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Edmund D. Pellegrino, M.D. Articles on medicine, medical education, and philosophy

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BIBLIOGRAPHY Edmund D. Pellegrino, M.D.

M1 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Role of the Community Hospital in Continuing Education – The Hunterdon

Experiment," The Journal of the American Medical Association 164(4) (May 1957):361-365.

M2 : "Orientation and Goals of Medical Education," [Proceedings of Conference on Premedical Education and Medical College Admissions] (Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky, March 1959):14-24.

M3 : "The Nurse Must Know -- The Nurse Must Speak," The American Journal of Nursing

60 (March 1960). M4 : "Care of the Patient in the Medical School Setting," Journal of the American Medical

Association 173(12) (July 1960):1292-1297.

M5 : "The Community Hospital: Continuing Education in Respiratory Diseases," NTA Bulletin 47(3) (Sept 11, 1961):11-12.

M6 : "The Split Mind of Medicine," Clinical Research 9(4) (Dec 1961):313-316.

M7 : "The Role of the Local Community in the Development of Health Services - The

Hunterdon Experiment," Industry and Tropical Health 4 (Boston: Harvard School of Public Health, 1961).

M8 : "The Changing Role of the Professional Nurse in the Hospital," Hospitals 35 (Dec 16,


M9 : "The Role of the Hospital Pharmacist in Rational Therapeutics," Hospitals 37(4) (Feb 1963):102.

M10 : "El Papel de la Enfermera Profesional en los Hospitales," Boletin de la Oficina Sanitatia

Panameticana 54(2) (Feb 1963):145-150.

M11 : "Medicine, History, and the Idea of Man," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 346 (March 1963):9-20.

Reprinted in: American Journal, Sept 1963)

M12 : "Medical Service and Patient Care," Hospital Progress (Nov 1963):79-84.

M13 : "Better Patient Care -- Better Physician-Nurse Communication," Blueprint for

Progress in Hospital Nursing (National League of Nursing, 1963):69-74.

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M14 : "Care Systems Require Unity and Diversity in Education for All Health

Professions," Health Issues of the Day (National League of Nursing, 1963):46-52. M15 : "Beehives, Mousetraps, and Candlesticks -- A Dilemma for Medical Educators,"

Ohio State Medical Journal 59(6) (June 1963):606-610. M16 : "Solitude, Silence, Leisure: Essential for Study and Thought," The Kentucky

Alumnus (Spring 1964):19-21. M17 : "Ethical Considerations in the Practice of Medicine and Nursing," [Proceedings of

the First National Conference for Professional Nurses and Physicians] (Williamsburg, VA: American Medical Association, Feb 13-15, 1964):39-48.

M18 : "Outpatient Services -- Focal Point in Comprehensive Health Care," Hospitals 38

(Sept 1964). M19 : "Nursing and Medicine: Ethical Implications in Changing Practice," American

Journal of Nursing 64(9) (Sept 1964). M20 : "The State Medical Journal as an Educational Instrument," Medical Times (Nov

1964). M21 : "Patient Care -- Mystical Research or Researchable Mystique?" Clinical Research

12(4) (Dec 1964):421-425. M22 : "A Physician Appraises the Formulary System," Hospitals 39(1) (Jan 1965):77. M23 : "Drug Information Services and the Clinician," American Journal of Hospital

Pharmacy 22 (Jan 1965):38-41. M24 : "An Academic Base for Family Practice," Ohio General Practitioner News (May

1965):8. M25 : "The Ethical Implications of Changing Patterns of Medical Care," North Carolina

Medical Journal 26(2) (Feb 1965).

Reprinted in: The Journal of Psychiatric Nursing 3(4) (July/Aug 1965):349; The Linacre Quarterly 32(3) (Aug 1965):218.

M26 : "The Dimensions of the Medical Intellect," The Pharos [of Alpha Omega Alpha]

28(4) (Oct 1965):120-124.

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M27 : "The Communication Crisis in Nursing and Medical Education," Nursing Forum 5(1) (1966):45-53.

M28 : "The Physician and the Nurse," [editorial], Annals of Internal Medicine 64(5) (May

1966):1140-1145. M29 : "The Generalists Function in Medicine," Journal of the American Medical

Association 198(5) (Oct 1966):541-545. M30 : "Medicine, Philosophy, and Man's Infirmity; Conditio Humana, Festschrift for

Professor Erwin Straus," Springer Verlag (Oct 1966):272-284. M31 : "What Makes a Hospital Catholic?" Hospital Progress (Nov 1966):67-70. M32 : "Regionalization: An Integrated Effort of Medical School, Community, and

Practicing Physician," Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 42(12) (Dec 1966):1193-1200.

M33 : "More Medical Faculties -- The Need and Supply," Journal of the American

Medical Association 198(10) (Dec 1966):1101-1104. M34 : "What's Wrong with the Nurse-Physician Relationship in Today's Hospitals? A

Physician's View," Journal of American Hospital Association 40 (Dec 1966):70-74. M35 : "The Medical School in the University -- An Exercise in Acculturation," The

Buffalo Medical Review 1(3) (1967):12-15. M36 : "The 1966 Planning Conference: Some Reflections and Refractions.

Pharmacy/Medicine/Nursing," [Conference on Health Education, University of Michigan, Feb 16-18, 1967]:39-44.

M37 : "Medical Education Faces New Crisis," St. John's University Alumni Magazine

(Summer 1967):28-35. M38 : "Health Sciences Center, New Concepts at Stony Brook," American Academy of

General Practice 19(6) (Nov/Dec 1967):9-10, 21, 26. M39 : "MD of Future: Team Leaders Needed," The House Physician Reporter (Feb

1968):2. M40 : "The Configuration of Emerging Medical Curricula," Scalpel [of Alpha Epsilon

Delta] (Winter 1968) 38(2).

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M41 : "Rationale for Nursing Education in the University," American Journal of Nursing 68(5) (May 1968):1006-1009.

M42 : "The Unit Dose System," Journal of the American Medical Association 205(8)

(Aug 1968):585. [Editorial on article by S. Kem, June 1968.] M43 : "Planning for Comprehensive and Continuing Care of Patients Through Education,"

(Report of Committee on Medical Schools and the A.A.M.C. in Relation to Training for Family Practice), Journal of Medical Education 43(6) (June 1968):Part 1, 751-759.

M44 : "The Physician's Role in Optimal Use of Health Care Resources," Financial

Implications for Hospitals in Comprehensive Health Care Planning [26th Annual Program on Hospital Finance, Accounting, and Administration] (Indiana: Indiana University Graduate School of Business, 1968):75-89.

M45 : "Humanism in Medicine -- A Version for Today," Pharos [of Alpha Omega Alpha]

32(1) (Jan 1969):6-9, 27. M46 : "The Non-Renaissance Man," [Editorial], Pharos [of Alpha Omega Alpha] 32(1)

(Jan 1969):16-17. M47 : "The Road to `Relevance'," Hospital Practice 4(4) (Apr 1969):106-109. M48 : "The Necessity, Promise and Dangers of Human Experimentation, Experiments

with Man," World Council Studies 6 (New York: World Council of Churches, Friendship Press, 1969):31-56.

M49 : "Human Values and the Medical Curriculum," Journal of the American Medical

Association 209(9) (Sept 1969):1349-1353. M50 : "Care and Cultivation of the Clinical Intellect," Journal of the Arkansas Medical

Society 66(5) (Oct 1969):161-164. Reprinted in: Health and Educational Disciplines 1(4) (Nov 1975):14-27.

M51 : "The Crisis in Medical Education: The School Years," [13th Annual Meeting -

Changing Concepts in the Delivery of Health Services] American Society of Internal Medicine (Apr 19, 1969):6-11.

M52 : "Continuing Education in the Health Professions," American Journal of

Pharmacological Education 33(5) (Dec 1969):712-720.

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M53 : "Planning the Health Sciences Within a University Context: The Health Sciences Center at Stony Brook," Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 166(3) (Dec 31, 1969):874-884.

M54 : "Medical Science and Man: The Impacts and Implications," Journal of the Institute

of Man and Science 2 (1970):6-8. M55 : "Medical Practice and the New Curricula," Journal of the American Medical

Association 213(5) (Aug 1970):748-752. M56 : "The Most Humane Science: Some Notes on Liberal Education in Medicine and

the University (The Sixth Sanger Lecture)," Bulletin of the Medical College of Virginia 67(4) (Summer 1979):11-39.

M57 : "Relationship of Medical and Pharmacy Education, Challenge to Pharmacy in the

70s," [Proceedings of an Invitational Conference on Pharmacy Manpower] (DHEW Publication No. (HSM) 72-3000, Sept 1970):83-91. See also: Conference Highlights, Challenge to Pharmacy in the 70s. as Relationship of Medicine and Pharmacy Education (PHS Publication No. 2146):16-18.

M58 : "Rebels from Principle: The Philosophical Roots of Alienation," Journal of the

Kansas Medical Society 72(3) (March 1971):115-119, 132. M59 : "Medicine in 2001," The Stony Brook Review 4(6) (Feb 1971):1-2. M60 : "Notes and Tips," A Health Sciences Consortium/Historical Sketch: The State

University of New York at Stony Brook: Health Sciences Center-Medical School. 1(9) (New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., Mar 1971):164-166, 180-182.

M61 : "Planning the Health Sciences Center at Stony Brook: Academic Commitments and

Architectural Constraints," Architecture and the College (Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois, Apr 1968):1-22.

M62 : "Research in Medical Education: The Views of a Friendly Philistine," Journal of

Medical Education 46(9) (Sept 1971):750-56. M63 : "Physician, Patients, and Society: Some New Tensions in Medical Ethics," Human

Aspects of Biomedical Innovation, ed. Everett Mendelsohn, Judith P. Swazey, and Irene Taviss (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1971):77-97, 219-20.

M64 : "The Medical School in the Health Sciences Center at Stony Brook," The Bulletin of

the American College of Physicians 13(2) (Feb 1972):104-5.

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M65 : "Reflections, Refractions, and Prospectives," Institute on Human Values in Medicine, [Proceedings of the First Session, April 12-14, 1971]. (Philadelphia: Society for Health and Human Values, 1972):99-115.

M66 : "Health Maintenance: An Ideas in Search of an Organization (The Fenton

Lecture)," (Special Publication, The School of Health Related Professions (New York: State University of New York at Buffalo, 1971).

Reprinted in: Proceedings, Institute on Health Maintenance: Challenge for the Allied health Professions (New York: State University of New York, 1972):13-29.

M67 : "Expectations for Family Medicine," [Editorial], Journal of Medical Education

47(5) (May 1972):356-7. M68 : "Medical Education: From Ferment to Crisis to Revolution," Proceedings of the

10th IBM Medical Symposium 1970, (New York: IBM Corporation, 1972):157-160. M69 : "The Changing Matrix of Clinical Decision Making in the Hospital," Organization

Research on Health Institutions, ed. Basil S. Georgopoulis (Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan, 1972):301-328.

M70 : "Closing the Profession Gap -- Some Notes on Unity of Purpose in the Health

Professions," Educating Personnel for the Allied Health Professions and Services, ed. Edmund J. McTernan and Robert 0. Hawkins, Jr. (St. Louis, MO: The C.V. Mosby Company, 1972):212-19.

M71 : "Panel: The Study of Accreditation of Selected Health Educational Programs,"

Journal of Dental Education 36(6) (June 1972):9-19. M72 : "Of Passions -- Hot and Cool," The American Benedictine Review 23(3) (Sept

1972):275-82. M73 : "Introduction to the Second Institute," Institute on Human Values in Medicine,

Proceedings of the Second Sessions, April 26-28, 1972 (Philadelphia: Society for Health and Human Values, 1972):28-41.

M74 : "Time-Shortening and Medical Education," Higher Education: Myths, Realities,

and Possibilities, ed. Winfred L. Godwin and Peter B. Mann. (Atlanta: Southern Regional Educational Board, 1972):75-83.

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M75 : "Keynote Address," Association of Schools of Allied Health Profession Proceedings - Third Annual Meeting, Nov 21-24, 1970 (Washington, DC: Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions, 1970):23-33.

Reprinted in: 1971 Response to Change in the 70s. Sixth Annual Institute in Hospital Administration, University of Minnesota School of Public Health (Milwaukee, WI: Univ. of MN Press, 1971):23-33.

M76 : "State University of New York at Stony Brook -- Health Sciences Center," Case

Histories of Ten New Medical Schools, ed. V.W. Lippard and E.F. Purcell (New York: The Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1972):241-95.

M77 : "The Regionalization of Academic Medicine: The Metamorphosis of a Concept,"

Journal of Medical Education 48(2) (Feb 1973):119-33. M78 : "George James: A Louder Voice for Preventive Medicine," Preventive Medicine

1(4) (Dec 1972):487-8. M79 : The Quality Assurance of Medical Care -- Analysis and Reflections, [Monograph],

(Washington, DC: Regional Medical Programs Service, HSMHA, DHEW, Feb 1973):461-483.

M80 : "Toward an Expanded Medical Ethics: The Hippocratic Ethic Revisited,"

Hippocrates Revisited, ed. Roger J. Bulger, M.D. (New York: MEDCOM Press, 1973):133-47.

M81 : "In the United States, The Greater Medical Profession," Delivery of Care: Acute

and Chronic Illness, Report of a Symposium Sponsored Jointly by the Royal Society of Medicine and the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation (New York: The Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1973):57-72.

M82 : "The Concept of the Academic Center," [Proceedings, 1973 Conference of

Teachers of Radiology, Apr 5, 1973] (Chicago: American College of Radiology, 1973):3-14. M83 : "Educating the Humanist Physician: The Resynthesis of an Ancient Ideal," Papers

from the 68th Annual Congress on Medical Education, Chicago, February 3-6, 1972] (Chicago: American Medical Association, 1973):60-68. (See also M90).

M84 : "Reform and Innovation in Medical Education: The Role of Ethics in the Teaching

of Medical Ethics," The Teaching of Medical Ethics, ed. Robert M. Veatch, Willard Gaylin and Councilman Morgan (Hastings--on--Hudson: The Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences, 1973):150-165.

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M85 : "Internal Medicine: The Identity Crisis of an Ideal," Controversy in Internal Medicine II, ed. Franz J. Inglefinger, Maxwell Finland, Arnold Relman, and Richard Ebert (W.B. Saunders Company, 1974):41-50.

M86 : "Foreword," Guide to Patient Evaluation, History Taking. Physical Examination

and the Problem-Oriented Method, Jacques L. Sherman, Jr. and Sylvia Kleiman Fields, R. N., M. A. (New York: Medical Examination Publishing Company, Inc., 1974):7-8.

M87 : "New Directions for Evaluation in the Continuum of Medical Education," The

National Board Examiner 21(1) (Philadelphia: Oct 1973). M88 : "Internal Medicine," Medical Exploring. ed. Thomas L. Wachtel (New Jersey: Boy

Scouts of America, 1973):116-117. M89 : "Interdisciplinary Education in the Health Professions: Assumptions, Definitions

and Some Notes on Teams," [Report of a Conference: Educating for the Health Team, Institute of Medicine] (Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, Oct 1972):4-18.

M90 : "Educating the Humanist Physician: An Ancient Ideal Reconsidered," Journal of

the American Medical Association 227(11) (Mar 1974):1288-1291.

Reprinted in: Musings Quarterly, The Journal of the Medical Undergraduate Society 1(1) (University of British Columbia, Fall, 1974).

M91 : "Editorial: Medical Practice and the Humanities," New England Journal of Medicine

290(19) (May 1974):1083-1085. M92 : "Medicine and Philosophy: Some Notes on the Flirtations of Minerva and

Aesculapius," Annual Oration of the Society for Health and Human Values, November 1973 (Philadelphia: Society for Health and Human Values, 1974).

Reprinted as: Medical Uses of Philosophy, Connexion, United Ministries in Higher Education (Fall 1974):1-27.

M93 : "Allied Health Concept -- Fact or Fiction?" Journal of Allied Health 3(2) (Spring

1974):79-84. M94 : "The Profession of Pediatric Medicine Within the Academic Health Sciences

Center," Journal of Podiatric Education 4(2) (June 1973):10-12. M95 : "The Medical Uses of the Humanities," University Medical 5(6) Commencement

Issue (The University of Texas Medical Branch):4-6.

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M96 : "The Goals and Priorities of a Comprehensive National Health Policy," Vesper Exchange 22 (June 1974):1-5.

M97 : "The Academic Role of the Vice-President for Health Sciences: Can A Walrus

Become A Unicorn?" [Proceedings of the 1973 Annual Meeting] (Association of Academic Health Centers, 1973).

Reprinted in: the Journal of Medical Education 50 (March 1975):221-228.

M98 : "Humanism in Human Experimentation: Some Notes on the Investigator's

Fiduciary Role," Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine 32(12) (Spring 1974):311-325.

Reprinted in: Connecticut Medicine 39(2) (Feb 1975). M99 : "Primary Care in the National Health Service of Great Britain," [Study of its

Impact on Health Education and Delivering as a Basis for Comparison and Preparation of the American Health System for National Health Insurance] (Association of American Medical Colleges and the Association of Academic Health Centers, June 1973):1-18.

M100 : "Report of an AAMC-AAHC Conference held at the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals

Trust," (The National Health Service of the United Kingdom and Medical Education) Emanuel Suter, MD, William G. Anlyan, MD, John AD Cooper, MD, and Russell Nelson, MD, (London: June 25-29, 1973).

M101 : "Two Decades Before Its Time," Twenty Years of Community Medicine, A

Hunterdon Medical Center Symposium (Frenchtown, NJ: Columbia Publishing Company, Inc., 1974):43-59.

M102 : "Preventive Health Care and the Allied Health Professions," Review of Allied

Health Education ed. Joseph Hamburg (University of Kentucky, 1974):1-19. M103 : "Prevention: The State of Knowledge," Bulletin of the New York Academy of

Medicine 51(1) (Jan 1975):58-61. M104 : "The Libertarian Axiom: Some Limitations, A Commentary on Kenneth J. Arrow's,

Government Decision Making and the Preciousness of Life," Ethics of Health Care (Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, 1974):726-734.

M105 : "Some Issues in Education for the Health Professions: The Impact of a Changing

Social & Political Climate," American Jrnl of Pharmaceutical Education (Dec 74):726-34. M106 : "The Catholic Hospital: Options for Survival," Hospital Progress 56(2) (Feb


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M107 : "The Medical Uses of Philosophy (Roundtable Discussion), Evaluation and

Explanation," Biomedical Sciences (Dordrecht, Holland: Reidel Publishing Co., 1975):228-234.

M108 : "Interdisciplinary Health Care," [Proceedings of the Second Annual National

Conference for Mental Health Pharmacists] (Memphis, TN: University of Tennessee Center for the Health Sciences, June 6-7, 1974).

M109 : "Foreword," Primary Care, ed. John W. Runyan, Jr. (Hagerstown, MD: Harper &

Row, 1975):162. M110 : "Meddlesome Medicine and Rational Therapeutics," [Rho Chi Lecture Award]

Drug Intelligence and Clinical Pharmacy 9(9) (Sept 1975):480-48.

Reprinted in: Report of Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society 41 (Nov 1975):35. M111 : "Hypothesis Formulation: Another 'Inviolate' Realm Open for Ethical Inquiry

(Commentary on a paper by Marc Lappe)," Science, Ethics and Medicine, Vol.. 1. The Foundation of Ethics and Its Relationship to Science, ed. H.T. Engelhardt, Jr. and D. Callahan (Hastings-on-Hudson, NY: Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences, 1977):114-119.

Reprinted in: Clinical Research 24(2) (Feb 1976):53-55.

M112 : "The Right to Die -- Should a Doctor Decide?" U.S. News and World Report

79(18)(Nov 3, 1975):53-54. M113 : "Some Thoughts on Continuing Education," Journal of Biocommunications

2(3)(Nov 1975):2. M114 : "Protection of Patients' Rights and the Doctor-Patient Relationship," Preventive

Medicine 4(4) (Dec 1975):398-403. M115 : "Medical Education and Academic Philosophy: An Old Dialogue," Journal of

Medical Education 51(3) (March 1976):203-205. M116 : "Medical History and Medical Education: Points of Engagement," Clio Medica

10(4) (Dec 1975):295-303. M117 : "Medical Ethics, Education and the Physician's Image," Journal of the American

Medical Association 235(10) (Mar 8, 1976):1043-1044.

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M118 : "Philosophy of Medicine: Problematic and Potential," Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 1(1) (1976):5-31.

M119 : "Health Policy: Elements and Influences," Panel Discussion, [Proceedings of the

National Health Council's 24th National Health Forum] (Philadelphia: Mar 16-17, 1976):45-53.

M120 : "An Attitude and Method in Interprofessional Education," A Flexible Design for

Health Professions Education, ed. Richard M. Jacobs, et al (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1976):201-211.

M121 : "Science and Moral Neutrality: Some Notes on Ladd's Method of Logical

Negation," [Commentary on a paper by John Ladd], Science, Ethics and Medicine, Vol.. 1. The Foundation of Ethics and Its Relationship to Science, ed. H.T. Engelhardt, Jr. and D. Callahan (Hastings-on-Hudson, NY: Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences, 1977):84-95.

M122 : "Internal Medicine and the Functions of the Generalists: Some Notes on a New

Synergy," Clinical Research 24 (Oct 1976):252-257. M123 : "Prescribing and Drug Ingestion Symbols and Substances," Drug Intelligence and

Clinical Pharmacy 10(11) (Nov 1976):624-630. M124 : "Preface to Human Values Teaching Programs For Health Professionals, Report

No. 7," Institute on Human Values in Medicine, 3rd edition, ed. Thomas McElhinney (Philadelphia: Society for Health and Human Values, 1976).

M125 : "The Role of Pharmacology in Contemporary Health Care," [IUPHAR Satellite

Symposium in Conjunction with the VI International Congress of Pharmacology, Helsinki, Finland] Contemporary Trends in the Training of Pharmacologists, ed. Forssan Kirjapaino and Aimo Peddarinen (Forssa, Finland: l975).

M126 : "The University of the Health Sciences: Some Notes on a Conceptual Model for

Optimizing Education in the Health Professions," Health, Higher Education and the Community, Towards a Regional Health University. [Report of an International Conference in Paris, Dec 15- 18, 1975, Center for Educational Research and Innovation] (Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1977):139-160.

M127 : "The Allied Health Professions: The Problems and Potentials of Maturity,"

Utdanning av helsepersonell i et regonalisert helsevesen [The 5th Tromso Seminar in Medicine at Tromso, Norway, 17 Jun, 1976] (Stockholm: Scandinavian Univ. Books, 1977).

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M128 : "Foreword," The New Health Professionals: Nurse Practitioners and Physician's Assistants, ed. Ann A. Bliss and Eva D. Cohen (Germantown, MD: Aspen Systems Corporation, 1977):xv-xviii.

M129 : "Society, Technology and Professional Expertise," Crossfire in Professional

Education: Students, the Professions and Society, [Conference Proceedings - Northwestern University, Oct 16-17, 1975, Evanston, IL], ed. Bruno A. Boley (New York: Pergamon Press, Inc.):1-17.

M130 : "The Artful Compromise: Summing Up," Medical Education and the

Contemporary World, [Conference Proceedings -- University of Illinois, Sept 13-14, 1976, Chicago, IL], ed. George E. Miller, M.D. -- John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences (U.S. Department of Health, DHEW Publication No. [NIH] 77-1232, 1977):211-232.

M131 : "Academic Viability of Family Medicine: A Triad of Challenges," Conference

Report: The Role of the Medical School in the Development of the Family Physician (Eldridge, MD: University of Maryland, March 5-6, 1977). See also M156 for revised form.

M132 : "Hospitals as Moral Agents: Some Notes on Institutional Ethics," [Proceedings of

the Third Annual Board of Trustees/Medical Staff Executive Committee Conference] (March 26, 1977):10-27.

M133 : "Humanistic Base for Professional Ethics in Medicine," New York State Journal of

Medicine 77(9) (Aug 1977):1456-1462. M134 : "The Allied Health Professions: The Problems and Potentials of Maturity,"

Journal of Allied Health 6(3) (Summer 1977):15-33. M135 : "Forum: The Role of Allied Health Professionals in Prevention," Change Agents in

a Changing System, ed. L. Jacobson and E.D. Pellegrino, Preventive Medicine 6(3) (Sept 1977):379-385.

M136 : "Rationality, the Normative and the Narrative in the Philosophy of Morals,"

[Commentary: "From System to Story: An Alterative for Rationality in Ethics," S. Hauerwas and D. Buffell, in Knowledge, Value, and Belief, vol. 2. The Foundations of Ethics and Its Relationship to Science, ed. H.T. Engelhardt, Jr. and D. Callahan (Hastings-on-Hudson, NY: Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences, 1977):213-220.

M137 : "Moral Agency and Professional Ethics: Some Notes on Transformation of the

Physician-Patient Encounter," Philosophical Medical Ethics: Its Nature and Significance, ed. S.F. Spicker and H.T. Engelhardt, Jr. (Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1977):213-220.

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M138 : "Medicine and Human Values at Yale," Yale Alumni Magazine & Journal (Sept

1977):10. M139 : "Technologic Anxiety and Humanism," Patterns for Progress from the Sciences to

Medicine [Symposium: Kalamazoo, MI on Oct 17-19, 1976], eds. John A. Hogg and Jacob C. Stucki (Miami, FL: Symposia Specialists, 1977):61-66. (See also M152).

M140 : "Science, Community and Medical Education," Patterns for Progress from the

Sciences to Medicine [Symposium: Kalamazoo, MI on Oct 17-19, 1976], ed. John A. Hogg and Jacob C. Stucki (Miami, FL: Symposia Specialists, 1977):115-126.

M141 : "Medical Schools as Moral Agents," [Discussion of Paper], Transactions of The

American Clinical and Climatological Association 88 (1977):54-67. M142 : "The Ethics of Team Care: Some Notes on the Morality of Collective Decision

Making," [American Cancer Society's Second National Conference on Cancer Nursing, May 9, 1977] (St. Louis, MO: American Cancer Society, Inc., 1977).

M143 : "Editorial: Decision-Making in a Technological Society," The Pharos [of Alpha

Omega Alpha] 41(1) (Jan 1978):33. M144 : "The Expansion and Contraction of 'Discretionary Space'," Priorities for the Use

of Resources in Medicine, National Institutes of Health, DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 77-1288 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977):99-112.

M145 : "Profession, Patient, Compassion, Consent: Meditations on Medical Philology,"

[Commencement Address: Hippocratic Oath Ceremony, University of California, LA, June 3, 1977], Connecticut Medicine 42(3) (March 1978):175-178.

M146 : "Editorial: Ethics and the Moment of Clinical Truth," The Journal of the American

Medical Association 239(10) (March 6, 1978):960-961. M147 : "Philosophy, Medical Ethics and the Physician's Image," [Proceedings of Issues

Shaping Florida's Future Health Care Conference, March 1976], Patient Wishes and Physician Obligations, ed. Ronald A. Carson, Richard C. Reynolds and Harold G. Moss (Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1978):80-107.

M148 : "Cooperation Under the Regional Aegis," [Proceedings of the Workshop on

Hospitals, Health Care and Medical Education: New Solutions for the Eighties, The University of Limburg, Maastricht, The Netherlands] (Nov 24-26, 1977):66-72, AV 1-17.

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M149 : "Preface," Hospice: Creating New Models of Care for the Terminally Ill, Parker Rossman (New York: Association Press, 1977):5-8.

M150 : "Humanities and Human Values in Medical Education," National Forum The Phi

Kappa Phi Journal 58(2) (Spring 1978):13-17. M151 : "Medical Ethics, Plain Talk About Ethics in Practice," Patient Care 12(5) (March

15, 1978):186-215. And "Medical Ethics, How Would You Handle These Dilemmas?" Patient Care 12(8) (April 30, 1978):151-179.

M152 : "Medical Humanism and Technologic Anxiety," The Role of the Humanities in

Medical Education, ed. Donnie J. Self (Norfolk, VA: Bio-Medical Ethics Program, Eastern Virginia Medical School, 1978):1-7. Based on a presentation given at the dedication of Upjohn's new Research & Development Ctr in Kalamazoo, MI in Oct 76 (See also M139).

M153 : "Balancing the Manpower-Need Equation," [Priorities in Health Science,

Proceedings of Third National Health Education Conference, v. 1, 1977:27-50] (Keynote address for conference sponsored by the School of Health Sciences, Western Australian Institute of Technology and held in Perth, Australia on July 28-30, 1977).

M154 : "Ethics and the Moral Center of the Medical Enterprise," Bulletin of the New York

Academy of Medicine 54(7) (July-Aug 1978):625-640. [Symposium -- Ethical Concerns in Modern Medical Education by the Committee on Medical Education of the New York Academy of Medicine, October 13, 1977].

M155 : "The Fact of Illness and the Act of Profession: Some Notes on the Source of

Professional Obligation," (Presentation -- The Centennial Academic Assembly at Texas A&M University, Sept 16-17, 1976) Implications of History and Ethics to Medicine - Veterinary and Human, ed. Laurence B. McCullough and James Polk Morris, III, (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University, 1978):78-89.

M156 : "Academic Viability of Family Medicine," Journal of the American Medical

Association 240(2) (July 14, 1978):132-135 (See also M131). M157 : "Medical Economics and Morality: The Conflict of Canons," Hospital Progress

(Aug 1978):50-55. Originally presented at the Loyola University Medical Center, Foster G. McGaw Conference on Health Care, Nov 1, 1977, in Maywood, IL.

M158 : "Medical Morality & Medical Economics," The Report 8(4) (Aug 1978):8-12.

Adapted from a talk at Loyola University Medical Center, Foster G. McGaw Conference on Health Care, Nov 1, 1977, in Maywood, IL. (Different from M157).

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M159 : "Medical Education for Primary Care, (Primary Health Care in Industrialized Nations)," Annuals of the New York Academy of Sciences 310 (June 21,1978):227-230.

M160 : "Medical Economics and Morality: The Conflict of Canons," Perspectives on

Health Care 1984, [The Second Foster McGaw Conference on Health Care, November 1, 1977] (Loyola University Medical Center):8-20.

M161 : "The Need for Distributive Justice," The Internist Rationing Medical Care (Oct

1978):5. M162 : "Protection of Patients' Rights and the Doctor-Patient Relationship," (Matters of

Life and Death), Crises in Bio-Medical Ethics, John E. Thomas (Toronto: Samuel Stevens Publisher, 1978):307-315.

M163 : "The Social Ethics of Primary Care: The Relationship Between a Human Need and

an Obligation of Society," Mt. Sinai Journal of Medicine 45(5) (McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd., Sept-Oct 1978):593-601.

M164 : "Philosophy and Ethics of Medical Education," The Encyclopedia of Bioethics 2

ed. Warren T. Reich (Riverside, NJ: Free Press [McMillan], 1978):863-869. M165 : "The Future of the Physician Assistant: The Vulnerability of New Professions,"

[Keynote Address, Proceedings -- Conference on Physician's Assistants on the Threshhold of the 80's, June 8-9, 1978] (New York: State Univ of New York at Stony Brook, Feb 1979).

M166 : "Toward a Reconstruction of Medical Morality: The Primacy of the Act of

Profession and the Fact of Illness," The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 4(1) (March 1979):32-56.

Reprinted in: The American Journal of Bioethics 6(2): 65-71, 2006. M167 : "The Ideal of the True Catholic University," Based on Dr. Pellegrino's inaugural

speech -- "Toward a True University (Truly Catholic)" as President of The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, March 30, 1979, NC Documentary Service 8(46) (Washington, DC: National Catholic News Service, May 3, 1979).

M168 : "Medicine, Science, Art: An Old Controversy Revisited," [Editorial], Man and

Medicine 4(1) (1979):43-52. M169 : "Educating the Christian Physician: Being Christian and Being a Physician,"

[Presented -- Conference on Whole Person Medicine at Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, OK, Jan 31-Feb 3, 1979] Hospital Progress (St. Louis, MO: The Catholic Hospital Association, Aug 1979):46-53.

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M170 : "Regional Health Sciences University," Health Handbook, ed. George K. Chacko

(Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing, July 1979):859-880. M171 : "The Anatomy of Clinical Judgments: Some Notes on Right Reason and Right

Action," [Presented -- The Fifth Trans-Disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine: Clinical Judgment, University of California School of Medicine, 14-16 April 1977] Philosophy and Medicine 6, ed. H.T. Engelhardt, Jr., S.F. Spicker and B. Towers (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: D.Reidel):169-194. Also presented at Howard University, Washington, DC, January 19, 1979.

M172 : "Foreword," Allow Him to Find You: For Students Everywhere," [A message by

Pope John Paul II to University Students, published in commemoration of the meeting of Pope John Paul II with U.S. Catholic university and college educators and members of teamed societies.] (The Catholic University of America, October 7, 1979):2-4.

M173 : "Foreword," Nourishing the Humanistic in Medicine, ed. Wm. R. Rogers and David

Barnard (Society for Health and Human Values, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1979):ix-xiii. M174 : "Essay: The Sociocultural Impact of Twentieth-Century Therapeutics," The

Therapeutic Revolution: Essays in the Social History of American Medicine, ed. Morris J. Vogel and Charles E. Rosenberg (Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1979):245-266.

M175 : "Catholic Colleges and Universities: Options for Survival," [Presented - Catholic

Hospital Association, Father Flanagan Memorial Lecture, San Diego, CA, June 7, 1979], Hospital Progress (Feb 1980):41-49.

M176 : "Introduction: To Look Feelingly -- The Affinities of Medicine and Literature,"

Medicine and Literature, ed. Enid Rhodes Peschel (New York: Neale Watson Academic Publications, Inc., 1980):xv-xix.

M177 : "Medical Economics and Medical Ethics: Points of Conflict and Reconciliation,"

[Presented at the Calhoun Lecture, the Medical Association of Georgia, Nov 16, 1979], Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia 69 (Mar 1980):174-183.

M178 : "Foreword," Medicine and Religion: Strategies of Care, ed. Donald W. Shriver, Jr.

(Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press in cooperation with the Institute on Human Values in Medicine of the Society for Health and Human Values, 1980):ix-xiii.

M179 : "Pruning an Old Root: Premedical Science and Medical School," [Editorial],

Journal of the American Medical Association 243(24) (June 27, 1980):2518-19.

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M180 : "The Challenge of Shaping a Personal Identity," The Turbulent Years, ed. John Scanlon, [A Summary of the 4th Annual Conference on Major Transitions in the Human Life Cycle] (NY: Academy for Educational Development, Inc., 1980):61-79 (See also M250).

M181 : "Educating the Christian Physician," Being Christian and Being a Physician, [An

International Symposium, proceedings and essays], ed. David F. Allen, Lewis Penhall Bird, and Robert L. Herrmann (Illinois: Interversity Press, 1980) (Conference held at Oral Roberts University, Feb 1979).

M182 : Remarks to Parents of Catholic University Students During Parents Weekend,

March 30, 1980, Envoy 91 (8) (July 1980):8, 9. M183 : "Research and Graduate Studies in Catholic Universities: Present and Future

Prospects," The Future of Catholic Higher Education, [Proceedings of a Panel Discussion, June 14-15, 1980] Meeting of Foundation and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities (FADICA):31-43.

M184 : "Medical Education," Medical and Health Annual (Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.,

1981):268-271. M185 : "Plus la Change: The Changeless, the Changing and the Changeable in the Healing

Relationship," (Advancement in Medical Science and Philosophy), presented at the Medical School at Queens, Kingston, Ontario on the occasion of its 125th Anniversary, 10 October 1979, Queens Anniversary Edition 2004 - Medicine in the 21st Century - A Forward Look from Queens (1980):54-68.

M186 : Commencement Address, (University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago,

Ill., June 6, 1980) Booklet published through auspices of George H. Miller Memorial Fund for the University of Illinois.

M187 : "Editorial: Comments, Critiques and Countercritiques," Journal of Medicine &

Philosophy 5(3) (Sept 1980):169-171. M188 : "The Physician-Patient Relationship in Preventive Medicine: Reply to Robert

Dickman," Journal of Medicine & Philosophy 5(3) (Sept 1980):208-212. M189 : "The Changeless, The Changing, The Changeable in Medicine," Ontario Medical

Review 47(2) (Feb 1980):67-73 (See also M185). M190 : "Health Promotion and Public Policy: The Need for Moral Grounding," Working

for a Healthier America, ed. Walter J. McNerney (Cambridge, MA: Blue Cross & Blue Shield Associations, Ballinger Publishing Co., Dec 1979):111-121.

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M191 : Report of the Atlantic Council's Working Group on the Successor Generation, Edmund D. Pellegrino, Chairman, Jan 1981, Washington, DC. The Atlantic Council of the United States, Policy Papers. Also to appear in part in The Atlantic Community Quarterly.

M192 : "Being Ill and Being Healthy: Some Reflections on the Grounding of Medical

Morality," [Presented in a panel, Defining Responsibilities for Change: Reconciling Expectations], (The 1980 Annual Health Conference of the New York Academy of Medicine, held at the Academy Apr 24-25, 1980), Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 57(1) (Jan-Feb 1981):70-79.

M193 : "The Liberal Arts and the Arts of the Clinician," The Art of Medication 1(3) (New

Rochelle, NY: Mededa Corp., Dec 1980):2-13. M194 : "Theological Presentation," [Presented at the North American College Alumni

Meeting, May 28, 1980, Washington, DC, Ninety-First Annual Reunion], 1980 Annual Report (Alumni Association of the North American College):26-45.

M195 : "Catholic University Research: Seeking New Knowledge About Man, the World,

and God," Envoy 9(3) (March 1981). M196 E.D. Pellegrino and D.C. Thomasma: "Philosophy of Medicine as the Source for Medical

Ethics," Metamedicine 2 (1981):5-11. M197 E.D. Pellegrino and D.C. Thomasma: "Response to our Commentators, on Philosophy of

Medicine as the Source for Medical Ethics," Metamedicine 2, (1981):43-51. M198 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Spectre of Rationing Demands Reason," Health Care: Today ... and

Tomorrow, (Miami Valley Hospital Annual Report 1980-81 Dayton, OH):44-45. (See also M161).

M199 : "Health Promotion as Public Policy: The Need for Moral Groundings," [Editorial],

Preventive Medicine 10(3) (May 1981):371-378 (See also M190). M200 : Contribution to article -- "Creativity, The Human Resource," Forecast (Silver

Spring, MD: Forecast, FM, Inc., May 1981):48-50. M201 : "Toward a True University, Truly Catholic," Dr. Pellegrino's Inaugural Address,

March 30, 1979, NICM Journal 6(2) (Newton Center, MA: National Institute for Campus Ministries, Spring 1981):75-84.

M202 E.D. Pellegrino and D.C. Thomasma: "Medicine as a Science of Action: A Response to

Peter Hucklenbroich," Metamedicine 2 (1981):235-243.

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M203 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Medicine of the Family and the Family of Medicine," [Keynote Address at the 1979 meeting of the American Academy of Family Physicians, Atlanta, GA, Oct 1979], Urban Health 8(10) (Dec 1979):26-29.

M204 : "Foreword: Who's My Doctor? Has He Been Here Lately?" Medical Care/Divided,

John Steinhaus (Philadelphia: George F. Stickley Company, 1981):vii-xi. M205 : "The Challenge of Shaping a Personal Identity," The Turbulent Years, ed. Alvin C.

Eurich, A Summary of the Four Annual Conferences on Major Transitions in the Human Life Cycle, Academy for Educational Development, Inc. (New York, Lexington Books, 1980):123-141 (See also M180).

M206 : "Christian Charity: The Perfection of Philanthropy," Social Thought 7(3) (Summer

1981):15-21. M207 : "Medical Economics and Medical Morality: The Conflict of Canons," The

Ministry of Healing, Readings in the Catholic Health Care Ministry (St. Louis, MO: The Catholic Health Association of the United States, 1981):91-102.

M208 : "A Concept of Professional Ethics in Medical Education," Medical Ethics and

Medical Education, [Proceedings of XIV CIOMS Round Table Conference, Mexico City, Dec 1, 1980], ed. Z. Bankowski and J.C. Bemardelli (Geneve: 1981):172-181.

M209 : "The Clinical Arts and the Arts of the Word," The Pharos [of Alpha Omega

Alpha] 44(4) (Fall 1981):2-8. M210 : "The Ethics of Nursing Research: Some Special Aspects," Ethical Dimensions of

Nursing Research, [Proceedings of the First Annual Scholarly Nursing Leadership Conference], (Maryland: University of Maryland School of Nursing, 1980):20-33.

M211 : "The Distribution of Doctors in the U.S.," Medical and Health Annual,

(Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1982):268-270. M212 E.D. Pellegrino and D.C. Thomasma: "Toward an Axiology for Medicine: A Response to

Kazem Sadegh-zadeh," Metamedicine 2 (June 1981):331-342. M213 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Foreword," Threads for a Tapestry, Kevin M. Cahill, M.D. (New

York: Medical Publishing Co., 1981):ix-xi. M214 : "Religion and Sources of Medical Morality and Healing," [Presented - Religion and

Medicine Symposium, Rockefeller University, Oct 19, 1980), New York State Journal of Medicine (Dec 1981):1859-1864.

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M215 : "Medical Humanism: The Liberal Arts and the Humanities," Review of Allied Health Education 4 (1981):1-15.

M216 DUPLICATE ENTRY. (Same as M221) M217 : "Foreword," Human Values: Teaching Programs for Health Professionals, ed.

Thomas K. McElhinney, (Society for Health and Human Values, Ardmore, PA: Whitmore Publishing Co., 1981):v-vii.

M218 : "The Moral Foundations for Valid Consent," [Proceedings of the American Cancer

Society Third National Conference on Human Values and Cancer, April 23-25, 1981] (Washington, DC: American Cancer Society, Inc., 1981):171-178.

M219 : "Is a Common Denominator Possible for Professional Medical Ethics?"

[Commentary -- de Vries' Reflections on a Medical Ethics for the Future], Metamedicine 3 (1982):139-142.

M220 : "Graduate Education in the Humanities: The Need for Reaffirmation, Connection,

and Justification," [Presented at the 21st Annual Meeting, Wash, DC, Dec 2, 1981] (Washington, DC: The Council of Graduate Schools in the U.S., 1982).

M221 : "Editorial: The Ethics of Collective Judgments in Medicine and Health Care," The

Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 7(1) (Feb 1982):3-10. M222 : "Foreword," Health Care: Its Psychosocial Dimensions 6, Jurrit Bergsma and

David C. Thomasma (Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1982):ix-xiii. M223 : "Religion and the Sources of Medical Morality," Convergence 2(2) (June 1982):

33-40. (See also M214). M224 : "Toward Understanding Human Behavior: Rebutting the Implications of Scientific

Advances," [Presented at the Colloquium Series, C.W. Post Center, Long Island University, Oct 13, 1981] (Department of Health Care and Public Administration, Greenvale, NY, June 1982).

M225 : "Foreword," Healing Arts in Dialogue: Medicine and Literature, ed. Joanne

Trautmann (Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1981):ix-xi. M226 : "Catholic Universities and the Church's Intellectual Ministry: The Crises of

Identity and Justification," Thought 57(225) (June 1982):165-181. M227 : "The Humanities in Medical Education," Mobius 2(3) (July 1982):133-141.

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M228 : "Foreword," Medical Care Quality and the Public Trust, K.J. Williams, (Chicago: Teach 'em, Inc., 1982).

M229 : "Toward a Reconstruction of Medical Morality," Cedar Lane Forum on Medicine

and Society, February 11, 1982. M230 : "Being Ill and Being Healed: Some Reflections on the Grounding of Medical

Morality," The Humanity of the Ill, ed. Victor Kestenbaum (1982):157-166 (See also M192). M231 : "The Clinical Ethics of Pain Management in the Terminally Ill," Hospital

Formulary (Nov 1982):1493-1496. M232 : "To Look Feelingly -- The Affinities of Medicine and Literature," Literature and

Medicine 1 (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1982):18-22. M233 : "Guest Editorial, Precompetition Legislation: The Moral Dilemmas of Untested

Assumptions," The Journal of Family Practice 16(1) (Jan 1983):17-19. M234 : "Academic Health Centers and the Medical Marketplace: A Faustian Compact

Examined," [Proceedings, 1982 Annual Meeting of the Association of Academic Health Centers, Kiawah Island, SC, Sept 29-Oct 2, 1982] (Jan 1983):19-39.

M235 : "Editorial: Socrates at the Bedside," The Pharos [of Alpha Omega Alpha] (Winter

1983):38. M236 : "Human Values in Medicine," [Speech given for Academic Convocation at Amarillo

Regional Academic Health Center] (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Feb 18, 1982).

M237 : "Competition: New Moral Dilemmas for Physicians, Hospitals," Hospital

Progress (Feb 1983):8-25. M238 : "The Humanities in Medical Education: Entering the Post-Evangelical Era," The

Humanities and the Profession of Medicine 4, (Research Triangle Park, NC: The National Humanities Center, Nov 1982):25-43.

M239 : "The Healing Relationship: The Architectonics of Clinical Medicine," [The Second

Annual Grant Taylor Lecture, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 1982] (Reidel, Dordrect, Holland, 1983):1-33 (See also M248).

M240 : "Nursing and the Liberal Arts," Curatio, Georgetown University School of

Nursing, (Spring 1982):8-10.

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M241 : "Professional Studies and Catholic Universities: The Consecration of Expertise," Social Thought (Spring 1983):23-32.

M242 : "Foreword," The Visual Arts and Medical Education, ed. Geri Berg (Carbondale,

IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983):ix-xi. M243 DUPLICATE ENTRY (Same as M222). M244 : "Some Ethical Issues in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion," Marketing and

Managing Health Care: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, ed. James E. Hamner, III and Barbara J. Sax Jacobs (Tennessee: The University of Tennessee Health Sciences, 1983):55-73.

M245 : "The Common Devotion -- Cushing's Legacy and Medical Ethics Today," Journal

of Neurosurgery 59(4) (Oct 1983):567-573. M246 : "What is a Profession?" Journal of Allied Health 12(3) (Aug 1983):168-176. M247 : "Medical Ethics," Medical and Health Annual (Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.,

1984):278-281. M248 : "The Healing Relationship: The Architectonics of Clinical Medicine," The Clinical

Encounter, The Moral Fabric of the Patient-Physician Relationship, Philosophy and Medicine 4, ed. Earl Shelp (Nov 1983):153-172.

M249 : "Optimizing the Uses of Medical Knowledge," The Optimum Utilization of

Knowledge, ed. Kenneth Boulding and Lawrence Senesh (Westview Press, Dec 1983): 342-356.

M250 : "Social Values: Articulating Public Need and Educational Policy," Handbook of

Health Professions Education, ed. Christine H. McGuire, Richard P. Foley, Alan Gorr, Ronald Richards and Associates (Jossey-Bass Publishers, Dec 1983):358-372.

M251 : "Guest Editorial: Research in Family Practice as Reflected by The Journal of

Family Practice," The Journal of Family Practice 18(1) (Jan 1984):21-22. M252 : "Autonomy and Coercion in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion," Journal of

Theoretical Medicine 5(1) (Feb 1984):83-91. M253 : "Moral Choice and the Good of the Patient: The Relationship of Duties, Rights

and Virtues," [The Fourth Annual Amold Schwartz Memorial Program, Amold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences], (Long Island University, 1983):44-68.

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M254 E.D. Pellegrino and Stuart F. Spicker: "Back to the Origins: Erwin Straus - Philosopher of Medicine, Philosopher in Medicine," The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 9(1) (Feb 1984):3-5.

M255 Pellegrino, E.D.: "The Kennedy Institute of Ethics and the Ethical Turn of 20th Century

Medicine," Georgetown Medical Bulletin 37(1) (Spring 1984):3-5. M256 : "The Humanities in Medical Education: Entering the Post-Evangelical Era,"

Theoretical Medicine 5(3), ed. K. Sadegh-zadeh, (Oct 1984):254-266. M257 : "The Family of Medicine, Broken or Extended? The Need for Moral Cement," The

Journal of Family Practice 19(3) (Sept 1984):287-290. M258 : "Relevance and Utility of Courses in Medical Ethics: A Survey of Physician's

Perceptions," (with Richard Hart, Jr., Sharon R. Henderson, Stephen E. Loeb, and Gary Edwards), Journal of the American Medical Association 253(1) (Jan 4, 1985):49-53.

M259 : "What is a Profession? The Ethical Implications of the FTC Order and Some

Supreme Court Decisions," Survey of Ophthalmology 29(3) (Nov-Dec 1984):221-225. M260 : "Foreword," Oedipus, Original Sin and Genetic Determinism: Biology, Crime and

Ethics, ed. Frank Marsh & Janet Katz (Cincinnati: Anderson Publishing Co, 1985):ix-xiii. M261 : "Ethics and the Diagnostician: An Interview with Edmund D. Pellegrino,"

Diagnosis 7(4) (Apr 1985):48-56. M262 : "Catholic Hospitals: Survival Without Moral Compromise," Health Progress

(May 1985):42-49. M263 : "The Virtuous Physician and the Ethics of Medicine," Virtue and Medicine:

Explanations in the Character of Medicine, ed. Earl Shelp (Philosophy and Medicine 17) (Dordrecht, Holland: Reidel Publishing Co., 1985):237-255.

Reprinted in: An Anthology of Psychiatric Ethics, eds Stephen Green and Sidney Bloch, Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 7-12. M264 : (2 Presentations) "Preparing the Groundwork" and "Life, Death and Suffering from

a Christian Perspective," Health Policy Ethics and Human Values: An International Dialogue, (XV111th CIOMS Round Table Conference, Athens, Greece, 29 Oct - 2 Nov 1984), (The Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences, Athens, Greece, 1985):1-20.

M265 : "Provider Choice Under Prospective Payment: The Need for a Moral Ordering

Principle," [The Second Annual Malcolm T. MacEachem Symposium, Program in Hospital

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and Health Services Management and its Alumni Association], (Illinois: J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, 1984):41-55.

M266 : "Biology and Public Administration: Some Touchstones Scrutinized," Critical

Cornerstones of Public Administration, ed. Philip Schoff , [Colloquium at Long Island University -- C.W. Post Campus], (Boston, MA: Oelgeschlager, Gunn, and Hain, Publishers, Inc., 1985):209-221.

M267 : "The Caring Ethic: The Relationship of Physician to Patient," Caring, Curing,

Coping: Nursing-Physician Relationships, ed. Anne H. Bishop and John R. Scudder, Jr., [Paper -- Lynchburg College Conference on Coping, Curing, and Caring, Lynchburg, VA, Apr 1983] (Alabama: The University of Alabama Press, 1985).

M268 : "Medicine and the Liberal Arts: The Bridge of Ethics," Alabama Journal of

Medical Sciences 22(3) Supp 1 (July 1985):13-16. M269 : "Foreword: Thomas Percival, The Ethics Beneath the Etiquette," Medical Ethics,

or a Code of Institutions and Precepts Adapted to The Professional Conduct of Physicians and Surgeons, Thomas Percival, MD, [Reprinted from the 1805 version] (Birmingham, AL: Classics of Medicine Library, 1985):1-65.

M270 : "Family Stewardship of Health," The Family Today and Tomorrow, The Church

Addresses Her Future, (Braintree, MA: The Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research Center, 1985):143-154.

M271 E.D. Pellegrino and James T. Howell: "Science, Technology, and Values in an Age of

Aging," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 19(4):225-226. E.D. Pellegrino, and Beth J. Soldo, "Epilogue: Confronting the Age of Aging," SocioEconomic Planning Sciences 19(4) (1985):289-293.

M272 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Teaching Values in the Health Professions: Pediments and

Impediments of Curricular Innovation," Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 9(3) (Spring 1983):102-106.

M273 : "Keynote Address: A Question of Ethics," [Proceedings -- 1985 Medical

Directors Division Conference] (Group Health Association of America, 1985):3-14. M274 : "Moral Choice, The Good of the Patient, and the Patient's Good," Ethics and

Critical Care Medicine, ed. J.C. Moskop and L. Kopelman, (Dordrecht, Holland: Reidel Publishing Co., 1985):117-138.

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M275 : "The Physician, Nuclear Warfare, and the Ethics of Medicine," Nuclear Weapons and the Future of Humanity: The Fundamental Questions, ed. A. Cohen and S. Lee (Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Allanheld Publishers, 1986):341-358.

M276 : "Treating the Patient as Person: Philosophical Groundings, A Commentary on

Alasdair MacIntyre," Changing -- Values in Medicine, ed. Eric J. Cassell and Mark Siegler (Frederick, MD: University Publications of America, 1985):97-104.

M277 : "Philosophy of Medicine: Towards a Definition," The Journal of Medicine and

Philosophy 11(1) (Feb 1986):9-16. M278 : "Foreword: Truman Blocker Catalogue," The Truman Blocker, Jr. History of

Medicine Collection: Books and Manuscripts, Compiled by Larry G. Wigant (Galveston, TX: The University of Texas Medical Branch, 1986):1-3.

M279 : "Rationing Health Care: The Ethics of Medical Gatekeeping," The Journal of

Contemporary Health Law and Policy 2 (1986):23-45.

Reprinted in: J. F. Monagle and D.C. Thomasma: Health Care Ethics: Critical Issues for the 21st Century, Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers, Inc., 1997, Chapter 38: 413-420.

M280 : "American Medicine: The Challenge of Medical Progress," Centennial, ed. Michael

Rosenthal (New York: Pindar Press, 1986):81-83. M281 : "Health Care: A Vocation to Justice and Love," The Professions in Ethical

Context: Vocations to Justice, ed. Francis A. Eigo, [Proceedings -- Theology Institute of Villanova University] (Pennsylvania: Villanova University Press, 1986):97-126.

M282 : "Beyond Bioethics: The Christian Obligation of Christian Physicians," Linking

The Human Life Decisions, ed. Russell Hittinger (Chicago: Regnery Gateway, 1986):143-167.

M283 : "Introduction and "Medicine," The Teaching of Values in Higher Education: A

Seminar, (The Atlantic Council of the United States, Washington, DC, Sept 5, 1985 (1986). M284 : "Controversy Looms At the Intersection of Law and Ethics," The Kennedy Institute

of Ethics Newsletter 1(5) (Washington, DC: Aug/Sept 1986). M285 E.D. Pellegrino and D.C. Thomasma: "De Filosofische basis van de geneeskunde," ed.

Ned. Tijdschr (Geneeskunde, 1986):130 nr. 33 1986, 1495-1497.

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M286 E.D. Pellegrino and D.C. Thomasma: "Excerpts from A Philosophical Basis of Medical Practice," in Thinking and Method of Medicine -- Reading in Philosophy of Medicine, Qiu Renzong (1985):64-77,262-270.

M287 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Ethics," Journal of the American Medical Association 256(15)

(Contempo Issue, October 17, 1986):2122-2124. [Topic: Artificial Feeding, AIDS, & Physician as Gatekeeper]

M288 : "Percival's Medical Ethics: The Moral Philosophy of an 18th-Century English

Gentleman," Archives of Internal Medicine 146 (Nov 1986):2265-2269.

Reprinted in: J.A. Barondess and C.G. Roland, eds., The Persisting Osler II: Selected Transactions of the American Osler Society 1981-1990 (Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing Company, 1994), 9-21.

M289 : "Medical Ethics: Where is it Going?" NYU Physician (Fall 1986):43-47. M290 : "Introduction," Remember Me: A Collection of Poems, Albert D. Anderson, MD

(New York: Columbia University, 1986). M291 : "Toward an Expanded Medical Ethics: The Hippocratic Ethic Revisited," In

Search of the Modern Hippocrates, ed. Roger J. Bulger (Iowa City: Univ of Iowa Press, 1987):45-64.

M292 : "Ethics in a Science Curriculum," Humanities 8(2) (Mar/Apr 1987):34-36. M293 : "The Reconciliation of Technology and Humanism: A Flexnerian Task 75 Years

Later," Flexner: 75 Years Later, ed. Charles Vevier (Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1987):77-112.

M294 : "Professional Ethics: Moral Decline or Paradigm Shift?" Religion and Intellectual

Life 4(3) (Spring 1987):1-25. M295 : "Ethics," Special issue, Journal of the American Medical Association (Chinese

edition of M287) (Apr 1987):2122-2124 (See also M287). M296 E.D. Pellegrino and D.C. Thomasma: "The Conflict Between Autonomy and Beneficence

in Medical Ethics: Proposal for a Resolution," The Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy 3 (1987):23-46.

M297 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Church and University: Mutual Need, Mutual Obligations," CCICA

Annual, (Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs, 1987):1-22.

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M298 : "The Anatomy of Clinical-Ethical Judgments in Perinatology and Neonatology: A Substantive and Procedural Framework," Seminars in Perinatology 11(3) (July 1987):202-209.

Reprinted in: D.C. Thomasma and P.A. Marshall, eds., Clinical Medical Ethics: Cases and Readings (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1995).

M299 : "Family Practice Facing the Twenty-First Century: Reflections of an Outsider,"

Marriage and Family Review 10(3/4) (1987):23-50. M300 E. D. Pellegrino and D. C. Thomasma: "Challenges for a Philosophy of Medicine of the

Future: A Response to Fellow Philosophers in the Netherlands," Theoretical Medicine 8(2) (June 1987):187-204.

M301 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Altruism, Self-Interest, and Medical Ethics," Journal of the American

Medical Association 258(14) (Oct 8, 1987):1939-1940. M302 : "The Ethics of Medicine: The Challenges of Reconstruction," Transactions &

Studies of the College of Physician of Philadelphia 9(3) (1987):179-191. M303 : "Ethics," Journal of the American Medical Association 258(16) (Contempo Issue,

Oct 23/30, 1987):2298-2299. [Topic: AIDS and Surrogate Motherhood] M304 : "The Computer and the Book: The Perils of Coexistence," Books in our Future,

ed. John Y. Cole, (Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1987):84-88. M305 David Thomasma and Pellegrino: "The Role of the Family and Physicians in Decisions

for Incompetent Patients,” Theoretical Medicine 8(3) (Oct 1987):283-292. M306 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Is Medical Ethics a Tradition and Ideal Without a Future?" Kennedy

Institute of Ethics Newsletter 2(1) (Jan/Feb 1988). M307 : "Balancing Head, Heart, and Hand in the Physician's Education: A Special Task for

Family Practice," The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice 1(1) (Jan-Mar 1988):4-14.

M308 : "Rationing Health Care: The Ethics of Medical Gatekeeping," Medical Ethics: A

Guide for Health Professionals, ed. John F. Monagle and David C. Thomasma (Aspen Publishers, Inc., 1988):267-270.

M309 : "Letter to the Editor," Journal of the American Medical Association 259(4) (Jan

22/29, 1988):517-518.

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M310 William Gaylin, Leon Kass, Edmund Pellegrino, and Mark Siegler: "Doctors Must Not Kill," Journal of the American Medical Association 259(14) (Apr 8, 1988):2139-2140.

M311 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Anatomia Del Guidizio Clinico," Sanita Scienza E Storia (Jan

1987):3-37. M312 : "Every Sick Person Is My Brother or Sister," Dolentium Hominum 7(3) (1988):65. M313 : "Perche isegnare le dottrine unmanistiche," Sana Infirmos 3, Fondazione Centro S.

Remanello del Monte Tabor, Instituto de Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (Mar 1988):29-33.

M314 : "Isaac Franck: As I Remember Him," The Philosophical Papers of Isaac Franck,

ed. William Gerber (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, June 1988). M315 : "Altruism, Self Interest, and Medicine's Moral Malaise" and "Interview: Edmund

D. Pellegrino on Medicine and Society," Harvard Science Review 1(1) (Spring 1988):4-7, 8-1 1.

M316 : "Clinical Ethics: Biomedical Ethics at the Bedside," [Editorial], Journal of the

American Medical Association 260(6) (Aug 12, 1988):837-839. M317 : "AIDS e questioni morali: L'AIDS negli Usa: realt'ae dilemmi," Vita E Pensiero 6,

Mensile di Culture Dell'Universit'a Cattolica (June 1988):402-407. M318 : "Medical Ethics: Entering the Post-Hippocratic Era," The Journal of the American

Board of Family Practice 1(4) (Oct-Dec 1988):230-237. (Same as M347). M319 : "Towards an International Ethic for Research with Human Beings," International

Summit Conference on Bioethics (Medical Research Council of Canada, Apr 1987):270-273. M320 E.D. Pellegrino and Alice A. Pellegrino: "Humanism and Ethics in Roman Medicine:

Translation and Commentary on a text of Scribonius Largus," Literature and Medicine: Literature and Bioethics 7 (1988):22-38.

Reprinted in: J.A. Barondess and C.G. Roland, eds., The Persisting Osler II: Selected Transactions of the Amerian Osler Society 1981-1990 (Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing Company, 1994), 21-35.

M321 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Altruism vs. Self-Interest: Ethical Models for Medical Professions,"

NYU Physician 45(1) (Fall 1988):41-43. Adapted -- Laurence Ellis Lecture, Harvard University, Nov 1987. (See also M315).

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M322 : "Einleitung: Die Medizinische Ethik in den USA -- Die Situation heute und die Aussichten fur Morgen," Bioethik in den USA, ed. Hans Martin-Sass (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1988):1-18.

M323 : "To Whom Are We Responsible?" [Proceedings -- Second International Congress

on Ethics in Medicine], ed. Elliot Leiter (New York: Beth Israel Medical Center, Dec 1988):45-51.

M324 : "Withholding and Withdrawing Treatments: Ethics at the Bedside," Clinical

Neurosurgery 35 (1989):164-184. M325 Edmund D. Pellegrino and Harley Flack: "New Data Suggests African-Americans Have

Own Perspectives on Biomedical Ethics," Kennedy Institute of Ethics Newsletter 3(2) (Apr 19 89):1-2.

M326 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Agape and Ethics: Some Reflections on Medical Morals from a

Catholic Christian Perspective," Catholic Perspectives on Medical Morals ed. Langan, J.P. and Harvey, J.C. (Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989):277-300.

M327 : "HIV Infection and the Ethics of Clinical Care," The Journal of Legal Medicine

10(1), ed. Theodore R. LeBlang, J.D. (Springfield, IL: Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Mar 1989):29-46.

M328 : "Ethics," Journal of the American Medical Association 261(19) (Contempo Issue,

May 19, 1989):2843-2844. [Topic: Euthanasia and Fetal Tissue Research] M329 : "Withholding Treatment, Surrogate Decisions and Rationing: Some Selected

Aspects," Health Care, Law, and Ethics 3, ed. Richard F. Southby, Ph. D. and Harold L. Hirsh, MD, JD, (The Harold and Jane Hirsh Symposium, The George Washington University Health Policy Series) (1987):151-172.

M330 : "Character, Virtue, and Self-Interest in the Ethics of the Professions," The Journal

of Contemporary Health Law and Policy 5 (Spring 1989):53-73. M331 : "The Trials of Job: A Physician's Meditation," Linacre Quarterly 56(2) (May

1989):76-88. M332 E.D. Pellegrino and Virginia Ashby Sharpe: "Medical Ethics in the Courtroom: The Need

for Scrutiny," Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 32(2) (Summer 1989):547-564. M333 Pellegrino, E.D.: "The Ethics of Scientific Investigation Involving Humans," Revista

Italiana Di Pediatria 15(3) (1989):223-234.

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M334 : "Protecting the Health of America's Healthcare System," [Proceedings of the 3rd National Forum on AIDS a Hepatitis], ed. Richard Duma, Susan Rehm, and Donald Poretz (Bethesda, MD: National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, 1989): 62-64.

M335 : "The Dark Wood: Medicine's Moral Malady," University of Minnesota Medical

Bulletin (Fall 1989):2-5. M336 : "Der Tugendhafte Arzt und die Ethik der Medizin," Median und Ethik, ed. Hans-

Martin Sass (Stuttgart: Philips Reclam jun. GmbH. & Co., 1989):40-68. M337 : "Character, Virtue, and Self-Interest in the Ethics of the Professions," Update 5(3)

(Nov 1989). M338 : "Teaching Medical Ethics: Some Persistent Questions and Some Responses,"

Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 64(12) (Dec 1989):701-703.

M339 : "Contempo: Etika," Jugoslovensko izdanje Godiste 5. Br.6 (1989):326-328. (See

also M328). M340 : "Can Ethics Be Taught?: An Essay," Mount Sinai Jrnl of Med 56(6) (Nov

89):490-4. M341 : "The Hippocratic Oath: A Reply by Edmund Pellegrino," Ca-A Cancer Journal

for Physicians 20(2) (Mar/Apr 1990):126. M342 : "Critical Issues in Medical Ethics Today; an International Perspective," The

Teaching of Biomedical Ethics [Proceedings of a Symposium, 18-19 Aug 1989] (New Zealand: Glaxo Foundation for Medical Education):7-10.

M343 Mark Siegler, Edmund D. Pellegrino, and Peter A. Singer: "Clinical Medical Ethics," The

Journal of Clinical Ethics 1(1) (Spring 1990):5-9. M344 Pellegrino, E.D.: "An Approach to Bedside Ethics," The Mayo Alumnus 26(2) (Spring

1990):15-18. M345 : "Ethics," Journal of the American Medical Association 263(19) (Contempo Issue,

May l6,1990):264l-2642. [Topic: HIV Infection and Treatment] M346 : "The Medical Profession as a Moral Community," Bulletin of the New York

Academy of Medicine 66(3) (May-June 1990):221-232.

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M347 : "Medical Ethics: Entering the Post-Hippocratic Era," FIDIA Research Foundation Neuroscience Award Lectures 4 (New York: Raven Press, 1990):1-14. (Same as M318).

M348 : "The Relationship of Autonomy and Integrity in Medical Ethics," Ethics in

Medicine, ed. Peter Allebeck and Bengt Jansson (New York: Raven Press, 1990):3-22. M349 : "Moral Obligations Concerning the Autopsy," Autopsy: Performance and

Reporting, ed. Grover M. Hutchins, MD (College of American Pathologists, 1990):3-9. M350 : "Medical Education: Time for Change -- Yes -- But...," The Journal of the

American Board of Family Practice 3 (Apr-Jun 1990):55-63. M351 : "Treatment Decisions and Ethics in HIV Infection," Dolentium Hominum 13 Fifth

Year, [Proceedings - Fourth International Conference, "To Live: Why? AIDS" Nov 13-15, 1989, Vatican City, Synod Hall] (1990):113-119.

M352 : "Donum Vitae, Part III: Three Dilemmas for Americans," Gift of Life: Catholic

Scholars Respond to the Vatican Instruction, ed. E.D. Pellegrino, J.C. Harvey, and J.P. Langan (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1990):151-175.

M353 : "Medizinische Stellungnahme zum Fallbericht," Arzt und Christ 36(2) (Jahrgang

1990):123-126. M354 : "Autonomia Scientifica E Responsabilita Morale. Il Dilemma Della Ricerca

Clinica," Scienza Ed Etica Nella Centralita Dell'Uomo, ed. Paolo Cattorini (Milano: Instituto Scientifico H San Raffaele, 1990):173-188.

M355 : "La Relacion entre la autonomia y la integridad en la etica medica," Boletin de la

Oficina Sanitatia Panamericana 108(5,6) (May, June 1990):379-390. (See also M348). M356 : "Values in Professional Education," Values in Teaching and Professional Education,

(Luce Program on Religion and the Social Crisis), ed. Carlton T. Mitchell (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1989):15-35.

M357 E.D. Pellegrino, Mark Siegler, and Peter A. Singer: "Research in Clinical Ethics," The

Journal of Clinical Ethics 1(2) (Summer 1990):95-99. M358 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Science & Theology: From a Medical Perspective," Linacre Qrtly 57(4)

(Nov 90):19-35. M359 : "Trust and Distrust in Professional Ethics," Ethics, Trust, and the Profession:

Philosophical and Cultural Aspects, ed. Edmund D. Pellegrino, Robert M. Veatch and John P. Langan, (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991):69-89.

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M360 : "Foreword," The Doctrine of Signatures, A Defense of Theory in Medicine, Scott

Buchanan, ed. Peter Mayock, Jr. (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1991): ix-xiii. M361 E. D. Pellegrino, Mark Siegler, and Peter A. Singer: "Teaching Clinical Ethics," The

Journal of Clinical Ethics 1(3) (Fall 1990):175-180. M362 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Values and Academic Health Centers: A Commentary and

Recommendations," Integrity in Health Care Institutions, Humane Environments for Teaching, Inquiry, and Healing, ed. Ruth Bulger and Stanley Reiser (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1990):169-178.

M363 E. D. Pellegrino, John Collins Harvey, Evelyn W. Morland, Sr. Mary Louise Wessell, and

Thomas Curtin: "Opening Doors to the Needy," Health Progress (Mar 1991):66-69. M364 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Families's Self-Interest and the Cadaver's Organs: What Price

Consent?" Journal of the American Medical Association 265(10) (March 13, 1991):1305-1306.

M365 : "The Relationship of Autonomy and Integrity in Medical Ethics," Bulletin of the

Pan American Medical Health Organization 24(4) (1990):361-371 (See also M348). M366 E. D. Pellegrino and David M. Zacks, JD: "The Ethical Dilemma: To Do or Not To Do,"

Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia 79 (Nov 1990):823-828. M367 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Las relaciones entre médicos y enfermos," Atlantida 5 (Mar 91):44-51

(See M359). M368 : "Christelijke deugden en de gelovige arts," Geneeskunde en Ethiek 1(1) (1991):3-9

(See also M326). M369 : "Beneficence, Scientific Autonomy, and Self-Interest: Ethical Dilemmas in Clinical

Research," Georgetown Medicine 1(1) (Spring 1991):21-28. M369a : "Beneficence, Scientific Autonomy, and Self-Interest: Ethical Dilemmas in Clinical

Research," Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 1(4):361-369, 1992. M370 E. D. Pellegrino, Mark Siegler and Peter A. Singer: "Ethics Committees and Consultants,"

The Journal of Clinical Ethics 1(4) (Winter 1990):263-267. M371 Pellegrino, E.D.: "The Hippocratic Oath and Clinical Ethics," The Journal of Clinical

Ethics 1(4) (Winter 1990):290-291.

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M372 : Ethics and the Campus (B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations, 1991):9-13. M373 : "Ethics," Journal of the American Medical Association 265(23) (Contempo Issue,

June 1991):3051-3202. [Topic: Euthanasia] M374 E.D. Pellegrino, Mark Siegler, and Peter A. Singer: "Future Directions in Clinical Ethics,"

The Journal of Clinical Ethics 2(1) (Spring 1991):5-9. M375 Pellegrino, E.D.: "The Personal Ethics of the Physician: Curing Medicine From Within,"

The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 58(5) (Oct 1991):452-454 M376 : "In Search of Integrity," Journal of the American Medical Association 266(17)

(Nov 91):2454-55. M377 : "Improving Intercampus Research Collaboration," Medical Center News

(Washington, DC: Georgetown University Medical Center, September 20-21, 1991):5-6. M378 : "Ethnicity and Healing," Trials, Tribulations, and Celebrations ed. Marian Gray

Secundy (Intercultural Press, 1992):xix-xxiii. M379 : "Informal Judgments of Competence and Incompetence," Competency: A Study

of Informal Competency Determinations in Primary Care Philosophy & Medicine (39), ed. Mary Ann Gardell Cutter and Earl E. Shelp, (Dordrecht, Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991):29-45.

M380 : "The Book of Job," Text & Teaching: The Search for Human Excellence, ed.

Michael J. Collins and Francis J. Ambrosio, (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991):1-16 (See also M331).

M381 : "Character and the Ethical Conduct of Research," Accountability in Research, 2(1)

(1992):1-11. M382 : "Foreword," Birth, Suffering, and Death: Catholic Perspectives at the Edges of Life

Philosophy & Medicine (4l), ed. Kevin Wm. Wildes, S.J., Francesc Abel, S.J., and John C. Harvey, (Dordrecht, Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, l992):ix-x.

M383 John R. Mangiardi, and Edmund D. Pellegrino: "Collegiality: What Is It?" Bulletin of the

New York Academy of Medicine 68(2) (March/April 92):292-296. M384 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Doctors Must Not Kill," The Journal of Clinical Ethics 3(2) (Summer


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M385 : "Foreword: The Problems and Necessity of Transcultural Dialogue," African-American Perspectives on Biomedical Ethics, ed. Harley E. Flack and Edmund D. Pellegrino, (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1992):v-ix.

M386 : "Response to Leonard Harris." African-American Perspectives on Biomedical

Ethics, ed. Harley E. Flack and Edmund D. Pellegrino, (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1992):150-158.

M387 : "Ethics." Journal of the American Medical Association 268(3) (Contempo Issue,

July 15, 92):354-55. [Topic: Patient Self-Determination Act] M388 : "Value Desiderata in the Logical Structuring of Computer Diagnosis," The Ethics

of Diagnosis Philosophy & Medicine (40), ed. Jose Luis Peset and Diego Gracia, (Dordrecht, Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, l992):173-196.

M389 : "Ethics (Contempo '91)," Asian Edition of the Journal of the American Medical

Association 266(9) (March 3, 92):48-52. M390 : "Intersections of Western Biomedical Ethics and World Culture: Problematic and

Possibility," Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 1(3) (Summer 92):191-96. M391 : "Being a Physician: Does it Make a Moral Difference?" Advances in

Otolaryngology -Head and Neck Surgery 6, ed. Myers, Bluestone, Brackmann and Krause (Chicago, IL: Mosby Yearbook, 1992):1-10.

M392 : "Is Truth Telling to the Patient a Cultural Artifact?" Journal of the American

Medical Association 268(13) (October 7, 1992):1734-1735.

Reprinted in: D.C. Thomasma and P.A. Marshall, eds., Clinical Medical Ethics: Cases and Readings (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1995).

M393 : "An Ethic of Trust in an Era of Distrust," Humane Medicine 8(4) (Oct 1992):268-

9. M394 : "Evangelization and the Catholic Identity of Medical Schools" Medicina e Morale

4 (1992):677-694; delivered at the Centennial Celebration of the Creighton University School of Medicine. (Also M399 and M416)

M395 : "A Philosophy of Finitude: Ethics and the Humanities in the Allocation of

Resources," Facing Limits Ethics and Health Care for the Elderly, ed. Gerald R. Winslow and James W. Walters (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1993):35-53.

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M396 : "Is Health Care Rationing Ethically Defensible in Our Country Today?" The 1991 Horner Visiting Professor Lecture at the University of Tennessee, Memphis, in The 1991 Distinguished Visiting Professorship Lectures, ed. James Edwards Hamner, III (Memphis, TN: University of Tennessee, 1992):97-118.

M397 : Foreword to Jane Westberg and Jason Hillard, Collaborative Clinical Education:

The Foundation of Effective Health Care (New York: Springer Publishing Co., 1993):xi-xiv. M398 : "Doctors Must Not Kill," Euthanasia: The Good Patient, The Good Society, ed.

Robert I. Misbin, (Frederick, MD: University Publishing Group, 1992):27-42. M399 : "Catholic Identity in Medical Schools," Health Progress (January/February

1993):70-73. (Same as M394 and M416.) M400 : "The Ethics of Clinical Medicine," Lecture delivered at Kitasato University in

1985, in Toward a New Replenishment of Medical Education and Hospital Service, ed. Institute of Medical Humanities (Japan: Kitasato University School of Medicine, 1985):195-212.

M401 : "The Metamorphosis of Medical Ethics: A 30-Year Retrospective," Journal of the

American Medical Association 269(9) (March 3, 1993):1158-1163.

Also reprinted in: Revista Chilena De Pediatria 65(3) (Mayo-Junio 1994):184-193, translation by Prof. Alfonso Gomez Lobo.

Also reprinted in: Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, November 1994, 1065-1069. See also M-413. Also reprinted in: Cuardernos del Programa Regional De Bioetica, 1 Edicion: Septeimbre de 1995. M402 : Preface to P. Antonio Puca M.I., Trapianto Di Cuore E Morte Cerebrale (Italy:

AGAM Cuneo, 1993):7-9. M403 : "Can the Doctor's Burden be Shifted to the Patient?" The Pharos (Spring

1993):34. M404 Rev. J.D. Cassidy, O.P. and E.D. Pellegrino: "A Catholic Perspective on Human Gene

Therapy" International Journal of Bioethics (4)(1) (March 7, 1993):11-17.

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M405 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Ethics," Journal of the American Medical Association 270(2) (Contempo Issue, July 14, 1993):202-203. [Topic: Patients' Rights to Demand or Refuse Treatment]

Also reprinted in:

Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Nov. 1994, 1070-1071. M406 : "Preface" ("Bioetica: necessita di un fundamento filosofico e teologico"), in

Fundamenti Di Metabioetica Cattolica, (Rome: Edizioni Dehoniane, 1993):7-10. M407 : "Compassion Needs Reason Too," Journal of the American Medical Association

270(7) (August 18, 1993):874-875. M408 : "Foreword," in Miriam E. Cameron, Living With AIDS: Experiencing Ethical

Problems. (Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications, 1993):x-xiv. M409 E.D. Pellegrino and Virginia Ashby Sharpe, "Ob-Gyn, Ethics and Public Policy: A

Topography of Issues Peculiar to the Care of Women," The Obstetrician/Gynecologist in the Twenty-First Century: Meeting Society's Needs: Proceedings of a Conference Chaired by Edward E. Wallach, M.D. (New York, NY: Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1993):123-155.

M410 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Prologue: Intersections of Western Biomedical Ethics and World

Culture," Transcultural Dimensions in Medical Ethics, ed. E. Pellegrino, P. Corsi, and P. Mozzarella (Frederick, MD: University Publishing Group, 1992):13-19.

M411 : "Foreword," Richard M. Zaner, Troubled Voices (Cleveland, Ohio: The Pilgrim

Press, 1993):pp. ix-xiii. M412 : "Foreword," C. Knight Aldrich, The Medical Interview (New York, NY: The

Parthenon Publishing Group, 1993):ix-x. M413 : "Promena lekarske etiky: Tricetileta retrospektiva (The Metamorphosis of

Medical Medical Ethics: A 30-Year Retrospective)," Journal of American Medical Association-Czech/Slovak, 1(6) (CERVEN 1993):488-492. (Reprint of M-40l)

M414 E.D. Pellegrino and J.M. Freeman, "Management at the End of Life: A Dialogue About

Intending Death," Archives of Family Medicine, 2(10) (October, 1993):1078-1080. M415 : "The Four Principles and the Doctor-Patient Relationship: the Need for a Better

Understanding," in Raanan Gillon, ed., Principles of Health Care Ethics (Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons, 1994):353-366.

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M416 : Reprint of "Evangelization and the Catholic Identity of Medical Schools" delivered at the Centennial Celebration of the Creighton University School of Medicine, Linacre Quarterly 60(4) (November 1993):7-21. (Also M394)

M417 : "Physician Self-Interest and Medical Ethics - Reply," Journal of the American

Medical Association, 270(5) (August 4, 1993):578. M418 : "Societal Duty and Moral Complicity: The Physician's Dilemma of Divided

Loyalty," International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 16( ) (1993):371-391.

Reprinted as: “Deber Social Y Complicidad Moral Conflicto de Lealtades Para Los Medicos,” Bioetica #4, Cuadernos del Programa Regional de Bioetica, July 1997, pp. 69-105.

M419 John Collins Harvey, MD, PhD and Edmund D. Pellegrino, MD, "A Response to

Euthanasia Initiatives," Health Progress, 75(2) (March 1994):36. M420 E.D. Pellegrino, "Autonomy, Beneficence, and The Experimental Subject's Consent: A

Response To Jay Katz," Saint Louis University Law Journal: Health Law Symposium, 38(1) (Fall 1993):55.

M421 : "Character, Virtue, and Self-Interest In the Ethics of the Medical Profession: Part I:

The Erosion of Virtue and the Rise of Self-Interest," Reference Services Review, 22(1) (Ann Arbor, MI: Pierian Press, 1994):29.

M422 : "Patient Autonomy and the Physician's Ethics," Annals of the Royal College of

Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, 27(3)(April 1994):171-173. M423 : "Ethics," Journal of the American Medical Association 271(21) (Contempo Issue,

June 1, 1994):1668-1670. [Topic: Managed Care/Competition and Health Care Reform]

Also Reprinted in: Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, November 1994, 1072-1073. M424 : "Patient and Physician Autonomy: Conflicting Rights and Obligations in the

Physician Patient Relationship," The Journal of Contemporary Health, Law, and Policy, 10(1994):47-68.

M425 : "Healthcare: Reform, Yes; But Not a la Lamm," Cambridge Quarterly of

Healthcare Ethics, 3(2)(Spring, 1994):168-172. M426 Pellegrino, E.D.: "Editorial Response to Halevy and Brody," The American Journal of

Medicine, 96(3) (March, 1994):289-291.

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M427 : "Filosofia Della Medicina," In: Leone, Salvino and Privitera, Salvatore, eds.,

Dizionario di Bioetica (Acireale, Sicily: Instituto Siciliano di Bioetica 1994):401-407. M428 : "To Save the Logic, the Facts Must Fit," The Journal of Clinical Ethics,

5(2)(Summer 1994):158-159. M429 : "Self-Interest, The Physician's Duties, and Medical Ethics: A Philosophical and

Theological Challenge," Theology and Medicine: Duties to Others, ed. Courtney S. Campbell and B. Andrew Lustig (Boston, Mass: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994):125-141.

M430 : "Preface," The Fetal Tissue Issue: Medical and Ethical Aspects, ed. Peter J.

Cataldo and Albert Maraczewski (Braintree, MA: Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research and Education Center, 1994):xi-xiv.

M431 E. D. Pellegrino and D. C. Thomasma: "Autonomy and Trust in the Clinical Encounter:

Reflections from a Theological Perspective," in G.P. McKenny and J.R. Sande, eds., Theological Analyses of the Clinical Encounter (Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994):69-84.

M432 Pellegrino, E.D.: "There is Plenty to Worry About," Catholic News Service. Viewpoints,

No. 18. 1994. M433 : "Words Can Hurt You: Some Reflections on the Metaphors of Managed Care

(First Annual Nicholas J. Pisacano Lecture)," Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, 7-6 (November/December 1994) 505-10.

M434 : "Managed Care and Managed Competition: Some Ethical Reflections," Calyx:

Ethical Issues in Paediatrics 4(4)(Fall, 1994):1-5. M435 : "Allocation of Resources at the Bedside: The Intersection of Economics, Law, and

Ethics," Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4(4)(December 1994):309-317. M436 : "L'insegnamento dell'ethica medica negli Stati Uniti," (trans. Sandro Spinsanti) in

L'Arco di Giano: Rivista de Medical Humanities (Rome) Vol. 6 (1994):270-276. M437 : "Medication Risks: The Ethics of Informed Consent in Pharmacotherapy,"

Communication Risk to Patients [Proceedings of the USP Open Conference] (Rockville, MD: United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., 1995):23-27.

M438 : "Ethical Issues in Character Assessment and Medical Licensure," Federation

Bulletin 81(4) (1994):222-228.

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M439 : "Nonabandonment: An Old Obligation Revisited," Annals of Internal Medicine 122(5) (March 1995):377-378.

M440 : "The Human Person, the Physician, and the Physician's Ethics," Linacre Quarterly 62(1) (February 1995): 74-82 M441 : "Intending the Patient's Death: Conceptual and Practical Issues for the Ethics of

Clinical Decision-making," Bioetica (Torino: Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, 1995), 406-426.

M442 : "Guarding the Integrity of Medical Ethics: Some Lessons from Soviet Russia,"

JAMA 273(20) (May 24/31,1995): 1622-1623. M443 : "Contempo: Ethics," Journal of the American Medical Association (Contempo

Issue) 273(21) (June 7, 1995): 1674-1676. [Topic: Fetal Tissue Research & Oregon's Death with Dignity Act]

M444 : "Medical Education," Encyclopedia of Bioethics, Revised Edition, Warren Thomas

Reich, Ed., Vol. 3, (Simon and Schuster Macmillan, NY, l995) pp. 1435-1439. M445 : "The Limitation of Empirical Research in Ethics," The Journal of Clinical Ethics

6(2) (Summer 1995): 161-163. M446 : "Toward a Virtue-Based Normative Ethics for the Health Professions," Kennedy

Institute of Ethics Journal 5(3) (September 1995):253-277.

Reprinted as: “La Reintegrazione della Forza Normativa dell-etica Medica Basa Sulla Virtù” in Prometheus 22: Bioetica: Le Ragioni della Vita e Della Scienza, Paolo Bisogno, Augusto Forti (eds), Milano, Italy 1997:54-69.

M447 : "The Moral Status of Compassion in Bioethics: The Sacred and the Secular,"

Ethics and Medics 20(9) (September 1995):3-4

Reprinted in: Ethical Principle in Catholic Health Care edited by Edward James Furton, MA, PhD, 1999, The National Catholic Bioethics Center, Boston, MA.

M448 : "Metaphors, Managed Care, and Morality," The Journal of Critical Care Nutrition

3(1) (1995):40. M449 : "Dismembering the Hippocratic Oath: The Dangers of Moral Dissection," Boston

University School of Medicine Alumni Report: Medical Ethics & Managed Care (Fall 1995): 11-17.

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M450 R. Crawshaw, D.E. Rogers, E.D. Pellegrino, et alia: "Patient-Physician Covenant" Journal of the American Medical Association 273(19) (May 17, 1995):1153.

M451 Edmund D. Pellegrino: "In Reply: Contempo: Ethical Issues of Human Embryos

Research and Physician-Assisted Suicide," Journal of the American Medical Association 274(17) (November 1, 1995):1344-1345.

M452 : "Secrets of the Couch and the Grave: The Anne Sexton Case," Cambridge

Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5(2) (1996):189-203. M453 C. Everett Koop and Edmund D. Pellegrino: "At Issue: From Managing Care to

Managing Death," New Hampshire Sunday News December 17, 1995:B3. M454 : "Interests, Obligations, and Justice: Some Notes Toward an Ethic of Managed

Care," The Journal of Clinical Ethics 6(4) (Winter 1995):312-317. M455 : "Moral Neutrality and Managed Care" Off the Record: Critical Issues at St.

Joseph's Hospital 10(1) (January 1996):4. M456 : "Character Formation: Education's Neglected Task" Providence (Summer 1995):8-

11. M457 ____: “The Physician’s Role in Cost Containment,” (Endpaper) The Journal of Critical

Care Nutrition Vol 3, No. 2, 1996, p. 40. M458 ____: “Clinical Judgment, Scientific Data, and Ethics: Antidepressant Therapy in

Adolescents and Children,” A Commentary, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 184(2)(1996):106-108.

M459 :“Ethics” Journal of the American Medical Association: Contempo 96,

275(23)(1996):1807-1809. [Hippocratic Oath] M460 ____: “A Christian Response to Suffering in Dying Persons,” Sisters Today 68(4)(July

1996):259-262. (Note: Excerpted from “A Christian Response to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide,” in Dignity in Dying: A Christian Appraisal, ed. John F. Kilner, Arlene Miller, and Edmund Pellegrino (Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Erdmann’s Publ. Co., 1996 forthcoming). See also M461.

M461 ____: “Euthansia and Assisted Suicide” Dignity and Dying: A Christian Appraisal,

edited by John F. Kolner, Arlene B. Miller, Edmund D. Pellegrino, Paternoster Press, William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1996, 105-119.

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M462 : "Ethicist Sets Forth Six Criteria in Health Care Reform" Federal Malta Review, Federal Association, Washington, D.C. V(4) ( December, 1995): 6

M463 : "Ethicist Responds With Further Clarification" Federal Malta Review, Federal

Association, Washington, D.C. VI(2) (July 1996): 5 M464 : “The Autopsy: Some Ethical Reflections on the Obligations of Pathologists,

Hospitals, Families and Society." Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 120(8)(August 1996): 739-742

M465 :“La Metamorfosis de la Ethic Medica” Directivo Medico. III(3)(Mayo-Junio, 1996):

31-35. (Also M401) M466 _____: “Clinical Ethics: Balancing Praxis and Theory” Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal

6(4)(December 1996): 347-351. M467 : “El Medico Como Gestor De Recursos: La Asistencia Sanitaria Desed La Ethica Y

LaEconomia” Limitacion de Prestaciones Sanitarias. (7)22-42. (Junio de 1996). (See also M434)

M468 ____: “The Place of Intention in the Moral Assessment of Assisted Suicide and Active

Euthanasia” Intending Death: The Ethics of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. (Ed.) Tom L. Beauchamp, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1996, 163-183.

M469 ____: “Management at the End of Life: A Dialogue About Intending Death” Intending

Death: The Ethics of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. (Ed.) Tom L. Beauchamp, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1996, 184-187.

M470 ____: “To the Editor” (subject: managed care) American Journal of Managed Care.

3(5)(May 1997):808-813. M471 ____: “Ethical Issues in Managed Care: A Catholic Christian Perspective” Christian

Bioethics. 3(1) 1997:55-73. M472 ____: “The Nazi Doctors and Nuremberg: Some Moral Lessons Revisited” Annals of

Internal Medicine 127(4) 1997:307-308. M473 Virginia A. Sharpe and Edmund D. Pellegrino: “Medical Ethics in the Courtroom: A

Reappraisal” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 22(4) Aug. 1997:373-379. M474 Pellegrino, E.D.: “Bioethics as an Interdisciplinary Enterprise: Where Does Ethics Fit in

the Mosaic of Disciplines” Philosophy of Medicine and Bioethics: A Twenty-Year

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Retrospective and Critical Appraisal . P & M Series #50. (Eds) Ronald A. Carson and Chester R. Burns, Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1997, 1-23.

Reprinted in: Humanities and the Health Sciences, edited by Leonides Santos y Vargas, PhD, Jorge J. Ferrer, SJ, STD, Bruno M. Damiani, PhD, Scripta Humanistica 143, 2001, pp. 1-23.

M475 ____: “Praxis as a Keystone for the Philosophy and Professional Ethics of Medicine: The

Need for an Arch-Support: Commentary on Toulmin and Wartofsky” Philosophy of Medicine and Bioethics: A Twenty-Tear Retrospective and Critical Appraisal. P & M Series #50. (Eds) Ronald A. Carson and Chester R. Burns, Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1997, 69-84.

M476 Frank Feigenbaum, MD, Daniel P. Sulmasy, MD, PhD, Edmund D. Pellegrino, MD, and

Fraser C. Henderson, MD: “Spondyloptotic Fracture of the Cervical Spine in a Pregnant Anemic Jehovah’s Witness: Technical and Ethical Considerations” Journal of Neurosurgery 87 1997:458-463.

M477 E. D. Pellegrino: “Evangelium Vitae, Euthanasia, and Physician-Assisted Suicide: John

Paul II’s Dialogue with the Culture and Ethics of Contemporary Medicine” Choosing Life: A Dialogue on Evangelium Vitae (Eds.) Kevin Wm. Wildes, S.J. and Alan C. Mitchell. Georgetown University Press, Washington, D. C., 1997, 236-253.

M478 ___: “Quale Filosopfia Della Medicina Per La Bioetica?” Bilancio Di Venticinque Anni Di

Bioetica (Ed) Giovanni Russo. Torino: Editrice Elle Di Ci, 1997, 37-68. M479 ___: “I. Theology and Evolution in Dialogue,” in The Pope’s Message on Evolution and

Four Commentaries, Quarterly Review of Biology 72 Dec. 1997:385-389. M480 ___: “Managed Care at the Bedside: How Do We Look in the Moral Mirror?” Kennedy

Institute of Ethics Journal 7:4 Dec. 1997:321-330. M481 R. D. Orr, N. Pang, E.D. Pellegrino, and M. Siegler: “Use of the Hippocratic Oath: A

Review of Twentieth Century Practice and a Content Analysis of Oaths Administered in Medical Schools in the U.S. and Canada 1n 1993" The Journal of Clinical Ethics Winter 1997:377-388.

M482 Pellegrino, E.D., Arthur Caplan, Susan Dorr Goold: “Doctors and Ethics, Morals and

Manuals” Editorial, Annals of Internal Medicine1 April 1998, Vol. 128, No. 7, pp. 569-571. M483 Pellegrino, E.D.: “Secular Bioethics and Catholic Medical Ethics: Moral Philosophy at the

‘Margins’,” The Bishop and the Future of Catholic Health Care: Challenges and

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Opportunities Proceedings of the Sixteenth Workshop for Bishops edited by Daniel P. Maher. Boston, MA: Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research and Education Center, 1997, pp. 28-42.

M484 ____: “The Recovery of Virtue in the Professional Ethics of Medicine,” in Le Radici della

Bioetica, edited by Elio Sgreccia, Vincenza Mele, Gonzalo Miranda, Atti del Congresso Internationale, Roma, Feb. 15-17, 1996, vol. I, Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 1998, pp. 61-77.

M485 ____: “The Relationship of Theory and Praxis in the Philosophy and Ethics of

Medicine,” in Le Radici della Bioetica, edited by Elio Sgreccia, Vincenza Mele, Gonzalo Miranda, Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Roma, Feb. 15-17, 1996, Vol. I, Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 1998, pp. 343-353.

M486 ____: “Emerging Ethical Issues in Palliative Care,” (Contempo 1998) Journal of the

American Medical Association, May 20, 1998, Vol. 279, No. 19, pp. 1521-1522.

Reprinted as: “Problemi Etici Nella Terapia Palliativa,” S.I.M.G. Revista Di Politica Professionale Della Medicina Generale, Novembre 1998, 9, Firenze, Italia, pp. 7-9.

M487 ____: “The False Promise of Beneficent Killing,” Regulating How We Die edited by Linda

L. Emanuel, Harvard University Press, 1998, pp. 71-91. M488 ____: “The Good Samaritan in the Marketplace: Managed Care’s Challenge to Christian

Charity,” in The Changing Face of Health Care: A Christian Appraisal of Managed Care, Resource Allocation, and Patient-Caregiver Relationships, edited by John G. Kilner, Robert D. Orr, and Judith Allen Shelly, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1998, pp. 103-118.

M489 ____: “Foreword,” in Blood & Bone edited by Angela Belli and Jack Coulehan,

University of Iowa Press, 1998, xiii-xiv. M490 ____: “Ethical Considerations in Head and Neck Cancer,” in Head and Neck Cancer: A

Multidisciplinary Approach edited by Louis B Harrison, M.D., Roy B. Sessions, M.D., F.A.C.S., and Waun Ki Hong, M.D., F.A.C.P., Lippincott - Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1999, pp. 1039-1048.

M491 ____: “What the Philosophy Of Medicine Is,” in Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics

edited by Dave Thomasma, Gerrit Kimsma and Evert Van Leeuwen, 1998, Volume 19, No. 6, pp. 315-336.

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M492 ____: “An Ethical Pharmacy Concern: The Informed Drug Consent,” Chapter 6 in Pharmacy Practice for Technicians, Second Edition, edited by Sr. Jane Durgin, Zachary I. Hanan, and Janet Mastanduono, Delmar Publishers, 1999, pp. 87-94.

M493 ____: “The Ethical Use of Evidence in Biomedicine,” Evaluation & the Health

Professions March 1999, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 33-43. M494 D.P. Sulmasy and E. D. Pellegrino: “The Rule of Double Effect: Clearing Up the Double

Talk,” Archives of Internal Medicine March 22, 1999, 159, pp. 545-550.

Letter to editor published in response to M494: “Euthanasia: Morals and Ethics” Letter to Editor from Robert Matz, M.D. Reply by Sulmasy and Pellegrino published Archives of Internal Medicine Aug.9, 1999, Vol. 159, pp. 1815-1816.

M495 E. D. Pellegrino: “Clinical Ethics Consultations: Some Reflections on the Report of the

SHHV-SBC” The Journal of Clinical Ethics Spring 1999 Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 5-13. M496 ____: “Embryo Research: The Necessity for Moral Constraints” Faculty/Staff Opinion,

Georgetown University Blue & Gray June 7, 1999, p. 68. M497 ____: “The Origins and Evolution of Bioethics: Some Personal Reflections,” Kennedy

Institute of Ethics Journal Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 73-88. M498 ____: “The Goals and Ends of Medicine: How Are They to be Defined?” The Goals of

Medicine: The Forgotten Issues in Health Care Reform Edited by Mark J. Hanson and Daniel Callahan, Georgetown University Press, Washington, D. C., 1999, pp. 55-68.

M499 ____: “Christ, Physician and Patient, The Model for Christian Healing” Linacre

Quarterly August 1999, Vol. 66, No. 3, pp. 70-78. M500 E. D. Pellegrino and A. S. Relman: “Professional Medical Associations: Ethical and

Practical Guidelines” Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 282, No. 10, Sept. 8, 1999, pp 984-986.

M501 E. D. Pellegrino: “The Commodification of Medical and Health Care: The Moral

Consequences of a Paradigm Shift from a Professional to a Market Ethic” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy Edited by Kevin Wm. Wildes and M. Cathleen Kaveny 1999, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 243-266.

M502 ____: “Academic Health Centers and Society: An Ethical Reflection” Academic Medicine

1999, Vol. 74, p. 21-26.

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M503 ____: “Healing and Being Healed: A Christian Perspective” Jewish and Catholic Bioethics: An Ecumenical Dialogue Edited by E. D. Pellegrino and A. I. Faden, Georgetown University Press, Washington DC, 1999, pp. 115-126.

M504 ____: “Epilogue: Religion and Bioethical Discourse” in Jewish and Catholic Bioethics:

An Ecumenical Dialogue Edited by E. D. Pellegrino and A. I. Faden, Georgetown University Press, Washington DC, 1999, pp. 139-145.

M505 ____: “Human Embryos and the Stem Cell Controversy” NaProEthics Forum November

1999 Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 2-3. M506 ____: “One Hundred Fifty Years Later: The Moral Status and Relevance of the AMA

Code of Ethics” The American Medical Ethics Revolution: How the AMA’s Code of Ethics has Transformed Physicians’ Relationships to Patients, Professionals, and Society Edited by Robert B. Baker, Ph.D., Arthur L. Caplan, Ph.D., Linda L. Emanuel, M.D., Ph.D. & Stephen R. Latham, J.D., Ph.D., 2000, pp. 107-123.

M507 ____: “Decisions to Withdraw Life-Sustaining Treatment” Journal of the American

Medical Association Feb. 23, 2000, Vol. 283, No. 8, pp. 1065-1067. M508 ____: “Interview with Edmund D. Pellegrino, M.D.” Medical Ethics Edited by Michael

Boylan, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, 2000, pp. 23-38. M509 ____: “Decisions at the End of Life: The Use and Abuse of the Concept of Futility,” The

dignity of the Dying Person (Proceedings of the Fifth Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life, 24-27 February 1999), Edited by Juan De Dios Vial Correa and Elio Sgreccia, Libreria Editrice Vaticano, 00120 Citta del Vaticano, 2000, pp. 219-241.

Reprinted in: “Decisions at the End of Life: The Use and Abuse of the Concept of Futility,” Life and Learning X Proceedings of the Tenth University Faculty for Life Conferemce, June 2000, Georgetown University, Washington, DC edited by Joseph W. Koterski, SJ, pp. 85-110.

“Le decionioni al termine della vita: uso ed abuso del concetto di futilita” Medicina e Morale, Centro di Bioetica, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma 2002/5, pp 867-895.

M510 ____: “Interview: Medical Error–The Moral Challenge” AAMC Reporter, Vol. 9, No. 6,

March 2000.

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M511 E. D. Pellegrino and D.C. Thomasma: “Dubious Premises–Evil Conclusions: Moral Reasoning at the Nuremberg Trials,” Cambridge Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 2, Spring 2000, pp. 261-274.

M512 E. D. Pellegrino: “Editorial: Medical Professionalism: Can It, Should it Survive?” The

Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, Vol. 13, No. 2, March-April 2000, pp. 147-149.

M513 ____: “Ethical Issues in Palliative Care” in Handbook of Psychiatry in Palliative Medicine

edited by Harvey M. Chochinov and William Breitbart, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 337-348.

M514 ____: “The Moral Status of Compassion” in Ethical Principle in Catholic Health Care:

Selections from 25 Years of Ethics & Medics edited by Edward James Furton, MA, PhD, 1999, The National Catholic Bioethics Center, Boston, MA, pp. 13-16. (See also M-447)

M515 ____: “Economics and Ethics: The Rights Ordering of Conflicting Paradigms”

Philosophical Inquiry, Vol. XXII, Summer 2000, No. 3, pp. 1-16. M516 ____: “Traditional Medical Ethics–A Reminder” in The ABIM Report 1999 (New

Science, New Markets, New Ethics?), American Board of Internal Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 1999, pp. 17-22, 95-98.

M517 ____: “Commentary: Value Neutrality, Moral Integrity, and the Physician” in The

Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Vol. 28:1, Spring 2000, pp. 78-80. M518 ____: “Editorial: Can the Generalist Survive the 21st Century?” The Journal of American

Board of Family Practice, July-August 2000, Vol. 13, No. 4, 2000, pp. 312-313. M519 ____: Testimony before the National Bioethics Advisory Commission, Ethical Issues in

Human Stem Cell Research, Volume III “Religious Perspectives”, Rockville, Maryland, June 2000, pp. F3-5.

M520 DP Sulmasy, M. Siegler, R. Burt, K. Foley, C. Gomez, T. Krizek, ED Pellegrino, Letters”

to the Editor, “Responding to Intractable Terminal Suffering,” “Palliative Treatment of Last Resort and Assisted Suicide,” “Publication of Papers on Assisted Suicide and Terminal Sedation,” Annals of Internal Medicine, 3 October 2000, Vol. 133, No. 7, pp. 560-565.

M521 _____: “Having a Degree and Being Educated,” University Survey: A Guidebook and

Readings for New Students 2000-2001, Guidebook Edited by Thomas L. Minnick and Patrick Royster; Readings selected and edited by Virginia N. Gordon, Patrick Royster, and Thomas L. Minnick, The Ohio State University, Sept. 2000, pp. 155-156. (This reading was a commencement address given by Dr. Pellegrino at Wilkes College.)

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M522 _____: “Bioethics at Century’s Turn: Can Normative Ethics Be Retrieved?” Journal of

Medicine and Philosophy, December 2000 Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 655-675.

Reprinted as: “La Bioética en el Cambio de Siglo: Puede Recuperarse La Ética Normativa” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health Law and Management, Sevilla, 19-20 October, 2000. Published by Fundacion Mapfre Medicina. Pp. 53-64.

M523 ____:”From Medical Ethics to Bioethics: Evolution of a Concept” Storia della medicina e

storia dell’etica medica verso il terzo millennio, Atti del convegno, 29-30 maggio 1999, edited by Elio Sgreccia, Rubbettino Editore, Italy, 2000, pp. 263-278.

M524 ____: “Access to Health Care: The Ethical Imperative Beyond Insurance” Insurance and

Beuond: Expanding Access to Quality Health Care, Edited by Clyde H. Evans and Marian Osterweis, Association of Academic Health Centers, Washington, D. C., 20001, pp. 133-144.

M525 Watson Bowes, Paul Byrne, Denis Cavanagh, William Colliton, Gerard Foye, Hanna Klaus, and Edmund Pellegrino: “True Integrity for the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physician,” The Linacre Quarterly: A Journal of the Philosophy and Ethics of Medical Practice, August, 1997 Vol. 64, No. 3, pp. 77-86.

M526 Pellegrino, E.D.: “Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Rebuttals of Rebuttals–The

Moral Prohibition Remains,” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, February 2001, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 93-100.

M527 ____: “Human Embryos and the Stem Cell Controversy,” The NaProEthics Forum, July

2001, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp.2-3. M528 ____: “Philosophy of Medicine: Should it be Teleologically or Socially Construed?”

Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2001, pp. 169-180. M529 ____:”Professional Codes,” Methods in Medical Ethics, Edited by Jeremy Sugarman and

Daniel Sulmasy, OFM, Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C., 2001, pp. 70-87. M530 Edmund D. Pellegrino and John Collins Harvey: “Whom Should the Patient Trust?”.

America. Oct. 1, 2001. p.19-23 M531 Thomas K. McElhinney and Edmund D. Pellegrino, “The Institute on Human Values in

Medicine: Its Role and Influence in the Conception and Evolution of Bioethics” Theoretical Medicine, 22:291-317, 2001.

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M532 Pellegrino, E.D.: “Foreword” for Catholic Health Care Ethics: A Manual for Ethics Committees, Edited by Peter J. Cataldo, PhD and Albert S. Moraczewski, OP, PhD, STM, National Catholic Bioethics Center, Massachusetts, 2001

M533 ____: “The Internal Morality of Clinical Medicine: A Paradigm for the Ethics of the

Helping and Healing Professions,” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol. 26, No. 6, 2001, pp. 559-579.

M534 ____; ‘Keynote Address; The Human Genome Project; The Central Ethical Challenge,’ St.

Thomas Law Review Vol. 13, no. 4, Summer 2001, pp. 815-825. M535 ____: “Medical Commencement Oaths: Shards of a Fractured Myth, or Seeds of Hope

Against a Dispiriting Future?” Medical Journal of Australia Vol. 176, 4 February 2002, p. 99.

M536 ____: “Compassion is Not Enough,” The Case Against Assisted Suicide: For the Right to

End-of-Life Care edited by Kathleen Foley, MD and Herbert Hendin, MD, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore Maryland 2002, pp. 41-51.

M537 ____: “The Family as a Clinical Entity,” Marriage, Health, and the Professions edited by

John Wall, Don Browning, William J. Doherty and Stephen Post, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan/Cambridge, UK, 2002, pp. 130-144.

M538 Peter A. Singer, Edmund D. Pellegrino and Mark Siegler: “Debate: Clinical Ethics

Revisited”, BMC Medical Ethics, 26 April 2001. M539 Pellegrino, E.D.: Preface to Beyond a Western Bioethics: Voices from the Developing

World, Edited by Angeles Tan Alora and Josephine M . Lumitao, Georgetown University Press, Washington, D. C. 2001.

M540 ____: Obituary (David Thomasma) Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, Kluwer

Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, Vol. 23, 2002, pp1-3. M541 ____: “Commentary: Is Rationing Ever Ethically Justifiable?” The Pharos, Summer

2002, pp. 18-19. M542 Edmund D. Pellegrino, John Collins Harvey, and Kevin T. FitzGerald, S.J. “Must the

Church be Mute Lest Its Truths be Distorted?” Christian Bioethics 2002, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 43-47.

M543 D.C. Thomasma and E.D. Pellegrino: Preface to Research on Human Subjects, Ed. David

N. Weisstub, Pergamon Press, 1998, pp. xvii-xxvi.

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M544 E. D. Pellegrino: “Cloning and Stem Cell Research: Too High a Price”, WebMDHealth, 2000.

M545 _________: “Professionalism, Profession and the Virtues of the Good Physician,” in The

Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, Volume 69, Number 6, November 2002, pp. 378-385. M546 E.D. Pellegrino, J.F. Kilner, K.T. FitzGerald, L.K. Bevington, C.B. Mithcell, C.E. Koop:

Correspondence, “Therapeutic Cloning,” New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 347, No. 20, November 14, 2002, p. 1619.

M547 ________: “Balancing Science, Ethics and Politics: Stem Cell Research, a Paradigm

Case,” The Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy, Vol. 18, 2002, pp.591-611. M548 ________: “Medicine Today: Its Identity, its Role and the role of Physicians,”

Itinerarium 10 (2002) 22, pp.57-79 M549 ______: “Medical Evidence and Virtue Ethics: A Commentary on Zarkovich and

Upshur”, Theoretical Medicine, 23, 2002, pp397-402. M550 _____: “The Physician’s Conscience, Conscience Clauses, and Religious Belief: A

Catholic Perspective,” Fordham Urban Law Journal, Vol. XXX, No. 1, November 2002, pp. 221-244.

M551 ____: “Rationing Health Care: Conflicts within the Concept of Justice,” in The Ethics of

Managed Care: Professional Integrity and Patient Rights, eds. William B. Bondeson and James W. Jones, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

M552 ____: “What is Man? The Mystery Behind the Genome,” What is Man, O Lord?: The

Human Person in a Biotech Age, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Bishops’ Workshop, The National Catholic Bioethics Center, eds. Edward Furton and Louise Mitchell, 2002, pp. 31-48.

M553 ____: Speech on Stem Cells delivered at Providence College. Providence Magazine,

Spring 2003, pp. 22-25. M554 William P. Cheshire, Jr. MD, Edmund D. Pellegrino, MD, Linda K. Bevington, MA, C.

Ben Mitchell, PhD, Nancy L. Jones, PhD, Kevin T. FitzGerald, PhD, C. Everett Koop, MD and John F. Kilner, PhD, “Stem Cell Research: Why Medicine Should Reject Human Cloning” Mayo Clinic Proc 2003:78, pp. 6-14.

M555 Edmund D. Pellegrino and Daniel P. Sulmasy, “Medical Ethics” in Oxford Textbook of

Medicine, Fourth Edition, Vol. 1: Sec. 1-10, Oxford University Press, 2003. M556 Pellegrino, E.D.: “Secular Bioethics and the Catholic Conscience: The Growing Divide,”

Prism, Issue 11, Summer 2003, pp. 12-15.

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M557 Pellegrino, E.D.: “From Medical Ethics to a Moral Philosophy of the Professions,” in The Story of Bioethics: From Seminal Works to Contemporary Explorations, eds. Jennifer K. Walter and Eran P. Klein, Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2003, pp. 3-15.

M558 Pellegrino, E.D.: “Ethical Considerations in Head and Neck Cancer” in Head and Neck Cancer: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Second Edition, eds. Louis B. Harrison, M.D., Roy B. Sessions, M.D., F.A.C.S., Waun Ki Hong, M.D., Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004, Chapter 12: pp. 190-199.

M559 Pellegrino, E.D.: “Bioética de las virtudes. Experiencia clínica” in Vida y ética:

Publicación del Instituto de Bioética., Instituto de Bioética, Facultad de Posgrado en Ciencias de la Salud, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentinia. Año 3, No.2, December 2002, pp 7-17.

M560 Pellegrino, E.D.: “Medical Ethics Suborned by Tyranny and War” JAMA 291(12),

(March24/31, 2004): 1505-1506.

M561 Pellegrino, E.D.: “Philosophy of Medicine and Medical Ethics: A Phenomenological Perspective,” in Handbook of Bioethics: Taking Stock of the Field From a Philosophical Perspective, edited by George Khushf, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 2004, pp. 183-202. M562 Pellegrino, E.D.: Reprint of M29 published in 1966, “The Generalist Function in Medicine” in Generalist Medicine and the U.S. Health System, Edited by Stephen L. Isaacs and Jame R. Knickman, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Series on Health Policy, 2004, pp. 128-137. M563 Pellegrino, E.D.: “The Present and Future Importance of Catholic Health Care in the United States,” in Moral Issues in Catholic Health Care, edited by Kevin T. McMahon, STD, Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by the John Cardinal Krol Chjair of Moral Theology, Wynnewood, PA April 19-21, 2002, pp. 1-18. M564 Pellegrino, E.D.: “The Moral Foundations of the Patient-Physician Relationship: The Essence of Medical Ethics in Military Medical Ethics” in Military Medical Ethics, Volume 1, Textbooks of Military Medicine edited by Thomas E. Beam and Linette Sparacino, 2003, Office of the Surgeon General, US Army, Washington, DC (Dr. Pellegrino was section editor for Medical Ethics) M565 Pellegrino, ED and Thomasma, DC: “The Good of Patients and the Good of Society: Striking a Moral Balance,” in Public Health Policy and Ethics edited by M. Boylan, pp. 17-37, Kluwer Academic Publishers, the Netherlands, 2004. M566 Pellegrino, ED: “Foreword: Renewing Medicine’s Basic Concepts,” in Health Disease and Illness: Concepts in Medicine edited by Arthur L. Caplan, James J. McCartney, Dominic A. Sisti, Georgetown University Press, Washington, DC, 2004, pp. xixiv.

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M567 Pellegrino, ED: “Prevention of Medical Error: Where Professional and Organizational Ethics Meet,” in Accountability: Patient Safety and Policy Reform edited by Virginia a. Sharpe, Georgetown University Press, Washington, DC, 2004, pp. 83-98. M568 Pellegrino, ED: “Foreword: Nazi Medicine—the Apotheosis of Medical Evil,” in Naomi Baumslag, Murderous Medicine, Westport, CT, Praeger Publishers, 2005, pp. xiii-xviii. M569 Pellegrino, ED: 5 entries by interview in Enciclopedia di Bioethica e Sessuologia, edited by Giovanni Russo, Editrice Velar, Elledici CIC Edizioni Internazationali, 2004:

• Filosofia della medicina • Medicina e vocazione cristiana • Medicina (identita) • Medicina (modelli) • Virtu e bioetica

M570 Pellegrino, ED: “The ‘Telos’ of Medicine and the Good of the Patient,” in Clinical Bioethics: A Search for the Foundations edited by Corrado Viafora, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Vol. 26 International Library of Ethics Law, and the New Medicine, 2005, pp. 21-32. M571 Pellegrino, ED Guest Editor, Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics issue “Homage to David Thomasma. M572 Pellegrino, ED “Some Things Ought Never Be Done: Moral Absolutes in Clinical Ethics,” Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, 2005, 26:469-486. M573 Pellegrino, ED “Futility in Medical Decisions: The Word and the Concept,” Healthcare Ethics Committee Forum Vol. 17, No. 4, December 2005, pp308-318. M574 Pellegrino, ED “Toward a Richer Bioethics: A Conclusion” in Health and Human Flourishing eds Carol R. Taylor and Roberto Dell’Oro, Georgetown University Press, Washington, DC 2006, pp247-269 M575 Pellegrino. ED “Character Formation and the Making of Good Physicians,” in Lost Virtue: Professional Character Development in Medical Education (Advances in Bioethics, Vol 10) eds Nuala Kenny and Wayne Shelton, Elsevier Ltd, 2006, pp. 1-15.

Reprinted in part: “Professionalism: The Moral Foundations,” Institute for Professionalism Inquiry, Humanism and the Healing Arts, Fourth Conference Proceedings, August 2006, Akron, Ohio

M576 Pellegrino, ED “Professing Medicine, Virtue Based Ethics, and the Retrieval of Professionalism,” in Working Virtue: Virtue Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems, eds Rebecca L. Walker and Philip J. Ivanhoe, Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 61-85.

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M577 Pellegrino, ED “Bioethics and Politics: ‘Doing Ethics’ in the Public Square,” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy (30th Anniversary Issue), Vol. 31, No. 6, December 2006, pp. 569-584. M578 Pellegrino, ED “Le Bioetica e la ricerca senza fine della felicitá,” in La Ragione Esigenza di Infinito edited by Giorgio Vittadini, conference proceedings of the Rimini Meeting, Italy, Mondadori University, August 2007. M579 Pellegrino, ED “Professionalism, Profession and the Virtues of the Good Physician,” Yaman Őrs Armağani, ed. Yayina Hazirlayan, Türkiye Biyoetik Derneği Yayinlari, 2005, pp.334-345. (Presented at the Issues in Medical Ethics 2000 Conference at the Mount Sinai School of medicine, NY, November 3, 2000.) M580 Pellegrino, ED “Biotechnology, Human Enhancement and the Ends of Medicine,” in Biotechnology and the Human Good by C. Ben Mitchell, E.D. Pellegrino, Jean Bethke Elshtain, John F. Kolner, Scott B. Rae, Georgetown University Press, 2007. M581 Pellegrino, ED “Catholic Health Care Ministry and Contemporary Culture: The Growing Divide,” in Edward J. Furton, editor, Urged on by Christ, Catholic Health Care in Tension with Contemporary Culture, Proceedings of the Twenty-first Workshop for Bishops, The National Catholic Bioethics Center, Philadelphia, PA, 2007, pp. 13-30. Reprinted: Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology, ITEST Bulletin, Vol. 40, #3, pp. 3-11. M582 Pellegrino, ED and Staff, National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature. Aristotle and the Right to health Care: A Cautionary Tale. Appendix to Scope Note 20. Washington, DC, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature. March 2008 [Online]. Accessed: M583 Pellegrino, ED, “The Lived Experience of Human Dignity,” in Human Dignity and Bioethics: Essays Commissioned by the President’s Council on Bioethics, President’s Council on Bioethics, Government Printing Office, 2008, pp. 488-514.

Reprinted in: “La Experiencia Vivida de la Dignidad Humana,” Bioètica y Persona: Escuela De Elio Sgreccia, Edited by Alberto Bochatey, O.S.A., Editorial de la Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2008, pp. 303-340.

M584 Pellegrino, ED, “Apologia for a Medical Truant,” in The Philosophy of Medicine Reborn: A Pellegrino Reader, edited by H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. and Fabrice Jotterand, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2008, pp. xiii-xvii.

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M585 Pellegrino, ED, “Commentary on ‘Of More than One Mind,” Journal of Clinical Ethics, Spring 2008, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 22-23. M586 Pellegrino, ED, “Some Personal Reflections on the ‘Appearance of Bioethics Today,” Studio Bioethica, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2008, pp. 52-57. M587 Pellegrino, ED, “Medicine and Medical Education in Newman’s University,” in On Wings of Faith and Reason: The Christian Difference in Culture and Science, Edited by Craig Steven Titus, The Institute for the Psychological Sciences Press, Arlington, VA, 2009 pp. 24-42. M588 Pellegrino, ED, “Does Being a Christian Physician Really Matter?” in Medical Ethics at Notre Dame: The J. Philip Clarke Family Lectures, M.A. Hogan and D. Solomon (Eds.), the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture, 2008, pp 1-16. M589 Pellegrino, ED, “The Crisis in Medicine: Professional Life in the Age of Managed Care,” in Medical Ethics at Notre Dame: The J. Philip Clarke Family Lectures, M.A. Hogan and D. Solomon (Eds.), the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture, 2008, pp 244-258. M590 Pellegrino, ED, “Article 4: Benefit and Harm,” in The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights: Background, Principles and Application, edited by H.A.M ten Have and M.S. Jean, UNESCO Publishing, 2009, pp. 99-109. M591 Pellegrino, ED, “Physician Integrity: Why It Is Inviolable,” in Connecting American Values with Health Reform: A Publication of the Hastings Center, 2009, pp. 18-20. M592 Donovan, K and Pellegrino, ED, “Virtues and Goals in Pediatrics,” in Pediatric Bioethics, edited by Geoffrey Miller, Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp. 3-10. M593 Pellegrino, ED, “When Evil was Good and Good Evil: Remembrances of Nuremberg,” in Medicine After the Holocaust, edited by Sheldon Rubenfeld, Palgrave MacMillan, 2010, pp 11-16.