalo - Studies of the biological effects of 200 megacycles: I. Electrical-facilities and inatruaenta(ion; II. Ophthalmological studies"

    7. ADDINGTON, C. H., NEUBAUER, R. A., OSBORN, c., SWARTZ, G., FISCHER, F. P., & SARKEES, Y. T. (1959) Proc. 3rd Tri-service Con£. on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiatil:lg Equipmenta (SuasltiDd, c., act.) _!:1-9, "Biological effects of microwave energy at 200 megacycles upon the eyes of selected mam.ala" [A4, B22}

    8. ADDINGTON, C. H., OSBORN, C., SWARIZ, G., FISCHER, F. P., & SARKEES, Y. T. (1959) Proc. 3t'd Tri-servica Conf. on Bio-logical Effects of Microwave Radiating Equi~nta (Susskind, C., eel.) 3:1G-14, "Thermal effects of 200 -gacyclu (c:v) irradia-tion as related to shape, location, and orictation :!.n the field" -

    9. ADDINGTON, C. H., OSBORN, C., SWA."l.TZ, G., FISCHER, ·F. P., h'EUBAUER, R. A., & SAR.KEES, Y. T. (1961) Proc. 4th Tri-eervice Conf. on the Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation, Vol. 1 (Peyton, M. 1'., ad.) pp. 177-186, "Biological effects of micro-wave energy at 200 mc11 -

    3379. ADEY, W.R. {1975), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 247:15-20, (Feb. 28), "Introduction: Effects of electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system." [Cited also in #311/,thfs Bibl1o.]

    10. ADLER, E., & MAGORA, A. (1955), Amer. J. of Physical Med., 34:521-534, "Experia~~nts on the relation between short111ve irradiation and the pituitary cortical adrenal system." 3137. ADRIAN, D.J. (1974), Megatek Corp., Harbor City, CA, Report No. P9058-074, (23 Aug.), "Exploratory studies of the effects of electrical currents on the human nervous system", [An exploratory study of visual effects (phosphenes) produced by transcranial electric stimulation using low frequency currents].

    11. AFANAS 1YEV, B. G., (1968) Voyenno-Meditsinsltiy Zb. (1):73-74, "Ibe functional condition of the adt'enal cortex in ship specialists who are subjected to the action of a super-high frequency Dl field" (Ms)

    3380. AHMED, N.A.G., CALDERWOOD, J.H., FROHLICH, H., & SMITH, C.W. (1975), Physics Letters, 53A(2):129-130, (2 June), "Evidence for collective magnetfc effects tn an enzyme: Likelihood of room temperature superciiilcfuctive regions."

    12. AKOYUNOGLOU, G. (1964) Nature (London) 202(4931):452-, "Effect of a aagnetic field on carboxydismutase" (J)

    3138. ALBANESE, A.A. (1974), New York State J. of Medicine, 74(11):1925 only, (Oct.), "Editorial: Have radar ovens the potential to do harm?".

    3139. ALBERT, E.N., McCULLARS, G., & SHORE, M. (1974), J. of Microwave Power, 9(3):205-211, (Sept.) "The effect of 2450 megahertz microwave radiation on liver adenosine triphosphate (ATP)", [No significant difference in ievels in Chinese ham-sters irradiated at 50 mW/cm21.

    13. ALBRECHT:, W. (1935) Arch. of Physical Therapy 16:634 only, (Abstr. frO!!!: Zeitschrift fur Gesaate Experimentale •ted • .21:81&-, (Jun 1934)), Development and form of shortwave tbert>al zones· in an agar body" (A]

    3140. ALEKSANDROVSKAYA, M.M., KRUGLIKOV, R.I., & KHOLODOV, Y.A. (1968), Physiology and Pathology of Histo-Hematic Barriers. (Fizio1ogiya i Patologiya Gisto-Gematicheskikh Bar'yerov1, (Iz-vo Nauka), 352-357, (In Russ.), "Barrier mechanisms of the neuroglia in the process of inhibition under the effect Of weak stimuli".

    14. ALEKSEYENKO, N. YU. (1956) In: Materialy po evolyutsionnoy fiziologii. Simpozium (Materials on evolutionary physiology. Symposium), Moscow, Leningrad, !:7-, [Title not given] (A UHl field evolted changes in muscle function of frogs}

    15. ALEYEV, A. M., YELANTSEVA, v. R., & DZHUMAGALIYEV, M. (1961) Zdravooltbraneniye Kazakhstana (Public Health of Kazakhstan) _(4):75-78, (JPRS 9713), "Effect of a VHF-HF fiel.d on the course of experimental echinococcus" {B, J]

    3381. ALI, J.S. (1975), IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering, ~{1):76-77, "Versatile temperature controlled exposure chamber for microwave bioeffects research."

    16. ALLAM, D. S. (1969) J. Microwave Power ~(2):108-114, "Conference Report: Radio and microvave radiations, applications, and potential hazards"

    2640. ALLBERRY, J., et al. (1972), Practitioner, 208( ) :687-688, (May), "Treatment of herpes zoster with short wave diathermy to the spinal cord".


  • 2102, n.LLIS, J. W., & JA:l!S, D. :::. (1970) In: P..adiation Bit'-Effects Summary Report, Hodge, n. M., {ed.), for Jan-Dec 1970 Div, · :>f :llido;:ical Effects, Bur. ?.ad. Eealth, DP.::-.:, (?.e;:.t. :;o, Br.P./DBE 70-7), pp. 131-136, "Ultraviolet IIPectral chanjles :1.~ bo·:ine ser= al::=in after irradiation vith ::~icrO>o·aves at 2,45 G!!z"

    17. ALM, H. (1958) (In German) Berliner Medizinische Verlagsanstalt G,Q,b,H, Berlin, 174 pagee, Introduction~ Microwave Therapy

    2641. ALM, H.F. (1966), Strahlentherapie, 130( ):464-478, (Jul.), (In Ger.), "Temperature measurement in human tissues following irradiation with decimeter waves"e

    2642. ALM, H.F., & DUTTIGM, H. (1961), Strahlentherapie, ~( ):297-310, (Oot.), (In Ger.), "Experimental and clinical studies with high frequency current in the upper decimeter wave region".

    18. ALTABASHEVA, V, P., & IL'YASHEVICH, M. I. (1934} Biulleten Gosudarscveanogo Tsentral'nogo Institute Sechenova (Bull. of the State Central Institute of Sechenova) (4-5), "The effects of the action of short waves oo the morphology and the physical and chemical behavior of the blood of the rabbit"

    19. ALTMAN, c. (1969) Zoologischei Anzeiger, Geraaay, 32(Suppl):416-430, (Ia German) "The phyeioloaical effect of electric fields on anilllals" -

    3382. ALTMANN, G. (1969), Arch. Met. Geoph. Biokl., Ser. B, !1.( ):269-290, (in Gennan), "The physiological effect of electrical fields on organisms."

    3383. ALTMANN, G., ANDRES, G., & LEfiiiAIR, M. (1972), Expertentfa, 28( ):422-424, (in Gennan), "Influence of the atmospheric electrical field on the skin potential of Rana esculenta."

    20, Al·fER, N. (1956) Proc. Institute of Radio Engineers ~:2A-, "An observation oo the detection by the ear of ad.crowava signals" [Q7)

    3384. ANDERSON, D. (1972), Zeftschrift fllr Naturforschung, 27A(7):1094-1098 (July), (in Engl.), "A generalized expression for the energy density of electromagnetic waves in media wttnstrong temporal dispersion."

    3141. ANDERSEN, F.A., & PAY, T.H. (1974), Radiation Research, 59(1):115 only, "Survival of DrooaphiZa eggs exposed to micro-wave energy and to heat". [See also citation #3123, this Biblio.]

    2643. ANDERSON, J. (1971), Pensacola News-Journal, (Aug. 1), "Microwaves and men".

    2644. ANDERSON, J. (1972), Pensacola-Fla. News-Journal, Sun., Nov. 12, p. 38, "Microwave Guinea pigs", [describes low-level microwave studies at the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Institute, Pensacola, Fla.).

    2313. ANDERSON, J. (1972), The Washington Post, p. Gll, (Hay 4), in The Washington Merry-go-Round Column, "Some unexplored Kleindienst matters"; ibid., p. Bl5, (Hay 10), "'Brainwash' attempt by Russians?"; and ibid., p. , (Nov. 12), "Navy is testing microwave risk~

    2645. ANDERSON, J. (1972/3?), Atlanta Constitution, Dec. 27, "Faulty [microwave) ovens hurt eyes".

    2314. ANDERSON, J. (1973), The Washington Kerry-Go-Round Column, in the Wash. Post, (March 10), p. D31, "Ultrasonic dangers for the unborn"·, (Includes comments on the Senate Committee hearing {Haanuson/Tunney) on microwave oven safety),

    3142. ANDERSON, J. ( 1974), ~·1 e Washington Post, page Bl5 (Tues., Dec. 10), "Ghastly new weapons [including 'microwave beams) on horizon".

    3385. ANDERSON, J., & WHITTEN, L. (1975), The Washington Post, (Friday, May 16), p. Dl9 only, "Soviets' U.S.-aimee! [mici'OWI.Ye] beam perils Finns."

    1967. ANDRAS, J. {1958) Sde1ovaci techoika !(9):331-334, (In Czech.),"Problema of/interference from industrial equlpDant"

    3143. ANDREEN, M.A., & OSBORNE, S.L. (1936), Arch. of Otolaryng., 24( ):331-337, (Sept.), "Measurements of the temperature of the maxillary sinus after treatment by various methods of heating;-· A comparative study", [Among the methods used were diathermy and induction heating at high frequency).

    2315. ANDREYEVA, V.M. (1966), In: Electrosleep~ Electroanesthesia. Materials of the All-Union Symposium on Problems of Electrosleep and Electroanesthesia [Electronarcosis), Dedicated to the 20th Year of the Electrosleep Method, pp. 172-173, {In Russ.) Moscow {13-15 Oct.), "Change in the bioelectrical activity of the brain during electrosleep in patients with cardiac pain and neuresthenia".

    21, ANDRIYASHEVA, N, K. (1937) In: The Biological~ of !!!!-HF;-Ultrashort ~ (Kupalov, P, S,, & Frenkel, C, L., ada,), All Union Institute of Experl-ntal liedicioe, lioscow, pp. 373-379, 'Occupational hazard of VHF-HF and the prevative -euree"

    22. ANIKIN, K. K,, & RUMYANTSOVA-RUSSKlJQI, K. V, (1961) J, of Neuropathology and Psychiatry imeai S.S. ICDrsakov !!,(8hU22-1128, "High frequency currents in the treattoent of pollOIJIYelitia in adults" [Q4)

    23. ANNE, A., SAITO, K., SALATI, 0, K., & SCHW~~. a. P, (1961) Proc, 4th Tri-aerviee Coot. oo the Biolosical Effects of Microwave Radiation, Vol. 1 (Peyton, H. F., ad.) pp. 153-176, "Relative mierowava absorption cross sections of biolo&ical "sipif1cance11

    24. A:INE, A., SAITO, •t., SALATI, O. M., & SCiiWA!;, a, P. (1962), liniv. of Penna, Rpt. No. 62-13, 125 paaes, RADC-TIIR-62-244, (AD 284981), "Penetration aad thermal dias1patioo of ad.crowav .. in tissues" [A)

    ,25, ANNE, A., SALATI, o. K., & SCHWAN, H. P. {1961) Diseet of the 4th lnteroat. Coot. oo ~~dical Electronics, Biological Effects of Hicrowaves 1 (Athermal Aspects), (Froa:ler, P. L., ed,) PlenUlll Preas, r;., York, P• 15)-, "Relative lllicrowave absorpticm cro;;&.,C't!on of mankind"


  • Al;Nr:, A., & SCHWAN, H. P, (1963) (From: ?h.D. Dissertatio~ o.~ A. ~"• cniv. of Penna,, "Scattering and absorption of ~~rowaves by dissipative dielectric objects: The biological s1gnificanc;, and hazards to tJDn;;ind"

    3386. ANNINOS, P.A. (1973}, T.I.T. Journal of Life Sci., l( ):15-18, "Electromagnetic fields generated from neuronal activity."

    2316 . ANOHIN, P.K., SYDAKOV, K.V., & ANTU10NIJ, t:.D., (Moscow Med. lnst., llSSR), (19!,2~, Abstr. of Fourth Internal. Cong. of the Internat. Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics, Moscow (7·-14 Aug.), pp. 118-119, DJsturbances of goal-seeking behav1or under action of electromagnetic field", [Changes in ~onditioned reactions wPre observed •ith rats irradiated at 39 MHz (modu-lated at 50 Hz), field density 100-200 v/m].

    27 • Al;Tm:ov • C. S. (1964) Voprosy Kurortologii, fiziotera:ii, ~ ~cJleb~o~ Fi ziches koy Ku1' tury (Probleii\S in Health Resort Science Physiotherapy and lledical Physical Culture) llosco;~, - 6) .513--)L, (JP?.S 29384), "Com!>ined treate>ent of puSJtulous skin di;eases with ultra-high frequency electric field and staphylococcal a~ti-phagin electrophoresis" [B2, Bl~, B28,

    H2, HlO, Hl3, H14, J6, Q4]

    3387. ANTYUKH, Ye.V., LIVIN, Yu.Ya., NAD', F.Ya. (1975}, Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation, (JPRS 164532), p. 51 only, "Detection of millimeter and submillimeter emission by means of Josephson junctions."

    2317. APPLETdN, B. (1973), DHEW Pub. No. (FDA) 73-8031, BRH/OBE 73-:l, (Feb.), From a lecture presented to the Division of Biological Effects, Rockville, Md., "Results of clinical surveys for microwave ocular effects".

    3125. APPLETON, B. (1974), J. of the Amer. Med. Assoc., E2_(4):407-408, (Jul. 22), "Microwave cataracts: Commentary on".

    2318. APPLETON, B., & McCROSSAN, G.C. (1972), Arch. of Ophthalmology, !l_!l_0)'.259-262, (Sept.), "Micro>~ave lens effects in humans" [Biomicroscopic examination of personnel presumed to have been exposed ing blood by microwave [radiation]".

    3145. ARIPOV, T.f., ARIPOVA, D.f., [, L'VOV, K.M. (l97t;), Biofizika, ~(3):440-442, (Jn Russ.), ('~r·ansl. in ,JPPS No. f)?gt~L, Sept. 12, 1974, pps. 9-13), "Microwave saturation effects on paramagnetic centers ot protein~o irradiated with 11 ltraviolet light''.

    2649 . ARONOFSKY, D.H. (1971), oral surgery, oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, EJ5l :688-696, (Nov.), "Reduction of denUl post-surgical symptoms using nonthermal {?] pulsed high-peak-power electromagnetic energy".

    28 , A::l.O:lOVA. s. B, (1955) Theses of Reports,Sci. Session of the State Sci, Res. Inst. of Physiotherapy, Moscow "Comparative action of a pulse and continuous UHF field on the arterial pressure" [316, 12] (~,1} •

    1968. ARONOVA, S. 8. (1961) Voprosy r~rortologii, Fizioterapii i Lechebooy Fizicheskoy Kul'tury (Problems in Health Resort Sci., Physiotherapy 6 Medical Physical Culture), Moscow, 1:243-246, (In Russian),"On the problem of the mechanism of the action of a pulsed UHF field on arterial pressure"

    ~388. ARONSKIY, A.I., & NURYAGDYYEV, S.K. (1975), Izvest~ya Akademii Nauk Turkmensko~ SSR, Seriya Biologicheskikh Nauk, (3}:85-86, (in Russian), Transl. In: Effects of Non-Ion1zing Electromagnetic Radiat1on (JPRS #L/5615), 10 Feb. 1976,

    pp. 38-40 "Biological test of decrease in carcinogenic activity of DMBA [7,12-dimethyl-benzanthracene] treated in a superhigh'trequency electromagnetic field."

    2650. ASABAEV, c. (1972), Biull. Eksp. Biol. & Med., 2!

  • 2327. BARBORIAK, J.J., KIM, T.S., SANCES, A., & LARSON, S.J. (1966), In: First I t i 1 d 1

    ___ n ernat ana Symposium on Electrotherapeutic Sleep!!_ E ectroanesthesia, Graz, Austria, (12-17 Sept.), "Some metabolic effects of electroanesthesia in-m~o~n7k~e~y~s~"~.~~-~~~

    62. BAlLOW, H. H. (1962) Institute of ltadio Eag!Deera Trans, on Instn.t:Mntation 1 2 257 ...,, ~= -, ~crovave power meaaur .. eata" 63.

    64, PP•

    IIARNOTHr, H. F. (ed,) (1964, Vol. 1) (1969, Vol. 2) PleaWII Preas, Sew York, Biological~~ Maguetic ~

    BARONENKO, V, A., & TIMOF!!VA, K. F. (1958) Zaahchita ot deystviya elektrom, poley i elektr. toke v roa •-at 48-59, "The effect of high and ultrahigh frequeucy EMl> on the organis:a of man and aninal" (~) ' ..... ngrad,

    65, IARONINKO, V. A,, & TIHOF!!VA, K. F. (1959) ?izio1ogicbeskiy Zh. SSSR Sechenov 45·184-188 "Effects of hi h f aapetic fields on the conditioned reflex activity and certain unconditioned functio'iii.of ani~la and lllll!n" g(Bl;~q~jcy ·~:~ro-66, BAR..'WN, C. 1., ~ BARAFF, A. A. (1958) J. of the kl>er. Medical Assoc. 168(9) :1194-1199 (Also u. s. Navy Medical 11,(7):35-40, 1959), 'Medical considerations of ezposure to microwaves (radar)" [A, B, c, F, B, J, IC] ~ Letter 67. BARRON, C. I., & BARAFF, A. A. (1958) Proe. 2nd Tri-service Conf. on Biological Effects f E G & B h F W )

    o Microwave Energy (Pattishall • •• ang art, • •• eds. !:112-117, ~dical considerations of evnnsure to microwaves ( • -r- radar}" [A, B, C, F, H, J, K]

    68. BARRON, C. I., LOVE, A. A., & BARAFF, A. A. (1955) J. of Aviation M~d. 26:442-452, (Also Institute of Radio Enft•aeera Trans. on Medical Electronics, PGME-4:44 only, Feb, 1956) (AD 4 63851) "Ph i 1 --1

    64 _ ? , ys ca eva uation of personnel exposed to microwave emanations"

    (A4, C, F, H, 10 J, K, L]

    2663. BARJIQI, R.D. (1960), Med. Serv. J. of Canada, 16( ):487-500, (Jun.), "OCcupational injuries to the eye resulting from exposure to the electromagnetic spectrum".

    69. BARTONICEK, V,,. & KLIMKOVA-DEUTCBOVA, E, (1964) Casopis Lekaru Ceskych CZ 103(1): 26-3(\ (ATD Trans!, u-64-95, AD 1460106), (Also 1~: Biological~~ Microwaves, AID P-65-68, Sept. 1965, pp. 13-14, "Effect of centimeter'waves on human btochemdatry") 11Solll8 biochemical changes in workera exposed to centil:lll!ter waves" •

    2106. B.~Si."\'IC!:, B. !I,, ILI:-l, A. \'., K?..Ft::,l(O, V. ::., Rlf.t:SSt:Il, S. S., & L'LlfSKII, L. A, (lq]:l) Voc.nno-'leditsinskii Zhurnal : 3:;-.:.1 (:n :".uss.), (Abstr. !"A7C-20l.S9), "Results of dvna!:lic observation of oersons Yorkin

    70. BASS, D. E., KLEEMAN, C, R., QUih~, M,, HENSCHEL, A., & HEGNAUER, A. H. (1955) Medicine (Analytical Revieva of Ceo. Med., Neurology, and Pediatrics) 11,:323-380, "Mecb=1su of acclimatization to heat in mao"

    2664. BASSEN, H. (1973), J. of Microwave Power, ~(3/4) :421 only, "correspondence on animal measurements"

    1971. BASSET, C.A.L. (1965), Scientific American, 213(4): 18-25, "Electricil effects in bone."

    2665. BASSETr, C.A.L., & HERMANN, I. (1968), J. of Cell Biol., 29( ) :9- , "The ~ffect of electrostatic fields on macro-molecular synthesis by fibroblasts in vivo".

    2666. BASSETT, C.A.L., & PAWLUK, R.J. (1972), Science, 178( I :982-983, (l Dec.), "Electrical behavior of cartilage durwg


    2667. BASSETT, C.A .. L., PAWLUK, R.J., & BECKER, R.O. (1964), r~atur(: (London), 204 ( ) :652-654, "Effects of electric currents

    on bone in vivo".

    2668. BASSETT, C.A.L., PAWLUK, R.J., & PILLA, A.A. (1974), Science, 184 (4136) :575-577, (3 May), "Augmentation of bone repair by inductively coupled electromagnetic fields'', [pulsed at low frequencies (l to 65 Hz) and low peak field strength

    (2 to 20 mv/cm)in bone].

    71. BASSETT, H, L,, ECKER, H. A,, JORSSON, R. C., & SHEPPARD, A. P. (1971) IEEE Trans, on Microwave Theory and Techniques (Special rasa: on Biological Effects of Microwaves) ~(2)197-204, "New techniques for i!llpleme!lting microwave biological-exposure ayat-"

    2669. BATTARRA, P. (1970), Minerva Medica, g1 ) :4041-4043, (In, "Biological effects of radar waves on the human


    72. BAUER, J., & GUTMAN, G. (1940) Urologic and Cutaneous Review ~(1}:64-66, "The effect of diathermy on testicular function" 2671. BAULCH, J .T. (1972), The Pensacola (Fla.) Journal, Feb. 11, ~'They' 11 study what TV [and microwave ovens] does to you ... physically", [describes studies recommended by the OTP/ERMAC].

    3391. BAUM, S.J., EKSTROM, M.E., SKIDMORE, W.O., WYANT, D.E., ATKINSON, J.L. {1975), Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute Rept. No. AFRRI-SR75-ll (April}, "Biological measurements in rodents exposed continuously throughout their adult life to pulsed electromagnetic radiation."

    2672. BAUM, S.J., SKIDMORE, W.O., & EKSTROM, M.E. (1973), Arr;;ed Forces Fadiobiology Research Inst~tute (Bethesda, MD) Report,

    AFRRI #SR73-23, (Dec.), "Continuous exposure of rodents to 10 pulst_-S of clectrornagnet~c ract1atlon .

    73, BAUS, R., & FLEMING, J. D. (1959) Proc. 3rd tri-service Conf. on Biological Effects of Micr~vave Radiating Equipmeats

    (Susskind, c., ed,) 1:291-313, "Biologic effect of microwave radiation vith limited body heating

    74, BAVRO, G. V., & KHOLODOV, YU, A. (1962) In: Sumcaries of reports, Questions of magnetic Field. Kirov Order of Lenin MiHcary Medical Academy:, Leningrad, PP• 3-4,

    the Biological Effect of a SBF-UHF Electro-"The character of bioelectric reactions of the

    rabbit cerebral cortex during tbe influence of a SRF-UHF field 1 p 1 Radio hastot (Trudy, Inat. of Industrial

    15. BAVRO, G. v,, & KHOLODOV, YU, A. (1963) Gigiena Truda i Biol. Deyst. E ectrom. o ey • c

    1 Di Ac d Medical Sci Moscow) occupational hygi~e & biological effecca of RF fields, p. 108-, [Title

    Rnieue & Occupation& eeases, a • ·' ' not Riven}


  • ...

    2673. BAWI~, S.M., GAV~-MEDICI, R.J., & ADEY, W.R. (1973), Brain Research, 58( ):365-384, "'Effects of modulated very high frequency f1.elds on spec1.f1c bra1n rhyttuns in cats". -

    76. BAZETT, H. C. (1949} In: Ph~aiologz of ~ Regu!ation and the Science~ Clothing, (Nevburgh, ed.), w. B. Saunders Philadelphia, Pa., PP• 109-192, The regulation of body temperaturesn------- •

    2328. BECKER, C.M., MALHOTRA, l.V., & HEDLEY-WHYTE, J. (1973), Anesthesiology, 38(2):106-122, (Feb.), "The distribution of radiofrequency current and burns" [to patients, at the si~~ of the electrocardi;;cope electrodes during e1ectrosur~ery].

    2674. BECKER, R.O. (1963), Med. Electron. Biol. Engng., .!_( ):293-303, "The biological effects of magnetic field:;: 11 survey"'.

    2675. BECKER, R.O. (1963), N.Y. State J. of Med., ~( ) :2215-2219, "'Relationship of the geomagnetic environment to human biology".

    2676. BECKER, R.O. (1967), Medical Times, 95(6) :657-669, (Jun.), "Electrical control of growth processes".

    2677. BECKER, R.O. (1972), Nilture, E2.( ) :109-111, (Jan. 14), "Stimulation of partial limb regeneration in rats"', [usi.wJ 3-6 nA of direct current] .

    3148, BECKER, R.O. (1972), Technology Review,_( ):32-38, (Dec.), "Electromagnetic forces and life processes".

    2678. BECKER, R.O., & MURRAY, D.G. (1967), Transactions of the NY Acad. of Sciences, series II, ~(5):60fo-615, (Mar.), "A method for producing cellular dedifferentiation by means of very small electrical currents".

    210i. li:..J:u::c. [;. ll. (1969) r.epor: (7 ;>a.~es), t: .s. ""le:>t. l'ealth, :

  • 86. BELDING, H. s •• & HATCH, T. F. (1955) Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning ~(8):129-136, "Index for evaluating heat atr••• in t•~ of reaultins physiological straina"

    87. BELITSKII, (BELICKII) B.M., & KNORRE, (KNOPPE) K.G. (1959), In: ~ies of reports, Labor Hygiene and the Biological Effect of Radio Frequency Electro.agnetic waves, Moscow, [Ti:le not given].

    88. BELITSKII, (BELICKII) B.M., & KNORRE, (KNOPPE), K.G.(l960), Trudy Nii Gigyena Truda i Profzabolevaniya USSR, __ (1):107-117, (Also in: The Biological Action of Ultrahigh Frequencies, (Letavet, A.A .• & Gordon, Z.V., eds.), Acad. of Med. Sci., USSR, Moscow (JPRS 112471, 1962, pp. 110-122)), "Protection fran radiation 1n work with SHF-UHF generators."

    2687. BELJQIODE, M.L., JOHNSON, D.L., & MUC, A.M. (1974), HeaHh Physic:;, ~( ) :45-'>1, (.Jan.), "Thermal and ,;thermal effects vF microwave radiation on the activity of glucose-6-phosphatP dehydroqenu~~e in t~;Jrr,an blnod''.

    2688. BELICHODE, M.L., MUC, A.M., & JOHNSON, D.L. (1974), J. of Microwave Power, .'t(l) :23-29, (Mar.), "Thermal and athermal effects of 2.8 GHz microwaves on three human serum enzymes".

    89. BELL. R. L •• BLOCK, A. F., KERVIN, R. L., & GRAY, L. B. (1969) Cod~rd Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, ~~ryland, llpt -205-69-405, "Microvava rAdtlltion - its potential health hazards and their control"

    90. BELL, w. H •• & FERGUSON, D. (1931) U. s. Navy !•dical Bulletin ~:525-551, "Effects of super-high frequency radio current on health of aen exposed uuder service conditions" (Also Arch. of Physical :berapy _(12):pp.-, (1932))

    2689. BELOKRINITSKII, V.S. (1971), Zh. Vyssh •. Nerv. Deiat., 21() :525.534, (May-Jun.), (In Russ.), "Effect of large doses of super-high frequency electromagnetic fields on the nervous system o: animals during c~nditioned reflex activity".

    91. BELOVA. S, F. (1957) In: Summaries of Reports, Part 2, Moscow, Jubilee Sci. Session of the Institute of Labor Hygiene & Occupational Diseases. dedicated to the 40th Anniv. of the Great October Socialistic Revolution, pp. 66-, "State of the organ of sight in persona subjected to the influence of ultrahigh frequency fie~ds"

    92. BELOVA. S. F •. (1960) In: Phvsical Factors of the External Environment, Moscow, pp. 184-, "The state of the visual organ 1n persons exposed to auperhigh frequency fields" --

    v 93. BELOVA, S. F. (1960) Trudy Nti Gigyena Truda 1 Profzabol.,&niya, _(1):86-89, (Abstr. in: The Biological~ of Ultrahigh Frequencies, (Letavet, A. A., & Gordon, z. v., eds,), Acad, of Med, Sci., uSSR, Moscow, (JPRS 12471, pp. 89-93, 1962)~ "Change ln the elastotono-tric curve in rabbits unc!er the influence of SHF-UHF"

    ~4. BELOVA, B. F. (1962) In: The Biological Action of Ultrahigh Frequencies, (Letavet, A. A. & Gordon, z. V., eda.), Moscow, (JPRS 12471, PP• 36-38, 1962),1Tfnfluence of L~? on the oq1n of sight"

    v 95. BELOVA, s. F. (1964) Trudy Nii Gigyena Truda i Profzabol~oiy~ uss~. __ (2):119-121, "Results of sight organ examination in workers associated with MF-LF generators (150-6DOKC)"

    v 96. BELOVA, S. F. (1964) Trudy Nii Gigyena Truda 1 Profzaboleeniya, USSR, analyzer under the action of microwaves"

    (2):14G-143, "Functional state of the visual

    91. BELOVA, s. F. (1960) In: Nauchnoissledovatel'skiy Institut Gigiena TrJda 1 Provzabole•aniya,Trudy __ (1):36-3~ (f~str. in: ~Biological Action of Ultrahigh Freauencies, (Letavet, A. A., & Gordon, Z. V,, eds.), Acad. of Hed. Sci., USSR, Moscow, (JPRS 12471, 1962)), (ATD Rpt. P-65-17 (1965)), "The effect of URF on the ey!!"

    95, BELOVA, s. F., & GORDON 0 z. V. (1956) Bulletin J. of Ophthal::>ology, Series 3, ~:1301-. "The effects of microwave diathermy on the eye of a rabbit"

    1972. I!ENETATO, G •• & DUMITRESKt:-PAPACHADZ!ii, 2. (1J6~) Rev. ro=aine fiziol. .!_:125-133, (In Russian), "Changes in the fibri-nolytic activity "f olooc< plas:na under the influence of t:l-iF radiation in the hypotha!ac.ic region in various age groups"

    2691. BENJAMIN, J.M., SCHWAN, H.P., KAY, C.F., & HA.Fl

  • 2109. B::~..;:zr::sl:..\JA, n. 1. (1940) Vest,, (1f tal. 16:466-4 70 (ln Russ.), (Abstr. in: Zentralbl. f .d, ~es. Orhth • .!!, (1): 21 (Sept 16, 1941)), "The effects of diath.e~ on the ante:o:!.or part of the eve"

    101. BER.EZNITSKAYA, A. N, (1968) Gigiena Truda i Profeasional'nye Zabolevaniya, Moscow, USSR, 12(9):33-37, "Some indicatora of the fecundity iD feaaale mice irradiated vith 10 Clll vavea"

    102. BERG, A. I. (ed,) (1960) Cosenergoizdat, Moscow, Proc, Hoscov Conf, Jan, 1959, 392 pages (see especially pages fin, 77, 92, & 123) (ID Ruadan), (Abatr, in: !!!!_ Biological Effects !!.! Electromagnetic l'ields - Annotated Bibliography, ATD Rept, P-65-17, Apr, 1965), Electronics~ Medicine

    103. BERGMAN, W, (1965) Tranal. (fraa CPraan) by Tech, Lib, Res, Serv., ?ord Motor Co., Copyright by author, The~ of Microwaves.!!!!. the~~ Syat~

    104, BERLIN, L, 1,, & ZHUPEN, V, F. (1962) (AD #40001.5), "Histological chang.,. in akin following homoplasty to burna of irradiated rabbits,

    105, BERLINER, M, L, (1951) AKA Arch, of Ophthalmology, Annual Revievs, 45(2) :196-213, "Cornea and ac.cera"

    106, BERNAL, E,, & KEPLINGER, M, (1959) Industrial Med, & Surgery 28:535-533, "Effects of environmental temperature and air vol..- exchange oa survival of rats exposed to .Ucrowave radiation -;[ 24,000 aegacycles"

    2694. BERTAUD, A.J. (1973), Electron. & Fis. Apl. (Spain), 16(3) :517-522, "The effect of microwaves media.


    2329. BERTEAUD, A.J., BOTTREAU, A.M., PRIORE, A., PAUTRIZEL, A.N., BERLUREAU, F., & PAUTRIZEL, R. (1971), Comptes rendus des seances de 1'Academie des Sciences,~( ):1003D-l006D, (15 Feb.), (In Fr.), "Experiment on the correlation between the evaluation of the action of Trrpanosoma equiperdum, and the action of pulsed and modulated electromagnetic waves".

    2330. BERTHARION, G., SERVANTIE, B. & JOLY, R. (1971), J. of Microwave Pover, 6(1):62-63, "Electro-cortico-graphic modi-fications after exposure to microwave fields, on the white rat (Preliminary results)".

    2331. BERTHARION, G., SERVANTIE, B., & JOLY, R. (1971), Comptes rend'us des seances de la Societe de Biologie, 165(9-10):1928-1930, (In Fr.), "Study of the action of high frequency elE"ctromagnetic radiation on the central nervous system of the white rat. Electrocorticographic modifications".

    2695. BESSELING, J.L.N., BULL, A.B., & duPLESSIS, J.M.E., et al. (1965), S. Afr. Med. J., ~( ) :137-140, "The rapid warming of blood for massive transfusion by radio frequency induction".

    211G. Br:;;c,.:.>.T, L. !1.., FOX, K, I., LF.C:'.0:."1Cii, R. V., & I.T.!lSTEn, F. ll. (1969), (Ab~.~A6~~0~t,), "Pr~edure for evaluatin~ the e!fec~s of 2.450 ~z: :dcrowaves u;-on S:re:>tococcus faecalis and SaccharoC~yces cerevisiae"

    2070. Bi:YUl, E. 0,, & PAY, T. l. (l97J) In: P..adiation Bio-!:ffects ~~. rodo~, v. ":., (ed.), Jan-Dec 1969, Div. of Biolorical Effects, &ur. Rad. Eealth, !J;=r..:, (F.cpt. !:o. Dt:L 70-1), c?· c.o:.-1&0, "G~ne~ics oi ::-elanorastcr expos.>d to 21,50 :o:z nicrowavc radiation"

    2111. E::!::R, F.. C., ?AY, T. L,, & I>:IZI!;, E. T., Jr. (1970) In: Radiation Bio-Effects ~Report, llod~e, n. ~., (ed.), for Ja::.-Dec: 1970, Div. of Biolodcal Effects, Bur. Rae. Health, l"lELW, (Rept. r:o. BRP./DBE 70-7), pp. 248-250, "Developmental and yer:etic testin~ of Drosoohila vith 2,450 ':F.z lrlc:rovave radiation"

    107. BICKFORD a. c., & ~:ING, B. 0, (19&5) Digest of 6th l~ternat. Co~f. on ~edical Electronics and Biol~slcal Engineering, (1.-a!, Y., C'112:) p. 112 only, "Neuronal sti,.,.Uation b7 pulsed c.agnHic :~e!ds in anit:~a!s an~ ="

    3393. BIELEC, M. (1975}, Ph.D. Thesis (in Polish}, Center for Radiobiology and Radioprotection, 00-909 Warsaw, Poland, "Thennographic analysis of thennal effects of microwave radiation in experimental animals." [Use of thermography for quantitatfon of microwave energy absorbed in live rats and carcasses irradiated with microwaves. Review of the literature.]

    3394. BIELEC, M., & SZMIGIELSKI, S. (1976), Post. Fiz. Med. (in Polish}, (in press}, "Thermographic analysis of energy absorption fn animals irradiated with microwaves." [Use of colour thermovision AGA-680 for quantitation of microwave energy absorbed in dead animals irradiated in anechoic chamher. Method for quantitation of thermal energy absorbed from the surface observed by thermovision.]

    2112. BIELICic:I, Z., S.\RA.'iS!(l, S. CZE!lSXI, P., & ltt.DT;GP., S. (1~&3) Rev, ~led. Aero. (Paris) 2:106-107 (Feb-Mar), (In Fr.), "Malysis of difficulties of oecu?at!otu~l activity in personnel exposed to micrometric vave-irradiation"

    108 , BIERMA!J, w. (1934) Alaer. J, of Medical Seine• ffi:545-552, "Tbe effect of hyperJ>yrexia induced by radbt1ou upon the leukocyte count"

    2332. BIERMAN, W, (1942), The Williams & Wilkins Company 2d ed., Baltimore, (Bibliography: p. 305-319. See also pages .59-114), !!!!. ~Applications of the Short Wave Current.

    109, BIERMAN, w. (1948) Arch. of Physical Med, 29:408-415, "Present atat ... of fever theral'Y"

    110. BIEP~. W., HOROWITZ, W, A., & LEVENSON, C. L, (1935) Arch. of Physical Therapy ~:52D-522, "?ever therapy in pelvic coaditiona: &e.ults of experiDeatel and clinical studiee"

    2696. BIGU del BLANCO, J., ROMERO-SIERRA, c., & TANNER, J.A. (1973), Presentation at the lOth International Conf. on Med. & Biological Engineering, Dresden, East Germany, (Aug.), "Microwave radiometry: A potential tool in biology and medicine".

    33.95. BIGU DEL BLANCO, J., & RI»4ERO-SIERRA, C. (1974}, Digest of Papers, 5th Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, pp. 12/6A-6B, "Effect of 3 em wavelength microwave radiation on the nastic response of the plant Mimosa pudica."

    33.96. BIGU DEL BLANCO, J., & R1»4ERO-SIERRA, C. (1974}, Digest of Papers of the 5th Canadian Medical and Biological Engfneerfng Conference, pp. 12/7A-7B, "The properties of bird feathers as dielectric receptors of microwave radiation at Ku-Band frequencies."


  • 2333. BILBROUGH, J. (1969(, Non-ionizing Radiation, l_(2): 70-72, "Food sterilization hy microwave radiation", [Destruction of .old spores and bacteria).

    1973. BlLlTCH, M., LAU, F. Y. K., & COSBY, P.. S. (1967) Circulatio~ 3?(S•Jppl. 2):68-, "Demand pacemaker inhibitt-:-.0

    by radio-frequency"

    111. DILOKRYliYTS'KYY, V. S. (1%6) Fiziologichnyy Zh. 1J_(l):7D-78, (A:;:D Rpt 67-3, Jan. 1967), "Changes in th• tigroid substance of oeurona under the effect of radio waves"

    112. BlLOKRYNYTS'KYY, V. s. (1968) Fiziologichnyy Zh. 14(3):376-381, (L,r. vith English Sum=dry), "Morphological changes in the sciatic nerve of dogs affected vith SHY elect:rollUignetic fields"

    2697. BIRENBAUM, L. (1972), Proc. of the Inst. of Electrica! & Flectron~cs Engineers, 60( ) :1237-~238, {Oct.}, Letter to the Editor: IICOltll\ent on 'Human exposure t.o non-ionizinaented at ... tJ.aa of • • ! p. 68-, "Effect of microva'lea on the rabbit eye"

    117. BIRNBAUM, G., & FRANEAU, J. (1949) J. of Applied Physics 20:817-, ~easure.ent: of ths Dielectric constant and loss of solids and liquids by a cavity perturbation method"

    3151. BISHOP, F.W., HORTON, C.B., & WARREN, S.L. (1932), Amer. J. of Me~'cal ''cienccs, l84,Sl5-'.33, "A clinical study •Jf artificial hyperthermia induced by high frequency currents". -

    3398. BITTMAN-CORDS, V.L., & MACE~ARIU, A. (1969),,Arch. Phys. Ther. (Leipz), _D.( ):127-134, (in German), "Experimental studies and theoretical considerat1ons on the dynam1cs of the low frequency electro-magnetic fields produced with t~ ftlagnetodtaflux apparatus." 'e

    118. BLACKSMITH, P., & MACK, R. B, (1965) Air Force Caabridge Rea. ~bs., Ranscaa Field, ~~s., AD 625163, "On measuring the radar erose sections of ducks and chickeae"

    2114. B:...

  • 3399. BLUNDELL, o.J. (1975), J. of Physics, Section E: Scientific Instruments,!( ):925-929, "The United Kingdom national standard of microwave noise at 4.1 GHz and 77K."

    3155 , BOCZYNSKI, E., & ZYSS, R. (1972), Otolaryn~. Po:·• ~~4):?-412, (In Pol. with Engl. Summar~), "Changes in activity of certain enzymes in the cells of Corti's organ 1n gu~nea p1gs following long-term exposure to m1crowaves".

    124. BODEN, c., & POHPE, H. J. (1962) llektroalache luDdachau j!(ll)1,17-518, (ID Gera&D) "tbe effect of RP-radiatioa on liviD& org&Dis .. "

    125. BODROVA, 11. v., & DAYUDill, B. v. (1965) la1 ~. llallka, Moacov, PP• 264-, "tba lateral line of Ush as an apparatus for the parceptioD of an electric field"

    2700. BOGAC, P,G,, MURUTBNKO, V.N., & DOLGIJ, N.A. (1972), In: Puti povyaenija produktivnoati ael'skohozjajstvennyh zi~otnyh i pticy [Ways of increasing the productivity of agricultural animals an4 poultry], Odaeea, () :3- , "Effect of VHF electro-magnetic fields on the membranous potential of ..aoth-.uscle cells of the fundal area of the-rat stomach".

    2115. aor~s. R. F., & 5~-pPARD, A. P. (1971) Ph.D. Dissertation, Ceor&ia Inst. of Technolo•y, Atlanta Dissertation Abstr _: 766B, (134 j)azes), ":>eter-o.ination of the effects of e1ec:troaagnetic ener~ties on the hamatolodc aya~e111" •

    2116. S.....,....CS, R. F., S?.ZPPA.'ID, A. P •, & c:t.An, A, J • (1972) Health Phyaica ll(3) 1217-224, "Effects of 2450 l1Hz 1111crowave radiation o:t h:::&n blood coaJtUlation processes" •

    3156. BOGININ, L.F., VASIL'YEV, N.V., DARCHUK, V.A., & MELIK-GAYKAZYAN, Ye.V. (1970), Kompleksnaya Reaktsiya Limf 'd Tkani na Vzdeystviye Peremennogo Magnitnogo Po1ya, _( !:73:?4, (In Russ.), "Complex reaction of lymphoid tissue t~,a~~~rnating magnetic fields", [Study on rats; 200 Oe magnet1c f1eld, at a frequency of 50 Hz]. _

    126~ BOIT!AU, H. (1960) &&vue dea Corpea de Saate 4ea ~o.r.-.. !:637-652, (In Prenc:b) "B1olo&ica1 effects of radar waves•

    127. BOITEAU, H. (1963) La Medecin de ReserYe !al-9, (ID French) •atolo&ical action of radar waves"

    2701. BOLLINGER, J.N. (1971), Contract No. F41609-70-C-0025, SWRI No. 05-2808-01, Southwest Research Institute, san Antonio, TX, (Feb.), 38 pp., Detection and evaluation of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation-induced biological damage in Macaca ~: Final report. ----

    3400. BOLLINGER, J.N., et al. (1974), Southwest Research Institute Rept., San Antonio, TX (AD #A006-388), 140 pps. (Nov.), "Research on biologTCal effects of VLF-band electromagnetic radiation."

    128. BOLSHUXLIN, I. D. (1959) In: Suaaariea of reporta, Labor Hygiene aD~ Biological Effect of Radio Frequency !lectromagaetic wavea, Moscow, "baulta of ahielding of certain ldnda of MF-LF aeaeratora

    3157. BOND, V.P., & CRONKITE, E.P. (1974), Naval Research Reviews (NAVSO P-510), I!_(7):20-21, (July), "Possible effects of {non-ionizing) electromagnetic r~di.J.tions".

    2702. BONNEY, C.H., RUSTAN, P.L., Jr., & FORD, G.E. (1973), IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, BME-20(5) :357-364, "Evaluation of effects of the microwave oven (915 and 2450 Mllz) and radar (2810 and 3050 Mllz) electromagnetic radiation on noncompetitive [electronic) cardiac pacemakers".

    1974. BOOTH, L. F. (1970) tiaval a. .. arc:h Laboratory (t.'J.L) M••· Rapt. 2178, "leviev of microwave safety" 3401. BOOTH, L.F. (1975), Health Physics, 28{1)~86-87, "Microwave hazards associated with small discharge cav1t1es."

    129. BORDID, H. (1935) Arch. of Physical tberapy J!:263-267, "Radiotherapy collbinN vith 41atbeny aud aa1Yan1ut1oa 111 infantile paralysis: Bord1er .. thod"

    3158. BORNSTEIN, L.A. (1969), Presented at the XI Latin Amer. Congress of Plastic Surgery, Bogota, Columbia, (Oct.), "Acceleration of transfer of tube pedicles and flaps", [used pulsed, high frequency electromagnetic radiation].

    2703. BORODAIKEVICH, o.T. (1972), Gig. Tr. Prof. Zabol., 16( l :52-54, (In Russ.), "Effect of pulsed magnetic fields on some biochemical blood indices ir albino mice".

    3402. BOROVKOV, V.A., ZAYTSEV, D.L. (1975), Transl. In: ''Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation," (JPRS #64532), p. so only, "Maximll11 flux density of the power from a broadcast satellite in the 620-790 MHz frequency band."

    207~. ~SISIO, R. c., 6 BAR:~. ~. (lt69) J, of ~~c:rovave Power i:l9G-, (Abatr. in: llon-1on1z1n8 lad. !(4):193 only, (1970)), "}~crev~ve protection of plants"

    2075. BOSISIO, R. C,, ~1l, N., 6 SP005ER, J. (1970) J, of Hicr:vave Power 1:47-53, (lo.batr, in: Non-toatzing Ra4. !(4): 193 only, (1~10)), "Micrcvan protectioe of a f1el4 crop apiut cold

    1975. BOTANI, B., Fltlo.NCIOSI, A., & LO!lE.'IZUI, It, (1!53) Boll. aoc ... d. chir. Modena ll:ll-14, "B1oc:hnica1 effecta of adrenal abort-vave therapy of patienta with bronchial aathaa

    2704. II()TI!WELL, T.P., !!:. !!.· ("'1950), Ref.?, "Electrical properties of beef erythrocyte sugpensions at low frequencies".

    2705 • BOTHWELL, T.P.,!!:. !!.· ('\ol950), Ref.?, "Electrical properties of the plasma membrane of erythrocytes at low frequencies".

    2117 , 301;c::.;..T, J., 6 !'.A.P.SOL, c. (1967) Arch. Ophth&l:aol. (Paris) !!.

  • 1976, BOURGEOIS, A, E., JR, (1967) Ph.D. Theda, Baylor Univ., (!i68-23132) (U Effect of Microwave Exposure upon the Auditory Thruhold of Huma~" • nivl'lrsity !UcrofUu, Order No, 67-2927), "The

    130. BOURGEOIS, A. E., JR. (1967) Pb.D. Theaie (in bperaeatal Psycbo1octw) Bayl r wave exposure upon the auditory threshold of bU~UDa" ow • 0 tiDiv., 117 paaaa, "The effect of aicro-

    131. BOVILL, C, B. (1960) Bl'itiah Co-icatioua ud Elect1'0Dica 7:363-36.5 "Are .. _ d•-poliaible hazarda" - • ra ... r ra .... tiOIUI danaeroue7 A auney of

    233.S. BOVILL, G.B. (1960), British Communications and .Electronics (May), pp. 363-365, "Are radar ra .. iations .. dangerous?".

    3160. BOWERS, J.A., FRYER, B.A., f, ENGLER, P.P. (1974), Poultry Science, ~(2):844-846, "Vitamin-86 in turkey breast muscle cooked in microwave and conventional ovens".

    132. BOWMAN, R. R. (1970) Ins Proc. of the "Biological Effects and Health t.plicatione of Microwave Radiation" 5 1 (Cleary, s. F., ed.) Bur. of Rad. Health, Div. of Bio. Effects, Rapt. No. 1o-2, pp. 204-209, "Quantifyin• bazardo~crovu.'ava

    fields: practical considerations" o -. ..

    2706. BOWMAN, R.R. (1973), In: Symp. on f.licrowave Power, Loughborough, UK, Sep. 10-13, "Some recent developments in the characterization and measurement of hazardous electromagnetic fields".

    133. BOYD, G. A. (1947) Biophysics Seminar, School of Ked. & Dentistry, Univ. of Rochester, (unpublished report),(Dac.), "Athermal biological effects of aicrovaves"

    134. BOYENKO, I. D. (1963) In: Interoceptor& ~ !!!!, Neural Control 2.f System Functions ~~and Pathological Conditions, Teziay doklsdov, Ivsno-Frankovsk, Soma general features of the effect of energy of electromagnetic oscilla-tions of varied frequency and intensity on the quality of interoceptive reflexes"

    13.S. BOYENKO, I. D. (1964) In: Sa.a Probl ... ~ Pbyaioloaical Biophyaica, Voronezh, Izd-vo Voronezh. Univ •• pp. 7-21 0 ''Electro.apetic: field u a sti.all.ue

    136. BOYENKO, I. D., & SKA¥HGILDYAN, r. c. (1968) Fiziologicbaskiy Zh., Seeheaova, USSR 54(8):937-9410 "The role of reflaao-aelli.C-vaacular aonM ia blood coagulation cbAASU during tbe action of electra.agnat1c oscillation on the organi-"

    137. BOYLE, A., COOK0 H. '·• & BUCHANAN, T. J. (1950) British J. of Pbyaic:al ~.ed. llsl-9, "Effects of aicrovavee, prel.1111-aary inveatigationa"

    138. BOYLE, A., COOK, H. r., & WOOLF, D. L. (1952) Annala of Physical Mad, !:3-16, "Further inveatiaation into the effecta of aicrowavea"

    139. BOYS!ll, J. (1953) AMA Arch. of Iaduatrial Hygiene & Occupational Med. 1(6):516-525, "Bypsrtheraic and patboloa1c: effecta of electro.agnetic radiation (350 .c)"

    140. BOYSEN, J. E. (1961) Proc, 4th Tri-sarvice Conf. on the Biological Effacta of Microwave Radiation. Vol. 1 (P87tOD0 K. r., ed.) pp. 309-317, "A revi- of UD&A~~Ver-.1 biological hazard oparatm"PrOiile•" 141. BOYSEN, J. E, (1962) J. of Occupatioaal Mad. ,!(4):192-194, "U. s. Air Force exper1uce vitb aicrovave exposure"

    142. JOZI1t0 L., & GRIIBEIIOVA, J. (1967) Prac:ovni Lakaratvi 0 Pragua, .!2.(6) :249-251, "The influence of elactroaagnet1c: --• upoa tba nervous ayat .. "

    143. BRADLEY, F. J. (1969) Conf. on Federal-State of P.L. 90-602, (Mar. 1969). Montgo.ary, Ala •• (Killu • .J. v •• & Garueky 0 T. H., Co-c:ha.) li.S. Dept. of HEll, P.B.s •• B.R.H. Rpt. #ORO 69-4, "l.eYiev of current atandarda for elect1'0Dic: producta"

    2336. BRADY, K.M. (197l),·Teknish Ukeblad (Oslo), 118(37):17-19 & 25, (In Norwegian), "The question of radiation hazard at IBicrovave frequencies".

    144, BJIAND'r 0 A. A. (1963) GosiMiancv- Isutal'atvo Fizi.ko-Mata.atUh...., Litaratu."70 Moscow. Resaarc:ll ~ Dial.actdi:a at Supetbilb Fregu&Dciea

    14.S. BRATitOVSJUY, ll. n:. (1937) Ia 1 ,!!!!. Biolosic:al Action !! ,Y!!!-RY-Ultrubort ~. (lWpalov, P. S., & Frenkel, G. L. • ada.) 411 Unioa Inatitute of Ezperbantal Medielne 0 Hoac:ov, PP• 227-251,-n-The influnca of an ultrahip frequency alact&'ic: field OD oxidation procaaaae aad nitropa •taboliaa"

    1977. BRATKOVSKIY, R. E. (1938) Fizioterapiya 3:53-58, (In Russian) "On the effect of a UHF electrical field on the oxidation processes of nitrogen e1t-:hanges in man" -

    1978. BRAUER, 1. (1950) Chromoso~ 3:483-509, (In Ceroan), "Experi:ental studies on the effect of meter waves of varioua field intensities on the growth of plants by division"

    2707. BRAUN, G.M. (1965), J. of the Amer. Podiatry Assoc., 55 ( .) :700- , "Pulsed electromagnetic energy: A new therapeutic modality in podiatry".

    1979. BRAUN, H., & THOM, G. (195&) Strahlentherapie 99:617-623, (In German) "Microwave studies on experimental animals"

    2118. B:U:CP.::?.., 5. (1970) In: Rad!ation B:!.o-Effects )

  • 2709. BREHL, R.J. (1973), Naval Aerospace Medical Research Lab., Pensacola, FL, Rept. #NAMRL-fields on liver triglycerides of mice".

    , "Effects of ELF magnetic

    l46. Blll'IWIBSD, L r. (1935) uc:b. of Phyaic:al Tbuapy 16:594-598, "&D&lyaia of selective effecta of sbortvave therapy"

    147. BIII1V1BSKI. c. J., & BIBBIM, J. s. (1935) Arcb. of Pbyaical Therap~ 1!:228-234, "eo.parative analyaia of beat pro4uct1oa: Pbyaic:al ua1yaia of 1dp freq'lleacy, radio freq-cy, aad c:o11duc:t1ve beat

    148. JRENCS, a., JR.., & BI.IGliOLI, P., (1969) U. s. llavy, (July), (unpab1i.abed report), "Prelila1nary notea ou the Na'f7'S I.F hazara (UDIIAZ) proar•"

    2119. :!F.!:7l, L, & KLZ~:A:':S, E. (1970) In: Proc. of l!un2arian Acad. of Sci., t. Sci. Soc. for Telecommunication, Colloq. on ~licrtNave :o=tcat1on, 4t!l, Buca;::est (Apr. 21-24, 1970), "Effect of microwave fields on biolo!!'ical structures" (Hossbauer

    · spectre:" of 5 ,!:>,-olecular o! ox:-!-aenodobin in aninal blood exposed to microHave irradiation)

    3161. BREYSS£, P.A. (1961.;:1), ,T. of Microwave Fewer, ~(1):2~-28, 11 Microwave uses on c,::impus: A study of environm(·ntdl


    2076. BR£-vSSE, P. A. (1969) J, M!c~ P~r 4:25-29, (Abatr. 1~: Non-ionizing Rad. !(2):102-103, (1969), Abstract #43), ~crovave uau ou the Callpu; a atuey of eaviroii".atal haurda"

    2710. BRINDLEY, G.S. (1955), J. of Physiol. (LOndon), 127( ) :189-200, "The site of electrical excitation of the humdn eye", (phosphenes].

    2111. BRODKIN, R.H., & BLEIBERG, J. (1973), Acta Dermatovener (Stockholm), 53( ) :50-52, "Cutaneous microwave injury: A report of two cases", [Dystrophic changes in finger n~il plate observed in 2~rkers in a snack bar which uses a microwave oven].

    149. BIDDY, S. I. (1953) Aviation Mad. ~:328-333, "The operational ba.r.ard of aicrawave radiatioa"

    150. BIDDY, s. I. (1956) Inatitute of lladio ED&iDHra Tran., ora Mecl.ioal. Electronics PGM!-4:8-9 (fro111 Sympoaiua on Physiologic aod Patholoaic Effec:ta of Kicrowavea, JCruaea, F. H., Clua., Sept. 195.5), "!'.i.litary aspect• of the biological effects of aicrovave racliatioa"

    2337. BRODY, J.E. (1973), In: The New York Time, p. ?, (Mon. Apr. 16), "Healing of fracture in animals speeded by static electricity". [Discuases animal studies at Columbia Univ. in which metal plates (held externally on both sides of a fracture by a cast), connected to a dry-cell battery, have caused healing of fractures which would not heal on their own, aud have increased the healing rate of stubborn fractures.]

    3162. BROWN, C.C., (1975), American Psychologist, 2Q_(3):402-t~l0, (Md:'. ), "Electrodne~_,thesia and electrosleep".

    1.51. BID'IIII, P. A., JR.. (1971) lD: Collf. OD "''rieatation: Seuaory Bub" (Adlar, B. E, ,C ed,) & Couf, Chaino&D) · Acad. of Sc:leaeea .!!!,:224-241, •s- orlentatioaal lnfluenc:ea of noa-viau&l, terreatrial elec:trOIUguetic ueida"

    2712. BROWN, F.A., Jr. (1972), American Scientist,_(): , (Nov.-Dec.), "The 'clocks' timing biologlcal rhythms", [Recent discoveries suggest that the mysterious biological clock phenom~non results from a continuous interaction betwcf;n organisms and the subtle geophysical environment].

    3403. BROWN, F.A., Jr., & CHOW, C.S. (1973), Biol. Bull., 144( ):437-461 (June), "Interorganismic and environmental influences through extremely weak electromagnetic fields."

    2338. BROWN, G.H. (1970?), Bur. of Radiological Health Seminar Paper No. 009, Public Health Service, Dept. of Health, Education, & Welfare, "Properties of liquid crystals and their application to the measurement of microwaves and infrared radiation''.

    152. BROWN, G. R., ROYLEI., C, N., & IIIEKllili.IB, R.. A, (1947) D. Vall lioltrand Co., lac., New York, 384 pagea, Theory and Application ~ R.adio Praquanq lleatlns

    153. BROWN, G. B., 6 MORR.ISOJI, W. C. (19.54) Food Technology 8:361-366 (Also IRE Trana ou Medic:al Electroaics PGME-4 16 (19.55), (Abatr. froa Sy.posiua 0'11 Pbyaioloaic &ad Pathologic Effects of Microwaves, ~en. F. H., Chm •• Sept. 19SS)";':"Aoonly, exploration of the affects of stroaa lU' fields oa aicro-org1nisu in aqueoua aolutiona"

    212). ?."'.C·:~;, l'. :'. (1965) Brit. Cc=. C. t:lectrorics Q:21)-2J, (:,bstr. r-A65-141i3~), "·:ea~ur1n"' intnB(' '!F T3diatiCJn" [inclunir" r.,_;;::.n~!:--: e:fe::!:s o~. !.~!ansJ

    2713. BROWN, T.P. (1972), The wall street Journal, Wed., Nov. 8, (p. 34 only), "Cool cooking: For housewife in a hurr:·, microwave oven becomes an increasingly popular appliance".

    154. BROWN, V. s., JR. (1952) Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Burbank, Calif., (lpt SDl-1072, AD 139961). "Phyaioloaical hazard of aou-1ou1z1Da radiatioa"

    2714. BRUESCHKE, E.E., & BRIDGES, J .E. ('Vl970), Rept., IIT Research Institute, Chicago, IL "Effect of electror:wgnetic interference on cardiac pacemakers".

    3404. BRUNHART, G., CARTER, R.E., & VALENCIA, V.I. (1973), Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Defense Nuclear Agency, Bethesda, MD, AFRRI Technical Note No. TN73-14, "AFRRI electromagnetic pulse (EHP) simulator."

    155. BR.UNNEI., G, D., LEHMANN, J. F., McMILLAN, J. A., JOHNSTON, V, C., & CUT, A, V, (1963) Annala of Phyaic:al Ked. 1(4):121-132 & p. 139, "T811P8l'ature diatributiou aa proclucad by aierowavea in spe~ns uudar therapeutic conditions"

    156. BR.YAN, 1., 1. (1966) Science ~(3738):897-899, "R.etrograda amneaia: effect• of handling and aicrovave radiation"


  • 157, BUBAl, ~. (1959) Biolo&ical Abatracta ~ pt. 670815, 2(1/3):358-363, "Biological affect• of electra.agDetic radiatioG vithiD the acopa of c:a vavea"

    158. BUCIWIAM, A. ll., 111M, B. c., 6 DAIJSRAAil, J. J. (1961) Air Force Syat- eo-ad ~ 265279) ,166 pag .. , (aee apecially p. 95), "Biomaclical effecta of ezpoaure to electr-patic radiation. Part II. Biomedical effects oa the eye fro• exposure to aicrovavea aad ioniaina radiatioaa"

    ~1::1. ;,;;c:·:,:..:·, :1. F. (1971) Penr.s::lva~ia 7r1anP.le (,\ l:niv. o~ "enna. UnderP,raduate ruHication l2_(2):f>-9 (•:ov), "Llectromar.rwt~URl' hPTI'tatonnictic colonv-

    !o~i~.;- ~-.::s fo!::--·i:-s· ir.~ury t~t 2!.5C ·::z -:!c:rt:'l\.·a..-~ !.rrac!iation" ·

    1S9o BUDICO, L. H. (1964) ID: .!!!!!! Qu!atiou ~ Phyaiolo57 !!!! Biophydca. Trudy Otdeleniya0 Voronezh, Izd-vo Voroaezb UDiY. • PP• 31-, "Dynaalca of carbohydrate metabolia• 1D iaolated liver of white rata on expoaura to electro .. gnetic fielda of different frequeaciea"; ad PP• 73-, "ChaDae 1D bloocl carbohydrate content due to the action of electr01111pet1c radiation of auclto- ud raclto-frequeacy raau oa orauiau"

    160. BUDICO, L. H., 6 KOSTY~, A. YD. (1964) 1D1 .!!!!!! Probl- ~ Phydolos;r ~ Biophzdca, trudy OtdeleDiya. Voroaeah, lzd-vo. Voronezh, Uo1v., PP• 21-25, The effect of certain portioaa of the alactr~anetic apectrum on the aorption of alkaline atain by the oraaaa of white rata"

    161. BUlSA0 L. G. (1950) Tr.Per~~oakoao Coeudantve-co Mad. Inat. _(24-25) :pp. T "The effecta of .. pede fielu, electric: fielda, RF-VHF fielcla, aJI4l ultraviolet radiatioll oa the reproduction of yeut"

    2715. BULLOCK, T.H. (1973), American Scientist, 61( ): , "Seeing the world through a new sense: Electroreception In fish," (Sharks, catfish, and electric fish use lg;-or high frequency electroreceptors, actively and passively, fn object detection and social communication].

    1980. BURCHELL, H. B. (1961} Circulation ~:161-, "Hidden hazards of cardiac pacemakers"

    162. BUIIGBSS 0 J. s. (1957) Proc. lat Tri-aerriee Coaf. on Biolo&ical l!a~arda of Ki

  • 2125. llYCHKOV, 11. S. (1961) Tr L

    2717. CALDWELL, W.E., GADDIS, E., & WERBER, M. (1969), J. of Genetic Psychology,~( ):7-16, "An operant [RF) electro-magnetic chamber".

    3405. CALDWELL, W.E., & RUSSO, F. (1968), The J. \lf Genetic Psychology, 113( ):233-252, "An exploratory study of the effects of an A.C. magnetic field upon the behavior of the Italian honeybi!e"(Ap1s mellifica)."

    2718. CAMERON, B.K. (1961), ~- J. of orthopedics, _( ) :336-343, (Nov.), "Exper:illlental acceleration of wound healing", [using pulsed, high-frequency radi:l waves in dogs].

    180. CAPPELLI, L. (Editor) (1935) look (:1.11 2 Yol~•) l.olopa (Papen ill EnaJ.iah, Preach, Geman, or Italiall), 1330 paau Proc. of Fint lntl!lmatioaal Conp-UII of El.

    183. CAlLEY, W. s •• 6 STURGILL, I.. 0. (1!161) VapubU.ahecl (Jlepozot to larNII of Sh.ipa, USN, fro• Jauky 6 la1l1170 Divtaiou of Atlantic Reaearch, Wqbinaton, D. c.), "CAlculat1ona of haaardoua zoaaa of elactroupetic radiation"

    2129. CARLOTII, M., ROLAND, J., & ROL.A:JJ, :-1. (1936) Rev. f\to-neuro-of•al. ~(4):260-268, (In Fr.), (Abstr. in: Zentra1bl. f. d. g27), "Dielectric constant of vep:etation at 8.5 Cllz"

    184. CARNEY, s. A., LAWRY.NCE, J. C., 6 IICXETTS, C. a. (1968) lritiah J. of Iaduatr1&1 Keel. (Part I) ~:223-228; (Part II) 229-234 0 (Part III) ibicl, ~172-76 (1970), "'Eff~tet of aicrovavea at X-bud on IUiau pia aida in tiaaua culture. Part I. Micro-wave apparatus for er.poatna tisaue end the effect of the racliatioll oa akin reapiratiou. Part II. lffact of the racliatioll on akin biocheaiotey. Part III. Effect of plllaGMl aicnvavae on akin raapiratiou ancl biochniatry"

    l85. CI.KPIMTD, Co M., & BOAI, R. A, (1930) Allar. J. of" Sypbilla _!!:340-365, "'lbe effect of ,._t proclucecl by liD ultrah1p frequency oscillator on expert.ental aypb111& iD rabbita

    186. CARl'KMTEil. c. H •• ' PACE, A. 1. (1930) Scie~~ce 1!(1844):450-452, "?rocluctioll of fever 111 Ull by abort radio vane"

    187. CAIU'ENTU, 1.. L. (1957) Tuftull lJuiv., Mltclfori, HaM., Illforaal Prosreaa Jteport to u. s. Air rorce Oil the "C-lative effec:ta of 12.3 c::A radiation oa the e:r• of rabbite"

    188. CARP!NTER• R. L. (195&) Proc:. :ad Tri-eer?!ca Conf. Oil Bioloaical Effecta of Microwave EaeriY (Pattiahall, E. c., & Banghart, F. w •• ed».) _!:146-168. R.eviw of tha -rk c:oacluctecl at Tufta UaiY. (USA!' aponeorecl); expert.ental r..Siatioll eataracta 1ocluced by adc:rovaYe racli&tioa"

    189. CARPENTER, ll. L. (1959) Digeat of Tech. Papera, Proc. of the 12th Annual Conf. Oil Electrical Tec:hniquaa 1a Mltcliciu u4 B1olo8Y (Schwall, U. P •• Ch11.), Pllb. Levie Winaer, Mev York, p. 52 only, "Opacitiea ill the leu of the eye e:zper:t-Jtally iaducecl by expoaure to llicr-ave J:adi&tioa"


  • 190. CAlU'ENTI!R, a. L. (1959) Proc. 3rd Tri-aerri.ce Cont. on the Biological Effecta of Microvave Radiatina EquipMnta (Suaaklnd, c., ed.) 1:279-290 (RADC-TR-59140, AD 234788), "Studiea on the effect& of 2450 megacycle radiation on the-re of the rabbit"

    191. CARPENTER, R. L. (1962) Rept. RADC-TDR-62-131 (AD 275840), (Also in Senate Hearinp, PP• 991-1049), "An experiMntel study of the bio1oaical effect& of aicrovave radiation in relation to the eye"

    192. CAlU'ENTER, R. L. (1965) Diaeat of 6th Intarnat. Cont. on Medical Uectronica and Bioloaiul Engineerina, PP• 573-574, "Suppreaaion of differentiation in livina tiaauea 8llp08ed to aicrovave radiation"

    3163.4 CARPENTER, R.L. (1968), J. of Microwave Power, ~(1):3-20, ''The action of microwave radiation on the eye". [See also citation #203, this biblio.].

    2719. CARPENTER, R.L. (1970), Archives of Ophthalmology (Chicago), 84 ( ) :1- , "Reporting radiation [including non-ionizing?) incidents".

    193. CARPEIITER, R. L. (1970) In: Proc. of the "Biolo&ic:&l. Effecta and Health Iaplicatioa. :t Microwave Radiation" SJ'IIPQai-, (Cleary, s. P., t'!Cl.) Bur. of lad. Health, Div. of Bio. Effacta, Rept. Ko. 7D-2, pp. 76-81, !xperbental lllicrowave cataract: a review"

    194. CARPENT.Eil, llo L. (Chao) (1971) "Hicrovave" Saaai- of the Internato Conf. on Noa-Ioa.UinJ llacliation Safety, 2g...31 Mal'oo CincinDBti, Ohio, apouored by Msclical Center of u. of CincioDati

    2341. CARPENTER, R.L. (19 ), Ref ?, "Case reports of effects associated with accidental exposure to microwaves".

    195. CARPENTER, R. L., BIDDLE, D. K., & VAN UHM!ISEM, C. A. (1959) In Inveatigatora' Conf. on Biological Effect& of Elec-tronic Radiatina EquipMnta (ICnauf, c. K., Cba.) RADC-TR-59-67, pp. 12-15, (AD 214693}, "Report on vork in proareaa at Tufta University"

    196. CAlU'ENTER, ll. L., BIDDLE, D. K., & VAN UKHERSEM, C, A. (1960) In.ttitute of Radio Engineer& Trana. on Medical ElectrOilica, ME-1(3}:152-157, "Opacitiea iD the lena of the eye ezpert.eutally induced by exposure to lllicrovave radiation"

    197. CARPENTER, R. L., BIDDLE, D. K., & VA.'t OMHDSEii, c. A. (1960) f'roa Proc. of 3rd lnteruat. Cont. on Medical Electronics, Part 3, London, PP• 401-408, (Also in Senate Hearinaa, pp. 982-990), "Bioloaical effects of microvave radiation vith particular reference to the eye"

    198. CAlU'ENTER, R, L., BIDDLE, D. K., & VAN UMMBRSEN, C. A. (1961) Digeat of Internat, Couf. on Medical Electronica, Bio-logical~ of Microvavea.! (Ather1Ul. Aapacu), (f'r~r, P. L., ed.) P1enl.llll Preas, New York, pp. 196-, "Compariaonof absorption by normal and phantoa eyes expoasd to cataractogenic doses of .Ucrowave radiation at 2450 me and 10,050 me"

    199. CAR!ENT!lt, ll. L., ,!!. al, (1961) Digeat of Internat. Conf. on Medical Electronics, Biological~£!_ Kicrovavea.! (Atheraaal ABpecta), (Fro-r, P. L., ed,), Plen1111 Preas, New York, New York, ~:5-, "The effect on the rabbit eye of lllicrovave radiation at x-band regiona"

    200. CARPENTER, R. L., BIDDLE, D. K., VAN UKKERSEN, C,, MA.'iCAHAS, C. P., & PREEMA.-., H. M. (1959) AIDer. J, of ();)hthat-lou 47:94 only, (Abatract of paper presented at aeeting of Eastern Section of Aaaoc. for Research in Ophthalmology, Inc., NOv. 1958, at Mev York Uaiv,), "Experiaental radiation eataracta induced by aicrovave radiation"

    201, CAlU'ENTER, R, L., & CLARK, V, A. (1966) In: Environaental Biology, Altman, P. L., & Dittner, D. C. (ada.), Federation of Amer. Soc. for Experimental Biology, Betheada, Md., (AD 646890), pp. 131-139, "Reaponaea to radio frequency radiation"

    202, CARPENTER, R. L., & LIVSTONE, E. K. (1971) I!EE Trana. on Microwave Theory and Techniques (Special Iaaue on Bioloaical Effects of Kicrovavea) KTT-19(2)1173-178, "Evidence for nontheraal effecta of microwave radiation: abnormal developaent of irradiated inaect pupae~

    203. CAlU'ENTER, R. L., & VAN IJMKERSEN, c. A. (1968) J. of Microwave Power 1(1}:3-19, (AD 668619), "The action of aicrovave radiation on the eye"

    204. CAlU'ENTER, R, L., & VAN llMKERSEH, C. A. (1968} Proc. of HO!arings before C~ttee of Congreas, U. S, Senate, 90tb Conara81, on Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1967, Part 2, Serial So, 9D-49, pp. 955-971, "The action of aicrowave radia-tion on the eye"

    2720. CARR, P.H. (1966), Rept. No. AFCRL-66-802, Air Force Cambridge Res. Labs., L.G. Hanscom Field, Bedford, MA, (Dec.), "Harmonic generation of microwave phonons by radiation pressure and by the phonon-phonon interaction".

    2131. CARROLL, D. E. & LOPEZ, A. (1969), J. of Food Science ~: 320-324, "Lethality of radiofrequency enerJ!(y upon microorRanis:ns in Hquid, buffered, and alcoholic fooc system"

    2132. CARSON, R. 11., & INl:IS, 11. E. (1970) !iaval loleapon~ Lab. (Dahl~ren, Va.), Tech. Rept. TR-2481, "Electrical impedance of the human body for HF (2-30 HRz) band, (Initial results)

    2o5. CARSTENSEN, E. L. (1962) ~ Report, Ft. Detrick Tech. Rept. MS-23, (AD 293693), 9 paaea, "Internal conductivity of Ea cherichia .!:ill,''

    2721. CARSTENSEN, E.L., LI, K., & SCHWAN, H.P. (1953), The J. of the Optical Soc. of Amer., !1!2) :286-289, (Mar.) "Determ-ination of the acoustic properties of blood and its components".

    206, CASSIANO, o., & AUDISIO, a. (1966) Minerva ADeat:aioloaica (Torino), 1!1261-264, (In Italian) "Sa.e neuro•eaetativa ra-aponaea to the action of electro.asnetlc fielda in aan


  • 207. CASSUJIO, o., CAil'I'A, Q., • ftOIICOMI, s. (1967) Klaana AD"tedololica ~odao). 1!&326-329, (Ia Ital1u) "Actloo of elect-petlc UeUa .. the al,0.-1c left! of Donal .... diabetic oujecta

    201. CASTALDI. L. (1934) Altotractlll of the lat Iotenat. Coaar"a of !loctro-radio-biolo11 (Cappelli, L., ad., lolopa, ltel1 ), pp. 277-3350 (Ia Ital:t.u with !ftsJ,:ln ~~-..,-),"'iolopcal affect of IUP-fratta_,. va'Na"

    3164 , CATHCART, W.H., PARKER, ,J,J., & BEATTIE, H.G. (1946), Food Tech.,!_( ):174-177, "The treatment of packaged bread with high frequency heat".

    3406. CATRAVAS, G.N. (1975), Armed Forces Radiobiology Resetrch Institute.Rept., (AFRRI TN75-8), (Dec.), 5 p~s., "Styrofoam cages for rats used in M1CI'OWI¥e research: Coating with quinine [to reduce chewing by the anillllls].

    209. CAVALLAIO, L. (1934) Abotracto .of tha lat Iatonat. CooP'"• of llecno-rad:lo-biolol)' (Cappelli, L., ad., Jolopa, Italy), pp. 341-350, (Ia ItaU.aa with l!DaU.IIh s~) "DUperaioa of radio frattunc,. va•" ia proteia ayot-"

    210. CAZZWLLI, F. (1952), Neurologfca, !:193- , (AO 12737117), "Tile effects of radar on the '-an body."

    211. CAZZAMALII, F. (1960), In: Il Cervelle Radiante, (in Italian), (U.S. A~y Engr. Res. & Dev. Lib. Tr1nsl. T-1695), (AO 1422217, 42 page translated report), pp. 11r-T52. FTD-TT-65-759/1+2+3+4 (dtd 22 Mar 66), "On a cerebro-psychic radia-tion phenomenon (cerebro-psychic radiation refle~as 1 means of psychophysical explorat,on.•

    212. CAZZAMALLI, F. (1960), In:!!.~ m•ta.te, (til ltaltan), (U.S. ArMy [ngr. Res. I Dev. Lab. Transl. T-1696), (AD 1422218, 40 ~ge tnns1ated ,..port), pp. - , FTD-TT-65-75911+2+3+4 (dtd 22 Mar 66), "E1ecti'OIIIgnettc phenomena Mlicll radiates fro~~ the "'-n llrl1n dllrtng tntellse psycllosensoriel activity ,,.. drealll)', lllllucillltory and te1epsychic states. •

    2133. CEPEilo-GAII.CIA, c., • cm!A5-CESPED!:So L. (1933) Rev. Cubana Oto-neuro-oftal. ,!:199-208 (July/Au,::), (In Span.), (Abstr. in: Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Ophth. lQ.(9) :488 (1934)) • "The action of medical c!iathenay on the DO'f'lllll and oatbolodc eye"

    2342. CHAI, S-Y., & VOGELRUT, P.O. (1967), Journal of Applied Physics, 38(2)1613-618, ·~all effect in dielectric .. di· Microwave X-band P araday rotation of water absorbed on helloslobin". -

    213. ClALOV, v. G. (1968) VoeGDO-~iteiDDkii lb. (5):24-26, "The effect of a saP-UHP field on tha functional condition of the otor111!10laW)'Il .. l8)&ic:al ox-a~~N" -

    2722. CHAN, A.K., SIGELMANN, R.A., GUY, A.W., & ~. J,F. (1973), IBIB Trans. on Biaaed. Engineering, BME-20(2):86-90, (Mar.), "Calculation by the .othod of tinite ditterencea ot the taaperature distribution in layered [biolog~tiasues [applicable to a thermal ~~ce auch as aicrowave radiation)".

    2134. CHASON, L. R. (19??) Ph.D, Dissertation. Baylor l!niversity. "The ef!ecta of visible lip:bt and microvave radbtion on endocrine organa in the rat"

    3165. CHEiDIZE, T.L., KIKNADZE, V.D., & KEVLISHV, G.E. (1974), Biofizlka, 19(3):479-483, "Dielectric spectroscopy of blood. 4. Dielectric spectra of blood after action of physical and chemical agents".

    3407. CHENG, O.K. (1975), European Scientific Notes (Office of Naval Research), 29(12):515-518 (31 Dec. ), "[Report on] Fifth European microwave conference: The invited papers.•

    2135. CllF.RNOVA, L. 10::. (1965) Electronic Treat:nent of ~!Atarial (3):a9-

  • 215. CBIZIIDI'OVA, 1. A. (1966) Biulleten EupariJMntal'noi Biologii i !;editsiny, Moscow ~(6):11-15, "Changea in the EEC of callbite cllrdna tha action of a conatant uguetic field"

    216. CBIZHEHXOVA, R. A. (1967) Zh. Vyaahei Nervnoi Daiatel'n~sti ~ni I. P. Pavlova, Moacov 17(2):313-321, (In Ruasian, !Daliah lbacract) 0 (ATD Rpt 68-105-108-9 0 Abatract, (June 1968), P• 69 only, ~Radiobiology, ~J 671436), "the role of various braiD focaations in EEG responses of rabbit~ to a conat3nt ~gnstic field an~ :o VHF-ax· and SHY-~·~ electracagnstic fields"

    219. CHIZHINKOVA0 R. A. (1969) Zh. Vysahsi Nervnoi Deiatel'noati Pavlov USSR 19(3):495-501, (In Russian, English su.aary) 0 -a.okarouo4 and evoked neuron activity in the viaual cortex of rabbits follovins exposure to the action of a SHF-uBF field"

    3410. CHIZHENKOVA, R.A. (1975), Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation," (JPRS #64532), pp. 10-22, "The role of different brain formations in EEG reactions of rabbits to a constant magnetic field and to ultrahigh- and superhigh-frequency electromagnetic fields."

    220. CIIRISTIANSOII 0 C. (1963) Presentation: Naval Material Lab, Prograa 5-ry, "Radiatio:::t hazards body protfl:tion dnic•"

    221. CHliSTIANSOII0 C,, & RUTKOWSKI, A. (1966) Nav3l Applied Sci. Lab. :~oh. Me--a ~o. 3 (Ja~ 1967), 3rooklyn; (AD 645696), (Aleo preaented at 4th Annual Na~;-wida Workshop in the Biological Sciences, Sav, Med, Res. Unic 94, Great Lakes, Ill., Oct. 1966), "Electrouanetic radiation hazards in the Navy~

    222, CHRISTIE, 1. V., & LOOMIS, A. L. (1929) J. Experimental Med, 49:~03-321, "The relation of frequency to tba physiolosic:al. effecta of ultra-high frequency currents"

    3412. CHRISTMAN, C.l., HO, H.S., & YARROW, S. (1974), IEEE Trans. on Mic~ve Theory and Techniques, MTT-22(12):1267-1272 (Dec.), "Microwave dosimetry system for measured sampled integral-dose rate.• [cited in #3121, this Bi6TTO:T

    223. CQUKHLOVIN, B. A. (1965) Voenno-Maditainakii Zb., Moscow (Milit2=Y ~edical Journal), _(7):25-29, "The effect of SBF-UHP eltlctrouanetic radiation on the iiiiiiiUnobiologicsl properties of the .:-:;:a=>ism"

    272). CHUKHLOVIN, B.A. (197?), Soviet Military Med., _( ) :27-32, "The effect of UHF electromagnetic radiation on the im-~~ioloqical properties of the organism".

    224. CHUXHLOVIN, B., A., GRACHEV, B, N., & LIKINA, I, V, (1966) Biulle:en Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Moscow 61(4):53-55 0 "The detection of C- and Cr reactive protein in the blo during ex-posure of the organiac to SHP-UHP elactro-

    aagnetic waves" 225o· CIECIURA 0 L., KARASEK, M., PAWLISKDWSKI, M., & MINECKI, L. (195>) Folia ~~rphologica (Warszawa) 28(3):343-351, (In Polish vith Engliah •-ry) "The influence of l:d.crowaves radiation on the el~:-astrucc•Jre of the ?ineal gland of vhite rata"

    226,. CIECIURA, L,, & MINECKI, L. (1962) Lekar:r. llojsi(ovy, Pol&nd 38(5~:511-530, (In PoHsh, Fr~>nch si.CI:I!Iary), "Pathological chanaes in the testes of rats subjected to single or repeate:i doses c r :t:.crO'ola·.res (S band)"

    34f3. CIECIURA, L., & MINECKI, L. (1964), Medycyna Pra;y, l§.(3):159-168, (in Pol. with Engl. sulllllary), "Distribution and activity of some hydrolytic enzymes in the testicles of rats exposed to the action of microwaves ('S' Band)."

    227. CIECIURA, L., & MINECKI, I.L. (1966), Medycyna Pracy, 17:'i07-514, "Histopathological changes in the testes of rats exposed to the action of microwave radiation in hypothennal condition."

    228. CIGNOLINI0

    P, (1947) Minerva Medicine 38:234-285, (ln Italiar.) ''-'>.>Lt>etry in shore-. ave therapy"

    229. CIGNOLINI, P., & OLIVIERI, .(1936) Rev. de Phyaiotherap. _(3):2~2-, "Ibe action of high frequency electromagnetic vavea on tbe circulatory system" -

    230. CIMITAN, O, (1951) Giornaledi Science Mediche (Venezia) !:138-14J, "Effect of shor~a~ irradiation on bacteria"

    272~. cu.rut, C.L., PECK, R.A., & HOLLANDER, W.F. (1948), J. of 1\pplied Physics, ~( ) :1183- , "The homing pigeon in electromagnetic fields".

    231. CLARK, J, \1, (1950) Proc, of the Institute of Radio Engine~rs 3o(9):1028-1032, "Effects of intense microwave radiation on living organiau"

    232. cLARK, J, w., HINES, H. M., & SALISBURY, 'II. W. (1949) Electronics Q: 66-, "Exposure to cdcrawaves: recent experiments on anblals with high intensity 12 em radiation"

    233. cLARK, L, A, (1959) Proc, 3rd Tri-service Conf, on Biological Effects of Micro¥ave f~diating Equipment& (Suaakind. c., ed,) _l:239-243, "Eye study survey"

    234. CLARX, w. B, (1952) Trans, of the A»ar, Acad. of OphthallDOlogy 56: 60Q-607, "MJ:cro,.ave diathermy in ophthalmology: cllnicsl evaluation"

    2077, CL~Y, s. F. (1970) ~ritical PZ7!eva iD En•iron=ental Con~rol 1 (Chemical Rubber Co.):257-30&, (Abatr. in: Non-ionizing ttaci. 1(4) :191. only, (1970)), "Biol~ie&.l efhcta of 2icrovave and radio frequency radiation"

    y s p (Ed ) (1970) Sympoaiua held at Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, 17-19 Sept. 1969, U, s. Dept. of Health. 235• CLEAR •4 w' lf• 'p blic Health Service Bureau of Radiological Health, Division of tiological Effects, Rept. No. 7o-2. Education, an e ara, u • di ' , Al "Ch i • •·-" d (PB 193-898), Proceedings, Biological~~~ Implications of Microwave Ra at.on, so: a rman s Remar...., an "Introductory Co-ts"

    236, CLEARY, s. p, (1970) ~r. Industrial llygiene A.ssoc:. J. l!_:52-59, "Considerations in the evaluation of the biological effects of exposure to aicrowsve radiation"


  • 2345. CLEARY, S.F. (1973), Health Physics, ~5( ):387-404, "Uncertainties fn the evaluation of the biological effects of mtcrowave and radio-frequency radiation."

    3414. CLEARY, S.F. (1974), Rept., Virginia Conrnonwealth University, Richmond, (AD #785-739), (ASR-2), 84 pps., "Effects of low intensity microwave radiation on ma0111alian serum proteins" [rabbits].

    237. CLEARY, s. r., & RAM, W. T,, JR. (1969) Taak Force on Reaearch Planning in Environmental Health Science Subtaak Force on Physical Factors in tbe EnvironMnt (background document), (unpublis!:led), Part I. "Considerations in the e~a1uation of the biolosical effeeta of exposure to aicrovave radiation"

    238. CLEARY, S. F., & PASTERNACK, II. S. (1966) Arch. of Environmental &alth ,!!:23-29, "Lenticular changes in aicrovave vork.erau


    239, CLEARY, S. F., PASTERNACK, B. S., & BEEBE, C. W. (1965) Arhthabolo«V, Part VI, Chao:. 4, sec. IV, pp. 63:-6~3 (Sorsby, A., ed,), 2nd edition, London: Butten.rorth & Co., Ltd,, "Radiant e~_er"y" [Effects on eye of ..-arious foros of rad1ation; includinl! r-f, rnicrowaves, etc.

    243. COGAN, D. G, (1959) AKA Arch. of Industrial Health 20:293-, "Ocular effects of radiation"

    2137. COG!\N, D. G., DOl.U\LDSO!;, D. D., !. REESE, A. B. (1952) A.'1A Arc:-.. of Ophthalr.10l. !!!_: 55-70, "Clinical and patholoP.ical characteristics of radiation cataract"

    244. COGAN, D. C., FRICKER, S. J., Lu~IN, M., DONALDSON, D, D., & HARDY, H. (1958) ~~ Axch. of Industrial Health 18( 4): 299_ 302 "Cataracts and ultra-high-frequency radiation" - •

    2138. COHEN, B.H., & LILIENFELD. A.M. (1910), Annals of the NY Academy of Science, 171, Art.2:320-327, "The epidemiological study of mongolism in Baltimore." [" ... there was a suggested relationship of Mongollim with paternal radar exposure"]

    3416. COHEN, D. (1975), Physics Today, _( ):35-43, (August), "Magnetic fields of the human body."

    2139. COllEN, L., & liOI.fCY.I, E. A, (1971) :;aval !\esearch Laboratcrv '.e:-t. ''7306, 1.9 pp. (AD SS7f·)6L), "l:uclear rcsonaC~ce absorption as a diar.nostic ancl investir-ative technique" [includirs:: a Ci.s.:ussion of the interaction of s~ort-\::1\!c-lenr-th elcctrn-nar.netir radiation Hith ratter]

    2729 • COHEN, M.E., & WHITE, P.D.,(l951), Psychosomatic Medicine,~( ) :335-357, "Life situations, emotions, and neuro-

    circulatory asthenia".

    245. COLSON, c., et a!. (1970) Bulletin de la Claaae dea Sciences, Royale de Belgique 56(9):9oo-, & 983-, "Action of electrcmagnetic radiations on proteins, Parts I & II"

    l983. COMPERE, A. (1935) c. r. seances soc. biol. filiales associ•es 1~0:237-240, {In French) "Changes in blood composition during short-wave treatment"

    2055. COliLLY, c, c. (1969) In: Biolor,ical Effects of ~etic Fielcs, ·;~1, 2, pp. 29-51, ?le:'tu::n Press, "tffects of near-zero ma~nctic fields upon biolot_:ical syste:--s"

    2730. CONLEY, c.c. (1970), NASA Technical Note No. TN D-5902, (Aug.), "A review of the biological effects of very low magnetic fields".


  • 3417. CONOVER, D.L., & BETTER, R.J. (1974), Health Physics, 27(6):632-633, "Heating patterns induced by 2450 MHz micro-wave radiation in a trilayered spherical phantom."

    3167. CONOVER, D.L., VETTER, R.J., WEEKS, W.L., ZIEMER, P.L., & LANDOLT, R.R. (1974), The J. of Microwave Power, 9( 2): 69-78, (June), "Temperature distributions induced by 2450 MHz microwave radiation in a trilayered (simulated f~t, muscle, brain] spherical phantom".

    246. CONSTANT, P. c., JR. (1963) Iuatitute of Electrical and Electronics Enaiaeera Student J.-!(1):36-, '~ioloaical aapecta of lUI' radiation"

    247. CONSTANT, P. c., JR. (1967) Digeet of the 7tb Interuat. CoDf. on Medical aod BioloJie&1 !DJ1Deerina, (Jacobaon, 1., ecl,), Stoclchol•, 1:349 only, ''Haering EM vnee"

    248. CONSTANT, P. C., JR., ASHLEY, W. B., BAI.DiflJf, B. R., HARTIN, E. J • .11., & RICE, R. F. (U60) K!dveat R•eal'ch Iaetitate, lauaaa City, Ho., a.port to Navy (JUDe 1960), "Survt11 of radi.o frequency radiation hazarde•

    249. CONSTANT, P. c., JR., & MARTIN, E. J. (1963) IEEE Traoa. on Radio Frequency Interference S(l):56--76 (alao Report to Navy fr- K!dveet Reeearch Iaatitute, ICazwaa City, lfo.), "tbe Navy'• radiatioa bazarda (RADHAZ)-prosr .. oD the for~~~~lacioa

    , of etaiUlarde"

    2SO. COOK, H. F. (19Sl) British J. of Applied Pbyeics _!:295-300, "Tbe cUalectric behavior of eo .. typea of huun tieeuee at llicrovave frequeaciee"

    251. COOK, H. F. (19S2) J. of PbyaioloSY 118:1-11, "The pain tbreehold for llicrovave and infrared radiation"

    252. COOK, H. F. (19S2) Britiah J. of Applied Phyaica ].:33-40, "Microvavea 1D medical and biological reaearch"

    2S3. COOK, H. F. (1952) British J. of Applied Pbyaica ].:245-248, "A physical inveatisatio~ of heat production in tieeue vben expoaecl to microvavee"

    2S4. COOK, H. F. (1952) Britiah J. of Applied Pbyaica ].:249-255, "A coapariaon of dielectric behavior of pure vater and human blood at microwave frequeuciea"

    2731. COOK, H., & BOYLE, A. (1950), Brit. J. of Physical Med., !1_( ) :2-9, "The effects of microwaves".

    25S. COOX, H. F., & BOYLE, A. (19S2) Britiah J, of Applied Phyaica ].:1-6, "Clinical picture of the chronic effect of alectro-usnetic llicrowave radiation"

    3168. COOK, H. F., & BUCHANAN, T.J. (1950), Nature, 165( ):358-35g, "Dielectric behavior of methyl palmitate in th~ microwave region".

    2732. COOK, H.H., SONI, N.N., & MONTGOMERY, J.C. (1971), Oral Surgery, 32(6):1008-1016, "The effects of pulsed high frequency radio Naves on the rate of osteogenesis In the healing of extraction wounds 1n dogs.•

    256. COOPER, R. (1946) J. of the Inatitute of Electronic Enaineere !!(3):69-, "The electrical propertiea of aalt-water aolactoaa. over the frequency ruae 1-4000 He"

    2733. COOPER, T., et al. (1962), Allier. J. of Physiology, ill_(6):117l-1174, "Effects of reserpine on circulation of the rat after microwave irradiation•.

    2S7. COOPER, T., JELLINEK, K., PINAKATT, T., & lllCHARDSOlf, A. W. (196S) l!xperientia 21:28-29, "tbe effect of pyridoxine and 111ridoxal. on the circulatory reapouea of rate to llicrovave irradiation" -

    258. COOPER, T., PINAKATT, T., JELLINEK, H., & RICHARDSON, A.W. (1962), Aerospace Hed., 33(7):794-798, "Effects of adrena-lec~, vagot011y, and ganglionic blockade on the circulatory response to microwave hypertliennia.•

    2734. COPE, P.W. (1973), Physiol. Chem. & Physics,~( ):173-176, "Biological sensitivity to weak magnetic fields due to bioloqical superconductive Josephson junctions?".

    2346. COPELAND, E.!>.,& MICHAELSON, S.M. (1970), Acta Radiologica, 9(4) :323- , "Effe

  • 3418. CORKER, G.A., I SHARPE, S.A. (1974), Photocllellistry and Photobiology, 19( ):443-455, "Kinetics of the photo-induced EPR signal in whole-cell Rhodospirillua rubrum: Effects of light intensity, dark adaptation, temperature, and microwave power.•

    2140. CORRADO, tt. (1938) A.-.n. Ottalr.>. e Clir.. Ocul. ~(10):721-739, (Zn Ital.), (.\hstr, in: ZentralU, I, d. c:es. Ophth. ~(.,): 349 (June 27, 1939)), "The effects of short-vave irradiation (short ~'ves of 30 m and ultrashort ~aves of 6 ~) on the circula-tion of the ocular fundus"

    3169 CORY, W.E., & FREDERICK, C.L. (1974), IEEE Transactions on Aerospace & Electronic Systems, AES-10(5):738-742, (Sept.), "Effects of electromagnetic energy on the enviro11111ent: A summary report".

    264. COSIC, Y., KJWIIR, "·• 6 GALA, A. (1963) Yoj-alt !Teal .!!,Uhl19-126, "!ffecu of radar innallations on the h-a body"

    3419. COSTER, H.G.L., I ZIMMERMANN, U. (1975), Zeitschrift Naturforsch., 30c( ):77-79, "Direct demonstration of dielectric breakdoWn in the .-,.anes of!!!.!!!!!!. utricularis" [using approi:""'Soo •icrosec. current pulses].

    26S. COULTER, J. s •• 6 CAaTD, B. A. (1936) J. of tho ,_r. Medical Aeeoc • .!!!!,:2063-2066, "'ieatiag of buaan tissues by short VSYO 4iatbOJIW1"

    266. COULTU, J, s., 6 OSIOl.'tE, s. L. (1936) Ardl. of Phystc:al tharsP1 ,!!:135-139, "Sbortva .. Ilia the~: a c:o.parative at:ully in pelvic heating"

    2735. cozZBNS, D.E. (1967), Microwaves, !.!!,( ) z58-60, !Jul.),' •Hiqh-powar llicrowava safa-4istance ll011109rAJD".

    267 • ClAl'Ucurns, P. v. (1970) lac hac. of tile "ltoloaical lffecu sz:4 lhltb llllplic:atiou of Hicrovave Radiatioa" S,.,oalu. (Cleary, s. r., ell.), Bur. of lall. Bealth, Dt•. of Jio. Ufecta. Jlapt. So. 7Q-2, PP• 210.216 0 "M!crovave lealcaae tut~"UaaQt:a&i~" 3170 , CRAVEN, ·S.E., & LILLARD, H.S. (19'/4), J. of Food Science, 39(1):211-212, "Effect of microwave heating of pre-cooked chicken on Clostridium pe ... ringens".

    2736. CRBNS, G.W., GOERrZ, G.W. (1973), Poultry ~ciance, 52(4)zl496-1500, "Moisture and microwave affects on selected charactariatics of turkey pectoral .uacles•.

    2347. CRICHTOII, M. (1972), Playboy (Ma&a&iae), !!(.5):1S4-1S6, 170, 244, 246, 248-250, n:, ··,4-258, & 260, Th!r•' fiul installMnt of the concleasad versioa of The Tenoiasl MaD, [Fic:tioa; uu is -"" of a ••· rovave oven (ita, 1n~ defective door interlock) as a lethal weapon. ?;;p, p. 246)]-.- ·

    3420. CULKIN, K.A., I FUNG, D.Y. (1975), J. of Milk l food Technology, 38(1):8-15, "Destruction of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typh1murium in microwave-cooked' soups. • - --

    2348. CUMMINS, J.T., VAUGHAN, B.E., & PBSSOTTI, l.L. (1968), U.S. laval laclioloaicel Defenst' Laboratory Report ~o. Tl-68-105, "Depolarization of the neurally blocked asstric SNc:osa of the rat", [At AC frequeacies from 10 to 14~ cy/.~

    3171. ~URTT:·, W.E.,,DICKENS, F .•. & EVANS, S.F. (1936), Nature, 138( ):63-65: (July 11), "The •specific action• of ultra-short wu·eless waves , [A well-wr1tten early review article]; aiid," "Letter 1n response to 'Letter to the Editor"', by SZYMANOWSKI, W., Nature, 138( ) :1100-1101, (Dec, 26),

    2611. CUSTIN 0 T. G. (1961) Proc. of the Iutitute of aadio lasia .. ra !!:1574 ~nly, "Hic:rovave raclistion haaarda"

    269, CUTTER, lt. s. (19S8) (eo~~piler) .Natioul Library of )l.ecl1c:1na, \lubiAatou, D. c., (unpubliabecl report), "Bioloaical effect• of no~t-ioabiDI radiation oa biSUas aD4l IIJ.p•r "nt.Ala; ae!ec:t..: refer~aces in !ugUsb 1916-1957"

    3421. CZERSKI, P. (1975), Proceedings of the IEEE, 63(11):1540-1544 (Nov.), "Experimental MOdels for the evaluation of IAicrowave biological effects." -

    2349. CZERSKI, P., BARANSKI, S., & SlERKl(RZYNSKl, M. (1972), Tht~d lntern~t. Conf. on Med. Physics, Gotebo~g, Abstr. 139.9, (tn Engl.), (Aug. 4), "Mtc,._ve ~~~adiation and bone .. ~~ow function.•

    1914. CZERSKI, P., HORNOWSKI, .J., l SZEIICYZYICDIISKI, .J. (1114), Mid. precJ,Jl:Hl-253, (in Polish), "A CISe of 11ic~owave synd.,..."

    2737. CZERSKI, P., OSTRSUSKI, K., SILVERMAN, C., et tJ.. (eds.) (1974), Polish Medfca·l Publ hhers, llirsaw, Poland, e:sliifc itfltti.JM l1t!ll!!. t'trs of Mic~ve Radtl\ton:-,m!!dfl!lll of !11. lr.r-ttwl SJp!i!!!, (held in Warsaw, Oct. ~ • 1J731.1!() ~lC ta on n638. t s Btblto.; see I 10 cttattOII m1 • 2738. CZIMICI, P., PAPROCICA-SLOriiCA, E., & S'l'OI.\RSJ:A, A. (1974), J. of Microwave, 9(1)131-37, (Mar.), "Microwave iJ:I.'adiation and the circadian rhytha of bone cell .al.'row aitoaes•. -

    2739. CZERSICI, P., I PIO'l'IOISICI, M. (1972), Medyayna Lotnic:sa, _(39) 1127-139, (In Pol), (Transl. IJPRS-59709, dtd 3 Auq 1973, tranal. of last. Europe scientific affairs MO. 343), •Proposals for specification of allowable levels of microwave l.'adiation•.

    2740. CZBMICI, •·, SIUI&RZYlaiiCI, M., I GIDYIIPa, A. (1974), Aei.'Ospace Med., (In preaa), •Health surveillance of persoMal oc:C\Ipetionally exposed to aicrowavea. Part I • 'ftleol'atical considerations and practical aspects".

    3172. CZERSKI, P. SIEKIERZYNSKI, M., & GIDYNSKI, A. (1974), Aerospace Medicine, ~5(10):1137-11~2, (Oct.), "Health sur-veillance of personnel occu