Download - Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    Beyond Promises:

    Tp 10 Fct bt Btch/Gm Cp 2014

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    Btch cp hct c b th 100-fl f1.7 ll hct 1996 t 181.5 ll hct 2014.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    Beyond Promises:

    Tp 10 Fct bt Btch/Gm Cp 2014


    2014 is the 19th year of commercialization ofbiotech crops. The experience of the last 19 years ofcommercialization conrmed the promise of biotechcrops to deliver substantial agronomic, environmental,economic, health, and social benets to large and small

    scale farmers worldwide.

    Biotech crops are the fastest adopted crop technologyin recent history, reecting farmer satisfaction of theirbenets and their high adoption rates.

    This booklet presents the 10 important highlights aboutbiotech crops in 2014, from the ISAAA Brief “GlobalStatus of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2014”  written by Clive James, and available for download at:

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    Th b f ct pltg btch cp thqpl f 6 1996 t 28 2014.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    2014 w th 19th f cclzt f btch cp

    Hectarage of biotech cropsincreased every single yearfrom 1996 to 2014 with 12years of double digit growth


    Since the recordedcommercialization ofGM crops in 1996 up to2014, several countrieshave contributed to anunprecedented 100-fold

    increase in the global area oftransgenic crops.

    FaCT 1

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    Btch cp pltg ct 181.5 ll hct 2014

    FaCT 2

    In 2014, hectarage of biotechcrops grew at an annual rateof 3-4%, up by 6.3 million from

    175.2 million hectares in 2013.

    The top biotech crops in order ofhectarage are: soybean, maize,cotton, and canola. Other biotechcrops grown in 2014 are: alfalfa,sugar beet, papaya, squash, poplar,tomato, sweet pepper, and brinjal/ 


  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    dvlpg ct plt 8 btch cp 2014wth cclt hctg f 94.1 ll hct.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    Bglh plt Bt bjl f th t t 2014,wh 120 f plt 12 hct f th cp.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    F th th cctv , vlpg ctplt btch cp th tl ct

    FaCT 3

    Farmers from Latin America,Asia, and Africa collectivelygrew 96 million hectares,

    or 53% of the global 181.5million hectares of biotechcrops in 2014, comparedwith industrial countries at85 million hectares, or 47%of the global total.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    28 ct, p f 27 2013,plt btch cp 2014

    FaCT 4

    Of the 28 countries whichplanted biotech crops in 2014,20 were developing and 8 were

    industrial countries.

    The 5 lead developingcountries in Latin America(Brazil, Argentina), Asia (India,China), and Africa (SouthAfrica) grew 47% of global

    biotech crops.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    Bzl ct t b th tp vlpg ct 2014,pltg 3 btch cp wth ttl f 42.2 ll hct.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    7.1 ll f Ch th 7.7 i plt th 15 ll hct f Bt ctt 2014.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    a c 18 ll f gwbtch cp 2014

    FaCT 5

    More than 90%, or 16.5 millionfarmers that grew biotechcrops in 2014 are risk-averse,small, resource-poor farmers in

    developing countries.

    In the last 19 years, millionsof farmers in ~30 countriesworldwide have made morethan 100 million independentdecisions to plant and replant an

    accumulated hectarage of morethan 1.8 billion hectaresof biotech crops.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    Th tp 5 ct pltg btch cp usa, Bzl, agt, i, C

    FaCT 6

    The USA continued to bethe lead producer of biotechcrops globally with 73.1

    million hectares, and averageadoption rate of over 90%across all biotech crops.

    Each of the 10 countries whichgrew biotech crops in 2014planted more than 1 millionhectares.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    i C, btch cl h hghpt t f 95% 2014.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    s, t th f cclzt, c tBt ctt hctg t 90,000 hct 2014.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    i afc, Bk F s ct t k

    pg cg th Bt ctt hctg 2014

    FaCT 7

    2014 was the seventh yearfor farmers in Burkina Fasoto plant Bt cotton. In Sudan,

    more than 30,000 farmersplanted Bt cotton in 2014.

    South Africa planted 2.7million hectares of biotechmaize, soybean, and cottonin 2014.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    Fv ct th ep u plt

    143,016 hct f btch z 2014

    FaCT 8

    Spain is the leading countryin the EU with 131,538hectares of Bt maize in 2014.

    The other EU countries whichgrew biotech crops in 2014are: Portugal, Czech Republic,Romania, and Slovakia.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    sp h c pt t f 31.6% 2014.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    i 2014, btch cp hv hlp th 16.5 llll f th fl wlw.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    Btch cp ctbt t f ct,

    tblt, clt chg

    FaCT 9

    From 1996 to 2013, economicgains at the farm level ofUS$133.3 billion were generatedglobally by biotech crops, due

    to reduced production costs andsubstantial yield gains.

    Biotech crops have reduced theamount of pesticides used by~500 million kilograms. In 2013alone, fewer insecticide spraysreduced CO

    2 emissions by 28

    billion kilograms, equivalent totaking 12.4 million cars off theroad for a year.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    Th tlk f btch cp th c c

    f cclzt lk cgg

    FaCT 10

    Modest annual gains areexpected due to high rates ofadoption of principal biotechcrops. The pipeline is full of new

    biotech crop products whichcould be available in the next veyears.

    Biotech crops can serve asengine of rural economic growthfor the alleviation of poverty for

    the world’s small and resource-poor farmers.

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    mt l g t hgh pt t f pcplbtch cp vlpg tl ct.

    © Eric John F. Azucen

  • 8/18/2019 Beyond Promises: Top 10 Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2014


    ISAAA SEAsiaCenterc/o IRRI, Los Baños, Laguna 4031Philippines

    Visit ISAAA’s website at:


    Beyond Promises:

    Tp 10 Fct bt Btch/Gm Cp 2014Source: James, Clive. 2014. Global Status of Biotech/GM Crops: 2014. ISAAA Brief  No. 49. ISAAA: Ithaca, NY

    Text and layout: Clement DionglayEditor: Rhodora R. Aldemita

    Biotech Booklet 3

    July 2

    Photos:, ISAAA photos on le.