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A-Theory oftime, see tensed theory oftime

absolute simultaneity, 158, 164, 166, 168-169,176-177,181,213-217 pass., 230, 232n, 240

abstract objects, 14,21,29, 30n, 61n, 68

accidental temporalism, IOn, 273, see also God, contingently timeless ortemporal

actual infinite, 9, 260 aether, 98,166,184,187,222-238

pass., 243-244 Antbropic Principle, 188 atemporal duration, see duration atemporality, see timelessness

B-Theory oftime, see tenseless theory of time

backward causation, 19,21,23,36, 232n,271-272

beginning ofthe universe, 5-7 pass., 109,247,250,254,256,258, 266-267,275-280 pass.

beginning oftime, 5-7 pass., 11, 19, 23-28pass., 109, 143, 175,206, 247,252,256-280 pass.

Bell's Theorem, 227-238 pass. Big Bang, 14, 15, 18,80,109,207,


causal priority implies temporal priority, 20n, 275-276

change: extrinsic, 8, 46, 60, 61, 66, 69, 71n, 73-75 pass., 261n; intrinsic, 8,46,60,61, 69n, 71n, 73-74,261n

changelessness,9, 14,24,47,53,59-


60,258,268,273,278 chronons,37,82,259 cosmictime, 14, 174, 177n, 205-246

pass. cosmology, 13, 143, 181,205-246

pass., 272 creation, vin, 5-7 pass., 10, 14, 17-23

pass., 28, 46, 52, 56, 135, 136, 139,218,242,247-255 pass., 260; biblical data concerning, 247-253 pass.; Thomistic doctrine of, 64-65, 76-78 pass.

deliberation, divine, see God, and deliberation

duration, 11-12,29,31,58,80-81

empty time prior to creation, see time, prior to creation

EPR experiment, see Bell's Theorem ET-simultaneity, 79-96 pass., 107,

110, 114, 132, 135 etemal present, 28-29, 38, 79-87

pass., 89, 90 eternity, v-vii pass. , 3, 15n, 23, 28-

29,39-40,79,84-87 pass., 101, 123-124, 136,254; a "soft" fact? 21-22,24,271-272; as omnitemporality, vi, 3, 7,10-11, 29,131,134-139 pass., 150-162 pass., 175,247; as timelessness, v, 1-42 pass., 61-111 pass., 135, 137,157-158; biblical data on, 3-8 pass.

existential causation, 20-21 extrinsic change, see change,



fInitude of the past, 9-11 pass., 20, 23-28 pass., 256-267 pass., see also beginning oftime

foreknowledge, v-vi, 4, 21, 25, 37, 39-40,279

freedom, v-vi, 39-40 future contingents, v, 21, 25, 40

Galilean spacetime, 176-177, 189, 204

General Theory ofRelativity, vii, 13, 15,98,146,165-166, 169, 181n, 190-192 pass., 197-246 pass.

God: and deliberation, 24, 49, 278-280 pass.; as Creator, 3, 5-8 pass., IOn, 18,78,247-280 pass.; as pure actuality, vi, 33, 46,62,63; classic conception of, vi, 68n; contingently timeless or temporal, 14-15, 18-19,48,53; eternity of, see eternity; immutability of, vi, 30n, 40, 43, 53,62,72,74,112-113,136, 278; impassibility of, vi, 74n; maximal cognitive excellence of, 36,129-131 pass., 137; necessity of, 12,21,71,149,153; omniscience of, see omniscience; real relation to the world, 8, 44, 57, 60-78 pass., 280; relationship to space, 4-5, IOn, 12-19 pass., 60,90n, 134, 174-175, 239; sans creation, 10-11, 19,22-23,26, 44,53,56,59-60,75,109,252, 255,267-275 pass.; simplicity of, vi, 8, 62-65 pass., 67n, 68n, 71, 72, 75, 97; temporality of, see eternity, as omnitemporality; timelessness of, see eternity, as timeless

hyper-time, 17,38,83-87 pass., 109, 255

incompleteness oftemporallife, 32-

39 pass. indexical terms, 16,37,85, 95n,

106n, 112-115 pass., 117-123 pass., 131-133 pass.

infinite past, see fmitude of the past intrinsic change, see change, intrinsic

length contraction, 182-188 pass., 222

Logos doctrine, 6 Lorentzian Relativity, 97-98, 107,

163-196 pass., 216, 222, 232n, 237

metaphysical relativity, 91-94 pass., 177-180 pass.

metric conventionalism, 148, 171n, 268-270 pass.

metric oftime, vii, 9-11 pass., 18,20, 24, 145-146, 171-173 pass., 268-270 pass., 273

metrically amorphous time, see metric of time

middle knowledge, 24n, 25, 41

necessary existence and timelessness, see timelessness, and necessary existence

Newtonian viewoftime, 18, 19,21, 143-162pass., 189,203-204, 237,244-245

non-metric time, see metric time

omnipotence, 17-18, 56n, 59, 132n omnipresence,99n, 132, 153, 158,

162, 174-175,246 omniscience, v, 16,24,38-39,41,49,

70n, 112-133 pass., 162, 180-181; definition of, 126-130 pass.; knowledge oftensed facts, 112-126 pass.

perfect being theology, 11, 12, 24, 28, 30n, 32-33, 48-49, 112, 130-132 pass., 136


perrnanence, 3n, 82, 87 personhood, timeless, see

timelessness, and personhood positivism, 147,150, 160, 164, 166-

167, 186, 199-200, 227n, 231 presentism, 31, 95, 121n, 122, 135 process theology, vi, 66

quantum indeterminacy, 57n-58n Quantum Theory, 15, 181,225-236

pass. quasi-temporal eternity, 37-38

real relation of God to creatures, see God, real relation to the world

reductionistic views oftime, see time, physical; time, metaphysical

relationalism, see time, relational viewof

relative timelessness, 10, 270 relativity of actua1ity, 105-106, 177-

178 relativity of simultaneity, vii, 16,

103,105,107,173,215,219 Relativity Theory, see Special Theory

ofRelativity; General Theory of Relativity

simplicity, divine, see God, simplicity of

simultaneity: absolute, see absolute simultaneity; conventionality of, see conventionality of simultaneity; relativity of, see relativity of simultaneity

simultaneous causation, 21n, 275-278 pass.

singularity as a boundary to time, 18, 206,256,272

space, 144, 147, 151-156pass., 174-175,199,239-240

spacetime, vin, vii, 12-13, 17-19 pass., 23, 58n, 81n-82n, 98,101, 105-106, 108, 135, 165, 169,

175-176, 185-195 pass., 202-204 pass., 210, 254, 256

Special Theory ofRelativity, vii, 13, 15, 31, 88-93 pass., 96-97, 102-108 pass., 129n, 143, 146, 158-162 pass., 165-195 pass., 208, 213, 215, 219,222, 227n, 236-238 pass., 240

specious present, 34-38 pass., 82-83, 86,91

substantivalism, see time, substantival view of

temporal becoming, vii, 11n, 15,23, 31,33,42,59,60,100,105,108, 134,135,178,210-211,253

temporal necessity, 26n temporal parts, 36, 194 temporality, divine, see eternity, as

omnitemporal temporality implies spatiality, 13-17

pass., 31,134,192-193,246 tense, reality of, vii, 15, 16, 23, 42,

59,60,105,108,112-133 pass., 135

tensed theory oftime, IOn, 16,29, 36,87,95, 100, 101, 108, 114n, 115,132-139 pass., 177,255, 259,260,265,270-271

tenseless theory oftime, vin, 11n, 16, 29-31 pass., 33, 36, 87, 95,100, 101,105, 106n, 108-111 pass., 113, 115, 117, 125, 132-139 pass., 253-254, 271

time: absolute, 144-196 pass., 210, 216,240-246 pass.; beginning of, see beginning oftime; co ordinate vs. parameter, 13, 16, 209-210,246; cosmic, see cosmic time; measured, 14n, 15, 144-148 pass., 158-159 pass., 168n, 171-172, 179, 197,217-246 pass., 257; mental events sufficient for, 14, 15,45,71, 193,257; metric of, see metric of


time; metaphysicaI, 14, 17-19 pass., 101, 149, 158, 160-162, 165,171,193,197,216-246 pass., 272; metrically amorphous, see metric of time; modal conception of, 12, 18-19, 46,278; necessity of, 12, 19, 149; physical, 14-19 pass., 101, 149,160,165,171-246 pass., 257, 272; prior to creation, 6-7, 9-11 pass., 14, 19,22,24,65, 267-280 pass.; relational view of, 9,14,21,25,27,45-46,53, 55, 117, 148-149,242,260-261, 266, 273-274; substantival view of, 9, 25,148-149,152,157, 260-261,273; tensed vs. tenseless, see tensed theory of time; tenseless theory of time; topologically amorphous, see topology of time

time dilation, 183-188 pass., 222 timelessness, 10-12pass., 40, 49-50,

157-158,258, 271,279; and

modal status oftime, 18-19; and necessary existence, 12-15 pass.; and personhood, IOn, 43-55 pass.; and the creation oftime, 19-23 pass.; metaphysical superiority of, 28-32 pass.

topology oftime, 11,24,27-28, 103, 272-273; cf. 81, 87, 270

transworld identity, 14-15, 18 Trinity, 50, 54-55

undifferentiated time, see metric of time

universe, beginning of, see beginning ofthe universe

unlimited duration, 11-12

Why did not God create the world sooner? 260-265 pass.

Why is it now? 265-267 pass. world map, 245-265 pass.

Zero Thesis, 97-100 pass., 103, 135 zero time relation, 57-59 pass.


Adams, Marilyn McCord, IOn Adams, Robert, 113n Agazzi, Evandro, 240 Alexander, H. G., 154n, 156n, 260n Al-Ghazali, 261n, 274n Alston, William P., 34, 71-72n, 77n,

87n Ammonius Saccus, v Aristotle, 26n, 50, 63, 258-259 Amdt, W. F., 7 Arzelies, Henri, 195 Aspect, Alain, 229-230, 237 Augustine, v

Bahlul, Raja, 258n, 268n Balashov, Yuri, 188n Barbour, Ian, 252n Bargmann, Sonja, 168n Barr, James, 5, 7-8n Barrow, Isaac, 161 Barrow, John D., 188n, 240, 256-257 Barteis, Andreas, 240n Barth, Karl, vin Bartley, W. W., III, 237n Barut, Asim 0., 226n Bateman, H., 169n Bauer, W., 7n BecWer, Zev, 150, 157n Bell,1. S., 182n, 228-230, 231n, 238 Beller, Mara, 232n Bentley, Richard, 151 Berkeley, G., 145n Besso, Michael, 33 Black, Max, 194 Boethius, 12n, 32 Bohm, David, 194, 228, 231, 232n,

233,238 Bohr, Niels, 227, 231n,233n, 234n Bondi, Hermann, 186n, 198n, 244


Borde, Arvind, 257 Bowden, John, 43n Bradley, F. H., 179n Brendel, J., 229 Bricker, Phillip, 146n, 158n Broad, C. D., 35 Brody, Thomas, 58n Bromiley, Geoffrey, vin Brooke, John Hedley, 157n Brown, Deiwin, 67n Brown, J. R., 231n Buckley, M., 155n Builder, Geoffrey, 181-185, 223n Burian, Richard M., 233n

Callender, Craig, 232-233, 237n, 238n

Cantor, G. N., 150n Capek, Milic, 162n, 177n Carnap, Rudolf, 171 Carrier, Martin, 187-188 Carriero, John, 156n Castafieda, Hector-Neri, 113, 114n Child, 1. M., 161n Chisholm, Roderick M., 68n, 123n Christensen, F. M., 194 Christie, 1. R. R., 15Dn Clarke, Bowman L., 34n Clarke, Samuel, 154-156, 260 Clarke, W. Norris, 14n, 69-73, 77 Cleugh, Mary F., 195n Clifton, Rob, 178n, 238n Cobb, John B., Jr., 34n, 72n Coburn, Robert C., 48-50 Cockburn, David, 38n Cohen, I. Bemard, 144n, 151, 154n,

156, 199n Cohen, Robert S., 163n Collins, Robin, 188n


Copan, Paul, 253n Cordero, Alberto, 241n Coyne, G. V., 155n, 241n Craig, William Lane, vn, vii, 90, IOn,

11n, 13n, 14n, 15n, 17n, 21n, 22n, 24n, 25n, 40n, 490, 1090, 128n, 129n, 165n, 171n, 26On, 271n, 273n, 276n, 278n

Creel, Richard E., 4On, 74n Currid, John D., 5 Cushing, James T., 182n, 231n, 232n,


D'Abro, A, 186, 187n, 188 Davies, Paul C. W., 143, 220-221n,

231n, 256, 266-267 Davis, Stephen T., 56n, 61n, 8On,

92n, 127 De Broglie, Louis, 195n, 226 De Finis, Francesco, 198n De la Pena, L., 58n De Sitter, Willern, 205-206, 216 Debrock, G., 158n Dehnen, H., 225 Delitzseh, F., 249 Democritus, 225 Denbigh, K. G., 108n, 177n Dennett, Daniel, 44 Dieks, Dennis, 158 Dingle, Herbert, 195n Dirac, P. AM., 224n, 225-226, 238 Dodd, C. H., 6n Dorato, Mauro, 211n, 220n, 242n Duffy, Michael Ciaran, 222-223 Dugas, Rene, 195n Dukas, Helen, 34n

Earman, John, 20n, 145n, 146n, 149n, 172n, 186, 187n, 188-190, 192n

Eberhard, P. H., 236n Eddington, Arthur S., 163, 206, 207,

216-217,219-220 Einstein, Albert, 13, 16, 33, 34n, 92,

98, 106, 108, 135, 146n, 154n, 159-163,166-170,174-175,179,

181, 182-183, 185-186, 188n, 190-192,196,197-201,203-207, 209, 215-217, 219, 222, 224, 225n, 226, 227, 228, 230, 231, 232n, 237,240,244,283

Evans, David A, 244n Ewing, AC., 110n


Fauvel, John, 157n Feigl, Herbert, 195n Feldman, Richard, 127n Find1ay, 1. N., 164 Fine, Arthur, 191, 232n FitzGerald, G., 184, 230 Fitzgera1d, Paul, 36n, 81n, 170n, 180,

217,2400, 242 Flint, Thomas P., 76n, 271 Flood, Raymond, 148n, 157n, 220n Fokker, A D., 167n Forbes, Graeme, 274 Forbes, Micky, 233n Force, James E., 157 Ford, Lewis S., 177n Franson, James, 234n Fraser, J. T., 177n, 221n, 256n, 257n Freddoso, Alfred 1., 2On, 22n, 26n Friedman, Michael, 175, 176, 186,

200-203 Friedmann, Aleksandr, 206-209, 214,


Gabbey, Alan, 150n Gale, Richard M., 45-46, 50-51, 80n,

114n, 129n Galileo Galilei, 199 Gamaliel, 251 Gamow, George, 207n Gamwell, Franklin 1., 34n, 72n Geach, Peter, 67, 73, 75, 132n Geroch, Robert, 195n Gi&ey, Langdon, 252n Gingrich, F. W., 7 Gisin, N., 229 Glick, Thomas F., 185n Gödel, Kurt, 202, 203n, 214, 217


Gold, T., 253n Goldberg, Stanley, 185 Goldstein, Sheldon, 232n Gorenstein, M. Y., 224 Gotsman, Errol, 220n Grangier, Philippe, 229n Graves, John Cowperthwaite, 219n Gregory, David, 154n Griffm, David Ray, 148, 231n, 238n Griinbaurn, Adolf, 149n, 171n, 216n,

239n, 253, 275-278 Gunton, Colin, 110n, 247n

Hahn, Lewis Edwin, 143n Hall, A Rupert, 151n Hall, Marie Boas, 151n Halstead, G. B., 163n Harris, James F., 34n, 37n, 62n Hartshorne, Charles, vi, 66-67n, 69,

71n, 72, 75, 77n, 143, 180n Hasker, William, vi, 16, 60, 92n,

126n, 128n Hastings, James, 11 On Hawking, Stephen W., 215n, 257,

272,275 Healey, R., 106n Heim, Karl, vin Heisenberg, Wemer, 231n, 232n,

234n Heller, Michael, 155n, 223, 241n Helm, Paul, vi, 4-5, 9-11, 16, 46n,

52n, 81n, 92n, 93n, 110-111, 133,254

Hendry, George S., 253 Hepburn, R. W., 39n Herbert, Nick, 230n HilI, William J., 67n, 68n, 70n, 71n,

74-75 Hirosige, Tetu, 168n Hodgson, P. E., 58n, 82n, 146n, 166,

181 Hoffinann, Banesh, 34n Hogarth, Mark, 178n Hollis, Martin, 180n Holton, Gerald, 162, 163, 185 Hönl, H., 225

Horwich, Paul Gordon, 171n Hubble, Edwin, 207 Hughes, Christopher, 8n Hughes, R. I. G., 146n, 158n HulI, David, 233n

Illy, Jozsef, 167n, 168n, 169n Infeld, L., 226n Isham, C. J., 45n, 229n Israel, W., 275n Ives, Hubert E., 181-183

James, Ralph E., Jr., 67n Jarruner,Max, 146-147, 150 Janis, Allen 1., 187n Jantzen, Grace M., vin, 14n, 32, 34,

36,43,56n Jeffery, G. B., 192n, 205n Jenson, Robert, 247 John Damascene, 55n John Duns Scotus, v Jones, William B., 143n

Kamali, S. A, 261n Kanitscheider, Bemulf, 205, 208n,

209n, 213-214n, 224,245-246 Kant, Immanuei, 192-193,273 Keil, C. F., 249n Kelly, A J., 72n Kelly, Charles J., 68n, 72n, 76n Kennedy, JOhn' 182n Kerszberg, Pierre, 244-245 Kilmister, C. W., 197n Kisin, Vitaly, 227n Kitchener, Richard F., 157n Klimek, Zbigniew, 223 Kneale, William, 51 n Knox, A J., 169n Kostro, Ludwik, 98 Koyre, Alexandre, 144n, 154n, 156 Kretzmann, Norman, vi, Iln, 12n,

16,28,33,40, 79-96 pass., 100, 106, 107, 110, 112-114, 125n, 132,135

Kroes, Peter, 145-146, 171, 209n, 210-211n, 218-221, 243


Kvanvig, Jonathan L., 47n, 117-120, 130, 132

LaCroix, Richard R., 62n Lamont, John, 71n Landsberg, Peter T., 244n Lannor,Joseph,161 Lawrence, N., 177n, 221n, 256n,

257n Le Poidevin, Robin, 20n-21n, 84n,

109n,274 Leclerc, Ivor, 157n Leftow, Brian, vi, 3, 8-40 pass., 43,

46n, 48, 52n, 60n, 61n, 81n, 84, 87n, 920, 93n, 95, 97-108 pass., 123-126, 128-131, 133n, 135, 254,262-264,266,267-268,270

Leibniz, G. W., 145n, 149n, 154-156, 162,260, 261n, 262

Lewis, David, 47n Lewis, Delmas, 16, 90n, 92n, 114n Lewis, H. D., 39n Linde, Andrei, 256-257 Liske, Michael-Thomas, 61, 69n,

73n, 74n Lockwood, Michael, 148n, 220n Lodge, M. J. S., 150n Lodzinski, Don, 9n Long, Eugene Thomas, 34n Longair, M. S., 223n Lorentz, H. A, vii, 98, 103, 107,

108n, 161, 166-170, 181, 182, 183-184, 187-188n, 208, 216, 224n, 230, 231, 232n, 235-238, 244,245

Lorenz, Dieter, 188n Lucas, John R., 45, 82n, 145, 146n,

161-162, 165-166n, 180-181, 193,258n,268n

MacBeath, Murray, 16n, 84n, 125n, 132-133n, 137,274n

Mach, Ernst, 145n, 162, 198, 200, 201

Maciel, A K. A, 170n MacKenzie, 1. S., IlOn

MacKinnon, Flora Isabel, 152n Mackintosh, H. R., 252n MacQuarrie,John,14n,56n Maddox,J.R.,195n Mangenot, E., 12n Mann, William E., 44n, 46, 70n, 72n Mansouri, Reza, 224 Manzke, Karl Hinrich, vin Marder, L., 186n Martin, James, 249n Massey, Gerald J., 187n Maudlin, Tim, 1870, 227n, 232n,

234-237,240 Mavrodes, George I., 22n Maxwell, Grover, 195n Maxwell, James Clerk, 182, 225 McCann, Hugh J., 8n, IOn, 28n, 29n,

33n, 68n, 69n, I11n, 116-117 McCormmach, RusselI, 170n McCrea, W. H., 244 McGuire, 1. E., 151, 153n, 154n, 156,

157n, 158n McTaggart,J.M.E.,28,93,104n Meinhold, Amdt, 6n Mellor, D. H., 115n, 133, 136-137 Menzel, Christopher, 21n Michel, A, 12n Michelson, A A, 224 Miller, Arthur I., 224n Miller, D. C., 186n Milne, E. A, 207, 239n, 244-245 Minkowski, H., 13, 81n, 82n, 106n,

167n, 168, 169, 192-195,210 Misner, Charles W., 161, 195n, 208,

21On, 212n Molina, Luis de, 49n More, Henry, 152-153 Moreland, 1. P., 278n Morley, E. W., 224 Morris, Thomas V., 21n Muller, R. A, 224 Munitz, Milton K., 213, 242, 245 Murphy, Nancey, 45n

Nelson, Herbert J., 17n, 90n, 125n, 126n


Nerlich,Graham, 148n, 171n, 190 Neusner, Jacob, 251n Neville, Robert C., vi Newton, Isaac, 9n, 12, 18, 21, 92,

143-162 pass., 163, 165n, 166, 169, 171, 174-175, 176, 179, 180, 182, 186, 190-191, 197, 199, 200, 203, 204, 205, 209, 210, 216, 217, 218, 223, 237, 239-242,245,258,260,261,283

Newton-Smith, W.-H., 100n, 148n, 260n, 273-274n

Norton, John D., 147n, 192n Novikov, Igor D., 226n, 227

Oakes, Robert, 15n Oaklander, Nathan, 11 On Oddie, Graham, 99n Ogden, Schubert, 68n, 71n, 77n Olby, R. C., 150n Oppy, Graham, 278n Origen, v Orlebeke, C., 68n Ozsvath, 1., 202, 203, 214

Padgett, Alan G., vn, vi, 4-5, 7, 10, 11, 14n, 57-59, 80, 109-110, 171-174n, 175, 178n, 242n, 246, 268-270

Pais, Abraham, 167n, 186n Pannenberg, W olfhart, vin Park, David, 146n, 221n, 240, 256n,

257 Parret, Herman, 127n Pauli, Wolfgang, 231n Peacocke, Arthur, 252n Penrose, Roger, 229n, 237n, 257n Perrett, Roy W., 99n Perrett, W., 192n, 205n Peters, Ted, vin, 252n Petkov, Vesselin, 219n Philo of Alexandria, 6 Pike, Nelson, vi, Iln, 29, 46n, 52-54,

56, 114-115, 252n Piper, John, 50 Plantinga, Alvin, 17n, 22n, 30n, 37,

47n, 71n, 101, 120, 122n, 123n, 195,277n

Plato, 28-29 Plöger, Otto, 6 Plotinus, v Podlaha, M. F., 188n Podolsky, Boris, 227-228 Poincare, Henri, 163-166, 174, 178,

183, 216,224n,230, 244 Pojman, Louis, 8n, 68n, 116n Polkinghome, John, 252 Popkin, Richard H., 157n Popper, Karl, 237 Prior, Arthur N., 100n, 114n, 120,


Prokhovnik, S. J., vii, 181, 182n, 183-185n, 211n, 221-223, 238, 241n

Putnam, Hilary, 177

Qadir, Asghar, 220n Quine, W. V. 0.,258 Quinn, Philip L., 20n, 83n, 171n,

268n Quinton, Anthony, 179n

Rae, Alastair I. M., 230 Ramige, Eldon Albert, 193 Rees, Martin J., 214-215 Reeves, Gene, 67n Reichenbach, Hans, 193n Rescher, Nicholas, 187n Richardson,Alan,43n Robertson, H. P., 208 Rogers, Katherin A, 12n, 80n Rohrlich, Fritz, 147n Rompe, R., 226 Rorty, Amelie Oksenberg, 44n Rosen, Charles, 39n Rosen, Nathan, 225n, 227-228 Ross, James F., 20n, 73n Roth, Robert J., 70n Rovelli, Carlo, 192n Royce, Josiah, 34 Ruderfer, Martin, 182-183n Rudnicki, Konrad, 223


Rudolf, Enno, 237n Runia, David T., 6n Russell, Bertrand, 27n Russell, Robert J., 45n Ryff, Luis Carlos, 236n

Sagan, Carl, 257n Sailhammer, John, 5n, 249n Scheurer, P. B., 158n SchlIpp, Paul A, 193n, 203n Schleiennacher, F. D. E., 56n, 252n Schlesinger, George N., 149n Schmidt, Johannes, 5 SchOcking, E. L., 202-203,214,244 Scullion, John J., 5n, 248n Seddon, Keith, 108n, 110n Seeger, Raymond J., 163n Selig, Carl, 163n Sellars, Wilfrid, 195 Selleri, Franco, 223n, 234n, 236n,

238n Senor, Thomas D., IOn, 273 Sexl, Roman U., 224 Shallis, Michael, 219-220, 241n Shimony, Abner, 237n Shoemaker, Sydney, 100n, 273, 274n Shortland, Michael, 157n Simons, John, 34n Sklar, Lawrence, 106n, 146n, 147 Smart, J. J. C., 18On, 265, 267 Smedes, L., 68n Smith, Norman Kemp, 193n Smith, Quentin, vii, 3n, 9n, 14n, 26n,

27n, 3 On, 68, 87n, IBn, 165n, 175n,259n,266,272

Smoot, G. F., 224 Sommerfeld, A, 192n, 205n Sorabji, Richard, 6n, 12n, 51n, 259,

260n Sosa, Ernest, 123n, 127n Squires,Euan, 230n Stamatescu, 1.-0., 237n Stapp, Henry Pierce, 143n, 224, 231,

234n Stebbing, L. Susan, 195n Stein, Howard, 150, 177-178

Stern, Alexander W., 226n Stewart, J. S., 252n Strong, E. W., 150 Stump, Eleonore, vi, IOn, lln, 12n,

16, 28, 33, 40, 79-96 pass., 100, 106, 107, 110, 113-114, 125n, 132, 135, 268n

Suarez, Francisco, v Swinbume, Richard G., IOn, 16, 47n,

145n, 171n, 179n, 180n, 216n, 221n, 24On,258-260, 268-270

Taliaferro, Charles, 268n Tauber, Gerald, 220n Taylor, EdwinF., 186n Taylor, James E., 76n Thomas Aquinas, v, 46n, 61-78 pass.,

175,258n,26On . Thorne, Kip S., 161, 195n, 208,

21On,212n Tillich, Paul, vin Tiomno, J., 170n Tipier, Frank J., 188n, 241, 256 Tittel, W., 229 Tomberlin, James E., 83n, IBn,

195n Tomkinson, J. L., 39n, llOn Treder, HA., 226 Turetzky, Phllip, 274n

Vacant, A, 12n Vailati, Ezio, 155n Valentini, Antony, 232n, 238n Van der Merwe, Alwyn, 225n, 226n,

238n Van Inwagen, Peter, 195n Vigier, Jean-Paul, 226n, 231n Vilenkin, Alexander, 257, 272

Wainwright, William, vi Walker, AG., 208 Walker, Ralph C. S., 49-50, 52n, 54 Ward, Keith, vin, 38n, 177n, 180n,

217,252n,278-279,280n Wegener,Mogens,240n Weinberg, Steven, 191-192


Weingard, Robert, 232-233, 238n, 272

WeHs, H. G., 33 Wenzl, A, 193 Westermann, Claus, 5n, 247-248 WestfalI, Richard S., 151n, 154n,

157n Westphal, Merold, 67n, 72n, 74n Weyl, Hermann, 33n Wheeler, John Archibald, 161, 186n,

195n, 208, 210n, 212n, 219n, 220n,227n

Whitehead, Alfred North, vi, 34 Whitman, Anne, 144n, 199n Whitrow, G. J., 83n, 194n, 205n, 213,

215,217, 242n Whitt, L. A, 150n Whittaker, Edmund, 154n, 226 Whybray, R. N., 6 Wierenga, Edward R., 61n, 119-123,


Wilcox, John T., 180n Williams, C. 1. F., 67n Wilson, Robin, 157n Winnie, John A, 188n Wolterstorff, Nicholas, 16, 47n, 68 Woolf, Harry, 214n Wright, John H., 72n, 78

Yates, John C., vi, 33n, 44, 46n, 52n, 61n, 62n, 69n, 73n, 76n-77n, 92n, IIOn, 129n, 254n

Yourgrau, Palle, 33n, 39n

Zagzebski, Linda T., 40n, 76, 110n Zahar,Elie, 170, 181n, 225n Zbinden, H., 229 Zeeman, P., 167n Zimmerman, Dean W., 68n Zurek, Wojciech Hubert, 227n Zyncinski, 1., 155n, 241n