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Unit 3 TestTest on Friday Nov 16

Page 2: Bible Test Notes (NOVEMBER 16)

What are the 2 steeps of repenting

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Repentance and forgiveness

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How was Elisha called to be a prophet

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When he was plowing his fields with 12 oxen

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Give at least 3 of the characteristics of a miracles

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Something that goes agents the laws of nature, something that is caused by GOD, and Reveal GOD’S power and Faithfulness.

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Why was Amos unpopular when he spoke to the people of Israel

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He was Criticizing them all

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How did the miracles of Elisha pint toward GOD

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GOD was telling Elisha to do everything

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What is the deal with the marriage of Hosea? why did he marry her? what was this to represent?

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Hosea represented GOD and Jezebel represented Israel

Jezebel and Hosea also represented the separation between GOD

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What 5 things did GOD say through Hosea that he wanted Israel to do to show their love for GOD?

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I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion.

I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the LORD.

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How did Jonah act after saving Nineveh.

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Jonah tried to be a messenger for GOD

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How can you describe the last 6 kings of Israel

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Pekah attacked Judah and died a natural death

the other kings were assassinated and one was taken captive.

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Why did Israel fall captive to Assyria?

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They didn’t obey GOD

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Take any 2 highlights and explain with details from the stories we studied

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