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Best Haunted Attractions

In Florida

Florida in the U.S. is considered to be a good tourist attraction and each year

thousands of tourists visit this city. However, we are not discussing tourist attractions

but we going to discuss the most haunted attractions in Florida. Sounds interesting


1. Sandlin House – This house is for sale for $1.59 million, like to buy

it? But you should be ready to buy the ghost as well. This is a 120 years

old Victorian style building now remodelled for the purpose of sale. The

then owner James Sandlin had a daughter Mary Leah aged 14 who is said

to be haunting the place. In 1909 while ironing, she accidently spilled

kerosene on herself and her clothes caught fire killing her in the event.

According to many witnesses her footsteps are heard near her bedroom

and there is closet door that refuses to get closed, it’s open always.

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2. The Gray House – An 18th century sea captain Thomas

Moristo claims that it is his abode and hence he is haunting by

making appearances to guests through open windows. Residents of

this place have had experiences like moving of paint cans, off and on

turning of the stoves and other objects being moved to and fro. Quite

scary, especially when the spirit shows up at the window. Many

people have taken ghost tours in this place. Would you like to have

an experience?

3. Harden House – This house looks so elegant and anyone would

love to stay here and enjoy a great vacation. However, you should be

prepared to live with the owner Mr John W. Hardin who was shot

and died in 1975. Though the mystery of the murderer is yet to be

solved, his wife claims that she does see her husband moving around

in the same set of clothes he wore when he was shot at. However,

currently the owners of the house claim that there is no ghost and

they are very peacefully living here. The story of this house was also

featured in the TV series of ‘Unsolved Mysteries.’

4. Page Jackson Cemetery– According to our understanding, a

cemetery is a holy and blessed place. However, this cemetery has

had witnesses experiencing uneasy feelings, cold spots, shadow

figures and strange noises whenever they visit. Beware of this

cemetery if you are visiting the dead.

Ghost stories remain myths till today. People are not able to confirm

that there are ghosts or there are no ghosts. Yet, these strange

happenings in people’s lives do make us believe that there are haunted

places and people are being haunted for several reasons.

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