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Acne Treatment & Prevention4 Important Facts!!

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Understanding the nature of acne and what really needs to be done is essential in order to fully control and eliminate its rooted cause and related symptoms for good.

I’m going to reveal 4 of the most important facts that you need to know regarding your acne, to be used as an aid for its treatment and prevention.

Here they are…….

Acne Treatment & Prevention:Fact #1 – Overload of Conflicting Information

If you suffer from any type of acne, it is highly likely that you have been bombarded by too much conflicting advice about how to treat acne that it becomes truly confusing!

Some “experts" tell you to avoid all fruits, soy and carbs, yet others tell you that soy is actually good for you and that eating whole grains and some fruit wouldn't interfere with your acne healing process. Some say benzoyl peroxide is great for treating acne, others tell you it can actually aggravate your condition.

All these so-called acne "experts" make arguments that sound completely logical. But who the heck are you supposed to believe?

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Acne Treatment & Prevention:Fact #2 – Acne Drugs And Antibiotics Can Make Your Acne Worse!!

There are massive amounts of acne treatment drugs and antibiotics, like Tetracycline, Adapalene and even steroids or Accutane. However they do not get to the root cause of acne development. Furthermore, these drugs have side effects.

It is important to know that no matter what your dermatologist tells you, taking acne medications of any kind to treat your acne will:

• Damage your inner system & destroy your natural internal balance.

• Not cure your acne or prevent/fix the ‘environment’ responsible for acne

• Make your acne and health worse in the long run.

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Acne Treatment & Prevention:Fact #3 – Creams And Cleansers Cannot Cure Acne

Cleansers and creams, with key ingredients such as Benzoil Peroxide and Retinoids are designed to tackle the symptoms of acne, not the real cause. Cessation of use of such products will only lead to more acne. Therefore, due to desperation, you will continue to purchase such products, which will indeed be costly in the long run.

Neither cream nor cleanser can cure your acne. While there are several topical treatments that may significantly alleviate the symptoms of acne, since acne is not an external problem with your skin but an external manifestation of a deep internal problem, creams and cleansers regardless of how powerful they may be, only serve as band aids by masking the symptoms.

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Acne Treatment & Prevention:Fact #4 – Acne Is Not Only A Problem With Your Skin But A Sign of Serious Inner Imbalance Let's make this clear: Acne is not only a problem with your skin. Acne is an internal and systematic problem. It's a symptom of a disorder that affects your whole body and manifests as acne.

Since our bodies are designed to protect us against the skin infection such as acne, it is simply a big warning sign that something is WRONG inside your body that needs to be corrected. Failing to diagnose and fix this problem in a timely manner can result in far more severe and chronic symptoms and disorders which can seriously danger your health and well-being.

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